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02-19-2018, 02:53 PM
I hear this is what people from Kentucky do. I get bored often, ask me stuff. I'll provide my likely bad and uninformed opinion on it.

02-19-2018, 02:56 PM
Why are you stealing my idea of stealing Lariat's Ask Lariat Questions Thread?

02-19-2018, 03:20 PM
Because I'm a sheep.

'Ravishing' Ned Flanders
02-19-2018, 04:18 PM
Who let the dogs out?

02-20-2018, 06:42 AM
Well since the Baja Men had like 40 members, it is hard to pin down.

02-20-2018, 09:42 PM
Where do you think Paul George ends up?

And what do you do with your Pacers? Sell everyone minus Oladipo and Turner?

02-20-2018, 10:10 PM
Where do you think Paul George ends up?

And what do you do with your Pacers? Sell everyone minus Oladipo and Turner?

I think he ends up in LA, with the Lakers, but I'm not sold on that. He may stay in OKC since Russ goes to bat for him a lot. The issue with PG is that for years he was our guy, he was the leader, but he can't handle that role. His actions and performance in the clutch prove it. Then he showed his true colors by telling management he wanted to stay in Indy, then like 48 hours telling them he was leaving for LA when his contract was up. He isn't a good teammate and while he did lead us to back to back ECF and pushed the Heatles to the limit both times, I don't think he is a true #1 for any contending team.

I think the Pacers should stay the course. Olapido has been a huge surprise and is a contender for most improved and Turner is growing into a damn fine player. Sabonis has proven to be a decent starter when Turner was hurt, but definitely a guy who can give you numbers off the bench. Thad Young is also a solid player who may not be a starter on a top tier team, but fits in with us nicely. Lance is also Lance, it seems like Indianapolis is the only place where he can reign in his weird shit enough to produce. Those guys are all solid and I think we keep them for a while. TJ Leaf has been iffy, wasn't a huge fan of him being our pick, but he could improve. I think we stick with our core and are content with being a mid tier team in the East for a couple years. The only guy I think we truly overpay is Al Jefferon, he isn't as effective as he was in his younger days and is a dying breed of big man, but he does provide that veteran presence and can mentor the guys like Turner and Leaf. Collison is a serviceable point guard, maybe a bit underrated, but he isn't going to lead the team to glory. I think if in the next two or three years we can find a game changing point guard and keep the guys we have on they upward trend we might be able to contend, but for now I think a 5 seed is far better than anyone expected this year.

02-20-2018, 10:51 PM
Are you a connected franchise player on Madden? If so, favorite team's to use for it? At least in this year's game, changes year to year for me.

02-21-2018, 12:05 AM
If you were to ask Milenko a question what would it be?

02-21-2018, 12:12 AM
Are you a connected franchise player on Madden? If so, favorite team's to use for it? At least in this year's game, changes year to year for me.

Yeah its my favorite mode. Ultimate Team can suck a crusty penis. I usually have two going at once. I always have one with Indy since they are my favorite team. I also pick a shitty team each year to try to build up. If I hate myself enough, I will pick Cleveland and try to win there, but the last few years I have done the Rams when they were in St. Louis, Chicago, Oakland before they got good, and the Giants this year

If you were to ask Milenko a question what would it be?

That might be the best question of all.

02-21-2018, 01:02 AM
Which pairing has more of a connection? Killjoy and yourself or Matt Tastic and Mikey Stormrage?

02-21-2018, 01:08 AM
Which pairing has more of a connection? Killjoy and yourself or Matt Tastic and Mikey Stormrage?

Killjoy and I didn't really become friends until midway through the Live Mas run so I want to say Tastic and Stormrage but I think both of us will admit that the characters are just super heightened and absurd versions of our real life selves so it is hard to say. All the semi homoerotic stuff the characters did was just us living out hidden fantasy.

02-21-2018, 01:40 AM
How do you feel about Callie Clarks rise in WZCW since the shackles were broken when Jam did was he usually did and fucked off?

02-21-2018, 01:42 AM
Killjoy and I didn't really become friends until midway through the Live Mas run so I want to say Tastic and Stormrage but I think both of us will admit that the characters are just super heightened and absurd versions of our real life selves so it is hard to say. All the semi homoerotic stuff the characters did was just us living out hidden fantasy.

Those were meant to be hidden? Fuck.

