View Full Version : Meltdown Madness 161 & Ascension Anarchy 138

07-06-2019, 04:10 PM
All Roulette Round RPs go in this thread.

Deadline is Tuesday, July 16th at 11:59PM EST. No extensions will be granted this round.

07-07-2019, 11:26 AM
"Ya know what puts my pecker in a knot?"

Stetson Hayes pops open a cold one.

"Afterthoughts, complete losers, can just jump to the front of the line and become champs. Hard work ain't got shit to do with rasslin' no more. All ya need is luck. Stupid, doo-da, channel-changin' luck. Lookat the Saudi show. Lookat this here Roulette Round. Losers got chances pourin' out they asses."

He takes a swig and sucks his teeth.

"Ain't fair. They gon give losers every opportunity. Can't let anything jess be the natural way of thangs. They don made The Little Mermaid black too, y'all see that? Folks can't leave shit alone. Ya don't see white folks play colored folks do ya? How'd they like it if we had whites play Egyptians or Asians? Or Native Mericans? P-o-c-a-h-o-n-t-a-s! Where's that equality they're always moanin' about?"

Hayes glances at the other three men he is sitting down with. They give no indication that they're listening. He rants on.

"Can't just be normal. Know what else queer? Been at this game for twenty fuckin' years and they give me... they give me grown men in cardboard boxes. WHO DID I UPSET? Will the young folk remember me for bein' in the Final Four? Hell naw. They'll giggle and snort and pat themselves on their acne-riddin' backs cuz they done saw hur hur SHIT square up to a hur hur REAL RASSLER. Dissolvetzer gives it Nine and a Half Fedoras. He'd give it Ten but it wadn't at a Benihana. These neckbeards are choking the life out of the industry, with their Dorito-stained fingers AND their inability to apply Old Spice to thar pits."

Somebody is trying to speak through the loudspeaker. Stetson stares down at his cards.

"Well I asked myself, What will it take to go back to the old-fashioned way, Stetson? Who's ass you gotta kiss to make some changes? And even now I wonder. You ever find yerself self-reflectin?"

The three sit rigidly in their plastic chairs. They are visibly shaking.

"It's what a rassler does. We some deep thinkers. And with it bein' Roulette Rounds you can find my kind playin' some cards or doing a little gambling themselves. Thinkin' and bettin'. Bout the only things I got in common with them posers. They ain't like you fellers. You're real men, doing a real man's job."

One chimed in rather faintly.

"I...I don't want to do this anymore."

He folded his hand and stood up. The crowds watching proceed to boo. The intercom spurts to life to address the situation. Stetson tips his hat to him.

"You tapped out before I could make ya. Wise, if not a little yellow. Anybody else gonna come to their senses?"

They didn't look at him. They didn't even look at their cards. One tugs at their padded vest. Stetson smiles.

"All sorts a'silly stuff happens this week. I could find myself brawling in a police station. Could be fightin' on top of a scaffold forty feet above the ring. Maybe I'll come face to face with Xander with the gold on the line. Maybe it'll be Garth Black for a rematch. Hell, maybe I'll encounter that robot weirdo again and show the world why goofballs ain't got no place in the ring no more. Whatever happens ain't gonna be a normal match. Damn shame. It ain't how it s'posed to be! Wished it was more like this here - just men knowing what they are doing. Playin' a little poker."

There is a countdown, following a buzzer that floods the arena. A gate opens. A bull the size of a KIA emerges. Stetson downs his beer.

"Yep. Can't shit ever be normal."

'Ravishing' Ned Flanders
07-09-2019, 08:57 AM
As the camera slowly comes into focus Milenko and Edgar can be seen in the distsnce walking through The Dark Carnival, Edgar a few steps behind his master. Milenko can be seen gesturing as his voice carries to the camera's microphone.

'The Great' Milenko: No Edgar I didn't win the Lottery & the WZCW World Championship, if I did I'd have it with me don't you think?

From down the fairway we can see Edgar nodding his head as Milenko turns his back and walks away leaving Edgar to hurry and catch up.

'The Great' Milenko: I should have won though. I came in over halfway through the match. I was one of the freshest men at number nineteen only to be eliminated by our illustrious new World Champion Xander Knight.

Out of nowhere Milenko backhands Edgar, causing him to stumble and stare at Milenko in fear.

'The Great' Milenko: I suggest you remember what happened the last time you spoke ill of our Master Edgar. Next time you'll lose more than your tongue.

Milenko walks off as the unknown cameraman quietly follows them towards The Big Top as Milenko continues talking as Edgar comes running up behind him.

'The Great' Milenko: Don't you worry about Xander. I'll deal with our World Champion when the time is right.

Milenko walks through the tent flap and goes directly to the Altar and the crystal skull set in the Center. When he comes within arms reach he falls to his knees and bows until his forehead is pressed against the dirt.

'The Great' Milenko: Forgive me Master. I failed you at the Lethal Lottery by not winning and I beg your forgiveness.

Milenko stays in that position for a few minutes before getting up and reverently kisses the skull on the forehead before getting up and sitting in the chair set up next to it as he motions for Edgar to stand behind him.

'The Great' Milenko: Guess what Edgar not only did our benevolent Master forgive my failure he informed me that coming up next are the unpredictable Roulette Shows. Not even He knows what's going to happen.

As Milenko leans back in his chair he glances back and tilts his head as if he's listening to Edgar talk.

'The Great' Milenko: Don't worry Edgar the unpredictability excites me. I may face the World Champion or my opponent may be José from catering. Not only is my opponent a complete unknown but the match type is as well.

As Milenko thinks about what could happen at the Roulette Shows a shiver of pleasure goes up his spine and a smile appears on his face.

'The Great' Milenko: I may not be able to promise much Edgar but I will promise one thing. There will be blood.

The lights suddenly go out leaving Milenko and Edgar in the darkness.

Jeff Deliverer of Mail
07-13-2019, 11:02 PM
At the Lethal Lottery......

Zhanshi climbs to the top turnbuckle, his target, Flex Mussel is ripe for a flying karate kick. He braces his knees to jump when the boot from Hayse clobbers him on the side of the head....

The image froze....

....the camera slowly pulled back to reveal the paused projected image on the wall of a large auditorium filled with budding doctors, men in full military uniforms, and a man in his 60's with a headset mic on holding an Ipad, controlling everything.

"Subject 75, Zhanshi," His authoritative yet approachable voice carried throughout the room, "a former underground mixed martial artist, brutal and unstoppable. Several months ago his was in a fighting tournament, well on his way to winning it in the finals against this man..."

The paused image of Zhanshi getting a boot in the head was quickly replaced by a full on character image of an MMA Fighter, in a kickboxing stance.

"...Justin Moyze. Pretty unremarkable record but did well in this event. Making it to the finals against Zhanshi. Only moments into the fight, Justin was getting beaten very badly and was covered in cuts and bruises, a momentary lapse of judgement on Zhanshi's part by clapping for his upcoming victory to the crowds, gave Justin his one chance with a hard kick to the side of Zhanshi's head. The kick was on the temple and knocked him out instantly. This caused his head to bend sideways and he fell awkwardly on to his side, knocking the top of his skull into the canvas and fracturing it."

The picture of Justin Moyze in a pose was replaced by a ring filled with paramedics and security, tending to Zhanshi.

The man presenting this to everyone turned and gave them all a look, he lowered his Ipad to his side for a moment.

Dr. Oscar Delcan


Chief Administrator of [REDACTED] Institution of [REDACTED]

Dr Delcan has been in the profession of [REDACTED] for 40 years. An expert of everything involving trauma, orthopedics, experimental [REDACTED], brain and organ [REDACTED]. [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] in 1985 and has been working closely with the [REDACTED] ever since. He is 65 years old with a wife and [REDACTED] children. He currently lives in [REDACTED].

"Can anyone tell me the worst brain injury one can never come back from?" Delcan looked around the room at the young doctors and medical personal at their desks, eager to work in this new wing of the [REDACTED] funded facility.

A pencil is raised by a curly hair man in his 20's, "Though it would vary from person to person, one couldn't possibly recover from a brain trauma that pierced through the mass to alter the very weight of the brain."

"Though it has happened, young man." Delcan brought his Ipad back up to him," not very many cases in human history, it has happened before. A complete recovery from what would seemingly be a fatal brain injury. That's not the case here, but it's bad enough..."

Delcan changed the screen to an X- Ray of Zhanshi's damaged skull, murmur's around the room started.

"Subject 75 is a fascinating case. He has fallen into our laps without family, no brothers or sisters, no wives or children, no friends or acquaintances of any kind whatsoever. A hallow man walking the earth with the soul purpose of fighting. His brain injuries are so unique that he has recovered in stages, but he's also caught in different perceived realities that his mind draws out for him. He was a Kung Fu fighter who beat up heroes in China for the Yakuza, we've seen a lot of him claiming to be the reborn First Emperor of China, he's claimed he traveled into space, we even had two full weeks of complete clarity one month ago."

Loud murmurs now. Almost every doctor had their hands raised but several just started to blurt out questions anyway.

"What chemical imbalance triggered this event? What were the drugs used at the time of this event?"

"Impossible with those injuries! What was used, electroshock therapy?"

"What caused him to revert back after two weeks? What was changed in his routine?"

Dr Oscar Delcan raised his own hand and smirked, "Please, one question at a time. You there."

"What caused this two week event of full clarity? Did he know where he was and what his name was?"

"Good question lad. At the time of the event we were injecting him with [REDACTED] and he was taking [REDACTED] three times a day with water and sometimes with food. We think the [REDACTED] momentarily blocked some of his effected parts of his brain, but we are still not sure. He knew he was in a medical facility, he spoke to us in clear English and also was fluent in Manderin. He didn't remember who he was but had a passion for fighting and watched every MMA event he could find on television."

"What is Project [REDACTED] and how can you possibly protect the public if he acts out?"

The room fell silent.

Delcan was caught off guard and looked at the chubby Doctor for a few seconds in surprise.

He cleared his throat," Project [REDACTED] was in direct relation with an experimental drug that allowed Subject 75 to remain in a state of comprehension with whom he was interacting with. You could put him in a kindergarden and he would know that he was interacting with children...in his world as well. It's been baffling us ever since, we don't know WHY he's relating this world and the world he's acting out inside his brain, but with certain drugs he's doing it. It's quite incredible. So incredible in fact, that he joined a major wrestling company ON HIS OWN."

Loud murmurs from the crowd.

"Even better, as I know none of you are familiar with WZCW, the first images I showed you were from an event only...one....week...ago."

Loud conversations now, Dr Delcan waited until it died down as he strolled around the side of the stage to his desk.

"Dr Delcan, how can he be in a combat sport with his injuries? We all assumed that was long before he got injured!"

"We have nine men always within several yards of him outside these walls, including me. Each one of us has the means to sedate him heavily if something goes wrong. So far, on every single release from here, Subject 75 has exceeded expectations. No incidents outside these walls."

Dr Delcan smiled and thought to himself for a moment. If they only knew what happened BEFORE his last release, they'd all quit on the spot. An all out rampage in the cafeteria. Subject 75 sat a little long with his meal and an orderly grabbed his shoulder, he smashed him then kicked another one into the wall. He managed to grab a bottle on Windex and drink it, in his world we think it must have been some kind of elixer, he tore his shirt off and beat the living shit out of twenty five security forces who dared to approach him. We had to shoot him with darts from across the room to finally take him down, he still yelled out some Yakuza leaders name, I forgot what it was.

"Gentlemen, we are done here for today. Please join me in the lobby at 8 AM sharp for Subject 75's next release. I'm sure you'll want to be there to see him in person." Dr Delcan smiled as everyone stood up and started chatting loudly with each other. The Military guards stood to one side and allowed the doctors and observers to exit the auditorium. The guards gave Oscar a nod then left him alone.

"Well Zhanshi, let's see what you're up to." Delcan pressed a button on the Ipad, bringing up a live feed from Subject 75's living quarters.

Zhanshi was sitting in a love seat, a big grin on his face and his hand hovering over his crotch, like he was pushing something down on himself.

"Ah yes, getting a blowjob from one of your handmaidens I presume? Thank god I didn't show them this."

07-15-2019, 03:22 PM
Chris is resting in business class as he rubs his neck in discomfort from the bumps he took in the Greatest Grandest Lethal Lottery.

