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    I Stay Blasted Yaz's Avatar

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    Meltdown Madness 161

    The show opens with Nic Cage in a casino.

    Cage: Las Vegas, the name is synonymous with bright lights, larger than life shows, and of course, gambling. A city where your wildest dreams can come true. Or, you could lose it all.

    The actor passes by people at the poker table.

    Cage: Will your number come up?

    He passes by a blackjack table.

    Cage: Will you bust?

    He then passes by people playing slot machines, one hits a big payout.

    Cage: Or will you hit the jackpot?

    He approaches a roulette table.

    Cage: It is a time honored tradition in WZCW, the Roulette Rounds. The night where anything can happen, where stars can be made and titles lost. Spin the wheel and find out.

    Cage gets that creepy smile on his face and spins the roulette wheel as the shot zooms in on the wheel.

  2. #2
    I Stay Blasted Yaz's Avatar

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    The actual in arena opening has us in a special conference room inside T Mobile Arena. GMs Becky Serra and Chuck Myles are standing in front of a big wheel, with various match types listed on it. Next to that wheel is a roulette wheel. The entire WZCW roster is gathered inside the room, most in their gear.

    Serra: Thank you all for being here for the draw. Chuck and I both know you are eager to find out who your opponents will be and where you will be wrestling, so we are going to get this out of the way as quickly as possible.

    Myles: As you all know, anything can happen when we spin these wheels. Our champions are at their most vulnerable, as they have no idea who their potential challenger will be. Now before we made our way here tonight to the T Mobile Arena, we had a sit down with Vance Bateman and he informed us, that for now, Becky will remain in charge of Meltdown and I will stay the head of Ascension. Mr. Bateman and the rest of the board of directors feel it is best for stability purposes right now to keep it this way. As we move forward we have to tweak some traditions to make sure we can continue to grow. Before we draw the Meltdown matches, does anyone have any questions?

    A hand goes up.

    Stormrage: If you are sticking on Ascension, and the Elite Title is an Ascension exclusive, then why are you and I here?

    Myles: We had to be here to make the announcement. It's also a bit of a formality. Any other questions?

    Strormage's hand goes back up.

    Stormrage: Can I leave? I wanna hit the concession stand before I get to my seat.

    Myles: No you may not leave. Anyone else?

    His hand goes up a third time.

    Stormrage: Is mayonnaise an instrument?

    Mussel: You look like you free base mayonnaise.

    Clark: Mayo is totes gross.

    Kole: I refused to put it on sandwiches.

    Holmes: Classless buffoons.

    Kagura: うなぎソース

    Stetson: Mayo ain't no match for a fine hickory mix and a nice cold one.


    Serra: I'm going to draw the first match.

    She spins the wheels to determine who is up first.

    K.O.: I ate a seagull once, mayo would have been great.

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    Copeland: Before we get to our first match of the night, we want to show you a video recorded just about an hour ago just a few blocks down The Strip.

    Cohen: Is it the one of Leon? Please let it be the one of Leon, that was hilarious.

    The feed transitions from the commentary desk to a still of Leon Kensworth.

    Leon Kensworth is standing on the Vegas Strip, being swarmed by some sort of insects. He swats some away from his face.

    Kensworth: I'm outside on The Strip to show the fans at home just how far WZCW is willing to go to make sure it's fans get the best in professional wrestling action. Due to higher than average rainfall in the area, swarms of grasshoppers have been displaced and are coming in the thousands to the city, drawn in my the bright lights. Meteorologists and scientists say this is normal in other areas that experience higher than average rainfall, it is simply amplified due to the amount of light. There is no risk of long term harm or damage, but most visitors are spending as little time as possible outdoors due to the swarms, which local scientists estimate outnumber people ten to one. That won't stop WZCW from bringing you the hard hitting action you have come to expect though. Back to Jack and Sebastien in the booth.

    Just as Leon is putting his mic down, a bug flies into his mouth. Then a small alien like creature walks into the shot and plucks the grasshopper out of Leon's mouth and eats it.

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    Harrys: This match is schedule for one fall and is a...UFO Match!! With a special guest refereeâ?¦

    Harrys: From Uranus, Krypto!!

    Cohen: God help usâ?¦

    Copeland: Well isnâ??t this a nice surprise!

    Cohen: Just in time for your anal probe ay Seabass?

