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06-01-2019, 06:46 AM
That's right it's time for:

The Greatest Grandest Lethal Lottery: Blood Money

What is the Lethal Lottery? Well it's WZCW's Royal Rumble. But what makes it The Greatest Grandest one of all? Well the World title is on the line and ANYONE is able to join. By anyone I mean most people. Remix and Jam can't. Everyone else can.

If you're interested in joining WZCW you are welcome to post in this thread as long as you give us a brief intro about your character https://steelcageforums.com/showthread.php/114-WZCW-Application-Thread

What if you have more than one character? If you've previously had another character in WZCW you may RP in this thread with that. We reserve the right to not put them in the match and this will be a one off unless you win the title then your other character can go bye bye.

When's the deadline? Why it's Friday 14th June 2019 11:59pm EST. No extensions.

Any questions ask in here https://steelcageforums.com/showthread.php/741-WZCW-discussion-thread?p=25010#post25010. Thanks and good luck!

Prince Vee
06-09-2019, 10:45 AM
His hands are used to be bloodstained; so are his clothes. Dirt always finds it place under his finger nails. â??Was he a butcher?â??, wondered quite a few people. Most around him knows him as a professional wrestler. His disdained looks and filthy clothing makes everyone to mistake him for an unsanitary human being. They donâ??t know the truth; they shouldnâ??t want to. He barely had time to clean himself before targeting his next prey, for he is a predator. Is he invincible, though? How often has he wondered? Not more than he should but he did on this long night.

The room was cold and empty; it reflected him. â??Welcomingâ??, or so he thought. He fumbled into his drawer and found a scalpel. He carefully pierced his skin with its sharp edge and levered out a piece of glass from his shoulders. He endured the pain; it wasnâ??t worse than his dislocated finger. With all his might, he pulled it back it its position. He popped in a couple of painkiller and swallowed them down his throat with a glass of water. He laid down on his bed. He waited for the painkillerâ??s effect to kick in. He stared aimlessly at the ceiling.

A few moment had elapsed. He raised his hands up to the ceiling. Blood rolled down his knuckles and accumulated near his wrist. He held his hand up to grab something invisible; few drops of blood fell on his face. The blood was fresh, the pain was new and it wasnâ??t the only thing he thought was new. He felt something between his chest. He pulled his hand down to his chest and rested it over the pectoral muscles. â??Is it the painkillerâ??s effect?â?, he contemplated albeit very shortly. He was sure what he felt between his chest. His heart was pounding faster, for he carried that strange feeling after a very long time. Fear.

The fresh wounds were not from the gruelling Juggalo death match. He walked out of the arena in rage to vent out his frustration on someone. Beating Zhanshi even after the bell wasnâ??t enough. They were still bound to the chains like caged animals. He never can be a caged animal; he is an apex predator. Just like one, he walked out of the arena without bothering about any bystanders and reached a casino five miles. Indeed, he walked eight miles mindlessly on the long windy night. It wasnâ??t the only mindless thing he had done on that night. He walked into the casino which is the regional communication centre for the clan and dragged an assassin out at knifepoint.

Yes, he barraged into a casino run by an assassin, a member of the clan which has a bounty on him, at knifepoint. Once he dragged him down to the alley, he realized his foolish mistake. He was surrounded by four others. Is he invincible? He questioned himself.

The blood rolling down his hands wasnâ??t his. Shattering a jawbone with your bare fist can make your fist bloody, do you know? Is he truly invincible? The bed began to stain as he laid down motionlessly. Apparently, he is not. His blood from the multiple knife stabs he took in that alley was staining the bed. Fortunately, he carried the glue WZCW medical personals use to stop the bleeding; which they used to stop the bleeding from his forehead after his Juggalo death match. He had managed to stop the blood flow using the glue. He still was laying motionlessly. He knew he need medical attention. He wasnâ??t laying motionless willingly. He felt it again between his chest. Fear.

Few days passed. His wounds were healed, most importantly, he felt superior. He still is a predator, even when scavenging eyes of the clan members were around his hotel room. Is he invincible? He believed so but he knew it was a foolish thought. He might end up dead on a night in a dark alley. Who would care? Is he invincible? He thought again. He searched for the feeling which had stained his pride a few nights earlier. He couldnâ??t find it. Fear.

Fear for a near death. Is that why he broke time barriers? Is that made a man to lose all his human contacts and lose his entire mind? Is that why he killed his own father? To fear a certain death? The feeling has found its way back between his chest. No, not the fear of death, but the fear of fear. Is this how a normal human being is supposed to feel? He wasnâ??t amused with himself. He hated his self after a very long time. He wanted it to go away. He wasnâ??t afraid of the clan members albeit he didnâ??t want to pursue them anymore. Not for the time being. The game he loved is not amusing him anymore. When will this stop?

There are two certainties for this to stop: either of them should die, or either of them should become untouchable. If he had chosen death, he wouldâ??ve been dead a very long time ago. Killing all the clan member is an endless game and the police are not fools to spectate someone going on a killing spree. Not even one of them so far he has met, is untouchable. They all crumble in fear and spell out the name of his next prey. They are never and never will be untouchable. Is he untouchable? Is he invincible? Thereâ??s that question again. It is time to face the truth. He is not.

He maybe invincible in the game of death and life, but it doesnâ??t guarantee anything. If death might come inevitably soon, he has to face it. What guarantees you to be invincible? Having someone to care when you face that inevitable death. No one had contacted him in a very long time. His phone never buzzed for a message; never he had any voicemails. He never even had to check them. Incidentally, his phone buzzed. It was an email from the WZCW producer. He had to reply if heâ??s travelling with the rest of the crew to Saudi Arabia.

â??What guarantees you to be invincible?â??, he wondered. Having someone care for you. It is a pity to think that the only people who cared about him is the WZCW personals. They cared to put on a good show, they cared for the money they make from his merchandise sales and they even cared for his health because of their concussion protocols. Would they care enough if heâ??s facing a certain death? Would they care if they come to know about the heinous crimes he has committed? After all theyâ??re going to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, so they might. It still begs a question: would they care to protect him?

WZCW is bringing the world champion Kagura to Saudi Arabia. Theyâ??re brining the multi-time elite champion Callie Clark. Are these women going to wrestle in front of the Saudi Arabian audiences? Or is Kagura going to join Callie Clark and cosplay as males? What if Matt Tastic tries to steal a kiss from Mikey Stormrage in front of the crowd again? What if Flex Mussels demands the crowd to call him the King or announce him as the true King upon his entrance? Can WZCW afford the backlash? Can they protect their wrestlers?

They definitely will. In WZCW, these are invincible names. Everest, Showtime, Titus, Constantine, Justin Cooper, The Beard, Dr. Zeus, Flex Mussel, Ty Burna, El Califa Dragon, Kagura, Eve Taylor, Matt Tastic, Mikey Stormrage and the list goes on. Where does his name placed on the list? What achievement he had in WZCW to secure his name? Elite Open Champion? Eurasian Champion? Lethal Lottery Winner? King for a Day? One half Tag Champion? Mayhem Champion?

What if he had achieved one of those titles? Does that guarantee his protection from WZCW? Would that enough to be the mighty Everest? Or put in the league of Grandslam Champions like Matt Tastic? Could he achieve what Titus did in his Eurasian era?

He must achieve stardom. He should be a mainstay. He must have a voice in WZCW that should make the management tremble. His name should draw WZCW crowd into the arena. He must be in the Main Event on every show WZCW produce. What he must do for achieving this feat? WZCW is around for so many years. Nothing can be accomplished on a day, but he must accomplish everything WZCW has to offer. It is his time.

He must be the apex predator of WZCW, his den where he is invincible.

06-13-2019, 11:45 AM
Randy Studd enters the backstage area. Backstage Bob is present.

"Do you still work here?" says one of them, nobody was really listening.

"Yes" says the other.

"Surprising" Replied the first

"Ok, well it was nice to see you again"



"Ok bye."

06-14-2019, 08:33 AM
Deadline has been extended 48 hours. If you have posted an rp you can repost it.

06-14-2019, 05:14 PM
The scene begins with a drawing in a childrenâ??s book. A laughing squirrel is holding an armful of acorns while a sad bunny looks down next to the squirrel. The narration is being read by a familiar voice.

???: Sammy the Squirrel laughed about all the acorns he had, but Richy the Rabbit had none...

The page turns to a shot of Richy the Rabbit asking Sammy the Squirrel for some acorns.

???: Oh, Sammy the Squirrel, can I please have ONE acorn? But Sammy the Squirrel just kept laughing. So, Richy the Rabbit kicked Sammy the Squirrel in the gut and positioned him for a tombstone piledriver for being so selfis-

???: Thatâ??s not how it goes, Daddy!

The shot comes into full perspective. Chris K.O. is sitting on small bed reading a bedtime story to his young daughter, Riley. Chris smiles as Riley is upset about the incorrect storytelling.

CHRIS: Oh, and how does it go?

Riley grabs the book as Chris positions himself next to her. Riley reads through the story as Chris admires her.

RILEY: Sammy began to real - realize that Richy was sad. Sammy was be - being selfish.

Chris kisses the top of Rileyâ??s head and smiles as the scene fades out.


Chris enters his living room where his wife Astrid is sitting on their sectional couch with a glass of wine. Chris plops down next to her.

CHRIS: She can almost read better than I can.

Astrid smirks.

ASTRID: Pre-K has really helped her with that.

CHRIS: Oh, and do I get any credit for my nightly bedtime stories?

ASTRID: Maybe for teaching her annunciation, but not for story continuation.

Astrid playfully grabs Chris by his shirt collar.

ASTRID: Recently, I feel like every woodland creature is getting hit with a steel chair!

The two kiss and playfully smile at each other. Chris gets up to pour himself a glass of wine in the kitchen. Astrid watches him as she contemplates asking him a question.

ASTRID: These increasingly violent bedtime tales wouldnâ??t have anything to do with the recent calls you have been getting, would they?

Chris doesnâ??t respond. Astrid prods some more.

ASTRID: For what itâ??s worth, I just want you to be happy.

Chris stops pouring his glass midway through. He turns to Astrid.

CHRIS: The reason Iâ??m not answering those calls or responding to their emails is exactly that. I am happy.

Chris finishes pouring his glass and returns next to Astrid.

CHRIS: Youâ??ve given me everything I need.

Chris takes a sip of his glass as Astrid rests her head on her hand. She softly retorts.

ASTRID: But what about everything you want?

Chris pauses for a moment, but then puts his glass down. He leans in and embraces his wife with a loving kiss as the scene fades out.


We see a bell ring as a cafe door opens. Chris enters a morning cafe filled with several elderly patrons reading newspapers and drinking coffee. Steam hovers above each freshly-brewed cup. Chris approaches a round table of older gentlemen as they begin heckling him.

OLD MAN #1: Hey Chris, what is this article in this weekâ??s paper? â??Best Shoes to Avoid Blisters?â?

OLD MAN #2: Whaddya my doctor?

OLD MAN #3: Sounds more like my wife.

CHRIS: Come on now, Sal. You know your wife wouldnâ??t get anywhere close to your stinky feet.

All the men at the table chuckle, except for Sal of course. A waitress comes by and Chris orders a coffee while taking an open seat.

CHRIS: I mean, what do you expect? Iâ??m a sports journalist. If there are no sports, there is no journal. Itâ??s just a buffer piece.

OLD MAN #1: You could write about the Thunder.

The rest of the old men groan at the idea.

CHRIS: Oh, you just wait Jerry. Weâ??re gonna have a lot of stories to tell if Toronto pulls this series off. Letâ??s talk about how before Westbrook, Jeremy Lin and Ibaka will-

The scene switches its focus as long-standing WZCW announcer, Jack Cohen enters the cafe. This catches Chrisâ?? eye as his table carries on in conversation. Chris excuses himself for a second.

Cohen positions himself in a booth as Chris approaches him.

COHEN: Ah, Chris! I was hoping you would see me when I came in. Take a seat.

Cohen gestures across the booth as Chris tries to unravel whether or not he is upset or bewildered at the presence of Cohen. As Chris takes a seat, a waitress comes by and Cohen orders a coffee. Cohen observes the cafe as Chris hesitates to speak.

COHEN: Oh, god. This is just a tier above a Waffle House. You really come here everyday?

CHRIS: Why are you here, Jack?

Cohen puts on a more serious face.

COHEN: I told them you wouldnâ??t want to talk bullshit. I told them you wouldnâ??t even-

CHRIS: Why are you HERE, Jack?

Cohen seems perturbed at being cut off.

COHEN: Iâ??m here because your not answering your damn phone or responding to damn emails. Iâ??m HERE because of WZCW.

CHRIS: Donâ??t you think there is a reason Iâ??m not answering those calls.

COHEN: Yeah, but Iâ??m coming onâ?¦ letâ??s call it more of a â??personal visit.â? Thereâ??s been a development. A big event is coming up. Itâ??s going to be called the Greatest Grandest Lethal Lott-. No wait, itâ??s not called Lottery. Itâ??s because- You know, itâ??s just not called that.

Cohen can tell that Chris is waiting for him to get to the point. Cohen pulls a folded paper out of his pocket and slides to Chris. Chris looks at it with a little bit of disbelief.

COHEN: Thatâ??s the kind of money we are talking about per wrestler. Itâ??s a big pay-

CHRIS: I donâ??t need money, Jack, if thatâ??s your pitch.

COHEN: Oh, so you do just fine writing sports columns for the local Sunday paper?

CHRIS: I also do a local sports talk show every Thursday and do sports radio for high school football during the seasons. Thank you very much.

Cohen rolls his eyes and takes back the paper. His coffee arrives as well. He takes a drink and seems surprised at the good quality.

COHEN: Listen, you have pride. I get it. You like what you do here. I get it. But let me tell you why I volunteered for this trip. Thatâ??s right, I volunteered. You can say you donâ??t need the money. You can say your done with WZCW. But what you canâ??t deny is that YOU had something.

Cohen puts his coffee down.

COHEN: I remember those crowds, whether they loved you or hated you. Which, they mostly hated you by the way. BUT! You had something.

CHRIS: Maybe, Jack. But I have something now too. I have a daughter, wife, and a life here that quite frankly I enjoy. Despite your condensing nature about the class of this town.

Cohen smirks and shakes his head in disappointment. He then looks up at Chris and unpacks his thoughts.

COHEN: Iâ??m happy for you Chris. I really am. And you may really have everything you need right now, but here is the reality. One day that daughter of yours is going to grow up and go on the internet. She is going to find YouTube videos and online searches about how her daddy was nailed to a chaos symbol or parading around like a selfish white knight prick. So, maybe you have what you need right now, but is that what you want in the future? Think about it.

Cohen pulls out some money and leaves it on the table. He gets up to leave.

COHEN: Tell her the coffee was delicious. Take care, Chris.

Chris stares at the empty porcelain cup on the table as the scene fades out.


Chris walks into his living room again. Astrid is reading a book on the sectional as she enjoys another glass of wine. She looks up at Chris.

ASTRID: So, did Timmy the Turtle get clotheslined this time?

Chris grins as he sits next to Astrid.

CHRIS: Noâ?¦ I think itâ??s time that I take that stuff out of our bedtime stories and back into the ring.

Astrid is caught off-guard. She puts her book and wine down and holds Chrisâ?? hands.


CHRIS: I thought about what you said the other night. About what I want. I want Riley to be proud of me. I want you to be proud of me. I donâ??t want my tenure in WZCW from the past to be this glaring smudge on who I was.

ASTRID: Honey, we are already proud of you. Riley thinks the world of you. I think the world of you. None of that stuff matters. You donâ??t have to go back to make us proud of you.

CHRIS: I know... which is why itâ??s this last thing that made my decision. Iâ?¦ want to be proud of myself. I may go back and tear my achilles in my first match, but I want to be proud that I tried. I donâ??t know where this leads, but you asked me what I wanted... This is what I want to do, and I want to return to WZCW.