02-21-2018, 01:55 AM
How do you feel about Callie Clarks rise in WZCW since the shackles were broken when Jam did was he usually did and fucked off?

Ditch the zero and become the hero.

02-21-2018, 03:16 AM
What do you think of Braun Strowman's debut single?


I give up trying to get the damn video tags to work. Worked in another thread but not this one.

Ty Burna
02-21-2018, 10:18 AM
Will you be my first mate when Sea of Thieves drops?

02-21-2018, 10:40 AM
Ditch the zero and become the hero.


Besides Kofi Kingston and ol' Richard dude, who else are you a big fan of in wrestling?

02-21-2018, 12:50 PM
What do you think of Braun Strowman's debut single?


I give up trying to get the damn video tags to work. Worked in another thread but not this one.

That was worth the two minutes. I enjoy how Braun is a big ol monster but he has layers and isn't just the throwback giant monster from yesteryear.

Will you be my first mate when Sea of Thieves drops?

I should be getting it at launch, so unless something comes up and prevents me from jumping in right away I'm down.


Besides Kofi Kingston and ol' Richard dude, who else are you a big fan of in wrestling?

WWE main roster wise New Day, Shinsuke, Braun, Joe, Jack Gallagher, Slater, Bayley, Alexa, Rusev, Styles, Sami, and Ruby Riott are my can't miss. There are others I enjoy, but I will go out of my way to watch almost anything those names are in.

NXT I'm currently a big fan of Lars Sullivan, No Way Jose, Sanity (especially Dain), AOP, Gargano, Kairi Sane, and Oney Lorcan. Pete Dunne kinda of counts too. Hope to add Ricochet to this soon. Also wish Dakota Kai got more screen time.

Outside of WWE, Jervis Cottonbelly will always be a favorite of mine. Joey Ryan is great. Chuck Taylor I tend to enjoy. I also do my best to watch anything that Naito is in New Japan wise.

I tend to like comedy, and big ol hoss fights when it comes to wrestling.

02-21-2018, 05:28 PM
Yeah its my favorite mode. Ultimate Team can suck a crusty penis. I usually have two going at once. I always have one with Indy since they are my favorite team. I also pick a shitty team each year to try to build up. If I hate myself enough, I will pick Cleveland and try to win there, but the last few years I have done the Rams when they were in St. Louis, Chicago, Oakland before they got good, and the Giants this year

Yeah fuck Ultimate Team nothing about it seems fun. I've gotten into doing franchise mode with K Web this year and it's been fun outside of the fact i can't beat him in games. In those I've done Arizona (looking back I have no clue why but I made a super team out of them and traded for Goff right away), Raiders, Jags and Rams (but it was a fantasy draft). I also have one going on my own with Denver, Indy, Dallas and Minnesota. I usually like having a few team's in the same franchise and seeing how long until I can make them into super team's and get them each a championship.

02-21-2018, 09:04 PM
Yeah fuck Ultimate Team nothing about it seems fun. I've gotten into doing franchise mode with K Web this year and it's been fun outside of the fact i can't beat him in games. In those I've done Arizona (looking back I have no clue why but I made a super team out of them and traded for Goff right away), Raiders, Jags and Rams (but it was a fantasy draft). I also have one going on my own with Denver, Indy, Dallas and Minnesota. I usually like having a few team's in the same franchise and seeing how long until I can make them into super team's and get them each a championship.

One time a couple years back, I had just gone through a breakup and I was still living with my parents and we moved so I basically lost contact with everyone I knew. I started a franchise where I was owner of all the teams. It turned out to be kind of fun because I had so much free time to mess with the rosters and stuff. I tried my best not to do anything that would never happen IRL, like trading Rodgers to Cleveland for a 7th round pick or making the Pats release Brady. I managed to make the league a lot more even after about four seasons. Doubt I would ever do it again though.

02-21-2018, 10:51 PM
One time a couple years back, I had just gone through a breakup and I was still living with my parents and we moved so I basically lost contact with everyone I knew. I started a franchise where I was owner of all the teams. It turned out to be kind of fun because I had so much free time to mess with the rosters and stuff. I tried my best not to do anything that would never happen IRL, like trading Rodgers to Cleveland for a 7th round pick or making the Pats release Brady. I managed to make the league a lot more even after about four seasons. Doubt I would ever do it again though.