PILOT: Alright, ladies and gentlemen. We are boarding our final passengers and then we will be taking off. Itâ??ll be about 8 hours from Paris to Atlanta, so please get comfortable. Thank you again for flying with-

The pilotâ??s voice gets muffled out as Chris pulls up a video from a text he got from his wife. Itâ??s a clip of his daughter Riley and wife Astrid applauding him with smiles and cheers.

ASTRID: Top 6! We love you!

RILEY: I love you, Daddy!

They continue to cheer as Chris grins from ear-to-ear.

???: Excuse me, is that seat taken next to you?

Chris looks up at the green masked man and then at the empty seat next to him. He begins to say it is open, but then double takes!


Sure enough, it is former WZCW superstar Haven standing in the aisle way. Haven smiles with his mouth agape, but canâ??t quite recall who Chris is.

HAVEN: HEY! Itâ??sâ?¦.. Youâ?¦..namedâ?¦..

CHRIS: Itâ??s Chris. Chris K.O..

Haven suddenly remembers in an expression of joy.

HAVEN: Chris! I didnâ??t recognize you without the beard! Also, I thought you always had more of a Padd Brit kind of look.

Haven rubs his chin inquisitively as he inspects Chris from head to toe.

HAVEN: Did you lose weight?


The scene shifts a few hours in the future. Chris and Haven are laughing.

CHRIS: So, let me get this straight? You were going to the event, but you accidentally went to Dubai instead of Jeddah?

HAVEN: Yeah, I was pretty bummed about the mix up in the beginning. However, I got to skydive with tigers, so I guess I got the better deal in the end. Well, except for theseâ?¦

Haven lifts up the back of his shirt to reveal several claw marks. Chris cringes at the wounds. As Haven positions himself back in his seat, Chris leans his head back on his chair.

CHRIS: So, I guess everyone is coming back to WZCW.

HAVEN: Oh, it was just a one-time thing for me.

CHRIS: Still fighting against evil?

HAVEN: Always. Evil never sleeps Chris. Well, except for Narcolepsy Man.

Haven looks out the plane window.

HAVEN: I worry about him sometimes when heâ??s driving his getaway car. You know, falling asleep at the wheel and all.

Chris slightly chuckles as he leans forward. He stares down at the floor as he clasps his hands together.

CHRIS: You know, I wish you could have been there. The lottery was like a blend of old and new. Some I knew, and others I didnâ??t... But I feel like everyone already had some image of me when they saw me in that ring. Unfortunately, I think some still have a bad picture in their minds.

Thatâ??s a big reason as to why I am sticking around. In a way, I want to reinvent myself. I want to stand for something better than I did before. Haven, how do I get beyond that old mould that I fit in and become something different?

Haven thinks for a moment, but then snaps his fingers. He scoots past Chris and grabs his carry-on duffel bag from the upper locker. He begins to unzip the bag as Chris seems curious. As Haven sits, he stuffs his head in the bag and begins digging through it.

HAVEN: Allow me to introduce the limited edition Punko Fop, AoC Chris K.O.!


HAVEN: This baby is one the rarest ones in my collection. Except for my Wasabi Toyota right half. Iâ??m still looking for the left half. Apparently, itâ??s selling for 5k online!

CHRIS: Wow, Iâ??ve never seen that before. That is pretty cool. Also, do you have a carry-on just filled with these? That you took to Dubai?

HAVEN: Chris, what else would I fill my carry-on bag with? Come on, now.

Haven tosses the AoC Chris back in his bag. He now pulls out two more Chris Punko Fops.


HAVEN: Alright, real talk. Letâ??s talk about the scale of the â??mouldâ? you mentioned. On the left is almost at the top of â??Taking yourself too seriouslyâ? part of the scale.

CHRIS: Almost at the top?

HAVEN: Yeah, just below Alex Bowen and Remiâ?¦. I MEAN REMIXES OF OLD WZCW THEMES. *COUGH* fourth wall *COUGH*

ANYWAY, you are talking about how you want to go â??beyondâ? the mould, when you really have already shot way beyond where you want to be. Now, letâ??s talk about the bottom of the scale. The right side. When you got off that island, you returned like a loonbat. I mean, you were making guys like me look like average joes.

I think you wanted to make a change after the island, BUT you overcorrected the line and went way too crazy. Remember that volleyball you always carried around?

Chris smiles as he fondly remembers.

CHRIS: Steve.

HAVEN: Yeah, that guy! How is he by the way?

CHRIS: Well, you know he just keeps ROLLINâ?? with what life gives him.

Haven shoots Chris a very unimpressed stare.

HAVEN: Oh, god. Dad humor. I really need to drive this point home.

Listen, you have went to both sides of the spectrum. You think you need to reinvent yourself, but you donâ??t. You just need to discover that sweet spot in the middle. Then, Iâ??ll collect that Punko Fop and have a complete Chris K.O. set.

CHRIS: Wow. Thatâ??s actually really good advice. I donâ??t mean this negatively at all, but I donâ??t remember you being this deep and wise.

Haven stands up and places one foot his seat as he puts his fists to his hips in a â??heroâ? stance.

HAVEN: Chris, these past few years of fighting crime has turned me into a much wiser man. You see, silliness is necessary in life, but when it comes to life or-

STEWARDESS: Excuse me, gentlemen, would you like anything?

HAVEN: Yes, if I order a pizza, do they just fly it up here...or..?


The scene shifts into the future.

HAVEN: And thatâ??s why my S.H.I.T. Punko Fop only has one arm.

Haven puts the Punko Fop away as Chris smiles.

CHRIS: Hey, thanks for showing me all of those. They are really neat. I might have to start collecting a few myself.

HAVEN: No problem.

CHRIS: Also, it was great catching up with you. Thanks for the advice.

Haven grabs Chrisâ??s shoulder.

HAVEN: Chris, youâ??re like a weird uncle to me. Just remember, donâ??t take yourself too seriously and have fun. Also, consider titling your adventures. Like this one:

Chapter 2: Haven Drops Some Knowledge

CHRIS: But I feel like we are almost at the end of our conversation. Itâ??s too late for a titleâ?¦ Also, the title should be more like:

Chapter 2: The Punko Fop Scale!

HAVEN: I like it! See, this is fun. Also, slightly breaking the fourth wall. I should have just said Remixâ??s name earlier. Dang it!

CHRIS: Right. Have funâ?¦ Hey, I have an idea before you put your bag up. They told me the roulette rounds are coming up. You have almost everyone on the current roster in that bag, right? Why donâ??t I reach inside and pull out one at random to see who my opponent might be?

HAVEN: Yes! Go for it!

Chris reaches inside and pulls one outâ?¦


CHRIS: Interesting.

The scene begins to fade-

HAVEN: I donâ??t understand why itâ??s interesting. Also, does it feel like it just got darker in here after you said that?

Oh, wait. Thatâ??s Titus. Thatâ??s right. You have a history with him, and he eliminated you in the lottery.

The scene begins to fade to-

HAVEN: You know, I really feel like I just ruined that moment at the end. It was nice and subtle, and I just feel like Iâ??m rambling on now. Sorry, Chris. Sorry, everybody.

The scene begins to fade to blac-

HAVEN: So, whatâ??s healthcare looking like for WZCW nowadays? There are not very many options for heroes anym-

Oh my gosh, are we still going? Iâ??M GOING TO SHUT UP.

The scene fades to black.

07-15-2019, 06:46 PM

07-15-2019, 06:47 PM

07-16-2019, 02:07 AM
Stormrage shows off his power by regaining his footing and lifting Xander into the air. Xander refuses to let go though and cranes his neck to bite Stormrage and cause him to fall onto the apron, though it breaks the hold. Both men are on the apron, spent. Both grab the top rope and stare the other down. Xander kicks at Stormrage but Stormrage catches the kick. Xander goes for an enziguri, but Stormrage ducks it. Xander's cat liek balance allows him to land on his hands and hit a mule kick to stagger Stormrage back. He hangs on but is leaned against the post. Xander for another kick to finish him off, but Stormrage grabs the kick again and pulls him in for a Game Over to end the match, only for Xander to reverse and fall backwards onto the ring steps and monkey flip Stormrage to the floor! Xander throws his hands in the air and pays no attention to how awkwardly he is laying on the steel steps

Mikey Stormrage has been eliminated! Therefore your winner of the Lethal Lottery and the NEEEEEEEW WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Xander!

"Do you have to keep playing that?"


"Why? What is your goal? What is your endgame?"

"Just trying to keep you in check."

"Keep me in check? You are the one who keeps showing off that new ring."

Indeed, Katherine was taking every opportunity she could to show off her engagement ring. I teased her over it, but honestly it made me happy inside.

"Yeah keep you in check. This is a big deal, I gotta make sure to keep your feet on the ground."

I playfully shoved her. She shoved me back so I pretended to swerve off the road. She got startled so she punched me. I wasn't going to hit her back though, I wasn't Drake Callahan.

I was happy, truly happy. For all I accomplished in the ring, putting a ring on Katherine's finger was my greatest accomplishment.

"Just concentrate on driving. If we don't get to the press conference in one piece its gonna make this whole thing pointless."

We were almost at T-Mobile Arena, which I had to admit, was one of the nice arenas we had ran shows out of recently. Older stadiums often had a special feel and ambiance about them, but the amenities and comforts of modern arenas couldn't be beat. It was also walking distance from The Golden Tiki, which was one of the best bars on The Strip.

Despite the nine hour drive from Berkley to Las Vegas, it was honestly nice. I got to spend time with Katherine, which was far and away the best part, but it was the first time I got to do any real extended driving in some time. I got to drive the entire nine hours with a clear mind. This was the first time in a long time I had a clear mind.

We pulled into the equipment area of the arena, which, got to say, a very underrated perk of being an entertainer. I remember being a teenager going to show of all types in arenas and having to park forever away and walk miles. I hated walking. I mean damn, look at me. I looked like I hate all sort of physical activity. Well except with Katherine, if you catch my drift. ZING! Who am I making this joke to?

We got out and I adjusted my suit a little. I hated suits, always have always will, but the occasion called for one. Katherine was looking fine as wine. I was happy this was happening. I knew there were a few times in the past I had questioned if it would happen, but given recent events, I knew this was the right call.

I held her hand as we were ushered through the arena tunnels and then out into the Toshiba Plaza. Cameras started to go off as soon as stepped outside. The glistening of the desert sun shone off my Elite Overweight Title, which you already knew I had across my shoulder. We took our seats next to Chuck Myles.

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen, we appreciate you all coming out. We also appreciate Mikey being on time for once."

I chuckled and shrugged. He wasn't wrong.

"WZCW is committed to both growing our brand and bringing in the hottest talent around, but we are also committed to rewarding the talent we already have who have given their all to this great company. That is why WZCW is and will continue to be the leader in professional wrestling in not only the United States, but the entire world."

I nodded along. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to clap. You know those dorks that go to the movies and clap? I didn't wanna be that dork.

"So we are proud to dispel any rumors that suggested otherwise by announcing that Mikey Stormrage has signed a new contract with WZCW, keeping him here for the foreseeable future!"

The crowd clapped, letting me know I could clap without being a dork.

I waved to the crowd before I sat up a little so I could speak into my mic.

"Thank you everyone. I appreciate you all coming out to support me and be here for this announcement. WZCW has always been ,y second home...well probably first home since I've moved around so much since I got here, and I've always considered the guys and girls in the back to be my family. By extension I've always considered the fans as part of that extended family. Just don't hit me up for money now that I got this money."

Everyone in the audience shared a laugh.

"But for real, I'm very happy to be here and committing my future here."

"And we are happy to have him here, despite him giving me more gray hairs than I'd like."

The crowd laughed as Chuck slapped me playfully on the back. I shoved him in the shoulder.

"We will now open it up to questions. You there, sir, front row red shirt."

"Were the rumors of you considering retirement true?"

"Yes, they were. I'm not going to beat around the bush about it. I was feeling bored, tired. My interest in wrestling took a back seat to other things in life. The highs I got from being in front of the tens of thousands of fans each night was no longer enough to overcome my own personal demons. Because of that my drinking got worse, I fell into more drugs than I'd care to admit and....."

I covered Katherine's ears.

".....I had a lot more flings and random sex."

I uncovered her ears.

"I wanna be real for a moment though. WZCW needs to step up its drug testing. Getting away with weed and psychedelics is bad enough, I've seen guys do way worse over the years though."

