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Yer Maw
09-09-2020, 12:13 PM
Why is Beth Pheonix commentating from a different part from Vic Joseph and Wade Barrett?

09-10-2020, 09:05 PM
Am I crazy for thinking the Mysterios came off as heels last night?

Nope. I thought the same thing.

I don't think you answered if a comedic wrestler can transcend and be taken seriously if they've done the comedy thing for to long.

I mentioned how I still see Eric Young as the goofball that did the tag team with ODB regardless of whether he's breaking Rich Swann's leg. I also don't see Orange Cassidy becoming a main event level star and it sticking, mainly because he's just to ingrained as a comedic guy for me.

Ah sorry.

You can change any perception ever with the right repackaging. It can be done, though it isn't easy to pull off. So yeah, they absolutely can be, but it takes a lot of effort and the right method.

As far as Young goes, it might work if he was, you know, interesting or above a midcard talent. Cassidy I can see more of, mainly because he can cut out the shtick and shift over more towards a serious style. But absolutely it can be done.

Would you agree Moxley isn't quite on Reigns and Rollins level? If so, why?

I absolutely would and a lot of it has to do with their looks. Moxley is average size (not a bad thing) and Reigns is a 6'3 monster who looks like he could tear you in half. Also, Moxley has often been a bit less serious and feels like he's punching a bit (not much) above his weight as a main eventer. It's been better in AEW though where he absolutely feels like a top star.

Why is Beth Pheonix commentating from a different part from Vic Joseph and Wade Barrett?

I believe it's a health worry as she has young children and doesn't want to take the risk.

Yer Maw
09-13-2020, 06:37 AM
What's the difference between a lariat and a clothesline?

09-13-2020, 08:48 PM
What's the difference between a lariat and a clothesline?

The arm is straight on a clothesline and hooked on a lariat.


09-15-2020, 02:03 PM
Where has Tom Phillips been?

Yer Maw
09-15-2020, 04:26 PM
Who do you think is in retribution?

Storm Trooper
09-17-2020, 05:28 PM
NXTUK is back.

Whats your thoughts on the set, the atmosphere, etc?

Fire Marshall Bill
09-19-2020, 12:19 PM
Oh geez now WWE has a stupid lawyer angle 🙄

09-19-2020, 02:25 PM
Where has Tom Phillips been?

No idea but it isn't like one commentary is that much different than another.

Who do you think is in retribution?

Dijak, Yim and others. It's one of those things where it doesn't matter who is under the hoods until they are pulled off.

NXTUK is back.

Whats your thoughts on the set, the atmosphere, etc?

Love the set, atmosphere is fine (the lack of empty chairs is a plus), but the first show back was just ok.

Oh geez now WWE has a stupid lawyer angle ��

It's a trope.

Yer Maw
09-22-2020, 04:31 PM
What are your guesses on what Mia and Mercedes will be called?

09-22-2020, 11:29 PM
What are your guesses on what Mia and Mercedes will be called?

I'm hoping WWE listens to the horrible backlash against the names and goes with Mia Yim and Mercedes Martinez.

Therefore, probably Hack and Slash or something equally terrible.

09-23-2020, 07:50 AM
Who beats McIntyre for the WWE Championship, and when?

09-24-2020, 02:55 PM
Orton, and probably Sunday. If not there then in the Cell.

Yer Maw
09-29-2020, 07:50 AM
Which is better, Jon Moxleys AEW title reign or Dean Ambrose WWE title reign?

Storm Trooper
09-29-2020, 09:32 PM
did Dominik Mysterio come off as a heel on Monday night? He attacked a man for chatting with his sister (who approved of the chatting). Then he was rather rude to his sister after the match, angrily calling her na?ve.

And if that's the case, isn't it kinda difficult to become a heel in a feud when the actual heel literally RIPPED A MANS EYE OUT?

10-01-2020, 04:00 PM
Which is better, Jon Moxleys AEW title reign or Dean Ambrose WWE title reign?

Moxley, as I barely remember Ambrose's.

did Dominik Mysterio come off as a heel on Monday night? He attacked a man for chatting with his sister (who approved of the chatting). Then he was rather rude to his sister after the match, angrily calling her na?ve.

And if that's the case, isn't it kinda difficult to become a heel in a feud when the actual heel literally RIPPED A MANS EYE OUT?

Yes to everything. It's a horrible feud which keeps going forever with seemingly no focus other than going from one point to another.

10-02-2020, 07:09 AM

As much as the contrarians who mindlessly rag on AEW, even they'd be hard-pressed to say Miro hasn't improved his situation.

Fire Marshall Bill
10-02-2020, 09:12 PM
I like the little nuances of this Reigns/Uso feud. They could?ve gone brutal with CoC, but they held back. I?d be disappointed if they don?t at HIAC though. It?s like a slow burn to Reigns full blown heel turn. Thoughts?

On a scale of 1 to 10, how bad is Jey Uso?s haircut? And why is it 11?

Who you got as Reigns?s next feud?

Fire Marshall Bill
10-02-2020, 09:18 PM
When was the last time AJ Styles wasn?t the best wrestler in the world? If you disagree that he is right now, who?s your choice?

10-05-2020, 12:00 AM

As much as the contrarians who mindlessly rag on AEW, even they'd be hard-pressed to say Miro hasn't improved his situation.

Yeah he's right on this one. That would have followed him for years.

I like the little nuances of this Reigns/Uso feud. They could?ve gone brutal with CoC, but they held back. I?d be disappointed if they don?t at HIAC though. It?s like a slow burn to Reigns full blown heel turn. Thoughts?

On a scale of 1 to 10, how bad is Jey Uso?s haircut? And why is it 11?

Who you got as Reigns?s next feud?

That was one of the best performances I've seen in a very long time and it doesn't really surprise me given how things have been built up.

I'll see your 11 and raise you a 12.

Either Big E. or Matt Riddle. Reigns/Usos vs. a healthy New Day could do wonders.

When was the last time AJ Styles wasn?t the best wrestler in the world? If you disagree that he is right now, who?s your choice?

Maybe 2014 with Bryan? Or sometime in the last tenish years with Okada?

10-06-2020, 04:14 AM
There's a rumour EC3 is going to work with ROH. Do you see a partnership between the two?

Also the rumours of a partnership with NJPW for Impact as well. Is Impact coming back to a major upswing?

10-07-2020, 05:39 AM
There's a rumour EC3 is going to work with ROH. Do you see a partnership between the two?

Also the rumours of a partnership with NJPW for Impact as well. Is Impact coming back to a major upswing?

It wouldn't be terrible but I'd bet on it being a one off.

Nah. It didn't do anything good for ROH so it doesn't absolutely mean anything.

Fire Marshall Bill
10-07-2020, 02:29 PM
I'll see your 11 and raise you a 12.


Either Big E. or Matt Riddle. Reigns/Usos vs. a healthy New Day could do wonders.

I don?t like the idea of Big E. They?re doing a good job building him up so far and shouldn?t kill his momentum. And Reigns definitely shouldn?t be losing so soon. I don?t care if he beats up on Riddle though. I have a hard tome taking his Schlick seriously.

10-10-2020, 06:40 PM

I don?t like the idea of Big E. They?re doing a good job building him up so far and shouldn?t kill his momentum. And Reigns definitely shouldn?t be losing so soon. I don?t care if he beats up on Riddle though. I have a hard tome taking his Schlick seriously.

I can certainly get that too. He has the main event potential but the Bro stuff is a little hard to take seriously.

10-11-2020, 04:33 AM
I posted it in the random thoughts thread but it's been ten years since TNA did 10/10/10 which I thought was a great heel turn for Jeff Hardy. If Victory Road hadn't happened/had Jeff stayed clean where do you think the storyline would have realistically gone/what would have wanted it to go?

10-13-2020, 12:38 AM
I posted it in the random thoughts thread but it's been ten years since TNA did 10/10/10 which I thought was a great heel turn for Jeff Hardy. If Victory Road hadn't happened/had Jeff stayed clean where do you think the storyline would have realistically gone/what would have wanted it to go?

Eventually back around to a face turn, but unless that meant him facing Hogan, it didn't matter. Ultimately, the story was about Hogan and that's all that was going to get the focus. Hardy could have had some good matches, but I never quite bought him as a heel.

10-15-2020, 08:54 PM
Why did it take until '87 for Tully and Arn to become an actual team?

Stone Cold Tea
10-16-2020, 08:40 AM
I've just watched all of WWF 01 and I realised that after Rock and Austin, the 2 most over wrestlers were Tajiri and Spike Dudley.

You have reviewed the shows KB, would you agree?

10-17-2020, 06:50 PM
Why did it take until '87 for Tully and Arn to become an actual team?

No real need to put them together as they were doing just fine on their own.

I've just watched all of WWF 01 and I realised that after Rock and Austin, the 2 most over wrestlers were Tajiri and Spike Dudley.

You have reviewed the shows KB, would you agree?

I wouldn't, because you're confusing the difference between over and popular (which is a very, very common mistake).

Popular is fleeting. Otis is popular. Orange Cassidy is popular. They do something that gets a reaction from the fans and it could work for weeks or even months. That's just popularity though.

Over is permanent (or close to it). The fans have accepted you no matter what you are doing. Chris Jericho is over. Fans aren't going to be tired or bored of him no matter what he does. Rey Mysterio is over. Yeah he's old and banged up and he's in a horrible story, but the fans know that he's great (note that you can absolutely be talented and popular without being over, which is where a lot of wrestlers are).

Think of it like this. Mysterio is in a horrible story that won't go away, but you don't hear people saying Mysterio is worthless. They understand that it's not Rey, but the material that he's doing. People are tired of what he's doing, but not him. You don't quite get that with Otis, who while very charismatic, has yet to show he's more than a one trick pony.

So no, Tajiri and Spike weren't over. They were popular and could have been on their way to being over, but they weren't there yet.

Does that make sense (which I say as non-condescendingly as possible even though it sounds like it is)?

Storm Trooper
10-17-2020, 07:19 PM
How much of the overall success of this Reigns/Uso feud (possible feud of the year in my opinion) is attributed to each key player (Jey, Roman, Heyman)?

Also, could you see Jey doing more solo work after this feud?

10-17-2020, 07:57 PM
How much of the overall success of this Reigns/Uso feud (possible feud of the year in my opinion) is attributed to each key player (Jey, Roman, Heyman)?

Also, could you see Jey doing more solo work after this feud?

Jey deserves credit for going above and beyond what he is doing. He has practically no experience as a singles wrestler but has been bringing the promos and served as a great target for Reigns. It's a tricky way to play things and he has been doing great with them so far.

On-screen, Heyman deserves some but not a ton as Reigns has done so much of the talking. Off-screen, a ton because you can feel his fingers all over this, from the story to Reigns' promos to Jey's responses. It's very Heyman influenced and that's a big part of why it's working so well. Heyman might not be the right choice for the head of a show, but if he can help guide a story here or there, he's worth his ample weight in gold.

Reigns though.....my goodness. He has found his calling with this and you can't take your eyes off of him. It's one thing to have great material but it's another to sell it like this. I believe everything Reigns is saying and it is making the story that much better.

They all deserve credit, but I'd say Reigns, Heyman and Jey in order, with Jey deserving a big fat chunk of it himself.

And yeah maybe, though I'd rather have the Usos than Jey on his own. This is something Jey can have in his back pocket if necessary though and WWE can always throw him in there as an Intercontinental Title challenger or something like that in a pinch. That's a nice asset to have available.

Storm Trooper
10-17-2020, 10:08 PM
Jey deserves credit for going above and beyond what he is doing. He has practically no experience as a singles wrestler but has been bringing the promos and served as a great target for Reigns. It's a tricky way to play things and he has been doing great with them so far.

On-screen, Heyman deserves some but not a ton as Reigns has done so much of the talking. Off-screen, a ton because you can feel his fingers all over this, from the story to Reigns' promos to Jey's responses. It's very Heyman influenced and that's a big part of why it's working so well. Heyman might not be the right choice for the head of a show, but if he can help guide a story here or there, he's worth his ample weight in gold.

Reigns though.....my goodness. He has found his calling with this and you can't take your eyes off of him. It's one thing to have great material but it's another to sell it like this. I believe everything Reigns is saying and it is making the story that much better.

They all deserve credit, but I'd say Reigns, Heyman and Jey in order, with Jey deserving a big fat chunk of it himself.