Yeah that'd take a lot of time, I wouldn't have the energy for that even if I had the time. I wish you were a PS4 player, having a franchise with you would be fun.

02-22-2018, 08:23 AM
If not Reigns or Strowman then who should face Brock in his last Mania match possibly???

Uncle Sam
02-22-2018, 08:27 AM
*Sam enters, wearing a mask crudely constructed from Yaz's skin*

Seth Rollins.

02-22-2018, 08:52 AM
Good choice Yaz. You can always count on Yaz to have a good solid answer/opinions. ;)

02-22-2018, 09:25 AM
I’m with Sam on this actually. His face run hasn’t really had that great face moment, he is hot right now, and his feud with Lesnar the first time around was more of a vehicle to set up the endless Brock/Undertaker matches. Seth needs a non Triple H moment to break back to the top as a face and slaying a beast should do that.

02-22-2018, 02:54 PM
Not a bad answer at all. For me personally just for fantasy booking purposes and cause I really want to see the match happen is Brock vs Finn. I imagine it would be just as great as AJ/Brock back from SS just as so long as they let them go at it. But nonetheless we might not get that.

Also favorite childhood cartoon?(Excludes anime)

Jeff Deliverer of Mail
02-22-2018, 04:12 PM
If you had to choose "Best Canadian Wrestler of all time" and you picked Chris Jericho because that's the right answer and this question really turned into an answer?

02-22-2018, 06:03 PM
How do you like your steak done?

'Ravishing' Ned Flanders
02-22-2018, 06:34 PM
What do you think of the new like post option we have now in place of rep?

02-22-2018, 08:42 PM
You a soda man? What you be drinkin bro

02-22-2018, 08:43 PM
Where do you think you rank on my list of favorite posters?

02-23-2018, 05:44 AM
If you had to choose "Best Canadian Wrestler of all time" and you picked Chris Jericho because that's the right answer and this question really turned into an answer?

Actually I'd go with Bret, and I'm not even a big Bret fan. Jericho is really great, but a lot of people overrate him. Bret could be called overrated as well, but he was consistently at the top of his game all over the card. Jericho did a fair amount of meaningless stuff and 90% of his IC Title run wasn't memorable.

How do you like your steak done?

Medium Rare is the best way to go, but I will eat any steak that isn't well done.

What do you think of the new like post option we have now in place of rep?

So far so good. It will take a little getting used to since I was so used to the WZ system, but I like it.

You a soda man? What you be drinkin bro

Not proud to say, but I drink too much soda. Vanilla Pepsi/Coke is my absolute favorite, but it isn't the easiest thing to find. Cherry Pepsi/Coke is my second favorite. Prefer Pepsi to Coke, I'm that guy. Pepsi Max is pretty good. I'm actually just kind of meh on Mt. Dew. It isn't bad, but for some reason if I drink more than one in a short period, I get sick. Sugar maybe? The only think in the soda category I dislike is Root Beer.

Also a big fan of mixing soda into my mixed drinks. Have yet to find a whiskey or rum I don't like mixed with Coke.

Where do you think you rank on my list of favorite posters?

Top 10? I'm probably up there, but I don't have the tenure some of the other guys have.

02-23-2018, 06:21 AM
I absolutely love Jericho. These past couple years he actually bypassed Bret and Angle to become my 2nd favourite. I can buy that I overrate him, but I think hes great.

Uncle Sam
02-23-2018, 07:25 AM
Chris Jericho is the definition of hit and miss for me. When he hits - say with his feud with Benoit, or Mysterio, or Michaels - it's like there's nobody better. When he misses - like with his Punk feud, or his Wyatt feud, or even his recent work with Kevin Owens - it just makes for painful watching. In fact, until his recent match with Kenny Omega, I thought his best days were behind him and it was just going to be misses from here on out.

02-23-2018, 07:32 AM
The Ambrose feud was pretty miss for me too, though I admit to liking parts of the Punk feud.

He has an ability to get things over that few people would be able to get over. He got a list of names over. He got scarves and light up jackets over. He helped Ambrose get a potted plant over.

He also hits women and gets a pass on it.

02-23-2018, 08:45 AM
He also hits women and gets a pass on it.

Yes, yes he does ❤

02-23-2018, 09:24 AM
What defines an athlete?

