View Full Version : Angle Of The Year

01-11-2020, 11:56 AM
I'm an obtuse man myself.

01-11-2020, 01:35 PM
The Fiend is not an angle, is he? Gonna need more clarity on that because now I'm thinking about the Hell In A Cell match.

Torn between MJF's turn and Daniel Bryan. On one hand, I love the heel vegan environmentalist that makes wanting to save this planet look like a bad thing. On the other, MJF handled an obvious conclusion with more panache than most turns I've seen. Gonna marinate on this one.

01-12-2020, 05:04 AM
Very unpopular opinion: I think the Fiend is a lame gimmick.

The Firefly Fun House stuff is fine, but the Fiend stuff is far too over the top. The mask looks like one of the dogs from Ghostbusters on a night on the town, with the hair style not helping things, the pantaloons make me think of 16th century Holland, and the "HURT-HEAL" gloves make me think of the kinds of Create A Wrestler's I'd make when I was 10 years old on the old Smackdown games, tryhard stuff from a child's imagination.

I'll give them credit that, Hell In A Cell aside, they've booked him well, but Bray looks more hysterical than scary in his attire and mannerisms. I realise I'm in a minority on this though, but if his Fiend persona was closer to his old gimmick, then it might work for me.

01-12-2020, 02:44 PM
Went ahead and went w Kofimania since it was between that and one of the worst matches of 2019.