View Full Version : Roman Reigns returns and aligns with Paul Heyman

08-29-2020, 10:13 AM
They said we'd never see it coming, and dang they were right. This has unlimited potential if they're going all the way. Next week's Smackdown is must-watch.

08-29-2020, 11:48 AM
Definitely a bit of a shocker. I was just glancing up at the TV when he did the "spoiler" line and I kinda rolled my eyes. Just as I was about to change the channel, boom, there was Heyman sitting next to him on the sofa. While the wrestling was pretty solid last night, they used last night's show to move several things along, including a potentially huge storyline for Roman Reigns. I think we're officially seeing Reigns as a tweener now with definite heel leanings since he's going to have Heyman running around at his side which, frankly, is something a lot of fans have been wanting to see for years. He may not go full on heel but it'll be an edgier direction and one that I think has been needed for a good long while.

Roman Reigns will be champion again, whether it's WWE or Universal, and given that Heyman is now his manager/advocate/whatever, I MIGHT not mind if he won the title tomorrow. However, I think what I'd like better is for Reigns and Strowman to get in each other's way, Wyatt retains and the result is Strowman & Reigns reigniting their hoss feud from several years back. Maybe let Reigns stretch his legs a bit, let's see how edgy he is, let's see if he's become ruthless before immediately putting the title on him. I doubt that'll happen, however, as Vince seems to no longer have nearly the sort of patience for long term storytelling he once did.

08-29-2020, 12:59 PM
How much damage would Fiend take from a loss tomorrow night, if he doesn't take the pin?

08-29-2020, 04:58 PM
This has potential.

08-29-2020, 05:49 PM
I wouldn't mind Reigns taking the title at all. This is something that internet marks have been talking about in fantasy booking scenarios for a long time, and I almost feel like you have to go full steam ahead with this. Although I also think it would be cool to see Reigns go into destructo mode were he to be screwed in some way. I just hope this isn't cut off at the legs by having Reigns back to his usual self in three months.

Y 2 Jake
08-30-2020, 05:09 AM
I don't buy it. It'll be a brief flirtation.

Sufferin' Succotash
08-30-2020, 04:03 PM
Could just be a long set-up for another Lesnar fight.