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Thread: WZCW presents: The Greatest Grandest Lethal Lottery 2019

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    G-Mod Lee's Avatar

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    WZCW presents: The Greatest Grandest Lethal Lottery 2019

    The middle east. The cradle of civilization. Birthplace of man. In this land of oil and desert, history lies at every turn. Tales of conquest, tragedy and miracles, soak the sands that form the earth beneath our feet.

    From here, man learned to roam the Earth. In search of new. In search of knowledge. In search of what they do not know.

    Every day under the blazing sun. Every night under the illuminating stars.

    But as history tells, conflict is a concept as old Adam and Eve. Battle for power, for belief and so forth have also soaked the sands.

    We, as people born of the land, do not ask ourselves why we embrace a return to this soil. What we do is follow our own selfish nature.

    Tonight, 30 combatants enter the battlefield. With goals of prestige, atonement, self-valitation, greed and the enforcement of their beliefs. All with one goal in mind.

    The WZCW World Heavyweight Championship.

    The sun that stands above the sand. The star that shines the brightest under the Arabian Nights. At the fingertips of any man or woman foolish enough to try to take it.

    Choosing the path of a Champion. Roaming eternally with nothing but the dirt to call home. Wherever they may wander, tonight that path leads to Saudi Arabia. To see who will be the last one standing.

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    Keith Kole is seen on a couch watching old Lethal Lottery ppv

    "Why is Keith Kole gonna win this year's Lethal Lottery? Why else? Because I'm better than all the rest. Keith Kole is the premier player in WZCW, and you fans are too stupid to realize it."

    Kole stands up and pats his chest while continuing

    "I will win the Lottery. I will have my hand held high and I'll bring the World Title back where it belongs and that is in Flex America. Keith Kole, Hand of the great King Mussel, will be victorious and it will be glorious."

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    Stormrage: My resume speaks for itself. The WZCW faithful have willed me to a Hall of Fame career. I honestly can't ask for much more.

    Mikey Stormrage stops to ponder for a moment.

    Stormrage: I never have won the Lethal Lottery though. Came close a couple times, but was never the last man standing. So tonight, I'm walking out of Jeddah as Lethal Lottery winner and the World Title and I'll be a dual champion once again.

    Stormrage slings his Elite Title over his shoulder.

    Stormrage: Because the Elite Overweight champ has the biggest advantage of all in this match.

    Stormrage smiles as he pats his stomach.

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    The camera turns on to show us Milenko sitting in the shadows gently caressing the crystal skull he always has with him.

    'The Great' Milenko: I'm sure everyone says they're going to win the Lethal Lottery and become World Champion and I'm no different.

    What little light there is suddenly goes out leaving Milenko in the darkness. He stays silent for a few minutes until his voice come quietly towards the camera.

    'The Great' Milenko: The difference between everyone else says it they're only hoping they're going to win. When I say it I know it will come to pass for my Master has told me I will be the next WZCW World Heavyweight Champion.

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    He pauses.

    CHANGE THAT TO 29!!!

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    Flex Mussel can be seen curling dumbbells with skulls on them.

    Flex: Iâ??ve done a lot in this company over the last five years. Greatest tag team and stable in company history, retired its greatest legends and competitors, and conquered the ultimate crown of WZCW World Heavyweight Champion.

    The Moniseur of muscle then drops the weights and transitions to jumping jacks.

    Flex: But Iâ??ve yet to outlast 29 other men and go on to main event Kingdom Come.

    The bodybuilder begins doing pelvic stretches towards the camera.

    Flex: Tonight that changes, tonight all FlexAmericans will witness history, tonight you all witness greatness!

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    Alice is seen nervously fiddling with her hair; the camera in front of her on waiting for the interviewers countdown, she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. She holds it in until she hears the start of the countdownâ?¦. 3â?¦ 2â?¦ 1â?¦ The producer points to the camera; Alice exhales and opens her eyes.