Some people laughed, but I was completely serious. Chuck didn't seem too happy.

"Next question."

"Is it true you plan to take up a backstage role when your career is eventually over?"

"That's the current plan. I hope one day to move into some sort of role giving back to the company. I hope it can be in front of the camera, but WZCW means a lot to me and I'll help anyway I can."

"Next, lady in the black shirt, third row."

"Mikey, you have been in WZCW for nearly a decade. There is almost nothing you haven't accomplished. At this point what is your motivation? Is it the fans?"

I raked my top my top along my bottom teeth before answering.

"Yes and no."

I took the belt from my shoulder and held it up.

"This right here is why I do what I do. The fans are great and they have willed me on more times than I can count. I am eternally grateful for them for that motivation. That motivation goes beyond them simply willing me on when I thought I was down and out. They also willed me on in another way. When I was first starting my WZCW career, I got lucky. James Howard was a polished wrestler with an athletic background. I got a jump start in my career because of him. Hell my first PPV was Kingdom Come. I co main evented in a TLC match, the first tag team TLC match in WZCW history, with gold on the line. I climbed that ladder and unhooked those belts in front of a hundred thousand people in Dallas. I racked up a lot of wins in those early days, mostly on Howard's skill. When he went down with injury, I set out on my own and I was so bad, the fans booed me. They booed me out of arenas all over the country. I was fucking embarrassing. And I don't care if I get in trouble for saying that, because its true. It was fucking embarrassing. I was humiliated. That humiliation drove me to get better. It took a while, but I went out and proved I could be better. So the fans are still my motivation, but the biggest motivator is gold."

"So you want to win titles?"

"I want to prove I'm the best. I have a big target on my back. A win over me carries a lot of weight, and not just because I carry a lot of weight myself. I am a Hall of Famer, and people will not forget that, I will make sure of it. I've had doubts before, but recent events have lead me to believe otherwise. I am the best in WZCW and I will continue to prove that. It doesn't matter who I get matched against this week. It could be Titus, Stetson, Milenko, Carl, it doesn't matter. I will go out and I will win, because I am the best."

"What about Xander?"

"What about him? What Xander accomplished was incredible. Xander has been in this business longer than I have. He got to WZCW a few months before me and has worked his ass off and he deserved his moment. He made history. I will give him full credit for that. He is a deserving World Champion, don't get it twisted. I was right there in that history making moment though. We came in at the start and were right there at the end. No one has done that, and I doubt anyone will again. Xander caught a break. I was on the verge of winning, I had him in my arms and was ready to become dual champion again, but in those few moments, Xander got the better of me. Like I said, he is damn good and was better than me for about ten seconds. He is not better than me on the whole though. No one is better than me each and every night. Steven Holmes is good, but he is a relic. He is the Atari to my Xbox. Kagura is fine, but you won't meet anyone more inconsistent, maybe Garth Black or Flex, but none of them are the best. Ask people who the face of WZCW is, and its never me. I beat Matt Tastic in the Cell, I beat him at Kingdom Come. I have more individual accolades than Titus. Yet their names come up. So yeah, the gold is the biggest motivator because it proves what I already know to be true. Mikey Stormrage is the best damn wrestler in WZCW."

Some of the crowd seemed fired up, but others had a weird reaction. I couldn't blame them. Even I was a bit surprised by my words. I rarely showed that much fire.

"But I still love the fans. I owe them almost everything I have in life. If it wasn't for them I wouldn't be rich and famous. I wouldn't get to see and do things most others won't get the opportunity to do. I would have never grown to the heights I did, to the point I could have opened my own school to try to give back, and in turn I never would have met my fiancee."

I leaned over and kissed Katherine. The entire crowd liked that one.

"So yeah, I'll never give up on you guys, you guys are still part of my family. Because I know that no matter who I get drawn against, you will cheer me and help me walk out of this arena, still Elite Overweight champion."

The held the belt high again as I stood, the audience clapped along with Katherine and Chuck.

"I think that is about all the time we have, we have some other big announcements today, including the upcoming live event schedule. Thank you all for sticking around all day, and thank you again to Mikey for not making this a total mockery."

I had to grab the mic one last time.

"And since you are all family, you are all invited to the wedding!"

I grabbed Katherine's hand and raised our arms high above our heads as we walked off the stage.

07-16-2019, 03:22 AM
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia; Lethal Lottery 2019

â??The Eliteâ? Steven Holmes crumples to the outside of the ring, freshly suplexed out by the gargantuan Mikey Stormrage. His body folds on impact. He winces in pain. And then he hears the confirmationâ?¦

Harrys: Steven Holmes has been eliminated!

As his departure from the guild edged contest in announced, the fight roars on, Stormrage and Xander going back and forth, to and fro as Holmes peels himself off the mat and makes the long, lonely walk to the back. Some fans stick their hand out in hopes touching the Hall of Famer, some even anticipate high fives. They obviously underestimate just who and what Steven Holmes is. His sweat soaked brow casts a steely glare their way and they quickly retract, some upset, others in fear. All gradually return their focus to the war in the ring, including Holmes, who looks back, midway up the ramp.

He takes it all in. His disappointment is palpable, but in the core of his stomach, he knows he did it, he defied the naysayers and none believers and returned, competed and damn it, nearly won, against 29 other raging, warring souls. He sniggers, his personal triumph overwhelming him now and nods, turning his back on the fateful final moments of the Lethal Lottery. The crowd roars and Holmes disappears into the dark of the night.


We now find ourselves backstage, mere moments from where we left Holmes. He steps forward, a towel draped round his neck, wrist tape removed. He is before an advertising boarding adorned with the WZCW company logo and various sponsors. Itâ??s a press scramble. A number of microphones shoved less that elegantly in Holmesâ?? general direction. A blazing flash ignites, and Holmes is momentarily blinded; first physically and then by rage. He stares dead at its source. There are no further flashes.

Holmes: It was only fitting that a man such as I return to that squared circle in a locality such as this, a locality adorned with jewels and gold and riches untold. A man of class and elegance rejuvenated by his surroundings. And you saw it out there. I competed with the utter best this industry can afford. I went toe-to-toe with champions, with young studs, with legends and oh so much more. I eliminated young up and comers and showed them why form is merely temporary but classâ?¦ thatâ??s permanent.

Holmes breaks into a robust chuckle, the adrenaline freshly coursing through his veins. He clutches the towel at both ends and shimmies it as he does. Then, there is an almighty roar from the arena. Holmes turns to face it. There is a murmur from the reporters. Then, quickly, a local reporter turns to Holmes, recorder in hand:

فاز زاندر للتو! فاز زاندر للتو! إنه بطل العالم الجديد! أي تعليقات للبطل الجديد؟

Arab World Reporter [Translated from Arabic]: Xander has just won! Xander has just won! He's the new world champion! Any comments for the new champ?

Sharply turns for a translation that is quickly whispered to him. He nods at the conclusion of each sharp, short sentence.

Holmes: I congratulate him. For some this journey is a quick one, meteoric, a sprint. For others, itâ??s a marathon, and he frankly earned that win. Its only apropos that he enter as one of the first two and go coast-to-coast for that win. Itâ??s emblematic of his career. In lieu of my own victory, I cannot think of a more fitting winner. You have to remember, Iâ??ve known that boy for a long time. He rolled me up for his first title in this company, and Iâ??ve had my beady eye on him ever since. But he best remember that it wonâ??t just be my eye on him now. Much like Kagura found out tonight, everyone will have their eyes on that prize, including a few veterans looking to settle a few scores.

Holmes offers a little wink at the end of the statement, hinting at maybe some deeper, darker held ambition behind his generally kind words. Quickly, another voice rises, that of WZCWâ??s own Leon Kensworthâ?¦

Leon: Steven, you entered late into proceedings and managed to survive a great deal of the earlier damage done in the contest as a result. Weâ??ve seen what you can do in a sprint. Do you think you could handle a marathon like Xander?

â??The Eliteâ? pauses for a moment to consider his answer. He rubs the sweat off his face with the towel as he ponders.

Holmes: In all honesty, this is a process. Iâ??ve just gone out there and come back from a career ender, an injury. Iâ??m not even supposed to be walking without a crutch of some description. So this was the first step, making it through any form of physical contact. And you know what? I feel fine. The hip is fine. Iâ??m a bit sore all over, but thatâ??s the nature of the beast.

If a creature like Stetson Hayes lays his paws upon me, Iâ??m going to be in a modicum of pain. Could I have done what Xander did? I donâ??t bloody know. But itâ??s going to be fun finding out. I feel I could take anyone, anywhere any time for as long as is required right now. I might not hold the gold, not yet at least, but I am on top of a mountain.

Leon: Well that sets up nicely for the Roulette shows donâ??t you think?

Holmes: Doesnâ??t it just? Whoever my opponent is, it doesnâ??t matter. If itâ??s for gold or glory, it doesnâ??t matter. Callie Clark found that out. Man, woman, child. Iâ??m a bloodthirsty individual; Iâ??ll take my pound of flesh. To have eliminated competitors of her and Hayesâ?? caliber, to use my cunning, my ingenuity, my intelligence, and not feel like Iâ??ve missed a step mentally? That is enormously encouraging. So bring the horde on. That great heaving mass. Present them to me.

あなたはMikey Strormrage、David CougarそしてChris K.Oのような古くからの敵対者たちとの興味深い共走をしました。

Japanese Reporter [Translated from Japanese]: You had some interesting run-ins with old adversaries like Mikey Strormrage, David Cougar and even Chris K.O...

The translator begins to decipher the words for Holmes who reaches his hand out and stops him, nodding.

Holmes: I understoodâ?¦ tell him this â?? it was my honour to share the canvas with these men in a past life, and it will be again. But I do not forget, nor do I forgive. If Cougar fancies a return to form, then I still owe him for taking my reign as Worldâ??s Heavyweight Champion. Stormrage eliminated me tonight, and I applaud that, but that doesnâ??t mean heâ??s not due a receipt of some descriptionâ?¦ indeed, that Elite Championship would look ever so good around the waist of one who sports the same moniker, no? As for Chris K.Oâ?¦

Holmes considers, pauses and recalls where the reporter is from.

あなたはK.O.に言います私は東京を覚えている、私はなぜ引退したか覚えている。そして彼はそれを理解し ていないかもしれない、彼は変わった人かもしれないし、私もそうかもしれないが、何かが死ぬことはないâ ?¦そして復讐はそのうちの1人かもしれないâ?¦

Holmes [Translated from Japanese]: You tell K.O. that I remember Tokyo, I remember why I retired. And that he may not realise it, he might be a changed man, and so might I, but something's never die... and revenge may very well be one of them...

The atmosphere changes as Holmes intensely stares at the reporter. The air is thick with tension before being relieved by Holmesâ?? devilish smirk. He takes a step back.

Holmes: Ladies and gents, I believe thatâ??s all the time we have. Now if youâ??ll excuse me, Iâ??m going to run off with my wonderful, shower and prepare for the unexpected. After all, you never know what could happen at the Roulette Roundsâ?¦

Holmes steps away, out of sight for just a moment, before returning quickly to punctuate it all.

Holmes: â?¦ except one thing! That is, that Aristocracy Reigns!

Just as quickly as he returned, he vanishes, the sounds of his chuckle echoing around the backstage area.

Prince Vee
07-16-2019, 08:57 AM

The bright yellow light illuminated the historical streets of Milan. The elegantly built walls narrowed the streets, yet, each cobblestone looked like a gigantic piece of pure gold. Tanned men and women were gathered at the entrance of the Grand Royal Palace hotel. It was a wrestling convention and wrestlers from all over the world had gathered around. Meet and Greet sessions, Press Conference and Make-a-wish sessions were arranged for the visitors. The organizer of the meeting, Giuseppe Caldarola, was sullenly ordering the securities the control the loud and compassionate crowd.

A Land Rover SUV drove through the narrow street and parked in front of the grand entrance of Grand Royal Palace Hotel. Giuseppe Caldarola, along with a couple of security guards, hastily ran towards the car and opened the door. Vlad, uncharacteristically dressed in white double-breasted blazer, stepped out of the car. The infallible white shoes he wore matched with his suit gave him a gallant appearance. Caldarola invited him formally, Vlad responded with a courteous bow and walked down the aisle. The WZCW fans gathered around the Hotel were bemused by his appearance. His hair and beard were groomed properly, and he adorned a wide perpetual smile across his face.

