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Thread: WZCW presents: The Greatest Grandest Lethal Lottery 2019

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    G-Mod Lee's Avatar

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    With Red Mask running up the ramp in defeat, the cameras turn back to the ring where Flex America are now double teaming Chris KO while the men who began the match Mikey Stormrage and Xander, are tied up with each other in the corner trying to get leverage to eliminate the other. Flex and Kole have now pushed KO over the top rope and onto the ring apron, but he fights back with punches to avoid being knocked to the floor. Kole stumbles away as KO blocks a punch from Flex, and pops him with an uppercut, which knocks the former champ down. Kole however charges back at KO, looking to spear him off the! KO sidesteps then kicks Kole in the face, knocking him down and finally KO is able to get back into the ring just as the countdown begins to the next entrant.


    #11: ElegANT

    Connor: Now this is a surprise I like!

    Cohen: We haven't seen ElegANT in awhile so it'll be interesting to see if he's still got it in the ring.

    ElegANT runs down the ramp to a nice pop from the Saudi fans before sliding into the ring and taking down everybody with a clothesline!

    Copeland: He's rolling already, maybe he can get an elimination here!

    Indeed that seems to be the plan as ElegANT grabs Xander by the hair to bring him to his feet, but before he can whip him, Xander drops him with a low blow, a kick to the groin! The fans boo that one as Xander simply chuckles as he watches ElegANT crumble to the mat in pain. With the fresh man down, Xander looks around and spots Mikey leaning on the ropes, and nails him with a X Rated Superkick! Mikey goes back down and Xander turns his attention to Chris KO, who's just taken down Kole with a scoop slam, and before he can even turn around, Xander connects with an X Rated Superkick to the back of the head! Xander now turns his attention to the other former champ in the ring, King Mussel, who turns around, and Xander goes for another superkick, it's blocked! Mussel grabs the leg and lifts Xander up into position, dropping him with a Mussel Bomb! The fans have a mixed reaction at Flex being the last man left standing in the ring but before anything else can happen, the countdown begins again.


    #12: Theron Daggershield

    The fans cheer loudly as Theron Daggershield walks out onto the stage with a large sword in hand and strikes a pose with it on the stage. Theron jogs down the ramp high fiving the fans who reach out to him as Flex stands ready to fight in the ring, but backs down after Daggershield slides in with the sword. Theron jumps to his feet and holds up the sword, but nobody who's recovered is making a move towards him yet, giving him a chance to pose with his sword. Theron sets his eyes on Xander and starts walking towards him, but as soon as he turns his back on Mussel, he gets knocked down with a cheap shot to the back of the head! The fans begin booing as Kole and Xander join Flex in stomping on Theron!

    Connor: Oh come on this isn't fair it's 3 against 1, this is just a mugging!

    Cohen: Everything is fair in the Lethal Lottery Cat!

    Copeland: He's right Cat, though it doesn't make it right and the fans certainly don't approve.

    Flex appears to be directing traffic as he yells at Xander to take the sword, and he does, picking up and tossing it out of the ring and into the crowd as Flex and Kole pull Theron up to his feet and restrain him as Xander turns around, and slaps him across the face to rile him up, but laughs and takes a step back as Theron kicks at him, before dropping him with an X Rated Superkick! Theron drops but the countdown begins to the next entrant, which opens the door for Stormrage to drop Xander with a running Crossbody as KO whips Flex and Kole around, dropping them with a double DDT!


    #13: Titus

    Cohen: Again!?

    Copeland: What do you mean again? Titus wasn't in here already.

    Cohen: I meant how he's always number 13.

    The fans cheer loudly as Titus walks out onto the stage, while in the ring Mikey and KO are fighting Flex America while ElegANT is back up and taking the fight to Stormrage while Theron is getting to his feet. Titus slides into the ring as Theron is back up and the two lock eyes, but Theron puts a hand up telling him to wait, leaving Titus looking confused.

    Cohen: What's the hold up?

    Theron pulls a 20 sided die out of his pocket, and rolls it on the lands on 1! Titus stands ready to fight waiting for Theron to attack, but instead he picks up his die, runs towards the ropes and jumps over, eliminating himself from the match!

    Cohen: What in the hell was that!?

    Copeland: Uhhh I guess that's what happens when you roll a 1?

    Connor: I...have no words for that. He just cost himself the opportunity to become champion.

    Harrys: Theron Daggershield has been eliminated

    Titus also looks confused in the ring about what just happened, but shrugs it off and turns his attention to Chris KO, throwing him into the corner and beginning to try and eliminate him from the match. With everybody brawling in the ring, the cameras catch a peak at the outside of the ring, where Callie Clark pops her head out from under the ring and peaks up into the ring, seeing the chaos and the amount of people currently in there and shaking her head before sliding back under the ring.

    Copeland: Is she going to hide under there all match?

    Cohen: Why not Seabass? It's a great way to stay fresh and stick around until the end.

    Connor: Well forget that because it's time for another entrant to come out, who's it going to be now?

    #14: Garth Black

    Copeland: It's the Eurasian Champ!

    Garth Black runs down the ramp sans championship and slides in, instantly jumping onto Keith Kole, the man nearest him and taking him down with a lou thez press and firing off punches on him. Black gets up after firing off a bunch of punches on Kole, and ducks a clothesline from Mussel, then lifting him onto his shoulders, and dropping him with the Black Out! Mussel drops and rolls to the ropes and sees Mikey coming at him, and he lifts him up onto his shoulders, but Mikey escapes with elbows to the jaw, then pushes Garth away, leading to him walking right into a forearm to the face from Xander! Black stumbles away and this time he walks into the CKO from Chris KO!

    Cohen: What a combination of moves there to drop Garth Black.

    Copeland: Someone should eliminate him now, this could be a great chance to toss him out.

    Indeed that seems to be the plan as KO drags him back up, and over to the ropes, trying to lift him up over the top but he's dead weight at this point. Meanwhile Xander gets dropped by a Urinage from Mikey, causing him to roll away to the ropes as Mikey turns around, right into a Superkick from Kole, but he doesn't go down! Kole looks surprised but Flex yells something to him from the other side of the ring after dropping ElegANT with a punch to the jaw, and Kole hits Mikey with another Superkick, this time followed up quickly by Flexicution from Mussel, and the big man is off his feet! Mikey goes down and rolls to the ropes, as Garth Black gets his wits about him, managing to fight off elimination and the countdown to the next entrant is on.


    Annie Halloway appears on the Titantron.

    Annie: The time has come WZCW to say bye, my mission requires me to go for now. Who will replace me? We can rebuild him! I have been able to do just that.

    Click for Spoiler:

    #15: SHIT

    Copeland: It's everybody's favorite robot!