02-23-2018, 11:01 AM
What defines an athlete?

I think anyone who is sufficiently skilled in a sport, event, or game would qualify an athlete. Maybe add on the qualifier that they be paid for doing that thing they are skilled in. I had a friend in high school who played guitar and was in a handful of local bands, but he didn't consider himself a musician because for him it was a hobby and he viewed musician as job title. I get that point of view. Back on WZ, I was heavily involved in the fed. I wrote RPs for my own character and when I was part of the creative team I wrote promos and matches for other characters to build the shows, but I didn't consider myself a writer.

If you are looking for an answer along the lines of should athletes be involved in political and social issues, I have no issue when they do. They are still people and are entitled to their opinions. I feel like the only people who raise much issue over this are the Fox News types who get mad when someone famous takes a stand against the platforms and policies they support. I'm very left leaning so when an athlete speaks out against Trump or in favor of gun control or another issue I care about, I have no issue. When a guy like Lance Berkman or Curt Schilling goes on Twitter rants about non Christians being stupid, or Muslims all being evil, or mass shootings being faked, that does bother me. More so because I feel they spreading dangerously false information than because I disagree with them, but I would never argue they shouldn't be able to use their platform as fairly good baseball players to share their beliefs. Just wish Curt would stop saying him being a Republican is why he isn't in the Hall of Fame.

02-23-2018, 11:23 AM
I think anyone who is sufficiently skilled in a sport, event, or game would qualify an athlete. Maybe add on the qualifier that they be paid for doing that thing they are skilled in. I had a friend in high school who played guitar and was in a handful of local bands, but he didn't consider himself a musician because for him it was a hobby and he viewed musician as job title. I get that point of view. Back on WZ, I was heavily involved in the fed. I wrote RPs for my own character and when I was part of the creative team I wrote promos and matches for other characters to build the shows, but I didn't consider myself a writer.

If you are looking for an answer along the lines of should athletes be involved in political and social issues, I have no issue when they do. They are still people and are entitled to their opinions. I feel like the only people who raise much issue over this are the Fox News types who get mad when someone famous takes a stand against the platforms and policies they support. I'm very left leaning so when an athlete speaks out against Trump or in favor of gun control or another issue I care about, I have no issue. When a guy like Lance Berkman or Curt Schilling goes on Twitter rants about non Christians being stupid, or Muslims all being evil, or mass shootings being faked, that does bother me. More so because I feel they spreading dangerously false information than because I disagree with them, but I would never argue they shouldn't be able to use their platform as fairly good baseball players to share their beliefs. Just wish Curt would stop saying him being a Republican is why he isn't in the Hall of Fame.

I really wasn't thinking politically about any of it. I think people put way, way too much stock in other people's political beliefs on all sides of the spectrum. Confirmation bias is rampant , and that doesn't help anybody. If somebody famous holds similar views or the polar opposite to mine, I don't get fired up about it either way. I do think the world would be a happier place if we went back to the line of thinking that putting your political views on display is considered uncouth.

I was more wondering if you thought guys who excel in fat guys sports like darts, bowling and golf were actually athletes in your eyes? Or race car drivers?

02-23-2018, 11:44 AM
I really wasn't thinking politically about any of it. I think people put way, way too much stock in other people's political beliefs on all sides of the spectrum. Confirmation bias is rampant , and that doesn't help anybody. If somebody famous holds similar views or the polar opposite to mine, I don't get fired up about it either way. I do think the world would be a happier place if we went back to the line of thinking that putting your political views on display is considered uncouth.

I was more wondering if you thought guys who excel in fat guys sports like darts, bowling and golf were actually athletes in your eyes? Or race car drivers?

Ah. Got carried away.

I want to say that yeah, those guys are athletes, because they possess a skill level that is typically greater than the average man. I don't think their sport is as taxing as say basketball or hockey, but saying they aren't athletes because fat people can do it is silly. Was Babe Ruth not an athlete because he was a bit heavy? Shaq was 300+ most of his career. Plenty of pitchers have had CC Sabathia or David Wells bodies and were aces. Roy Nelson is a tubster and is a solid MMA fighter. Butterbean was a sideshow, but could kick my ass in about fifteen seconds.