    The crowd livens up at the sudden unexepcted announcement. A UFO like contraption descends from the rafters down onto the entrance ramp and the former WZCW competitor Krypto emerges from inside! Fans cheer as he pevlic thrusts his way down the ramp in a referee t-shirt while high fiving fans.

    Cohen: Who allowed this THING to officiate a sanctioned contest?!

    Copeland: Same person who has allowed you to stay on commentary this long I imagine.

    Introducing first from â??The Dark Carnivalâ?, The Great Milenko!

    The fans applause immediately turn to jeers as the arena is plunged into darkness. The lights soon turn on as Milenko appears behind the alien inside the ring. The â??alienâ? life form is startled by the sudden appearance and backs himself into a corner. Milenko shows no expression as he stares at the creature.

    Cohen: Iâ??m not sure which one of those two is more disturbing.

    Copeland: One thing is for certain and that is Milenko is definitely the more violent of the two. A former Mayhem Champion who returned at the lottery. He will be looking to make a major impact in his first match in quite some time. The question is, who will he be facing?

    Anticipation swirls but the fans donâ??t have to wait long as-

    The arena erupts as the WZCW hall of famer makes his way onstage to a thunderous response from the crowd.

    Harrys: From Keystone City, Kansas. THIS IS...TITUS AVISON.

    Titus makes his way to the ring flocked by his loyal entourage. Once he gets to the ring apron however he sends them back signaling that he doesnâ??t need help to defeat this opponent.

    Copeland: Not an easy first test for the returning Milenko.

    Cohen: More like a welcome home boulder. But then again this is a Titus fresh off losing the World title, that definitely will play a factor here.

    The former World champion enters the ring as Krypto applauds. Titus then motions for him to start the match which the alien proceeds to do.


    Almost immediately Milenko charges at Titus but the actor pulls down the bottom sending the former Mayhem champion to the floor. The veteran doesnâ??t waste anytime and once Milenko makes it to his feet he is immediately met with a flying clothesline from the top rope!

    Cohen: Titus is wasting little time but we donâ??t even know how you win this match!

    Copeland: Itâ??s pretty simple pal, put your opponent in the UFO. A stipulation that has only happened once, involving our referee here obviously.

    Titus begins trying to drag Milenko but ends up getting shoved into the steel steps. Milenko begins catching his breath before charging at Titus only for the Oscar winner to move out of the way allowing the psychotic competitor to smash straight into the steps himself! With both men now feeling the effects Titus is the first to make a move by picking up the steel steps. As Milenko gets back to a vertical base Titus blasts him straight in the face!


    Titus obliges the fans thirst for violence and once Milenko makes it to his feet he is met with another steel step to the face! Fans cheer on as Milenko falls to the floor but this time is visibly busted open. Titus drops the steps and begins walking over to his fallen opponent but is interrupted by Krypto who quickly sprints over to Milenko, and puts a bandaid on his bloody cut. He then motions for the action to continue.

    Cohen: Does he really think thatâ??s going to help?

    Copeland: Healthcare must be a lot different in the outer galaxy.

    Titus is amused by this and decides to once again pick up the steel steps. He motions to the crowd who cheers on the decision. He charges at Milenko again but the momentary fan interaction allows Milenko to hit a bicycle kick sending the steel steps right into Titusâ?? face! Milenko then immediately rips off the bandaid and throws it in the direction of the alien. The blood continues to roll down his face as he goes under the ring to procure a kendo stick. Moments later he begins striking Titus on his bare back. The former champion yells out in anger as Krypto watches on cautiously, asking him if he wants to submit.

    Copeland: Not quite how I thought this match would be going in this juncture.

    Cohen: Titus may have overlooked his opponent, and it may come back to haunt him.

    Milenko continues the punishment until the kendo stick breaks. He then goes under the ring and grabs a trash can. He waits for Titus to reach his feet and goes for a wild swing but misses! Titus just narrowly escapes by sliding back into the ring. Milenko then gets on the apron with the trash can but Titus quickly executes a hurricanrana that sends Milenko and the trash back inside the ring. With momentum on his side Titus quickly ascends to the top rope possibly looking for The Red Comet! He leaps off the top but Milenko moves, Titus crashes straight into the trash can!

    Copeland: Titus risked it all on that but it may have just cost him this match!