    SHIT saunters down the ramp as Garth Black gets a punch blocked by KO, who drops him with a european uppercut. SHIT now makes his way into the ring, and quickly drops Chris with a Piston Chop! Kole is next up to fight the robot, and also eats a Piston Chop quickly, knocking him down! Mussel now charges the robot, and he manages to block the chop, pushing the arm away of SHIT, before dropping him with a german suplex! Flex laughs as SHIT goes down, but ElegANT comes out of nowhere to blast him with a running knee to the jaw! Flex goes down but KO spins the ant around, and drops him with the CKO! Chris KO however is in trouble as he feels a tap on his shoulder, and when he turns around he gets dropped with an exploder suplex from Stormrage! Mikey is currently the only man standing, but not for long as Xander gets up, and dropkicks him in the back, sending him stumbling to the ropes! Xander sees a big opportunity here and charges at Mikey, trying to dump him out of the ring as the countdown to the next entrant ends.

  2. #12
    G-Mod Lee's Avatar

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    #16: Stetson Hayes

    The fans boo loudly as Stetson Hayes comes out onto the stage, on foot for once but he's in no rush to get to the ring, instead simply walking down the ramp. In the ring, Xander is struggling to lift Mikey over the top rope but he gets help as Keith Kole is back up and comes over to help him, this could be a big elimination! Stetson now gets into the ring as Mikey starts fighting back against the men trying to eliminate him, and he does manage to after dropping both of them with headbutts. but as soon as he knocks them down, he gets blasted with a big boot from Stetson Hayes, knocking him flat on his back!

    Stetson now turns around, and as he does he's greeted by SHIT staring at him! Stetson looks confused as he tries to make out what SHIT is, before shrugging and punching him right in the face! SHIT fires back with a punch of his own and the fist fight is on with man and machine! SHIT gets the better of the fist fight eventually, and after Stetson bounces off the ropes he connects with a Piston Chop! Stetson stumbles backwards against the ropes, as SHIT charges him, but Stetson is able to get a boot up to block him! SHIT stumbles backwards as Stetson kicks him in the midsection to double him over before lifting him up, and after turning around, dropping him over the top rope and to the floor with a big powerbomb!

    Harrys: SHIT has been eliminated

    Cohen: It seemed Stetson didn't know what to make of him at first, but he knew to punch him like he would anyone else and now he's eliminated him from the match.

    Connor: And that was the first elimination in awhile, the ring is filling up quickly and it's about to get a little fuller as another entrant is on the way.

    #17: Vlad

    Vlad runs down the ramp quickly as people are pairing off to fight in the ring, but as he slides into the ring, he gets run over quickly by Mikey Stormrage, who takes him down with a running crossbody! Elsewhere Flex is fighting Xander, Kole is fighting Chris KO, and ElegANT is fighting Stetson Hayes, which gives Mikey a chance to take a little breather while nobody is after him. In one corner of the ring, Flex has knocked Xander down into a sitting position and is stomping away at him, while across the ring Keith Kole is in trouble and barely hanging onto the top rope, could he be going next?

    Stetson has now knocked down ElegANT after 10 mounted punches in the corner, and kicks him in the side of the head to knock him down. Flex now looks across the ring, and runs over to pull Kole back into the ring just in time to save him from elimination, and he knocks down KO with a clothesline! Mikey sees this and walks over, clubbing Flex over the back, before picking him up and dropping him with Game Over! Meanwhile, the countdown is on to the next entrant and the ring is about to get a little more full.

    #18: The Beard

    Copeland: It's The Beard! We haven't seen him in awhile but if he's on his game he could become a favorite in this match quickly!

    Beard comes charging out and down the ramp, as in the ring Vlad gets to his feet and starts clubbing Mikey over the back, but Mikey turns around and headbutts him, knocking him back down! Beard now slides into the ring and charges Mikey, and knocks him down with a big boot to the face! Beard now turns around as Kole gets up, and drops him with a headbutt, before KO comes at him, and gets dropped with a spin kick! Beard is cleaning house!

    Beard roars to fire himself up as Vlad is back up, and charges him...but Beard ducks the strike, and grabs the head of Vlad, and drops him with Poetic Justice! Vlad goes back down as Beard looks across the ring, and sees ElegANT leaning against the turnbuckles before charging him, and splashing him against the turnbuckles! ElegANT goes back down, and Beard turns around...only to get drilled with an X Rated Superkick from Xander! Beard stumbles as Flex and Stetson can be seen fighting in the background trying to throw each other out, and now Xander drops Beard with Afterthought! Beard finally goes down after cleaning house and Xander takes time to flip off the fans, earning some loud boos as the countdown ends again and the ring is getting more full!

    #19: Milenko

    Milenko comes running down the ramp as Xander turns his focus to Stetson Hayes, joining in with Flex to try and eliminate Stetson, as Milenko slides into the ring, and sees Vlad leaning on the ropes across the ring, and quickly charges him, knocking him over the top rope and to the floor! Vlad has been eliminated! Vlad is angry as he hits the floor, but the eliminations don't stop there as on another side of the ring, Keith Kole has picked up ElegANT, and dumped him over the top rope and to the floor!

    Connor: Two quick eliminations there to empty the ring out a little bit, but there's still a large field of people hanging around.

    Copeland: I suspect it's only a matter of time until that changes.

    Harrys: Vlad and ElegANT have been eliminated

    Kole laughs as waves goodbye to ElegANT, but he doesn't know what's going on behind him! Mikey Stormrage is stalking him after taking down Milenko, and is just waiting for him to turn around, and as he does, Mikey drops him with a urinage! Kole goes down but Mikey isn't done with him yet, as he picks him up in position for the Game Over, walks him back to the ropes, and dumps him over the top rope with a version of his finisher!

    Cohen: Tough luck for Kole there, but also for Flex as his ally has been eliminated and he's going to have to go it alone the rest of the way.

    Copeland: At least so we think, for all we know Wasabi Toyota could be an entrant in this at this rate.

    Harrys: Keith Kole has been eliminated

    Mikey walks away from the ropes as Kole looks angry on the floor, and in the ring Flex looks devastated about his sidekick being eliminated, but while he's distracted, Titus slides into the ring and spins him around, dropping him with the Tit Drop!

    Copeland: Where has he been? Was he under the ring with Callie?

    Cohen: I don't think so, I think he was just lost in the chaos of this match and waiting for the right moment to make his presence felt again.

    Connor: I think he got hit with a couple big moves and was just recovering guys. Speaking of Callie what do you think she's even doing under there?

