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Thread: WZCW Hall of Fame

  1. #11
    I Stay Blasted Yaz's Avatar

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    "From the campaign trail, to the squared circle, to the Hall of Fame"
    From humble beginnings, the success of John Constantine, is in many ways, the quintessential American success story.

    While his political career was not a long one, the former Missouri senator proved to be a hard nosed negotiator and stern task master. He found similar success in the WZCW ring. During his time in WZCW, Constantine won almost as many titles as the number of stables he served in. He held the Elite title on two separate occasions, with the first win coming over Sam Smith in a No Holds Barred match in Constantine's home state of Missouri.

    Both men are stirring and reach their feet simultaneously. They begin to trade weak blows, each man haven given his all. Back and forth they go until they Constantine connects with a headbutt that causes Smith to stumble and fall to his hands and knees. He does however grab the chair from earlier and stands and swings as Constantine approaches. The swing however is wide. As Smith turns back around Constantine catches him with a thunderous twisting spinebuster, Axis of Evil! Into the cover, 1...2...3!

    Anderson: Here is your winner, and NEW, WZCW Elite X Champion, Constantine!
    The Power Trip would win his second, then under the Elite X Gauntlet rules, at All or Nothing 2014, defeating Fallout. This would earn him a World Title shot and make him the first and only superstar to complete the gauntlet.

    During his career, Constantine would also win the Mayhem and Tag Titles, as well as winning King for a Day at Kingdom Come 4. While his cash in against fellow Hall of Famer Showtime was unsuccessful, it would fuel the former senator's desire for gold, which he would finally obtain after making good on his Elite X Gauntlet opportunity at Meltdown 115.


    Cohen: He hit it: the move that defeated every challenger in the gauntlet!

    Copeland: Where did he come from!?

    Constantine quickly goes for the cover, pinning the champion. Akiyama slides into position...

    ... 1
    ... 2
    ... 3!

    Cohen: He did it!

    Tastic tries rolling the shoulder after the fact but it's no use as Akiyama signals for the bell, calling for the match to end. There is a few seconds of shock before Harrys makes the announcement.

    Harrys: Here is your winner... and NEWWWW WZCW World Heavyweight Champion... John CONSTANTINE!

    The crowd is in shock as Akiyama raises the hand of Constantine who slowly gets to his feet, still trying to process what has happened. Akiyama grabs the World title and offers it to Constantine. John looks up at the senior official who assures him it is his championship. Constantine rips the title from Akiyama and pushes him away, clutching it close to his chest with a smile on his face.

    Copeland: I can't believe it! Constantine utilized the distraction to hit his deadly finisher and won the championship off Matt Tastic, making him the 18th competitor to hold the World title!

    Cohen: Tastic tried to do the same to Constantine when he was distracted by he managed to kick-out and make the most out of the same opportunity. Call it how you want Seabass but there is no changing Constantine becoming the new World champion! Congratulations to Constantine!

    Constantine stands in the center of the ring and holds his championship up high, showing it off to the booing crowd before going over to the turnbuckles, making sure everyone in the arena can get a good look of the new champion.

    Constantine would add a second World Title reign after winning Gold Rush 2017 in his hometown of St. Louis. While he would go on to drop the title thanks to the first ever Queen for a Day cash in, the former Elite, Kingdom, and Vis Imperium member would add one last title to his mantle before retiring.

    In Barcelona, Spain, Constantine, in the last match of his career, took on record setting EurAsian Champion Titus Avison in the main event of Kingdom Come 9.

    Constantine, doing his best to get to his feet, limping on one foot, looks down at Titus and tells him "you know I had to do it to you". Titus nods in acceptance as Constantine picks up Titus and delivers The Axis successfully on Titus. Constantine goes for a pinfall cover but the referee is still down. Constantine goes over to the referee, pulls him over to Titus and tries waking up Akiyama. When the referee begins moving, Constantine goes to cover... but instead, for good measure, he locks in his own submission move... the STF... on Titus.

    Constantine wrenches back on Titus, using the last bit of his energy on this submission. Titus knows he cannot fight out of the hold and begins crawling towards the ropes. Inch by inch, Titus crawls to the rope area. A very groggy Akiyama tries to remind Titus that the rope breaks no longer counts... but as Titus gets to the ropes, he goes not reach out for the ropes. He reaches out for the Eurasian championship. Somehow, whilst being stretched in the STF, Titus grabs the championship and clutches it close to his body. After a couple of more seconds holding the championship, Titus Avison has no choice but to give up.