    Milenko picks up Titus and delivers a power bomb into the already crushed trash can for good measure. He then proceeds to chuck him outside to the floor. He slowly makes his way outside as he begins to mock the fans as he drags the lifeless caracass of the actor up the ramp and towards the UFO. He gets about halfway up before he starts to feel some resistance. He looks back to see Krypto is holding on to Titusâ?? foot!

    Cohen: Get this dirty ref out of here!

    Milenko turns his attention to the alien allowing Titus to recover and hit a back body drop sending Milenko crashing down on the ramp. The Mayhem veteran rolls down the rest of the ramp yelling in pain. The fans attempt to will Titus back into this contest but the actor is struggling to make it to his feet. Despite taking the back body drop Milenko is able to make it up first. While Krypto is checking to see if Titus can continue Milenko quickly snatches up the referee and delivers a Samoan drop on the ramp!

    Cohen: Serves him right!

    The fans voice their displeasure with the assault as Milenko focuses his attention back to Titus. He sees the actor on his knees and signals for the Hellâ??s Pit. He lines him up for the buzzaw kick but Titus ducks and hits the Tit Drop out of nowhere! The one last desperation move seems to have put Milenko down for good but Titus canâ??t capitalize! The fans continue to cheer him on to keep going but Titus is struggling to his feet! Eventually he is able to will himself up and begins dragging Milenko up the ramp. Using all the strength he can muster Titus is able to bring Milenko on the stage just inches away from the UFO. But just as the actor reaches to open it up Milenko delivers a low blow! Titus drops to the floor holding his crushed family jewels as Milenko delivers a sick smile to a hostile audience. Milenko knows heâ??s got the match won. He takes his sweet time opening up the UFO but is immediately blinded as he opens it, he gets his hands up to block a shining light, and moments later Krypto dives over it. He then reemerges from the UFO with the Power Glove!

    Cohen: Not this againâ?¦

    Copeland: Milenko may be about to regret his earlier action!

    The alien immediately dives on top of Milenko delivering massive right hand one after the other! The crowd is cheering on the little green fighter but the ref gets up to check on Titus, and once he turns back around to Milenko heâ??s met with a spear practically breaking him in half! Milenko gets to his feet and is met with a hard stiff European Uppercut from Titus! The sound of it echoes through the arena and Milenko is wobbly. Titus looks to go for the Tit Drop once more but his injured midsection causes a delay. Milenko takes advantage of the moment and scoops Titus up for a piledriver on the stage! Milenko uses the last of his strength to bring Titusâ?? crumpled and destroyed body into the UFO. He closes it! Downed ref or not, this match is over.

    Harrys: And here is your winner! The Great Milenko!!

    Cohen: Despite the heavy bias from the ref and blatant interference Milenko has picked up an huge win tonight in the roulette round!

    Copeland: Krypto may have let his fandom get the better of him but tonight Milenko defeated a legend. A win Iâ??m sure we wonâ??t hear the last of!

    The fans boo as Milenko raises his arm in victory. He kicks a down and injured Krypto before making his exit.

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    Zhanshi is walking through a hallway. It is completely silent in the hallway. His mouth is moving, but nothing is coming out. He then opens the door to the trainer's room and walks in.


    Zhanshi pokes his head back into the hallway and the voice goes away. He shrugs his shoulders and goes back into the room and closes the door.

    Zhanshi: MY KUNG-FU IS STRONG!!!

    The camera moves across the hall, where Becky Serra and Chuck Myles are drawing the next match. They both smile when they see the results. Becky notices the camera and closes the door so nothing gets spoiled.

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    Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall!

    Cohen: No gimmick? Well this blows!

    Copeland: Not every match is promised a gimmick. They leave a couple of no gimmick slots on the randomizer.

    Cohen: And it blows!

    Introducing first, from Southwestern Puerto Rico, he is a WZCW Hall of Famer, Matt Tastic!

    Cohen: Still blows!

    Copeland: How can you not be excited about one of the best WZCW has ever seen?

    Cohen: He blows!

    Tastic just gets in the ring, no fanfare or anything. He just sorta leans against the ropes as he gets inside.

    And his opponent, from Buckingham, England, weighing 225 pounds, he is a WZCW Hall of Famer, â??The Eliteâ?, Steven Holmes!

    Cohen: YES!