    Titus now ducks a punch from Stetson, hitting him with a Tit Drop as well! Garth Black is back to his feet now and charges Titus, knocking him down with a running clothesline! Garth picks Titus back up quickly and looks to chuck him out of the ring, but Titus counters and instead throws Garth over the top rope but he lands on the apron! Titus charges him looking to knock him off, but Garth hits a shoulder block to the ribs, sending him stumbling backwards! Beard now comes out of nowhere and hits Titus with a belly to belly suplex, knocking him down and sending him flying across the ring, but after he does that, he's blasted from a running knee strike from Chris KO, knocking the big man off his feet and sending him rolling across the ring as the countdown to the next entrant ends.


    #20: Dirk Buchanan

    Copeland: He's back! I heard he was lost in the wilderness for awhile so it's good to see he's found his way back to WZCW!

    Cohen: Dirk has made a good impression in the short amount of time he's been here so it will be interested to see what kinda showing he ends up having here.

    Dirk runs down the ramp and slides into the ring and starts trading blows with Chris KO, the first man he runs into and the up and comer gets the better of him, knocking down Chris with a big right hand, but he gets right back up only to get taken down with a german suplex! KO rolls away as Dirk looks around for a moment before going over to Xander, and jumping on him with a fury of punches leaving Xander to try and cover up after taking a beating since he started this match. Eventually Xander gets an opening and pokes Dirk in the eyes, sending him stumbling backwards, and letting Xander go for Afterthought, but Dirk blocks it with an elbow to the jaw! Xander stumbles backwards and this lets Dirk grab a hold of him, lift him onto his shoulders and send him crashing into the turnbuckle with a Buckle Bomb! Xander crumbles and the fans cheer Dirk for the impressive start to the match, but the hot start comes to an end as Mikey spins him around, and drops him with a Falcon Punch!

    Connor: Well Dirk was off to a good start, but before he could attempt to eliminate Xander he was dropped by Mikey Stormrage.

    Copeland: Mikey and Xander have been here since the start and they're still fighting, impressive.

    Chris KO gets back to his feet and sidesteps a charging Mikey Stormrage, and then dropping him with a spinning wheel kick to knock him down! Flex Mussel is now back up and sneaks up behind Chris KO, and drops him with Full Body Fitness V2! KO goes down and Flex looks around the ring and spots Beard and Titus both getting to their feet across the ring, using the ropes to recover, and an evil smile crosses his face! Flex waits for them to fully recover, and seeing them get distracted by attacking each other, he charges across the ring, and clotheslines both of them over the top rope and to the floor!

    Copeland: Wow! Flex just eliminated Titus AND The Beard at the same time!

    Harrys: The Beard and Titus have been eliminated

    Cohen: That's King Mussel to you Seabass, and of course he did! I'm telling you he's my new pick to win this match, he's determined to get that championship back!

    Connor: That's certainly possible as a certain favorite going in is now out with Titus and Beard wasn't going to be easy to eliminate due to his size, but Flex looked very impressive getting rid of both of them.

  3. #13
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    Flex poses as Beard shrugs his shoulders and slaps hands with some fans on his way to the back. The fans start to count along as the countdown for the next superstar shows up on the screen. 10....9....8....

    Suddenly Mikey Stormrage slips out of a suplex by Milenko and manages to toss him over the top rope on the reversal and to the apron. Before either man can react, Xander hits a dropkick and knocks Milenko to the floor.

    Milenko has been eliminated!

    Cohen: Haha, looks like Milenko was a Juggawon't tonight. As in he won't win! Haha!

    Connor: That was awful Jack.

    Copeland: Still, a decent return for Milenko here to WZCW.


    #21: Rush

    The crowd comes alive at the sight of the longtime WZCW powerhouse, Rush.

    Copeland: The fans seem happy with the returning Rush.

    Cohen: He looks to be about sixty these days, which isn't much of surprise. You know how these Saudis loves old wrestlers.

    The veteran steps over the top rope and takes a charging Xander down with a shoulder block. Mikey Stormrage charges and eats a big boot. Chris KO makes his attempt and runs straight into a chokeslam. Dirk Buchanan leaps off the second rope with a cross body and Rush catches him and tosses him aside. Garth Black runs in and is on the receiving end of a clothesline. Stetson Hayes tries his luck and catches the big man with a right hand but the big man shrugs it off and eats a kick to the midsection. Rush then gets the Texan in position for a powerbomb. He lets out a primal yell before he lifts and then slams the cowboy down. Only Flex Mussel is left standing and Rush locks eyes with him. Flex poses, showing off his mountain of muscles. Rush laughs and poses back, showing off an impressive physique for a man pushing sixty years old. Flex offers a test of strength and the big man obliges. The two struggle back and forth to gain the upper hand. Flex looks to have it until Rush begins to laugh and easily overpowers the former World Champion. Flex yells in pain until Rush releases the hold. He then positions Flex for a suplex, but Xander dives at the big man's legs with a chop block. Rush falls, dropping Flex onto of Dirk in the process. Xander takes a moment to rake in the boos.

    Connor: Rush, literally, has his legs cut out from under him as he builds momentum.

    Copeland: It was a rather impressive return until that.

    Cohen: Let's just hope he doesn't suffer another heart attack in ring.

    Most of the competitors start to stir as Rush clutches his leg. Dirk Buchanan ties up with Mikey Stormrage and tries to power the rotund star back into the corner and finally does with some assistance from Stetson Hayes. They both do their best to oust the big man, but his size and low center of gravity are doing him many favors. Meanwhile Garth Black clubs Chris KO across the back and does his best to dump the returning star. KO manages to kick backwards and gets some breathing room. It doesn't last though as Flex runs from behind and tosses KO to the apron. Flex tries to push him to the floor. Xander comes over to help, but KO manages to duck a big punch from Flex, which connects instead with Xander. KO uses the confusion to springboard into the ring with a kick and take both Xander and Flex down as the clock counts down...3....2....1!

    #22: Alice Adams

    Connor: This won't go over well.

    Copeland: You said it.

    The crowd boos as Adams come to the ring and does a little tease with a feathered boa before she makes her way to the ring. She gets some boos from the conservative crowd but she seems to delight in it. She climbs onto the top rope and leaps into the ring and takes Garth Black down with a dropkick. She pops up and connects with a spinning elbow to Chris KO and then hits an inverted atomic drop when he is on wobbly legs. Stetson Hayes though runs over and hits her with a double axe handle across the back. She stumbles into the corner and the big Texan charges, but she slips out of the corner and lets him crash. She spins him around and slaps him across the chest to drop him to a seated position. She than does a little strut as she creates some space and then runs and hits a bronco buster.

    Cohen: The outrage!

    Connor: Spare us the soy boy line Jack. We have heard it before.

    Copeland: Adams certainly making her presence known, looking to continue the momentum she picked up at Unscripted.