Few minutes had elapsed, Vlad stationed at a conference hall and the different media personals had settled down in their allotted spots. Behind the seated media personals, loyal WZCW fans had gathered around to spectate the event. Some parents were waiting with their young kids for the Meet and Greet session that’ll follow.

“Good evening everyone. I honestly do not know how to show my gratitude to Mr. Vlad Azarov for making himself available to attend this event. I’m quite sure you are all happy to see a WZCW wrestler attending our annual summer wrestlecon in Milan…”, Caldarola continued.

Vlad, still adorning the wide smile, was barely listening to the enthralling speech of Caldarola. All his senses were surveying the crowd and examining each and everyone’s face from the far distance. The session hall was surrounded by security personals and the surveillance camera hawked from all directions. Finally, he directed his attention towards Caldarola.

“… hope to have a very good evening”, he concluded.

One of the stage organizers turned on the mic in front of Vlad. Before Vlad could look at his face, a question was directed at Vlad from the media representatives.

“WZCW has organized their first Greatest Grandest Lethal Lottery in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Is this the first of many events to follow?”

“I’m not in a position to answer that but I sure hope for it”.

“What brought you here to our Wrestlecon? Is there any specific reason for you to visit Italy?”

“Giuseppe Caldarola had requested WZCW organize live event in eve of this Wrestlecon. Unfortunately, our wrestlers have a very busy schedule. We just had completed Unscripted and travelled all the way to the middle east. In a few days, we have another major event, Meltdown Madness and Ascension Anarchy. It’s a chaotic period in WZCW, quite literally. Consequently, the WZCW management duly denied the request. I, on the other hand, had a transit Visa and I decided to pay a visit to this convention”.

“It seems like a gruelling schedule and we really appreciate that you’re at this Wrestlecon at the moment. However, I must ask this question. How do you prepare for the upcoming events if you spend your time in attending conventions? Especially, with so much at stake in the upcoming WZCW events and you on a losing streak, how do you plan on preparing for the events?”

Caldarola was perceptibly infuriated by the question directed at Vlad. He tried to get in front of the microphone, but Vlad interfered. He gestured Caldarola to sit back.

“As you mentioned, the schedule is gruelling. None of the wrestlers will have barely any time to prepare for the upcoming events. It is quite impossible to plan for Roulette Rounds, the Meltdown Madness and Ascension Anarchy. And of course, so much is at stake; Elite title and Eurasian title will be on the line, but you fail to see that the champions are the one at the disadvantage”.

The reporter nodded at Vlad but followed up his gesture with another question.

“You… haven’t responded for the question about your losing streak”, he said hesitantly.

Caldarola looked at Vlad with a slight embarrassment; Vlad still had the smile carved across his lips.

“What do you want me to say about my losing streak? Should I pinpoint the reasons for my loses or should I make elaborate excuses? There’s really no point in that, is it there? Whatever I’ll have to say about my loses in Unscripted and Lethal Lottery will sound like an excuse. I don’t want to make any excuse and at the same time, I don’t want to arrogantly claim that I will win at all cost in all my upcoming matches. All WZCW wrestlers are talented and I’ll like to gain some experience from everyone I face”.

“What…”, the reporter continued but was defiantly stopped by Caldarola.

“I apologize for the intervention, but you must give others the opportunity to ask question”, he demanded.

“It’s alright. He can continue”, Vlad gestured with a smile.

“What you can say about every new talent in WZCW is surpassing you in every standard? In the past, Noah Ryder, Logan McAllister, Mark Keaton among the other have won titles before you can get your first major win and it’s repeating again now. Stetson Hayes, Dirk Buchanan and Alice Adams are making major impacts in WZCW”.

“Must I repeat the answer I said earlier? I don’t want to make any excuse”.

The reporter sat down calmly without any further question. The others started to ask questions one by one.

“Who do you think that you might face in the Roulette Round?”

“How may I know? It’s interesting really. I haven’t faced Chirs K.O. or Steven Holmes in the past and at the same time, I haven’t faced Stetson Hayes or Keith Kole. I’ve no particular choice at the moment. I’ll take anything what’s served for me”.

“Wouldn’t you fancy your chances of winning Eurasian or Elite title in the Roulette Rounds?”

“I believe, it takes more than a Roulette can make a champion to lose the title. The champions, Garth Black and Mikey Stormrage, has what it takes to be a champion. What makes a champion is the ability for them to defend that title with honour. They both have the honour and heart to keep the title. If I’ve to challenge them for their title, I would want to let them know that I’m coming for the title. However, as I said, I’ll take anything what’s served for me. If the Roulette decides for me to face either of them, I’ll challenge them without a doubt in my mind. It’s a surreal situation but right now, I’m giving credit for all the title holders in WZCW”.

“We haven’t seen your girlfriend and former manager Sara since your return. Rumours have that you have distanced yourself from your family at the moment. May we know why?”

“I’m here to represent WZCW and I’m not entitled to answer personal questions. If you have better questions to ask, I would appreciate it”.

“Do you’ve labour union in WZCW?”

“No, we don’t”.

“You look totally different now than how you present yourself in WZCW. Is this a gimmick or what you portray yourself in WZCW is a gimmick?”

“Am I not allowed to be fashionable? After all, I’m in the fashion capital of Italy”.

The session followed for another 20 odd minutes with flurry of questions were directed at Vlad Azarov. Surprisingly for both the media representatives and the fans, Vlad answered them all composedly. They never thought they would have such a pleasant session with Vlad.

The session was soon followed by Meet and Greet. Fans stood in line to take pictures and autographs from Vlad. WZCW had sent two trucks with merchandises for the Wrestlecon.

“I don’t like you anymore”, a small kid scowled at Vlad, “You used to be very nice but now you scare me”.

Vlad just smiled and stood up from his chair. He walked to the kid across the table and goes on his knees to let the kid to hug him. The kid forgot her fear and hugged him tightly; Vlad gestured the father of the kid to freeze the moment in his camera.

A group of teenagers followed her and Vlad courteously signed autographs and posed for pictures with all of them.

“I know why you’re doing this”, a man in his late twenties said to Vlad.

Vlad looked up at him and gestured another smile, which he was giving from the moment he reached the convention.

“Your fancy clothes and poster boy look can’t protect you from anything. Everyone knows who you are”, the man continued whilst pushing a t-shirt for autograph at Vlad.

Vlad traced his eyes up the arm in which the man was holding the t-shirt. A hand holding a burning compass was tattooed in his forearm. His eyes sharpened and the smile turned into a grin. He traced his look up to see the face of the man.

“Attending Wrestling conventions and making the sports illustrated news papers are not going to make you invincible. We are watching you and we are waiting for the moment. You will answer for everyone you’ve murdered”, the man concluded.

Vlad nonchalantly signed the autograph on the t-shirt and handed it back to the man.

“This is not a warning. This is just a message”, the man left without taking the t-shirt back from Vlad.

Vlad watched him go pass the crowd into an aisle towards the exit. He waited patiently for him to move away from the crowd. Another kid was waiting before Vlad’s table looking up at him for his attention. Vlad got off the chair and gave a quick hug to the kid and walked towards the aisle. Caldarola ran towards Vlad, sensing the commotion.

“Is there a problem Mr. Azarov?”

“No, a gentleman paid for an autograph and have forgotten to collect the signed t-shirt. I’ll just give it back to him”.

“I’ll call someone to do that. You don’t have to worry”.

“Oh, it’s not a problem. I remember his face. I remember it very well and I can find him quickly”.

Vlad walked through the crowd and reached the aisle. The man was standing near the elevator and talking to someone on phone. He saw Vlad approaching him and decided to run into the restrooms. Vlad stopped on his track and slowly marched into the rest room. Giuseppe Caldarola was quite worried about the situation and had followed Vlad. As Vlad entered the toilet, he stood outside quietly.

After a few moments of silence, sound of water flowing from multiple faucets were heard outside the toilet. Between the sounds, he could hear the voice of Vlad.

“Oh, they will forget who I am! Forgetfulness is human nature! All they need to see now is a smile. All I must do is pose for pictures. And don’t assume that I’m doing this to protect myself from your clan. I do this is protect me from myself which inept mind like yours can’t comprehend. You came all the way here to give me a message? Hear me right boy, I’m giving your boss a warning. In two months, everyone who even know that this clan has ever existed will perish”.

The faucet sounds stopped one by one except the last one. Cardarola was quite confused but he waited outside the restroom. The last faucet shut down and a footstep followed. Vlad walked out of the restroom wiping his hands in a kerchief. Cardarola’s eyes were widened. Vlad unbuttoned his double-breasted blazer and placed the kerchief inside. He took off the blazer and hand it over to Caldarola.

“Please dry clean it and send it back to my room as quick as you can”.

Vlad started walking up the aisle to the conference room. Caldarola was unmoved with a completely red-coloured blazer in his hands.

07-16-2019, 12:02 PM
124 miles is not too far, not for someone who travels the world week in and week out. In fact rumours abounded that that's how far Armando Paradyse's airport was from Jeddah. It's believed he saved $56 by doing that.

The Roulette rounds this year take place in Las Vegas but avoiding the glitz and glam we have our hero, Titus, heading north. 124 miles north to Groom Lake. The middle of nowhere. I'm sure it'll be a nice place for Titus.

But what is groom Lake?


Oh THAT. Well.






Did you expect anything else?

07-16-2019, 02:40 PM
Flex Philosophy: Where does one go when they feel there is no road ahead? Can a road be made if there is no gas left in the tank? How can one fill their tank with gas prices sky rocketing? I personally blame Titus fans.

These thoughts and many more continue to swirl through the head of the Curious thinker Flex Mussel as he sits in his dining room surrounded by his team of allies. With the King at the head of the table to his right are his young protege Keith Kole and his personal friend Kassanda Kross. On the left is his personal security Wasabi Toyota and newly joined FlexAmerican associate Alice Adams. On the other end of the table is his somewhat romantic partner and life coach Svetlana. While all individuals in the room sit quietly as they wait for food to be served, a tension can be felt throughout the table. The fitness freak soon breaks the awkward silence.

Flex: Well Iâ??m happy you all could make it here.

Kross: You literally groaned as you opened the door to meet us.

Flex: Its called pre-dinner breathing exercises please act like you belong here.

Kole motions to his friend to simmer down as Flex continues on.

Flex: Iâ??m glad you could all make it because we all need to have a very important discussion about the future of FlexAmerica.

Everyone at the table has their interest immediately piqued aside from Wasabi, who is still awaiting the food.

Flex: In recent weeks our numbers have grown yet our-well more so my success has been marginalized while the rest of yours is...non-existent.

Adams and Kole visibly take offense to this.

Flex: I wonâ??t apologize for simply telling the truth, no longer can I sugar coat the reality of our situation, and its that youâ??re coasting off the success of King Mussel.

Kole: Coasting?! How dare you-

Flex: Be honest with you?! Would you rather me pat you on the back and say â??good jobâ? every time youâ??re left looking up at the stars? When was the last time you won a match?

Keith is seething but has no response.

Flex: Exactly, since joining FlexAmerica you have been nothing more than a warm body. You have incredible potential, but not even my guidance has helped you tap into it. And yes I do blame you, but I also blame myself.

The bodybuilder looks to his framed photo of a younger Flex training with WZCW hall of famer Everest.

Flex: I was once told youâ??re only as good as the circle you keep around you, and right now weâ??re not averaging very well. And that needs to CHANGE. Not only will you all need to improve. But I must as well. For the Roulette Round is upon us which means anything and everything can happen. One of us could be fighting for Eurasian or Elite championships. One of us could even win the World title, with the curse once again ringing its head the number of possibilities are endless. The question is, are either of you up for such a challenge?

The monsieur of muscle turns his attention to Alice.

Flex: Seeing as youâ??re a new recruit I donâ??t hold you to the standard of Keith here, yet. Plus Iâ??ve been in the ring with you and I know you have immense talent, and while I still do not understand the world of Barista-

Alice: Burlesque.

Flex: Yes that, you have the opportunity of a life time coming up and it would be in your best interest not to squander it.

Alice: Weâ??re not children to be held by the hand.