    Sultry â??You really think all theseâ?¦ Inhales sharply Tiny little monsters, bother little ol' me? Adams moves provocatively well sweet thangs you haven't seen anything yet. Exhales it doesnâ??t Matter when I come out during lethal lottery, giggles softly I'm going all the wayâ?¦ to the end and winning that Heavyweight championship. WZCW needs a littleâ?¦ Facelift when it comes to their champions, and I'm just the girl for the job.â?

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    Stetson Hayes is standing close to his horse, holding her by her reigns.

    Stetson: They say you can't teach an ol' dog new tricks, but ye look at me and you look at them other 29 entrants and you can see that statement ain't true. See, what had happened was if you went one on one with another rassler, you had a HALF chance o' winning. But I'm a leg breakin', career-takin' S-O-B! And they in the Lottery. So they got a 10%, AT BEST, at beatin' me. Then you gotta consider them other fellers in the mix, them surprise entrants, and them others chances of bein' the World Champeen drastic'ly go down. I'm thinkin' bout 2%, like the milk these babies drank. See hear this Lethal Lottery in Saudi Arabia, they got themselves 2% chance of winnin', but I, I got a 60 and 1/5% chanca winnin', cuz they KNOW they can't beat me and they ain't even gonna try!

    Hayes turns his head to the wall behind him.

    Stetson: So if you hearin' me back there you take your 2%, minus my 60 and a half, and you got a negative .585 chance of winning in tha Lottery. But then you take my 60 and a half, if we was to go one on one, and then add that other half, I got 110 and a half percent chance of winning in Saudi. See peckerheads, the numbers don't lie, and they ain't pretty for you here in the Lethal Lottery!

    He tips his hat to the camera and walks off with his mount.

  9. #9
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    Harrys: The following contest is The Main Event of the evening, and is a 30 Person Lethal Lottery Match!!! The rules of tonight's main event are as follows:

    • 2 people enter and every 2 minutes a new competitor will appear.
    • To be eliminated you must go over the top rope and have both feet hit the floor.
    • The last person in the ring will become the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion!

    Introducing the contestant that drew number one...

    #1 - Xander

    As the drum beat kicks in, Xander slowly walks out onto the stage. A spotlight follows him down the ramp. He smiles at the audience, who mercilessly boo him. He reaches the foot of the ramp, raising both hands, and gives the audience the middle finger. He then slides in and mounts the turnbuckle. Xander stares out at the Jeddah crowd, smirking and pointing to the sky.

    Harrys: From Phoenix, Arizona, weighing 210 pounds, this is Xander!!!

    Cohen: A tall mountain to climb for sure, but if there's one man with the gear to do it, here he is.

    Copeland: But he's also coming off a loss from Black and falling short of the Eurasian Championship. That has to be bugging him right now.

    Connor: Probably not as much as drawing #1 in a 30 person royale. Unlucky.

    Xander stretches and waits for his opponent.

    Harrys: And the competitor who drew number two...

    #2 - Mikey Stormrage

    The lights go down and green lights pulsate. Mikey runs out, slapping hands and taking pictures with the Saudi fans. After a moment he rolls into the ring and climbs the turnbuckle, shouting a mighty "Game Over!"

    Harrys: From Berkley, California, weighing 361 pounds, Mikey Stormrage!!!

    Copeland: A veteran of many, many Lethal Lotteries. A veteran who just beat his closest friend in a brutal Hell In A Cell Match last pay per view. My early pick for the winner!

    Cohen: Yeah, but he's #2.

    Connor: Didn't you just say Xander could get it done?


    Before they square off, Mikey extends his hand to Xander. Xander looks at it, half-amused, half-cautious. The fans cheer on the display of sportsmanship, and the Number One entry weighs his options. He shrugs and clasps hands with Mikey in a firm but friendly-enough handshake.

    They release, circling each other in a slow rhythmic dance. Front rows give a combative chant of "Triple X!" mixed in with an off-beat "Mi-key!". Xander goes in for the grapple, but slaps Stormrage's chest instead. Mikey retaliates, delivering a whopping THUD to Xander's own, Xander recoils in pain, and staggers to the ropes. Mikey goes to charge him, but stops midway when Xander ducks down and slides beneath the bottom ropes. The crowd boos at the show of cowardice.