And yeah maybe, though I'd rather have the Usos than Jey on his own. This is something Jey can have in his back pocket if necessary though and WWE can always throw him in there as an Intercontinental Title challenger or something like that in a pinch. That's a nice asset to have available.
I have been so pleased with Jey Uso's work this feud. And of course The Uso's are better than Jey alone, but it is good to see him shine solo, as the other option was just sit at home doing nothing while Jimmy gets healthy. I almost feel bad for him becasue he's really shining right now and it seems that the attention goes (rightly so) to Roman and Heyman.

I mentioned it in the LD, but I'll ask here. Do you think this would have worked as well a normal arena? So much of the dialog would be swallowed up by crowd noise, and it wouldn't have the same effect.

Stone Cold Tea
10-18-2020, 07:02 AM
No real need to put them together as they were doing just fine on their own.

I wouldn't, because you're confusing the difference between over and popular (which is a very, very common mistake).

Popular is fleeting. Otis is popular. Orange Cassidy is popular. They do something that gets a reaction from the fans and it could work for weeks or even months. That's just popularity though.

Over is permanent (or close to it). The fans have accepted you no matter what you are doing. Chris Jericho is over. Fans aren't going to be tired or bored of him no matter what he does. Rey Mysterio is over. Yeah he's old and banged up and he's in a horrible story, but the fans know that he's great (note that you can absolutely be talented and popular without being over, which is where a lot of wrestlers are).

Think of it like this. Mysterio is in a horrible story that won't go away, but you don't hear people saying Mysterio is worthless. They understand that it's not Rey, but the material that he's doing. People are tired of what he's doing, but not him. You don't quite get that with Otis, who while very charismatic, has yet to show he's more than a one trick pony.

So no, Tajiri and Spike weren't over. They were popular and could have been on their way to being over, but they weren't there yet.

Does that make sense (which I say as non-condescendingly as possible even though it sounds like it is)?

Yeah that's a good breakdown to be honest. I didnt think of it that way.

Stone Cold Tea
10-18-2020, 07:23 AM
Do you watch the full entrance for The Undertaker on every recorded show you watch or do you skip it?

I wonder how long you have spent watching the entrance if you do.

10-18-2020, 11:17 AM
So why is AEW having a tag-team lottery for it's tournament? I thought they could settle it by their W/L records, I guess not.

Yer Maw
10-18-2020, 04:42 PM
I haven't really watched much of WWE since Mania, what have been the best matches?

Fire Marshall Bill
10-19-2020, 08:21 AM
Shit I forgot this was kb?s thread, but Zayn/Styles/Hardy COC.

10-19-2020, 09:26 PM
I have been so pleased with Jey Uso's work this feud. And of course The Uso's are better than Jey alone, but it is good to see him shine solo, as the other option was just sit at home doing nothing while Jimmy gets healthy. I almost feel bad for him becasue he's really shining right now and it seems that the attention goes (rightly so) to Roman and Heyman.

I mentioned it in the LD, but I'll ask here. Do you think this would have worked as well a normal arena? So much of the dialog would be swallowed up by crowd noise, and it wouldn't have the same effect.

It wouldn't have the same impact, but there could be ways around that.

10-19-2020, 09:33 PM
Do you watch the full entrance for The Undertaker on every recorded show you watch or do you skip it?

I wonder how long you have spent watching the entrance if you do.

Usually skip. It's impressive but can we move this along?

So why is AEW having a tag-team lottery for it's tournament? I thought they could settle it by their W/L records, I guess not.

Because the wins/losses mean nothing. If they did, the Gunn Club would be #1 contenders.

I haven't really watched much of WWE since Mania, what have been the best matches?

Shit I forgot this was kb?s thread, but Zayn/Styles/Hardy COC.

That would be up there. Roman vs. Uso as well.

Fire Marshall Bill
10-20-2020, 10:01 AM
Are they already bored of Retribution?

Fire Marshall Bill
10-22-2020, 04:17 PM
Does AEW care about the health of their wrestlers at all? Just yesterday they had 2 incidents that they didn?t seem to give a shit about. Reynolds even kept going after he finally woke up. Then you have the Matt Hardy situation. If this is the kind of shit smarks have been pining for, they?re idiots.

10-23-2020, 05:26 AM
SO I checked Impact's roster and it's apparently got Jake Crist still on there. Do you think they're just waiting for the right time to bring him back seeing as his brother is apparently a major asshole?

10-23-2020, 11:16 PM
Did Undertaker and Kane ever have a good match?

Yer Maw
10-24-2020, 03:09 AM
Is the Bucks v FTR a dream match for you? Do you have any dream matches for this generation?

Storm Trooper
10-24-2020, 07:04 PM
Impact Wrestling added Ken Shamrock to their Hall of Fame.

They had congratulatory messages from Bret Hart, Mink Foley, and a bunch of famous MMA people. They had him officially inducted with a video message from The Fucking Rock.

It aired on their Pre-Show. Why the hell did this not happen on PPV to help get buys, or even on Impact to draw a rating?

10-25-2020, 09:34 AM
Do you know if NWA is still functioning? Since a few of their talents have turned up in other promotions it would seem they're not

10-25-2020, 10:25 PM
Are they already bored of Retribution?

I'm not sure they were ever excited about them in the first place.

Does AEW care about the health of their wrestlers at all? Just yesterday they had 2 incidents that they didn?t seem to give a shit about. Reynolds even kept going after he finally woke up. Then you have the Matt Hardy situation. If this is the kind of shit smarks have been pining for, they?re idiots.

It really, really doesn't look good. They've done well on the Coronavirus stuff but if Matt Hardy, who was clearly knocked loopy and STILL isn't back in the ring over a month later, is allowed to continue a match because he passed concussion protocall in three minutes, you need to fix your protocall.

SO I checked Impact's roster and it's apparently got Jake Crist still on there. Do you think they're just waiting for the right time to bring him back seeing as his brother is apparently a major asshole?

Yeah he'll be back if he wants to be. Firing someone over built by association isn't going to go well.

Did Undertaker and Kane ever have a good match?

Their first Wrestlemania match was good.

Is the Bucks v FTR a dream match for you? Do you have any dream matches for this generation?

Not really on both counts. Dream matches don't really exist anymore as they're mainly just "that would be a cool match". A dream match is something that you don't really believe could happen but then it does. The modern version of dream matches are more matches people want to see and then a promoter books it because it'll draw well. That's not a bad thing, but it isn't the same thing.

Impact Wrestling added Ken Shamrock to their Hall of Fame.

They had congratulatory messages from Bret Hart, Mink Foley, and a bunch of famous MMA people. They had him officially inducted with a video message from The Fucking Rock.

It aired on their Pre-Show. Why the hell did this not happen on PPV to help get buys, or even on Impact to draw a rating?

Are you familiar with the term "LOLTNA"?

Better question: why can't you find the Bret/Foley videos on their Youtube page? I know Rock is the biggest star, but Bret and Foley are hardly nobodies. Foley was their World Champion! Did they even mention the Rock in the buildup?

Do you know if NWA is still functioning? Since a few of their talents have turned up in other promotions it would seem they're not

I've heard this a few times and I have no idea why it wouldn't be. Powerrr was only on for a few months and Corgan owns the NWA outright. Once things are back to normal, why can't he just rent a studio and run another taping? It wasn't on TV or anything so it's just YouTube content. Unless he says it's shut down, it pretty much can't go away on its own. The version you saw earlier this year might be gone, but the NWA as a whole? No reason for it to be gone.

Storm Trooper
10-26-2020, 11:25 AM
Are you familiar with the term "LOLTNA"?

Better question: why can't you find the Bret/Foley videos on their Youtube page? I know Rock is the biggest star, but Bret and Foley are hardly nobodies. Foley was their World Champion! Did they even mention the Rock in the buildup?

Shame, cause I thought I heard TNA was going fairly well I would think they'd be smarter than that. They did hype up having Rock do the induction (at least on socials), and Rock himself tweeted about it.

I sought out the entire preshow knowing the Rock stuff happened, and stumbled upon Bret/Foley/UFC guys. I get not hyping the UFC guys, but Foley/Hart should have been hyped a little bit. I don't watch Impact since I don't have the channel, but I heard it was better run for a while.

10-26-2020, 05:04 PM
Where does Retribution rank among the worst stables in WWE history?

Fire Marshall Bill
10-28-2020, 09:31 PM
What?s up with AEW and ?if I lose I won?t ever challenge for the title?? I fully expect that to end up BS with Cody, because all it?ll take to erase it is a heel turn. I expect the Bucks to lose because LOLEXWWETALENT, but do you expect them to live up to that deal?

Fire Marshall Bill
10-28-2020, 10:15 PM
Which one do you expect to turn heel in the Omega/Page match?

10-29-2020, 06:31 AM
What exactly does being a wrestling proucer entail? I was reading how Abyss produced the Randy Orton/Drew McIntyre match, Michael Hayes did the Roman Reigns/Jay Uso match. Just wondering what it means. Do they tell the talent what they need to do?

Yer Maw
10-29-2020, 04:05 PM


10-30-2020, 09:20 AM
Shame, cause I thought I heard TNA was going fairly well I would think they'd be smarter than that. They did hype up having Rock do the induction (at least on socials), and Rock himself tweeted about it.

I sought out the entire preshow knowing the Rock stuff happened, and stumbled upon Bret/Foley/UFC guys. I get not hyping the UFC guys, but Foley/Hart should have been hyped a little bit. I don't watch Impact since I don't have the channel, but I heard it was better run for a while.

It made no sense, as that should have been one of the featured points of the show. But hey, Eric Young vs. Rich Swann right?

Where does Retribution rank among the worst stables in WWE history?

I think it's too early to call them the worst ever but they haven't been much to see by any means. There is still a faint bit of hope, but I'm not exactly putting stock in them.

What?s up with AEW and ?if I lose I won?t ever challenge for the title?? I fully expect that to end up BS with Cody, because all it?ll take to erase it is a heel turn. I expect the Bucks to lose because LOLEXWWETALENT, but do you expect them to live up to that deal?

Not long term no but for awhile, yeah. And no I don't get the overdoing it either. It's not like the Elite is going to be anything but the top stars anyway.

Which one do you expect to turn heel in the Omega/Page match?

Page hopefully but I could go with either.

What exactly does being a wrestling proucer entail? I was reading how Abyss produced the Randy Orton/Drew McIntyre match, Michael Hayes did the Roman Reigns/Jay Uso match. Just wondering what it means. Do they tell the talent what they need to do?

In short, they're the liason between the office and the locker room.

Basically you're in charge of what appears on screen. You'll be given the finish and then you have to get the wrestlers there. It's an important job as these people are going to be more knowledgable than a lot of the wrestlers and have been around for a long time. They might suggest spots and where to put them, plus a lot of the themes they're shooting for.



Because WWE spends way too much time focusing on the nothing, small things instead of the big ones and this is what we get as a result.

10-30-2020, 04:57 PM
We are going to get Rock vs Reigns with Roman going over aren't we?

Fire Marshall Bill
10-31-2020, 05:26 PM
Do you know Jimmy?s timetable for coming back? If he comes back while Reigns/Jey is still a team, does he join or fight them?

Stone Cold Tea
11-01-2020, 07:33 AM
Hulk Hogan, Stone Cold Steve Austin and Goldberg.

Has anyone ever faced that level opponent on consecutive PPVs before like The Rock in 03?

You could even extend it to include Lesnar from Summerslam 02 and then Ric Flair Batista and Randy Orton at WM XX. That's crazy.

11-01-2020, 09:33 PM
We are going to get Rock vs Reigns with Roman going over aren't we?

It's possible but there are a lot of pieces that have to fall into place first. I'm far from convinced just yet.

Do you know Jimmy?s timetable for coming back? If he comes back while Reigns/Jey is still a team, does he join or fight them?

November - January. They're a team. Reigns says both Jimmy and Jey have to do his bidding.

Hulk Hogan, Stone Cold Steve Austin and Goldberg.

Has anyone ever faced that level opponent on consecutive PPVs before like The Rock in 03?

You could even extend it to include Lesnar from Summerslam 02 and then Ric Flair Batista and Randy Orton at WM XX. That's crazy.

Unless I'm missing it, yeah that's about as good as you're getting. Austin had a heck of a run of his own when he came back from neck surgery: 6 Way Cell at Armageddon, wins the Rumble, HHH at No Way Out, Rock at X7, Kane/Undertaker at Backlash, UNdertaker at Judgment Day, Benoit/Jericho at King of the Ring, the Invasion 10 man, Angle at Summerslam and Unforgiven, Angle/RVD at Vengeance, Alliance vs. WWF at Survivor Series, Angle and Jericho at Vengeance.