Astrid, misty-eyed, smiles at Chris.

ASTRID: I love youâ?¦ but if you show up on WZCW television with armor you are not allowed back in this house.

Chris and Astrid playfully embrace as the scene fades out on a light-hearted note.

Bucky Barnes
06-15-2019, 05:22 PM

https://scontent-lga3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/7310bf9a068d9bbbdc74a77e02d8b5c1/5D8C1F79/t51.2885-15/e35/c182.0.715.715a/s480x480/56990447_139069437214428_3755553176841039069_n.jpg ?_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-1.cdninstagram.com

and thus spoke buchanan...

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life . . . and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. "

I read this in a book once, though can not quite recall when and where. It may have to do with my education and upbringing which to say the least was unconventional. Growing up isolated from the real world on a compound full of religious hysteria was never easy. Though my sister and I managed to have some fun together under such dire circumstances, including the times I would stare at the painting of a boat and imagined that I was somehow inside the painting of a boat. "Ahoy," I said, nautically.

I was shaped a certain way, and it wasn't until I reached my 18th birthday that I began to find out who I was. That was because two important things happened that year: "The Church of the Inner Light" was shut down by a series of large police raids. Finally being free of the religiouos clutches of a cult, I went out to discover what the earth had to offer. It was beautiful. Along the way, I forged a new path for myself as a philosopher, and most importantly, a professional wrestler.

However, as time went on, I lost my way. Fixated on my new life in the professional world, I forgot about the very essence that defined me, the natural world. At the age of 36, I vanished from WZCW and left for the mountains. I had hoped to enjoy my spirit and solitude, and never grow weary of it. After several months, a different experience came to me.

Day 1: I arrived at my desired location, it was a cabin located right in front of the pond. Although it was late at night, I still went ahead and did a check up on the survival supplies I had stashed here. I noticed that my machete was getting dull and this canned corned beef is about to expire. Iâ??m starting to think Y2K isnâ??t going to happen...

Day 3: Not much has happened these last few days, which was why I came out here in the first place. A nice quiet place to reflect on my life and where it is going. I have done my best to stay in shape, as my return to the WZCW can happen any day. Each morning I wake up I go for a walk through the woods towards the pond, which quite a way to relax. Walking around in the woods barefoot has always been one of my favourite past times Sometimes on my daily walks you can catch me breathing on trees. I know our relationship is reciprocal, they need me as much as I need them.

Day 4: I find it wholesome to be alone the greater part of the time. To be in company, even with the best, is soon wearisome and dissipating. I love to be alone. I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude. Solitude is the only time you can reflect on who you are without the distractions.

Day 5: Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influence of the earth. With that being said, I am Feeing a bit hungrier than usual. Going to go look for berries in the woods....

Day 7: I really shouldnt have eaten those berries. At this point I can feel death approaching. If I die tonight, my biggest regrets would be never winning the WZCW heavyweight title and never making power play in my quilting circle. If this is goodbye, I want to apologize for my failures and to let you know that I love you all. Oh God, I am going to die alone here arent I? Why did I think this would be a good idea.

Day 8: I can barely move. As I lay in my bed, I slowly open my eyes and realize that I am color blind. I fall asleep thinking of all of the old black and white films I have enjoyed--and will watch again. Rain begins to fall as I fall into a slumber.

Day 11: Spoiler alert. I didn't die. But I am severly dehydrated and also very hungry. All I find are berries in my pocket...

After several days of darkness I awoke. It was quite similiar to the one that I had been staying in, though there was a scent of feminity in the air. With my body still sore, I found the entrance to the cabin and walked outside. The sunight was harsh on me eyes, as if I was a newborn using them for the first time. Crawling out from the cave, I was reaquainted with the world. I bent over and touched the soil. I grabbed a hand full of grass and tasted it. It was a delight.

Voice: Oh my, you are awake!

I turned around to find a woman standing there.

Voice: I came across your cabin and found you nearly dead. I stuck around making sure you would make it through the night. One night turned into many nights. I'm Dani by the way.

Dirk: Lola, I thank you for saving my life. Can you tell me the date?

Lola: Well, uhm.. the 15 of June.

Dirk: My god, I have been out that long? And you were by my side to nurse me back to health? Something tells me this was more than just luck. This is the universe aligning itself for me. Come Lola, you well accompany me to Lethal Lottery! You will be there as I am crowned the new champion. I have been reborn Dani, and you helped usher me into this new world.

Lola: Are you crazy? You were half dead only a few weeks ago? Are you sure you can wrestle?

Dirk: My dear Lola, All signs of superhuman nature appear in man as illness or insanity. Come with me, we are about to write our own Gospel; Live our own myth. The gods have stocked the Lethal Lottery odds in our favor! I may not know who will step into the ring with me, but I do know who they will step into the ring with, and that is me! The will stare at me, and in doing so, they will stare into the abyss. It will consume them, because I am not just any man. I am Dirk Buchanan. Now I ask one more time, will you join me?

Lola: Somebody has to make sure you don't die.


06-16-2019, 01:37 PM
Would it be cliché to start at Unscripted 2019? Would it be strange not to? Either way the man who held the EurAsian title for 951 days lost the World Heavyweight Championship on his first defense. A former World Champion for the third time.

Would it have been different if it was a Pure rules match? Probably not. His head has not been in the game for a while. Yet there's more than Titus and the WZCW Universe who rely on him, there's his assistant Rosie Danvers and agent James Montana. How did they take the news?

The scene cuts to the office of James Montana. He's sat with a beer in hand, smoking and watching TV. His phone rings.

Montana: Not during the flipping match Karen. This is a big money deal if he defends. An extra $1million for him so 100 G's for me.

He hangs the phone up.

Montana: What the actual hell is a Tokyo death match? It'll be all those weebs phoning in from their phones their mothers pay for. It's better than buying XXXXL T-Shirts though.

The scene is shortened to show Montana's reaction to the match. He goes through the full emotional spectrum. On the TV you can hear Kagura getting the pin.

Montana: So we have the pin but how the heck is she going to keep him down for 10? Who the hell is that? Look at the size of him. He has a Kagura pillow? There's no getting over from that.

Before the 10 count has started he picks up the phone. It rings, but there is no answer.

Montana: Goddamit Rosie pick the hell up.

He shoots out a text â??Make sure he's ok JMâ?

The scene cuts to backstage. A TV monitor is at a weird angle and Rosie Danvers is stood watching the match unfold on TV. We're not sure she can make much out with the angle the screen is it but it's the way things are done now. We catch the screen as it just announces the Tokyo Deathmatch.

Rosie: That's fine, he's never lost one of those before. Nor had one before. Be positive Danvers.

The same sort of shots as Montana are shown. Rosie reacts to various spots in the match. Lazy to do it that way? Maybe but it works. The scene cuts to Titus being pinned and the fat weeb leaving the crowd.

Rosie: Oh crap.

The crowd boo's so loud you can't hear Rosie's phone calling.

Rosie: I better give James a call. I thought he had it.

She picks up her phone to reveal a missed call and a text message â??Make sure he's ok JMâ?.

The scene cuts again. This time it's a week later. Both Rosie and Montana are at an undisclosed airport.

Montana: Look it's not about the money, though the money helps a lot. I'm genuinely worried about the guy.

Rosie: Then we need to motivate him.

Both look at each other then shout the answer at the same time.

Montana: Musical Theatre!

Rosie: An old opponent that will give him fire!

Montana: No, I'm right!

Rosie: No, I'm right!

Montana: Bet's on as to who can motivate him the most. The bet starts when we arrive.

Rosie: Fine! I better put my disguise on first.

Rosie puts on a wig, giant glasses and a fake beard. Let's ignore the logistics for the TSA and assume it's all fine. It's a joke about our next destination. Even if I won't be the first, or last, to use that joke or the next song:


Both go on their way to start their adventure. Montana's is pretty boring but basically it's cast Titus in a play in Jeddah. We jump to that play.

The world's greatest actor, Titus Avison, five time Oscar winner is about to drop some sick beats. He has a teatowel on his head and the whole thing is borderline racist.

Titus: Here's a story I have for you, the kingdom was founded in 1932.
With a fight, how could we stay alive? We found oil in the fields in 1935.
That very same year, a hero was born. Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud with glory worn!

There's more to us than the last few years. It's why we're better than all our peers!
Going back to Aladdin and the cave he went in.
He found the Genie and what did he see? A cave of wonders led to some blunders.
Fortunately the carpet of magic stopped the tale from being tragic!

He became a Prince and met Jasmine. His party and Elephant the Sultan let in.
Jafar didn't like it but rather than bike it he spoilt it all for Prince Ali!
His secret was out but that was not all, the two had an epic bout and Jafar ended up 20 feet tall.
In a lamp he was cast, for the crimes of his past.

Scheherazade is better than lemonade.
He wrote the Arabian Nights to stop the fights.
One thousand and one and there's only one who won!
Saudia Arabia is there maybe a better country then us? No there's not! It's why women need to take the bus.

The dynasty started in 1744, another other country founded that centure we can't adore.
Death to America is what we say but the bombs they sell us keep them at bay.
Israel and the you know who's are the ones that keep us in the news.

So let's pay our respects to King Salman, just remember not to eat any ham.
2030 our future will be, full of love and harmony.
Until then let's keep our hatred up. Women, Gays, Foreigners and people who say â??Yupâ?
The best country that there ever was. No guns, violence of major wars!

So welcome all from WZCW, but be behaved so you don't become a POW.
The Greatest Grandest Lethal : Blood Money, a long title but it's not funny.
Will they let in Stormrage or would you rather see Nicholas Cage?
What about Callie and the rest of the girls? If it keeps out Reqonic that's good as she makes us hurl.

The lights go off. An announcement in Arabic comes on. I'm going to badly google translate it.

يرجى الانضمام إلينا بعد الفاصل الزمني. احصل على بعض الوجبات الخفيفة الرائعة من التنازلات. لا تنس أن تطلب إذن زوجك.

Titus walks backstage and is greated by James Montana.

Montana: Wow you look like you're having fun out there. The Saudi version of Hamilton, I bet they're paying you a pretty penny. Surely that motivates you?

Titus: This is hell. I can only win the Lethal Lottery if there's something that I can finally put to rest. Not the title but more than that. I don't know say...

Just then a man with a fake beard, wig and hat appears. It's Rosie Danvers as a male. She's out of breath as she's just ran all the way up.

Rosie: We've got it!

Montana: Constantine?

Titus: Ty?

Rosie: Just let me...

Montana: Showtime?

Titus: Big Dave?

Rosie: Guy's it's...

Montana: Carmen Bratchny?

Titus: Big Will?

Rosie: Chris

Montana: Chris Jones?

Titus: Chris Beckford?

Rosie: SHUT UP!


Rosie: It's Chris K.O! He will be in the Lottery.

Montana: Damn that will be a good chance to make amends for the past. What do you think man?

The camera pans to Titus' Teatowel and cloak in a pile. He's running in the distance in his wrestling attire.

Titus: I've got some work to do! See you both Sunday.

Titus leaves the room and the camera cuts to him.

Titus: I hate Chris fucking K.O.

Fade to black.

06-16-2019, 02:33 PM
At first there was nothing but silence and darkness. Their presence a necessary precursor and contrast to the emergence of colour and living matter that burst forth. In this plain we find ourselves plunged into, they rule, total and absolute. There is not one iota of life, and we linger in this darkened abyss until suddenly, deliberately, powerfully, there is the sound of hard metal striking stone. Once, twice, thrice and thenâ?¦


A spotlight bursts into life! All below its majesty are blurred and warped, such is its power. However, slowly things come into focus. A mighty throne is seen. It is cast against a void, a backdrop of nothingness. This throne is ornate, encrusted with the treasures of a thousand journeys round the globe and the glories and travesties that come with that. It is firmly rooted in a base of granite, the slab of stone contrasting harshly with the gold and red themed seat.

Atop it all sits a suited man. His proper posture gives him an air of regality and his curtained hair hangs long over his face. Powerful hands grip the arms of the throne. One holds a cane, wooden with metal ends. It hangs ominously above the stone floor, a weapon with which to strike it. The man lifts his head, bringing his features into the light; a strong jaw, piercing blue eyes, a sneer, wrinkled and worn to a degree. This is a man of experience. This is a man who has seen much and done even more. This is Steven Holmes, and he is back atop his throneâ?¦

Holmes: Youâ??ve heard stories of men, of legends, told through the annals of history. These are stories of bodies being flung in a sea of chaos, mystery and violence. These are stories of valiant victories and terrible triumphs. These are stories of heroes and villains alike, both reigning supreme before the horde, a horde who at their most base level are baying for blood. And even though history has come and gone, still they bay for that blood, still they relish it. Still they bathe in it and howl at the moon for more. And so it has been given to them.

A vile smirk creeps upon the face of Holmes. He lifts his head up, the beaming light casting shadows across his face in macabre and sinister ways. He is almost demonic as he continues, his voice echoing in this void.

Holmes: These insatiable appetites are being tempered further. A new ingredient added to this dish; the Worldâ??s Heavyweight Championship. A title passed through the ages to those fit enough to carry its burden, its weight, its majesty. Countless have fallen to the wayside in pursuit of its glory. A select few have been privileged enough to capture its magnificence. Before you sits one such individual, â??The Eliteâ?, Steven Holmes â?¦

An air of arrogance and a cocky swagger creep through Holmes, gesturing toward himself simply, but in a manner that suggests vainglory.

Holmes: Long before others borrowed and brandied this name in a manner that has lost all meaning, it was I who set the standard by which all others are judged. My legacy? One of malevolence and monstrous ambition. Hall of Famers, kings, champions. Warriors, peasants and paupers. All have fallen, all in pursuit of the glory that is the Worldâ??s Heavyweight Championship. I did unspeakable things, pushed my body, my spirit, my very essence to a breaking point. And ultimately, I was victorious.

Heavy is the head that wears the crown though. The pursuit of the grandeur burned me. I was the proverbial Icarus. I seized the sun, entranced by its beauty and power. But I failed to understand its dangers, both in pursuit of it and in the holding of it. A target formed on my worn and weary body. I held it only a paltry amount of time. And with it, I lost my health. My career stalled, it stopped. There were other victories in other realms of course, but never was it the same.

A contemplative silence. Holmes casts his gaze away to his right, pausing, clearly distressed by these memories that linger.

Holmes: Always within me burned the passion, burned the desire, burned my want and need to perform, to seize the glory I had once personally handled. I needed it, I longed for it. But my bodyâ?¦ my body failed me. My spirit was wanting, but the flesh was not willing, nor able. Avatars and ciphers filled the role at my behest, but seeing their mixed successes did not fill me with the same ecstasy that I had previously.

Nothing can substitute fighting your own battles. It is an addictive, thick, toxic malaise that sits in the basement of your belly and lingers there and manifests and grows and infects every inch of you until you cannot stand it anymore. And when you cannot exorcise this demon by taking part in combat, it grows fouler and thickerâ?¦

Again Holmes pauses. He brings his hand to his mouth and considers what he has just said and the scathing truth of it. It appears he may even be a tad emotional. He looks off to the right, moisture forming in his eyes, thinking of this, the lowest ebb of his professional wrestling career.

Holmes: No one should return to combat sports after the injuries I had accumulated over my career. Replacements, dislocations, breaks, tears: all of these and so much more. They ruined me. I was told that it would be impossible to return. I was told that the physical toll my body had taken was so great that I would be unable to work inside the confines of a squared circle ever again. But I am not a man who takes kindly to the word â??noâ??. I have acquired much in my time through pig-headedness, through sheer force of will. That remains unbreakable and undeniable.