    Copeland: Xander playing games with Mikey. Not sure that's wise.

    Cohen: Long as it's not a hot dog eating contest, he's got this.

    The lights flicker, and Xander heads back inside. Mikey on the offense.


    #3 - Chris K.O.

    The lights go out and yellow lights glow through fog on the entrance stage. K.O. rushes out and slides in, joining the fray.

    Copeland: A WZCW icon! Chris K.O. felt the call to return to the ring after being gone for several years. The call to gold can tempt even the most family-oriented of men it seems.

    Connor: Time away from a ring is every wrestler's enemy. Curious to see how he'll handle things.

    He aids Stormrage in fighting Xander, both Irish Whipping him and sticking him with a Double Clothesline. They pick him up and drop him back down with a Mikey - Uranage/Chris - Running Knee Strike combo. Chris K.O. is all smiles, appealing to the fans as Mikey lifts Xander onto his shoulders and proceeds to dump him to the outside for the elimination. Xander grips the top ropes and shakes them, trying to slither out of the gamer's grasp.

    Cohen: Yes! Mikey's greatest weakness - sudden movements!

    Again, the lights flicker. Chris K.O. keeps his eyes on the entrance.


    #4 - Red Mask

    Cohen: You gotta be kidding me.

    Copeland: The superhero is back, Jack!

    Red Mask hops from one end of the ramp to the other, hyping the masses. The crowd is happy to see the fan favorite. K.O. shakes his head, but doesn't have much time to mull it over as the Titus-disguised vigilante slides in the ring and throws a barrage of fists into Chris's face. K.O. is taken by surprise, and falls to the mat.

    Xander escapes Mikey's hold and delivers a Jumping Enziguri to Stormrage's temple. It brings the big man down.

    Red Mask lands the Tit Drop as the audience reacts loudly.


    #5 - Callie Clark

    The cosplayer waits no time as she runs and then slides down underneath the ring.

    Connor: What...

    Cohen: Why get in with the big guys when you can bide your time below?

    Only Red Mask notices her strategy. He climbs out of the ring between the ropes and hunts for her.

    Xander sees the down Chris, and pulls him up and against the top rope for the elimination. He struggles. Mikey is gathering himself together, sees Chris is in trouble, and goes to assist.

    Red Mask finds Callie, but he catches a face full of blinding foam. Callie sprayed him with a fire extinguisher! He takes several steps back to wipe the gunk from his mask to see. Several audibly laugh. Red Mask turns red.

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    Chris K.O. wiggles free from Xander and Mikey, and clubs them both with his own Double Clothesline.


    #6 - Armando Paradyse

    Paradyse jogs down the runway, grinning ear to ear.

    Copeland: A familiar face to many, maybe tonight will be Armando's-

    Red Mask takes his frustration out by tackling Armando. The Saudi Arabian spectators cheer.

    Chris, Xander, and Mikey crawl on the mat, trying to catch a quick breather.

    Red Mask slams Armando into a barrier before stepping back inside the ring. He goes right after Chris K.O. again.


    #7 - King Mussél

    Flex makes his way down, stopping at Armando.

    Cohen: Another entrant that could clinch this. Flex has been to that mountaintop guys like Xander and Chris only dream of.

    He grabbed Paradyse by the scruff and threw him into the ring. On the far side, Xander interrupts Mask's attack on Chris K.O., X Rated Superkick to the side of Red Mask's face. Mikey rebounds off the ropes and collides with another X Rated Superkick. Xander flips his hair back before running into Flex, who puts a halt to a superkick with a meaty clothesline. Armando Paradyse staggers to get up, and Flex delivers a meaty clothesline to Armando, knocking him square out of the ring!

    Harrys: Armando Paradyse has been eliminated!

    Connor: Things didn't look good for him going in.

    Cohen: The man had no chance of going to Kingdom Come, Cat.