There are some weaker ones in there and it's a lot longer, but that's a who's who of opponents and big spots in a year.

11-02-2020, 01:17 AM
Which five current wrestlers would you choose to start a promotion?

Storm Trooper
11-02-2020, 07:35 PM
Is Sheamus a Hall of Famer?

Fire Marshall Bill
11-02-2020, 08:54 PM
Are the odds any less than 100% that the Fiend gets involved in the Reigns/Orton match causing Reigns to win? I feel it?s the best option. Reigns shouldn?t lose for a long time. Orton can take it, but it protects him. Maybe even McIntyre shows up too.

Fire Marshall Bill
11-02-2020, 08:58 PM
Wondering if Alexa Bliss is hurt again. For them to waste such a talent would be a shame. Granted, she?s one of the few who could take on this role, but still.

Fire Marshall Bill
11-02-2020, 10:19 PM
Is there a better faction than the Hurt Business right now? Legitimate question, because I might be missing something. But they have a great voice, maybe the most properly pushed wrestler in wrestling right now and the guys who can take the losses or occasionally win.

To piggyback on that, should Lashley get pushed more? They?ve done such a great job at building him.

11-03-2020, 01:03 PM
In WCW how is it Scott Hall, Mr Perfect and Roddy Piper never got a run with the world title? I assumed that their contracts gave them backstage pull as well as loads of money

11-03-2020, 05:12 PM
When fans come back, what do you think about WWE giving Enzo and Cass another chance?

11-03-2020, 09:53 PM
Raw did a 1.6 this week. How big of a hit would their ratings take if AEW decided to run on Monday? Could you see them dropping near a mil?

Stone Cold Tea
11-04-2020, 06:24 AM
Think I found a PPV match streak better than the one The Rock had whilst I was watching Backlash 02.

'Taker vs Rock, 'Taker vs Flair, 'Taker vs Austin and 'Taker vs Hogan.
Even if we removed 'Taker vs Rock and put The Roxk vs Lesnar then Higan then Austin up against 'Taker vs Flair, Austin and then Hogan if say 'Takers PPV run was more box office for want of a better term.

02 WWE had star power.

Which 3 match run was bigger in your opinion?

11-04-2020, 05:49 PM
What's the most overrated wrestling show of all time? Is WrestleMania 19 up there?

11-06-2020, 02:36 AM
Which five current wrestlers would you choose to start a promotion?

Hangman Page, Becky Lynch, Roman Reigns, MJF, Chris Jericho

Is Sheamus a Hall of Famer?


Are the odds any less than 100% that the Fiend gets involved in the Reigns/Orton match causing Reigns to win? I feel it?s the best option. Reigns shouldn?t lose for a long time. Orton can take it, but it protects him. Maybe even McIntyre shows up too.

He probably should, assuming there isn't a title change before then.

Wondering if Alexa Bliss is hurt again. For them to waste such a talent would be a shame. Granted, she?s one of the few who could take on this role, but still.

She's a lot better like this.

Is there a better faction than the Hurt Business right now? Legitimate question, because I might be missing something. But they have a great voice, maybe the most properly pushed wrestler in wrestling right now and the guys who can take the losses or occasionally win.

To piggyback on that, should Lashley get pushed more? They?ve done such a great job at building him.

Nah they're great and the best by a lot at the moment.

He's doing great in the spot he's in at the moment.

In WCW how is it Scott Hall, Mr Perfect and Roddy Piper never got a run with the world title? I assumed that their contracts gave them backstage pull as well as loads of money

Hall was completely untrustworthy, Perfect wasn't at that level anymore (and had some alcohol issues) and Piper didn't need it.

When fans come back, what do you think about WWE giving Enzo and Cass another chance?

I certainly hope not.

Raw did a 1.6 this week. How big of a hit would their ratings take if AEW decided to run on Monday? Could you see them dropping near a mil?

I highly doubt it. The people who watch AEW mostly aren't watching Raw. WWE is going to get the attention because of the star power and is nowhere near as niche of a product.

Think I found a PPV match streak better than the one The Rock had whilst I was watching Backlash 02.

'Taker vs Rock, 'Taker vs Flair, 'Taker vs Austin and 'Taker vs Hogan.
Even if we removed 'Taker vs Rock and put The Roxk vs Lesnar then Higan then Austin up against 'Taker vs Flair, Austin and then Hogan if say 'Takers PPV run was more box office for want of a better term.

02 WWE had star power.

Which 3 match run was bigger in your opinion?

Rock's. Those Undertaker matches were rather awful.

What's the most overrated wrestling show of all time? Is WrestleMania 19 up there?

Heat Wave 1998.

11-07-2020, 06:12 AM
I was checking your website and saw you did a podcast with Norcal. Is that still going?

Yer Maw
11-09-2020, 05:14 AM
Is Brodie Lee injured?

11-09-2020, 07:16 PM
How would've Lawler been if he joined WCW instead of the WWE in '93?

11-10-2020, 10:37 PM
I was checking your website and saw you did a podcast with Norcal. Is that still going?

Alas no. The old shows are still up but they're rather out of date. I'd do it again if he had the time but having a son kind of takes priorities.

Is Brodie Lee injured?

Not that I've heard but he's been gone for a few weeks now so something must be up.

How would've Lawler been if he joined WCW instead of the WWE in '93?

Ignoring what Cornette said on it, I'd think a near disaster. 1993 was HORRIBLE for WCW and while Lawler would have found a way to get himself over anywhere because he was that talented, he would have been better off going anywhere else at that point. There would have been some interesting matches to be had though and Lawler could have talked the crowd into hating him with ease.

Stone Cold Tea
11-12-2020, 09:34 AM
Kurt Angle beat The Undertake, John Cena and Hulk Hogan in the space of a week. Hes the greatest ever isnt he?

Both kayfabe and non.

Storm Trooper
11-13-2020, 06:39 PM
Drunk Uncle Dave (Meltzer) put Kenny Omega in his Wrestling Observer Newsletter Hall of Fame.

I was gonna ask how stupid this is but then I saw the list. Benoit was put in in 2003. Taker in 2004. Rock in 2007.

Is Drunk Uncle Dave the stupidest person in all of wrestling?

Yer Maw
11-14-2020, 01:15 AM
Chelsea Green broke her arm! Is she the unluckiest person ever?

11-16-2020, 01:34 AM
Kurt Angle beat The Undertake, John Cena and Hulk Hogan in the space of a week. Hes the greatest ever isnt he?

Both kayfabe and non.

I'd put beating the Rock and Steve Austin for a World Title each in one night ahead of it.

Drunk Uncle Dave (Meltzer) put Kenny Omega in his Wrestling Observer Newsletter Hall of Fame.

I was gonna ask how stupid this is but then I saw the list. Benoit was put in in 2003. Taker in 2004. Rock in 2007.

Is Drunk Uncle Dave the stupidest person in all of wrestling?

Nah. The people who take his word as gospel are worse. He's a reviewer with an opinion, just like me. There's nothing wrong with that.

Chelsea Green broke her arm! Is she the unluckiest person ever?

Wrist actually. And given that it's the second time in the second debut match.....nah not when you're getting to do what you want to do and are 29 years old.

11-16-2020, 02:28 AM
Has Rey Mysterio ever been a heel?

Stone Cold Tea
11-16-2020, 02:29 AM
Knew you was gonna say that KB :wink:

Stone Cold Tea
11-16-2020, 02:31 AM
Nearly 7 years removed from The Streak been broken. I think we can confidently say we have seen the last of Brock Lesnar for now.

Do you think Lesnar was the right guy?

I feel like it definitely took Brock to another level.

11-16-2020, 07:29 AM
Am I missing something in regards to the Twitch thing. I get talent use it as a revenue stream but if they say or do something that negatively affects WWE that makes WWE look bad. And with WWE looking into doing an agreement with Twitch (or another streaming service) for the talent to use isn't that a good thing?

11-17-2020, 09:10 PM
Has Rey Mysterio ever been a heel?

Yep. Late WCW when they took his mask off. It didn't work, as you might have guessed, mainly because he made Dominik look like an old man.

Knew you was gonna say that KB :wink:

Well when he's bragged about it for eighteen years, it kind of sticks with you.

Nearly 7 years removed from The Streak been broken. I think we can confidently say we have seen the last of Brock Lesnar for now.

Do you think Lesnar was the right guy?

I feel like it definitely took Brock to another level.

It definitely did take him to the next level. Heyman's promo the following night on Raw was the perfect bonus.

Heyman: "A bunch of people have said they could have broken the Streak. So why didn't you? Brock Lesnar did." Gold.

As for was he the right guys......dang that's a tough one. On one hand, I would have been ok with it never being broken. On the other hand, earlier in the night there was that guy named Roman Reigns who looked like a killer and might have a future on his hands. On the other hand (it's someone else's as I don't have three of them), Lesnar was indeed taken to another level with that win. The problem is they bungled almost everything about him after that, including putting the title on him over and over.

So in the short term, Lesnar made sense, but not so much in the long term.

Am I missing something in regards to the Twitch thing. I get talent use it as a revenue stream but if they say or do something that negatively affects WWE that makes WWE look bad. And with WWE looking into doing an agreement with Twitch (or another streaming service) for the talent to use isn't that a good thing?

Not when you look at it from the talent's perspective.

One of the keys to the whole thing is the part of the new policy that says the revenue from Twitch counts towards the wrestlers' downside guarantee.....pause.

Crash course on downside guarantee: When you sign a contract, you are guaranteed a minimum dollar amount in a year (the downside guarantee). If you make more than that, you get to keep it all. If you make less than that, WWE will cut you a check to make up for it. So if your downside guarantee is $100,000 and you make $75,000 from video games, merchandise and appearances, WWE will give you $25,000 at the end of the year.


Now, the catch to the new deal is that the Twitch money now counts TOWARDS your downside guarantee as opposed to being a separate deal. Therefore, it is the same as working a show or showing up at a Wal Mart for an autograph signing, meaning you can't turn it down. That makes it a requirement and one more responsibility that you now have to WWE, who is now off the hook for some of the money they might have to pay to the wrestlers, plus they are getting a (likely majority) portion of the revenue the Twitch stream brings in, which was going to the wrestlers in the first place.

So, in short, it's taking money from the wrestlers, giving WWE more authority and control, and easing WWE's financial responsibilties. Why would any wrestler be happy with this, especially when they built up the Twitch audience in the first place?

Now, of course they should be in trouble if they say something bad about WWE, but I don't buy for a second that WWE is doing this to protect themselves. They saw dollar signs and took action.

Yer Maw
11-19-2020, 04:46 PM
Do you think WWE has missed out by not having Serena Deeb as an active wrestler?

11-19-2020, 04:48 PM
Do you think WWE has missed out by not having Serena Deeb as an active wrestler?

Yeah she would have been helpful. If nothing else for some on the fly coaching.

Stone Cold Tea
11-24-2020, 06:10 PM
When did you start viewing Roman as the full package?

Hes been the guy for a long time now but he didnt have it at knit together for a good while.

For me personally it was Rumble 2017, when he eliminated 'Taker his facials were insane. I must add I didnt watch weekly TV then though.

Also, is Drew the first guy to kick out of the Spear where Roman bounces off the ropes twice like he did against 'Taker?

They got me well with that one Sunday

11-26-2020, 10:49 AM
When did you start viewing Roman as the full package?

Hes been the guy for a long time now but he didnt have it at knit together for a good while.

For me personally it was Rumble 2017, when he eliminated 'Taker his facials were insane. I must add I didnt watch weekly TV then though.

Also, is Drew the first guy to kick out of the Spear where Roman bounces off the ropes twice like he did against 'Taker?

They got me well with that one Sunday

1. "It's my yard now."

2. Lesnar probably did at some point.

Storm Trooper
11-26-2020, 11:29 AM
Also, is Drew the first guy to kick out of the Spear where Roman bounces off the ropes twice like he did against 'Taker?

They got me well with that one Sunday

2. Lesnar probably did at some point.
I'm the sick fuck that decided to watch back the Lesnar/Reigns matches and believe it or not he didn't.

Stone Cold Tea
11-27-2020, 01:58 AM
To be fair the first Lesnar vs Reigns match was sick, topped of with MITB cash in.

Only memorable call I have of Michael Cole too

"Seth Rollins with the heist of the century!" As Seth swings the belt above his head. Looked awesome.