    Adams is bouncing up and down when suddenly Rush runs over and connects with a boot to the side of the head. The crowd gasps as Adams collapses and Rush picks her up and tosses her aside. The big man looks down at Hayes, who panics. He tries to crawl under the bottom rope and Rush reaches to grab him. Seeing an opportunity, Garth Black runs up behind Rush and tries to dump him out. He can't power the big man out, but Hayes gets on a knee, reaches up and grabs Rush in a headlock and pulls him and Garth Black up and over to the floor. He then rolls back into the ring and catches his breath.

    Garth Black and Rush have been eliminated!

    Cohen: What power by the Texan!

    Copeland: Indeed Jack, and smart too. Great ring awareness by Stetson.

    In the commotion, the countdown for the next entrant has started. As the fans are counting down, Mikey Stormrage explodes out of the corner and drills Dirk Buchanan with a clothesline so powerful that he leaves his feet and flips. The crowd comes alive, only to grow even louder when Flex hits Stormrage with a Flexicution so powerful the big man also tumbles through the air.

    Cohen: DAMN!

    Connor: The sheer force of that clothesline. They are gonna feel that impact over in Qatar.

    Xander, Adams, KO, and Stetson all look on in awe and make the smart decision not to engage Flex as he looks completely fired up and watches the entrance ramp.....3....2.....1!

    #23: Zhanshi

    Copeland: It will be interesting to see what Zhanshi can do. He has good striking and will be fresh.

    Cohen: And the Middle East is technically part of Asia, so he was home field advantage. Maybe. I'm not honestly sure.

    Connor: What the hell just happened to your voices?

    Zhanshi does some martial arts moves on his way to the ring to wow the crowd. Few seem impressed. He takes his time getting to the ring, focused more on his martial arts as the action in the ring continues. Stormrage and Buchanan are both still down, but have rolled into opposite corners. Stetson has sneaked up behind Flex and locked him in a hammerlock and is controlling him in the center of the ring. Alice uses the opportunity to jump onto the back of Stetson, which causes all three to stumble to the mat. Chris KO locks up with Xander and tries to lock him in a headlock, but the man formerly known as Triple X bites KO's hand and frees himself. Some blood starts to trickle from KO's hand and Xander laughs at him, but it only seems to anger the former survivor. He hammers away with the bloody hand, backing Xander into the ropes. He Irish whips him off the ropes and ducks a clothesline from Xander. KO then kicks him in the midsection as he turns around and connects with the CKO! The stunner connects and Xander is down and rolls to the ropes. Zhanshi finally gets into the ring and hits a springboard karate kick to KO. He rolls through the kick and hits a running dropkick in the corner to the seated Dirk. He then runs toward Stormrage, who rolls out of the corner. Zhanshi manages to land on the second rope and leaps off and hits a knee directly into the Elite Champion's back. The Chinese native is fired up and doing more martial arts show off moves. He catches Adams with one of the show off kicks, and surprised himself. He stops and points at Stetson, but gets German suplexed by Flex. The Texan laughs and holds his hands as he approaches Flex. He points to Flex and makes gestures to indicate they work together. Hayes extends a hand and Flex shakes. The crowd boos.

    Connor: How is this even legal? This is every man for themselves.

    Cohen: There is no rule against alliances. I mean how many tag teams in history did this exact thing?

    Copeland: It certainly isn't against the rules, in fact it's rather smart strategy. They can't share the world title, but they can thin the herd so to say.

    Stetson and Flex look around the ring and see Adams has a chinlock on Xander and that Dirk and KO are battling it out in the corner in what seems like an endless sequence of reversals and fruitless attempts to lift the other over the top rope. The countdown to the next entrant shows up on the tron as Hayes and Flex both lift the Elite Champion, Mikey Stormrage to his feet and lift both of his legs to get him over the top rope as the countdown draws to a close.....3.......2......1!

    #24: Matt Tastic

    Tastic gets a mixed reaction as his music hits. Flex and Hayes, who are struggling with a stubborn Stormrage, have their faces tell the entire story as they are glowing.

    Cohen: This has to mean Stormrage is going out! Tastic is going to join into the effort and dump the tub of lard!

    Copeland: The two men certainly have history, but Tastic can't lose sight of the bigger picture. If he lets his emotion get the better of him, it may not bode well in his quest to win another World Title.

    Connor: It was emotions that got him here in the first place guys.

    Tastic looks at the action in the ring, slowly circling, looking to pick his spot. The Hayes Flex alliance urges him for help, but Tastic just walks and hops onto the announce table and takes a seat. The confusion allows Stormrage to free himself and get away from his would be eliminators. He gets to his feet and hits the ropes on the far side of the ring and hits a running crossbody on both Hayes and Flex, taking them both down and the crowd cheers. Tastic gives a golf clap from his seat but Stormrage pays him no attention as he turns his attention to Zhanshi and locks up with him and eventually works to an abdominal stretch.

    Connor: Certainly an unusual move by Tastic, but he was in fairness was never known for conventional tactics.

    Copeland: Stormrage doesn't call himself the Elite Overweight Champion for nothing. He has always been a tough out in this match.

    Cohen: We were so close.....

    Tastic leans back and gets close to Jack Cohen's mic.

    Tastic: You crying bro?

    Cohen shoves Tastic's face away as the crowd begins to chant. Not for the next entrant, but for the slaps that Stormrage is administering to his foe's butt as he has the hold locked in. He gets to nine and winds up for a tenth when Alice Adams runs over and hits a running bulldog from behind to Stormrage, causing Stormrage and Zhanshi to fall to the mat. Adams then gets to her feet and spies Chris KO connect with quick body slam to Dirk Buchana and then fall into the corner to catch his breath. Adams runs over to where Chris KO is leaned in the corner. She hits a handstand and grabs KO with her feet and flips him out of the corner. She then hops to the second rope and connects with an elbow drop to Buchanan. She goes over to Xander, who is on his knees in the corner recovering from the earlier CKO. She grabs him by the hair just as the countdown is about to hit....3....2.....1!

    #25: Ulysses S. Adams

    Copeland: This likely won't go over well.

    Connor: Yuuuuuuup.

    USA is booed heavily as he comes out waving the American flag and yelling expletives and racial slurs at the Saudi crowd. He makes as many obscene gestures as he can as he runs to the ring. He slides in and pops to his feet and urges everyone to fight him. He taunts the crowd full of "towel headed terrorists" and then yells that Adams is a whore. She gets in his face ready to fight.

    USA: What are you gonna do? Suck my dick?!?

    Adams kicks USA straight in the crotch and then sets him up and hits Not Your Doll! The Gory neckbreaker is enough to leave USA down but Zhanshi picks him up and connects with a jumping roundhouse kick. USA falls back into the arms of Flex Mussel. The Supreme Ruler of Flexamerica readies USA for it, then hits him with a MusselBomb over the top rope and the crowd roars their approval.

