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Thread: WZCW Hall of Fame

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    I Stay Blasted Yaz's Avatar

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    WZCW Hall of Fame

    WrestleZone Championship Wrestling has been operating since 2007, spanning a decade of characters and talents who have come and gone through the ranks. Many of these names will be remembered in infamy but only a select few are considered to be legendary. As the saying goes, when these names are uttered, people will say "I've heard legends of that man." This is where these WZCW Legends are commemorated as they officially get inducted into the WZCW Hall Of Fame to be remembered throughout the ages, no matter how long ago their era.

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    I Stay Blasted Yaz's Avatar

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    "This is my World, you're just living in it."

    - Everest


    There isn't a more fitting name for this legendary superstar than Everest as he truly is the Pinnacle of Perfection; the gold standard of what every competitor should strive to become concerning professional wrestling. His incredible mat skills combined with a silver tongue made him an instant icon no matter if the fans embraced him or booed him out of the building. As soon as you heard Powerman 5000 hit the speakers, you were in for a treat and if you hadn't gotten your money's worth... you were definitely about to.

    Everest, or Nathaniel Grayson before he entered wrestling, was the son of a Military man whose family travelled the world before settling down in Tokyo, Japan where he began learning the ancient art of professional wrestling. At the age of 18, Grayson moved to the United States and became a successful collegiate wrestler whilst studying at the University of Michigan. After diversifying his knowledge of wrestling towards shoot fighting and doing some deep soul-searching, the 23-year old set out to climb the "un-climbable" mountain known as Mt. Everest... and thus, the legend of Everest was born. Everest spent some time wrestling on the independent circuit, garnering some accolades before receiving the call to join the Elite brand in wrestling, WrestleZone Championship Wrestling.

    Meltdown 3 saw the debut of Everest, making his name by winning his first ever match with the company by way of knock-out against Arch Angel and future long-time rival, Titus, and quickly moved up the ladder, taking on the inaugural World Champion Joseph Rios on several occasions. Whilst unsuccessful in these controversial matches, Everest would soon climb to the top of the ladder by winning the Championship Chase tournament, knocking off massive Hatchiyama Manzō to claim the vacated and his first World Heavyweight Championship. It was there he would develop his first feud over the championship, going back and forth with Steamboat Ricky (losing the title to him at one point) before reclaiming it for a second time where Everest would become the first true World champion.

    Everest remained at the top of the company for the duration of 2009, taking down such foes as "Showtime" Cougar, Lars Reidar & Carmen Bratchny to retain the championship by any means necessary, until Titus finally took down the unbeatable champ in the main event of Kingdom Come II in the company's first and only Pure Rules contest. Although he never managed to re-capture the gold, Everest remained to dominate his competition and showcased why he truly was the Pinnacle of Perfection, taking part in some memorial feuds against Big Dave & Apostles of Chaos in their war to take over the company, as well as celebrating the 50th episode of Ascension by challenging the World champion Ty Burna.

    Soon after Kingdom Come IV, Everest would begin to wind down and eventually left WZCW, living a relatively quiet life and only making special rare appearances such as the 2012 Awards Show on Aftershock 16 and of course, Kingdom Come V where Everest would be embedded into history forever by becoming the company's first ever WZCW Hall of Famer.

    Nobody knows if Everest will ever return but one thing is certain: this is his World and we are all just living in it.


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    "The Pinnacle of Perfection"

    6 feet, 205 pounds
    Los Angeles, California


    WZCW World Heavyweight Champion (x2)
    WZCW Mayhem Champion
    Main Event of Kingdom Come II
    First inductee to the WZCW Hall of Fame


    The Rock Slide (180° Rock Bottom)

    Full Profile:

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    I Stay Blasted Yaz's Avatar

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    â??You've heard legends of that man. I know the legends are true, I've lived it!â?

    Titus (Kingdom Come VI)

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    I don't think any words that are written can truly give a good representation of the, now, legendary career of a man more synonymous with WZCW than most others.

    Heading all the way back to June 20th 2007, the start-up company of WZCW first opened it's doors; relying heavily on a mix of new talents and grizzled veterans all the same. Amongst them, former Oscar winner, Titus Avison looked to prove himself on a very new and physical platform. Moving from Hollywood to a wrestling ring must have been a daunting prospect for the unproven rookie but looking back on his career now, it was the start of something special.

    Coming up short in a six-man tag match at his debut match, it would have been easy for Titus to tuck his tail between his legs and head back to Hollywood. But the man from Keystone City is made from a better formula than most others. Instead of taking the easy way out, Titus buckled down, gritted his teeth and made sure that no one would forget his name.

    Taking just 22 weeks to first claim a Championship in WZCW, Titus must have surprised a lot of people. But tot hose who knew the man, his work ethic and his personal ambition, it was nothing more than he deserved. Following the likes of Big Will and Carmen Bratchny, Titus was gifted an opportunity to make the most of his WZCW career and made sure that he took it, holding the Elite X Championship for longer than any other Elite X Champion at that time. In the world of professional wrestling, Titus had finally made his name and he showed no signs of stopping. For Titus, the sky was the limit and he had all the talent to do anything he wanted within the company.

    Self-assured and confident, Titus began to make waves behind the scenes of WZCW, becoming known as one of the most trust-worthy and passionate members of the WZCW locker room, even amongst some turbulent times. But the determination of Titus to never fail, and to keep propelling the company forward came as an inspiration to many others. It was only a matter of time until that determination and ambition to always be ahead of the curve paid off in a major way. And at Lethal Lottery II, that dream finally came true for the former actor; winning the event and putting his name in the record books.

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    Lethal Lottery II - Final Moments

    Carmen and Titus look at each other and then both turn to Ricky. The crowd pops as this as Bratchny and Titus begin a double team assault on the real world champion. Ricky is putting up a fight lashing out against both men but the team of Bratchny and Titus is overpowering him. Bratchny then gives a bounce off the ropes and goes for a double From Russia with love. He connects with Ricky but Titus ducks it. Ricky is out from the FRL and Bratchny looks a bit dazed. Titus seems shocked that Bratchny went for his finisher on him and grabs Bratchny by the shoulder. He spins Bratchny round and gives him a kick to the mid section. Titus then gives Bratchny the Tit drop as Bratchny is out cold. The crowd are cheering huge amounts as Titus stumbles over to pick up Ricky. He goes to throw Ricky over the top rope but somehow Ricky manages to throw Titus over the top. Titus though grabs the rope and bounces back up as only one foot has touched the floor. He gets back in the ring and throws Ricky over the top. Ricky is eliminated as Bratchny has made his way to his feet without Titus realising. Titus is looking at Ricky on the floor as Bratchny runs to give him a clothesline. Titus notices this and manages to duck the clothesline as Bratchny knocks himself into the ropes as out of nowhere Titus gives a spinning heel kick. Bratchny is knocked over the top of the rope and is eliminated. There's a brief pause as Titus turns round and notices he's the last man in the ring.

    He collapses to his knee almost in tears. Titus' theme hits as streamers and confetti fall to the ring. The crowd is immensely loud as Titus is still on his knees.

    Harrys: The winner of this match and as a result will face Everest for the WZCW World Heavyweight title at Kingdom Come. Titus!

    Titus stands to his feet and begins to applaud the fans, he climbs out the ring and goes along to give the fans hugs and hand shakes.

    Just as he had been determined to do since the first moment he entered the company, Titus had finally made his name in the world of professional wrestling. And what's more, he had set up the culmination of a journey that had taken more than two years to accomplish; setting up a match against one of his fiercest enemies in World Champion Everest. Heading into the event, it was clear that Everest was the favourite to win. Everest was already known as being a monumental talent and a fighting Champion. He had knocked off the likes of Lars Reidar, Steamboat Ricky, and a young upstart by the name of Showtime David Cougar during his huge Championship reign. And what's' more, he had already beaten Titus at All or Nothing 2009 in a multi-man match.