11-27-2020, 03:22 AM
Miracle on Bourbon Street is my favorite Cole call.

Storm Trooper
11-27-2020, 11:10 AM
2 UK related questions.

1. So I really enjoyed the Rounds concept of the Heritage Cup. Would this work in the US? I feel like it would be a good way to get to a commercial break.

2. Pete Dunne, Toni Storm, and the Grizzled Young Veterans have all made their re-debut on the NXT brand in the past month or so. Is there not travel restrictions still (obvious not US travel restrictions but UK and Australia) or is WWE bypassing that?

Storm Trooper
11-28-2020, 06:52 PM
Why are people upset that WWE isn't calling a move by a wrestler working for another company's namesake?

Jericho called it the codebreaker when he came back with the code stuff back in 07. Why would the move be called that when someone else does it? What do others have to do with coding.

I see no one upset that WWE changed the name of The Last Ride to the Spirit Bomb for Keith Lee? That's because the move is not actually called the Last Ride. Just like the double knee facebuster is not called the Codebreaker.

11-28-2020, 07:07 PM
Wrestling fans are always looking for reasons to be upset with WWE.

Storm Trooper
11-28-2020, 07:09 PM
Wrestling fans are always looking for reasons to be upset with WWE.
considering that the report came from that stupid Melter guy that's shouldn't have been too difficult to ascertain.

11-28-2020, 09:03 PM
I'm the sick fuck that decided to watch back the Lesnar/Reigns matches and believe it or not he didn't.

As many times as they had fought you would think that would have happened. I'm surprised.

To be fair the first Lesnar vs Reigns match was sick, topped of with MITB cash in.

Only memorable call I have of Michael Cole too

"Seth Rollins with the heist of the century!" As Seth swings the belt above his head. Looked awesome.

They got me with that one and that doesn't happen often.

Miracle on Bourbon Street is my favorite Cole call.

"Mick Foley has achieved his dream, and the dream of everyone else who has been told YOU CAN'T DO IT!"

And the Superdome is about a mile from Bourbon Street so that one loses points for me.

2 UK related questions.

1. So I really enjoyed the Rounds concept of the Heritage Cup. Would this work in the US? I feel like it would be a good way to get to a commercial break.

2. Pete Dunne, Toni Storm, and the Grizzled Young Veterans have all made their re-debut on the NXT brand in the past month or so. Is there not travel restrictions still (obvious not US travel restrictions but UK and Australia) or is WWE bypassing that?

1. It didn't work so well when TNA did it, but I'd put that more on it being TNA. It certainly could work, but you would have to explain it very carefully and not do it too often.

2. They're either bypassing it or those people are now living in America on at least a semi-permanent basis.

Why are people upset that WWE isn't calling a move by a wrestler working for another company's namesake?

Jericho called it the codebreaker when he came back with the code stuff back in 07. Why would the move be called that when someone else does it? What do others have to do with coding.

I see no one upset that WWE changed the name of The Last Ride to the Spirit Bomb for Keith Lee? That's because the move is not actually called the Last Ride. Just like the double knee facebuster is not called the Codebreaker.

People are upset about it because they like to complain. It's the Codebreaker because that's the popular name for it. Calling something the official name instead of the popular name makes you sound like Excalibur. You never want to sound like Excalibur, because Excalibur is bad.

Also: the Spirit Bomb and the Last Ride are different moves. The Spirit Bomb is a Last Ride into a sitout powerbomb. Yes that's a technicality, but no more so than a chokeslam being different than a Rock Bottom.

Wrestling fans are always looking for reasons to be upset with WWE.

Or with anything in general.

Fire Marshall Bill
11-30-2020, 09:07 PM
Were you thinking what I was thinking when Jeff Hardy set up that table? ?Watch your head.? He seemed legitimately ok, but there?s no way that didn?t hurt a lot.

Yer Maw
12-02-2020, 02:08 PM
Which has been booked better this year, the WWE/Universal or the AEW championship?

Fire Marshall Bill
12-02-2020, 07:15 PM
Any chance the rest of Inner Circle just turns on Jericho?

12-03-2020, 01:40 AM
I'm curious as to why you think that AEW working with Impact is a bad thing. Impact has improved a lot over the past year despite losing talent left and right

12-03-2020, 03:39 PM
Were you thinking what I was thinking when Jeff Hardy set up that table? ?Watch your head.? He seemed legitimately ok, but there?s no way that didn?t hurt a lot.

"Dang it Jeff stop doing this stuff."

Which has been booked better this year, the WWE/Universal or the AEW championship?

AEW, then WWE, the Universal, though AEW isn't running away with it.

Any chance the rest of Inner Circle just turns on Jericho?

Yes but it's going to be awhile. Them eventually siding with MJF would be great.

I'm curious as to why you think that AEW working with Impact is a bad thing. Impact has improved a lot over the past year despite losing talent left and right

They had improved for a few months but it has been a downward slope (not spiral) since Slammiversary. Tommy Dreamer, Brian Myers and Swoggle have been getting pretty significant time. I know that isn't likely to be the focal point of anything involving AEW, but I don't want AEW slumming with them. Impact is a joke and has been for years. Why mess with someone like that for what seems like very little upside?

12-04-2020, 05:05 AM
They had improved for a few months but it has been a downward slope (not spiral) since Slammiversary. Tommy Dreamer, Brian Myers and Swoggle have been getting pretty significant time. I know that isn't likely to be the focal point of anything involving AEW, but I don't want AEW slumming with them. Impact is a joke and has been for years. Why mess with someone like that for what seems like very little upside?

Their roster is thin so them giving airtime to Dreamer and Myers is kind of understandable (Swoggle I don't get, although I'm ashamed to say I chuckled at the Wee-nominal One line) I'd argue the fact that Impact can build up almost anyone to a decent degree before they go to WWE or AEW is why AEW is partnering with them. They made new LAX a big deal, the Lucha Bros, Brian Cage, they reinvigorated John Morrison, the Rascalz are apparently going to NXT, there's constant rumours of Tessa Blanchard going to WWE or AEW. Yes these guys had the raw talent to make it big but it was their time in Impact that made the big companies take notice.

12-04-2020, 01:46 PM
Their roster is thin so them giving airtime to Dreamer and Myers is kind of understandable

I'm really starting to rethink this partnership

Storm Trooper
12-04-2020, 06:49 PM
the 2021 Royal Rumble match(es). Rename it the Pat Patterson Memorial Royal Rumble?

12-07-2020, 10:23 AM
General thoughts on the career of Roy Shire?

12-07-2020, 09:30 PM
Their roster is thin so them giving airtime to Dreamer and Myers is kind of understandable (Swoggle I don't get, although I'm ashamed to say I chuckled at the Wee-nominal One line) I'd argue the fact that Impact can build up almost anyone to a decent degree before they go to WWE or AEW is why AEW is partnering with them. They made new LAX a big deal, the Lucha Bros, Brian Cage, they reinvigorated John Morrison, the Rascalz are apparently going to NXT, there's constant rumours of Tessa Blanchard going to WWE or AEW. Yes these guys had the raw talent to make it big but it was their time in Impact that made the big companies take notice.

Well maybe if Dreamer and Myers weren't getting so much time, the roster could be built up so they don't need those two.

I'm not sure how much credit I would give to Impact for that. Those people were big enough deals going into Impact that they were going to be signed to a place like WWE (or AEW once it existed). Impact didn't hurt them, but there's a reason that Impact is the joke that it is.

I'm really starting to rethink this partnership

It's looking less and less like one at the moment anyway.

the 2021 Royal Rumble match(es). Rename it the Pat Patterson Memorial Royal Rumble?

Nah. Just a mention of him will be fine.

General thoughts on the career of Roy Shire?

Great promoter, innovated some stuff and the battle royal was a huge deal. There isn't much to be seen of his stuff but the stories people tell about him make it clear that he was one of the more intelligent bookers out there.

12-08-2020, 06:54 PM
How often do the babyfaces lose in War Game matches?

12-09-2020, 03:02 PM
How often do the babyfaces lose in War Game matches?

It was rare but not unheard of. They lost in 1991, 1996 and 1997 in WCW alone.

12-10-2020, 03:49 PM
What was the point of Kenny Omega going to Impact to cut the same promo he cut on Dynamite?

12-10-2020, 08:44 PM
Why was the WWE so upset with WCW signing WWE talent in the 90's when Vince signed all the talent from the territories from the mid to late 80's?

12-11-2020, 08:27 PM
What was the point of Kenny Omega going to Impact to cut the same promo he cut on Dynamite?

To boost Impact as a favor to Callis.

Why was the WWE so upset with WCW signing WWE talent in the 90's when Vince signed all the talent from the territories from the mid to late 80's?

Eric Bischoff on a WWE Roundtable show:

"When I did it, it was a raid. When Vince did it to the AWA, it was smart business."

History is written by the winners.

Fire Marshall Bill
12-11-2020, 08:51 PM
I wish Roode would ditch Ziggler and have a decent run. His age limits his ceiling, but the guy can cut a good promo and tell a good story. He proved that in TNA. Or, and I know it?ll never happen, but bring back Beer Money. James Storm had such a high ceiling. WWE messed that up too. He was one of my favorites in TNA.

Fire Marshall Bill
12-11-2020, 09:30 PM
Is this run by Reigns, which is easily my favorite thing in wrestling right now, proof that anyone who said Reigns should be heel years ago were right? Or does the whole COVID situation make the timing perfect? I honestly believe, with how good this is going so far, it would?ve worked anytime.

12-13-2020, 07:29 PM
What can you tell me about Tony Santos?

12-13-2020, 10:21 PM
I wish Roode would ditch Ziggler and have a decent run. His age limits his ceiling, but the guy can cut a good promo and tell a good story. He proved that in TNA. Or, and I know it?ll never happen, but bring back Beer Money. James Storm had such a high ceiling. WWE messed that up too. He was one of my favorites in TNA.

I like Roode, but at the same time there is only so much he can do. Roode is a great example of a degree of difficulty of five and an execution of ten. That makes for a good hand but not someone who is likely to get a major push. A midcard run could work though.

And yeah I could go for a short term Beer Money reunion, but the age issue would become a problem.

Is this run by Reigns, which is easily my favorite thing in wrestling right now, proof that anyone who said Reigns should be heel years ago were right? Or does the whole COVID situation make the timing perfect? I honestly believe, with how good this is going so far, it would?ve worked anytime.

It would have. I'm a firm believer that quality stuff will work no matter the circumstances, and Reigns' run is quality. That promo from this week's Smackdown where he talked straight to Owens' kids and then kicked him in the head was pure evil and it was glorious. That works anywhere because people can relate to it, and people can relate to the big brother/sister/cousin/whatever who dominates the family and you have to put up with them because you're lost without them.

What can you tell me about Tony Santos?

Not too much as there isn't much on him. He was the main promoter in Boston until the WWWF came and took over the town. The coolest (maybe?) thing about him was that he would use imitation wrestlers, hoping fans wouldn't notice the difference, such as Hobo Brazil and Bruno SaNmartino. It uh, didn't quite work.

12-14-2020, 10:34 AM
What is your opinion on Apollo Crews? Do you think he's hit the ceiling in his talent, or do you think he could go higher?

Fire Marshall Bill
12-14-2020, 09:03 PM
What?s your opinion of Styles? sidekick (Olmos?) Have you seen him wrestle? What?s the potential? His size alone grants him a run, but so did Khali?s, and we saw how well that worked out.

Fire Marshall Bill
12-14-2020, 09:32 PM
Where is Lars Sullivan?

12-14-2020, 09:40 PM
What can you tell me about "Wrestling at the Chase?"

12-14-2020, 11:09 PM
What is your opinion on Apollo Crews? Do you think he's hit the ceiling in his talent, or do you think he could go higher?

Yeah I think so. That long US Title run was fine but I've yet to see any reason to believe he can connect with the fans. He's crazy athletic and looks great but there's no emotion there and it hurts.

What?s your opinion of Styles? sidekick (Olmos?) Have you seen him wrestle? What?s the potential? His size alone grants him a run, but so did Khali?s, and we saw how well that worked out.

I haven't, mainly because he apparently hasn't wrestled much ever. Word on the street is he's a disaster in the ring so he might be best served as standing there and doing the very, very rare spot/squash.

Where is Lars Sullivan?

Seemingly on the island of ideas that creative/Vince dropped after a week or two.

What can you tell me about "Wrestling at the Chase?"