    Copeland: So it doesn't blow anymore?

    Cohen: Your wife blows.

    As the lights go out, several spotlights swing down to highlight Steven Holmes standing atop the ramp. He surveys the arena, one hand behind his back, the other partially extended out in a dainty fashion. He walks to the ring as the light follows. He takes his time climbing the stairs, wipes his feet on the ring apron, enters the ring and poses just as he did atop the ramp.

    Keith Morse draws the assignment and checks both men for foreign objects, since they are both foreign. He is just doing his job people. He calls for the bell.

    *DING! DING!*

    Tastic opens up fast by running right at Holmes and hitting a shotgun dropkick, knocking his fellow Hall of Famer into the corner. He fires off vicious punchs and chops, lighting up the chest of Holmes. He Irish whips him across the ring and follows up with a leaping splash. Holmes stumbles out of the corner and Tastic hits a snap suplex and makes the cover....One!....Two!....Holmes kicks out and two and gets into the ropes to halt the storm from Tastic.

    Copeland: Lightening quick start from Tastic here.

    Cohen: It's smart strategy. Giving Holmes no time to think, which is where the Englishman will really hurt you.

    Holmes makes sure the referee knows he is still in the ropes, not that Tastic cares. He charges Holmes, who uses his leverage to back drop Tastic over the ropes. He lands on the apron and goes to springboard in, but Holmes connects with a discuss elbow, knocking Tastic out of the air. Holmes is still a bit shell shocked from the quick start and paces a bit to find his feet. He tries to isolate an arm, but Tastic gets the rope to break. He rolls out of the ring, looking angry that his assault has been halted. He paces back and forth as the ref tells him to get back in. He does so, slowly, making sure the ref tells him to keep Holmes at bay. Tastic gets on the apron and goes for a springboard, but it is a fake out to sucker Holmes. He springboards for real this time, but a good old fashioned punch knocks Tastic to the floor. Holmes is able to get the arm this time and pull back on it. He is really trying to pop the shoulder, and the pain shows on Tastic's face. The Puerto Rican wriggles and flops around, eventually rolling to his back and kicking Holmes away. He gets to the ropes to catch his breath but Holmes is on him and pounds away at Tastic as the ref counts to five. Holmes utilizes the full time he can to hammer away until he pulls away just in time to avoid a DQ. He holds his hands up to show he is done and then does a dainty little pose to the crowd, drawing boos.

    Cohen: You know it downright pisses me off that our fans can't respect a man of sophistication and class like Steven Holmes.

    Copeland: Oh, I could think of a list of reasons why they wouldn't Jack.

    Holmes returns to Tastic, who surprises him by pulling him through the ropes and to the floor. Tastic then gets to his feet and launches himself over the top rope with a plancha and takes out Holmes. He gets to his feet and drags Holmes up by the hair, earning an admonishing from the ref. He goes to Irish whip Holmes into the steps but the Englishman reaches out and grabs the bottom rope to block the move. Holmes pulls Tastic in for a short arm maneuver, but Tastic is quicker and hits a modified running neckbreaker. This takes Holmes down and gives Tastic the opening to get him back up and Irish whip him, but this time with the post the intended target. Holmes is able to reverse though and send Tastic into the post. Holmes rolls into the ring and then back out to break the count. He gets Tastic on his feet and then rams him into the ring apron. He then takes the ring skirt and traps his foe in it and hammers away. He keeps it up until the referee is at seven, at which point he frees Tastic and then rolls him into the ring. He makes a cover....One!...Two!....Tastic kicks out.Holmes checks the position of the ropes and then grabs a facelock and contorts Tastic around. Tastic fights it and slips to his feet, but makes the mistake of trying to grapple with Holmes, who ends up with Tastic in an abdominal stretch. He grinds his elbow into the midsection of his opponent to really add to the pain of the hold.

    Cohen: Just a masterclass of doing the little things right. They really make a difference.

    Copeland: Absolutely. Few men do it as well as Steven Holmes.