    But very much like Titus always did, he upset the odds; finally knocking off one of the most dominant Champions in the history of the Fed. It was result that not many people ever seen coming but finally, Titus was at the top of the WZCW mountain and had finally proven to people that WZCW rewarded those who worked hard to hone their craft and put their hearts into their matches. And even when Titus lost the Championship to Vengeance at Apocalypse 2010, he made sure that he found a way back to the top of the mountain; a feat that not many could do. And even more importantly, during his match at Kingdom Come II, he won the respect and friendship of a man who he now joins the WZCW Hall of Fame.

    And in many regards, the history of Titus will be remembered not only by overcoming the odds and winning numerous accomplishments and Championships. No, Titus will be remembered in the hearts and minds of the fans who continually packed out arenas to see him perform. Titus was a man of the people and a showman. But more than that, he was a trend-setter the likes of which WZCW may never see again. His induction to the WZCW Hall of Fame is an another accomplishment in the long and fabled history of one of the greatest and most liked competitors in the history of this great company.

    The WZCW welcomes one of the greatest, Titus.

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    6'2" feet, 225 pounds
    Keystone City, Kansas


    WZCW World Heavyweight Champion (x2)
    WZCW Elite X Champion (x2)
    Lethal Lottery II winner
    Main Event of Kingdom Come II
    Second inductee to the WZCW Hall of Fame


    The Tit Drop
    The Red Comet

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    I Stay Blasted Yaz's Avatar

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    Lights... Camera... Action! It's Showtime!

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    "Showtime" David Cougar

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    When you think about Championship and success within the realms of WrestleZone Championship Wrestling, there is likely only one name that will immediately spring to your mind. And that name, is likely that of the next man inducted into the WZCW Hall of Fame – “Showtime” David Cougar.

    Since making his debut on Meltdown 21, Showtime has set out to prove to everyone, and perhaps himself, that he is the best wrestler who ever stepped through the doors and wrestled in the hallowed ring of WZCW. And with the man of the moment now retired and facing an even bigger fight on a personal basis, it is the honour of WZCW to induct, perhaps, the most successful superstar into it's ever-expanding Hall of Fame; culminating and validating the gold-laden career of Mr. Cougar.

    Here we are, 6 years later from the first match of Showtime Cougar, looking back on one of the most successful and glorious Champions this company has ever seen. And looking back at the early stages of his WZCW career, it was plain to see that Showtime had what it takes. His first match may have been a losing effort in a tag team match but Showtime quickly buckled down and began to get to grips with his biggest challenge to date. Entered into the EurAsian Championship tournament on Meltdown 22, Showtime overcame Karnage before first locking horns with the greatest opponent in his fabled career' Ty Burna. On this occasion, it was the Harbinger of Chaos who took the win but this match started a feud 5 years in the making; eventually resulting in backstabbing, one-upmanship and, most importantly, a deep respect for each other.

    For the mean time, however, the allure of a Championship was too much for Showtime. And at this point, perhaps, he would have been forgiven for thinking it might never happen. With all of his talents in the ring, he could not take it to the next level. That was until he finally got his hands on the first gold of his career; winning the Mayhem Championship at Meltdown 26. Within 5 shows, Showtime had won his first Championship in WZCW and showed absolutely no signs of being satiated with that. Showtime had sights for bigger prizes in the world of professional wrestling and made his dream come true when he won the EurAsian Championship at Meltdown 31. The same drive and ambition to always be better than the competition is what drove Showtime forward and by winning the EurAsian Championship, it was clear to everyone that Cougar was a mercurial talent.

    Dropping the EurAsian Championship at Kingdom Come II, Showtime had blown his shot at making an impact at the biggest stage of them all. But the DNA of the most successful wrestler in WZCW history is made of sterner stuff than that of a quitter. At that moment, Showtime vowed that he would make a bigger impact next year, and what an impact he made! Going into Lethal Lottery III as Elite X Champions, it was fair to say that Showtime was not amongst the front-runners to win the entire thing. But, just like Titus before him, Showtime shocked the world by staying in the Lottery for almost an hour, entering at number 8 and winning the whole damn thing, booking his place in the main event of Kingdom Come III against the man who had robbed him of his first shot at gold in the EurAsian Championship all those years ago; Ty Burna.

    The rivalry between the two has gone down in the history books as one of the most immersive and thoroughly breathtaking feuds in the history of this great company. And the main event of Kingdom Come III did not disappoint after promising one of the greatest matches the world has ever seen. Both men had come so far in the remarkably short period of time and had now come of age. Showtime was fighting for his first World Championship but Ty had proved to the world that he was amongst the greatest there had ever been and ever will be...

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    Ty rolls slowly rolls onto the apron as Showtime continues to slam the mat and looks disheartened that he can’t get the three. Ty pulls himself up on the outside of the apron and tries to keep himself steady despite the bad knee with his eyes focused on that as Showtime notices and launches him at the champion, grabbing his head and slamming into the top of the turnbuckle. He steps on the bottom rope and pulls his adversary up with him, pulling the champion up every step of the way. He gets his face right up into Ty, telling him the situation, Ty tries resisting but Showtime elbows him in the head and then holds his foe in position, ready for the Final Act, the look in his eyes is determined, he can feel the moment coming. He leaps off into the air with Ty, during which a struggle happens and they land but Ty is holding Showtime in the Final Séance which has both men planted far from the ropes and Showtime is screaming in pain, refusing to give up and continuously reaching for the ropes as Ty locks in the hold tightly. Showtime continues to reach for the ropes and looks determined not to give up, he looks over towards the championship belt sitting by the timekeeper, he then looks down and has no choice but to tap to the joy of the crowd.

    Harrys: The winner of this match as a result of a submission, and still World Heavyweight Champion, Ty Burna!

    Copeland: This rivalry has reached its end, Showtime tried his hardest. You can see the victory meant everything to him, but the power of the Final Séance was too much. Ty Burna is still your Champion!

    Cohen: Seabass, as much as I would like to see it go the other way, there is no denying that this was one well fought match, the winner and loser should feel nothing but proud here!

    Connor: And the crowd was into this one like no other!

    Showtime is leaning on the apron, holding his head, looking hard fought and dejected as the crowd continues to applaud as Ty is presented with his title. He slowly pulls himself up with the ropes and raises the championship to the joy of the audience as pyros overhead go off and the lights turn red as the Master of the Ouija takes in the moment, presenting his prize to the crowd of Madison Square Garden.

    Showtime had failed to capture the World Heavyweight Championship at Kingdom Come. But, one could argue, this was where the mutual respect of both men was founded and nurtured. Let us not forget that Ty Burna, the Harbinger of Chaos was the man who inducted the, now, Hall of Famer into the Hall of Fame. The match had been an utter brawl, pre-empted by a tsunami of momentum and anticipation. And neither man let the crowd down.

    Showtime had managed to win the Tag Championships in the mean time with Stan Rogers. But he had eyes for the biggest prize in the game, and becoming the first ever Grand Slam Champion in the history of WZCW. And at Ascension 50, Showtime finally did the business and took the Championship home, beating Steven Kurtesy with the Final Act; but more importantly cementing himself as one of the finest talents in the company. He had now did everything there was to do in the company but that didn't stop the show. Over the next few years, Showtime Cougar would go on to win the World Championship another twice, perhaps the finest moment of those was winning the main event of Kingdom Come 5, beating Steven Holmes and Drake Callahan and righting the wrong of two years previous.

    But the career of Showtime Cougar will also be remembered for the masses of fans he made inside and outside of the business. The man was a true entertainer and loyal friend. His career seemed linked to the same men throughout and those men became fast friends and respectful colleagues no matter what. His rivalries and friendships with the likes of Ty Burna, Big Dave and John Constantine were the core to the Fed for so many years and his leaving leaves a massive hole in the company that may never be filled.

    WZCW Hall of Fame welcomes one of the greatest superstars to ever step into a WZCW ring. Welcome home, David “Showtime” Cougar.