It was the St. Louis wrestling show held at the Chase Hotel. It was its own show for a long time but eventually the WWF took over, only to have it die with time like all of the other shows did. A little trivia: Hulk Hogan wrestled his first match back with the company there on January 1, 1984, beating Bill Dixon.

12-17-2020, 04:06 AM
How would you sell MLW to someone? I've been thinking of checking them out but unsure.

12-18-2020, 10:03 AM
Fred Kohler. What can you tell me about him?

12-19-2020, 11:37 PM
How would you sell MLW to someone? I've been thinking of checking them out but unsure.

It's not going to blow your mind, but if you want a simple, easy to follow show with a great mixture of styles (a Fusion of them if you will), you could do much worse. They air an hour or so a week and it's not going to overwhelm you. Good young talent and solid enough storytelling too.

Fred Kohler. What can you tell me about him?

Dominated Chicago for decades, also in charge of the DuMont Network show, which was the first big national show (unfortunately very little footage exists).

12-21-2020, 06:54 PM
Any truth to having the WWWF take the belt off of Pedro Morales because of riots?

12-22-2020, 03:12 PM
Is Charlotte heel or face?

Stone Cold Tea
12-23-2020, 04:38 AM
If Roman Vs Rock does happen do you have any interest in it? We can be 99% certain that Roman wins that match and I would assume it wouldnt be a in ring classic.

Does defeating The Rock do anything for the multiple time Wrestlemania mania eventing, former Royal Rumble winning superstar who defeated The Undertaker at Wrestlemania all after been part of one of the most dominant factions ever?

Storm Trooper
12-23-2020, 11:26 PM
Is it just me or is both AEW and (to a lesser extent) NXT doing "special" versions of their weekly TV show too often?

AEW this month has had Winter is Coming (December 2nd), Holiday Bash (December 23th), New Years Smash (December 31st/January 6th) recently, and Fyter Fest (July 1st/8th), Fight for the Fallen (July 15th), and Chris Jericho's 30th anniversary (October 7th) a few months back.

NXT did a Great American Bash (July 1st/8th), Halloween Havoc (October 28th), and now New Years Evil (January 6th).

The more "special" shows you do, the less special they become. Especially when you do them consecutive weeks.

Also, when you call your show New Years Evil, how in the hell is it NOT on New Years Eve?

12-27-2020, 01:38 AM
Any truth to having the WWWF take the belt off of Pedro Morales because of riots?

Nah. Mainly just wanting to move it back to Bruno.

Is Charlotte heel or face?

Yes and no.

If Roman Vs Rock does happen do you have any interest in it? We can be 99% certain that Roman wins that match and I would assume it wouldnt be a in ring classic.

Does defeating The Rock do anything for the multiple time Wrestlemania mania eventing, former Royal Rumble winning superstar who defeated The Undertaker at Wrestlemania all after been part of one of the most dominant factions ever?

It's the perfect apex of the Head of the Table deal, but Rock isn't winning. I'm not sure how much good it does if it actually happens, but it's one of the coolest ideas in the world on paper. And Reigns winning only matters if it's pretty definitive.

Is it just me or is both AEW and (to a lesser extent) NXT doing "special" versions of their weekly TV show too often?

AEW this month has had Winter is Coming (December 2nd), Holiday Bash (December 23th), New Years Smash (December 31st/January 6th) recently, and Fyter Fest (July 1st/8th), Fight for the Fallen (July 15th), and Chris Jericho's 30th anniversary (October 7th) a few months back.

NXT did a Great American Bash (July 1st/8th), Halloween Havoc (October 28th), and now New Years Evil (January 6th).

The more "special" shows you do, the less special they become. Especially when you do them consecutive weeks.

Also, when you call your show New Years Evil, how in the hell is it NOT on New Years Eve?

Yeah a bit, but how else are you going to keep that rating up?

You think they put in that much effort into coming up with the title?

Fire Marshall Bill
12-28-2020, 09:34 PM
If AJ Styles is the best wrestler in the world, who would you rate #2?

Also, out of curiosity, he was a great worker in TNA (where I first saw him) but he was always lacking on the mic. He?s obviously corrected that. Did he only learn that in NJPW, or is there something I?m missing?

Storm Trooper
12-29-2020, 08:41 AM
Should WWE have done a tribute video or 10-bell salute for Luke Harper?

12-29-2020, 12:25 PM
Why didn't Jericho get his match with Goldberg in WCW?

Yer Maw
12-29-2020, 04:31 PM
If you were John Morrison would you be regretting going back to WWE with how he's been booked?

12-31-2020, 03:02 AM
If AJ Styles is the best wrestler in the world, who would you rate #2?

Also, out of curiosity, he was a great worker in TNA (where I first saw him) but he was always lacking on the mic. He?s obviously corrected that. Did he only learn that in NJPW, or is there something I?m missing?

Daniel Bryan is up there.

Nah it was mainly in WWE, as New Japan doesn't do much with talking.

Should WWE have done a tribute video or 10-bell salute for Luke Harper?

I'm fine with them not doing one, but a ten bell salute would have been fine.

That being said, two points:

1. The news broke the day after Christmas, less than 48 hours before Raw went on the air. Those videos WWE put together take some time and I don't think they had enough to get one ready.

2. Lee and WWE did not get along well near the end of his run there. If WWE suddenly cared about him, how fast would the reaction of "well they why did you leave him off TV for so long?" pop up? Having the wrestlers who knew him a lot better doing the tributes made sense.

Why didn't Jericho get his match with Goldberg in WCW?

Goldberg said no.

If you were John Morrison would you be regretting going back to WWE with how he's been booked?

Assuming he's being pretty well paid to be a comedy sidekick to his friend and not even having to wrestle very often, probably not (though I have no idea what he's looking for out of his deal).

Storm Trooper
12-31-2020, 06:09 PM
Did WWE drop the ball by not using this time of no travel to trade a few RAW/SD people to NXT? The only difference right now is instead of working on Monday or Friday they work on Wednesday. This would have been a great opportunity to give them a break from RAW/SD and not take them off the road.

01-02-2021, 11:41 AM
Did WWE drop the ball by not using this time of no travel to trade a few RAW/SD people to NXT? The only difference right now is instead of working on Monday or Friday they work on Wednesday. This would have been a great opportunity to give them a break from RAW/SD and not take them off the road.

Probably yeah. The change would have done them some good.

Storm Trooper
01-04-2021, 07:26 PM
So now that Marty Scurll is gone from ROH, does he get a shot elsewhere at any point soon or is he too damaged goods? I know he was with The Elite for a while.

Yer Maw
01-05-2021, 01:02 PM
Why do they keep bringing Goldberg back? Is he that much of a draw?

01-06-2021, 12:21 AM
So now that Marty Scurll is gone from ROH, does he get a shot elsewhere at any point soon or is he too damaged goods? I know he was with The Elite for a while.

New Japan would take him.

Why do they keep bringing Goldberg back? Is he that much of a draw?

Vince thinks he is but given that him beating Fiend was the most disliked video of 2020 on their YouTube channel, it doesn't seem to be the case.

Storm Trooper
01-08-2021, 02:38 PM
How much longer do you think they can run with Jordan Devlin holding the true Cruiserweight Championship, while there's a separate champion in the US? Can this survive the entire pandemic? SHOULD it? I'll be honest it'll grow tiresome having 2 separate NXT Cruiserweight Champions. Plus Devlin could possibly be ready more soon.

Shame because Devlin winning was great and he got the rug pulled out from underneath him by COVID.

01-09-2021, 03:22 AM
How much longer do you think they can run with Jordan Devlin holding the true Cruiserweight Championship, while there's a separate champion in the US? Can this survive the entire pandemic? SHOULD it? I'll be honest it'll grow tiresome having 2 separate NXT Cruiserweight Champions. Plus Devlin could possibly be ready more soon.

Shame because Devlin winning was great and he got the rug pulled out from underneath him by COVID.

Given how separate the titles are, I don't think it's that big of a problem. Both NXTs have their own Cruiserweight Champion, even if they don't need them. I'm hoping Devlin winds up being the one to dethrone Walter, which could work very well (and has before elsewhere).

Storm Trooper
01-09-2021, 06:44 AM
Given how separate the titles are, I don't think it's that big of a problem. Both NXTs have their own Cruiserweight Champion, even if they don't need them. I'm hoping Devlin winds up being the one to dethrone Walter, which could work very well (and has before elsewhere).
I've been on the same boat with regards to WALTER. Do you think Devlin should drop the Cruiserweight Championship first or become a Champ Champ then vacate the Cruiserweight Championship. Vacating the belt doesn't do a ton of good for everyone else, but it could slightly hinder him.

Storm Trooper
01-09-2021, 10:15 PM
I know you watch WAY too much wrestling but I have to ask. Are you watching Talking Smack? Paul Heyman is co-hosting it now and it has become a damn Masterclass on mic-work. Just about every week Heyman is arguably putting out his best work. And it's usually to help build up midcard guys. It's not even him being an in-character heel. It's just him talking guys up.

Big E:


Apollo Crews:
https://twitter.com/WWENetwork/status/1348012044478504961 (It's a Tweet and not on Youtube yet so can't embed it)

Fire Marshall Bill
01-10-2021, 07:31 PM
Just finally finished Smackdown. Geez this is my favorite heel run, easily, since the Hall of Pain.

01-11-2021, 07:42 AM
I've been on the same boat with regards to WALTER. Do you think Devlin should drop the Cruiserweight Championship first or become a Champ Champ then vacate the Cruiserweight Championship. Vacating the belt doesn't do a ton of good for everyone else, but it could slightly hinder him.

I'd have him vacate it. There's still another Cruiserweight Champion and NXT UK really doesn't need it's own, not with the Heritage Cup out there too.

I know you watch WAY too much wrestling but I have to ask. Are you watching Talking Smack? Paul Heyman is co-hosting it now and it has become a damn Masterclass on mic-work. Just about every week Heyman is arguably putting out his best work. And it's usually to help build up midcard guys. It's not even him being an in-character heel. It's just him talking guys up.

Big E:


Apollo Crews:
https://twitter.com/WWENetwork/status/1348012044478504961 (It's a Tweet and not on Youtube yet so can't embed it)

I've seen some clips of it and yeah Heyman is on another planet with what he's doing right now.

Just finally finished Smackdown. Geez this is my favorite heel run, easily, since the Hall of Pain.

Yeah Roode and Ziggler are.....you're not talking about them are you?

Fire Marshall Bill
01-11-2021, 09:35 AM
I'd have him vacate it. There's still another Cruiserweight Champion and NXT UK really doesn't need it's own, not with the Heritage Cup out there too.

I've seen some clips of it and yeah Heyman is on another planet with what he's doing right now.

Yeah Roode and Ziggler are.....you're not talking about them are you?

You got jokes. No it was pretty predictable what was going to happen in the gauntlet match when they added Adam Pearce to it, but I still loved it nonetheless. On that note, we just saw a face turn for Shinsuke, didn?t we? Random. I guess he?s not teaming with Cesaro anymore.

01-11-2021, 02:28 PM
You got jokes. No it was pretty predictable what was going to happen in the gauntlet match when they added Adam Pearce to it, but I still loved it nonetheless. On that note, we just saw a face turn for Shinsuke, didn?t we? Random. I guess he?s not teaming with Cesaro anymore.

Yeah I think we did. And Cesaro said something threatening Reigns about messing with his partner.

Fire Marshall Bill
01-11-2021, 07:52 PM
Oh I missed that.

Fire Marshall Bill
01-11-2021, 09:22 PM
Check out the slo-mo of Styles hitting the Phenomenal Forearm on Gulak. He did it blind, or practically. His hair immediately got in his face as he hit the ropes. Now I wonder if that?s a regular thing.

01-13-2021, 04:09 PM
Check out the slo-mo of Styles hitting the Phenomenal Forearm on Gulak. He did it blind, or practically. His hair immediately got in his face as he hit the ropes. Now I wonder if that?s a regular thing.

When you're that good, I'd say so.

Yer Maw
01-16-2021, 03:49 PM
Was Adam Pearce a good wrestler, good promo etc? I haven't seen anything by him in regards to working a match or anything.

Fire Marshall Bill
01-16-2021, 06:00 PM
Glad they got Owens in the match. I liked the story of getting Adam Pearce into a match to hurt him, but not at RR.

Storm Trooper
01-16-2021, 06:04 PM
So Mania is in Tampa this year (2 nights April 10 and 11), Arlington, TX next year (April 3) and LA in 2023 (April 2).