    Tastic's only defense is a desperation move. He reaches back and rakes the eyes of Holmes, causing him to release the hold. The self proclaimed Super Saiyan of pro wrestling collects himself before he goes on the attack. He chops Holmes back into the ropes, before he Irish whips him and off the rebound takes him down with a leaping hurricanrana. He makes sure to keep himself in position to pin Holmes with the move...One!...Two!...Holmes manages to quick out but Tastic is quick to lock on a bulldog choke. He uses it to drag Holmes to his feet. Holmes connects with a couple of punches to the midsection to break the choke and shoves Tastic away. He runs at Tastic, who pops him into the air and hits a gutbuster on the way down, the Outlaw Star! Tastic then turns Holmes over and drags him closer to the corner. He climbs to the top rope and calls for the Frog Splash. He leaps, but Holmes rolls out of the way. Tastic gets to his feet, both he and Holmes are holding their midsections. Tastic, the younger and quicker of the two is ready first and grabs Holmes, but Holmes manages to get the upper hand and connect with a quick short arm neckbreaker, The Sword of Damocles! A signature Steven Holmes move. He makes the cover...One!...Two!...the ref doesn't see his feet on the ropes...Three! Steven Holmes cheats his way to victory.

    Harrys: Here is your winner, Steven Holmes!

    Copeland: Steven Holmes, in his first singles match since his return, is victorious, but he cheats his way to it.

    Cohen: That's just what you call world class ring awareness Seabass.

    Holmes gets to his feet and allows the ref to raise his hand. He bows, slightly, though it may be more of him wincing from the gutbuster he received. Tastic slams his fists into the mat as we go to commercial.

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    Milenko is seen backstage talking to something when Leon Kensworth comes up for an interview.

    Kensworth: Milenko, Milenko, you are coming off a huge victory over Titus in the opening match. Are you thankful? Do you have any thoughts?

    Milenko turns and it is revealed he has been talking to a skull.

    Milenko: My master is pleased. My master has a plan and he knows only I can carry it out, but I must still show him I am capable. This victory proves my worth.

    Kensworth: Who is this master?

    Milenko grins and turns to Leon. He clutches the skull and the grin turns into a wicked laugh. He holds the skull high as the laugh grows in volume. Suddenly he stops laughing and brings the skull down and gets in Leon's face.

    Milenko: He does not deem you worthy Leon!

    Milenko walks away as Leon recoils a bit, clearly taken aback.

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    Mikey Stormrage is at one of the concession stands with a jumbo soda and a container of nachos. He has his Elite Title over his shoulder. He turns and Becky Serra is behind him, he spills his nachos onto her as they bump into each other.

    Stormrage: Oh damn, sorry. I'm sure that will come out in the wash. I'll pay for the dry cleaning. I gotta get some more nachos though.

    Serra: you may not want to have anymore to eat. You should probably head to your locker and get ready.

    Stormrage: Ready for what?

    Serra: Your match. You are defending that title tonight. We just got a call from Vance Bateman, he decided at the last minute to switch the titles for one night only. So the main event tonight will be you defending the Elite Title.

    Stormrage: You know this is the crap I was talking about at the press conference. Do you think they would pull this on Everest back in the day? Do you think Steamboat Ricky ever got screwed over like this? I am the longest reigning champion you have right now, hell I am the only active Hall of Famer worth a damn. Titus just lost because of an alien, Tastic is pissing away his chances as usual, and Steven Holmes's hip is held together with bubblegum and duct tape, so how long do you think he is gonna last?

    Serra: If you prefer you can decline the match and we take the Elite Title from you if it's that much of an inconvenience.

    Stormrage: It's Elite Overweight Title, and you know damn well I'm going to defend it, successfully. And when I get done, you owe me some nachos, extra cheese.

    Stormrage adjusts the belt on his shoulder and takes one of the chips and scoops cheese off Becky's shirt before he heads to get ready.

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    Copeland: An absolute shocker ladies and gentlemen! Rarely do we get any sort of hint as to what the matches will be, but Becky Serra just let it be known that the Elite Title, normally exclusive to Ascension, will be defended tonight on Meltdown. This is surely going to throw the champion off.

    Cohen: You have to be ready for anything Seabass, we all know it. Hell they may switch you to Ascension too before the night is over. Regardless, I am always excited to see a title defense, no matter who holds the title. Right now though, I hear we have Stacey Madison standing by with Steven Holmes. Stacey?

    The camera switches to a backstage shot of inside the trainer's room where Steven Holmes is icing his midsection.

    Madison: Thanks Jack. I'm here with the winner of the previous match, Steven Holmes. Steven, how does it feel to be victorious in your return to singles competition?