    Titus Avison submits to John Constantine.

    Akiyama groggily calls for the bell as Constantine makes Titus submit. The crowd is completely stunned at the events that has taken place but stand up to applaud the performance of both men in this match. Constantine rolls to the middle of the ring and cannot believe he has won. He is on his hands and knees with his face buried in the canvas. Akiyama slowly recover, going over to Constantine and raising his hand in the air.

    Harrys: Here is your winner... and NEW WZCW Eurasian Championship... JOHN CONSTANTINE!

    Copeland: John Constantine has done it! John Constantine has done it! He has won his final match in WZCW at the main event of Kingdom Come! He has won the final championship that has alluded him for so long, dethroning Titus and ending his 951 day reign as Eurasian champion, and gets to leave the company as a champion! The fantasy story for Constantine came true!
    The Power Trip decided it was time to walk away from WZCW to spend time with his family and try to make amends for the numerous wrongs he admitted to making in his career.

    Constantine: I can honestly say that I am so blessed for everything I have accomplished and I know that I will leave this place with my head held high and pride in my heart. Because it is so easy to lose sight of what is important in life and that is family, friends, memories and moments. WZCW has given the chance to partake in all of that and I cannot thank everyone enough from the bottom of my heart.

    It is with great pleasure that we welcome Constantine into the WZCW Hall of Fame, Class of 2018!


    6'4 265lbs


    WZCW World Heavyweight Champion(x2)
    WZCW EurAsian Champion
    WZCW Elite Champion(x2)
    WZCW Tag Team Champion(x2)
    WZCW Mayhem Champion
    Gold Rush 2017 Winner
    King For a Day
    10th Member of WZCW Hall of Fame

    Finishing Moves:

    The Axis (Twisting Spinebuster)
    Collateral Damage (Angle Slam)

  2. #12
    I Stay Blasted Yaz's Avatar

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    “…You’ll know why Aristocracy Reigns.”
    – Steven Holmes MD 39

    Born into a wealthy family in Buckinghamshire, England, it seemed that Steven Holmes was destined for greatness the moment he stepped foot into WZCW. With his arrogant and pompous attitude, he made it clear that he was head and shoulders above everyone else. However, beneath his prideful skin lay a heart that was beating with desire. His stomach ached with the hunger to prove himself worthy to be called “The Elite.” For Steven, his boastings were the result of all the hard work and effort that he had poured into his training to make it as far as he did the night he debuted on Meltdown 39. Management must have seen something special in the young Holmes that evening. This clearly wasn’t some punk kid with a bark more fearsome than his bite. He would earn a contract, and would embark on one of the most remarkable journeys of any WZCW superstar.


    Holmes began by proving himself on the undercard until he caught the attention of WZCW alumni Doug Crashin. On Meltdown 44, Holmes surprised everyone when he stole the Mayhem title from Baez, and joined Crashin’s ‘Movement.’ They, along with Steven Kurtesy, made a formidable trio. At All or Nothing 2010, ‘The Crashin Movement’ outlasted three other teams, and a lone Barbosa, to capture the WZCW Tag Team titles.

    ‘Black Betty’ hits as the Brothers in Arms await the final team in the gauntlet. Suddenly, the Crashin Movement charge in from the crowd and attack Wasabi Toyota as he stands on the apron. Steven Holmes keeps Hammond at bay as Kurtesy and Crashin pound away at the left leg of Toyota.

    Copeland: Why isn’t the referee disqualifying them? Ring the bell and end this!

    Cohen: The Crashins haven’t entered the ring yet, Seabass. They haven’t officially entered the match until at least one of the team members enters the ring. This is brilliant by them to take out that behemoth.

    Holmes rams Hammond face first into one of the ring posts and then rolls him into the ring. Crashin stops his attack on Toyota just before Holmes enters the ring, officially putting Crashin Movement as active members in the match. Kurtesy gets one more hard stomp onto Toyota’s knee before rolling into the ring himself. They signal for the end as Holmes whips the now bloodied Scott Hammond into the ropes and the Crashin Movement connect with Here's Your Health-care Bill. Holmes covers Hammond, 1…2…3!

    Harrys: Your winners, and NEW WZCW World Tag Team Champions, The Crashin Movement!