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    Showtime David Cougar

    6'1" feet, 219 pounds
    Hollywood, California


    WZCW World Heavyweight Champion (x3)
    WZCW Elite X Champion (x1)
    WZCW EurAsian Champion (x2)
    WZCW Mayhem Champion (x1)
    WZCW Tag Team Champion (x1)
    WZCW Grand Slam Champion [First Ever]
    Lethal Lottery III winner
    Main Event of Kingdom Come III & Kingdom Come V
    Third inductee to the WZCW Hall of Fame


    The Final Act
    The Commercial Break

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    I Stay Blasted Yaz's Avatar

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    "Big Dave is... Checking into the WZCW Hall of Fame!"

    Big Dave (Hall of Fame Ceremony, 2015)

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    Big Dave

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    At the vast rate of speed that WZCW evolves and moves forward, sometimes we can be guilty of forgetting about some of the biggest names that have crossed these doors. However, no one can be guilty of forgetting the name of the biggest Dave that has ever been a member of the WZCW roster. A true champion in every sense of the word, Big Dave will be eternally remembered as one of the most popular and most talented wrestlers ever.

    And now, in 2015, Big Dave has been inducted into the WZCW Hall of Fame...

    But we have to head back to 2009 to see the first appearance of the man who would go on to be the General Manager of Meltdown after the fall of Ty Burna. Meltdown 21 was the first time we ever clapped eyes on the Londoner and it wasn't long after when the world sat to attention and took note of just how talented Big Dave was, and the potential that he had. Teaming with his best friend Ace David, Big Dave proved victorious in his first outing after beating WZCW Legend â??Showtimeâ? Cougar and TM in a tag team match. But as if that were enough, Big Dave and Ace David showed the world that they were content with nothing less than ultimate glory, when they knocked off 4 other teams in the only match in WZCW history that has taken place in a pentagonal ring. The first taste of gold came very early on in the career of the new Hall of Fame superstar but was a sign of things to come for sure.

    Looking back now, many people would argue that, not only were the Full House Daves (Ace David and Big Dave) the Tag Team that really revolutionised the Tag Team division in WZCW, but they were perhaps the greatest Tag Team that the company has ever seen. The Full House Daves showed the world that Tag Team wrestling could be more than a stop gap. But perhaps the greatest moment of the Tag Team reign was the ladder match contested at All or Nothing 2009 against Second Coming. And although Dave and Ace were second best on that night, the memories of the match are just another part of the foundation of a magnificent WZCW Career.

    The next chapter of a glittering WZCW career came in the form of a magnificent singles run. Done with Tag Team wrestling, it was time for Big Dave to go out on his own and show the world that he was not content with being second best. His EurAsian Championship reign is, perhaps, the reign of which he is known the most for. Much has been said about the great reigns in WZCW but the Big Dave reign came before a time when it was expected. In fact, the reign started the new culture of holding onto Championships as long as possible. Let's take you back to the moment that Big Dave took his first singles championship...

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    Showtime grabs Big Dave from behind and manages to give Big Dave the Backstage. Show goes for the cover...1...2...Dave manages to get foot on the rope as the referee breaks the count. Showtime begins to argue that it was in fact a three count and tells him he should be quicker in the future. By this time Big Dave has got to his feet and quickly goes for a roll up. 1... kick out. Dave pulls back as Cougar looks clearly frustrated at this. Cougar goes for a spinning kick as Big Dave catches hit foot. Cougar manages to connect an Enziguri to Big Dave. Big Dave goes down on the mat as Showtime sets him up in the "commercial break." The hold is getting strong as you can see the pain on Big Daves face. He gets closer and closer to the ropes as he forces another rope break. Cougar again seems pretty annoyed at this and again argues with the referee.

    Big Dave grabs Cougar and gives him an Irish whip into the turnbuckle. Cougar crashes in as Big Dave then gives him another Irish whip into the opposite corner. Cougar slumps into the corner as Dave goes for another Spear. Cougar quickly moves as once again Dave crashes into the ring post. Cougar gets Big Dave into a reverse neck breaker as he then picks up Big Dave and goes for â??The Final Actâ? from the turnbuckle. It connects and the ring shakes as both men crash on the mat.


    Connor: Surely this is it!

    The crowd goes nuts as this as Cougar walks over to the turnbuckle and climbs up to the second rope. He signals for the elbow drop and then points to Big Dave. He then decides to climb onto the top rope and waits as Big Dave has made his way to his feet. Cougar instead goes for a crossbody as he knocks Big Dave down on the mat but they roll over as Big Dave somehow manages to stand back up with Cougar in his hands. He puts Cougar over his shoulders and then manages to deliver the Stamp of Authority. Cougar is flat out as Big Dave goes for the cover. 1...2....3.

    Harrys the winner of this match and NEW WZCW EurAsian champion....Big Dave!

    The crowd begin to boo loudly.

    Cohen: I told you this was Dave's, he kept his cool and Cougar got cocky.

    It was during this incredible run that Big Dave beat the likes of Titus, Blade and Showtime Cougar; 3 names who are synonymous with quality. But, as was the character of Big Dave, the EurAsian challenge was not enough. Big Dave wanted to taste the glory of the WZCW Heavyweight Championship. And in true Big Dave form, he finally captured the biggest prize in the company at Unscripted in 2011. Beating the man who inducted him into the Hall of Fame this year (Ty Burna), Mr. Baller and Steven Kurtesy, Big Dave finally reached the top of the mountain; the place where everyone expected him to be.

    So many highlights of an amazing career it is hard for this onlooker to pick just a few to cover. But Big Dave has seen it all and done it all in a career worthy of nay Hall of Fame. His name is still on the lips of those who aspire to greatness and who aspire to bigger things outside of this great company. One of the nicest guys in the history of WZCW and a talent the likes of which may never be seen again, WZCW welcomes him home.

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    Big Dave

    6'1" feet, 268 pounds
    London, England


    WZCW World Heavyweight Champion (x1)
    WZCW EurAsian Champion (x1)
    WZCW Tag Team Champion (x1)
    WZCW Triple Crown Winner
    King For A Day Winner
    Fourth inductee to the WZCW Hall of Fame


    Checking Out
    The Stamp of Authority

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    Chaos is the Hall of Fame.

    Ty Burna/Tyrone Blades (Hall of Fame Ceremony, 2015)

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    Ty Burna/Tyrone Blades

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    In every sport there are competitors that will forever stand the test of time. The Michael Jordans, the Babe Ruths, the Joe Montanas, the Wayne Gretzkys. Be it the records they set, the crowds they draw, or the titles they win. There are few in our sport, competitors or fans, that will ever forget the name...Ty Burna.

    It is with great pleasure that we welcome him into the WZCW Hall of Fame.

    One of, if not the greatest competitor, to ever grace the WZCW ring, Ty Burna was destined for greatness when he first stepped into a WZCW ring at Meltdown 22 in an open contract battle royal.

    Not much is known about Ty before he stepped into a WZCW ring. Some say he ran with a bad crowd, other say he was a victim of circumstance. The former drug dealer's life was changed forever when he entered WZCW however. With his Ouija scroll in hand, Ty would soon begin to unleash a wave of destruction and despair that few superstars could ever hope to match.

    His accomplishments speak for themselves. A former two time World Champion, Ty won his first World Title in the dreaded Hell in a Cell at Unscripted 2010. Ty was also the inaugural EurAsian Champion, as well as a Mayhem Champion. As well as being the winner of the 2012 Lethal Lottery, Ty also holds the distinction of competing for an entire year and remaining undefeated. A record which will likely never be broken.