I approached those at the cutting edge of sports science with an offer â?? a lot of money to return me to my past glories. I sweat, I bled. I cried and cringed and cursed. I hurt myself emotionally and physically in a bid to prove everyone wrong and to exorcise this cancerous monster polluting my spirit. That burning desire to become the return to that moniker I long held myself to; Elite. It took yearsâ?¦

Suddenly, decisively, Holmes drops his cane with an almighty thud as it clatters to the granite below.

Holmes: But it worked!

Holmes stands all on his own. No need for the cane he used to aid him for ever so long. He steps down from his throne, past the cane, at the foot of the pedestal he once sat atop.

Holmes: Time is the servant of no man. It makes fools of us all. But I have flipped the hourglass. True I am not the same athlete of a decade ago. Iâ??ve lost speed and strength. Iâ??m weaker and wearier. But Iâ??m also wiser. My in-ring acumen and intelligence remains second to none and my cunning is elevated. My desperation to be the best is bolstered by the desire inside me to unleash years of burning frustration â?? over my run as the Heavyweight Champion, at the end of my in-ring career and the failure to successfully move on.

Science has given me finite time. Iâ??m not here to go on a victory lap. Iâ??m here to make the difference and quench my thirst for competition and success. That thirst may well be infinite, but it is my goal to try and satisfy it, to recapture some of the old magic, impart wisdom upon a new generation, and who knows, even settle a few scores. The Lethal Lottery offers me the first chance at that. I of course enter to win, to regain that crown of the worldâ??s greatest, but I also enter for fun. I enter to bathe myself like those hordes, in the blood of my enemies, to sacrifice them for a higher purpose in the pursuit of the glory and enjoy a bit of the old ultra-violence at least one more time.

Holmes raises his arms high and smirks boldly, lifting his head. He closes his eyes, the light burning his retinas as he relishes the illumination.

Holmes: I will redefine what it means to be â??Eliteâ?. Regardless of whether you are a living legend, a ruling queen, a shamed hero on the quest for redemption, a darkened half of a once noble warrior, a wary combat veteran or anything moreâ?¦ You will face the measuring stick. You will face the most willing and cunning of foes. And you will remember, now, forevermore and in eternity, that Aristocracy Reigns.

Holmesâ?? head snaps back down, eyes open as he clicks his fingers and we return to darkness, as if life had never been born at all.

06-16-2019, 03:59 PM
I always imagined that worst part of being a superhero that finally defeats his arch nemesis is boredom.

Think about it. If Batman were to ever well and truly defeat the Joker, he would have way more free time on his hands. I guess Bruce Wayne is technically a playboy billionaire, so maybe he isn't the best guy to make my point.

Okay, thing of Superman and Lex Luther. Wolverine and Sabertooth. Shazam and Black Adam. Thor and Loki. They need each other. Sure, Wolverine would still likely roll with his fellow mutants and Superman would still tangle with Zod, but their lives would be infinitely less interesting.

Hell, look at the 1999 film Mystery Men. Super successful protector of Champion City, Captain Amazing, is so good at his job he effectively made himself obsolete. He got bored of not being able to combat villains, so he used his alter ego, billionaire lawyer Lance Hunt, to set free a notorious villain. In the end Captain Amazing ends up dead and a ragtag team of goofy heroes must save the city, but the point remains. Once you conquer your greatest foe, you get bored.

And so it was for me.

Honestly I never expected to get as far as I did. To be able to say I had an arch nemesis is an achievement in and of itself. To be able to beat him? That was icing on the cake.

I could say as many times as I wanted that I was over Matt Tastic. The truth was, you never get over something like that. Plenty of drugs and alcohol helped ease that pain, along with some therapy, but Tastic was in the past. What new challenges did I face?

I had done almost everything in WZCW. I was a two time World Champion, a three time tag champion, had runs with the Mayhem, EurAsian, and Elite Titles. I had main evented Kingdom Come. I could have ended my career when I was elected to the Hall of Fame. I decided to come back to hear the roar of the crowd again. That twenty by twenty square made me feel more alive than anything else ever had.

For the better part of a decade the fans that packed arenas around the globe would cheer me on and support me no matter what I went through. The death of both of my parents, the loss of multiple relationships, a career threatening back injury. No matter what trial I faced, those fans let me feel it every night. "Mikey! Mikey! Mikey!" it was exhilarating.

It was exhilarating because deep down I knew, I was just a guy who never tried. I was just a stupid fuck with brilliant luck, and sometimes a bright idea. Yet they showered me with a chorus of compliments and verse I didn't deserve. Nothing could compare to that feeling.

There was a knock at my door.

Well, almost nothing could compare.

I opened the door, and through the shining California sunlight was Katherine, the only person who had been there to support me over the past few months. The girl who had captured my heart.

I let her inside and she hugged me before we took a seat.

"Looks like you finally got the new place set up. Looks nice."

"Not as nice as you."

Smooth as fuck as always Michael.

Katherine let out a "pffftt" noise and shoved me away.

I looked around the living room of my apartment. I grew up in a smaller house and I didn't really have a lot of possessions so I never really wanted or needed a large place. I mean for an apartment it was big and four thousand a month in rent it damn well should be big, but it was nice. I had all of my title belts on display, I was proud of my accomplishments. In the middle of a mantel above my TV was my Hall of Fame ring. It was the culmination of the near decade I spent in the company, but as much as I droned on about that in the past I'm sure people got tired of it.

Still though, when I looked at that ring, it was almost as if all of the turmoil and pain I put my body through was worth it. I questioned though, how much longer could it be worth it? Especially considering the decision I had made.

A Few Hours Before Unscripted in San Antonio

I was nervous, I had never done this before. I didn't know how simple or how flashy I should go. How much do I spend? Was it tacky to carry my Elite Title with me to do this?

"Is this the one you want sir?"

A man dressed in a button up shirt and tie with dress pants that said he wasn't paid nearly enough to wear said attire stood across the display case from me. I looked it over and nodded my head. This was the one.

"Let's do this."

A couple of minutes and a card swipe later and I was on my way. I just knew I had some business to take care of tonight first.

Back In The Present Time In Mikey's Apartment

"So when will all of your stuff be moved?"

Katherine pulled out her phone, presumably to check her shipment arrival.

When she said she intended to follow me to California, I knew the decision I made was the right one. I knew she had feelings for me, but even if she tried to frame it as her moving to be able continue her training, I could tell in her eyes she had ulterior motives.

"It should be not long after you get back from Jeddah. Lucky you, you get out of helping me move."

I laughed. She wasn't wrong.

"I was wondering though, about the Matt thing."

I knew she wasn't talking about my feelings but the way Saudi society viewed those of different sexual orientations.

I let out a sigh.

"I'm gonna be honest, its a little worrying. I have contractual obligations to be there though. All active champions are required to be at all official WZCW events at the request of execs, unless they are suspended or have a medical waiver. I tried the waiver route after the Hell in a Cell, but bumps and bruises don't get you a pass."

"Do you worry something will happen?"

"Honestly? Not really. When the list of desired superstars was submitted it included names who haven't been in WZCW in years. It also included Mr. Baller, who has been dead at least once in his life, so I don't think they really watch. They probably still think I'm just some fat sidekick in Strikeforce who is doing battle with a Deadpool wannabe and a Blaxploitation star. They seem to be years behind on our product. They have no idea I came out as bi, I'm sure. Plus if they ask, I'll just smooch on you."

I leaned in for a kiss and she shoved me in the face playfully.

"If you aren't worried, then I'll try not to be worried. Still, I hate that you are jetting off halfway around the world so soon after you settled in."

She was right. I spend so much time on the road, I barely had time to myself. Most of the time my apartments and houses over the years sat vacant. My cars, undriven. Food uneaten...mostly. I'd fallen so far behind on gaming that I was still dicking around in Overwatch and occasionally Battlefield V. My entire life was WZCW. I wanted my life to be something else though.

"Well if I manage to win the Lethal Lottery, that will be the last feather in my cap. It's the only thing I haven't done in WZCW. "

"You never won Gold Rush or King For A Day."

She always was quick to playfully knock me down a peg or two.

"Well King For a Day was never on the table for me, plus it was discontinued more than once."

"So was the Mayhem Championship!"

"If you wanna throw that card out, I was the first and only dual champion in WZCW history so I think I got you beat there."

She shrugged, conceding to defeat on this one.

"And both times I was in Gold Rush I lost to the eventual winner, who went on to win the World Title, so I chalk that one up as a push."

"The only push here is you pushing the narrative of you not being a loser."

She wasn't wrong, in more ways than one. I'd spent my entire life trying to dispel the notion, and maybe I was close. Maybe I already had in the minds of everyone else. In my mind though, I was still a loser because I'd hadn't accomplished my goal.

"My goal." I whispered.

"To win the Lottery?"

I looked up confused.


"You said your goal. I figured you were talking about winning the Lottery. Winning would cement you as one of the best of all time, even more than your Hall of Fame career already has. It would mean you get to main event Kingdom Come again, something so few can say they have done. And if you win the Lottery, you will be World Champion for the third time. That would tie the record. So like I said, I figred that was what you were referring to."

She was right. About the accolades anyway.

"It would be nice. It would be great to hear the fans chant my name as I stood alone in the ring. But no, that wasn't what I was referring to."

"Oh. Well what goal are you talking about then?"

"If you had told me ten years ago that I would be a pro wrestler, I would have called you a liar. I've reached heights that child me would not and could not have ever dreamed. I've been able to travel the world, see things few will. I've gotten to bring smiles and joy to millions. I'm lucky. Along the way though I lost sight of my lifelong goal. Being a pro wrestling, it was a childhood dream. I think its time to stop living that childish dream and start chasing an adult dream."

I had a few tears in my eyes.

"Winning the Lottery and being World Champion again would be amazing. There is something more amazing though, something more amazing that Mikey Stormrage could ever imagine. Like I said, Mikey Stormrage has been lucky. This isn't Mikey Stormrage speaking though. This is Michael Brown speaking. Katherine King, will you make Michael Brown lucky? Will you marry me?"

I pulled the ring from my pocket but I was tackled to the floor before I could open the box. She had her head buried in my chest, but I could make out her nodding her head yes as her tears of joy stained my shirt.

In that moment, I knew, everything up to this point had been worth it.

06-16-2019, 05:50 PM

The Day After Unscripted: A Hospital In San Antonio, Texas

I was sore, I was angry, I was disappointed. Unscripted had come and gone, and while I didn't lose, I didn't win. But if you didn't win, you lost. If you ain't first, you're last. Anything but victory is unacceptable and I will get my win over Stetson one way or another at some point, you can believe that. But right now? I was stuck in some stupid hospital because despite me telling them I was fine, the WZCW doctors are stupid and didn't listen to me, they insisted I go to the hospital and the stupid hospital doctors wanted to keep me overnight to "run some tests". Ugh. I was going stir crazy being stuck here, plus I barely got any sleep and I needed coffee, bad. I was debating making a run for it, when finally a doctor came into the room.

Okay Ms. Clark, it looks like you didn't break anything and don't have anything seriously wrong with you, just some bruises and general soreness. I would recommend not wrestling for at least two weeks to let your body fully heal though.

I laughed, was he crazy? Did he really think there was a chance in hell I wouldn't be entering the Lethal Lottery!?

Yeah okay doc, if you think that's going to happen I think you've been dipping into the drugs for the patients. Lethal Lottery is coming up and I need to be in that.

Well you can, but I would recommend being careful.

I didn't intend to spear a big cowboy bigot off the stage last night, but things happen. If I had to do it again right now I would if it meant winning, winning means everything to me and I don't care what I have to do to win. Even if it means risking injury. If I didn't spear him off the stage, I was getting thrown off, better him than me.

I shrugged, and the look on the doctor's face was amusing. He clearly didn't understand how wrestling works. He looked unsure of what to say next but responded after a minute.

Well I guess that's your decision, but as a doctor I do suggest taking it easy if you can.

Yeah yeah I get it, what's your name anyway?

Dr. Henry Jones.

I laughed, Dr. Henry Jones!?

Okay Indy, look, am I good to get the hell out of here? I have the biggest match of my life coming up and I have a lot to do before it if I'm going to win. And quite frankly, the longer I'm stuck in this hell hole, the more miserable I'm going to be. And trust me, you don't wanna be around me when I'm miserable.

I shot Indiana Jones here a look that could kill, and saw the surprise in his eyes. Boy do I love when I scare people, it just makes my day. He thought for a moment before nodding his head to my question.

Yes um, let me just get those discharge papers and I'll be right back. But just remember to try not to do any stage dives next time you wrestle, okay?

I shrugged.

I make no promises. Now while you're out there, put those nurses to work and have one of them get me a coffee.

Doctor Jones started to leave the room but before he could I had one more thing to say to him.

Oh and Doctor?

He turned around, a smile on his face that looked forced.


Watch out for snakes, I know their your biggest fear.

He rolled his eyes and let out a chuckle.

Very funny.

He walked out of the room as I yelled to him not to forget about the coffee, and grabbed my phone, I hadn't checked it in hours, who knows what I could have missed in that time! But what I discovered was shocking and frankly, disgusting news. WZCW was taking Lethal Lottery to the middle of freaking nowhere, a place where I wouldn't even be welcome even if I played nice, Saudi Arabia! UGH! I was annoyed and frustrated, so I decided to poke fun at the news.


Literally Nobody:

WZCW: We're going to Saudi Arabia for Lethal Lottery!

#WorstDecisionEver #FirstWomanToWinAMatchInSaudi #StillTheNextWorldChamp

The Next Day: A Suite In A San Antonio Hotel

I was taking a personal day to relax and destress after the last 48 hours I went through. Between the war with Stetson at Unscripted and the supes stressful stay at the hospital, I deserved this. Besides if this company thought I was in any hurry to get to that disgusting gross country then they had another thing coming. I'll get there when I feel like getting there, in the meantime I'll enjoy a country where I have rights. I was sitting in a chair outside on the room's deck, enjoying my late breakfast after a Swedish massage in the spa, when I decided to look at my phone, seeing a new text from my friend and favorite costume designer, Kira Cassidy.

OMG that was crazy what you did at Unscripted! How are you walking right now!? I think I'd be dead!

I smirked, it's great getting your ego stroked sometimes, and I left people talking about me. That's the only good thing to come from that match.

It helps I landed on that fatass. But it drives me nuts he was able to walk out of there, guess that just means I have to eliminate him in the lottery. If I can't pin him I need to ruin his hopes of ever being World Champion.

Stetson was one of many people I had my sights on in the Lottery. Eliminating anybody is great but that's a personal one I'd like to get. Just the thought of him thinking he won the war right now makes my blood boil, little does he know he only won the battle when he walked out on his own.

That would be a great way to get the last laugh over him. But I hope you're not just looking for revenge in that match as part of your Redemption Tour thing you were telling me about. I mean revenge is sweet, but it's not gonna get you the win.

She was right, as much as I'd like to get revenge on people like Stetson and Mikey Stormrage, who currently have wronged me and gotten away with it, winning the World Title was MUCH more important. Plus that would be the ultimate revenge. I needed to be completely focused on winning and just hope to eliminate fat and fatter in route to my glorious victory. I nodded in agreement as I took a bite of my toast before texting back.

You're right, and there's sooooo many haters in this company, so many people are totes jealous of my success and will wanna eliminate me. I really need to watch my back. I'll need my wits about me more than ever in this match.

I would need more than my usual game plan to win this match, I was about to be facing the entire roster, some people I've faced, some I haven't, and no doubt there's going to be some big surprises be it debuts or returning stars, and no matter who comes into that ring, my ring, they'll meet the same fate, getting tossed right over that top rope and out to the floor. This wasn't their time, this was my time.

What about making an alliance? I know you don't like anybody else in the company, but you should convince someone to work with you.

Not a bad idea she had there, but who? I don't like anybody, but I don't need to like someone to trust them. But could I possibly trust any of the bozos in this company? Between rising stars looking to steal the spotlight for themselves, legends looking to get one last moment of glory, and rookies that are complete wild cards, nobody came to mind as someone I'd dare put my trust in. Maybe something will change in the heat of the moment, but at the end of the day I can only trust one person, myself.