    ‘The Crashin Movement’ would later lose the belts at Lethal Lottery III to Wasabi Toyota and Scott Hammond, the ‘Brothers in Arms.’ The team attempted to regain the titles, but came up short at Kingdom Come III. After Crashin’s departure from the company, tensions began to amount between Holmes and Kurtesy, leading to a match between them at Redemption 2011. Holmes continued to feud with his former partner, building towards a submission match at Apocalypse 2011, which he lost. Undeterred by the defeat, Steven remained determined to forge his own path ahead. Opportunity came knocking for him on Ascension 37, when Holmes fought then Elite-X champion Sam Smith to a draw. After failing to win the title from Smith following a grueling war of attrition at Unscripted 2011, he entered into an alliance with John Constantine in a bid to take the title for themselves. At All or Nothing 2011, Holmes won the Elite-X title in a triple threat match.

    Both men are very slow to get up. Holmes is still lying on the outside. Smith and Constantine both are standing now. Constantine goes for a punch. Smith blocks and counters. He fires off three more punches. Smith has his opponent against the ropes and Irish Whips him across the ring. Smith goes for a Clothesline. Constantine also goes for Clothesline. Constantine gets more force behind his and sends the smaller Smith down to the mat. Constantine now has Smith against the ropes and Irish Whips him. Constantine catches Smith running back with a Sidewalk Slam. Smith reverses into a DDT! Smith drapes an arm for the cover. 1... 2.... Holmes breaks up the pinfall. Holmes helps Smith up and goes for a Reverse Neckbreaker. Smith breaks free. Bulldog! Smith is standing and starts clapping his hands. The fans are on their feet cheering loudly.

    Connor: Smith is calling for Final Judgement!

    Cohen: Holmes... Constantine... somebody object to this immediately!

    Smith is ready as Holmes stands up and turns around. Smith kicks him the gut and lifts him up for his Falcon Arrow finisher. Holmes floats over his shoulder and lands on his feet. Holmes goes to grab Smith. Smith quickly turns around and grabs Holmes legs and flips him on his back. Smith tries to lock in Double Jeopardy! Holmes squirms his legs trying to free them. He does and pushes Smith back with both feet. The momentum turns Smith around running. Constantine is right there. Axis of Evil! The boom of the move as both men hit the mat shakes the ring and silences the crowd for a moment. Constantine rolls over onto his back, exhausted from the match and unable to follow up his finisher. Holmes sits on his butt and sees Smith out. Holmes crawls over him for the cover. 1... 2...3!

    Anderson: Here is your winner, and the new Elite X Champion, Steven Holmes!
    From there, Holmes would defend his title at every turn. Labeling himself “The Elite Champion,” he began holding himself to a higher standard of excellence than everyone else. Holmes lost the title on Ascension 45 to a still green Triple X in a shocker. Holmes had already been embroiled in a bitter feud with Big Dave that had originated at All or Nothing, when he and Constantine had cost the former world champion the chance to regain his title. Big Dave returned with a vengeance at Lethal Lottery 2012, and made it clear that Holmes was his target. With his Elite-X title gone, thanks to Dave, Steven began his most heated rivalry yet. At Kingdom Come IV, Holmes came up short in an epic duel between him and his nemesis. Following his humiliation at the hands of Big Dave, Steven found himself at odds with his ally Constantine. The then King-For-A-Day had inserted himself into that match, and made it clear that his allegiances were not with Holmes. Scorned by his former friend, Steven sought retribution. At Redemption 2012, Holmes defeated Constantine in a Falls Count Anywhere match.

    Holmes is almost too tired to realise what has happened. He crawls away from Constantine who is barely moving. He heads towards the ring and grabs the chair that he discarded earlier. Slowly he pulls it into his midriff. He turns to see Constantine barely on his feet. He stalks the Power Trip as he recovers and when he is barely vertical, Holmes steams forward with the chair raised above his head. Before Holmes can strike his former partner, Constantine hits the Axis of Evil, landing the Elite superstar on the wreckage that had previously buried the reigning King for a Day. It puts Constantine in prime position to cover his tortured nemesis,

    Copeland: Spinebuster by Constantine!

    Connor: Will that do it?!

    1…...................2…..........................H olmes kicks out!!!

    Copeland: How on earth did Steven Holmes get the strength to kick out of that!

    Cohen: He’s Elite; he was born with the strength and will to win!