I support the growth of e-sports and competitive gaming, but I'm a bit more reluctant to call them athletes in the traditional sense. No issue with them making good money for their skill and no issue if ESPN wants to broadcast it though. Just stop showing bass fishing Saturday mornings in the Summer. I like fishing, but those guys aren't athletes. Too much of it is down to luck and weather conditions as opposed to skill.

02-23-2018, 11:47 AM
Not proud to say, but I drink too much soda. Vanilla Pepsi/Coke is my absolute favorite, but it isn't the easiest thing to find. Cherry Pepsi/Coke is my second favorite. Prefer Pepsi to Coke, I'm that guy. Pepsi Max is pretty good. I'm actually just kind of meh on Mt. Dew. It isn't bad, but for some reason if I drink more than one in a short period, I get sick. Sugar maybe? The only think in the soda category I dislike is Root Beer.

Also a big fan of mixing soda into my mixed drinks. Have yet to find a whiskey or rum I don't like mixed with Coke.

Wild Cherry Pepsi is a favorite of mine too. I try incorporating it in RPs whenever I face Tastic. Ever try Black Label Mtn Dew? That's my shit usually I grab one a week here on campus. I've been trying to cut back on drinking myself and switch it up with sodas, but I'll tell you straight up one of the best mixes is Mtn Dew and Coconut Rum. Just works.

02-23-2018, 11:53 AM
Wild Cherry Pepsi is a favorite of mine too. I try incorporating it in RPs whenever I face Tastic. Ever try Black Label Mtn Dew? That's my shit usually I grab one a week here on campus. I've been trying to cut back on drinking myself and switch it up with sodas, but I'll tell you straight up one of the best mixes is Mtn Dew and Coconut Rum. Just works.

I have yet to try any of the Label series, but I hear good things. I tried the Pepsi 1893 and it was just meh. I do like the Mt Dew Kickstars though. Orange and Black Cherry are my jam.

A few months back we bought some orange soda and mixed it with whipped cream Smirnoff and triple sec. It tasted just like a creamsicle. If you are into sweet, I'd recommend it.

02-23-2018, 11:55 AM
Ah. Got carried away.

I want to say that yeah, those guys are athletes, because they possess a skill level that is typically greater than the average man. I don't think their sport is as taxing as say basketball or hockey, but saying they aren't athletes because fat people can do it is silly. Was Babe Ruth not an athlete because he was a bit heavy? Shaq was 300+ most of his career. Plenty of pitchers have had CC Sabathia or David Wells bodies and were aces. Roy Nelson is a tubster and is a solid MMA fighter. Butterbean was a sideshow, but could kick my ass in about fifteen seconds.

I support the growth of e-sports and competitive gaming, but I'm a bit more reluctant to call them athletes in the traditional sense. No issue with them making good money for their skill and no issue if ESPN wants to broadcast it though. Just stop showing bass fishing Saturday mornings in the Summer. I like fishing, but those guys aren't athletes. Too much of it is down to luck and weather conditions as opposed to skill.

Fishing is a relaxing pastime that makes for horrible television. I agree that luck and equipment level plays heavily into competitive fishing. I don't know that the guys doing it on the pro level are athletes in the traditional sense, but they're certainly multiple steps above the weekend hobbyist.

I don't know how I feel about competitive e-sports. I think the games that are typically played in those events are a little too one tracked. Would be cool to start seeing more diversity in the games played in the high end tournaments. Throw some curves in there to keep the players on their toes. A great gamer should be solid at any sort of game.

02-23-2018, 12:12 PM
Fishing is a relaxing pastime that makes for horrible television. I agree that luck and equipment level plays heavily into competitive fishing. I don't know that the guys doing it on the pro level are athletes in the traditional sense, but they're certainly multiple steps above the weekend hobbyist.

I don't know how I feel about competitive e-sports. I think the games that are typically played in those events are a little too one tracked. Would be cool to start seeing more diversity in the games played in the high end tournaments. Throw some curves in there to keep the players on their toes. A great gamer should be solid at any sort of game.

E-sports is an odd subject. You have certain people who are only good at one game, some even only being good with one specific character. I don't want to say they don't deserve their spot, but it is kind of like the lefty specialist reliever in baseball or the long snapper in football. You are on the team, but you have a super specialized role. I don't expect, say a pro Overwatch player, to be able to jump into a professional game of Counter-Strike and be competent, just like I don't expect Kevin Durant to pick up a bat and hit lead off for the A's, but I do agree they should be thrown some curves here and there.