01-16-2021, 07:35 PM
Thoughts on Bockwinkel and ray stevens as a tag team?

01-17-2021, 01:05 PM
Was Adam Pearce a good wrestler, good promo etc? I haven't seen anything by him in regards to working a match or anything.

He's pretty good. Rather old school feel but he made it work in the ring. Promo isn't great but it's serviceable.

So Mania is in Tampa this year (2 nights April 10 and 11), Arlington, TX next year (April 3) and LA in 2023 (April 2).


We're likely booking the room in Tampa this week so I'm rather happy.

01-17-2021, 01:06 PM
Thoughts on Bockwinkel and ray stevens as a tag team?

There isn't a ton of footage of them but the little I've seen and everything I've heard about them say that they were one of if not the best team ever so I can't argue that very much.

Storm Trooper
01-17-2021, 06:01 PM
Alwayz Ready Matt Cardona in Impact Wrestling? Your thoughts?

Also, would it not be funny if he gets involved in the Impact/AEW war on the Impact side?

01-19-2021, 01:42 PM
Alwayz Ready Matt Cardona in Impact Wrestling? Your thoughts?

Also, would it not be funny if he gets involved in the Impact/AEW war on the Impact side?

I'd rather he be there than in AEW, but please don't reform Hawkins/Ryder.

This hasn't exactly been a war. More like AEW playing with Impact because their friends are away at camp.

Storm Trooper
01-19-2021, 03:26 PM
I'd rather he be there than in AEW, but please don't reform Hawkins/Ryder.

This hasn't exactly been a war. More like AEW playing with Impact because their friends are away at camp.
Ideally he'd be able to make the rounds on the Indies, and not just pop up on the other company for a cup of coffee and then the major Indy company (Impact is a glorified indy company now. Naturally there are no indies.

I think he'll be back in AEW at some point, he'd just get lost in the shuffle right now I think. I mean he came in and just did a tag program with Cody's Minions, so it's not like he was all that big a deal.

I know they both said they have no desire to do the Tag Team full time. They'd take indy bookings to wrestle specific teams (I know the Headbangers were one of them).

Stone Cold Tea
01-20-2021, 10:30 AM
What's would you say is Kanes greatest match ever? How great would you say it was in the sphere of great matches?

What is you're favourite JR call ever? For me its 'Mania 18 when Hogan drops the leg.

"He beat Andre The Giant with that move!"

I only picked up on it recently but it gave me chills.

01-20-2021, 07:40 PM
Ideally he'd be able to make the rounds on the Indies, and not just pop up on the other company for a cup of coffee and then the major Indy company (Impact is a glorified indy company now. Naturally there are no indies.

I think he'll be back in AEW at some point, he'd just get lost in the shuffle right now I think. I mean he came in and just did a tag program with Cody's Minions, so it's not like he was all that big a deal.

I know they both said they have no desire to do the Tag Team full time. They'd take indy bookings to wrestle specific teams (I know the Headbangers were one of them).

Yeah I'd rather he do something like that because otherwise, he's coming off as one of those guys who keeps saying he can get over without WWE and that's all there is to him.

What's would you say is Kanes greatest match ever? How great would you say it was in the sphere of great matches?

What is you're favourite JR call ever? For me its 'Mania 18 when Hogan drops the leg.

"He beat Andre The Giant with that move!"

I only picked up on it recently but it gave me chills.

Ooo that's a tough one. I remember liking his stuff with Jericho. He and Angle had a rather good one on Smackdown and he had a surprisingly awesome match with Albert.

The Andre line is WAY up there as I've always loved it too. It's a cliche but it's hard to argue with "the Austin Era has begun!" I would also go with pretty much everything he says in the Austin vs. Hart submission match because he is in his glory with the whole thing. Also, honorable mention to "I guess we'll call this one Dong and the other one Ding."

Fire Marshall Bill
01-23-2021, 02:51 PM
Legit laughed out loud when Cole made the Bill Lambeer comment when Bayley attacked Bianca.

Storm Trooper
01-24-2021, 05:21 PM
Chances Jinder Mahal returns tomorrow? He's on the India show that is airing Tuesday morning.

Storm Trooper
01-25-2021, 07:26 AM
WWE Network is moving to Peacock. your thoughts?

01-26-2021, 04:18 AM
Chances Jinder Mahal returns tomorrow? He's on the India show that is airing Tuesday morning.

Won't surprise me, though I don't need to see it. If he stays in the mid/upper midcard, he'll be fine.

WWE Network is moving to Peacock. your thoughts?

As long as it doesn't raise the price I have to pay every month and I don't lose content, I'm good. As usual, WWE makes a lot more money without doing much.

01-29-2021, 02:51 PM
Who's the most unfairly maligned in-ring worker by the general wrestling audience?

Storm Trooper
01-30-2021, 03:25 PM
Hypothetical here.

If Roman did virtually everything the same as he's done the past 5 months, but without Paul Heyman, how over would he be compared to now?

01-31-2021, 03:19 AM
Who's the most unfairly maligned in-ring worker by the general wrestling audience?

Great Khali probably. He couldn't do much, but why should he be able to? THe giant stuff works fine because he's that big. Why do anything other than play to your strengths?

Hypothetical here.

If Roman did virtually everything the same as he's done the past 5 months, but without Paul Heyman, how over would he be compared to now?

Not quite as, because Heyman represents evil. Seeing him there confirmed that Reigns was fully turned to the dark side and having someone as powerful as Heyman doing Reigns' bidding makes Reigns look even more powerful.

Yer Maw
02-04-2021, 03:05 PM
What are Covid cases like in the US? When do you think fans will be back at shows full time?

Storm Trooper
02-04-2021, 11:38 PM
Did your website get hit with a spam-bot? There's an article on there that is most definitely weirdly worded and just makes no sense, which is the exact opposite of your usual awesome work. Or is it an ad-article?

02-05-2021, 10:12 AM
Who's Cena's main rival?

02-05-2021, 12:29 PM
What are Covid cases like in the US? When do you think fans will be back at shows full time?

According to the conference call yesterday, not until the second half of the year at the earliest.

Did your website get hit with a spam-bot? There's an article on there that is most definitely weirdly worded and just makes no sense, which is the exact opposite of your usual awesome work. Or is it an ad-article?

Much appreciated.

And yeah it's an ad.

Who's Cena's main rival?

Orton or Edge.

02-09-2021, 07:17 PM
When was the last time the referee held up the "X" sign in the WWE?

Stone Cold Tea
02-10-2021, 07:27 AM
What's your favourite calendar year in WWE history?

02-10-2021, 06:30 PM
When was the last time the referee held up the "X" sign in the WWE?

I believe Ivar last September.

What's your favourite calendar year in WWE history?

Probably 1987.

Yer Maw
02-15-2021, 03:26 AM
Who do you think Edge will pick?

Fire Marshall Bill
02-15-2021, 09:15 PM
Shouldn?t they do more with Lashley? This has been a great push. The Hurt Business in general has done pretty well. I thought they were going further when they went up against Retribution, but that went to shit. I feel like McIntyre?s run has run its course. Maybe have him lose and win it back and then Lashley takes it. It?s obviously not going to happen because of the WM timing, but I?ve been saying for months Lashley should go further.

02-16-2021, 04:53 AM
Who do you think Edge will pick?


Shouldn?t they do more with Lashley? This has been a great push. The Hurt Business in general has done pretty well. I thought they were going further when they went up against Retribution, but that went to shit. I feel like McIntyre?s run has run its course. Maybe have him lose and win it back and then Lashley takes it. It?s obviously not going to happen because of the WM timing, but I?ve been saying for months Lashley should go further.

Yep. I've wanted them to for a long time now. He's good at what he's doing but it's not like they have another person for the main event at the moment.

Storm Trooper
02-16-2021, 07:51 AM
I'm gonna ask here because I don't know what the fuck is going on with the people in your comments section on your site but they are beyond weird and off-putting.

This week Miz was on fire. Objectively it was the best we've seen from Miz in a long time. It is not surprising that he can do it (we've seen it countless times in the past). What is surprising is that they let him be serious again.

Miz is talented enough to get heat quickly. Can he get enough heat for a match with Drew at Mania (likely with Miz cashing in and holding the Championship)? I think so.

Also, should he drop John Morrison again? Putting them together was a good idea for a short term thing but it ran its course when they lost the Tag titles. Hell it would be best for both parties as a face Morrison and a serious Miz are BOTH better than a comedy heel team.

Finally, Miz is a surefire Hall of Famer, right? 12 years ago that would have been blasphemous but it's true. Hell he'd likely be the 2nd biggest name in the class now and could potentially work his way into being the Main Event of the Hall of Fame Class.

02-17-2021, 11:22 AM
I'm gonna ask here because I don't know what the fuck is going on with the people in your comments section on your site but they are beyond weird and off-putting.

This week Miz was on fire. Objectively it was the best we've seen from Miz in a long time. It is not surprising that he can do it (we've seen it countless times in the past). What is surprising is that they let him be serious again.

Miz is talented enough to get heat quickly. Can he get enough heat for a match with Drew at Mania (likely with Miz cashing in and holding the Championship)? I think so.

Also, should he drop John Morrison again? Putting them together was a good idea for a short term thing but it ran its course when they lost the Tag titles. Hell it would be best for both parties as a face Morrison and a serious Miz are BOTH better than a comedy heel team.

Finally, Miz is a surefire Hall of Famer, right? 12 years ago that would have been blasphemous but it's true. Hell he'd likely be the 2nd biggest name in the class now and could potentially work his way into being the Main Event of the Hall of Fame Class.

Yeah.....I think I need to do something about those comments.

I've been a die hard Miz fan for a long time now but I'm sick of him in this run. They've teased the briefcase (which might be my least favorite thing in wrestling in the first place) for so long now that I don't want to see Miz do anything more than cash in and lose so we can move on.

Now, could Miz be reheated and turned serious? Absolutely, but not in time for Mania, and certainly not with the briefcase.

Yes to dropping Morrison because they just do the comedy stuff and it gets old fast.

If Miz isn't in the Hall of Fame, there's something wrong with the Hall of Fame.

Storm Trooper
02-17-2021, 04:57 PM
Yeah.....I think I need to do something about those comments.

I've been a die hard Miz fan for a long time now but I'm sick of him in this run. They've teased the briefcase (which might be my least favorite thing in wrestling in the first place) for so long now that I don't want to see Miz do anything more than cash in and lose so we can move on.

Now, could Miz be reheated and turned serious? Absolutely, but not in time for Mania, and certainly not with the briefcase.

Yes to dropping Morrison because they just do the comedy stuff and it gets old fast.

If Miz isn't in the Hall of Fame, there's something wrong with the Hall of Fame.
The comments were cute at first, but they grew to ridiculous proportions and fail to drive the conversation. Those who are not in the know can find them at I Watch A Lot Of Wrestling (kbwrestlingreviews.com) (https://kbwrestlingreviews.com/).

This week reminded me why Miz is so awesome. When he's serious he's among the top performers in the company on the mic. We haven't seen that in over a year (since JoMo came back).

And I recall him saying last year (pre-pandemic) that with Mania in LA this year he wanted to be in the Championship match or he was gonna retire. This may have been partially in-character I'm not sure. It is unfathomable that he has yet to get another main event run after WrestleMania 27.

02-17-2021, 08:41 PM
The comments were cute at first, but they grew to ridiculous proportions and fail to drive the conversation. Those who are not in the know can find them at I Watch A Lot Of Wrestling (kbwrestlingreviews.com) (https://kbwrestlingreviews.com/).

This week reminded me why Miz is so awesome. When he's serious he's among the top performers in the company on the mic. We haven't seen that in over a year (since JoMo came back).

And I recall him saying last year (pre-pandemic) that with Mania in LA this year he wanted to be in the Championship match or he was gonna retire. This may have been partially in-character I'm not sure. It is unfathomable that he has yet to get another main event run after WrestleMania 27.

I'll probably cut them off before next Raw. They're out of hand.

I couldn't stand how much Miz was on Raw this week. It's WAY too much and I still think he cashes in at MITB, loses, and then gets the briefcase again.

The first one didn't go well, but it's not like things can get that much worse.

02-18-2021, 08:25 PM
Why didn't Matt Morgan ever become Heavyweight Champ?