Maybe, but I don't trust the losers and dopes around here. Any success I've had in wrestling has been on my own, and I don't like sharing the spotlight, so I don't think that'll work. But that's okay, I don't need anybody anyway.

I quickly got a text back before I could even another bite of my eggs and toast.

Well I guess that's technically true, but would you have gotten signed to WZCW if not for being a team with your sister?

I scoffed at this. Kira was a friend, but how DARE she question my ability.

Of course I would have. Everybody knows that I was the real talent and she was just riding my coattails. I think that's proven by the fact she got a career ending injury on her own while I've thrived and won the Elite Championship 3 times and the Mayhem Championship once. And for the record I don't appreciate you doubting me, you know that makes me mad.

I was tempted to ignore the rest of her messages as punishment for her rudeness, and ignored the notification of her text back for a couple minutes while I finished my eggs and toast, but after taking a couple sips of my mimosa, I decided to see what she said back. After all she was providing good conversation before that. Besides, what else did I have to do right now?

I didn't mean it like that, I was just pointing it out. I'm sure you would have gotten signed if not for Gabi, and you have proven to be far more than a basic tag team wrestler. Anyway, tell me about the Lethal Lottery. Why's it so important to you? Just because it's for the World Title? I mean I get that would be awesome, but are titles really everything?

She raised some good questions, are titles everything? And why was the lottery so important? I took a couple minutes to think about it, before responding to her while finishing my mimosa.

Titles aren't everything no, but they are very important. They mean being one of the best in the company, not that I need that to know I am. But it shows everybody else what I already know. But the lottery? That's everything, and not just because of the World Title. If I win the Lethal Lottery it means I beat every single person this company had to offer, I outlasted every single person and I won. It means adding my name to the record books, not many people can say they've been World Champion, and even less people can say they won the Lethal Lottery, I can accomplish both in one night and THAT is something that will never be forgotten. You know I love the spotlight, and there's no bigger spotlight than winning that match and walking into Kingdom Come for the main event with the World Title around my waist. I don't just want this win Kira, I NEED this win, this win is everything and I will do absolutely anything to get it, and I mean anything.

I knew everybody else would also sacrifice everything to get the win, I planned for that, but did they have as much to sacrifice as me? Sure Kagura did, after all it was her belt on the line after all, boy did it eat me alive that she was champion. She screwed me when we teamed that one time, AND she cost me the win in the Goldrush Tournament, I think she might officially be my mortal enemy. But everybody else? Doubtful.

I see, well you know I'll be at home rooting for you. Do you think you'll need one of my costumes for it?

Nah I think I have the perfect one already, but thanks for thinking of me girl. I know all about how things are over there in the desert, and if they're gonna be hostile to me, I might as well piss them off more with my cosplay.

Oh boy, don't get yourself thrown in jail or killed or whatever.

HA! As if they could do that, if they tried I know money talks, and everybody has a price, even people living in backwards times. Anyway I have another massage appointment planned, gotta get back to 100% for the match, I'll talk to you later and next time you see me in your shop, I'll make sure to bring my newly won World Title with me.

Was getting a second massage in such a short amount of time needed? Probably not. Did I care? Absolutely not. But I wanted it, and it would help me feel better, so I was going to get it. I didn't intend to leave the US for a few more days at least still, and I was waiting on a couple costumes to come in from home anyway, so what else was I supposed to? It's not like this city had anything fun worth doing and I don't wanna spend time hanging out with a bunch of rednecks. Before I left for another trip to the hotel spa though I sent another text, this time to my other good friend, Harper.

Heyy girl what do you have going on next week? How would you like a free first class trip?

Six Days Later: Inside A Private Jet Heading For Saudi Arabia

I had just spent six very nice days doing absolutely nothing but relaxing and being pampered, but now it was time for what I was really dreading, making the trip out to Saudi Arabia. It was going to be a long flight, it was going to be hotter than hell there, and it was going to be an all around sucky trip. Thankfully, I was able to convince Harper to drop what she had planned to come with me. She tried to protest but she's never been good at saying no to me, and I took advantage of that. We had boarded the private jet I had rented, and now we had many hours of not much to do. I got comfortable in my seat and kicked my feet up on the table in front of me, as Harper came out of the bathroom and sat down in the seat across from me.

Why exactly did you want me to come with you on this trip? Just to have someone to talk to on the plane?

I shrugged, that was certainly part of the reason, but not the whole reason.

Can't I just enjoy your company?

You can, but I know you always have an ulterior motive to everything you do.

The one down side of having someone be your friend for so long, they know you well enough to know things like that.

Okay fiiiine, I dragged you along because I needed someone that I can tolerate to talk to while I'm stuck in this stupid third world country, and I figured having someone to talk to on the plane would give me a chance to do a little more match prep covering some of my opponents.

That's assuming I don't wanna just take a nap and let you worry about that yourself.

I rolled my eyes, why must she be difficult? Just do what I say, it's not hard! Yeesh, you'd think she would just know how things work around here.

You can either try and take a nap with me talking to myself like a crazy person and making it very difficult to sleep....or you can have this conversation with me and then we can both sleep. I think it's obvious what makes more sense.

I raised my eyebrow waiting for an answer, and after a few moments she sighs and nods in agreement, once again I knew I could get her to do what I wanted. She just had to make things more difficult than they needed to be.

Alright alright you win, who's first?

I brought up a list in my memo pad on my phone of who I considered my biggest threats going into the match, I didn't account for surprise entrants because the internet was crazy with all kinds of rumors and I didn't know which ones to believe, so I wasn't going to try and plan for that. Worry about the devil you know they say right? I skimmed the list quickly and decided to start with the biggest threat, my mortal enemy and the champ herself, Kagura.

Kagura. I've really grown to hate her you know. Winning the World Title after stealing MY moment of winning the Gold Rush after spitting disgusting mist in my face, screwing me out of a win the one time we teamed by being a completely useless partner, and I already didn't like her to begin with. But she's going to fight tooth and nail to keep that championship, and I know she might just be THE biggest threat to win the match. She's also someone I would LOVE to throw out, both for personal reasons and making a statement.

Harper nods while listening as a evil grin crossed my face at the thought of being the reason Kagura loses the belt. That would be so sweet, and if it happens, karma's a bitch isn't it? It's what she deserves for being a cheater.

That would be huge if you throw out the defending champ, but considering you two have previous beef she'll probably wanna be the one to throw you out. Maybe don't gun right for the top dog?

I shrugged, go big or go home right? It didn't take me long to shake my head in disagreement.

No no, I want to throw every single big name out of the match. And if I am going to lose, I'll be damned if it's before her.

Harper nodded again, I could tell she could sense this one was a little personal for me, and was ready for me to move onto the next person. Considering I had nothing more to say about her, I was ready to move on as well.

Anyway, onto the next person, another one I have a lot of history with and someone who quite frankly, people are stupid if they don't try to get rid of as soon as he enters the match, Mikey Stormrage.

Oh Mikey, in another universe we would probably be close friends. But in this one, you seem to keep getting in my way and you stole my championship. What a shame...for you.

That's the guy who beat you in the cage match right?

I nodded, what an awful memory that is.

Yeah, luckily for me he's going in damaged after that hell in a cell match. He's going to be hard to eliminate because he's so god damn fat, but one way or another, he's going to be eliminated if I have anything to say about it. This is probably the most personal one for me, he took what meant the most to me, and I want this elimination badly. But I know it'll be hard for me to do alone, I'll have to be crafty about it. But he's a former World Champ, the reigning Elite Champ, AND a hall of famer, if everybody doesn't target him, they deserve to lose. Anybody with his resume needs to be eliminated as soon as possible.

I nodded in agreement with myself, as Harper quickly chimed in.

That does seem like an odds on favorite going in even with being banged up, if I was you that would be who I wanna eliminate the most. Is he the only hall of famer in the match?

I shook my head, without knowing potential surprises, I knew of some others.

No, as far as I know, there's 3 other hall of famers in the match. Matt Tastic, Steven Holmes who announced his return recently, and the guy who just lost the World Title, Titus. All three of them are huge threats and I have history with Tastic and Titus. Both have beaten me before, but Tastic is truly a disgusting human being.

I shook my head in disgust and kept talking.

I mean he spit soda in my face, who does that!? And on top of that he took my Elite Title before too, but thankfully I won it back from him so I'll forgive him for that much, after all if he didn't win it, I wouldn't have been able to make history and become the only person to win it for a third time. He's probably more hurt than Mikey, after all he did crash through the cell,but he still needs to be eliminated as soon as possible. Same goes for Titus. Nobody wants him to be champion again.

What's your history with him?

Not too much, we've only had one singles match and he won, but I won a triple threat match with him so we're even in that regard. But I know he's not happy he lost the title and I know he wants it back, I can't let him stick around in the match because he's going to be more dangerous the longer he lasts in the match. At least Tastic might get sidetracked trying to continue his war with Stormrage, Titus has no enemy really to deal with.

Harper nodded, I don't know how much she understood of what I was saying, or at least fully, but she was sticking with it and trying to contribute. I give her credit.

That's good points about them, even eliminating one hall of famer could be huge for you, but if you even outlast them, that's great. What about Holmes? You haven't talked about him.

Oh he's a worry too, but he's an unknown worry pretty much. I've seen some of his matches sure, and I know what he's done in the ring, but I've never been in the ring with him and I don't know if he still has it, if he's going to fight dirty, or anything else about him. I wanna get him out, but I don't know what to expect.

Maybe the best move is to just try and avoid him if you can?

Yeah maybe, I mean hopefully I'm the last person to enter the match and get to avoid a lot of the field, but I don't know if I'll be that lucky.

We both laughed a little as the flight attendant brought us something to drink. I opted for a bottle of water, Harper opted for soda. I took my feet off the table so we could place our cups down and sat up more in the seat before we continued our conversation.

So who else do you consider the biggest threats? I imagine there's some "dark horse" favorites that you're worried about not just the hall of famers and the world champ.

I thought about it for a minute, certainly there was some people to worry about a good amount besides the "big" names. In fact one name came right to mind due to recent events.

Stetson Hayes. We have unfinished business after Unscripted, and I'll consider that business finished if I eliminate him from the match or I just win. That bigot is probably going to fit right in with the Saudi people, he probably believes the same things they do.

I rolled my eyes.

But as much as I think he's an awful person, I know he's going to be hard to eliminate not just because of his size, but because of the fight in him. I saw first hand he's a tough bastard and he doesn't stay down. He might not be the biggest threat, but he's a big threat and I don't wanna see him at the end of the lottery if I get that far. He's probably the biggest "dark horse" favorite and I can't wait to punch him right in the mouth and kick his ass again.

I was getting fired up and I could feel it building up inside of me. Him and I couldn't be more different, but I can't deny his skill like I tried to before facing him. After taking a minute to calm down and drink some water, another name popped into my mind as someone to worry about, the other reigning champion going into the match.

And then there's one more person I think I need to talk about, Garth Black.

Oh yeah I know him, he's the Eurasian Champion. He looked pretty good against Xander. You haven't faced him before right?

I shook my head quickly, I hadn't stepped into the ring with him before but I felt I knew plenty about him. Former bad person who turned his life around, reigning champion, basic bitch when it comes to moves, and someone who probably thrives in matches like this.

Nope, though I still think I should have been the one facing him not Xander, but you know apparently choke holds suddenly became legal.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance and shook my head.

But he's been around for awhile, and seems to have changed his ways recently from being bad and fun, to a goody too shoes. Considering he doesn't take any risks in the ring he probably has somewhat of an advantage in this match. If he manages to be in this match longer than anybody, I wouldn't be surprised.

I shook my head again before talking again.

But if I can eliminate him, that could line me up for the next shot at his belt and if I can't get the World Title, I'll settle for that one. After all it just wouldn't be right if Kingdom Come came and went without me leaving it as a champion.

I grinned.

His title isn't my concern currently though, getting him over the top rope and out of my way is. But he reminds me of a lot of these guys from the past who feel the need to make returns, time has passed them by and they need to realize it. People like me are the future and it's time for the past to step aside for the future to take the spotlight and shine with it. But since I can't eliminate everybody I'd like to eliminate, I'll just work smarter not harder.

I smirked as Harper raised an eyebrow in confusion as she looked at me.

What do you mean?

I simply shrugged before responding to her.

Why should I bust my ass and fight hard and risk losing, when I can pick my spots and fight smarter? After all, I can't expect to dominate the match with eliminations, it's just not realistic, but I can wait for people to give me an opening and get them out of the ring. And that's the best thing I can do. But the bottom line is, this match is my chance to take the biggest spotlight, the biggest prize, and the become the legend I know I'm meant to be. I need this win because I hear the recent talk, how I keep losing every time I get a big opportunity lately, and I'm sick of the haters running their mouths.

I finished off my bottle of water before speaking again.

So becoming World Champ would shut them all down and give me everything I ever wanted. Plus, I can't think of any better possible end to my redemption tour than winning the lottery and ending the show with the World Title held high over my head. This is my time and my moment, and I'll be damned if anybody takes it from me.

I nodded in a matter of fact way, as Harper looked unsure of what to say. She's a far less intense person than me but I truly did feel this was my time and my moment to get everything I ever wanted. I wasn't sure if I was truly as unstoppable as I felt in this moment, but in the moment I felt untouchable and that nothing could stop me. It was impossible to truly predict what would happen in the lottery, but I liked this feeling and I didn't want it to go away. I always said I was a legend of tomorrow, now it was time to prove it.

06-16-2019, 06:11 PM

Act 1: The Intervention


The Intervention


06-16-2019, 06:12 PM

Act 2: The Interstate


The Interstate



06-16-2019, 06:12 PM

Act 3: The Interpersonal


The Interpersonal




I must win for rasslin' itself!

06-16-2019, 06:28 PM
WZCW in association with NBC Jive Present: â??The Curious Cornerâ? with Flex Mussel.

Flex: Hello everyone!

The former World champion can be seen sitting on stage in the auditorium of Flex Fitness Headquarters. On either side of him comfortably seated is Svetlana and Wasabi Toyota. Crowds of employees, interviewers, fans, and curious onlookers fill out the rest of the auditorium as the King of FlexAmerica begins to speak again.

Flex: Today weâ??re going to do something a little different. Usually following an important WZCW PPV there is a â??State of the Flex Addressâ? where I make a declaration and my lovely subjects ask timely questions. And I know pressing thoughts must be on your minds such as: â??How did our hero Flex so courageously defeat Vega in a victory for his entire nation?â? or â??What will Flex do now that he seemingly back on track after a rough couple of weeksâ? and even better yet â??Will Flex Mussel enter â??The Greatest Grandest Lethal Lottery?â?. Well that one I can answer for you, and thatâ??s a certified GUARAN-DAMN-TEE FLEX MUSSEL will be in the Lethal Lottery!

A couple dozen employees and some fanboys in the back deliver some sparce cheers for the King. He isnâ??t very impressed, but he moves forward anyway.

Flex: While thatâ??s all good and well I think there are much more important questions that need to be asked, such as: How can there be a Lethal Lottery when WZCW currently has a roster that struggles to fill two shows?

The crowd has no response to this question, but their interest has been piqued.

Flex: I can tell you as one of the veterans in this company, WZCW has seen better days. I mean think about it guys, thereâ??s a reason weâ??ve skipped the roulette round and gone straight into the Lethal Lottery. Just as thereâ??s a reason why the WZCW World title is up for grabs for anyone and EVERYONE.

The crowd begins to converse between themselves as the King realizes he has their attention.

Flex: I mean letâ??s look at the last time a Lethal Lottery was contested for the World title. We had an absentee champion, a much healthier and competitive roster, and yet somehow at the time Matt Tastic winning the whole thing was a breath of fresh air. But while things may change, others stay the same, and that stale formulaic pattern is what has made the World title become so devalued the company is now begging anyone and EVERYONE to come off the street and possibly luck their way into the most richest prize in all of wrestling. But I digress, let me ask the fine public this: Do you any of you know about the World title curse?