And as much as I support it, I don't really like watching it. Aside from not enjoying watching other people play games, they can only real show one viewpoint in the action when you have ten or more people playing the game. If I wanted to watch someone else play a game, I'd watch my girlfriend or go to YouTube or Twitch to see a pro gamer with a reputation and personality. A lot of the pro gamers you see in leagues and such are often super boring because they are hyper focused and haven't been around long enough to build a personality to market.

Jeff Deliverer of Mail
02-24-2018, 05:40 AM
Wtf? Wild Cherry Pepsi Yaz? Are you fucking re.....whoa! Whoa I better watch out there. That was close!

02-24-2018, 03:37 PM
Wtf? Wild Cherry Pepsi Yaz? Are you fucking re.....whoa! Whoa I better watch out there. That was close!

Fight me Jeff.

Totally random, but I was at the store earlier and I saw something, completely forget what it was, but it made me think of you.

02-26-2018, 03:44 PM
I'd like a detailed origin story for Beefsquatch, please.

02-26-2018, 05:47 PM
I'd like a detailed origin story for Beefsquatch, please.

It's Gene's alter ego on Bob's Burgers. He dons a Sasquatch mask as part of his new thing one episode.


One day he wears it while wearing the burger suit he wears to advertise their restaurant and wrecks havoc on his dad's cooking segment for the local morning news show. It became very popular until it threatened to tear the family apart. It only made the one appearance (season 2, episode 9) until the season eight premier, when he dons the outfit again to advertise that the restaurant now serves brunch. That episode he was known as Brunchsquatch.

I was looking for a Bob's Burgers sig since it is my favorite show, when I saw the sig I have now. Combines two of my favorite things, Bob's Burgers and Bigfoot.

02-28-2018, 07:23 PM
Is Speedy Gonzales a sandwich?

'Ravishing' Ned Flanders
02-28-2018, 07:29 PM
In some countries he is

Jeff Deliverer of Mail
02-28-2018, 07:34 PM
I just recently started watching Bob's Burger's when my roommate was watching it in the background. The pilot episode was on and I had a hardy laugh at the kid changing his specialty burger name on the chalkboard to - The Child Molester - Comes with Candy- Then a bit later somebody gives Bob a Child Molester special and he's like, "Who ordered the Child Molester?" They point to a guy who's balding and reading a newspaper.. "Kid's stay away from that guy."

02-28-2018, 07:48 PM
In some countries he is

That's a bit racist dude.

02-28-2018, 07:50 PM
In some countries he is

Jesus tap dancing Christ Milenko. Check your privilege.

02-28-2018, 07:51 PM
I just recently started watching Bob's Burger's when my roommate was watching it in the background. The pilot episode was on and I had a hardy laugh at the kid changing his specialty burger name on the chalkboard to - The Child Molester - Comes with Candy- Then a bit later somebody gives Bob a Child Molester special and he's like, "Who ordered the Child Molester?" They point to a guy who's balding and reading a newspaper.. "Kid's stay away from that guy."

It is my favorite show on air right now. I enjoy that it is a comedy but doesn't drift into the absurd like American Dad (still good) or rely on constant throwaway jokes like Family Guy or have an insufferable fan base like Rick and Morty.

02-28-2018, 08:00 PM
Who would win in a race. Speedy Gonzales or Road Runner?

'Ravishing' Ned Flanders
02-28-2018, 08:14 PM
That's a bit racist dude.
It is not.

In some countries mice & rats are a plentiful and acceptable source of meat. In Peru the eat Guinea Pigs and in some of the more rural/poor areas in Asia they actually do eat stray cats & dogs as their only source of meat.

02-28-2018, 08:16 PM
It's considered highly uncivilized to eat cow in a lot of countries. I can't name them, but they're out there.

02-28-2018, 08:17 PM
Who would win in a race. Speedy Gonzales or Road Runner?

Gonzales. Road Runner was mostly outrunning a Rob Taylored coyote and still got caught up a time or two. Gonzales was the pride of Mexico, second only to El Santo.

02-28-2018, 08:18 PM
Do you like the Like system here?

On one hand, woot #1

On the other, BSE and Wildcat have given 455 likes, and the month isn't even over yet.

02-28-2018, 08:21 PM
Do you like the Like system here?