    Holmes grimaces a bit as he sits up.

    Holmes: It always feels good to have your hand raised in victory Stacey. I was away for some time, but I never doubted myself. I knew I could come back and compete and my last two performances prove that. I may have fallen short in my quest to win in Jeddah, but I proved I am still The Elite with my performance. I showed as much when I defeated the filth that is Matt Tastic earlier in the evening.

    Madison: You also had to resort to cheating to achieve victory.

    Holmes laughs a little as he holds his stomach.

    Holmes: Oh Stacey, Stacey, dear Stacey. We all knew what the outcome would be. Tastic would have gotten short sighted and let frustration set in, as he usually does. My body may not be what is used to, but my mind is as sharp as ever. My victory was inevitable, I just used my superior ring awareness to expedite the process.

    Stacey: Do you have any plans going forward? Weill you be taking time off to spend with family? Will you be requesting anyone in particular at Kingdom Come?

    Holmes: There is but one certainty for the future Stacey. Aristocracy Reigns.

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    We return from commercial with Truman Harrys standing in the ring with the match card in his hand. There are two cables crisscrossing about his head.

    Harrys: The following contest is an Ultimate X Match! First contestant to retrieve the "X" suspended above the overhead wires will get to challenge for either the Eurasian or the Elite Openweight Championship!!!

    Callie struts out onto the stage and strikes a pose. She is wearing the same outfit Britney Spears wore in the music video "Oops!...I Did It Again", a red space jumpsuit. She gets into the ring and strikes the pose again.

    Harrys: Introducing first, from New York, New York, weighing 100 pounds, Callie Clark!

    Cohen:She has to be the favorite to win this already. Callie has been on something of a roll lately here in WZCW. She is small, yet she is fierce.

    Copeland: Did you just compare her to Shakespeare's work?

    Harrys: And her opponent, from Palm Springs, Ca, weighing 175 pounds, Alice "Baby Doll" Adams!

    Alice slowly and seductively walks down the ramp, and takes her time getting into the ring and adjusting her wardrobe. She gives the front row a little leg before going to an adjacent corner.

    Cohen: I tell ya, that entrance never gets old. She's got legs for days.

    Copeland: Careful now. Don't let Keith Kole hear you.

    Zhanshi brazenly runs down the ramp at breakneck speed. He slides in and slaps his chest, instructing the two women to smack him around if they dare.

    Harrys: And their opponent, from Hong Kong, China, weighing 245 pounds, Zhanshi!

    Copeland: Well. That was quicker than his usual entrance.

    Cohen: You shut your cuck mouth. A man has stepped inside the ring.

    Copeland: My mouth is ...what?

    Elizabeth Prince calls for the bell to start the match.


    Zhanshi orders the two women to service him. They walk up to him suggestively, swaying their hips. He gets excited like a schoolboy on a field trip. Adams and Callie Double Clothesline the horny martial artist to the mat. Together they pummel him until Liz pulls them apart.

    Adams and Callie give a respectful nod to each other before locking up. The dancer loses her footing, Callie grabs her head as she flails to the ground, and executes a shoddy Running Bulldog. It looks like it seriously hurt Adams - she cradles her face and rolls on the canvas in pain. Before Callie can give a satisfying grin Zhanshi is upon her, Karate Front Kick! Both Adams and the social media starlet are down and Zhanshi glances up at the big silver "X" hanging loosely above him. He jumps for it, but it is quite out of reach - suspended at least fifteen feet off the ground. He yells something in Japanese. Adams grabs hold of one of his legs, and he stares down at her in confusion. Callie is back up, runs the ropes, and Sling Blades Zhanshi. Adams kips up and delivers a back elbow to the nape of Callie's neck. All three find themselves on the ground. The "X" sways a little on its latch.

    Cohen: Even fight so far.

    Copeland: Not sure who I should be rooting for though.

    Callie is the first up, and she begins to climb the turnbuckle. Zhanshi and Alice get back up at the same time, spot Callie, and just as she pulls herself up on the overhead cable, they team up - in unison climbing the turnbuckle and grab a leg. Callie comes crashing down in a top rope powerbomb. She writhes on the mat. Adams with a Swinging Neck Breaker to Zhanshi before attempting the turnbuckle again. She is met by Zhanshi, who quickly scaled the opposite side, together they hang above the ring, clutching the wires. The "X" bounces at the weight applied.

