View Full Version : AEW 11/6

Fire Marshall Bill
11-06-2019, 06:03 PM
Guys name is just Trent? No. That doesnâ??t work.

11-06-2019, 06:49 PM
I love all the things they have added to the world title match, the first being the time limit judges thing and now Cody's announcement.

It's almost as if they realized Chris Jericho VS Cody Rhodes didnt sound too exciting.

Fire Marshall Bill
11-06-2019, 07:17 PM
Yeah but now, whether he wins the belt or not, you already know heâ??s not losing the match.

Fire Marshall Bill
11-06-2019, 07:18 PM
About time we got some Kong.

11-06-2019, 08:14 PM
Date: November 6, 2019
Location: Bojangles Coliseum, Charlotte, North Carolina
Commentators: Excalibur, Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone

We’re back in Flair Country this week and it’s the go home show for Full Gear. Therefore, Chris Jericho is wrestling again because he does that quite often. In theory we should get some more matches announced for the show tonight as there are only five matches for the regular pay per view card so far. Let’s get to it.

Click on the link below for the full review.

Great In Multiple Places (https://kbwrestlingreviews.com/2019/11/06/dynamite-november-6-2019-great-in-multiple-places/)

11-07-2019, 04:05 AM
I just can't make myself care about Cody going after the World Championship. In some ways, it sort of reminds me of WWE trying to manufacture these big moments for Roman Reigns during the time when a lot of fans were sick of the company constantly pushing him. There are differences, of course, in that AEW fans have embraced Cody and AEW is using sentiment to bring this about rather than feverishly shoving it upon people but it still feels like a "fake" big moment for me. For one, given all the various circumstances and stipulations surrounding the main event, you know that Cody is going to win the match; I mean, if he doesn't and then turns around in a few months and uses some sort of bullshit logic or technicality like Vince will use in storylines from time to time, it'll just make AEW come across as lazy or uncaring about continuity. Also, it's Cody's company and he's got all the power in the world to book himself as champ for as many times and for as long as he wants. I mean...to me, it just feels like it would if Triple H went to Vince and told him he wanted another run as WWE Champion. If Cody had spent years working the independent scene, if he hadn't already earned a fortune by spending a decade in WWE, hadn't used his status coming out of WWE to help make himself a major player on the indie scene, somehow founded AEW with the help of the Bucks and Omega, still managed to get Tony Khan to financially back the company, had spent a long time building the company up and hadn't already been a two time World Champion, then this would feel like a great story and a big deal. But, to me, it just feels...artificial, it feels like it's little more than window dressing given the revising of history and Cody poised to become the World Champion of the company he founded only about 2.5 months after the crowning of the first AEW World Champion.

Fire Marshall Bill
11-07-2019, 07:52 AM
Iâ??m not so quick to jump on Cody winning the belt. Iâ??m hoping theyâ??re smart enough to understand that stipulations like this make match outcomes way too predictable. But the problem there is that would require some screwy finish where he doesnâ??t lose, but doesnâ??t win the belt. I guess it is the safer bet that theyâ??re going for a big, heartfelt moment of him finally winning it. I just wish this stupid stipulation didnâ??t exist.

On the off chance he loses outright, all of this is solved by a heel turn. As boss, he can do what he wants.

11-07-2019, 10:04 AM
Cody sold Full Gear and Inner Circle for me last night.

Lol artificial. Some of y'all just looking to pick things apart.

11-07-2019, 11:59 AM
Not at all, it's just shitty storytelling. Fantastic promo from Cody last night, promo of the year IMO, but it's still a crappy set up that people would be ripping the hell out of if the exact same thing was being done over in WWE.

11-07-2019, 12:32 PM
Cody, who has obvious clout in the company, is afraid of how he looks in the eyes of the fans for challenging for the World title. This has been his shtick for ages - that guy that indy fans live vicariously through hence the WWE bashing and insider term usage. He cares what marks think. If you took a look in the many comment sections and forums talking negative about Cody then you can see how he came to this conclusion. Since he didn't want to be that guy like the various bookers in wrestling including his dad, he made it to where he can't contest for the title again if he can't beat Jericho.

Not shitty artificial storytelling at all. Least not compared to the other contemporary narratives from other promotions.

Jeff Deliverer of Mail
11-07-2019, 01:07 PM
Why do I get the feeling that this is going to go to the judges and somehow it ends up a draw? Or The Inner Circle have infiltrated one of their own staff to be a judge and he/she judges for Jericho in the deciding vote. Hear me out.....

.....nevermind, I got nothing else on that.

Fire Marshall Bill
11-07-2019, 09:23 PM
Argue it all you want. Heâ??s going to challenge for the title down the road. I guarantee you. Which means he wins, we get a screwy finish, or he eventually goes heel and just gives himself one anyway. Stipulations like this leave very limited options.

I watch AEW because I want to see something interesting. I plan on watching for quite awhile. Theyâ??re doing just fine so far. That doesnâ??t mean they havenâ??t made mistakes.

11-07-2019, 09:55 PM
Why do I get the feeling that this is going to go to the judges and somehow it ends up a draw? Or The Inner Circle have infiltrated one of their own staff to be a judge and he/she judges for Jericho in the deciding vote. Hear me out.....

.....nevermind, I got nothing else on that.
I have to imagine that the judges are there to set the standard. Last thing they need to do is telegraph their first PPV main event since launching a TV show.

11-08-2019, 05:09 AM
In any event, a little good news for both AEW and NXT, though more so for NXT, considering that this week's episodes of both shows saw each of them gain viewers for the first time instead of losing them. AEW Dynamite drew 822,000 viewers Wednesday night, up 33,000 viewers from last week's 789,000 head to head against the World Series. Wednesday's episode of NXT drew 822,000 viewers, up 233,000 viewers from last week's series low of 580,000.

AEW did beat NXT in the numbers again, but only by about 9,000 viewers. NXT's crossover with Raw and SmackDown is obviously paying off considering that NXT has been painted as being on the same level as the "main roster" stars reather than it being WWE's "minor leagues."