View Full Version : 2020 Awards: Non-Wrestler Of The Year

01-15-2021, 06:04 AM
They can bring things up a lot.

Storm Trooper
01-15-2021, 07:53 AM
Oh shit, this is next to impossible.

I was all expecting it to be Paul Heyman, as this has become the "Paul Heyman Award for Non-Wrestler Of The Year." But this is a STACKED field this year.

Alexa Bliss has been absolutely MUST-SEE TV this year, especially once The Fiend stuff started.

Pat McAfee has been just as good. As has MVP. But are they not wrestlers?

Hell Taz has been good in AEW too. Sting did nothing in 2020 except walk to the ring in December.

I'm torn between Bliss and MVP, but MVP has wrestled enough that I almost feel he shouldn't qualify.

Y 2 Jake
01-18-2021, 12:27 PM
Pat McAfee, with two matches to his name, can't be considered a wrestler.