    Ulysses S. Adams has been eliminated!

    Cohen: Well that was fun.

    Connor: Well the man was openly racist and admitted to water boarding innocent Muslims and still thought he was a good guy. So probably for the best.

    Matt Tastic decides the commotion is his time to get in the ring. He hops from his seat and runs up the steps and climbs to the top rope. He leaps into the ring over a charging Flex and rolls as he hits the ground. With his momentum carrying him, Dirk Buchanan grabs him from behind and throws him up and over the top rope and to the floor below.

    Matt Tastic has been eliminated!

    The crowd is shocked as Tastic appears angry.

    Connor: What just happened?

    Copeland: Dirk Buchanan with two hundred IQ move, using Tastic's momentum from the forward roll to toss him out.

    Cohen: That's what he gets for trying to say I was crying.

    The superstars still in the ring, Xander, Stormrage, KO, Flex, Hayes, Adams, Dirk, and Zhanshi all sort of look on in shock as Tastic tears some padding off the barricade near the timekeeper's area and tosses chairs in frustration. Some of the ringside referees approach him and he throws his hands up and walks to the back.

    Random Fan: Everybody hit somebody!

    The shout from the fan breaks the awkwardness after the Tastic fit and Xander hits an X-Rated Superkick square to the jaw of Adams. Zhanshi quickly rushes Stetson Hayes and manages to lift and toss him to the apron, but Hayes hits a quick right hand and grabs Zhanshi by the head and snaps his neck across the top rope while falling to his back on the apron before rolling back in. Stormrage grabs Flex and connects with a Live Mas Slam, the devastating belly to belly plants the King. As Stormrage pops up, Xander hits him with a dropkick, staggering him backwards into the ropes. He kips up right into a big boot from Hayes. Hayes then turns right into a swift kick to the midsection and a DDT from Chris KO. KO gets to his feet and walks into a lifting spine buster from Dirk Buchanan. Dirk stands and sees Stormrage charging at him. He runs at the big man and ducks him. Both men rebound off the ropes and connect with a double clothesline, putting both men down as the countdown hits 10 on the clock.

    Copeland: Whoever comes in next is going to have a huge advantage.

    Cohen: Indeed. The next entrant can really make a name for himself here.

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    #26: Just Carl

    Cohen: Who?

    Connor: He is WZCW's newest signing. This is certainly a big opportunity for him.

    Copeland: He comes with a solid resume in professional wrestling and has been rumored to have been studying the WZCW competitors for some time in an attempt to gain an edge early in his career.

    Cohen: Who?

    The crowd isn't giving much of a reaction to the rookie. He takes a moment on the top of the stage to soak in the moment before he slides feet first under the ring and kips up to his feet. Zhanshi is the first to square off with the rookie. Zhanshi lets out a Kung-Fu yell and charges at Carl, who responds with a back drop. Alice Adams is to her feet next and gets hit with a dropkick. She falls into the corner and as Carl kips up he hits a clothesline on a groggy Mikey Stormrage. He then Irish whips Stetson Hayes into the corner and hits a running leaping splash. Feeling fired up Carl hits a drop kick to a freshly standing Xander. He kips up but is met with a kick to the midsection and a CKO from Chris KO! The impact from the move is so intense that Carl is catapulted over the top rope and to the floor.

    Just Carl has been eliminated!

    Copeland: An unceremonious end for the rookie in his first WZCW action.

    Cohen: The boy certainly likes dropkicks.

    Zhanshi is lifted to his feet by Flex Mussel and Irish whipped into the corner. Flex charges but Zhanshi gets a boot up and knocks Flex back. Flex, not to be deterred tries again, but Zhanshi gets both feet up using the ropes to hold himself. Flex gets knocked down so Zhanshi decides to go up to the top rope. As he is trying to stabilize himself, Xander throws himself into the nearby ropes and knocks Zhanshi to a seated position. This allows Stetson Hayes to run from the opposite corner and hit a vicious big boot to the jaw of Zhanshi and knock him off and to the floor.

    Zhanshi has been eliminated!

    Cohen: What a stupid move. Why would he go up there?

    Connor: The high rent district certainly isn't a place you wanna be in this match.

    Mikey Stormrage spies Xander on the ropes and tries to get him up and over while Flex and Hayes discuss strategy as the countdown clock ticks down.....3......2.....1!

    #27: Steven Holmes

    Cohen: Oh this is going to get interesting now.

    Copeland: WZCW Hall of Famer Steven Holmes has returned!

    The crowd shows an air of respect despite Holmes being one of the most hated men in WZCW history. In trademark fashion, Holmes has an arrogant aura about him as he surveys the ring. Ever the throwback, Holmes wipes his feet on the apron before entering the ring and takes Dirk Buchanan down immediately with a discuss elbow. Alice Adams tries her luck with a classic collar and elbow tie up, but Holmes works his technical magic and isolates an arm and wrenches it behind his foe. He then traps the arm while lifting her for a belly to back suplex. Chris KO gives Holmes a wide birth before he charges in. Holmes ducks a clothesline but KO attempts a Pele Kick. Holmes grabs the leg though and slams it knee first into the mat. As KO tries to crawl away, Holmes grabs him and locks him in a surfboard stretch, pulling his arms back and driving his knee into the back of KO. KO fights and just as it looks like he is about to break free, Holmes lifts to his feet and locks in a full nelson. With the hold locked in, Flex Mussel comes over and rocks KO right a stiff right hand. He then tries to go after Holmes but the wily vet gains the upper hand and eventually manipulates Flex into an abdominal stretch. Meanwhile across the ring Mikey Stormrage has given up on getting Xander over and settles for nailing him with a vicious headbutt to put him down. Dirk Buchanan tries to take advantage and rush an off balance Stormrage but Hall of Famer catches him with a uranage. Stetson Hayes tries to take out the Elite Champ but Stormrage gets the advantage and gets an abdominal stretch on the Texan. Stormrage and Holmes, two members of the most recent Hall of Fame class lock eyes and Stormrage begins to slap the butt of Hayes. Holmes responds by slapping the chest Flex. Stormrage takes it up a notch and begins to throw elbows to the midsection of Hayes. Holmes responds in kind by throwing elbows to the head of Flex. The crowd loves the back and forth between the two legends.

    Cohen: Honestly, this is pretty entertaining.

    Copeland: Certainly a unique game of one upmanship.

    Connor: Oh, like one up, because Stormrage is into Mario. I get it.

    Copeland: That wasn't a joke Cat.

    After what seems like hours of abdominal stretches, the two Hall of Famers toss their victims aside and square off. The two trade European Uppercuts back and forth, neither man giving an inch. As the two Hall of Famers continue to trade blows, the countdown ticks away and the rest of the members in the ring stir or watch the display.