    For all the classic matches Ty has had with the likes of Drake Callahan, Barbosa, Mikey Stormrage, Big Dave, Steven Kurtesy, and others, one match in particular stands the test of time. During his undefeated run at World Champion, at no point did anyone threaten his more than "Showtime" David Cougar. It was only fitting that these two great rivals met on the grandest stage in our sport. Their main event match at Kingdom Come III is still talked about to this day.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kingdom Come III
    Showtime sits up and thinks to himself, what do I have to do to win this as Ty tries pulling him up but the knee is really badly hurt and he almost can’t put his weight on the leg. Showtime gets up and drags the champion into the centre of the ring as best he can and hits an immediate Showstopper, he eyes at the ref and goes for the cover, 1……..2……..Ty gets a shoulder up which gets Showtime annoyed so he drags his rival up and hits the Backstage and goes for a more pressing cover, 1……..2…….Ty rolls backwards and reverses the cover, 1………2…….Showtime shoves him off. Ty leans closer to the ropes as Showtime looks on in disbelief, holding his head in shock, he leans into the corner and sits watching Ty pull himself up once again as he keeps his eyes primed and locked on the champion, he pulls himself up and stands behind him at the ready to strike, Ty turns and kicks him the gut and lifts him up in the air, looking for the brainbuster, which everyone cheers on and Showtime reverses it into a high impact DDT and goes for another cover, 1………2………Ty just gets the arm up and Showtime is livid, slamming the mat in disbelief as he cannot get the vital three.

    Ty rolls slowly rolls onto the apron as Showtime continues to slam the mat and looks disheartened that he can’t get the three. Ty pulls himself up on the outside of the apron and tries to keep himself steady despite the bad knee with his eyes focused on that as Showtime notices and launches him at the champion, grabbing his head and slamming into the top of the turnbuckle. He steps on the bottom rope and pulls his adversary up with him, pulling the champion up every step of the way. He gets his face right up into Ty, telling him the situation, Ty tries resisting but Showtime elbows him in the head and then holds his foe in position, ready for the Final Act, the look in his eyes is determined, he can feel the moment coming. He leaps off into the air with Ty, during which a struggle happens and they land but Ty is holding Showtime in the Final Séance which has both men planted far from the ropes and Showtime is screaming in pain, refusing to give up and continuously reaching for the ropes as Ty locks in the hold tightly. Showtime continues to reach for the ropes and looks determined not to give up, he looks over towards the championship belt sitting by the timekeeper, he then looks down and has no choice but to tap to the joy of the crowd.

    Harrys: The winner of this match as a result of a submission, and still World Heavyweight Champion, Ty Burna!

    Ty would fail to capture his second World Title at Kingdom Come IV, falling to Steven Kurtesy, but he saw his Apostles of Chaos score a huge victory over team WZCW. This lead to a new era of darkness being cast over WZCW, as Ty was named active general manager of Meltdown due to his team's win.

    Ty finally managed to capture his second World Title as a surprise entrant in the championship match at All or Nothing 2014, replacing his current tag team partner, the then El Califa Dragon. However, The Beard would unleash his own vision of fear and destruction soon after Ty won the title however, besting the then champion after cashing in his KFAD briefcase.

    Not to be deterred, Ty stuck around the title picture for some time, even almost ending the career of his one time friend Mikey Stormrage in another Hell in a Cell. It was shortly after this that Ty took time off to focus on his family.

    Since his return to WZCW, Ty has been a new man, managing to win over the crowd along with his tag team partner El Caidos Dragon. Recharged and focused in his quest to once again become a dominant force in WZCW, there is no telling who or what will be able to stop Ty Burna from achieving his goals. It is with great pleasure that we introduce Ty Burna into the WZCW Hall of Fame, Class of 2015.

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    Ty Burna

    6'3 240lbs


    WZCW Heavyweight Champion x2
    WZCW EurAsian Champion
    WZCW Mayhem Champion
    2012 Lethal Lottery Winner
    Year Long Undefeated Streak
    5th Member inducted into the WZCW Hall of Fame


    Consecrated Banishment
    The Final Seance

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    Yarrr... I found the ultimate treasure

    Steamboat Ricky (Hall of Fame Ceremony, 2015)

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    Steamboat Ricky

    * * *

    When you consider the lore and history of WrestleZone Championship Wrestling, a few names immediately spring to mind. Showtime David Cougar, Everest, Ty Burna, Titus... And this man; Steamboat Ricky. The young man who was born to sail the seas and plunder wherever he could has now found his biggest treasure of all... A spot in the exclusive WZCW Hall of Fame.

    Although Steamboat Ricky did not hold many Championships in his time with WZCW, his impact and reputation amongst the staff and fans of professional wrestling cannot be understated. Making his debut appearance in a WZCW ring at Meltdown number 6, Ricky immediately found that being successful within a wrestling ring could be as tough as navigating the high seas in a monsoon; eventually coming up short to Gus in the Elite X Championship tournament; after an amazing 900 degree splash from the aforementioned opponent. But like so many of his Hall of Fame compatriots, Ricky learned quickly what it took to be successful and found his first pinfall victory at the first ever Civil Revolution PPV against Sam Orwell; a man had become a very persistent thorn in his paw. It was at that moment, that Ricky stole the hearts and minds of the WZCW faithful.

    It wasn't long after this that Ricky really begun shaking things up in WZCW; bringing the now defunct Mayhem Championship to the gates of the WZCW city. No sanctioned matches and with sheer destructive violence the name of the game, Ricky found himself to in his element; claiming his first win against Ben Legend in a match that was deemed â??too violent to show on TVâ?.

    Fast forward to Kingdom Come 1 and the invention of the King For A Day briefcase. An Elimination Chamber match awaited the man from Tortuga as he was pitted against 5 other men who have written their names in the illustrious history of WZCW. It was here that Ricky really cast off the shackles of midcard obscurity and burst into the main event scene, beating the 5 other men to claim the first ever King For A Day Briefcase. Ricky would hold onto the King For A Day briefcase until Unscripted, later that year, when he would face off against one of the best Champions this company has ever seen. With the fans at ringside firmly behind the sailor, it was only a matter of time until the pirate was given his treasure.

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    Ricky looks out toward the fans, seemingly unsure what to do next as everything has been done already. Ricky pulls Everest up out of the corner, only to hit a very stiff spike piledriver. At this point, Ricky then signals for the end, as he yells out â??Man Over Board!â? Ricky climbs up the ropes slowly, only to look out toward the fans. As Ricky gets ready to jump off the top rope, Everest suddenly nips up.

    Copeland: The end could be near for Everest!

    Ricky seems shocked, both un-Ricky-like jumps off the ropes anyway, going for an axe smash, only for Everest to block it, and counter into the set-up to The Rock Slide. Ricky quickly realizes the trouble heâ??s found himself in, as he pounds on the side of Everestâ??s head with hard elbows, shaking Everest loose and stopping the finish coming that soon.

    Copeland: Everest almost had him there. I thought it was over.
    Cohen: Ricky is lucky he had the sense to know what was going on there because nobody kicks out of the Rock Slide!

    As Everest stumbles away, Ricky tries to then put the match away himself, but sweeping Everestâ??s legs out from under him, going for the Boo Box, only for Everest to counter that attempt with a roll-up for a 2-count. Both men get to their feet, as they rush at each other. Ricky throws a quick right, only for Everest to block it, and hit a float over DDT. Everest once again nips up, as he yells out to the fans and signals for the end himself.

    Copeland: Could this be the end?

    Cohen: We'll just have to see...Everest is a mighty competitor, but don't count Ricky out just yet!

    Everest grabs Ricky by the hair, trying to pull him up, but Ricky seems lifeless. Everest pauses a couple different times, before finally pulling Ricky up to his feet and positioning him for a Rock Slide, as Everest goes to connect, Ricky once again blocks the attempt with several shots to the side of the head, causing Everest to stumble away, only to turn back into Ricky as Ricky goes for a Deck Swabber, only for Everest to counter out of the mid-portion, landing on his feet, countering out of the Powerbomb and yet again going for a Rock Slide, only for Ricky to block yet again, swinging Everest around and hitting a huge Blunderbuss!! Ricky falls on to Everest, as the official makes the count. 1.���.. 2.����� 3!!!