    #8 - Randy Studd

    An oiled up Randy Studd winks at the cameras, and takes his time getting into the ring.

    Cohen: Now here is what a real wrestler looks like. Look at that beef. That beef!

    Copeland: Uh yeah, sure. Awful lot of beef on Studd.

    With Xander and Red Mask preoccupied with Chris K.O. and Mikey, Studd pointed at King Mussel and shouted "YOU!". Flex looks over both of his shoulders, realizes Studd is talking to him, and starts to flex. Randy Studd makes his pecs pop, and the crowd is loving the man on man action. Mussel raises his arms and makes his biceps dance. Randy makes every muscle from his shoulders this calves shake. Flex stares with the blankest of expressions before Mikey Stormrage interrupts, lunging at Randy with sheer brute force. It knocks Randy out of the ring. Mikey flexes at the downed entrant.

    Harrys: Randy Studd has been eliminated!

    Copeland: Well, that happened.

    Cohen: Can't believe Mikey's gut did that. Look at him compared to Studd!

    Connor: Having a gut doesn't negate the fact Mikey is a physical specimen, Jack. You've been here how long and still see problems with a large man?

    Mikey and Flex grapple to the mat, with Mikey gaining the upper hand. Chris K.O. Scoop Slams Red Mask, and Xander is on him, tackling him to the ground as well and mounting his punches.


    #9 - Mr. Baller

    Mr. Baller comes out with his hands on his hips, breathing in the atmosphere. The entirety of the arena comes unglued - chants erupt for Baller. Fans near ringside are begging to touch Baller. The live crowd is so loud that they completely drown out whatever commentary was saying. Even Xander and Flex look up at the entrant, and look at each other with questioning glances. Mr. Baller allows a few members of the audience to touch his jersey. They literally swoon.

    Connor: ...strange but everybody has their fans I suppose.

    When he steps inside, he aids Mikey in a Double Atomic Drop to Flex. Chris K.O. and Red Mask give consecutive European Uppercuts to Xander before attempting to eliminate him. Mikey and Baller do the same to Flex, which gets the fans back on their feet.

    Copeland: We could be looking at two eliminations at once here!

    Cohen: And one assisted by Mr. Baller!

    Xander quickly battles out and knocks Red Mask off onto the apron.

    Flex is almost over the top rope himself when the lights flicker again.


    #10 - Keith Kole

    Keith Kole rushes the ring, slides in and pulls Flex over the rope and onto the apron.

    Copeland: No honor among thieves.

    Cohen: Or fast food employees for that matter.

    Red Mask frantically crawls back in, saving himself. Mikey turns his attention on Baller, grabbing him into a suplex, but Baller counters, twisting around Mikey and landing a dropkick. Stormrage staggers. Xander hides out in a corner of the ring, licking his wounds. Chris K.O. does likewise. Red Mask sees an opening, and bum-rushes Baller. Baller is over the top rope!

    Cohen: Oh Jesus this crowd is about to turn on us.

    Keith Kole pulls at Flex's face, petering off the abyss. Mussel gathers his strength and lifts Kole into an Atomic Drop, and Keith tumbles inside the ring. Flex is on the attack, climbing back in - and gets a mouthful of boot with Xander's X-Rated Superkick! Kole crawls over to Mikey, who is still down. Red Mask with right hand to Baller's face...Baller drops out of the ring!

    Harrys: Mr. Baller has been eliminated!

    The crowd deflates.

    Copeland: You're right Jack. I didn't expect this.

    Connor: Wow.

    Chris K.O. seizes the opportunity and dumps Red Mask out. Mask lands on the apron. Keith Kole heads over and together they attempt to eliminate the superhero. Red Mask battles back, but loses his footing. The superhero crashes into Baller. Baller's head makes impact with the barrier and comes unattached!!! It falls right into a gentleman in a recliner's lap. The fan tosses the head off on impulse and the head flails around like a beach ball. Eventually the cameras lose sight of Baller's decapitated face. The crowd is back in full spirits.

    Baller: Oh, come ooon!

    Harrys: Red Mask has been eliminated!

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