View Full Version : SCF Town of Salem Game?

08-13-2018, 04:51 PM
Just tossing my feelers out on this to see who'd be interested.

Town of Salem is a game that challenges players on their ability to convincingly lie as well as detect when other players are lying. The game ranges from 7 to 15 players. These players are randomly divided into alignments - Town, Mafia, and Neutrals. If you are a Town member (the good guys) you must track down the Mafia and other villains before they kill you. The catch? You don't know who is a Town member and who is a villain. If you are an evil role, such as a Serial Killer, you secretly murder town members in the veil of night and try to avoid getting caught.


I would moderate the game to keep up with who is honestly what. Your roles would be randomized by me to keep things fair.

The name of the game is to help your side win - even if that side only has you. Also if you are killed, that doesn't mean you've lost the game or you have no part to play anymore. This is like a deceptive Battle Royale where you accuse each other of being Mafia, Serial Killer, etc. Everyone votes and whoever the majority accuses they go up on the block (and sometimes that's a GOOD thing). This kind of game can go by pretty quickly so we can do more rounds if there's interest.

There's more, but I didn't want to bombard you guys with details just yet. If you're jonesing for an elimination game, this one should be easy to do provided that we have at least 7 players.

I know a few I've already talked to wanting to play, but I'd like to see who else is up for it.

'Ravishing' Ned Flanders
08-13-2018, 05:12 PM
I'm down for this

08-13-2018, 07:05 PM

08-13-2018, 07:08 PM
Fuck yeah! Love this game.

08-13-2018, 09:07 PM
Is this going to be ran on the forum or through the actual website? I'm down for either, its just that I bought Town of Salem on Steam a while back and enjoy the custom character I have.

08-13-2018, 09:29 PM
Sign me up homie!

08-13-2018, 09:40 PM
I've seen one of my fav youtube stars play a version of this, so why not I'm in.

08-13-2018, 09:46 PM
Is this going to be ran on the forum or through the actual website? I'm down for either, its just that I bought Town of Salem on Steam a while back and enjoy the custom character I have.

This is pure forum play, like Big Brother was a few years back and Survivor on WZ. I will be moderating and doing upkeep on players and what they are. Ex. If you were Godfather, no one else would know except myself, Milenko and MrScissorsKick, because they're Mafia as well. On Night 1 you can put a Hit out on Matrix, who you'll find out at Day was Jester. He dies, the Town will find out he was Jester, and he can leave a post here of whoever he thinks is Godfather, Serial Killer, or whatever he wants to say. I can't just get rid of him due to this being a Forum, so he'll be able to Ghost but he can't do his role anymore.

Big difference is time and communication. I'm not going to make you guys spend 10 seconds to vote someone to get executed. I'll give it an hour or so depending on what benefits everybody. Communication is the worst part (unless you're on Discord plotting your schemes). You may need PM to talk if you're Mafia. Everybody else can talk on the thread and say whatever, but Day 1 someone may get got when I'm told who SK/GF/etc wants dead.

EDIT: I will provide a Spark Notes to how to play for those who don't know how or what their roles entail.

08-13-2018, 10:05 PM
I'm not against everybody joining up on the real Town of Salem, but to have nothing but SCF we'll need 15 players or so and that seems improbable. 7 + guys on here though, perfectly doable.

08-13-2018, 11:32 PM
I would but I feel that time differences will ruin it for everyone else

08-14-2018, 12:36 AM
Sure, I love Mafia.

Uncle Sam
08-14-2018, 02:10 AM
I've never got the appeal, really, but people seem to have an absolute blast with these things, so sure.

08-14-2018, 10:55 AM
Alright that's about 7 not including Yaz or A11 (this game should fly fairly quickly so I'm not sure about your predicament). I will wait a bit longer to see if anyone else is interested in the game before a randomize roles and PM everybody.

I'm also in the process of creating a Mafia Channel and a Medium Channel on Discord. Mafia is self-explanatory: if you're selected to be Godfather, Mafioso, etc, you're on that team and will conspire on who to attempt to kill in the server. Medium Channel is for the Medium and everyone who dies in the game. If you're part of the Town Team, you will be able to help figure out who is Mafia or Serial Killer in that server and Medium will be your swift hand of justice. I figure all the other roles can talk to me directly through PM to carry out your action (and don't worry - I will PM you all first on what it is that you can do). There shouldn't be much problem doing things this way, but if I were you guys I would go ahead and get a Discord to make things easier. When the game is over I will boot everyone from the Channels and we can start over.

A game like this takes getting used to, so don't worry (ask Yaz). You may get the hang of things in different rounds.

As for the thread itself, that is used mainly for casual chat, lying to one another, seeing who died/piecing together possible clues, defending any accusations, and voting for who will get executed. Keep in mind votes to go on the block are all public, but votes to Kill or Set Free are private. Ex. everyone can put up Fallout, but Fallout gets a vote for 2 - 4 to be Set Free and he will hop right off of the block. There will be a role or two where you're gonna want to be the one that gets voted up and killed, because you'll win. So it's all about figuring out who is who.

If anyone has any questions, I'm available.

08-14-2018, 11:51 AM
I'm in.

08-15-2018, 02:01 PM
Waiting for 2-3 others that expressed interest on Discord. Tomorrow I move back in on campus, so I'll give it til Friday to start assigning roles through PM and getting a new thread up for the game. I will list all the roles that are in the game, with one role that isn't to give liars a better chance. That's usually how the flash game goes.

When you get your role and the thread is made, just post "Here" or lemme know you're still involved. When everybody is there, I'll post NIGHT 1 but in bold, etc. Nobody should post in the thread then, but if you do I'll assume you're talking in your sleep. You PM me what you're doing, and when everybody gets their action in, we start the day. I'll give it some time to see who wants to accuse who of being Mafia/Serial Killer, then I'll ask to put it to a vote. You can automatically vote whoever if you just want to get it out of the way (we all have jobs and such so I'm not holding ya hostage). PM me if you want them Executed or Set Free, then voila. Next Night. Game is over when every Mafia is dead, Serial Killer kills majority, or if Mafia are the last villagers standing.

If you are new to this game, I advise taking a look on Youtube or on their wiki for what different roles do. I will tell you what yours specifically does, but it'd save me a LOAD of time if you do a little research on the others. I'm going to be keeping up with a bit as is.

This will go by pretty fast but when we get adjusted, it's a game you can do repeatedly. See you guys soon!

08-17-2018, 10:54 AM
9 players = 9 roles (completely left off Yaz who did say he'd be down. My bad man). I will PM each one of you what it is you can do, then I will create another thread where you all can go nuts.

09-26-2018, 07:24 PM
Round two? I'd be game!

09-26-2018, 08:11 PM
up to spidey.

09-26-2018, 08:38 PM
If we can get 5 more, I wouldn't mind another round. Sure :)

09-26-2018, 08:55 PM
I'm down like I have an extra chromosome.

09-26-2018, 11:03 PM
Oh and spidey, I'd be back again as well.

09-27-2018, 02:24 AM
I'd play again.

09-27-2018, 07:25 AM
I'm not going to lie, Matrix

I really thought about hosting a SCF Big Brother Game. Less things for me to keep up with, lol.

09-27-2018, 12:45 PM
I'm not going to lie, Matrix

I really thought about hosting a SCF Big Brother Game. Less things for me to keep up with, lol.

Do it then lol. It's just hard thinking of comps that aren't various arcade games.