    Constantine didn’t hook the leg or use his weight properly so Holmes’ escape was easier than it should have been. Nonetheless Holmes showed a remarkable ring sense in his efforts to escape the pinfall. The Power Trip tries to gather his strength once more with the crowd roaring him on. The exhaustion and blood loss is becoming a massive factor in this match and the victor will be the one best able to deal with those factors. Holmes is still on the floor and Constantine is able to get up. He sees the steel chair and grabs it keenly. He places it on the ringside flooring and grabs Holmes. Constantine sets for Collateral Damage that would land Holmes on the chair but he turns his back and Holmes sends his former associate into the ringside apron. Constantine tries to come back but Holmes sees his charge and dives under his desperate attempt of a clothesline. He manages to pick up the chair in one movement and as they stop and turn, Holmes has the key advantage. He wields it with menace and without any hesitation, he instinctively swings the chair and connects the chair with Constantine’s skull using fierce accuracy! The chair is dented and Constantine is out cold. Holmes collapses on him as he is totally spent, 1…..2…..3! Holmes gets the win!!

    Copeland: John Constantine took just about everything that Holmes threw at him, low blows, brass knucks and a piledriver through our table!

    Harrys: Your winner by pinfall, The Elite, Steven Holmes!!!
    Now his own man, Steven Holmes began to charge forward into greener pastures. He defeated Chris KO at Apocalypse 2012, and made his first attempt at the world title in a cage match at Unscripted 2012 that also included Titus Avison, Drake Callahan, and David Cougar. He was unsuccessful. He soon found himself reigniting his old rivalry with Triple X, as they fought each other to determine the #1 contender for the world title at All or Nothing 2013. After bringing in his brother Erik as an insurance policy, Holmes secured his penultimate victory. This set him on a collision course against the champion, David Cougar. At Lethal Lottery V, Steven Holmes shocked the world after pinning Showtime after interference from Celeste Crimson.

    Celeste has made her way over to the timekeeper's table and...she's taken possession of the world championship belt! She's ignoring all the protests around her as she takes the belt and enters the ring! Showtime is having no luck with Akiyama, but his attention is diverted as Celeste calls his name. Showtime turns and sees her, stands up - AND IS KNOCKED OUT COLD WITH THE CHAMPIONSHIP BELT! The crowd is in total disbelief as Celeste Crimson stands above the world champion, bleeding openly from his forehead as she has just caved in his skull with an absolutely brutal shot with his own championship belt. Her face is totally expressionless as she surveys her handiwork and the crowd still has no idea what just happened here.

    Copeland: I don't...I don't know what we're seeing here!

    Celeste goes over to Steven Holmes, and unceremoniously drags him on top of the remains of Showtime. She then goes over to Akiyama and...she drags him over to what is apparently a pinning predicament! Akiyama is still so dazed that he apparently has no idea that any foreign interference has taken place in this match....but he sees the cover! Celeste quickly leaves the ring behind him and he never saw her! But he sees the pin! He counts! 1…2…3!

    Akiyama signals for the bell! It's all over!

    Copeland: No! Not like this!


    Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen....your winner....

    Harrys is hesitant and indecisive, but he knows what just happened.


    Holmes appears barely aware of what's just happened as the entire crowd is moving from total disbelief to total revulsion. There's not a person in the arena not booing furiously and some are even throwing trash into the ring in total disgust of what they've just seen. Celeste Crimson returns to the ring with world title belt in hand and pulls Steven Holmes to his feet. He leans on her heavily as she speaks to him quietly, apparently trying to restore him to his senses. Akiyama has gotten to his knees and staggers out of the ring, another official supporting him. Showtime himself has rolled over to the corner of the ring, no doubt with no idea what's transpired.

    Connor: Ladies and gentlemen, this is a complete travesty as Steven Holmes has just robbed the world heavyweight championship from its rightful owner...

    Cohen: I'm sorry, Cat, did you not here the bell ring? Did you not see the referee's signal? Did you not here Harrys? Who is it you think is the rightful world champion right now?

    Holmes is coming back to his wits as Celeste continues talking to him. The most despicable grin comes over his face as he realizes what's happened. Celeste hands him the belt and backs away a step, finally able to stand on his own two feet. He looks at the belt for a long moment and then raises it above his head, grinning like a maniac. The ring is receiving more and more trash as security is trying to keep the crowd under control. Holmes is able to break eye contact from the belt long enough to share a long glance with Celeste. For the first time tonight, Celeste breaks into a smile as well and she leans in toward Holmes....for a long, deep, and passionate kiss!
    The two would go on to form WZCW’s first real power couple, after Holmes took Crimson to be his wife. At Kingdom Come V, “The Elite” would lose his world title back to Showtime. Not to be discouraged, he and Celeste set their sights on dominating the tag team division. Rechristening themselves as ‘Magnitudinis,’ the husband and wife duo made history when they defeated Sabotuer in a handicap match to capture the belts at Redemption 2013.