Hands in the crowd dart up immediately, all of them looking to answer Flexâ??s question. The King stands from his seat and looks to pick out one of the hands to answer, but at the very last second continues on.

Flex: The world title curse is that no one has been able to successfully defend it sinceâ?¦.since Justin Cooper successfully defeated me.

The King noticeably becomes silent. Svetlana stands up to comfort him, he waves her off as he gets back on the mic.

Flex: Fear not my loyal subjects, for that Flex did not have the strength of FlexAmerica behind him. And from there holders of the championship such as Constantine, Eve Taylor, Tyrone Blades, Titus, and even yours truly all succumbed to the pressure of the World title curse. But there is one victim that I think is the most important: And thatâ??s Kagura Kojima.

Half the crowd is confused by the last name while others continue to listen on intently.

Wasabi: I donâ??t think sheâ??s called that anymore man.

Svetlana: I donâ??t recall that being one of her last names at all.

Flex: Interesting, must have had Death Stranding on the mind, regardless of whatever last name she picks this week, Kagura is currently the WZCW World champion. Winning it at our most recent event, and is now forced to defend it in the Lethal Lottery just a round later. But this is no coincidence, as Kagura has been World champion before, where she won it just a round before defending it at the Lethal Lottery, where she lost it. Anybody seeing a pattern?

The bodybuilder then motions to someone off stage as a large poster falls from the raptors stating: â??KAGURA PUBLIC ENEMY #1â?.

Flex: This is Kaguraâ??s match to lose, because while last time she lost the prize while contesting with a raving anime weeb and an overrated model, this time the entire company is gunning for you all at once Kagura. Statistically, the odds just arenâ??t looking good. But something tells me you and your people know the math better than I do.

The King lets out a chuckle before exiting the stage and entering the crowd.

Flex: But thatâ??s the obvious, Iâ??d like to hear the unexpected from the very people here!

The crowd becomes lively as the King begins searching for people to ask questions. The moniseur of muscle eventually settles on a fan desperate for attention.

Flex: Who would you like to see win the Lethal Lottery?

Fan #1: Titus, heâ??s my fave.

Flex: Oh Iâ??m sure heâ??d like that too, so he can continue to hold down young deserving talent such as myself! Next answer.

The King brushes past the fan and positions the mic in front of the face of a reporter.

Reporter: Iâ??d be interested in a Steven Holmes victory.

Flex: What?! He doesnâ??t work here anymore.

Wasabi: Nah heâ??s back man, and heâ??s entered the match.

Flex: Well I hope he brings Celeste Crimson with him because heâ??s going to need a lot more than whatever is across the pond to beat FlexAmerica! Next answer.

The King then walks over to another eager fan.

Fan #2: Chris K.O.! Chris K.O.! Chris K.O.!

Flex: I donâ??t know who that is. Next answer.

The bodybuilder scans through the audience to see a fan with Flexâ??s face on his shirt. He makes a beeline to him.

Flex: How about you good sir?

Fan #3: I think itâ??d be interesting to see Ramparte return.

Flex looks down at the fans shirt to see that is Cerberus themed. The King immediately loses interest as he motions for security to remove the fan.

Flex: Well is there anyone else with a guess-

???: How about Keith Kole?!

The King turns around to see his former protege Keith Kole behind him, alongside is fellow WZCW competitor Alice Adams, whom Flex recently tangled with.

Flex: Wasabi! On guard!

The bodyguard struggles to get through the crowd of people but eventually makes it to Flexâ??s side as they ready for battle.

Keith: Relax, this isnâ??t an ambush.

Flex: Then whatâ??s your business here traitor?

Keith: I didnâ??t betray you.

Flex: You left. Just as bad.

Keith: Because you were unfocused and leading your great people astray, I can see that this has now changed.

Flex: So now you want back in the fold?

Keith: I come with gifts, and with allies.

Keith hands Wasabi the complete HD collection of â??Friendsâ?.

Wasabi: Finally, with bonus commentary and extras.

Alice: I am the new ally cutie.

Flex: Just a few weeks ago we were at odds.

Alice: That was then and this is now honey, and I want to be on the winning team.

Keith: If you plan to win the Lethal Lottery you will need help Flex.

The King ponders the offer, and ultimately accepts.

Flex: You do bring up a good point, and Alice was a formidable opponent. I welcome you two in FlexAmerica!

The group embraces, and joins Svetlana back on the stage.

Flex: Now this is how you do proper border control, letâ??s welcome Keith Kole and Alice Adams to FlexAmerica!

The crowd begins to clap for the wrestlers but it short lived as Flex cuts them off.

Flex: Enough, I wasnâ??t finished with the corner. Because my curiosity will not stop. Before I kept going, smashing through the roster with great force and immense power. But now, now I want to think, now I want all of you to think. And I want you all to question what is around you. Do not become sheep flocking to the next trend. You may cheer for returning superstars, you may rally behind a young upstart, rookie, or underdog who may look to win it all, but you all know in the back of your minds that this may be the last Lethal Lottery this company ever has.

A silence befalls the crowd as they ponder the weight of the statement.

Flex: With that in mind do you want another selfish legacy act with nothing else to offer this company winning the entire thing once again? Do you want to waste this historic moment on some part timer who hasnâ??t been with WZCW while things have been rough? Do you trust the future of wrestling with an untested rookie who isnâ??t worthy? Then you know what the only logical option is, and thatâ??s the FlexAmerican option! I am just as worthy as any veteran in this company but the one thing I have not done is win the Lethal Lottery and go on to main event Kingdom Come. Iâ??ve wanted this moment since I first laid my eyes upon WZCW programming. I am going to outlast every other competitor, and reclaim what I never should have lost, the WZCW World title, and I will break the curse that haunts this championship! And I will save WZCW from the life support that it has been on for so long! But not for my interests, for well-being of the great citizens of FlexAmerica!

Employees and fanboys cheer on as reporters and onlookers begin to exit the auditorium. The FlexAmerican stable joins hands and raises their arms in celebrationof the decree.


06-16-2019, 06:32 PM
The scene opens to Just Carl sitting on a bench in an airport, about to fly out Saudi Arabia for Lethal Lottery. Carlâ??s first match in the company would be for the World Title. He knew it wouldnâ??t be easy, but he was going to give it his all. Carl pulled out his phone and began recording himself.

â??Well, here we areâ?¦ about to hop on a plane and fly to Saudi Arabia for Lethal Lottery, the winner of this prestigious match gets bragging rights, as well as the WZCW World Championship. Itâ??s sink or swim with no land inside and the sharks biting at your heels. I intend to swim as fast as I can and I will find land. â??

He pauses for a moment, watching a family as they pass by him.

â??Kagura Ohzora, our current world champion. You are an especially deadly shark. Your striking is some of the best Iâ??ve ever seen, your quickness, your agilityâ?¦ they are uncanny. You fought your butt off to win that championship and you are going to fight your butt off to retain itâ?¦ and I respect that. I look forward to facing you most of all in this match, to facing the best in the business right now. Iâ??ve watched as many tapes on you that I could find, I know that if you hit Fifth Dance of Amaterasu Omikami, thatâ??s it. And so Iâ??ve been studying, trying to predict when you might hit it based on cues from previous matchesâ?¦ But youâ??re not the only person to worry about.â?

He shakes his head, before beginning again.

Titus, the hungry former champ is going to want his title back more than anything. I fully expect him to rush into this match when his number is called and tear it down. Tit Drops for everyone. The man who won Lethal Lottery II shouldnâ??t be looked down on, no if anyone was going to pull out all the stops and win this match Iâ??m sure Titus would be that man.

But there are also going to be Hall Of Famers Iâ??d imagine, Mikey Stormrage, Matt Tastic, Steven Holmsâ?¦ and on the other spectrum there are people only slightly newer than myself like Stetson Hayes. This match has all the makings of being a true slobberknocker and I know I am literally no oneâ??s â??favoriteâ?? to win, and I can respect that. I am a nobody who has done nothing of note in this company, and most fans probably couldnâ??t even pick me out of a lineup.â?

Carl smiles, pauses a moment and then continues.

â??I like to think I work best when Iâ??m the underdog, and I know thatâ??s a cliche thing to say and I can accept that most will probably just laugh me off. â??Heh, look at the new guy!â??, but I plan on proving myself in that ring. The goal is always to win but if I can prove myself and show that I belong, then flying home without the world title might not sting as bad.

Iâ??m not the biggest, the strongest, the fastest, the most flashy. But I donâ??t need to be. I am Just Carl, and at Lethal Lottery, Itâ??s just business in that ringâ?

Carl turns off the camera before emailing the video to WZCW. He smiles and as if on cue, the loud speakers call for his flight. He smiles and heads that way.


Just Carl is sitting in his airplane seat, he got stuck with a window seat but he doesnâ??t mind. Not a lot of room but the view is nice and the wall is cozy enough. The person next to him appears to be a businessman, least heâ??s wearing a business suit. The man snores loudly but Carl doesnâ??t mind. He just watches the world from the window, he can see the airport coming into view and a smile appears on his face. The airplane lands smoothly and Carl retrieves his belongings and exits to find a pretty crowded area. Carl retrieves a map, hails a taxi and is on his way to the hotel.

06-16-2019, 08:27 PM


The following message is not endorsed by, nor does it reflect the opinions or position in any way of WrestleZone Championship Wrestling. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the writer alone. WrestleZone Championship Wrestling accepts no responsibility regarding the reaction to the contents of this article. All queries and complaints should be sent directly to xanderhatesyou@outlook.com at the request of the author of the article.

__________________________________________________ ____________________________________________



I love wrestling.

I've loved wrestling ever since I was a boy. There's a pretty well told story about me sitting up with my dad to watch Headlock Pro Wrestling as a kid, watching all my favorites, including a guy by the name of Oscar Sanchez. Man, he was the business. Ahead of his time, exciting to watch and always put on a show for the people. Until one night, he got it wrong. He dived off of the turnbuckle for a headbutt; a move he'd hit a thousand times. And he left the arena on a stretcher, paralyzed. My earliest wrestling memory is of my favorite performer losing the ability to use his fucking legs.

And people wonder why I'm kinda fucked up???

But, shit happens. We all know it. We all accept that when we step between those ropes, anything can happen. Good and bad. And that's fine. There's nothing wrong with that because it is a choice. Our choice.

Another well-known story is of my childhood. I drank. I smoked. I shot myself full of shit to make me feel good, and alongside me was Abi. Those who've followed my career the longest know that story. Use whatever cliché you want; we were kindred spirits, star crossed lovers, soulmates, yada yada ya. The point is, we were a we. A team. We stuck together, drank together, got high together; you name it, we did it by each others side.

Then the shit we kept putting in our bodies killed her.

I blamed myself for years. Years. Hell, I'd be lying if I said I didn't any more. Part of me will always feel responsible for not being the one to help her see what she was doing to herself. But I was too busy doing it next to her.

One overdose later, I woke up. I felt my purpose, and I took off for the nearest wrestling school and, the rest as they say is history.

I came to this company because it felt like the next step. I wasn't ready. I sure as hell didn't feel it. But the truth is you never are ready; you have to earn that by reacting. And, if you look back, I sucked. BAD. But I learned, every time I went out there, with every step I took, I learned more and more and eventually became Elite X Champion. One of my proudest achievements. But it was labelled as a fluke. Maybe it was. But the cheers from you are something that will live with me for the rest of my days. As are those of my winning the Eurasian Championship. I pinned Mason Westhoff and Rush, and the feeling I had was unlike anything else I could describe. Almost at least. There was one sure fire way to describe it.

Not a fluke.

But that was the last time I tasted gold. Fast forward to now, and here I am, still looking for the shot I deserve. Or at least, that I believe I do. And I do; I feel I've done more than enough to earn that right but that is not a decision I get to make. Maybe that's for the best.
So, why the walk down memory lane? Why bore you with Wikipedia facts you could have searched for yourself?

Because I have to be honest with you. And the truth...



...is that Xander Knight has not lived up to his potential.


I know, I know. I've heard the podcasts, I've read the blogs and reviews. This isn't the biggest revelation ever. But it's true. It's truer that I would ever care to admit. Its hard for me to type, but it's true. And I wish it weren't. I wish I were sitting here and gushing to you all about my three World title wins, winning the King for a Day, coming out on top in a couple of hotly contested Lethal Lotterys but, sadly that isn't the case. And its not the case for a reason.

I have not been good enough.

And I owe an apology to you; the fans for that. This may seem out of character for me, but I have not met the standard a WZCW superstar should be hitting; especially one with the potential everyone touted me as having. I know, that sounds bigheaded, but y'all know I'm an arrogant son of a bitch.

I owe an apology for the times I've had opportunities and squandered them. I've had the chance to be number one contender, the chance to be the champion, numerous times, and every time I've blamed someone else. Be it the referee, outside interference, my opponent, or you. The fans. You, who pay your hard earned money to see superheroes like us on your television screens or in person in the arena. I've blamed you for my mistakes and honestly that wasn't fair. And I am sorry for that.

I am sorry. More than words can say.

I am sorry because...


...because I never did more to shove your pathetic words down your sorry throats.


You think you deserve a genuine apology from me??

Fuck you.

Who the hell do you think you are? You're nobody. Just some whiny little scumbag who'd never have the balls to get into a real fight. Instead you sit at home, you watch people like me get in that ring and get beat the fuck up, while I'm busy beating someone else the fuck up. Because that's what happens in this ring.

I'm sorry if you feel I've missed my potential. I am. But fuck you for thinking your opinion is something I should listen to. This is my life. My career. My show. I do shit my way, and that ain't about to change. Especially for you.

At Greatest Grandest Lethal Lottery, I have a chance to become an immortal of the wrestling world. I have a chance to become one of the greats. I have the opportunity that none of you ever will have. So before I even step in that ring, I've already beaten you without landing a single punch. Suck it. And when I walk out of there as your new WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, I'll have beaten you so hard I'll have ended the game.

This is the truth of the career of Xander Knight. While you've all sat there cheering for the Showtimes and the Titus's and the Blades' and the Constantines, you despise the fact that you can't boo me out of existence. And that for all of your cheers, your favorite sons can't put me away. Because they can't. I'm always here, and you can't get rid of me.

I've gone past the point of wanting to win. I exist to win. I need it. The need is what drives me forward, and as long as you are all there to witness my rise, I will never stop. And you will never stop watching because you are predictable sheep. And you will follow whatever false shepherd ushers you along. I am not that shepherd. To you, I am nothing, but after the Lottery, I will be what you fear the most; your World Champion. And you will have no choice but to witness the rise of my greatness.

The video link comes alive immediately, to show a darkened room. A spotlight slowly fades in, highlighting a Championship belt atop a stool. The WZCW World Championship, no less. For a moment, the belt is the only thing in view, before the spotlight extends out, revealing the floor is covered on t-shirts. Ty Burna, Showtime, Titus, Big Dave, Everest, Ricky Runn, Austin Reynolds; you name it, the names were there. Including several with a certain Triple X adorned to them.

From the darkess, stepping forward into the light is Xander, decked out in his wrestling gear, smiling with a pen in hand. He raises the pen, writing along the camera lens, before looking down the lens as if to peer into the souls of those watching.

'Because every other option you will have...will fade. Away.'

Xander smiles again, raising his other hand. He flicks his thumb and it becomes plain to see that he is holding a lighter. He walks out of shot, with a few seconds of sheer quiet going by, before the glow of the flame can be seen in the Championships main plate. The flames roll on into view, enveloping the shirts that cover the ground one by one. They burn, then spread, then burn, then spread. Soon, the floor is a carpet of fire surrounding the championship; the only thing left standing in the room.