    Connor: What could make this even more grandiose?


    #28: "Showtime" David Cougar

    Connor: Oh my!

    The crowd boos heavily, some of the loudest boos of the night as Showtime, arguably the best man to ever step foot into a WZCW ring makes his way on stage.

    Cohen: You know, the higher ups should have expected this reaction. They knew about Showtime.

    Copeland: Ever since his extreme right wing talk show hit TV screens, the backlash began and its not surprising to see the fans react this way. No matter what part of the world you are in.

    As soon as Showtime hits the ring, the remaining superstars mob him. Xander hits a dropkick to the back of the knee of the veteran and Adams connects with a DDT. Dirk Buchanan is quick to lock on the Emerald Choke, his standing guillotine, as soon as Showtime tries to get to his feet. Dirk releases the hold and Chris KO immediately grabs The Burning Crusade, his crossface submission, taking Showtime to the mat. As Showtime screams in pain, Stormrage and Holmes toss their stretched victims to the mat. Stormrage motions Chris KO to get Showtime on his feet and the former survivor smiles and gets him on his feet. Stormrage tosses him in the air and connects with a European uppercut as Showtime falls back to Earth, the Falcon Punch! Showtime's head snaps back and he falls into the arms of Steven Holmes, who has him in perfect position for the Imperial Impaler! The modified piledriver connects and Showtimes only defense is to roll out of the ring.

    Copeland: Well that seemed fitting.

    Cohen: You can say that again Seabass.

    The participants in the ring all sort of shrug and then go off into their own mini brawls as the crowd is chanting the countdown clock.....10....9....8....

    Copeland: We only have two more entrants, one of which is WZCW World Heavyweight Champion Kagura. Any guesses as to who the other will be?

    Connor: Given how things have played out, I fully expect Jack to be next.

    Jack Cohen starts to stand, but then sits back and laughs.

    Cohen: Not this year. I've got the best seat in the house for the most unpredictable match of the year.

    Connor: Well then who is it gonna be?

    Cohen: Gotta be Dr Coberer. Oh! Xaitlyn Snake Lady. Gotta be her. Or! Or! It could be Ricky Runn, I hear he's hard up for money these days.


    #29: Titus Avison

    Copeland: Son of a bitch!

    Cohen: That isn't very nice Seabass.

    Connor: Well this is Titus' third time out here tonight. No idea what's up with that.

    Cohen: What? This is his second trip. What do you mean three?

    Connor: Well this is Titus Avison and then there was regular Titus and then there was...

    Copeland: Just don't, he won't get it.

    Titus Avison climbs into the ring as the boos still haven't stopped. All the men in the ring immediately cover their crotches. This leaves Alice Adams as the only one with an opening, so she charges Titus Avison.

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    I Stay Blasted Yaz's Avatar

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    Titus hits a quick kick and then nails a Tit Drop, his famous legdrop bulldog, and the crowd applauds his efforts, though he pays them no mind. Xander tries next, only to be back body dropped over the rope. He skins the cat and tries to flip back in, but the EurAvison legend grabs his legs and tosses him. By a minor miracle, Xander lands on the padding and debris from Matt Tastic's earlier fit. A ringside ref runs over and waves his hands to signal that Xander's is still in. The crowd cheers despite Xander not enjoying said cheers.

    Copeland: What a stroke of luck for Xander, who has had a few miracle saves in his Lethal Lottery career.

    Cohen: Both feet have to hit the floor, not objects lying on the floor. Just great ring awareness from Xander.

    Connor: I think it was more luck than anything.

    Xander looks to make his move back in but the team of Flex and Stetson are playing defense and trying to keep him out.

    Connor: So does Xander have to get completely back in the ring? How will this work?

    Cohen: Spot on Cat. Xander can do it though, he has done it before.

    As Xander is on the outside trying to plot is course in, Titus is wrestling with Dirk Buchanan. Dirk gets an upperhand with a wristlock, but Titus rolls his way around and reverses and ends up hitting a quick Tit Drop on Dirk! Chris KO attacks Titus from behind though and the two square off, slowly circling each other. In an odd move, Steven Holmes and Mikey Stormrage come up from behind Stetson and Flex and shove the two into each other. THe commotion allow Xander to leap onto the apron and scurry to the top rope. He leaps and take all four men down with a twisting dive. With KO and Titus Avison watching the chaos, Avison uses the the distraction to connect with a kick to the midsection of KO. He redies for the Tit Drop, but KO counters and manages to muscle Titus onto the top rope. With Titus straddling the rope KO shrugs and starts to bounce the rope up and down, making sure Titus feels all of the force in his family jewels. The crowd laughs along as the countdown to the final entrant ticks down....3.....2......1!

    #30: WZCW World Champion Kagura

    The fans applaud as Kagura, fresh off her victory and title win at Unscripted comes out and surveys the ring.

    Connor: What a stroke of luck! The champ has drawn the final number.

    Cohen: Seems like the fix is in on this one!

    Copeland: Indeed, fortune has shined down on the maiden from the land of the rising sun.

    The champ makes her way toward the ring as Chris KO allows Titus Avison to fall back into the ring. He smiles and urges Kagura into the ring, as he knows the World Title has eluded him thus far in his roller coaster career. Kagura unhooks her title belt and hands it to a ringside tech before slowly climbing the steps and methodically making her way into the ring. As soon as she is in she looks to go on the attack but is tripped up by someone from outside the ring.

    Connor: It's Callie Clark!

    Clark, who had been under the ring and likely roasting under there in the Saudi heat tripped Kagura and slides into the ring and looks to clothesline her look to clothesline her out. She knocks the World Champ to the apron and readies a big forearm to knock her out, but Kagura sprays her with red mist! Callie is struggling as Alice Adams runs up and grabs Callie by the tights and tosses her over the top rope, while also taking out Kagura! She falls back to a seated position and the entire crowd looks on stunned, as do Kagura and Callie....sort of....she can't really see.

    Callie Clark and Kagura have been eliminated!

    Cohen: Oh my God! Alice Adams just took out the two other women in the match!

    Copeland: That guarantees we are walking out of here tonight with a new World Champion!

    Adams jumps to her feet and taunts the two ladies she has just eliminated, but as she turns around mid shimmy she it hit with a vicious blow from Steven Holmes. He then connects with his modified piledriver, the Imperial Impaler. It's academic at this point as he drags Adams to her feet and tosses her up and out.

    Alice Adams has been eliminated!

    Connor: Well so much for that.