Flex: No you are clay to be molded, batter to be stirred, flan to be cooked, because both of you are raw, unpolished, and unfocused. Something this nation can no longer afford to be. I can no longer afford to be associated with the bottom half of a roster struggling to keep itself alive. I can no longer be associated with wasted potential!

Kross is becoming irked as she wants to speak up. Keith continues to keep in check silently.

Flex: I once had two allies, similar to yourselves. Together we all had raw talent, and things definitely were not perfect from the get go. It took a lot of practice, a lot of hardwork, and a lot of coordination but eventually we gelled to the point where we were unstoppable. Things fell apart however when we began to believe we were friends. That our special bond meant more than the success we accumulated. Maybe I gave off the impression to you two that Iâ??m sort of friendly mentor, if so that was my mistake, allow me to rectify it.

Flex Fitness Chefs begin to make their way into the dining room and set dinner plates with tops on them in front of everyone except for Svetlana who waves it off. This breathes new life into Wasabi who is now anxiously awaiting the meal. An irritated but hungry Keith is the first to open his top and he is met with an oversized, heavily greasy, averagely made cheeseburger.

Keith: What theâ?¦.what the hell is thisâ?¦.

Flex: It is a test and a warning comrade, a test see if you truly are one with FlexAmerica. And a warning to show that if not you will be right back to where you started.

Keith: You know I donâ??t like this...anymoreâ?¦

Flex: I donâ??t like failure anymore yet here we are Keith, prove me wrong!

The bodybuilder picks up the burger and begins waving in his face to tempt his protege.

Kross: Why are you demoralizing him? Youâ??re supposed to help him you jackass!

Flex: Positive reinforcement is for children. We are adults here, and adults must have discipline, and I need to know Keith is capable of that.

The former fast food worker stares at the burger, the salty aroma of grilled cheese and red meat forces its way into his nostrils. His mouth is visibly watering as he thinks back to his pre-FlexAmerican days. His mouth begins to motion towards the burger but at the last second he snatches the burger away from Flex and chucks it into the trash.

Keith: I am better than the past, I am better than my present, I will do better, you can count on that. I am a worthy FlexAmerican.

Kole sits back in his seat as Kross shakes her head disapointed that theyâ??re still here.

Flex: We shall see.

Alice opens her dinner plate only to be confused when there is no food, but a single pair of panties.

Alice: What is this?

Flex: Will you choose your career Alice or will you choose your sexual vanity?

Alice: Why canâ??t I have both?

Flex: To be perfectly honest Iâ??ve yet to see the former. You defeated a legend in Titus and have proceeded to do nothing. Are you okay with just being labeled a fluke?

Alice: Iâ??m not a fluke, nor will I ever be one, nor will I ever give up what I love because a megalomaniac said so.

Flex: The defiance is cute but I still donâ??t believe in your conviction. Much like Keith we shall see if you are all talk, just know if you step in the ring with me again, FlexAmerican alliance or not I will show no mercy. My time in the spotlight was ripped away far too soon, and I got a lot left more to give this place. You both saw what happened to Vega at Unscripted, and no one has seen him since.

Wasabiâ??s stomach growls which takes away Flexâ??s attention.

Wasabi: There isnâ??t food under mine is thereâ?¦

Flex: Open it up Wasabi.

The bodyguard hesitantly opens his dinner plate only to be crushed when he sees â??Flexsterineâ? mouth wash.

Flex: I may have waved the burger in front of Keithâ??s face but Iâ??m concerned about your hunger most of all Wasabi. Did you think I wouldnâ??t smell the saturated fat on your breath?

Wasabi: But I havenâ??t even eaten-

Flex: Youâ??re my warrior on the front lines yet youâ??re still putting poison into your body. Unacceptable, you treating your body this way is a poison to FlexAmerica in and of itself. If you still wish to reside within our borders, than your mind, body, and most importantly your breath must be clean.

The bodyguard immediately begins to gargle and swish the mouth wash as tears begin to run down his face.

Flex: You used to be a mauler, you will return to form, or die trying.

Kross: What the hell is wrong with you? Is there going to be a horseâ??s head under mine?!

Kassandra opens up her dinner plate to see a simple Flex Fitness protein shake awaiting her.

Flex: Iâ??ll be honest I have no clue who you are, but you do look like you could use some muscle mass, so drink up!

Svetlana: Thereâ??s one plate left love, open yes?

Flex: Yeah I could use a shake myself.

The former world champion opens up his plate revealing not a protein shake but the clear plastic mask of his imaginary trainer Masquer.

Flex: The hell is this?

Svetlana: Well with all the motivation you were giving us, I thought it was only fair we reciprocated.

The lights in the house all immediately dim as everyone around the table except for Flex put on plastic masks and begin to circle around the King like sharks to food.

Masquer: Did you think you could escape me? That you wouldnâ??t face consequences for leaving me to rot?

Flex: How do you all know about this?

The members of the nation all talk as one as Masquer has seemingly channeled his spirit through them.

Masquer: We will always have a connection Flex! One that cannot be broken, certainly not when failure is invovled. Were you going to tell me you lost the World title?

Flex: It was months ago I can barely remember at this point.

Flexâ??s allies get closer in closer like bullies surrounding a helpless child.

Masquer: Well it feels like yesterday to me, and the fact that you havenâ??t gotten it back yet shows that youâ??ve gotten used to this failure.

Flex: Nonsense, I will regain-

Masquer: Then prove me wrong you useless fat slob! Or are you going to fail yet again just like at the Lottery.

Flex: My body has less than 5% body fatâ?¦and I came so close...

Masquer: Close isnâ??t enough! If you want to be considered one of the greatest ever you need to aim higher! Bigger! You are nothing more than another spoke in the wheel in a company spinning in circles! Youâ??re a god damn loser! Nothing more than enhancement talent! DO BETTER!!

The crowd continues to yell at Flex overwhelming him to the point where he crawls into the fetal position and begins to sob uncontrollably.

Flex: Iâ??m not a loser...Iâ??m one of the greatest to ever do itâ?¦.Iâ??m FLEX FUCKING MUSSEL! Iâ??m not the same child who needed you just to get through the day. You and others seem to think Iâ??ve rest on my laurels. Well I think theyâ??ve rested on me!

Still with tears running down his face Flex now stands back up as his masked allies continue watching on.

Flex: Iâ??ll be damned if I let this Kingdom Come go by and Iâ??m not fighting for something important, or fighting someone important. It doesnâ??t matter whether itâ??s Meltdown or Ascension, extreme rules or no rules, handicapped or by myself this roster is about to be reacquainted with just how dangerous I am. So god help Mikey, Garth, or even the new World champ Xander himself. This is a results driven industry and the one thing Iâ??ve done for years is bring in results!

Masquer: But are you all talk like your allies?

Flex: Iâ??ve been here long enough to walk as well. But Iâ??ll be running through things from now on.

The monsieur of muscle begins ripping the masks off his allies in a fit of rage until-

Svetlana: Flex...are you okay?

The moniseur of muscle looks up to see everything is back to normal as he stands in the position he started looking at a protein shake on his dinner. He scans everyoneâ??s faces and no plastic masks are in sight.

Keith: Youâ??ve been standing there for like a minute.

Flex: Right...dinner adjourned. I shall see you all at the Roulette Round, for your sake I hope itâ??s not as adversaries.

The bodybuilder quickly storms off leaving the rest of the group confused. Wasabi is still sobbing from the mouthwash.

07-16-2019, 03:34 PM
Adams is seen standing in front of a tall oval vanity in nothing more than her peach colored lace brassiere, matching lace panties and garter belt set; which gracefully held up her new thigh high stockings. In her hands she had two different dresses; in one hand she held her favorite red wiggle (you know, the one that makes her boobs looks pretty and perky) and in the other she had a more modest dark plum colored keyhole dress (still makes my boobs look amazing and a littleâ?¦ Mysterious). She groans loudly and turns away from the mirror towards her bed where her bestie Satine was sprawled out

â??Ok, honestly which one? Red or purple?â?

Playfully â??Oh honey, first of all that points to keyhole dress Is plum NOT just purple, and secondly, who in the hell are you trying to impress? Kole? Awe, honey, I thought you gave up on fast food?â?

Alice blushes profusely, she letâ??s out a stifled giggle and throws the dresses at her friend. Satine laughs and catches the dresses with ease, sits up and continues to poke and prod at the situation.

â??OH SATINE STOP, Iâ??ll tell you whatâ??s going on. Just please no more Kole jokes, I'll spill the tea. Sighs Yes, I am going to a dinner with Kole AND his 'girlfriend not girlfriend' Cross, scrunches up her face in disgust oh does she love to say Iâ??m a trollop any chance she can get. Rolls eyes unfortunately this is for business no-â??

Rudely interrupts â??wait, business?! Youâ?¦ and Kole?! I call bullshit.â?

â??Well if you would of let me finish Alice hisses you would know itâ??s now just with him, good God girl, Iâ??m not stupid. Itâ??s with him and Flex Mussel for his little â??Flexamerica' cult, urm... I mean faction."

Satine grabs her arm and looks at Adams worriedly; Alice sighs and sits next to her friend, draping her arm over her

â??Oh love bug, donâ??t you fret. This is why I didnâ??t want to say anything, you're such a worry wart. Look, swear Iâ??m not going to go all â??Manson Family' on you, I've been in the ring with Flexâ?¦ and I gotta say, he gets shit done. I need to start getting shit done, I can't keep sitting idly by watching them give my title chances away to these nasty little monsters; and Iâ??m not talking about the ones I hear at night after a few too many glasses of chardonnay. I know there is NO ONE in WZCW that can put on a match better than me, sure, they may have came to see the big names like; Callie the crybaby and Kagura the walking anime character that night for Leathal Lottery, but you and I both DAMN well know that once they saw all this shakes her boobs toss out that old trash, well, letâ??s just say, why would you worship trash when you could worship a goddess.â?

Alice and satine both break out in uncontrollable giggles, once they finally compose themselves Adamâ??s gets up and sits in front of her vanity, starts to apply her makeup and fixes her hair, Satine grabs the plum keyhole dress

â??Wellâ?¦ as long as I know Iâ??m not going to turn on the TV tomorrow and see your face In The news for trying to sacrifice anyone for the slenderman or cthulu, I guess I have no choice but to approve. Wear this one, we want to keep them guessing, canâ??t look too easy on the first date now, you need to keep them guessing and wanting more, plus you know damn well how much this dress will piss off the girlfriend! Giggles I mean sure your red dress stands them up, but this baby really brings them to attention and hey, if you catch the eye of the â??kingâ?? maybe try to reel him in as well.â?

Alice finishes her hair and makeup; she takes the dress and slips it into her body, smoothing it out making sure it hugged all the right places. She quickly puts on her favorite pair of chandelier earrings and matching tennis bracelet, sprays on some perfume and slips her sleek black pumps on. Once getting the once over approval she grabs her clutch and phone

â??Oh I wouldnâ??t hold my breath on that whole king bit. He has this really scary Russian mail order bride who watches him like a hawk, plus, that man has way too many muscles like, sorry honey I need a little fat with my steak, ya know what Iâ??m saying?â?

â??Youâ??re hungry arenâ??t you?â?

â??Omg yes! I seriously hope this health freak has some steak, like protein is a thing for body builders right?â?

â??You are seriously dumb sometimes.â?

Giggles â??yeah, but you still talk to meee. I shouldnâ??t be out too long, when I come home want to have a zombie movie marathon?â?

â??Girl, you know damn well I wanna watch these bitches trip over air and then get eaten, Haha. Remember, serious tone donâ??t let them see through your mask. They donâ??t need to know the real you, keep your enemies in your created reality.â?

07-16-2019, 07:45 PM
Keith Kole's Apartment
San Diego,.CA
Two weeks til Roulette Round

Keith Kole was sitting on the couch, red basketball shorts and a white tank top hanging comfortably on his body. He had just finished rewatching the Lethal Lottery and had taken some notes.

Kole: I lasted awhile, but not long enough. I got cocky after a simple elimination. That fat gaming pile of crap eliminated me. God how I hate him.

Before long, Keith's friend Kassandra walked into the living room, dressed as if she's ready for the beach.

Kross: Stop rewatching it. The mighty Flex America still doesn't win. I don't know why you can't see you're not improving with this, and I do say this extremely lightly, this 'nation'.

Kole: Hey we're doing just fine. It takes time to establish a dominant nation. Why can't you just support me?

