View Full Version : 2020 Awards: Surprise Of The Year

01-15-2021, 06:12 AM

Storm Trooper
01-15-2021, 07:59 AM
Sure surprises are important. But the best surprise is one that has a lasting impact on the product.

Otis did nothing but comedy stuff, so he's out.
Edge had a feud with Randy Orton then got hurt. It was a very good feud but he's been gone since May.
Orton/Fiend just happened and we all know he'll be back imminently.
Pat McAfee literally became a Main Event player in his first ever match.
Roman Returning was a bit surprising but the real surprise was him working with Heyman, where he became literally the best thing to happen to WWE in 10 years.

For me it is down Heyman/Reigns or Pat McAfee.

Yer Maw
01-15-2021, 09:27 AM
It was between Edge and McAfee for me but Edge was more surprising as nobody ever expected him to come back and there were no spoilers about it either.

01-19-2021, 03:02 AM
Even though I doubt it'll win, I went with Pat McAfee. McAfee came out of nowhere and is already established himself as one of the legit top talkers in pro wrestling today and he's actually shown to be pretty good in the ring. Sure he's a fan and it looks like he'll only be used once in a while, and that's fine, as it's obvious he's taken what he's been doing very seriously. He's not out there to goof around and even though he's probably been having the time of his life, he hasn't let it go to his head and has treated it like it's important, which it is as he's conducted himself like a professional. I mean, I'd hoped that he'd be alright once it became obvious he was gonna get involved but I had no idea just how good he'd actually be.