    Holmes, in a way only the Elite could muster, wipes his hands of the perceived rubbish before he walks into a running body block from Mikey Stormrage. The weight and momentum of Stormrage nearly reduces the old man to dust. Just as Stormrage pops to his feet he is hit with a big discuss lariat from Stetson. Flex, knowing he has used the move to great effect in his career, applauds the move. Flex then attempts one on Chris KO, who wasn't paying attention, but the former White Knight ducks. Flex connects with Dirk though and sends him to the apron. This is all the opening Xander needs to hit a springboard kick to knock Dirk to the floor and out of the match.

    Dirk Buchanan has been eliminated!

    Cohen: Great teamwork there by Flex and Xander, even if it wasn't intentional.

    Copeland: Eliminations coming hot and heavy in the last few minutes.

    Connor: And speaking of hot.

    Rolling back into the ring is Showtime, who looks absolutely pissed off. He walks up to Chris KO and gives him a shove. He then walks up to Flex and shoves him, then gives a shove to Stetson. He shoves Titus Avison back to the mat and walks over to Mikey Stormrage and spits in his direction. He then walks up to Steven Holmes and shoves him, despite Holmes still being on the ground, so more of a gentle pat. Xander, tired of this, runs at Showtime, who ducks a flying kick attempt. He laughs and goes back to shove Chris KO, who shoves him back, right into the arms of Flex and Stetson. The two powerhouses look at Showtime and lift him into the air and toss him over the top rope unceremoniously. The crowd actually applaud the efforts of Hayes and Flex, two men who have been hated all night.

    Showtime has been eliminated!

    Connor: For the best?

    Cohen: For the best.

    Copeland: For the best.

    Chris KO, Titus Avison, Xander, Mikey Stormrage, Flex Mussel, Steven Holmes, and Stetson Hayes all retreat or fall to ropes or corners as security has to rush to the ringside area and prevent Showtime from going after some fans. They all sort of laugh as one of the security guards pulls out a taser and takes Showtime down. Flex mocks Showtime by having fake spasms and convulsing, only for Stetson to hit a big boot and knock his alliance partner over the top rope and out.

    Flex Mussel has been eliminated!

    Flex looks up at Hayes, who just shrugs. "Just business partner." the Texan can be heard saying as Flex slams his hands on the ring apron.

    Cohen: Why?!? They could have picked everyone off and cruised to the finals.

    Connor: Seems it was just business.

    Xander comes up from behind to try to get Stetson out, but the big Texan makes it difficult. Chris KO and Mikey Stormrage lock eyes and both nod their head and both start to trade right hands in the center of the ring, neither able to get the upper hand. Steven Holmes looks around and spies Titus Avison across the ring, still trying to adjust from his earlier ride on the ropes. Holmes approaches and Titus begs him off. He falls to his knees pleading with his fellow Hall of Famer. He puts his hands in a prayer motion, hoping it works. Holmes doesn't buy it and goes to kick Titus, but the record title holder grabs the boot and sweeps Holmes off his feet. He then springs to his feet and gets Holmes in a modified armbar. He sits on the shoulder of Holmes and pulls up, the Elite clearly in pain. On the far side of the ring, Stetson has reversed position and is now trying to muscle Xander out, but he has his arms and legs hooked. In the battle at the center of the ring Chris KO has gotten the upper hand and hits the kick to set up the CKO on Stormrage. He goes for the move but Stormrage shoves him away. As KO stumbles into the ropes, Titus Avison rushes him with a clothesline and knocks him up and over to the floor for the very sudden elimination.

    Chris KO has been eliminated!

    Copeland: A very valiant effort for the returning Chris KO.

    Connor: Indeed, he lasted a long time and put on a good show.

    KO is clearly disappointed but the fans applaud him and he applauds back as he makes his way back up the ramp. Titus Avison mocks KO with a fake crying routine. He turns around and bumps into Mikey Stormrage. The two Hall of Famers stand nose to nose....well as nose to nose as they can get given the size difference. Titus tries to Irish whip Stormrage but he is far too large. Instead Mikey reverses and powers Titus across the ring. Titus ducks a clothesline attempt and rebounds only for Stormrage to pop him into the air for the Falcon Punch, but Titus avoids it with a a short punch of his own on the way down. Mikey is startled and Titus looks for the Tit Drop, but Stormrage powers out. Titus goes for the setup kick again but Stormrage catches it. He then spins Titus around, and spins around himself before hitting the Headshot! The bionic elbow comes down hard and Titus stumbles back to the ropes. Stormrage gets a head of steam and hits a big clothesline to take Titus Avison out of the match.

    Titus Avison has been eliminated!

    Stormrage falls back into a corner and looks around. Steven Holmes uses the ropes to get back to his feet in another corner as Xander kicks Stetson away. Xander scrambles to a corner and Stetson takes up the remaining one.

    Copeland: One of these four men will leave Jeddah as the new WZCW World Champion.

    Cohen: Four men, all good in their own right, will do battle here.

    Connor: Steven Holmes and Mikey Stormrage, both former World Champions. Both Hall of Famers. Xander, who has held many lesser titles in his long career but never won the big one. Stetson Hayes, one of the brightest young talents in this business in a long time. This will be good.

    Stetson decides to take the lead and invite the other three to dance, so to speak. Xander and Stormrage take a moment to rise to fully rise to their feet, but Holmes, the freshest man in the match, obliges the Texan's offer to do the thing. The two lock horns in the middle of the ring. Hayes simply overpowers Holmes and shoves him down and laughs.

    Cohen: Holmes is a legend in this sport and is as fresh as any man in the match, but Hayes is incredibly powerful. This won't be easy.

    Hayes continues to just power Holmes around each time they lock up. Holmes tries a few technical moves but Hayes is simply too powerful for The Elite. Xander takes the opportunity to rush across the ring leap at Stormrage and tackle him to the ground. He throws some punches but Stormrage manages to reverse position and throw punches of his own. They continue this back and forth, trading the advantage as Holmes can't get an opening on Hayes. The Big Texan gets Holmes in a powerbomb position and makes a lasso motion with his hand before lifting the Hall of Famer. Holmes fights it with punches and slips out the back and retreats to the ropes, dazed. Stetson has fire in his eyes as he pats his leg to call for the big boot to up Holmes out. He runs, but Holmes drops down and Hayes ends up with his leg over top rope and Holmes gives him the final push he needs to tumble out.

    Stetson Hayes has been eliminated!

    The big Texan looks absolutely shocked. He can't believe it. Once he finally comes around he refuses to accept it and tries to get back into the ring as Holmes takes a cocky regal bow and referees pull Hayes back to the floor.

    Copeland: We are down to three as Holmes was playing opossum to lure Hayes in.

    Connor: His body may have aged, but his mind is as sharp as ever.

    Cohen: Vintage Steven Holmes.