Storm Trooper
02-21-2021, 01:13 PM
So. Right now you're reviewing all the live WWE and AEW stuff. Impact and (I think) ROH and MLW. You're also re-watching and re-reviewing WWECW and WWE 2006.

I don't want to add more stuff, but can I request a new re-watch and re-review series (obviously for after the WWECW or WWE 2006 stuff ends).

There's been 33 NXT Takeovers (36 if you include UK Takeovers). Only Dallas got a re-do. I'd love to see your thoughts on them again, especially with hindsight on how they followed everything up.

02-21-2021, 09:18 PM
Why didn't Matt Morgan ever become Heavyweight Champ?

No particular reason that I know of. A TNA reign would have been fine.

So. Right now you're reviewing all the live WWE and AEW stuff. Impact and (I think) ROH and MLW. You're also re-watching and re-reviewing WWECW and WWE 2006.

I don't want to add more stuff, but can I request a new re-watch and re-review series (obviously for after the WWECW or WWE 2006 stuff ends).

There's been 33 NXT Takeovers (36 if you include UK Takeovers). Only Dallas got a re-do. I'd love to see your thoughts on them again, especially with hindsight on how they followed everything up.

Actually I re-did all of the Takeovers up through....I want to say New Orleans for the books.

Storm Trooper
02-21-2021, 09:26 PM
No particular reason that I know of. A TNA reign would have been fine.

Actually I re-did all of the Takeovers up through....I want to say New Orleans for the books.
ahh, they aren't on the site. Didn't realize they were redone for the book. Honestly thought they were the normal reviews not new stuff. I now feel like an idiot.

Although I think eventually you'd like to trade re-watching WWECW to re-watching NXT tv...

02-22-2021, 04:06 AM
Where do you think Ethan Page will end up?

02-22-2021, 08:23 PM
Thoughts on Adam Page? I really don't watch AEW, but I like Adam Page whenever I can find his matches. I'm usually booked Wednesday nights.

Fire Marshall Bill
02-22-2021, 10:06 PM
Thoughts on Adam Page? I really don't watch AEW, but I like Adam Page whenever I can find his matches. I'm usually booked Wednesday nights.

I?ve never jumped on kb?s threads, but I honestly believe he has the potential of James Storm.

Anyway kb, I feel like they had the same feeling we did with Lashley, but they?re sidestepping, making Lashlry lose by intervention of Strowman leading to their feud. It?s a good way (I guess) to circumvent Lashley going after the title, but I?m disappointed. Lashley should?ve destroyed Miz tonight. Miz should?ve thought he was safe, but then Shelton Benjamin and Cedric Alexander cut him off and the rest you know. What I loved about the Hurt Business is they weren?t heels or faces. They just did what was ?good for business?. They were a good faction.

02-22-2021, 10:17 PM
On average about how much does WWE exaggerate wrestler's heights and weights? I doubt Montez Ford is close to 6-5 and Jimmy Uso is close to 250 pounds.

Fire Marshall Bill
02-22-2021, 10:26 PM
I?ve never jumped on kb?s threads, but I honestly believe he has the potential of James Storm.

Anyway kb, I feel like they had the same feeling we did with Lashley, but they?re sidestepping, making Lashlry lose by intervention of Strowman leading to their feud. It?s a good way (I guess) to circumvent Lashley going after the title, but I?m disappointed. Lashley should?ve destroyed Miz tonight. Miz should?ve thought he was safe, but then Shelton Benjamin and Cedric Alexander cut him off and the rest you know. What I loved about the Hurt Business is they weren?t heels or faces. They just did what was ?good for business?. They were a good faction.

Well shit I just assumed Strowman was in the match. I sent this early. So, is there any kind of BS that makes Lashley lose? From a draw standpoint there is. From a ?holy shit this guy is built like a motherfucker? there isn?t. What happens? I?m honestly going to be quite upset if Lashley doesn?t win. Reigns has been my favorite story, but Lashley has been my favorite build. I?ve expressed both those things for months. Help.

02-23-2021, 04:30 AM
Why are they trying to turn Bray Wyatt into Papa Shango?

02-25-2021, 04:27 AM
ahh, they aren't on the site. Didn't realize they were redone for the book. Honestly thought they were the normal reviews not new stuff. I now feel like an idiot.

Although I think eventually you'd like to trade re-watching WWECW to re-watching NXT tv...

Eventually yeah, though I like the idea of checking another show off the list of never done.

Where do you think Ethan Page will end up?

Probably Impact actually.

Thoughts on Adam Page? I really don't watch AEW, but I like Adam Page whenever I can find his matches. I'm usually booked Wednesday nights.

I've liked him for a good while now. Good look, work, talking, makes the cowboy thing work. I don't have any complaints about him, which is pretty rare.

I?ve never jumped on kb?s threads, but I honestly believe he has the potential of James Storm.

Anyway kb, I feel like they had the same feeling we did with Lashley, but they?re sidestepping, making Lashlry lose by intervention of Strowman leading to their feud. It?s a good way (I guess) to circumvent Lashley going after the title, but I?m disappointed. Lashley should?ve destroyed Miz tonight. Miz should?ve thought he was safe, but then Shelton Benjamin and Cedric Alexander cut him off and the rest you know. What I loved about the Hurt Business is they weren?t heels or faces. They just did what was ?good for business?. They were a good faction.

I think Lashley winds up as champion sooner rather than later, which is very long overdue. If not, what else is he supposed to do?

On average about how much does WWE exaggerate wrestler's heights and weights? I doubt Montez Ford is close to 6-5 and Jimmy Uso is close to 250 pounds.

I'd guess a few inches and 20-30lbs. You can see what athletes look like under strict weight checks in the UFC and it's not the same as WWE.

Well shit I just assumed Strowman was in the match. I sent this early. So, is there any kind of BS that makes Lashley lose? From a draw standpoint there is. From a ?holy shit this guy is built like a motherfucker? there isn?t. What happens? I?m honestly going to be quite upset if Lashley doesn?t win. Reigns has been my favorite story, but Lashley has been my favorite build. I?ve expressed both those things for months. Help.

I think Drew interferes and costs Lashley the title, setting up....something at Fastlane.

Why are they trying to turn Bray Wyatt into Papa Shango?

THey overthink everything with Wyatt and get something like this as a result. Just be glad it's as coherent as it is.

Yer Maw
02-25-2021, 03:55 PM
If you were a wrestler and a champion and were making your entrance down to the ring, would you hold it in your hand, over your shoulder or wear it around your waist?

02-26-2021, 02:53 AM
If you were a wrestler and a champion and were making your entrance down to the ring, would you hold it in your hand, over your shoulder or wear it around your waist?

Waist. Always go with the classics. Though I do love the belt clasped together in someone's hand. The way King Booker used to cradle it was great too.

02-26-2021, 03:40 AM
Why would EC3 sign with ROH over AEW or Impact?

02-26-2021, 05:39 AM
What can you tell me about Billy Robinson?

02-28-2021, 12:14 AM
Why would EC3 sign with ROH over AEW or Impact?

Impact is a joke and MJF would outshine him in every possible way safe for physique.

What can you tell me about Billy Robinson?

Crazy talented shooter, did some of the best stuff I've ever seen in the AWA. Mainly worked in a time when a lot of stuff wasn't taped though.

Storm Trooper
03-01-2021, 07:38 PM
What's your take on WWE announcing a time for a match/promo? Last week they had the Miz/Lashley countdown timer, and this week they announced the time for the match with a countdown (then did it again).

03-01-2021, 09:38 PM
What's your take on WWE announcing a time for a match/promo? Last week they had the Miz/Lashley countdown timer, and this week they announced the time for the match with a countdown (then did it again).

I like the idea of having any kind of a structure and schedule for the show. WWE so often feels so slapped together and it's nice to have something written down in near stone for once. They shouldn't do it weekly, but it's nice to be able to set something up like this in advance.

Storm Trooper
03-02-2021, 06:07 AM
I like the idea of having any kind of a structure and schedule for the show. WWE so often feels so slapped together and it's nice to have something written down in near stone for once. They shouldn't do it weekly, but it's nice to be able to set something up like this in advance.

That's what I thought too. Not every week but if the story fits. It would be stupid to see "R-Truth vs. Akira Tozawa at the top of the hour" with clocks, but for major events yes.

It is ESPECIALLY great for the Hurt Business, as there's nothing more businesslike than having a set time for a meeting (this meeting happens to be a violent one in a ring).

03-03-2021, 07:35 PM
What would have happened if Crockett and Watts got together? How would they've fared against Vince?

03-04-2021, 05:31 AM
On the topic of Crockett, where would you rank him among wrestler's best promoters?

Yer Maw
03-04-2021, 01:15 PM
I've been watching 2001 WWE and I've just watched the Angle-Benoit cage match, do you know if his headbutt off the top of the cage is when Benoit broke his neck?

03-07-2021, 10:22 PM
What would have happened if Crockett and Watts got together? How would they've fared against Vince?

They would have had a shot, but I don't know how well it would have worked nationally. The problem was much more about Crockett overspending and the product wasn't going to fix that no matter who was in charge.

On the topic of Crockett, where would you rank him among wrestler's best promoters?

As a promoter, he's rather good and could have lasted for several more years as a really big regional guy. I like him better than most others, probably second or third in the modern era behind Vince and maybe Watts (granted that's without the longest amount of thought).

I've been watching 2001 WWE and I've just watched the Angle-Benoit cage match, do you know if his headbutt off the top of the cage is when Benoit broke his neck?

I believe it was at the King of the Ring.

Fire Marshall Bill
03-08-2021, 09:06 PM
Week late, but I feel so good that Lashley got the title when I?ve been saying for about a year (mostly to you) that his build has been amazing. I?m glad for him. I bet you are too. He?s earned it. Any chance the Hurt Business dominates the titles (tag team, mid card)? I don?t see it. I honestly think he?s going to lose it at WM to Drew McIntyre, which will be kind of a shame. Nothing against McIntyre, but Lashley?s build has been so good it deserves a long run.

Fire Marshall Bill
03-08-2021, 09:25 PM
?I apologize that you had to join the ?Hall of Pain? was kind of a wish for me when Shane walked away from Strowman. I read Mark Henry was talking about a return and that dialogue alone excited me. I don?t want to see Shane vs. Brawn.

Yer Maw
03-09-2021, 05:08 PM
I believe it was at the King of the Ring.

It says on his wiki that he broke it in the TLC match, but surely they wouldn't let him keep wrestling and do that dive off the cage with a broken neck?

Also, what a year he was having in 2001, how was he not a world champion before 2004?

03-11-2021, 01:14 AM
Week late, but I feel so good that Lashley got the title when I?ve been saying for about a year (mostly to you) that his build has been amazing. I?m glad for him. I bet you are too. He?s earned it. Any chance the Hurt Business dominates the titles (tag team, mid card)? I don?t see it. I honestly think he?s going to lose it at WM to Drew McIntyre, which will be kind of a shame. Nothing against McIntyre, but Lashley?s build has been so good it deserves a long run.

Yeah I'm the same. They'll be on top for a short bit and then it's all going to fall apart. I love McIntyre, but he had his time. He can get the title back later, but Lashley holding onto it is a better story.

?I apologize that you had to join the ?Hall of Pain? was kind of a wish for me when Shane walked away from Strowman. I read Mark Henry was talking about a return and that dialogue alone excited me. I don?t want to see Shane vs. Brawn.

I don't think anyone does. It's just so random.

It says on his wiki that he broke it in the TLC match, but surely they wouldn't let him keep wrestling and do that dive off the cage with a broken neck?

Also, what a year he was having in 2001, how was he not a world champion before 2004?

Very well may have been. And they might not have known he was that hurt.

Austin, Rock, HHH, Angle, Lesnar, Jericho, neck injury. Pick any two.

Yer Maw
03-22-2021, 02:31 PM
How do you think they're going to ruin Rhea Ripley on Raw?

Also, if everybody in the company loves you but Vince doesn't like you, are you screwed?

03-22-2021, 05:40 PM
How do you think they're going to ruin Rhea Ripley on Raw?

Also, if everybody in the company loves you but Vince doesn't like you, are you screwed?

Probably a nickname or having her beat a catchphrase over our heads.

More or less. There are exceptions, but they're rare.

03-26-2021, 10:16 AM
Did Edge turn heel at Fastlane? If so, why and how does this affect the WrestleMania match?

03-26-2021, 05:27 PM
Did Edge turn heel at Fastlane? If so, why and how does this affect the WrestleMania match?