    Copeland: Ricky's done it! We have a new WZCW Heavyweight Champion of the World!!! Steamboat Ricky's career-long journey has culminated in winning the WZCW Title!!!
    Cohen: Wow. What a match, Seabass...a chess match between two masters!

    The fans go crazy, as the bell sounds and the announcer announces Steamboat Ricky, as the NEW World Heavyweight Champion!!

    Harrys: Here is your winner....and....NEW!!! WZCW World Heavyweight Champion...Steamboat...RICKY!!!!!

    Ricky is on his knees, as Everest rolls out of the ring, seemingly in disgust. Ricky is awarded the Championship, as it seems he might almost be crying.

    Suddenly, Everest rolls back into the ring and grabs the Championship away from Ricky, as the fans give a mixed reaction of boos and cheers. Ricky seems confused, as Everest holds out his hand, in offering to help Ricky up. Ricky allows it, as both men are once again eye to eye. Everest holds out his hand again, this time in an attempt to shake Rickyâ??s hand, as Ricky nods and shakes Everestâ??s hand. The fans cheer loudly, as Everest holds out the Championship, resting it on Rickyâ??s shoulders only to then raise Rickyâ??s hand and point to the NEW Heavyweight Champion.

    The career of Steamboat Ricky really opened the door for other, more out there, characters in the world of WZCW and was laden with moments that the world will never forget. The Ricky World Order proved to the staple of what good stables should be made up of in WZCW. But the charisma and guile of the pirate will be the ever-lasting legacy of the man. No one could light up an arena quite like the pirate from Tortuga, even until this day.

    The WZCW Hall of Fame welcomes home Steamboat Ricky!

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    Steamboat Ricky

    6'5 260lbs


    WZCW Heavyweight Champion x1
    WZCW Real World Champion x1
    First ever WZCW Mayhem Champion
    First ever WZCW KFAD Winner
    6th Member inducted into the WZCW Hall of Fame


    Deck Swabber

  8. #8
    I Stay Blasted Yaz's Avatar

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    I wasn't here for a long time. I was here for a good time!

    -Big Will (Hall of Fame Ceremony, 2017)

    * * *

    "The One" Big Will

    When you think back on the origins of WrestleZone Championship Wrestling, one man who will always spring to your mind is none other than “The One”, Big Will. Although not the most successful Champion in the history of this Federation, Big Will went on to craft a legacy build on hard work, determination, and a knowledge that he would rise to the top of the company.

    The legacy of Big Will started on the sixth edition of Meltdown, back in 2007. On that night, so much had to be new to everyone. On that night, Will went toe-to-toe against someone already on their way to forging a great legacy, Downward Spiral. That night marked the start of the Elite X Championship but no one really expected Will to come through it. Not only did he come through the match as the winner, he showed everyone that he was made of stern stuff; putting his name into the next round of the tournament and going over a WZCW stalwart in the process.

    Over the course of Will's first few months in the company, he would go on to chase the Elite X Championship, eventually becoming the first ever superstar in the history of WZCW to hold the illustrious Championship.

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    Big Will shows signs of movement, as he crawls out of the broken tables that he was put through, as he slowly begins to pull himself back up, off the floor & sliding back into the ring. As Big Will pulls himself up, he notices all three men, laying outside the ring. He then looks back at the ladders in the ring. He grabs the closest one to him, & positions it directly under the Elite X Championship, as he very slowly begins climbing up the ladder. The fans boo wildly, as it doesn't look like anyone will stop him.

    Suddenly, movement starts happening in the pile of Hasheem, Gus & El Guerrero, as Gus is pulling himself up, using the apron, only to slide into the ring. The fans begin chanting "Gus" as he starts slowly climbing the opposite side of the ladder. As both Big Will & Gus are trying their hardest to get to the top first, Heidi comes rushing back down, as she slides into the ring.

    Heidi sets up the second ladder, next to the one Big Will & Gus are on, as she looks at Gus & cheers him on! Heidi then climbs up the side Gus is on, as she starts pushing him up the ladder, only to out of nowhere deliver a low blow to Gus?!?!?! The fans gasp, as Heidi then climbs up next to Gus, only to deliver a DRAGON DDT to him, off the ladder!!!!! Big Will is left alone on the ladder, as he reaches the top, he reaches up & grabs the Elite X Championship, pulling it down, off the rung it was on. The officials call for the bell, as Big Will falls off the ladder, holding onto the Elite X Championship!![/B][/I]

    Copeland: What the Hell??? Dont let a match like this End like that.

    Cohen: See that what im talking about. You leave the extra baggage in the locker room. Gus main squeeze just screw him other than in the bed

    As the official slides into the ring, pointing at Big Will & raising his hand,As Harrys holds up a mic. & proclaims...


    Will sits on his knees, looking down at the Elite X Championship, as he holds it with both hands, it looks as if he's crying. He then gets to his feet, with help from the official, as he turns to look at Heidi, who's standing over Gus. Heidi turns toward Big Will, with a devilish look on her face, as Big Will smirks back at her. Heidi walks over to Big Will, only to leap up into his arms, as she begins kissing him!!!! Big Will holds Heidi, who in turn holds up the Elite X Championship, as they both turn to look back at Gus, only to laugh. They exit the ring, as the officials have come out from the back, to check on Hasheem & El Guerrero who're barely showing movement, while the official in the ring is helping Gus up, who's asking what happened.

    The official points up the rampway to Gus, as he looks up to see Big Will & Heidi standing at the top, only to kiss again. Big Will points at Heidi, then to Gus, followed by holding up the Elite X Championship & pointing to himself, as Gus has a expressionless look on his face. The camera fades out..

    At the end of the day, perhaps Big Will be remembered as being the first ever Elite X Champion more than anything else. But perhaps that is slightly unfair. After all, Big Will is one of only 5 men in the history of the company to hold the Elite X.Openweight Championship on more than one occasion, alongside Gus, John Constantine, Sam Smith and Austin Reynolds. But Big Will seemed to always make the seemingly impossible possible. Perhaps the best indication of that fact was the first ever Lethal Lottery event.

    In the opening contest of the match, Big Will would go onto lose the Elite Openweight Championship to Gus in an extraordinary match. But everyone's mistake was counting Will out after that defeat. In the end, Big Will would go onto win the first ever Lethal Lottery match, outlasting 29 other men to cement his spot in the main event of the first ever Kingdom Come event. From humble beginnings to the main event of the biggest show in sports entertainment would be a challenge for most. But for Big Will, it seemed so natural. Will made a career of being the first to do something and that summed up the man. Tenacious but supremely talented, Will went on to accomplish another first – winning the Heavyweight Championship at the first ever Kingdom Come in his first attempt. A truly remarkable feat to this day.

    The career of Big Will came to an end shortly after but almost like a supernova, it was better to burn out than fade away. Big Will was a hurricane blowing through WZCW on the way to greatness and now, finally, he gets the top reward for that success. The WZCW Hall of Fame welcomes him home...

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    "The One" Big Will

    6'3 230lbs


    WZCW Heavyweight Champion x1
    First ever WZCW Elite X Champion x2
    First ever Lethal Lottery Winner
    Main Event of Kingdom Come
    7th Member inducted into the WZCW Hall of Fame


    Will of Fame

  9. #9
    I Stay Blasted Yaz's Avatar

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    The biggest WZCW legends only fear one man. These legends only fear Vengeance.

    - Vengeance (Hall of Fame Ceremony, 2017)

    * * *


    Nearly a decade ago this man’s journey began and through more than one face, a new name and look, Vengeance remains a significant character in the history of WrestleZone Championship Wrestling. The early days of the company, before Ty Burna’s chaos ruled or Dr. Zeus’ brainwashing became rampant, saw but one man reign as the apex of darkness. Professional wrestling is home to many dark characters, those who visit the depths of the unknown more than others, but only one man was truly born from the darkness.