Kross practically throws her sunglasses on the table and shoots Keith a look of the utmost irritation.

Kross: Support you? The fuck you think I'm doing following you all over the goddamn world while you follow some steroided maniac and a obvious slut like they're gonna propel you into stardom! Wake the fuck up Keith. You're no better off now than you were when you debuted here. You don't need Flex America. You can do it on your own.

Kole: You're too naive Kass. In a place like WZCW it's vicious. The saying strength in numbers isn't wrong. I need this group, because just on name recognition alone being aligned with Flex helps me.

Kross: You know what works better? Winning. People like winners, more than some clique like 'nation' Keith.

Kole gets irritated and throws the remote on the table, before turning on Kassandra.

Kole:So are you gonna continue to support me or not?

Kross:(annoyed) I'm going to this stupid meeting at Flex HQ aren't I?

With that said, Kross heads out the door, slamming it to ensure Keith knows she's upset. Keith watched the door slam before taking a breath. She made sense but she just didn't understand the backstage politics that went with it. He knew she'd be there no matter what. Whether she held her tongue is a different story.

Kole: Wonder what tight outfit Alice will be wearing? I don't know why Kass call her a slut though....

Hours before Roulette Round

Keith and Kassandra were walking the halls of the arena when Leon Kensworth caught up to the pair, microphone ready for an impromptu interview.

Leon: Hey Keith! It's been awhile since the WZCW fans have heard from you, thoughts on your first ever Roulette Round?

Kole smiles, straightening his tie as the former fast food worker is representing Flex America proper tonight. Kassandra just smiles and lets Keith answer.

Kole: Well Leon, I'm just hoping luck lands in my favor tonight. Any person holding a belt will be ready tonight. They have to be. You know who else needs to be ready Leon? Me. I am ready and it doesn't matter who i face tonight and what type of match. This is the start of a new era in WZCW and that's the Flex American Era! Tonight all of us will be victorious, and if the chips fall correctly maybe we'll bring home some gold as well.

Leon: And if you get selected to face your fellow Flex Americans? In say a #1 contenders match? What happens to the glorious nation then?

Before Kole can answer Kassandra grabs the microphone.

Kross: Then Keith will just have to show everyone what I already know. That he's the best member in Flex America and can do it without the side show of the fitness freak and his menagerie.

Kole looks irritated at Kassandra, who simply pats Keith on the shoulder as she heads towards the concession stand. Keith tries to compose himself and answer Leon' s question.

Kole: (clearing his throat) Oh she's funny isn't she Leon? She was just referring to the healthy competition we have in Flex America. We all work together because we see the same hunger and drive in the others that we have as well. Flex America is only for the strongest of the strong Leon.

Kole looks over and sees Kass getting ready to order from the stand....

Kross: Yea, lemme get the soft pretzel, extra cheese, 2 hot dogs a Coke and....

She sees Keith watching and continues to order his favorite candy just to mess with him.

Kross: .... and the box of red vines please.

Kole hastily leaves Leon and rushes over to Kassandra who is just now collecting up all the glorious smelling junk food she purchased.

Kole: What are you doing!?!? You can't eat that crap.

Kross looks at Keith, taking a big bite of the hot dog and washing it down with some Coke

Kross: Says who? You're a FlexAmerican not me sweetie...

Kole: Whatever, look i gotta go get ready so I'll leave you to enjoy that nastiness. But remember, I do need you out there.

Kross: Aren't I always?

Kole smiles and heads off to the locker room to start preparing for tonight. Didn't matter who he got, Kole was getting that win, Kole and Flex America will be standing tall after the Roulette Round.

07-16-2019, 08:25 PM
The Alliant Energy Centre
Madison Wisconsin
A Week After Lethal Lotteryâ?¦


â??Dreamember; Twin Atlantic?â??

â??Bobby Adams.â??

â??I Was Once a Sinking Ship?â??

â??Pfft. Izzy Stone.â??

â??Okay, okay. How aboutâ?¦â?¦.â??

â??Last one.â??

â??Fine. Enya Stomp.â??

Leon Kensworth leaned back into his chair, contemplating his answer. He and Backstage Bob had been sitting there for a good hour, going back and forth on Superstar entrance themes. And, as the best reporter in WZCW, heâ??d nailed every one.

â??Come on, tell me I got ya!â??

Leon smiled, pointing a finger to the sky as the answer formed.

â??Chris Beckford.â??

â??Son of aâ?¦â??

Bob threw his water bottle to the canvas in disappointment. Leon shook his head in amusement, before looking around the empty arena once more. Well, not truly empty; the technicians were setting the arena up for WZCWâ??s first big live event since the Lethal Lottery. One of the biggest events of the year; it typically set the scene for the rest of the year, usually by completely turning the wrestling world upside down.

The 2019 edition had certainly not disappointed in that regard.

â??Where the hell is he?â??

Leon looked down at his watch. â??"Xander time" was a thing before he was World Champion. Now itâ??s only going to be worse.â??

â??How long are we gonna wait for him?â??

Leon paused at the question. Heâ??d interviewed new Champions, Hall of Famers, the best of the best and also the worst of the worst. He looked forward to many, and in many ways, interviewing the former Triple X was something he relished, as it was normally a challenge. Xander was abrasive, rude, and wasnâ??t afraid to say what he thought. Often at Leons expense. He didnâ??t mind; it was the job. But often heâ??d been left waiting in the WZCW offices for him to arrive, only to be met with absolutely no-one.

He sighed. â??Alright Bob, letâ??s get the stuff out of the ring.â?? He looked out to the crane operating the wideshots. â??Okay guys, lets-â??


The unfamiliar music blared out of the arenaâ??s PA system for a good thirty seconds. Leon looked around to begin with, unsure of the reason of the music.

â??Probably just testing the speakers. Song sounds familiar though; what is it?'

'I dunno. Sounds a little like Mark Keaton.'

'In your dreams it does-'


Bob pointed to the rampâ?¦


...where out walked Xander, World Championship buckled around his waist.

Leon shook his head. â??Son of aâ?¦â??

Xander slowly approached the ring, a big beaming smile on his face; a rare sight in WZCW. A man so focused on his inner demons, Leon thought to himself, that he rarely seemed like he took the time to remind himself to have fun. And yet here he was, as he entered the ring, looking genuinely happy for the first time in years.


â??Xander, youâ??re an hour late.â??

'Am I?'Xander checked his wrist. â??Huh. Guess I got the time wrong.â?? Xander walked over to the seats, in the middle of which was a small round table. As he sat down he unclasped the World Championship and placed it down, his attention solely focused on the belt he had coveted for so long.

Before Leon could even say a word, Xander was there. â??Ready whenever you are, Leon.â??

Leon sighed. â??Okay, Bob, if you can cue the media, and weâ??ll be ready in threeâ?¦twoâ?¦oneâ?¦â??

The lights dimmed, before coming back on with a spotlight on the ring, illuminating the two men sat there.

â??Hello everyone and welcome to this special WZCW exclusive interview. Tonight, my guest is a history maker; the first man ever to enter in at number one and win the Lethal Lottery. On top of that he is the new World Heavyweight Champion. He isâ?¦Xander.â??

Leon half-heartedly extended his hand out and, to his surprise, Xander accepted, shaking it.

Attempting not to show how taken aback he was, he pressed on. â??First off Xander, congratulations on the victory. Tell me how it feels to finally win the Championship that has eluded you all this time.â??

Xander looks down at the Title belt, smiling.

â??It truly feels like all my hard work has paid off. Iâ??ve finally reached the top of the mountain and I intend to do my absolute best to stay there.â??

The more chipper-than-normal response surprised Kensworth, but he pressed on.

â??The Lethal Lottery was the event where you first made your name in WZCW back in 2012, performing to such a high standard that it earned you an Elite Championship match the following Ascension against Hall of Famer Steven Holmes. Lets take a look at your highlight.

Holmes is over with X and is picking him up. He grabs him by the head and throws him over the top but X holds on, standing on the apron. Holmes charges at X and knees him in the gut, knocking him off the apron as he hits the floor. Holmes turns around and holds up 2 fingers to signal two but the crowd cheers loudly, causing Holmes to look at Triple X who has managed to land with his feet hanging off the announcer's table. He uses his hands to push him back up onto the announcer's desk and stands on top of it. The outside referee's signal that he is still in the match as his feet hasn't touched the floor. Triple X holds up his signature taunt as the crowd cheers loudly for him as Holmes is irate.

Cooper climbs up on the announcer's desk and prepares X for the Your Final Verse. Alhazred and Holmes let go of X's feet as Cooper signals for the end. He is about to go for the move but X counters by jumping up and kneeing Cooper in the face. He falls off the desk but Alhazred and Holmes catch him. X acts quickly and uses the body of Cooper as a surfboard, jumping on the back of Cooper whilst Holmes and Alhazred hold him up. The crowd is in awe at whats happening as Ty moves back from the ropes a bit just in case. Holmes and Alhazred look at each other, nodding in agreement as they both drop Cooper. At the same time, X uses Cooper as a platform and jumps off, landing on the apron safely. Ty runs at X and tries to take him down but X slides underneath the bottom rope, safely getting in the ring. The crowd cheers as Ty calls for Alhazred and Holmes to get back in the ring. As they do and Ty turns around with all three men rushing, X has springboarded off the top rope and hits a huge crossbody on all three men, taking them down. The crowd is cheering loudly with many people on their feet applauding the effort by Triple X to stay in the ring.

Sections of the crowd begin cheering his name.


The lights in the arena raise as the tron fades to black once more.

â??Looking back, how does it make you feel knowing that your career, effectively, has come circle with this win?â??

â??I mean, it feels great. Getting to go out there at the Lottery; it gave me chills and made me think of my first experience in that type of match. And honestly I feel as if my previous experience really helped push me over the edge this time. â??

â??Xanderâ?¦â?? Leon chewed on his thought for a moment, debating whether it was even worth bringing up. â??â?¦you seem the happiest Iâ??ve seen you in a long time, Certainly since dropping the name Triple X. Has winning the World Championship had that much of an affect on you?â??

Xander tilted his head, confused.

â??Leon, I just fulfilled my lifeâ??s legacy. Iâ??m allowed to be happy.â??

â??No, I know, and Iâ??m not questioning that. Itâ??s just not like you to be this-â??



â??Yeah, wellâ?¦â?? Xander sat back in his chair, rubbing his hand through his beard. â??You chase a dragon for so long, you spend an eternity thinking what itâ??s gonna be like when you have it. And it almost never lives up to the hype. But thisâ?¦this lives up to it.â??

â??What do you want to say to the fans youâ??ve been so vocally against over the last few years?â??

â??Iâ?¦I honestly donâ??t blame them. I wouldnâ??t want to support a whiny, no good scumbag like the person Iâ??ve been. So I get it. Hopefully I can move on as Champion, and so can they.â??

Leon stared at Xander for a good while, gauging the reaction of his guest. Everything, absolutely everything was unlike him at this point. He had been courteous, polite, humble and above all else he had not used every opportunity to disrespect the fans.

â??What next for Xander?â??

Thatâ??s a good question, Leon. â??What comes next?â? Well, the Roulette Rounds, obviously, although I donâ??t know how much desire to compete in them I actually have within me.â??

â??Youâ??reâ?¦expecting a pass in this round.â??

â??Oh heavens no. Iâ??mâ?¦well, Iâ??ve won the Championship I was looking for all this time and I have achieved it; it only makes sense to pay it forward and give someone else a shot.â??

Leons head twitched slightly. â??Youâ?¦youâ??re looking to relinquish the Championship youâ??ve only just won???â??

Xander smiled. â??Itâ??s only fair someone else has a go.â??

â??But why, Xander? I donâ??t understand. Why relinquish it?â??

â??Wellâ?¦â?? Xander again leaned back, thinking. â??Have you ever been bullied, Leon?â??


â??Simple question; have you ever been bullied?â??

â??Well yeah, I think most people in the world have at some-â??

â??And how did it make you feel?â??

Kensworth couldnâ??t explain why, but the route of questioning had suddenly put him on edge.

â??I felt lousy. Alone. Like-â??

â??Like the whole world was against you?â??

Leon swallowed hard. â??Yeah.â??