    Holmes turns around and sees a charging Xander, trying to take advantage of the trademark snark of Holmes and surprise him, but Holmes grabs him by the back of the head and uses his momentum to throw him to the apron. Before Holmes can make the elimination though, Xander hits a Pele kick, landing on the apron. He kips up, showing off his trademark athleticism that has carried him so far in his career. Holmes is staggering as Xander springboards into the ring. Holmes ducks and Xander lands in the arms of Mikey Stormrage, who plants him with a Game Over! The World's Strongest Slam rocks the ring as Xander is flattened. Stormrage pops to his feet and charges at Holmes, who tries to pull to same drop down trick he used with Hayes, but Stormrage was wise to it and pulls up short. Unfortunately for the big man, momentum is a bitch and carries him onto the apron. Holmes tries to get him out, but Stormrage is a load to move. Holmes keeps trying and trying and can't move the big man off the apron. He decides to try to bring him back in and work him over, but Stormrage is able to use his strength to suplex Holmes from inside the ring to the floor below. The Elite is eliminated by the Elite Overweight as the crowd cheers.

    Steven Holmes has been eliminated!

    Cohen: Damn it!

    Connor: And we are right back where we started.

    Copeland: The men who entered at one and two, Xander and Mikey Strormrage, are the final two. One of these two men will walk out as the new World Champion.

    Stormrage gets back in the ring as Xander staggers to his feet. Both men are clearly spent, having lasted the entire time in the scorching heat. Sweat pours from both men as Xander makes the belt motion on his waist and Stormrage points to the Kingdom Come sign high in the rafters. The two meet in the middle and trade a few punches and forearms with neither really hitting much force. Xander slaps Stormrage and yells at him to come on so the Elite Champion responds with a slap of his own while yelling at Xander to hit him. The two tie up and both hammer away with punches to the side of the head as the crowd cheers. The smaller Xander slips out and tries to take out the knee of his bigger foe. He drops Mikey to a knee and creates room to run for a shining wizard but Stormrage explodes to his feet and powers Xander back into the corner. He connects with some vicious knife edge chops and then runs to the far corner. He hypes himself up before he charges and leaps. Xander slips out and leaves Mikey to crash into the turnbuckle. Xander looks for the X-Rated Superkick, but Stormrage ducks it and Xander's momentum carries him onto the second turnbuckle. He lands and moonsaults at Stormrage, who catches him upside fown but Xander hits some knees and slips down and between the big man's legs. He shoves him chest first into the turnbuckle and as he bounces back he hits an inverted hurricanrana. The crowd cheers the sequence but Xander is upset at himself for going back to his high flying exciting style.

    Cohen: Big advantage for Xander right now.

    Connor: He will need to get Stormrage on his feet and then over the top rope though, no small task.

    Xander grabs the Hall of Famer by his long hair and yells into his face. "This is my time!" Stormrage responds by spitting into his face. Xander simply spits back, unphased. Stormrage responds with a headbutt to stagger Xander. He gets to his feet and hits a forearm before Irish whipping Xander into the ropes. Off the rebound Stormrage hits a spinning Samoan drop. He gets to a seated position and slaps his hands on the mat to fire himself up. He picks Xander up and hoists him over his shoulder and walks toward the rope to toss him over. Xander grabs the top rope though and hands on, refusing to be shaken off. Stormrage settles for shoving him into the air to try for the Falcon Punch, but Xander hits a knee due to the unorthodox positioning. Stormrage stumbles back and Xanders leaps at him using the ropes as a launching pad, but Stormrage catches him in a powerbomb position. Xander tries to spin around for a reverse hurricanrana but Stormrage anticipated it and hits an electric chair drop. Both men are spent as Stormrage can't capitalize, having to use the ropes to get back up. The fans are there to will him on though. He walks over and drags Xander to his feet, but Xander won't go quietly into the night and fights back. Punches to the gut back the big man up and give Xander the opening to get to his feet. Xander tries to Irish whip Stormrage, but hasn't learned the lesson tonight and the big man reverses and throws Xander toward the corner. Xander stays on his toes though and hits the turnbuckle and vaults back with a back elbow attempt. Stormrage catch him in the R.A.M. though! Random Access Mutilation, Stormrage's rarely used Coquina Clutch is locked in and Xander is struggling. He tries to fall back to the corner and free himself, but it doesn't work. He reaches back and tries to claw the face of Stormrage, but again he fails. Finally out of desperation he kicks back with a lowblow and makes enough contact to break the hold. Xander catches his breath and then succeeds in Irish Whipping Stormrage for the first time tonight. Stormrage shows off his surprising athleticism though and springboards off the second rope with a moonsault! Xander counters though by hitting an X-Rated Superkick to the upside down Stormrage! Stormrage seems out and Xander knows this is his spot. He uses everything he can to get the big man up. He has him against the ropes and is trying to lift him. Stormrage is just too heavy to get out this way and is able to eventually muster the strength to kick Xander away. Xander is clearly frustrated as he charges at the big man. Stormrage responds with a back body drop over the top rope, but Xander lands on the apron. He grabs Stormrage in a choke hold, a rough version of Fade Away and tries to pull him over the top rope.

    Cohen: This is it, here it comes!

    Copeland: Both men are in dangerous territory now.

    Stormrage shows off his power by regaining his footing and lifting Xander into the air. Xander refuses to let go though and cranes his neck to bite Stormrage and cause him to fall onto the apron, though it breaks the hold. Both men are on the apron, spent. Both grab the top rope and stare the other down. Xander kicks at Stormrage but Stormrage catches the kick. Xander goes for an enziguri, but Stormrage ducks it. Xander's cat liek balance allows him to land on his hands and hit a mule kick to stagger Stormrage back. He hangs on but is leaned against the post. Xander for another kick to finish him off, but Stormrage grabs the kick again and pulls him in for a Game Over to end the match, only for Xander to reverse and fall backwards onto the ring steps and monkey flip Stormrage to the floor! Xander throws his hands in the air and pays no attention to how awkwardly he is laying on the steel steps

    Mikey Stormrage has been eliminated! Therefore your winner of the Lethal Lottery and the NEEEEEEEW WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Xander!

    Cohen: He did it! Xander is the champion!

    Copeland: Certainly a performance that will go down in history, as Xander and Mikey Stormrage paced the entire field, for the first time in WZCW history, but in the end only one could walk away with the gold and that man is Xander.

    Connor: Congratulations to Xander, on winning his first World Title and making history by lasting the entire match.

    Stormrage is on his back and holds his hands over his face as Xander rushes over and shoves the timekeeper out of the way and grabs the World Title. He clutches it close to his chest and drowns out the rest of the world as he makes his way to the stage. He stops and kisses the title and stares out at the crowd that is booing him. He laughs and kisses the title one last time as the copyright info comes onto the screen and fades to black.

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