    His story begun on the twelfth edition of Meltdown and started with a victory in a tag team match alongside Apotheosis. Vengeance showed his potential to be one of the greatest early in his career. Debuting just a few weeks before Kingdom Come he earned his way into the very first King for a Day match. Although he did not achieve victory, Vengeance outlasted all but one, Steamboat Ricky (a man already called a hardcore legend and much more experienced than the rookie) and together they battled back and forth at the very first Kingdom Come. Just a few weeks into his young career, Vengeance proved to the world, on the biggest stage, that he was here to stay and his reign as a true definition of evil would soon come to fruition.

    His most famous rivalry came in the form of Titus. Their battles over the title once called the Elite X Championship remains to this day one of the best feuds for the title belt. Great matches, draws, an abduction of Leon Kensworth, an unlikely betrayal and the rebirth of Vengeance under the name ‘Lars Reidar’, this feud had everything and captivated fans across the globe. Following a double count out draw at Civil Revolution in 2009, a rematch was ordered but this time it would not see Titus versus Vengeance, instead the alter ego would arise for the first time and Lars Reidar would come forth to bring devastation like WZCW had never seen before. A bloody battle ensued on the debut edition of Ascension inside a steel cage with the Elite X Championship on the line, two legends in their prime battling it out, and on this occasion Titus would emerge as the winner.

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    Cohen: Reidar is going to use the environment to hurt his opponent here.

    Copeland: And it’s all legal Jack.

    Reidar grabs the head of Titus and scrapes his face from one side to the other across the cage, splitting him wide. The blood is flowing from the head of Titus as Reidar looks pleased with his work. Reidar returns to his work but Titus hits a drop-toe hold on Reidar, causing his face to be thrust into the cage. Titus takes some time to recover but quickly gets back to work on Reidar. Titus grabs the head of Reidar and reciprocates the gesture that Reidar did to him in the moments preceding it. Titus once again begins to climb as Reidar wipes the masses of blood from his face. Both men are showing the signs of being in a gruelling match and both a wearing a crimson mask.

    Reidar makes for Titus and Titus notices him coming. Kicking out at Reidar, Titus attempts to ward off the advances of his opponent. Reidar can’t get close to Titus and looks frustrated. Titus launches himself off of the cage and nails Reidar with a flying clothesline. Titus gets to his feet and systematically stomps the ankle of Reidar. Titus locks in the ankle lock and Reidar howls in pain. Reidar makes an attempt to get to the ropes and eventually reaches them. Reidar is in anguish and is screaming to the ref to break the hold. The referee is having none of it though and tells Reidar that he can’t. Titus pulls Reidar back into the middle of the ring and settles the hold in once more. Reidar begins to tap on the mat but nothing can be done.

    Cohen: He’s tapping Seabass, he’s tapping!

    Copeland: But it means nothing, Titus has to get over the cage to win.

    Titus releases the hold and Reidar immediately clutches his ankle. Titus gets to his feet and begins to climb once more. He is making progress but the pain in his back from earlier is evident as his climb is slow and laboured. Reidar needs to move and begins to will himself to his feet. Reidar is struggling to make his way to the cage and eventually does so. Titus is already some way up the cage and is just out of reach of Titus. Reidar begins to climb the cage and grabs the legs of Titus, holding him where he is. Reidar continues to climb and gets behind Titus on the cage. Locking his arms in the full nelson, Reidar hits the Sacrilegious Desecration. His impact is impaired somewhat however and does not have all of the desired effect. Titus is at one side of the ring and Reidar is at the other. Reidar is attempting to get himself to his feet but the damage to his ankle is visible. Reidar gets to his feet and stumbles around a little before making his way to the cage. Reidar begins to climb but his climb is very slow due to the damage to his ankle. Titus begins to recover and gets to his feet. Titus sees the climbing Reidar and instead of making a break for him, Titus begins to climb the opposite side of the cage. Reidar is a little more advanced than Titus and holds the advantage. Titus however, is quicker than Reidar and catches up with him. Both men are on top of the opposite sides of the cage. Reidar turns around to see Titus sitting on top of the cage and pulls his leg over the cage, Titus does the same and both en drop to the floor.

    Copeland: Who won!?

    Cohen: It was Reidar, it must have been.

    The referee takes the padlock off of the cage door and consults the time-keeper. The time-keeper and the referee take a long time to discuss it. Reidar has made his way around the cage and looks solemnly at the referee. Titus, too, is looking at the discussion between the two men. The referee nods his head and places himself between the two men. The referee grabs the wrist of both men and after a moment, raises the hand of Titus.

    Cohen: What!?

    Copeland: Oh my God, what a finish! Titus retains in a hellacious match.

    Harrys: Here is your winner and still Elite X champion, Titus!

    Cohen: Ridiculous! A screwjob! A blatant screwjob! Reidar is screwed again, but damn it, he'll get what's his at All or Nothing!

    Copeland: Ladies and gentlemen, don't believe for a second this is over, as the issues between these men can only escalate - and they'll blow up in the main event at All or Nothing, where these two men will be part of the six man elimination match for the world title! Thanks for joining us on this exciting broadcast, and we hope to see you next week!

    However that victory long dwelled in the mind of Vengeance and he vowed that one day he would do what he had failed to on that night. To sit here and list the feuds and memorable moments in their entirety would be much too time consuming for any one person. In fact, it would be a disservice to just describe the career of Vengeance. To fully understand the importance of the character you must go back and see how a dark character should be done. To see how somebody doesn’t become consumed by the darkness but uses it as a weapon which they control. From his battles with Titus, Everest, David Cougar and his unholy alliance with Ty Burna - Vengeance, whether as Lars Reidar or by his original name, caused fear in the hearts of warriors and dread in the souls of fans everywhere.

    Vengeance is not known for having a long list of titles like some of the other inductees into the WZCW Hall of Fame. In fact, he has but only a single shred of gold. That one title came near the end of his career, after battling, scratching and doing whatever it took to get one final shot at the title he so desperately coveted; Vengeance finally achieved success. At Apocalypse, against his biggest rival in Titus, with the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship on the line, Vengeance finally held the championship in his hands and could say it was his. Evil had won. Vengeance had vanquished the man who had defeated him previously in memorable battles for the Elite X Championship (now known as the Elite Openweight Championship).

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    Copeland: I thought Titus would have that after what Ty did to Vengeance.

    Connor: But even so, there’s so much going on, do we keep watch on the match or the situation at the stage.

    Cohen: The match of course!

    Titus is slow to get back up as Vengeance is still down, he signals to the fans that it’s time to end this one as he ascends to the top rope to look for The Red Comet, only Vengeance sits up suddenly and Titus is unsure what to do until his opponent gets up and hits a dropkick to take him down. He signals for the Tit Drop which gets the fans excited, as Vengeance is slowly getting to his feet, Titus runs at the ropes and is suddenly stopped by the sudden appearance of Tarja who’s grabbed him by the leg, he stops to turn and raises his hands in an act of innocence so he doesn’t harm her, the referee tries to get her away as Titus turns and Vengeance tries to go for the Sacrilegious Desecration but it’s countered and Titus hits the Tit Drop, he goes for the cover 1…….2……Tarja grabs the referee’s leg. Titus looks annoyed at this and rolls to the outside, pursuing after her, pointing at her and telling her to get out, she gets into the ring as he does and she dodges past Vengeance who grabs Titus with the Judge, Jury and Executioner straight onto the title belt that’s still in the ring, he goes for the cover 1……2……3.

    Harrys: The winner of this match, and NEW World Heavyweight Champion, Vengeance!

    Ladies and Gentleman, it appears a dark day has come for the WZCW…Vengeance…is the World Heavyweight Champion!

    Cohen: I said it would happen, but I can’t believe it myself! It’s finally come!

    Connor: And it took that extra effort to help, but the Dark Alliance won the belt when Vengeance couldn’t get it done.

    Cohen: And the justice has come from Titus harming Tarja, for vengeance has been received and a new champion has been crowned!