â??I felt like that once upon a time.â?? Xander reached over, picking up the gold World Championship he had strived so hard for. â??The feeling of not knowing how to make it all stop. To make them see what theyâ??re doing is wrong.â?? He looked up at Leon. â??But you rose above it.â??

He nodded.

â??And you became a wrestling journalist. Well respected in your field. Tell me, Leon; how did you get rid of the feeling inside? How did you make the pain go away?â??

Leon paused, thinking about past memories and not stopping to think of how the interview had reversed roles.

â??I guessâ?¦I forgave them. They made mistakes. It would be unfair of me to punish them for the rest of their lives just because they made a wrong decision. No, I chose a long time ago to forgive them. And itâ?¦I dunno, it released so much weight off of my shoulders I didnâ??t even know I had. It feltâ?¦good.â??

He looked up to Xander, who was smiling softly.

â??Of course it did. Confronting your fears and those who are arbiters of them is cathartic in the purest form. I know; Iâ??ve felt it too. I blamed the people for so long for my mistakes, my misfortunes, and whether I was right to or not, I owe it to them.'

â??What do you owe to them?â??

The soft smile on Xander grew larger, becoming more sinister. He looked into the Championship, leaning back in hs chair.

â??To show them how fucking right I was.â??

Leons face dopped. Heâ??d been suckered in and had fallen for it hook, line and sinker.

â??What, did you think that because Iâ??d won a World Championship I was suddenly going to forgive the fans? Did you think that I was going to make peace? Did you think just because I sounded happier that Iâ??d made peace with all of those lowlifes out there?â??


â??Youâ??re as weak as the people who claim to be wrestling fans. Who buy a ticket to these shows, hoping their heroes will get the better of me, only to watch them get bested by the man they know they drove to this. The man who, whether they like it or not, is the new, NEW, World Heavyweight Champion.â??

Xander stood as he continued.

â??You know what the best part is? I get to carry this belt around, show it to people from all walks of life and say four simple words.â?? He leans in close to Leon, who himself is looking down to the ground.

â??I. Fucking. Told. You.â??

He looks out to the ringside area where Bob is sitting at a temporary technician table. â??I told you.â?? He then points to the cameraman operating the crane. â??I told you.â?? He then returns to the ringside cameraman who has begun to recoil away. â??I told you.â?? His smile began to grew as he crouched in front of Leon. â??I told everyone. I told Mikey Stormrage. I told Becky Serra. I told Titus. I told Kagura. I told Eve Taylor. I told Flex Mussel. I told every single fucking person in this company that I would be the World Heavyweight Champion and here I stand with proof of concept. You know why Leon??â??


â??Becauseâ?¦â?? Xander held the Championship up, once again getting in Kensworths face. â??â?¦the only thing better than forgiveness and acceptance in this world is revenge. Revenge on every,, EVERY, single person who ever doubted me, whoever thought I would fail. Whoever thought I wasnâ??t good enough. This is a big FUCK YOU dose of revenge. And it tastes fucking sweet.â??

Xander stands, walking towards the ropes the other side of the ring. â??I honestly donâ??t give a crap who I get in the Roulette Round. It really could be anyone. And whoever it is will have the same problem.â?? He stopped, turning back to face Leon one more time.

â??They have to face Xander; World Heavyweight Champion. And just like all 29 of them failed at the Lottery, whoever it is will fail again. And I will be there; a spectre to them of what might have been, as their hopes of defeating the WZCW World Champion will simply fadeâ?¦away.â??

Xander points up to the tron as he exits the ring, belt on shoulder, leaving Leon, and the viewers on WZCW.com, a reminder of their new reality.


07-16-2019, 09:36 PM
"So that was it? Your final match?"

"I don't know. Probably."


I was thrown out with total ease. I didn't see it coming. But truth be told, halfway threw being thrown out, I just gave up. I got my answer. I saw WZCW and Mikey Stormrage move on without me. I'm perfectly content with it. I deserve to be buried after the way I've acted. I'm done. This is my last promo.
the hell is the point of these dots?

Or at least I would retire. But it seems WZCW doesn't want me to just go down quietly like nothing happened. I can't say I blame them. At the end of the day, I am a Hall Of Famer. Just vanishing would be a waste of tickets. And a waste of a legacy. I'm fine with it.


Following the something or other Lethal Lottery, Becky Serra summoned me to her office to talk business. I was still pretty much settled on staying away. I got what I wanted from the Lottery. Well, the win would've been nice. But regardless.

Serra: Matt, I beg you to reconsider. If you want to step away or take some time off that's fine by me. But don't go out like this, please. You deserve better

Matt: Deserve better? I was honored as a member of the Hall Of Fame before I lost my marbles and turned on my best friend. I kinda feel like I overstayed my welcome and wound up fucking up badly.

Serra: Matt, this is a dangerous business. Not just because of the physical danger. But also the psychological damage that comes with it. As a sport, you're driven to compete and be the best. When you don't succeed as you would wish, you become desperate to find ways to find that success. Pro wrestling offers ways to exploit those desires for profit. By showcasing how eccentric pro wrestlers are willing to become in order to attain victory. We as fight promoters make our lives off it. Matt, your actions were downright crazy. But they're nothing new or even the worst of this field. Not to mention you were quick to recognize your mistakes. That in mind, I just cannot let you up and leave without one last hoorah. Not as a promoter or as a friend.

Matt: Why do you care about how I leave so much? It's fine Becky. Just let me go home. No more matches. No more promos. No more wacky gimmicks. I appreciate the main event spot you gave me at Unscripted but I failed. Time to accept it and move on.

Becky: Why are you so determined to just up and leave like that? What, are you embarrassed by it? I'm just asking for a little more time until the big show. One last bow. Is that so hard? Think of it as one last selfish favor.

Matt: To who?

Becky: To yourself. Deliver Kickassery. One last time. At Kingdom Come X.

07-16-2019, 09:49 PM

A Week After Lethal Lottery: Callie's Suite In Las Vegas.

I had cut myself off from the world for the last week, I had a genius plan, foolproof even, but it failed. What really pissed me off is it didn't fail because of anyone but me. I got greedy, I saw Kagura enter the ring and I wanted to beat her, I wanted to eliminate her, I needed to finally get the better of her, and I did...but it cost me everything. If I didn't let my ego take control I could have hid until the end of the match, tossed Xander out at the very end and become the World Champion. But that didn't happen, instead I got freaking red mist to the face AGAIN, and the freaking stripper eliminated me from the match! Normally I would have raged online, but I had no energy after I nearly died of heat stroke under the ring, and I decided to just leave the show early, get on my private jet, and get the hell out of there as soon as possible. And then I spent the next week getting back to my normal sleep schedule and relaxing. Now it was time to get back to my normal life, and get back on the grid. First thing I noticed when I looked online was the latest trend, people planning to storm Area 51. Oh this is going to be a beautiful trainwreck.


Instead of storming Area 51, you should storm WZCW headquarters and demand they redo the Lethal Lottery since I was robbed! But to my haters, make sure you join the Kyle's on the first wave of attack, to my fans, someone steal me an alien. #ImBackBitches #Area51

https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/67299690_2551790838172783_7978827442326339584_n.jp g?_nc_cat=101&_nc_oc=AQn-ybWlaDkV5QKAm1MN_1_WD3OIpp7KmN4oBgckD07Qv_j6_a3eh1 iiNC5MyX-JYGQ&_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-1.xx&oh=e9dc279ffac455acda033ac5f215432f&oe=5DA1A24D

Now onto more important issues, the roulette rounds were coming up in WZCW, and last year those were fantastic to me, after all I won my second Elite Championship off that scumbag Matt Tastic during them last year. That was some sweet vengeance. Who knows what this year had in store for me, maybe I make more history and break my own record to become a 4 time Elite Champion, maybe I beat Garth Black and add the Eurasian Title to my resume, hell maybe I break Xander's heart and end his reign before it can really begin. Normally I don't like the unknown, but this was one form of chaos I was looking forward to. As I was finishing catching up on everything going on with social media, I got a facetime request from my friend Kira. I smiled, I hadn't talked to her since before I left for Saudi so it will be nice catching up with her. I answered the call and waved to her as she waved back.

Heyyy girl I miss your pretty face! How have you been?

Good, but I've been worried about you. It's not like you to go MIA for so long, what happened? Did someone break your phone again?

I shook my head quickly.

First off if anyone tries to pull a Stetson and break my phone again I'm going to break their hand. Second, I just needed time away from the world for once. I was pissed off about losing the Lottery and going out so early. I mean I didn't even make it to the top 5!

I shook my head again in annoyance, Lethal Lottery has not been kind to me yet, in fact it was quickly becoming my least favorite show of the year.

Yeah I don't blame you, you should have stuck with your plan.

I wanted to roll my eyes and be rude, it felt like she was rubbing it in, but the fact is she was right. Besides Kira was probably my favorite friend, and a very useful person to have in my life.

Ugh I know, but it was like, 200 degrees under there, I was worried I was going to die of a freaking heat stroke. Stupid company having the show in the damn desert.

I shook my head quickly.

At least it wasn't a total waste, I did cost Kagura the title. But I swear to Christ if that bitch spits mist in my face one more time I'm going to dump acid on her head!

I could see the look of shock and concern on Kira's face at me saying that. I probably wouldn't really dump acid on her, but it's what she deserves for being disgusting and cheating all the time.

Umm please don't do that, I don't wanna see you going to jail.

Good point, orange is so not my color.

I chuckled, but Kira still looked a little concerned.

So anyway how's Vegas? I assume you're already there for the shows this week.

I am, and it's alright, I'm not really a gambler so there's not much to do though.

I got up off the bed and walked to the window, opening the curtain to show Kira some the Vegas strip at night. It had nothing on the New York skyline at night, but it was still a nice view.

Ohh nice, but you know I'm still surprised you're not much of a gambler.

I shrugged.

I gamble on things that matter, like myself, my career, my success. Not things like game of chance that are fixed. Besides there's far more important things to do than gambling, and that's so cliche to do in Vegas anyway.

I pushed some hair out of my face and sat down in a chair near the window, kicking my bare feet up on the table in front of me.

After all who knows who I might run into this round, it could be anybody from Xander to the whore Alice Adams to anybody in between. And on top of that I could end up in any match type. Hell last year people fought in a library, I could end up fighting in a department store for all I know.

That sounds like it would be kinda fun to fight in an odd place like that.

Fun? There's nothing fun about it, it's just a better chance of getting hurt. But I do think it might be fun to come up with some new ways to beat people up, like beating someone with a clothing rack!

I smirked at the idea, there's a whole list of people I'd like to do that to, but it still wasn't my ideal match type, could limit my usual offense and that puts me at the disadvantage. Kira laughed and shook her head at what I said before speaking up.

That sounds...painful. So is there anyone you're hoping to face this week? I mean besides a champion defending their belt, cause I know you want that the most.

She wasn't wrong, I would love nothing more than becoming a champion again, it's totes been way too long since I had one. But that didn't mean those 3 were the only people I was hoping to get my hands on, after all there's plenty of non champions I would like some payback for actions in the past...

Oh yes, there's quite a few people. For starters, Kagura or Adams, I need a true victory over Kagura and Adams must pay for costing me the win. I mean she should be thankful I've come in and made the history I have which even opened the door for her! She should have been bowing at my feet not throwing me out of the ring! But there's also someone like Titus, who still has a win over me I haven't gotten back.

I shook my head in disgust as Kira chimed in.

Uhh I know you made history with the Elite Championship, but I wouldn't say you really opened the door for anybody, I mean there was women in the company before you and people like Celeste Crimson, Eve Taylor, and Kagura really opened the door...

I shot her a glare. Sure those women came before me, but none of them were nearly as important as me, besides I ended one of their careers already.

Really Kira? Really? Just because they came before me doesn't mean their freaking trailblazers! Any glory Eve had, I took when I retired her ass and the other 2? Puh-lease, combine the two of them into one person and they MIGHT be as good as me.

I flipped my hair in arrogance before continuing to talk.

I am a future legend and I don't care who came before me or who comes after me for that matter, all that matters is the present and in the present I am an absolute star with destiny on my side. It doesn't matter if I face that whore Adams, the mist spitting idiot Kagura, one of the champions or anybody else, lady luck was kind to me last year and I have faith she will be again. It's just a matter of who my victim will be, not if I'll have one. Trust me Kira, you shouldn't doubt me, plenty have and I've proved them all wrong.