    Holmes drops to one knee in a complete daze as he sees stars. Saboteur slowly recovers and shakes the cobwebs out. He quickly approaches Holmes and goes for a Death Blow, but Holmes drops onto the ground and rolls under Saboteur as he leaps into the air. The crowd is stunned as Saboteur catches himself and turns around, but Holmes is already lunging into a charging position. He reaches up and grabs the head of Saboteur as she shoves his knee into his gut. The menacing blow causes spit to fly out of Saboteur’s mouth. Holmes then pulls Saboteur’s head in-between his legs. He quickly lifts him into an inverted position. The crowd has to watch helplessly as Holmes roars and drops Saboteur’s head down with the Imperial Impaler! The crowd is stunned as Holmes rolls over onto Saboteur,

    Copeland: No, not like this!

    1…2…3! The bell rings and Magnitudinis’ music picks up. The crowd quickly share their displeasure.

    Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, here are your winners, and new WZCW Tag Team Champions, Steven Holmes & Celeste Crimson!

    The camera shows Celeste slowly rising with help from the outside apron. She peers into the ring and sees her lover, Holmes, standing with an arm raised. The WZCW Tag Team Championships are being handed to him as he looks out and sees his love. Celeste crawls into the ring and runs into his arms. They share an embrace and passionate kiss near the lifeless body of Saboteur.
    Scheduled to defend the titles against ‘Los Magnificos Dragones’ at Apocalypse 2013, Holmes was sidelined with an injury on Ascension 72 during a match against Titus, and a returning David Cougar. Crimson would later lose the titles in a handicap match at the PPV. Following his wife’s retirement, Steven made one last return at Ascension Anarchy 5, where he joined forces with former rivals Constantine and Showtime to form ‘The Elite’ stable. Following Lethal Lottery VI, Holmes in-ring career would come to an end when he wrestled his last match at Kingdom Come VI against former foe Chris KO in a losing effort. A myriad of injuries sustained during his time as a gladiator of the squared circle forced him from competing as an active wrestler. However, Holmes would continue to make sporadic appearances in WZCW while managing understudy Abel Hunnicutt. Since then, Steven has retired to his manor in England to be with his wife and daughter. He reportedly told Celeste upon his retirement that, “…It was all or nothing, dear. And I just had to have it all.”

    It is with our upmost respect and celebration to welcome Steven Holmes in the WZCW Hall of Fame, class of 2018!


    “The Elite” Steven Holmes

    6’1 235lbs

    From Buckinghamshire, England

    Signature Maneuvers:

    Aristocracy Reigns [Camel Clutch]

    Imperial Impaler [Gotch-style Piledriver]


    2 x Tag Team Champion [with Steven Kurtesy and Celeste Crimson]

    Elite-X Champion

    WZCW World Heavyweight Champion

    Most Notable Rivals:

    Steven Kurtesy

    John Constantine

    Big Dave

    Triple X

    “Showtime” David Cougar

  3. #13
    I Stay Blasted Yaz's Avatar

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    "The Hall of Fame is about to get a 1UP!"
    Pro sports are littered with the tales of underdogs and common men who fought against all odds to make it to the top, but none in the world of pro wrestling are bigger, literally, than Mikey Stormrage.

    Born in rural Indiana, the man who would go onto be known world wide as Mikey Stormrage came from a fairly average lower middle class family. Bullied his entire life, Mikey was always an outcast, never finding a place to fit in despite his best efforts. Mikey had a knack for video games however, and despite his many failings in life, his virtual accomplishments and high scores were second to none. That all changed when a friend brought over a pro wrestling video game one day and Mikey was introduced to the world of pro wrestling. He saw men from all walks of life battling to be the top dog and he was hooked. He had a goal, to become a pro wrestler.

    He started small, with half hearted classes run by those more interested in a payday than actually teaching, which lead to bookings in flea markets and tiny gyms. Eventually his size caught the eye of WZCW and he was hired. His first big moment came at Kingdom Come Four, when he and partner James Howard captured Tag Team Gold in WZCW's first ever TLC match.