On one hand, woot #1

On the other, BSE and Wildcat have given 455 likes, and the month isn't even over yet.

I did like it at first. Thought it would be a fun switch from the rep system. Certain people have really abused it. Can't say I hate it, but much like rep at the old place, it is going to lose its value before long. Especially if we run any popularity contests.

02-28-2018, 08:22 PM
Gonzales. Road Runner was mostly outrunning a Rob Taylored coyote and still got caught up a time or two. Gonzales was the pride of Mexico, second only to El Santo.

They raced once, without googling who won?

02-28-2018, 08:27 PM
They raced once, without googling who won?

El Santo.

No clue actually.

02-28-2018, 08:28 PM
El Santo.

No clue actually.

You had a 50/50 chance. It was won by Sylvester and Wil E Cayote who were on a rocket.

02-28-2018, 08:29 PM
You had a 50/50 chance. It was won by Sylvester and Wil E Cayote who were on a rocket.

Came in here to post that. I need to watch more Looney Tunes.

02-28-2018, 08:57 PM
I was more of a Hanna-Barbera kid growing up. On the topic of racing, Wacky Races was my jam. Ant Hill Mod 4lyfe.

02-28-2018, 08:58 PM
Wacky Races was something special.

02-28-2018, 08:58 PM
I'm a Flintstones guy. Scooby-Doo at times. Now the Laff-a-Lympics were awesome.

02-28-2018, 09:02 PM
I watched Scooby-Doo every night for 5 years.

02-28-2018, 09:08 PM
Scooby-Doo was tops for me. I was a fan of A Pup Named Scooby-Doo growing up. The fact that there was a recurring villain named Red Herring was a joke I didn't get until years later but now appreciate it.

Laff-a-Lympics was solid stuff. Robot Chicken did a really funny and dark sketch on that a few years back.


03-03-2018, 05:56 PM
After seeing his combine numbers I've determined I want Barkley in Indy. Sure they need defense but they also need a run game to help protect Luck and lessen his workload and Barkley looks like a superstar waiting to happen.

03-03-2018, 06:20 PM
Drafting a running back at #3 is stupid for many reasons, but when was the last time the team that won the Super Bowl did so with a star running back? Also, when was the last time a guy who put up monster Combine numbers was actually worth a damn? Also also, when was the last time you saw a star running back behind an offensive line as shit as ours.

We need to either draft Chubb, or trade down and acquire more picks because this team is hot garbage and there is like a 50/50 chance Luck has his arm amputated and replaced with a mini trebuchet or something while in Holland for treatment. If Luck can't go, then just fucking blow it up and tank for the next ten years like Cleveland, because this team is literally Cleveland without Luck.

03-03-2018, 08:10 PM
Hey just saw your sig. Are you into llamas or something?

03-03-2018, 10:19 PM
Hey just saw your sig. Are you into llamas or something?

You know I don't even know why I did this. I just thought it would be funny to have a handsome young man in my sig.

Back on Battlefield 3 for the Xbox 360, Pancake and I paid to run our own custom server. He wanted a banner for the server loading screen to spice it up and make the server stand out. I still don't know what compelled me to do it, but I put his picture and his phone number on the banner and wrote "For a good BJ call XXX-XXXX"

03-03-2018, 10:20 PM
Drafting a running back at #3 is stupid for many reasons, but when was the last time the team that won the Super Bowl did so with a star running back? Also, when was the last time a guy who put up monster Combine numbers was actually worth a damn? Also also, when was the last time you saw a star running back behind an offensive line as shit as ours.

We need to either draft Chubb, or trade down and acquire more picks because this team is hot garbage and there is like a 50/50 chance Luck has his arm amputated and replaced with a mini trebuchet or something while in Holland for treatment. If Luck can't go, then just fucking blow it up and tank for the next ten years like Cleveland, because this team is literally Cleveland without Luck.

I see your point. I keep seeing people say trade Luck to Cleveland for the 1st overall pick and at least a 2nd of that and honestly I can't say I hate the idea. If by some chance Cleveland was dumb enough to give up the 1st and 4th picks for an injured Luck AND a 2nd rounder, I'd happily take that deal knowing they could draft a QB, Chubb and Barkley. But I don't think even Cleveland would trade for him right now.

I don't see them trading down unless Barkley goes top 2 and they end up not wanting Chubb.