The video fades to black, before returning with the words Xander carelessly slapped on the lens now inverted for all to read.

Your Next World Champion,

Xander Knight


06-16-2019, 09:20 PM
Keith Kole was seen leaving the FlexAmerican HQ, having finished explaining his actions to Flex. Traitor? Ha, little did Flex realize how much Keith had done to ensure Flex America ran smoothly while the King was off rediscovering his savagery.

Kole: I didn't even get to show him my new pin, or tell him about the promotion I gave myself in his absence!

Kole looked down at his Game of Thrones Hand of the King replica pin on his shirt, before shrugging it off and heading to his car. To his surprise, Alice Adams wasn't waiting for him. The two had came together so Kole had assumed they would leave together too...

Kole notices a note on the windshield and goes to see what it says.

Dear Keithie Kole,
I'm so sorry I had to disappear on you like this, but I totally forgot that I had a hair appointment and, we'll sweetie you know I must maintain my top notch beauty.
Anywho, thanks for introducing me to Flex and opening the door to working as a group. Maybe I'll see you in Jeddah? Maybe if the numbers add up, you might get to get a handful of me during the lottery haha
Sincerely, Alice XOXO

Kole laughs as he finishes reading the note, getting into the car and starting it up.

Kole: She sure likes to play hard to get, we all know she needs Kole Daddy in her bed and her life haha!

Kole heads out of the parking lot and back towards his hotel. His flight to Saudi Arabia leaves tomorrow. Kole wanted to get there early to get acclimated to the weather. Heat could play a big factor in his pursuit for gold, especially if he draws a low number.

One Week Until Lethal Lottery
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Kole had been here for a day now, and the heat was similar to what he experienced growing up in the deserts of San Diego. Kole hoped his experience in the heat would help. Kole had been doing nothing but training and working out, making sure to stay well hydrated. Kole also took advantage of the fact not many of the other roster members had arrived yet, so in between his workout regimen, he would try to get time with some of WZCWs production staff, paying close attention to how things were being set up. If he could maybe he would try to flirt with Becky Serra, see if he can't guarantee a late entry into the lottery....not that it mattered what number he drew.

Kole: With all the names already announced for this match, nobody is talking about Keith Kole winning. No big deal, why should they? That's fine though. With all the focus on people like Titus, Chris K.O., Kagura and the like, I'll have a prime opportunity to cement my name in the WZCW history books. It's not about skill in these types ofmatches. It's about luck. What number did you get? How many people are waiting in the ring? How many MIGHT be an ally for a bit?

Kole finished his rant to himself and headed back to the hotel. Soon Kole would get his chance at being the heavyweight champion. He was already well on the way to securing the girl, he had the power within Flex America all he needed now was some gold around his waist.

Kole: Soon. Soon we find out how my luck turns out. If I have my way it'll be glorious. For myself and FlexAmerica.

06-16-2019, 09:21 PM
Sell out.
Sell out!
Sell out?

Sell out crowd for sell out wrestler.

Thing is, Black saw a lot of himself in the situation

Saudi Arabia, unquestionably of dubious morals by western standards, but the reality wasn’t so simple. The thing is and the thing was and the thing forever had been that the status quo is a sum total product of everything that had happened before. Saudi Arabia had dubious morals, and I’m sure that many people would say the same of Black, but the fact that was true, was that Saudi Arabia was trying to change for the better. In the last year, women could drive, cinemas had opened. Small measures but changes for the better. What had the west done? Brexit? Trump? The Deep South vs Women’s Rights. Look, Saudi was in a worse state, but it was on the path to righteousness, no matter how slow the progress.

The social expectations of Saudi Arabia were clear. There was a moral code of ethics, and sure, they were draconian, but they were consistent. Black saw a lot of himself in that too. He saw a country unbound by expectations from the outside and unconstrained in its desires. A country that lived by its own rules no matter how idiosyncratic they appeared to be. Black was that too. He knew what he thought was right and he followed it, and made sure that anyone in his presence followed it too.

And what else? Saudi Arabia was full of oil, but nobody truly knew how much, much in the same way that Garth Black was full of every tangible and intangible skill that a wrestler could ever want, but he kept it bubbling under the surface, much like the crude oil in the Arabic kingdom.

It was a pillar of Islam that Mecca in Saudi Arabia was to be visited during the fans life and in the same way, it was a pillar of professional wrestling fandom to go and see Garth Black before you stopped watching the show.

And another thing…errr…well there’s sand and sand doesn’t dissolve, just like Black doesn’t dissolve when he’s under pressure…

I’m trying my hardest, readers, I really am. But I have absolutely no motivation for this. Not only do I resent having to be here without any real direction, but I resent having to be here full stop.

I’m trying my hardest not to be a contrarian but I don’t know, I’ve moved passed that now, but it just doesn’t seem right to be here without any build or really without any rhyme or reason. I’m a champion and a representative of the company and I’m going to give it my best, but I’m not really interested in it.

It’s easy enough to make light of hosting a show somewhere like this, but I’ve spent a lot of time in the Middle East and I don’t know if anyone really appreciates that this company or any other going here really isn’t much of a laughing matter.

It feels like the only reason we are here is the punchline to a joke that the people telling don’t really get. I’ll go out there and I’ll give it my all, but I do so reluctantly, knowing that I’ve sat here trying to articulate these ideas for hours and then trying to make the best of it.

The truth be told, this is the best of it and the deeper truth be told that I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for the fact that I felt the company needed me to be. I have a stag do to go to this weekend, and frankly I’d rather be here than there. The fans deserve a show and the company deserves to have one, and I’ve no doubt will pull it off.

The pinnacle of my career, the apex of all my hopes and aspirations is to hold the WZCW Championship again, but I think winning like this would be hollow. I don’t think we should be here. I don’t think I want this audience to cheer for me, but I can be safe in the knowledge that press censorship means they’ll never get to hear that knowledge.

This is Garth Black, in Saudi Arabia in body, if not in spirit, wishing all the people who have enjoyed my character twist and developments over the last year the very best of wishes. Tonight is not for you, it’s not for me, it’s for people that appreciate nothing of any of this.

So I’ll go out, and I’ll stare down the past, present and future of this company, but no sooner than my two feet touch the floor or, more likely, my hand is raised in victory, I’ll be on a flight home. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share my thoughts with you.

06-16-2019, 09:40 PM
The scene opened to an empty wrestling ring surrounded by a sea of empty chairs. Itâ??s dark. Everythingâ??s black. No signs of life can be seen or heard here just yet. Soon the roar of tens of thousands would fill this place. The air stood still. The blistering heat from the desert outside would soon corrupt this squared circle, turning it into a torture chamber of unrivaled magnitude. The silence was cut by the sound of soft laughter. The demented feminine giggling started low, before quickly building into a crescendo. The cacophony of raucous noise falling on deaf ears. A single spotlight shone onto the mat, revealing the WZCW world title.

The lights cut out as static flickered onto the huge tron above the stage. A devilish looking kabuki mask appeared on the screen. Falling to the floor like a flower petal, the mask hit the ground with the dull thud. The feed stopped. The spotlight reappeared revealing Kagura kneeling in the center of the ring. Her red and black face paint contorting as she smirks. Reaching down, she grabbed the title belt and stood, flinging it over her shoulder. She gazed around the arena at all the empty seats. She sneered.

â??So this is Jeddah,â? she scoffed in Japanese.

â??Iâ??m not impressed. The company has lost their goddamn minds, trading their souls in for some blood oil money. I was even told that Iâ??m privileged to work here because of my gender. Fuck that shit. These Saudi bastards are the ones that should feel privileged to see me! I was going to skip this event because I had no opponent, but Chuck Myles forced me to post a bond for the title. The last thing I wanted was a lawsuit, so fuck it. Iâ??m here now.â?

She stared up into the rafters as the spotlight disappeared. In its place rose the house lights, bathing the entire stadium in a soft warm glow.

â??Now doesnâ??t this feel nostalgic. Wasnâ??t I the newly crowned world champion heading into the Lethal Lottery last year? Wasnâ??t the deck completely stacked against me then too, practically guaranteeing me no chance of victory? Yeah, I remember, but I donâ??t care about that. This is the present, not the past. So whatâ??s different about this time around? Why, I have ten times the amount of opponents to contend with now.â?

Kagura had to applaud good old Chuck on that marvelous decision.

â??I have a great idea!â? she spat in a mocking tone, doing her best impression of her asshole boss.

â??Lets all go to the hottest goddamn place on Earth and put on the greatest Lethal Lottery the world has ever seen! We can drag out dinosaurs that the fans havenâ??t cared about in years to fill out the ranks. The world titleâ??ll be on the line. Itâ??ll be great!â?

She growled, â??I am going to dropkick that old wrinkled shit after this is over.â?

â??The difference between last year and now, is that back then I had little confidence in myself. The world title had been the prize that I had sought and fought tooth and nail to get for so long that I crumbled under the pressure. Yeah, I admit that I wasnâ??t ready to carry the company just yet. Now things are different. I compare my journey from winning King-for-A-Day to this recent one of winning Gold Rush, and they were exactly the same. I had no confidence in myself after beating Xander because in my mind I was convinced he was the better man that night. Then something in me just broke. I was tired of being the punching bag, tired of being the laughingstock, and tired of being the failure. Last year I had a massive target etched on my back and I couldnâ??t hack it. This year thoughâ?¦â?

A new spotlight reflecting a target shooting signal shone down onto the canvas covering Kagura. She took the belt and held it in front of her.

â??This is what everyone wants, right? The top prize. The holy grail. The career definer. The ultimate ticket to fame, and Iâ??m the one standing in everyoneâ??s way.â?

She laughed, â??Like I give a damn. None of you peons have the capacity to take this from me anyways, so why so I be worried? If a career failure like me managed to make it to the top twice, then what does that make the rest of you that havenâ??t? Garbage is what you are, the entire lot of you! None of you deserve to share the same ring as me. Youâ??re all here to grab a quick paycheck and go on home until the road to Kingdom Come starts.â?

She shook her head in disgust, â??And before anyone points the finger at me because Iâ??m here to, I was forced to be here. The title was going to be on the line no matter what. So instead of risking the lawsuit and being stripped of my title, I showed up to defend as champion to give you all someone to target while bodies are being hurled out of the ring left and right.â?

Kagura dropped the title onto the ground. She took a step back as the camera zoomed in on the ten pounds of gold. The gems glittering, as the light reflected off her freshly minted name plate.

â??The prize is right here and Iâ??m the mountain that must be conquered. I must sound pretty arrogant from where Iâ??m standing, but in my opinion, I have a right to be conceited when I worked my ass off to win this in the first place. Donâ??t think Iâ??ve become complacent. Iâ??m prepared to defend this belt by any means necessary. Ever since it became evident that the title would be on the line with or without a defending champion, Iâ??ve done nothing but prepare myself for this. So spare me your taunts and your jeers. Donâ??t puff out your chest at me, and make a bunch of empty claims to pump up your little egos.â?

She narrowed her eyes as the camera zooms in on her face, â??Hereâ??s a spoiler: Iâ??m winning the Lethal Lottery this year and Iâ??m taking MY belt, and Iâ??ll be the headlining Kingdome Come. The last person that I throw out of the ring, the runner up loser, can come challenge me then. This match is going to be a clusterfuck. I know all of you are thinking the same thing, that youâ??re going to outlast everyone and win the belt. Itâ??s not that simple. Any past Lottery winner will tell you itâ??s not that simple. Put 30 blowhards into the same ring and theyâ??ll eat each other alive. I bet no one even notices me because everyone will be too busy trying to kill each other. I sit back, I pick my spots, and my odds of winning increase the longer the match goes.â?

The lights disappear leaving the ring in darkness once again. Red lasers shining from the rafters take aim at Kaguraâ??s body like a sniperâ??s bullet. Smiling, she raised her arms into the air.

â??I donâ??t have to justify anything, though. Iâ??m a woman of action after all. Anyone doubting me at this point in my career is a fool.â? She walked forward and scooped up her title belt before slinging it over her shoulder once more. The red lasers following her every move.

â??Kagura Ohzora will go down in history as a woman of â??firsts.â? After tonight, when the heat rises and sweat and blood stains this ring, Iâ??ll be adding two more â??firstsâ? to my list of accolades. The first woman to win the Lethal Lottery, and the first to successfully defend the world title in one.â?

She became a little more somber as her tone shifted, â??This yearâ??s Kingdom Come might very well be our last ladies and gents. If it is, how poetic would it be for the woman whoâ??s the first to do everything, is the last to headline the biggest and perhaps most important event in company history.â?

Taking the title belt, Kagura raises it about her head, â??The battle lines are drawn, and the gladiators are set. Once again for the second year in a row I find myself to be the benchmark starting us off on the long road home. Beat me, if you can. Throw me out, if you have the strength. Take this from me, if you have the guts!â?

She grinned deviously and began to chuckle, as her onyx eyes flashed dangerously with glee, â??I welcome the challenge.â?

Jeff Deliverer of Mail
06-16-2019, 09:44 PM


Hong Kong Science and Technology Institute and Seafood.

High up on the mist covered hills in the western outskirts of Hong Kong sat the giant laboratory of H.K.S.T.I.S. Chinese scientists in white lab coats worked in silence in the huge central room, filled with flasks, beakers and other sci-ency stuff.


They all immediately stopped what they were doing and stood at attention. Emperor Zhanshi’s Royal Guard walked into the lab, gave the scientists a quick warning glance, then nodded to the hand maidens to escort The Emperor inside. Several servants spread flower pedals on the floor, one of them sprayed a perfume scent in the sterile air.

“Oh for fuck sakes fool! You just ruined a years work! I was...” SMACK! A Royal Guard quickly knocked out the outspoken scientist with a swinging right fist to his face.

Zhanshi entered the lab, adorned in his golden ceremonial robe with a small black hood on the back, flower patterns all over the robe in front. He lifted his ring covered hand and beckoned the head scientist to approach him.

Head Scientist Jang quickly nodded then shuffled towards the emperor, a man in his late 70’s, Jang had grey hair and a wrinkled face. He bowed then kept stride with Zhanshi as he slowly walked through the laboratory, inspecting the equipment with great scrutiny.

“I’ve heard rumours that you have completed my Immortality Potion, Jang.” Zhanshi started in English, with terribly timed lipping as he inspected a flask.

“Yes, yes my lord. It is everything you asked for! A concoction of great power. Please, follow me and I will show you!” (Mandarin reply) Jang excitedly bowed too many times as he made his way across the laboratory to a station filled with flasks and liquids. He picked up a small, finger sized tube filled with blue liquid, it had a cork on one end to keep the blue liquid from spilling everywhere.

“What is it?” Zhanshi asked as he watched Jang inspect the tube up close.

“Well, it’s essentially 15 mg’s of stanozolol, blue #48, alpha-hydroxide in meca 40’s, dibasic calcium phosphate, hyper gum lactose, magnesium stearate, starch, sugar, flax seed, banana extract, 12 grams of dried bull semen, 15 grams of dried lion semen, diluted Taipan poison, cocoa, monkey cellulite grams, bat guano mixed in red #23, Pepsi...”

“Excellent,” Zhanshi grabbed the tube off of the old scientist, “an Immortality Potion if I've ever heard one.”

“Be very careful, my lord. Only two drops applied directly to your tongue will do the trick. Once administered, you will feel invincible, your senses will activate at a triple rate, smell, sight, sound will be magnified, your strength will be tripled and last for two hours. You’ll have the energy of a young,ferocious lion. It’s extremely dangerous for your heart and should only be used sparingly. Maybe before one of your big fighting matches in the MMA Fighting Leagues. Or during one of your day long work out routines perhaps.”

“You have done well.”