    His career had come full circle. From the young upstart who was seen as one of the big names of the future, all the way through to the World Champion. It was a reign that only last until the next pay-per-view and with the end of the reign came the end of an era. For when the Hell in a Cell closed and the mentee overthrew the master, Ty Burna stood tall as World Champion and Vengeance’s final chapter was written. It cannot be understated the impact of Vengeance on WrestleZone Championship Wrestling. For all those who embrace the darkness now would not have done so without Vengeance.

    The career is done and his final chapter comes to a close. He was dark. He was evil. He was the villain. After a career of being so close but always a fingertip away: Vengeance walked into his final match ever as WZCW World Champion, inside Hell in a Cell, in the main event of Unscripted. He no longer had to reach for the brass ring. He had finally snatched it. Let the history books show that Vengeance went out on top and now, it is our honour to welcome him into the WrestleZone Championship Hall of Fame!

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    (Also known as Lars Reidar)

    6'6 275lbs


    WZCW Heavyweight Champion x1
    8th Member inducted into the WZCW Hall of Fame


    Sacreligious Desecration
    Judge, Jury and Executioner

  10. #10
    I Stay Blasted Yaz's Avatar

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    Truth be told, I can't really believe I'm standing here. I'm just a kid from a poor small town in Puerto Rico.

    - Matt Tastic (Hall of Fame Ceremony, 2017)

    * * *

    Matt Tastic

    What can be said about Matt Tastic to sum up his wrestling career? In short, he has done it all. He is just one of two men to ever complete the Grand Slam in WrestleZone Championship Wrestling. He is a Lethal Lottery and Gold Rush tournament winner. On the biggest stage of them all, Kingdom Come, Matt Tastic has stood tall as the confetti fell after the main event. When you think of WZCW he is one of, if not the, first name that comes to mind. Competing under several different names during his nearly eight year run with the company, Tastic has been embraced by the fans and has been through some of the toughest wrestlers to ever step foot in the ring. Finally, after all this time, and a career which has left him as one of the most decorated competitors ever, Matt Tastic will take his rightful place in the WZCW Hall of Fame.

    It all began at the House Show 3 event when Matt Tastic, known by his first moniker of The Killjoy, stepped into the ring with a WZCW cult favourite, Hunter Kravinoff. From there he would make his official WZCW debut against John Smith, suffering a loss but within a few weeks Tastic would capture his first of four WZCW Mayhem Championships, the most any superstar has ever held any title, and walk into Kingdom Come II as the reigning champion. In only a few weeks, Tastic was successful in capturing championship gold and setting the standard for what would become a common trait of the Super Saiyan of Professional Wrestling.

    As his career progressed so did the man behind the mask. From being known as The Killjoy to being called Baez, he continued to call the Mayhem division home in WZCW. However, his career changed when faced with his biggest challenge of a still young career; when the man they call Titus stepped into the ring with Tastic. Their feud is what many believe was the launching pad for Matt Tastic on his way to becoming the true superstar and at one point, face of WrestleZone Championship Wrestling during his two World Championship reigns. It was his feud with Titus that pushed Tastic, then known as Baez, to aim for the next level and ultimately towards the success he enjoyed. After losing a match against Titus at Unscripted 2011, he was forced to do the bidding of the Oscar Winner but all was not as it seemed. Through their battles, a mutual respect was earned and on Meltdown 65, for the first time ever, Baez removed his mask and revealed himself and his true name; Matt Tastic.

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    Baez quickly exits the ring as Everest looks on from outside the ring. He shakes his head and begins making his way to the back. Bowen slowly recovers and begins laughing as he's pinned Cruz. He grabs his Mayhem Title from the ref and yells at the slowly rising Cruz. Bowen holds the title up to boos from the crowd. He suddenly brings the title down and looks to strike Cruz with it when Baez suddenly runs back down to the ring. Baez stands between Bowen and Cruz as Bowen yells at him to move. Baez shakes his head and motions for Bowen to attack him. The crowd pops and begin chanting Baez's name as Bowen slowly backs off and exits the ring. He checks on Cruz who nods that he is ok. Cruz rolls out of the ring slowly and recovers on the outside as Baez grabs a mic from the ringside assistant.

    Baez: I've been doing some thinking lately. After losing my contract to Titus, I've been dealt a large dose of humility. It's time for a change.

    Baez paces around the ring as he thinks about what to say.

    Baez: Titus! I ask that you come down to the ring right now!

    The crowd buzzes as they turn to the entrance ramp. After a few moments...


    Titus makes his way out, with the KFAD briefcase in hand. The crowd cheers loudly as Titus makes his way down the ramp. He enters the ring with a mic in hand.

    Baez: Titus, I have to thank you. When you won my contract, I feared the worst. Just as you said last week, you could have had me do any sort of humiliating task that you wanted. I don't know what your plan is with that briefcase, I really don't care if I can be honest. However, you made it as painless as possible for me to get my contract back. I feel as if you deserve something more for your victory a few weeks ago. One of the other items on the line.

    Titus looks on confused as Baez lowers his mic and takes a deep breath. He lowers his head as he reaches up and slowly slides his mask off. The crowd is stunned as Baez reveals his face for the first time. Baez looks down at the mask for a few moments before speaking again.

    Baez: Ever since I started in WZCW I've always been compared to Red Mask. I grew jealous of that Titus, even if I was provoked into it by Myles and Bateman. I won't lie though, I enjoyed the opportunity to finally face Red Mask. But now, this mask has caused more trouble then it's worth. It's time to move on for me Titus. Here, you've earned the right to this.

    Baez hands over his mask to Titus, who looks at the mask before speaking.

    Titus: Baez, I truly respect what you have done here. I have always respected your in ring skills, but it was always your attitude that was the problem. I didn't want anything to do with your contract. I didn't have it in me to humiliate you. This is where our paths split Baez, I wish you well.

    Titus exits the ring quickly as Baez watches him walk up the ramp and to the back. Baez runs a hand through his hair as he gets used to not being masked from the crowd.

    Baez: There is one more thing. One more change I have to make tonight. I am no longer The Killjoy. I am no longer Baez. Tonight! You may all start chanting the name, Matt Tastic!

    He quickly walks to the corner and climbs up to the second turnbuckle. He poses as the crowd cheers and begins chanting Matt Tastic. Matt Tastic nods his head and smiles, a wave of relief washing over him as he leads the crowd in their chant.

    From Baez to Matt Tastic, the change which would forever alter the course of wrestling history. It wasnâ??t a man behind a mask that broke through the glass ceiling and became the man. It was the kid from the small poor town, who stood up for what he believed in and never gave up trying. The journey was long, it was tiresome and sometimes the end never seemed in sight but after all his hard work and the dreams which some thought would never be fulfilled, opportunity presented itself. Following The Beardâ??s King for a Day cash-in on Ty Burna, and after what many consider to be the â??Dark Agesâ?? of WZCW where popularity of the federation faltered, the company was in desperate need of a man to carry the company on his back and when all looked lost, out of the shadows, came Matt Tastic.

    The company was left without a World Champion. The Beard had left the company and thereby put the entire validity of the federation under question. Without a World Champion what was WZCW? With Kingdom Come on the horizon, Lethal Lottery was transformed from a contenders match into a thirty man over the top rope battle royal for the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion. It was now or never for Tastic. It was in his hometown of San Juan, Puerto Rico and he walked into the pay-per-view as WZCW Eurasian Champion, a chance to become the first dual champion in company history, but tradegy struck when David Cougar dethroned him earlier in the night.

    Wounded but not done, Tastic pulled it together and later that same night walked into Lethal Lottery as the number six entrant. Battling against legends and superstars alike, Tastic danced the dangerously on the edge of elimination multiple times during the course of the contest. In the end, he eliminated four competitors; Eve Taylor, Mick Overlast, Ramparte (w/ Mikey Stormrage) and Chris KO. In his hometown, with thousands supporting him live in the arena, Matt Tastic achieved his dream of winning the World Championship and became the first man to do so in the Lethal Lottery match itself and secured himself a spot in the main event of Kingdom Come VI!