Pretty much. Mainly because he's awful as an old face and needed a change so he wasn't boring everyone to death. ANd Bryan will likely be added to the match.

Fire Marshall Bill
03-26-2021, 10:04 PM
Pretty much. Mainly because he's awful as an old face and needed a change so he wasn't boring everyone to death. ANd Bryan will likely be added to the match.

While I didn?t see the heel turn coming, I definitely saw DB being added to the match. Neither Edge nor Reigns should be pinned right now. He?s their way out. Who do you think wins? Though as I think about it, Edge turning heel makes me think he?s less likely to win. Veterans are generally cheered and faces for nostalgia. You think they?d go with a veteran heel champ who?s got potential health issues? Brock was heel, but he was healthy and a totally different wrestler.

Also, this Banks heel turn is pretty bad. It didn?t really have a big moment and is coming out of nowhere for no real reason. I?m guessing they?re trying to get more people behind Belair, but this has been executed so poorly that I?d rather they have a typical face/face match. Hell, they could?ve had Banks lose, Belair help her up and Banks turns heel beating her up. It?s cliche, but still better than this.

Storm Trooper
03-29-2021, 03:14 PM
AEW has Jon Moxley wrestling something called Bill Collier on Dark: Elevation tonight.

Is that an egregious waste of talent? I mean if WWE had Randy Orton wrestle an extra on WWE Main Event everyone would bitch and complain to high heaven and say WWE is stupid and wasting their talent.

03-29-2021, 03:26 PM
Why couldn't we have just a one vs one Roman vs Edge at WrestleMania?

03-29-2021, 10:17 PM
While I didn?t see the heel turn coming, I definitely saw DB being added to the match. Neither Edge nor Reigns should be pinned right now. He?s their way out. Who do you think wins? Though as I think about it, Edge turning heel makes me think he?s less likely to win. Veterans are generally cheered and faces for nostalgia. You think they?d go with a veteran heel champ who?s got potential health issues? Brock was heel, but he was healthy and a totally different wrestler.

Also, this Banks heel turn is pretty bad. It didn?t really have a big moment and is coming out of nowhere for no real reason. I?m guessing they?re trying to get more people behind Belair, but this has been executed so poorly that I?d rather they have a typical face/face match. Hell, they could?ve had Banks lose, Belair help her up and Banks turns heel beating her up. It?s cliche, but still better than this.

I think Reigns wins, as he should. I have absolutely zero need to see Edge win any kind of title or prize ever again.

As for Banks vs. Belair, it's because we don't really know much about Belair. She's a great athlete and.....what else is there? It's almost like spending a month having them fight Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler over a fired wine expert who Nia thinks is cute and happens to be an acrobat was a REALLY STUPID THING TO DO AND NOW THEY'RE HAVING THE SAME PEOPLE GET INVOLVED WITH ASUKA AND RHEA RIPLEY BECAUSE THIS COMPANY IS SO FREAKING DUMB SOMETIMES AND IT MAKES ME LIKE TO SCREAM A LOT!

AEW has Jon Moxley wrestling something called Bill Collier on Dark: Elevation tonight.

Is that an egregious waste of talent? I mean if WWE had Randy Orton wrestle an extra on WWE Main Event everyone would bitch and complain to high heaven and say WWE is stupid and wasting their talent.

To get people to watch the still new show. WWE had CM Punk vs. Sheamus, World Champion vs. World Champion, on the first episode of Main Event. Give it a month and it'll be more like what you would expect.

Why couldn't we have just a one vs one Roman vs Edge at WrestleMania?

Edge isn't interesting in this role. He's played it WAY too serious to be interesting, he looks to be about 183 years old and the audience was tuning out when he was on. They had to change something.

Yer Maw
03-30-2021, 04:14 AM
AEW has Jon Moxley wrestling something called Bill Collier on Dark: Elevation tonight.

Is that an egregious waste of talent? I mean if WWE had Randy Orton wrestle an extra on WWE Main Event everyone would bitch and complain to high heaven and say WWE is stupid and wasting their talent.

What a stupid thing to moan about!

Yer Maw
04-01-2021, 09:04 AM
Just a question about your website if that's okay.

Are some of your reviews on a timer where they get posted at a time you've set or do you post them all yourself? Just asking because I've noticed after you post Dynamite it takes a few hours for NXT to go up but other things have been posted during that time.

Love your work!

04-01-2021, 09:16 PM
Just a question about your website if that's okay.

Are some of your reviews on a timer where they get posted at a time you've set or do you post them all yourself? Just asking because I've noticed after you post Dynamite it takes a few hours for NXT to go up but other things have been posted during that time.

Love your work!

Absolutely that's okay and much appreciated.

I do Dynamite live and then take a bit of a break before doing NXT. During that time, I'll put up a few little things that need to go up that week which I didn't get done before DYnamite. The idea is to not have something like Fusion or ROH or something as the first thing people see in the morning when they come for NXT. I'm rather bad about doing the minor shows on time and I cannot stand them being more than a week late, hence why I did last week's ROH at 4am last night, as I wanted it up before I did NXT.

04-02-2021, 01:41 PM
Is The Hurt Business breaking up relatively early a good thing so they don't overstay their welcome? And will they rank relatively well as a faction as a result of it?

04-03-2021, 11:27 PM
Is The Hurt Business breaking up relatively early a good thing so they don't overstay their welcome? And will they rank relatively well as a faction as a result of it?

I'd hope not, as they are nowhere near ready to overstay their welcome. ANd probably not crazy high, as they weren't around very long and Lashley only won the title at the very end.

Storm Trooper
04-04-2021, 11:09 AM
Which do you think is the bigger spot for a match.

The Main Event of Night 1, or the 1st match of night 1 (and thus the 1st match with fans)? I saw the report that Bianca/Sasha will close Night 1, and I'd think they'll have Drew/Bob open the show then.

04-04-2021, 05:42 PM
What happened to Keith Lee?

04-05-2021, 06:01 PM
Which do you think is the bigger spot for a match.

The Main Event of Night 1, or the 1st match of night 1 (and thus the 1st match with fans)? I saw the report that Bianca/Sasha will close Night 1, and I'd think they'll have Drew/Bob open the show then.

I would say the first match. As Kevin Owens said: If you can't go on last, you want to go on first.

What happened to Keith Lee?

I've heard a mix of injuries/Covid/Vince doesn't like him.

Storm Trooper
04-05-2021, 09:21 PM
So now that WWE Network has moved to Peacock, and is not yet 100% migrated (won't be 100% there until SummerSlam time), is that going to affect your old school re-reviews?

Yer Maw
04-06-2021, 01:52 PM
Do you think AEW need someone like a Paul Heyman or Jim Cornette to help book their shows?

04-07-2021, 11:05 AM
Am I the only one who thinks Wrestlemania 31 is beyond overrated?

04-07-2021, 08:20 PM
So now that WWE Network has moved to Peacock, and is not yet 100% migrated (won't be 100% there until SummerSlam time), is that going to affect your old school re-reviews?

In theory no, but I'm almost scared to see how many edits there are.

Do you think AEW need someone like a Paul Heyman or Jim Cornette to help book their shows?

At worst, they need someone to say "hold on a second, what are we doing here". Khan seems to put anything suggested to him out there and that is not a good idea, either short term or long term.

Am I the only one who thinks Wrestlemania 31 is beyond overrated?

I watched it earlier this week and liked it a good bit.

Storm Trooper
04-07-2021, 10:21 PM
In theory no, but I'm almost scared to see how many edits there are.
I was referring more to the fact that not everything had migrated over so far.

04-09-2021, 11:58 AM
Better commentary duo: JR and King or JR and Heyman?

Storm Trooper
04-12-2021, 07:57 PM
Am I crazy to think that (IF) Becky Lynch comes back, she shouldn't go to Raw, or Smackdown, but NXT? It's the only (relevant) championship she has yet to win, and she can work a less intense schedule (Weekly trips to Orlando instead of weekly trips to various places around the Country; not to mention if House Shows ever come back NXT runs significantly less).

04-12-2021, 08:08 PM
Better commentary duo: JR and King or JR and Heyman?


04-12-2021, 08:09 PM

04-12-2021, 08:14 PM

04-13-2021, 09:03 PM
I was referring more to the fact that not everything had migrated over so far.

Nah I've found them from a few other places so I'm covered.

Better commentary duo: JR and King or JR and Heyman?

Oooo. I think I'll take the latter (pre-Invasion that is), but the first is as timeless as you can get for Raw.

Am I crazy to think that (IF) Becky Lynch comes back, she shouldn't go to Raw, or Smackdown, but NXT? It's the only (relevant) championship she has yet to win, and she can work a less intense schedule (Weekly trips to Orlando instead of weekly trips to various places around the Country; not to mention if House Shows ever come back NXT runs significantly less).

I just can't picture it. She is too big of a name to go back to NXT at this point.

04-14-2021, 09:37 PM
What's the greatest wrestling roster of all time? In your opinion, not necessarily considering anything objective.

04-15-2021, 02:52 PM
What's the greatest wrestling roster of all time? In your opinion, not necessarily considering anything objective.

If you're talking star power, late 90s WCW and it's by a pretty wide margin.

Yer Maw
04-16-2021, 04:33 PM
Are you surprised the street profits haven't been split up yet?

Storm Trooper
04-16-2021, 08:37 PM
What were your thoughts on Pat McAfee on commentary?

04-17-2021, 12:20 AM
Are you surprised the street profits haven't been split up yet?

Kind of, but it has been quite the relief to have a good team stay together so long.

What were your thoughts on Pat McAfee on commentary?

Brought some good energy, but I'll believe that matters when I see it last for more than a few weeks.

Stone Cold Tea
04-17-2021, 02:48 PM
Thoughts on Sonya Deville seemingly making all the decision on Smackdown?

Do you think her constant over riding of Adam Pearce?

Stone Cold Tea
04-17-2021, 06:44 PM
What do you think of her constant over riding of Pearce?

I should really quality check my posts.

04-18-2021, 05:43 PM
Thoughts on Sonya Deville seemingly making all the decision on Smackdown?

Do you think her constant over riding of Adam Pearce?

It's a bit too early to say, though I forget she is there half the time. It might lead somewhere, but I wouldn't be surprised if it is just forgotten/dropped.

04-19-2021, 02:40 AM
Is AJ Styles the only guy that came from TNA that actually managed to have some staying power on the main roster? Samoa Joe and Bobby Roode did well in NXT but as soon as they went to the main roster they flopped hard. Is this because of creative or is it because they're just niche wrestlers?

Storm Trooper
04-19-2021, 07:46 AM
Did you watch the Stone Cold Biography on A&E and/or WWE's Most Wanted Treasures Sunday night? Thoughts on them if you did?

04-19-2021, 05:59 PM
Is AJ Styles the only guy that came from TNA that actually managed to have some staying power on the main roster? Samoa Joe and Bobby Roode did well in NXT but as soon as they went to the main roster they flopped hard. Is this because of creative or is it because they're just niche wrestlers?

There are a few who had some nice but not huge careers but yeah Styles is about the only main event one that I can think of on short notice. And it's a mixture of creative and WWE being a much bigger place than TNA.

Did you watch the Stone Cold Biography on A&E and/or WWE's Most Wanted Treasures Sunday night? Thoughts on them if you did?

Have them on the DVR for later this week.

Storm Trooper
04-19-2021, 06:16 PM
Have them on the DVR for later this week.
The Treasures show is an hour of Mick Foley. Can't beat that.

Biography was good.

04-20-2021, 09:55 AM
The Treasures show is an hour of Mick Foley. Can't beat that.

Biography was good.

I mean if you insist.

04-20-2021, 11:58 PM
How successful would Big E have to be as a singles star to make the New Day split worth it?

04-21-2021, 05:18 PM
How successful would Big E have to be as a singles star to make the New Day split worth it?

I'm not sure how much it needs to be validated. If it fails, you can do a reunion and has a perfectly acceptable run all over again. It's pretty much playing with the house's money after New Day has done so well for so long.

Storm Trooper
04-21-2021, 05:33 PM
It may still be early, and you may be still reeling from the WrestleMania Week Wrestling Marathon, but how has the NXT to Tuesday move worked for you so far?

04-22-2021, 11:07 PM
It may still be early, and you may be still reeling from the WrestleMania Week Wrestling Marathon, but how has the NXT to Tuesday move worked for you so far?

Vast improvement. It was exhausting to get done with Dynamite and a few other things I do on Wednesday and then remember that I have another two hour show that night. Spreading it out has been great.