Several days later, at the Emperor’s Underground Chambers in Hong Kong

A giant screen played The History of the Lethal Lottery with Jack Cohen in the background as Zhanshi flipped the glass vial of blue liquid through his fingers, bored out of his mind. Servants were fanning him with huge feather poles and hand maidens were dancing provocatively around an ornate fountain. The Massive Lethal Lottery was only one week away, and it was for the WZCW Heavyweight Championship. Every wrestler in the company would be salivating for a chance to win the lottery and be the new champion, even that walking snake Azarov. The man who cost him his easy victory at the last event. He studied the documentary over and over, listening to tips from past winners and WZCW experts who predicted that the next Lottery would be chalk full of surprises, news swirled of past wrestlers returning and stealing the show.

The main doors to the chambers banged open, startling nearby servants. It was the super cocky Chan The Delivery Man, a chubby, Canadian looking guy with sunglasses on and wearing a mailman uniform.

“Hey yo Emps! Got a delivery for you, man! Peace!” Chan slammed a scroll on to Zhanshi’s table in front of his throne, turned and left the room, faking a high five with a servant on his way out.

Damn, I had a joke all set up about not wanting any more bills. Next time.

Zhanshi inspected the scroll, expecting another flyer telling him to eat at McDonald’s or something. He unrolled the scroll and saw the message written in black ink.

- My Emperor -

It is of great urgency that we meet, we must discuss something of great importance that only you can solve with your authority over China. The president and his military aids have been snooping around our territories, impeding our progress with the takeover of many sections of Hong Kong. We thought you had everyone in your pocket. Please meet me at my mansion in Wan Chai so we can discuss this in private.

P.S - Come alone, do not bring any of your Royal Guard.

From – Yakuza Leader, Yoshi Batanabe

Zhanshi slowly placed the scroll back down on the table. He ordered a servant to destroy it, then another servant to fetch his casual wear, specifically his black silk shirt and black dress pants. He liked having the shirt open a little to show off his muscular chest.

A Royal Advisor appeared from behind his throne, “Going out my lord? I can have the Royal Guard to start preparing for...”

“That will not be necessary.....” Zhanshi raised his hand with a swooshing noise, the camera zoomed in on his eyes....

“I’m going ALONE.”



Several Hours Later.... Wan Chai

Zhanshi stood at the massive oak doors with golden dragons curled all along the sides to the top, he knocked and almost immediately, a butler let him inside the large, Yakuza mansion. The Butler showed Zhanshi to the massive games room and offered him a cigar while he waited, the emperor politely declined and the butler left. He studied the room, lion heads on the wall, a gigantic stuffed moose in front of the million dollar grand piano, near the brick fire place. Every turn of his head was something of equal splendour. A golden pool table with a bear fur couch behind it, near a mini bar and a double door glass wall with a view of misty woods stretching into the distant mountains.

“Where is he? Yoshi is never late for these meetings.” Zhanshi said out loud in Mandarin as he stood up, he suddenly realized he wasn’t alone as the camera quickly spun to the right.....

WOOSH!!! A strikingly beautiful blonde woman assassin swung at him with steel claws on her hands, he dodged and a huge scrap of claw marks went right down the marble wall! She kicked him right in the chest, he flew back and landed hard in front of the fireplace, The 289 pound Green Ninja appeared over him and dropped a crushing elbow on to Zhanshi’s neck, THUMP!

A set up!! The Yakuza want me DEAD!

Zhanshi scrambled to his feet but was absolutely shocked at the amount of assassins in the game room now, 25 of them came to take him out, some armed with knives and nunchucks, some with just taped fists and whips.

Woosh! Woosh, w-w-w-w-woosh! Snap! Block! Block! Snap! Block! Block! Block!

The assassins swarmed him, he blocked and countered attack after attack but was fading quickly, no way he could keep this intense pace up! A stiff shot glanced off of his cheek and he staggered into the wall, he rebounded back and blocked a double kick sent from two men, he countered with a back flip kick knocking both men to the floor, The Green Ninja clotheslined the back of his neck sending him tumbling over the pool table, he picked up a golden pool ball and threw it at a very old assassin, knocking him out with a perfect connection between the eyes. POP!

He took a golden pool cue across the ribs, then a punch and elbow to the face, sending him rolling off of the other side of the pool table. He jumped to his feet, tired, sweating from the fight. A big Russian ran and drop kicked him back over the pool table then to the floor on the other side. Two young assassins jumped on top of him, bringing down punch after punch at Zhanshi’s head, he half blocked them, but he was started to black out from the punches and kicks from other assassins who joined in....


“Take that bitch, we got him, we got him. He’ll be dead soon!” A cocky young assassin bragged as he continued to level punches at Zhanshi on the floor.

Too weak..... to fight back....it’ll be over soon.....



In and out of blackness, Zhanshi could see the finger sized glass vial of blue liquid rolling around his head on the floor. He weakly grabbed it, popped the cork off with his thumb....and downed the entire vial of metallic tasting liquid.




Zhanshi power kicked the two young assassin’s off of him and they flew across the room, crashing over the mini bar!

He kipped up to his feet, face covered in blood, but feeling extremely energized. Like he was born again. He grabbed his silk shirt and ripped it off like it was nothing, revealing his bulging muscles, his veins extra popped out from the potion. The pupils in his eyes spread to nearly black, he could almost see everyone in slow motion now, could hear the slightest wrinkle in clothing as they moved, could sense every perceived action about to take place.....

I’ve never felt so ALIVE! Look at this woman.....blonde hair....steel claws on her hands coming at me....looks very much like CALLIE CLARK, a woman hell bent on creating disorder in wrestling while dressing up like a fool to throw people off of their game....

Zhanshi easily dodged a claw attack, then turned, draped her arm across his shoulder and broke it backwards at the same time giving her a massive mule kick, SMASH! She flew through the air and smashed right inside the stuffed moose!

Look at these two attacking me, a greasy egomaniac much like KEITH KOLE and a sexy dancer assassin much like ALICE ADAMS, both dangerous together, so I’ll bring them a little closer....

Zhanshi dodged a double fist attack from both of them, then smashed their heads together, then spun around with a spinning back fist, hitting both of them! S-SMACK! They corkscrewed in the air three times then landed, knocked out.

Ah, The Green Ninja, attacking me with sausage links now! The fat man is very much like MIKEY STORMRAGE, big and fat, but agile and popular with the people, somebody you canÃ?’t take your eyes off.....

Zhanshi chopped one of the links, gave it a roundhouse kick, the sausage link smacked off the Green NinjaÃ?’s head, distracting him long enough for a running karate kick from Zhanshi! POW!!! The Green Ninja flew through the air and landed right on the million dollar grand piano! BOOM!! Smashing it down to five dollars worth.

5 assassins charged at him now, all expertly twirling nunchucks! S-S-S-SWOOSH SWOOSH S-S-SWOOSH!

Surprises, group attacks..... Lethal Lottery will be full of them.....

Zhanshi dodged a nunchuck swipe, and another, he grabbed the next one in his palm and hauled the assassin towards him, he gave him a short arm clothesline, back flipping him to the floor, Zhanshi expertly twirled the nunchucks around his shoulders and sides, he took out the other four weapon wielding attackers quickly! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!

A masked ninja pole vaulted over the fur couch and attacked Zhanshi with a golden staff, Zhanshi easily evaded the attacks...

MATT TASTIC,not even a question if heÃ?’s the greatest wrestler in the company, has achieved everything there is to achieve and is the holy dragon one must slay to make it in this business...

Zhanshi threw away his nunchucks and spun off the staff attacks, he used his elbows to quickly snap off two pieces into fighting sticks for himself, he smashed the masked Tastic ninja in the sides, then both sides of his neck, Zhanshi grabbed the front of the ninjaÃ?’s mask and gave him a headbutt to the face, knocking him to the floor, out cold.

A cocky American with a US Flag tightly wrapped on his head came at him, he was a tall Texan holding a spiked baseball bat, next to him another American, with his shirt off showing steroid-ed muscles almost as impressive as his own, his fists taped....

STETSON HAYSE AND FLEX MUSSELL, two grave threats always in every event theyÃ?’re in. CanÃ?’t take either powerhouse lightly.....

The Texan swung his bat but Zhanshi dodged it and pushed it towards the taped fist from the other American, the nails stuck into his knuckles and he screamed, Zhanshi kicked the handle and it flew out of the TexanÃ?’s hand into his cheek, SMACK! The Emperor then round house kicked the taped fisted American who spun around knocked out. Zhanshi shot out rapid punches to the TexanÃ?’s gut then gave him a fast uppercut, back flipping the big man through a glass table. SMASH!

A small female assassin charged at him, he power pressed her over his head and threw her, she landed face first off of the lions head on the wall then hard to the floor. WUMP!

ANNIE HALLOWAY, a hacker, always dangerous around electronics, but this is a combat sport, not some E Sports competition....

Another American assassin charged at him with two axes, Zhanshi back flipped and grabbed two golden pool cues, he engaged in a quick slashing, counter slashing spark fest with the assassin until a quick dodge, duck then a pool cue baseball swing knocked the man out....

Xander.....fuck him and his X moves. But still, super dangerous. Dangerous, but not worthy of my skills. I will eliminate him quickly.

The bodies piled up, now Zhanshi stood, still energized to the max, with five assassins standing around him. A bald, slightly insane looking tough guy: GARTH BLACK. A cocky, sunglasses wearing jerk with spiked ball n chain looking like: TITUS AVISON. A masked, emo looking teen with spikes on his hands: VEGA. A huge Russian man with a heavy leather jacket on and a chain wrapped around his fist: AZAROV. And last but not least, a beautiful looking Chinese woman assassin with dual katanas : KAGURA.

The bald man and the spiked hand man attacked at the same time, Zhanshi kicked the bald man right in the head, knocking him out of action for a moment, he dodged quick swipes from the hand spikes....

VEGA.... super agility, able to tight walk the ring ropes. Is he a circus performer or a combat competitor?

The spiked fist assassin came at him with both hands, Zhanshi kicked him in the stomach and threw him right at the glass doors! SMASH!! The emo kid staggered, then accidentally drove both spiked hands into a big totem pole, he hauled back and fell out of his gloves, then stumbled back over the balcony, then pants himself on a tree branch and hung upside down showing his private parts to the camera, they were pixelated out, but not very many pixels due to the very small penis on the man.

The Bald assassin threw a punch at Zhanshi and slipped on the sweaty floor, he bashed his head off of the side of the fireplace and fell down, knocked out.

GARTH BLACK, most likely wonÃ?’t show up to The Lethal Lottery due to his drinking problems, heÃ?’ll be found at a bar somewhere in bumblefuck America, watching the show on television and telling anyone nearby that he used to be one of those wrestlers. If he does show up, IÃ?’ll eliminate him with no problems.

A spiked ball just missed ZhanshiÃ?’s head, the cocky, sunglasses wearing assassin was quick to point that out to him.

Ã?“Got lucky there mate! But donÃ?’t count on gettin lucky a second time! Lad!"

TITUS AVISON, another big fish to fry in The Lethal Lottery, fresh off of his World Title loss, he must be absolutely chomping at the bit to win his title back, an opportunity he will not waste in this event. A man with an entertaining a career as anyone has ever had, both in movies and his accomplishments in the ring, I will have to outsmart him somehow, maybe play to his vanity, a false team up. HeÃ?’ll likely try the very same thing, who knows what he could be planning? IÃ?’ll eliminate him third last.

A spiked ball attack was way off this time and Zhanshi kicked the man right in the neck! He gasped, holding his neck and calling a time out. The Emperor grabbed his fingers and snapped them back, then gave him an elbow uppercut, knocking him out.

WOOOSH!!! The big Russian missed a chain fisted punch that obliterated the brick behind Zhanshi on the fireplace.

AZAROV, fuck Azarov!

Zhanshi kicked the fisted chain into the RussianÃ?’s face, then gave him a left, right, right, right, left, roundhouse, roundhouse, left, right, roundhouse then finishing off with a spinning elbow. The big Russian spun, then backed into an open door, fell down a flight of stairs THUMP! THUMP! T-T-T-T-T-THUMP! WUMP! THUMP! ....and clanged his head off of a washer in the basement, knocked out.

W-WOOSH!!! Two Katana strikes that barely missed ZhanshiÃ?’s face!

KAGURA! The WZCW Heavyweight Champion of the world. Well, this assassin is nowhere near as beautiful as her.....but IÃ?’m doing comparisonÃ?’s here.....she is holding a prize that every competitor is after at this event. A prize that fighters like me wake up in the morning and picture it in my head before IÃ?’ve even had one blow job from my hand maiden, but what prize would be more worthy to me if Kagura offered herself to be my Queen?!

The very distracting thought almost cost Zhanshi his life as a katana strike barely missed his neck, he grabbed her elbow and tossed her over his shoulder, but she was very agile and calmly put her hand on the floor and vaulted back to her feet....

.....what of it.....? I am the Emperor of China! I need a queen! Not just hand maiden after hand maiden fifteen times a day! I need someone who will rule by my side......


The Kagura look-a-like assassin resumed her relentless assault with her katanaÃ?’s Ã?– SWOOSH! SWOOSH! SWISH SWISH SWISH SWOOSH!!!

Zhanshi calmly dodged every fast slashing motion from her little arms....

.....I will eliminate her LAST!!!!

Zhanshi did a back flip, catching the female assassin right in the chin with his knee, SMASH!!!!! She did a back flip with blood pouring out of her mouth creating a circular arc of spray in the air and landing right on her head, knocked out cold.

He stood in the large gaming room, bodies knocked out everywhere, his face covered in blood. He was sweaty from all the fighting.

Ã?“You will pay for this YOSHI!Ã?” Zhanshi yelled out in English, his mouth moving a few seconds later.

Ã?“Right after I DESTROY everyone in WZCW and win the LETHAL LOTTERY!!Ã?” Zhanshi picked up the empty glass vial.

He will need it filled again before the next event.


06-16-2019, 10:06 PM
Alice is seen sitting on her couch, glass of wine in her hands, she stares bored at the TV screen, the show she was watching finally finishes with a.. very unsatisfying ending. She opens up her laptop and goes onto YouTube, clicks onto her profile and hits the Live button. She quickly fixes her big messy bun and hits the button to start recording.

â??Hello darlings, did you miss me? I know its been awhile since we've had a really good chat, but, I have just been swamped with work and getting ready to try andâ?¦ Play a bigger role in WZCW. Now I know I have been a little naughty and went back on my word aboutâ?¦ Shudders HIM. But I promise you, I know what Iâ??m doing. This little ol' girl has a few tricks up her designer sleeves. You seeâ?¦ Alice raises her shoulder; her oversized shirt falls further down her arm what a little female ingenuity can accomplish? I mean, I am a force to be reckoned with. I kicked ass my debut match; sure I had some bumps along the way, with my last couple of matches, but, after winning my last fatal 5 way with nothing but my brain and God given talent. Hell, that was really hard. Pouts I mean sure, I had a little help from my little helper, but I feel like I deserve something for my time and efforts, because heaven knows I did NOT put this gorgeous body in harmâ??s way for a pat on the back and a good job sticker. I think I need some new gold to wrap around my waist. I know I can hold my own for a title shot. I mean I was a 2 time Mayhem 24/7 champ.â?

Alice reads threw some comments and spots a fan asking how she felt about Lethal Lottery being held in Jeddah, she wears a somber look on her face.

â??Yes my loves, I feel your concerns emanating through my screen, but fear not. Do you really think a misogynistic country like Saudi Arabia kill my vibe? Giggles oh no honey, you see, technically, Allah wants us all to appreciate his beauty and well; just look at me, Iâ??m pretty sure he'd be a little peeved to have all this covered. smiles sweetly donâ??t worry, my momma raised me right and to respect where I am, so in honor of my mom and in keeping true to me, I had my very good friend make me special outfits for my little work outing, picture it boys and girls sheer satin Dresses and hijabs.

Alice laughs and scrolls through more comments spotting one who mentions Kole.