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    Ty looks up stunned as he slowly gathers himself as all three men remaining just stare back at him. Ty swallows his pride and applauds Mikey who looks back to Ty smiling wide. Ty begins walking around when suddenly Chris comes flying across with a knee strike again, knocking Mikey who falls awkwardly and hits the floor. Ty stops and looks back to Chris then to Mikey, a smirk forming on his face as he shakes his head.

    Harrys: Mikey Stormrage has been eliminated!

    Cohen: Or he just waited to screw it up a few moments later.

    Copeland: Mikey didn't remain focused on the match, instead accepting the applause from Ty.

    Connor: Either way we're down to just Matt Tastic and Chris KO!

    Chris turns and meets Matt Tastic heads on. The two staring each other down before Tastic points to the World Heavyweight Championship sitting at ringside. Chris nods his head and the two begin slugging it out. Chris backs Tastic into the ropes and sends him across. Chris goes for a clothesline but Tastic ducks under and returns with a running lariat neckbreaker! Chris holds the back of his head as Tastic gets up, waiting for Chris to get to his feet. He rushes forward and tries to throw Chris over, but Chris holds on before kicking Tastic backwards. Tastic runs forward again but Chris throws him into the corner. He lifts him up onto the top turnbuckle, setting him up for a superplex. He lifts him up but he turns and angles Tastic towards the floor. Tastic hits a knee to the head and gets back onto the ropes. He balances on it before running forward and jumping onto Chris's shoulders with a huracanrana! He spins around and sends Chris and himself towards the floor but Tastic hooks his legs on the bottom rope, his hands on the floor as Mikey Stormrage rushes over and clutches him, helping him onto the apron as Chris hits the floor feet first!

    Harrys: Chris KO has been eliminated! Therefore your winner of the Lethal Lottery, and NEEEEEEEEEEEEEW WZCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION, MAAAAAAAT TAAAASTIC!

    Copeland: Tastic did it! He held on at the last second with an ingenious move!

    Tastic slowly pushes himself up onto the apron as Chris slowly gathers himself on the outside. Tastic rolls into the ring as Referee Akiyama enters the ring and presents him with the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship. The hometown hero grabs hold of the title and drops to his knees as his countrymen cheer loudly as the pyro goes off on the stage before confetti begins falling all around them.

    Connor: The hometown hero returned to Puerto Rico, and he walks out, the new WZCW World Heavyweight Champion!

    Tastic slowly rises to his feet as he walks over to the turnbuckle, climbing up to the second turnbuckle and lifting the title up high into the air as he yells out in victory. The celebration continues as the confetti finally ends, the party just beginning in Puerto Rico for their hometown son.

    His journey was not complete as the man who had left the company as World Champion would return and with the backing of Meltdown General Manager, Vance Bateman, would claim to be the rightful World Champion. Tasticâ??s journey from masked trouble maker, to iconic hero could not be completed at Lethal Lottery. He had taken the place at the top of the mountain but to secure it, to forever have his name enshrined as the hero the company need so desperately, he would have to defeat The Beard and take his place as the Undisputed WZCW World Heavyweight Champion. This could only occur in the main event of the biggest show of the year; Kingdom Come VI! The two men would battle but in the end, Tastic overthrew the false champion and took his place as not just the Super Saiyan of Professional Wrestling but as someone who was truly Invincible!

    Click for Spoiler:
    Back and forth they go until a mighty headbutt staggers Tastic. The Beard grabs an arm and Irish whips Matt across the ring. Off the rebound, Beard connects with a giant size sixteen boot to the face. In a near mirror image of an earlier spot, Beard drops a quick leg across the throat. He follows it up with a leaping elbow drop, driven right into the heart of the champion. The challenger gets Tastic on his feet and throws into the corner. He takes a few steps back before he runs and leaps, connecting with a big splash in the corner. Tastic stumbles out, right into a sidewalk slam. Beard signals for the end and brings Matt to his feet and sets him up for Poetic Justice, his version of a rolling cutter. He yells out.


    Poetic Justice connects! Beard hooks a leg.

    Matt Tastic kicks out! Matt Tastic kicks out of Poetic Justice and The Beard can't believe it. He slams his fists to the mat.

    Copeland: The champ kicks out!

    Cohen: No it was three!

    Jurou Akiyama assures Beard it was only two. Frustrated, Beard shoves the ref to the ground, and Akiyama is out.

    Connor: Wait, what is this?

    With the referee out, the General Manager of Meltdown, Vance Bateman, is making his way down the ramp, steel chair in hand. He gets to the ring and barks orders at The Beard as he hands him the chair as Matt Tastic stirs.

    Copeland: Its clear what is going on here. Vance Bateman has seen enough and wants his champion to end it.

    Before Tastic can collect his wits, Beard rams the chair into the midsection of the champ and then hits a shot across the back. Tastic is down, and Beard rolls him onto his back and places the chair over him before he goes up to the top rope. He forgoes the flying heabutt he calls The Flying Beard, instead opting for a big splash onto the chair and Tastic. At the last second, Tastic uses what little he has left to throw the chair at The Beard, it connects with the leaping Beard just as Tastic rolls out of the way, leaving Beard to crash to the mat. Vance Bateman, who was doing his best to wake the referee, looks disgusted as Tastic kicks the chair in his direction. Just as The Beard struggles to his feet, Akiyama stirs, and Tastic hoists Beard over his shoulder and hits the Headache Driver. He hooks the leg as a groggy Juruo Akiyama slowly crawls into position to make the count.
    Three! The referee calls for the bell as a horrified Vance Bateman looks on.

    Harrys: Here is your winner and STILL WZCW Heavyweight Champion, Matt Tastic!

    Copeland: Matt Tastic has successfully defends the WZCW World Heavyweight Title!

    Cohen: No! This match needs to be restarted! Vance! Do something!

    Connor: Despite Bateman's best efforts, Matt Tastic remains WZCW World Heavyweight Champion tonight.

    Tastic falls over onto his back as the crowd roars around him, chants of Live Mas filling the arena as Tastic puts his hands on his heads, the moment finally sinking into him as he lifts his arm up in victory. He slowly gets to his feet as Akiyama collects the WZCW World Heavyweight Title from the ringside assistant. Tastic pulls himself up to his feet as The Beard rolls to the outside. Tastic is handed the belt and he lifts it up high into the air. Pyro begins going off all around the arena before confetti begins falling. Tastic walks over to the turnbuckle and climbs up it, lifting the title high into the air.

    The career of Matt Tastic has been long and full of unexpected surprises. The journey for this superstar is not over just yet as he continues to fight the good fight for the betterment of WZCW. He has held every single title in company history, he has main evented Kingdom Come, won Lethal Lottery, won the Gold Rush tournament, holds the record for titles reigns with one single championship and has one of the most decorated championship résumé in wrestling history. This man has done it all inside the ring.

    He pulled WZCW out of the darkness and stood as a symbol of hope. Matt Tastic is one of the greatest to ever lace up a pair of boots. His career, under multiple names, has inspired thousands of fans and he his willingness to fight for what is right has spread throughout the locker room and inspired other wrestlers to stand beside him on multiple occasions, no matter the odds. Therefore, it is our privilege to officially welcome Matt Tastic into the WZCW Hall of Fame...

    * * *

    Click for Spoiler:


    Matt Tastic
    (Also known as The Killjoy & Baez)

    6'2 238lbs


    WZCW World Heavyweight Champion (x2)
    WZCW Eurasian Champion (x1)
    WZCW Elite X Champion (x1)
    WZCW Mayhem Champion (x4)
    WZCW Tag Team Champion (x1)
    WZCW Grand Slam Champion
    Lethal Lottery VI Winner
    Main Event of Kingdom Come VI
    Gold Rush Tournament Winner (2016)
    Most Reigns of any Championship (x4 Mayhem Championship)
    9th Member inducted into the WZCW Hall of Fame


    Headache Driver
    Screw Attack

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