    The trendy superstar rolls back to her feet, notices her opponents above her, and stomps her foot. She gets out of the ring in search of a weapon to bat them off. Zhanshi and Adams start to kick at one another. Callie finds a steel chair and throws it at Zhanshi, but misses. He laughs, and is kicked off the wire. He lands haphazardly. Adams reaches for the "X" as Callie slides back in, picks the chair back up, and swings for Alice's legs. Adams hangs in there, kicking at her. Callie swings again, Adams lifts her legs up to dodge, and leaps off, Mule Kicking Callie's chest. They crumple to the ground.

    Callie crosses her arms, signaling an X to the referee. Elizabeth Prince sees this, and summons medics. Zhanshi and then Adams are instructed to stand in opposite corners of the ring until Callie is carted out. EMTs come in with a stretcher. They delicately place the wrestler on it and tote her out of the ring and up the ramp.

    Copeland: Oh wow. Callie is out of the match!

    Cohen: It was a vicious kick, but I didn't realize it put her in that much physical pain. Godspeed.

    Elizabeth restarts the Ultimate X, and both competitors come out swinging, one right hand from Zhanshi, one right from Baby Doll, and it continues until Zhanshi is forced into a corner. Alice places her boot up against his throat and stretches a shapely leg. Audience is unsure if Zhanshi enjoys this or not. Adams lets go, uncertain herself. Zhanshi grabs her and throws her into the turnbuckle. The martial artist uses her as a step ladder, leaping onto her shoulders and hoisting himself up to grasp the cable. Baby Doll wraps his legs around her neck and attempts to powerbomb...Zhanshi loses his grip, together they flail and ...Zhanshi smacks the "X" with the back of his hand. The item drops to the canvas! The botch leaves the crowd laughing. Adams and the Asian superstar are semi-conscious on the canvas as Prince looks around, unsure what to do.

    Copeland: Did...Zhanshi win?

    Cohen: I don't envy Elizabeth. Embarrassing.

    Prince takes the X and silently climbs the turnbuckle. She extends a hand out to try and capture the wire to hang off of. The fans in Las Vegas give her their support:

    "Give Her A Raise!" "Give Her A Raise!" "Give Her A Raise!"

    Alice Adams kicks at the downed Zhanshi, and he returns with a left fist. Elizabeth Prince struggles with the X and holding the wires with both hands, so she sticks the hook in her mouth. She is halfway to the center with the live crowd buzzing wildly. Adams and Zhanshi are back to their feet, and Zhanshi nails her with a Scoop Power Slam. He watches Liz climb, smiles, and goes to the opposite corner. He is onto the turnbuckle, and scales the wires himself. Zhanshi barks at Katie to toss him the X in broken English. Elizabeth refuses, telling him to get down and let her fasten the X. He says no. He wants X (read that out loud slowly). Elizabeth says get off. He says he's trying to. Alice Adams finds the chair Callie left and smacks him in the ass with it. Zhanshi drops.

    Elizabeth begins hooking the X back up in its proper place. Adams sets the chair up on its legs. Zhanshi kips up and delivers a Jumping Roundhouse Kick to Adams. She collapses onto the chair. Satisfied, he turns his attention back up at Elizabeth. Not seeing him, Prince plops down onto his face. All three are down when Callie Clark's music hit again.

    Copeland: Waaait...

    Callie Clark, apparently recovered, skips down the runway and climbs the steel steps. Once onto the turnbuckle post, she wraps a hand around the wire, and then another, and then another. Everybody is still squirming on the mat. She reaches the "X", and unhooks it. Even without a referee signal, the timekeeper is there and sees the outcome. He rings the bell.

    Harrys: Here is your winner, Callie Clark!!!

    Copeland: Are you kidding me? Was that all some contrived ruse? Why? Why go through all that and just run in like she owns the place? Poor Prince just got the damn thing back up!

    Cohen: Callie does own the place. She's next in line for the title - whether it is Elite or Eurasian. All up to her now. You saw at Lethal Lottery how crafty she can be. Tonight was just a reminder. You say it's immoral, I say it's playing the game.

    The victor wraps herself where the cables intersect and sits atop the structure. She waves at the booing fans and, after, placing the "X" in front of her, blows the camera a kiss.

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