â??So I noticed multiple people asking me about Keithiekins; itâ??s a very unfortunate business arrangement, but a little muscle never hurt anybody, I mean, who else am I going to have pick up my dry cleaning and buy me snacks? Besides, having friends in very high places helps, although, I donâ??t think Iâ??m ready to give up pizza and carbs anytime soon, like, who doesnâ??t like bread? Weird.â?

Alice looks at the clock on her bedside table, the neon green letters flashed 12:30 a.m.

â??Well would you look at the time, I need to get my beauty sleep. Tomorrow I pack for Lethal Lottery, Iâ??M ready for it, I can already see that beautiful heavyweight title hugging my hips. Goodnight my loves, sweet dreams.â?

Alice blows one final kiss and turns the live feed off

'Ravishing' Ned Flanders
06-16-2019, 10:51 PM
The grainy black & white picture comes into focus we see Milenko walking through The Dark Carnival with someone in a dark hooded robe.

'The Great' Milenko: You don't understand I have to go back to WZCW. My Master isn't done with what he wants to do.

At the mention of WZCW the robed man grunts in anger. Milenko smiles in response to the other man's anger and continues talking.

'The Great' Milenko: I forgot you didn't leave WZCW on good terms did you?

The man grunted & started shaking his arms wildly as the smile on Milenko's face gets even wider.

'The Great' Milenko: As I'm sure you're aware the Lethal Lottery is coming up. What you may not know is for the 2nd time is the fact that the World Championship will be on the line.

Milenko looks at the man walking next to him for any reaction to his mention of the World Title and frowns when no reaction is forth coming. After a few seconds of thought a sick smile creeps over his face.

'The Great' Milenko: I know you have two brothers out there. I know the three of you came from an abusive home where your alcoholic father routinely emotionally and physically abused all of you. Instead of doing what you should have done as the eldest and protected both your brothers you chose between the two. You chose the younger of the two, David I believe his name is. My question is why? Why did you choose David over you other brother Cory?

At the mention of his two brothers the man grunts in anger and reaches for Milenko's throat only to be stopped by the fact that his hands are not only shackled together but attached to a chain wrapped around his waist. They walk in silence for a few minutes before coming upon Milenko's lone disciple Edgar leading a giant of a man by a leash in the other direction. As soon the man with Milenko sees the giant he runs towards Edgar & the giant only to be stopped short by Milenko quickly coming between them.

'The Great' Milenko: Leave them alone, they have somewhere to be and they can't be late.

Milenko motions for Edgar to continue in the direction he was walking while he forcibly makes the hooded man turn his back on them and continue their own stroll. Milenko ignores the muffled screaming coming from the hood and continues talking about his return to WZCW.

'The Great' Milenko: Not to long ago my Master The Wraith told me I need to return to WZCW and i needed to do it at the 2019 Lethal Lottery in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Do you know why he chose the first ever WZCW event in the Middle East?

Milenko stops like he's waiting for an answer but when all he gets is furious breathing he continues like he never stopped talking.

'The Great' Milenko: The Wraith chose The Lottery because the veil between his realm of Fear & Terror is thinnest where there is an over abundance of those two emotions. What better place on earth for him to make his presence known than The Middle East? Fear & Terror have been at the forefront of that entire region for decades. You remember the stories your father used to tell. Tales of what he and his brothers in arms were forced to do in Afghanistan to innocents that had the horrible luck of being in a village that may or may not have housed enemy insurgents. In fact it was those memories that drove your father to Alcoholism wasn't it?

The man ignores him so they again start walking in silence, stopping to look at one of the few clean things in the entire carnival. A huge mural of Milenko with the WZCW Mayhem Championship over his shoulder.

'The Great' Milenko: The Mayhem Championship. A title we both held proudly but I need something more. You may have been content with wallowing in blood and mediocrity but The Wraith has special plans for me, plans that involve the WZCW World Championship.

As heavy breathing comes from inside the hood Milenko looks over at him and reaches to lower the man's hood but stops when the man jerks his head away. Milenko gives him a withering look and when he reaches his hand out again the man lets him lower the hood to show the world former Apostle of Chaos, former WZCW Mayhem Champion his elder brother Alex Bowen with a bit gag in his mouth. Milenko smiles at the unbridled fury in his brother's eyes. Milenko condesendingly pats him on the cheek as he abruptly starts walking back the same way they came.

'The Great' Milenko: Lets go Alex, I know you recognized our dear younger brother David a little bit ago and I'm dying for a complete family reunion.

Milenko let's out a shrill high pitched cackle that can only be called evil as he makes sure Alex is following him. The last thing we see before the screen slowly whites out is Alex staring daggers into his brother's back.

06-17-2019, 12:47 AM
"How do you fall of a 20 foot high cage on to a wooden canvas?"


"Surviving it is a defiance against God"


???: ............r....... astic.................. Mr. ..........tic................ Mr. Tastic.

Matt: Ah!!

My eyes burst open. Startled, I see myself in a hospital bed. I see an IV sticking out of me. The sudden shock makes me move my neck. And just that is enough. I feel the jolt of pain course through my back Pure agony engulfs me all of the sudden as I start to cry in pain.

Matt: Ahhh!! What the hell happened?!

???: Mr. Tastic, calm down! Nurse! The painkillers are wearing off!

Not realizing whats going on, I panic and try to move. But its just more and more pain. I can't remember where it came from. I just know it's there. But suddenly........


The impact of a wooden stick goes through my head. I totally forget about the pain in my back. Now I focus entirely on the pain on my forehead. I stop moving and clutch my face.

???: Sir!! The patient is hurt!

Granpa: He's my grandson. I can hit him for being a misbehaving idiot if I want to.

The voice. Granpa's voice calms me down. I know I'm safe. At least that's what I think. Despite the bludgeoning I just got.

Matt: What the fuck happened to me?

Granpa: You fell. Like 20 feet. You broke the ring.

Matt: Did I win?

Granpa: Did you win?! 'Mijo, it's a miracle you're even alive! You failed miserably!!

Those words cut deep. Deeper than I think he ever intended. The pain in my head and back went away the second he said that. Now I just felt pain in my heart. A wound so deep. My throat tightens. I feel my heart skip a beat. Tears swell up in my face. The realization. I threw everything away. And failed.

Matt: Granpa.......... I feel I did something horrible.

Granpa: You gave up on someone in order to pursue a dream, 'mijo. Maybe you didn't exactly do it "by the book", maybe it was horrible. But you did follow your instincts.

Matt: My instincts led me to hurt my best friend, threaten his girlfriend and...... well apparently ruin my back and my reputation. Everyone was right about me.

I sighed heavily as emotion poured into me. To confess my deepest fear.

Matt: I'm a failure.

There was a silence in the room when I said that. Even the doctor gave me a quizzical look. Does he even know who I am? Judging by his reaction, I think he does. But I don't think he dares to intervene. My dear old grandfather though.....

Granpa: You made one mistake, boy. You've gotten up from worse. That makes you a failure?

Matt: I had everything I could ever want. Success, students, future, a best friend who loved me. I threw all that away on a pipedream. I lost the match. I have nothing to show for it. I gambled away millions for a trinket. I deserve to be here in pain.

Doctor: You should consider yourself lucky, Mr. Tastic. You already suffered herniated disks in 2013 being Powerbombed out of the ring by Rush. The fact that all you have are bruises and a stiff back right now is an honest to goodness miracle, Mr. Tastic.

I sat on those words. "A miracle" he said. After all I did. I basically walk out unscathed. No. I don't buy it. I refuse to believe I was allowed to just walk away defeated in move on. Because it doesn't feel that way at all. The weight of failure. I feel it. Like falling under water with an anchor tied to your leg. You try to swim up but you just keep sinking. And on top of that, I feel the guilt taking the air right out of my lungs. This isn't a miracle. It's punishment. Karma. It's what the hell I deserve.

Granpa: I want you to think about what's next for you, son. Think it well. This very dangerous. The school was very costly. You may still have lots of money saved up, but this is the most you've ever wasted.

Truth be told, I just ignored what Granpa said. I just dwelled on the doctor's words about a miracle. This doesn't feel positive. At all. I can walk just fine but I feel more broken than ever. As the days have gone by, I've gone back home. I walk every day to the store. Under the sun. I slump over, my face pointing to the floor, wearing shades indoors just trying to hide my face but I hear the whispers. I hear the people talk. There's times when I hear voices. I just assume they're badmouthing me for my choices. Then I get close, just to realize that they're bitching about the hot weather. That fall. It reminded me. Just how emotionally vulnerable I really am. I was so easily led to believe my self worth was challenged because my best friend had two titles at once. I led my envy consume me so easily that it's fucking embarrassing the moment I think about it. I burnt thousands of dollars and the future of a dozen students. I crushed the only person I wasn't related to who treated me with genuine care and love. Because I wanted to win a title. I don't think I could ever dare look at him again. He beat me. Deservedly so.


After many days, I was called to WZCW HQ. I didn't know what to say, really. I was terrified at the idea of showing my face in public. In front of the people who used to look up to me. How the hell could I just walk in there after what happened? Empty handed. So I turned down the calls. Over and over again. Eventually I just got a text message. From Becky Serra. She just asked me if there was a place to meet. I told her there's a park in my town. I paid for her flight, had her driven over and all that. Told we'd meet at midnight when there would just be the coffee stand. The only place in the west side of Puerto Rico that seems to serve straight up iced coffee.

Becky: You realize we took your medical expenses and the repairs to the cage and ring off your downside, right?

Matt: You're here to bill me? I mean, it's fine and all. But that's it?

Becky: I would not have come here if it didn't mean I was worried about you. Which should mean a lot given we don't always see eye to eye. How are you feeling?

Matt: My back is doing fine.

Becky: I wasn't asking about your back. I was asking about you.

I sighed. I just wanted to say it at that point. And be done with it. I don't want to face anyone anymore. After nearly 10 years, I feel it in me. I'm done. I can't bare the feeling of being judged if I show my face in a locker room again.

Matt: Becky........ I don't want to return to WZCW. I'm done. Please. Release me.

I see Becky sit on that. She sips her drink. There's a long, awkward moment of silence before she responds.

Becky: Matt........ I've known you for years. I may not always be a fan of your attitude. But...... I've always been proud of how far you and Mikey-

Matt: Please. Don't. Don't compare us. I-I can't.

Becky: Fine. I've always been proud of the success you managed to achieve. Regardless. You've worked with us for so many years non-stop. On so many times you'd express how frustrated you were with your position. You always did your best. I know this time it hurt you emotionally in a way I don't think I could ever really understand. But you're no failure. You made one bad choice. We all make mistakes. It's not about making them. It's how we recover from them that defines us as people.

Matt: Becky, I hurt the people I love. I don't think I can ever really get over that.

Becky: I get that. There is no getting over it. There should never be. Use it as a learning experience.

Matt: I've heard that one before. Learning from your mistakes. That'll never really take away the damage. The damage I did to Mikey. The damage I did to Kate. The damage I did to Granpa, the school, myself or even the damn ring that now has my ass printed on it. You change the wood, but that structure still has my dent on it.

Becky: Never forget, Matt. You did wrong, but that doesn't stop you from doing good. I really would hate to see the man to hold the most titles ever in the history of WZCW go out on such a whimper.

Matt: What exactly do you suppose I do?

Becky: What you're good at, Matt. The fact that you're back is fine is a miracle. I think it's a final chance for you to take. We're going straight into Lethal Lottery. For the World title and---

I could not believe what I just heard. The memory just rushed right into me when she said it. Lethal Lottery. For the World title. Just like so many years back. When Mikey saved me by carrying me. And I won it. Lethal Lottery. And the World title. In the same match. This does not sound like a miracle at all. It sounds like a reminder of what I once had and so selfishly gave up.

Matt: I'm sorry. What? What did you just say? Lethal Lottery? For the World title? How? Why? Did Kagura vacate it?

Becky: No. See....... I don't know how to say this but...... You know how Mr. Banks and his kid Tony Mancini and all that? Well turns out there was an investigation, he may not have been on the up and up and well...... we're a bit strapped. So....... we took money from the Saudi's.

Matt: You took money. From the Saudi's. Blood money. I've...... What the fuck, Becky?

Becky: Women are going to compete, I swear. We're even paying Callie extra to wear a skimpy outfit. My hope is the Saudi's try something, get caught and are forced to pay us even more money to settle.

Matt: Becky, I'm here confessing my depression and you're talking to me about taking money from guys who kil-You know what, whatever. No. I'm not doing it. I'm done.

Becky: I hope the reason you say that is because of the Saudi's and not because you're too much of a coward to face the roster after betraying Mikey. Are you afraid to see him again, Matt? Is that it? I kinda expected better from the Hall Of Famer.

She was trying to goad me. My sense of competition boiled but at the same time, the guilt and shame weight down on me again. I do not want to do it. I don't care if I should move on like everything is fine. It isn't.

Becky: Matt, I get it if you don't feel you deserve to apologize. That's fine. Move on. You left it all in the ring. Mikey was the better man that night. You win some. You lose some. The gambit didn't pay off. Others in the future will.

Matt: It's not that easy, Becky. My heart just twists inside me just from thinking about it. I can't leave my house without feeling like every person is judging me. Going back to WZCW, facing everyone........ You don't want to think you're worthless and then have people confirm it, Becky. You'd never want that on your mind.

Becky then does something I never expected from her. She grabs my hand. The shock scared me. I felt it course through me. At first it was haunting. But after figuring out what was going on...... It felt comforting. I embraced it. I closed my hand in return.

Becky: We've gone through a lot. You me, Mikey, Ty, Vance, Stacey, Titus. We're a family. Family fights. But no matter what, we come together too. I mean, look who's coming back for the Lottery. Chris KO, Steven Holmes........ Milenko........

I let go of the hand hearing that and turn incredulously towards Becky. I mean, really? Again?

Becky: You like to say you're the one true constante, Matt. You're not gonna let them take the spotlight after leaving and coming back so many times, are you?

Matt: I.......... Becky I........ I keep hearing how it's a miracle that I'm fine after that fall. I just think this is all just some form of divine punishment. Now you want me to just waltz back in?

Becky: Maybe it is divine punishment, Matt. I know you. You own up to your mistakes. Get up and face them. Who knows. You might win the World title.

Matt: I know better than to think that dangling carrot is just that easy to reach.

Becky: You got it once before. Listen. You might feel lonely. You might feel like you threw away your friends. That you don't deserve anyone. It's not true. Matt............ I'm your friend. Whether you come back or not. Talk to me if you need to. If you don't want to compete at Lethal Lottery, it's fine. But I will not accept this as a retirement. I'll give you some space though. When you feel like coming back, let me know to book the flight. But I feel it's best you face your so called divine punishment rather than slouch away like this. OK? Take me out to some nice spots tomorrow before I leave, OK? Bye.

Becky leaves and I just sit there. I think about it. Facing my divine punishment. Going into Lethal Lottery to face probably about 29 other men. And probably even Mikey. I don't want to but...... I feel I have to. It's not about my legacy. It's just...... The guilt just sinks me. I decided to pick up my phone and stare into it. Long and hard. But I don't do anything. Then behind me. Granpa shows up again. Late at night. He's right there. Again.

Granpa: You had no issue betraying Mikey. Doing everything in your power to try and beat him. Yeah, you failed. But no one can ever doubt you were sure about what you did. So why are you now so hesitant to own up to what you did?

I unblock the phone and text Becky: "Book me for LL". I get a quick thumbs up reply. I exit that chat. I go into one I haven't used in a very long time. Mikey's. Nothing but silly memes and sex jokes. My guts curl just looking at them but I stomach it and I type. "I'm sorry." But.................. I don't hit send.

Granpa: What's the matter?

Matt: Live Mas is dead. I killed it. It's my fault. I just realized..... I shouldn't try to bring it back. Mikey deserves someone better than me. And I should own up to my mistakes in person.

Granpa: What will you do if you don't meet him until the Lottery?

Matt: I don't know.