I smirked arrogantly, was I really as confident as I made it seem? I don't know. Did I have reason to be that confident though? Absolutely.

I don't doubt you girl, I know you have what it takes to become legendary like you wanna do. I was just saying they came before you and like em or not, they did somewhat pave the way. I'm rooting for you though and hopefully lady luck is on your side for your opponent and match type. Anyway I should get going, got a large order of costumes to make. But before I go, what's your cosplay gonna be this round?

She raised her eyebrow at me, as I got up and walked over to the room closet, going through a couple of the cosplay costumes I brought with me, after all a girl needs options right? After browsing through them, I found what I was looking for and pulled it out, laying the red bodysuit on the bed and placing the shoes on the bed next to it before turning the phone towards the bed for her to see.

It came to me suddenly last night, what better cosplay to have while in Vegas than Britney Spears!? She's a queen, I'm a queen, she's conquered Vegas, now I will too. What do you think?

I turned the phone back towards me as Kira was smiling, I'll take that as a sign of approval.

Yassss queen you're gonna slay in that! And that's a good switch from the usual superheroes too.

I nodded in agreement. I did enjoy my cosplaying as characters from Marvel and DC, but sometimes you gotta switch it up. And this would be my first cosplay of a musician.

I totes agree, and I'm glad you liked it, I figured it was time for something different. But I'll let you get back to work, I won't be going off the grid again so text me when you're done for the day.

Will do, and kick some ass this week, do Britney proud.

She hung up and I closed the app, the reality check from Kira wasn't exactly what I wanted, but it might have been what I needed. She was good for that. I was beginning to get hungry and decided to go check out the strip and find somewhere nice to eat dinner at, but before I left I had to tweet out one more thing. After all I almost forgot about my new campaign.


ATTN fans and loyal followers, as you know Kagura has cost me wins TWICE with that stupid mist and I'm sick of it! It's disgusting, it's illegal and it's so hard to wash off! There for I am starting a new campaign, to #BanTheMist. If not for that I would be having the most fantabulous photoshoot with my new World Title. Please join me.

https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/26730631_1775185259166682_1745256839139240173_n.jp g?_nc_cat=103&_nc_oc=AQkDqQkrLLeVI6hEbQ7JJkGZbaSLZ7aX4Tkb9nbj81_ 5TQhUyJNgqpjZYgYSb494WVg&_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-1.xx&oh=3f69edd44ac90254944a2cdec36b3054&oe=5DB346F9

07-16-2019, 09:50 PM
"Losing is essential to anyone's success. The more you lose, the more you want to win." - Brian Hull

Carl sent another punch into the heavy bag before him, the shockwaves disperse across the surface while he brings another blow in. Carl had been in the gym 24/7 since his embarrassing Lethal Lottery showing, with Meltdown Madness and Ascension Anarchy around the corner Carl knew he had to train harder than ever for the chaos that would ensue. Carl began sending hits into the back, blow after blow, letting his mind wander. He had blown his shot to prove himself, humiliated himself in front of the entire world but yetâ?¦ he felt more motivated than ever. He was shown a vital weakness in his armor and he would look to fix that.

Carl was so trapped in his own mind he didnâ??t hear the door open, and he didnâ??t hear the woman calling his name or even notice her until she touched him on the shoulder. He turned his head and met the gaze of his longtime girlfriend, Suzan. She was a tall blonde woman who even Carl knew was out of his league, but the two had been together for years. Despite the ups and downs she stood by him.

â??Youâ??ve been training for going on four hours today Carl, come on. Letâ??s get you cleaned up and go to a movie or something. Get your mind on something else.â?

â??I canâ??t do it Su. I need to be better, I have to be betterâ?

â??Stop that shit Carl, you are the best wrestler I know, you arâ?¦â?

â??Iâ??m the only wrestler you know dearâ?¦â?

â??Thatâ??s besides the point. Beating yourself up in this dusty old gym isnâ??t going to change anything.â?

Carl thought a few seconds before softly punching the heavy bag. He knew she was right. He sighed.

â??Crawl looks pretty good?â?

â??Itâ??s a date. Letâ??s get you cleaned up!â?


â??Do you know why we fall down? To get back up again, better than ever. At Lethal Lottery I fell down hard in my first ever WZCW match. You only get one first and I blew it. But now we are coming to Meltdown Madness and Ascension Anarchy and I am more pumped than ever! The sheer chaos of this match, itâ??s amazing. You have no idea who you are going to face and no idea what type of matches you might have. I could walk into the show a loser and leave a champion! Itâ??s the best time of the yearâ?¦ but also a nerve racking time. The not knowing, it eats at you. But as some wise dude said a billion years ago, ignorance is bliss!

Going into these shows I have everything to prove and it feels like everything is on my back and my spine is starting to crack. The guys and gals in the back, they donâ??t respect me and they shouldnâ??t. I am just some pee-on rookie from the indies. My only fans are indie smarks who root for their indie darlings! But that is all about to change, it has to change. Wins and losses matter in this sport, I will never be on anyoneâ??s top five list, heck, Iâ??ll never be on anyoneâ??s top five thousand list. But if I can start getting wins and building myself up, if I can make people notice meâ?¦ even if its to scoff and laugh at my expense, Iâ??ll take it! If I can go out there and win some random match against some random opponent and make some random kid think, â??Heyâ?¦ I want to do that too!â?, then Iâ??ve done what I set out to do. I want to spread the love the business, and you canâ??t much do that if youâ??re laid out on your back all the time.

So WZCW, Meltdown Madness and Ascension Anarchy.. My chance to get my name out there, my chance to get the Just Carl Brand some spotlight! My chance to fight my butt off and get some wins. It wonâ??t but easy but I am up to the challenge! So to whomever I will be facing in that squared circle. I want you to know I will be giving you everything Iâ??ve gone. Itâ??s Just Business.. And Business Is About To Pick Up For The Just Carl Brand!â?

07-16-2019, 09:58 PM
The “Greatest” Lethal Lottery, while controversial to many fans and media outlets, had proven itself to be most lucrative to the WZCW office. Vance Bateman stepped out of his office and locked the door behind him. It had been another busy evening at the headquarters in Las Vegas, and he was just glad to be heading home for the night. He bid his secretary farewell and headed down to the garage to fetch his car. The aging man cursed as he fumbled for his keys. His eyes not quite adjusting to the blackness of the dimly lit structure. Out of the corner of his eye, he thought he saw a shadow move. Brushing it off as his imagination, he continued to dig into his pockets. A noise behind him caught his attention, as he turned to look down the sea of empty parking spaces. The sound of soft, eerie laughter filled his ears as he took a step back from his car. Startled, he nervously began to look left and then right, searching for someone (or something) that was in the garage with him.

“Who’s there?”

He called into the black void but got silence in return. He turned back towards his car door, when the sound of footsteps caught his attention. He whipped his head around, only to see nothing. He lingered for a moment and brushed it off as unimportant. Maybe he was growing senile in his advancing age. He turned, only to be met with a pair of boots aimed squarely at his face! Bateman let out a yelp as his body fell to the concrete floor. Desperately he tried to right himself, winching as he felt someone straddling him. He looked up to see Kagura on top of him, pinning his body to the asphalt. Her face was covered in her now signature ornate face paint, and her eyes glowed ferally.

「お前を落とすと言っただろ、 惨めな野郎だ! (“I told you that I was going to dropkick you, you miserable bastard!”) She snarled, muttering something in Japanese that he didn’t understand.

He was about to call for help, when a voice behind her caught his attention. It was Sasuke. The older Asian man was dressed in a black suit with his arms crossed.

“What the hell is the meaning of this, Sasuke!” he demanded.

He sneered, “I hope the blood-oil money you got from the Saudi’s was worth it, Bateman. Kagura warned you that she was going to dropkick you once this was all over, didn’t she?”

The gray haired man scoffed, “I didn’t think she’d do it literally. Can you get her off me? I think I might have broken a hip…”

Sasuke laughed, but the raven haired beauty was not in a joking mood. Kagura growled as she reached down and grabbed the older man by his tie, twisting it around her hand and pulling his head up to meet hers. Her onyx colored eyes drilled into his skull.

「再戦が欲しい」(“I want my rematch,)” she muttered coldly.

“She wants a rematch, Bateman. For the world title.”

The promoter shook his head, “I can’t do that, Sasuke. Xander won the belt fair and square.”

He shook his head, “Fair? There was nothing fair about that match and you know it! You forced her into that match with the title on the line against her will. You were going to strip her of it if she no-showed. 29 against 1. How is that ‘fair?’”

Kagura shifted her weight on Bateman’s lap, causing the older man to winch slightly. He held up his arms and pleaded.

“Look, I didn’t have a choice either. The Saudi’s offered us a lot of money and the company was in a real bind. Thanks to them we won’t have to close our doors after Kingdom Come.”

「私はあなたのゲームのための気分ではない、ベイトマン」(“I’m not in the mood for your games, Bateman”) Kagura shouted, grabbing the old man by the collar with both hands and pinning him down to the concrete.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t just give you a rematch,” he said.

He tried desperately to escape her gaze as her face hovered inches from his. He could feel her hot breath on the nape of his neck. It felt like fire threatening to burn him. She tightened her grip on his collar.

“Not the answer we were looking for, Vance,” Sasuke replied.

The rugged looking man, a former champion in his own right, didn’t look to be in the mood for this crap either. The head promoter sighed. It wasn’t fair of him forcing Kagura to defend the belt in the Lottery the way he had, but there wasn’t a choice! The existence of WZCW was on the line, and he made the decision. She fought and she lost, knowing the stipulations of the contract once she became champion.

“I know it’s not what you wanted to hear. Look, the Roulette Rounds are coming up. Maybe if she’s lucky, Kagura can get another opportunity there.”

The shrine maiden lifted her bosses shoulders up off the ground and slammed them down hard. He narrowly avoided cracking the back of his skull on the concrete in the process. Bateman let out a shriek as she lifted her fist back to strike the man. For a moment, the old man saw a glimpse of madness in the girls eyes. It was terrifying. Like a demon possessed, she looked ready to ruin him right there.

“Don’t fuck with us, Bateman!” Sasuke shouted.

“Do you know how hard Kagura had to work in order to win that title? What she had to go through? What she sacrificed in order to get that far again? All to have it ripped from her grasp in a match that was almost impossible for her to win. A match that you forced her to compete in against her will. And all you can offer her is another chance in the Roulette Rounds? Bull-shit!”

Vance looked horrified as the older but still physically intimidating man stepped towards him. He kneeled down above his face peering over Kagura’s shoulder. They looked like a pair of demons come to collect his soul.

“Give Kagura a guaranteed rematch,” he retorted harshly. “Do it!”

Bateman grimaced, knowing that this was something he couldn’t do. He closed his eyes and said quietly, “I-I can’t.”

Kagura growled, barring her teeth. Bateman could actually feel her nails begin to press against his neck through his shirt.

“I can’t! Please, you must understand my position here. I know you’re angry, and rightfully so, but please looked at this from my perspective! I promise, even if you get nothing out of Meltdown Madness or Ascension Anarchy, to make Kingdom Come worth your while!”

Kagura’s hands shot forward slamming her fists against the concrete, while pinning Bateman’s shoulders to the ground once more. He could feel her long soft hair in his face as it hung down, free from it usual ponytail. Her beautiful face now painted white and red, like a warrior hell bent on destruction.

「相手が誰でもかまわないから、殺してやる。あなたが私のキャリアを殺したように! (“I don’t care who my opponent is, I’ll kill them. Just like you killed my career!”) she roared.

“I don’t think you understand just what kind of monster you’ve unleased, Bateman.” Sasuke replied. “By forcing Kagura into this corner you given her no choice. She is going to maim, claw, and annihilate every person that gets in her way until she gets what she wants. You will regret your actions against us, Vance. We can promise you that.”

The larger man rose to his feet. A few second later, Kagura released her grip on her bosses collar and unmounted him. They both stood eying him from above, as the lights flickered, and everything in the garage went dark. When the lights came back on, they were both gone. Vance Bateman stood, and dusted himself off rubbing his hip in the process. It was bruised but he’d survive.

He walked towards his car and unlocked it. He opened the door when suddenly he felt a chill run down his spine, like there was something (or someone) eyeing him from a distance. He shuddered and quickly got into his car and drove away.