    Stormrage is only at the top of the ladder, dazed and confused, Howard shouting for his life at him to grab the titles! Stormrage swallows, summons his courage, takes the last few steps to the very top...he wobbles at the top!...but hangs on, he's clutching the titles, and he's pulled them down! The match is over!

    Harrys: Ladies and gentleman, here are your winners...and the NEW WZCW WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS...STRIKEFORCE!

    Tag team wrestling would prove something of a talent for Stormrage, as he would capture the tag titles a record three times, twice with Howard as Strikeforce and once with Matt Tastic as Live Mas.

    His singles career looked dead in the water before it even started though. Forced into singles action due to injuries to James Howard, Stormrage was never able to get his revenge on those who put his former partner on the shelf and it lead to a string of failures and disappointments for the rotund superstar. The only real highlight of those dark days was a EurAsian Championship win over his former partner James Howard. He would defend in an I Quit match against Howard where he and Mikey finally buried their issues, but he would soon lose the title to Matt Tastic. The feud however lead to one of the most annoying and successful partnerships in WZCW history.

    Despite setbacks, he never gave up and through sheer grit and will, Stormrage fought and outlasted many of WZCW's elite names. He would eventually gain his first one on one World Title opportunity again fellow class of twenty eighteen inductee Constantine, a man who had gone to war with Stormrage many times before. That night at Gold Rush in Seattle, Stormrage, who had recently lost his mother, was able to say, at least for a night, he was the best in the world.

    Positioning the ladder back to where it was, Mikey climbs, harder than he ever has in his life. His body is broken, but his will to win, his spirit, his desire, it all drives him further, faster. His ascension is a long one, but the moment has been a long time coming and as Mikey Stormrage reaches the top, he grabs the leather strap. There is no John Constantine or anyone else there to stop him and he rips it down to the most euphoric of reactions. He has won.


    So loud is the crowd that Harrys has to shout. Mikey is, understandably, emotional. He pulls the title into his face and weeps. After letting it pour over him for a moment, he uses both arms to hold the title up high, showing the whole world what is now his.

    Copeland: He's done it! Mikey Stormrage has come to the mountain top and he has claimed the grandest prize of all. He is your World Heavyweight Champion!

    Connor: Dreams can come true and miracles can happen. Sometimes the good guy wins, isn't that right Jack Cohen?

    Stormrage would go on to capture the World Title a second time from Garth Black and would headline Kingdom Come Eight against Justin Cooper in one of the longest matches in WZCW history.

    A few weeks after his marathon match, a devastating back injury thanks to Mark Keaton would sideline Mikey for nearly an entire year, with some fearing he would never wrestle again. He made his triumphant return at Lethal Lottery and would go on to defeat Keaton, gaining a measure of revenge at Kingdom Come Nine, the same night he took his rightful place among the immortals of WZCW.

    Both men struggle to their feet after the attempted pin fall. Keaton goes for a lariat but Mikey, somehow, manages to duck under the arm of his opponent. Mikey grabs Keaton and plants him with a spinning Samoan Drop that almost breaks the ring. Mikey feels the moment in his bones and begins pulling himself up to a vertical base. He looks down at Keaton breathlessly and tells the crowd that this match is over. But instead of pulling Keaton to his feet and nailing him with the GAME OVER, Mikey begins going up to the top rope. The fans cannot believe what they are seeing as the heavyweight makes his way to the top rope and then turns around to face them. There is a tension in the air as Mikey towers over his opponent facing the other way. Suddenly, like a blue whale making itself known above the crest of a wave, Mikey launches himself off of the top and lands the most majestic and stunning moonsault that you have ever seen. The ring shakes with the impact of the move. The referee counts the fall! 1... 2... 3! It's all over! Live Mas have done it!

    Harrys: Here are your winners, the team of Matt Tastic and Mikey Stormrage... LIVE MAS!!

    It is with great pleasure that we welcome Mikey Stormrage to the WZCW Hall of Fame, Class of 2018!

    Mikey Stormrage

    6'4 361lbs


    World Champion x2
    EurAsian Champion
    Tag Team Champion x3
    Elite Champion
    Mayhem Champion
    Grand Slam Winner
    Main Evented Kingdom Come 8
    12th Member of WZCW Hall of Fame

    Finishing Moves:
    Game Over (World's Strongest Slam)
    Random Access Mutilation [R.A.M.] (Coquina Clutch)
    World's Largest Moonsault

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