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Thread: Ascension Anarchy 138

  1. #11
    I Stay Blasted Yaz's Avatar

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    Anderson: The following contest is a Storm Area 51 Match, and it is for the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship! In this match there is no disqualifications, no countouts, and the only way to win is by climbing the structure on the stage and planting your flag at the top of it! Introducing first, the challenger. Weighing in at 235 pounds, from San Deigo, California, Keith Kole!

    Lights go out until the words "Are you ready " at which point the lights flicker constantly as Keith Kole comes jogging out onto the ramp, stopping and posing for a moment , turning around and soaking in the energy until the song begins to calm down about 30 seconds in. At this point Kole begins walking down the ramp, randomly telling fans that they aren't ready as he walks down the ramp. Kole walks confidently up the steps with his manager Kassandra Kross walking behind him, and she goes around the ring to his corner. Kole is taunting the fans about how he's going to become the champ tonight as he stands in the corner awaiting his opponent.

    Connor: This is quite the big opportunity for Kole tonight, he could pull off a big upset and bring the World Title back to FlexAmerica.

    Cohen: That he could, he's been in a slump as of late but I'm sure he's more motivated than ever tonight and maybe lady luck will be on his side for the second time tonight.

    Anderson: And his opponent, he is the WZCW World Champion, weighing in at 210 pounds, from Phoenix, Arizona, this is Xander!

    The music begins to thump in over the speakers of the arena as the lights cascade down to darkness. The arena stays in darkness for a long time, before finally a spotlight hits the stage revealing Xander. He looks around the audience with a huge grin on his face, before unbuttoning his jacket, revealing the WCZW Championship around his waist. He unhooks it, lifting it with one hand and flipping off the fans with the other, all the while smiling. When he enters the ring, he does a victory lap holding the title up inside, before mounting the turnbuckle, once again raising the belt while sticking the middle finger to the fans, all the while with that same old grin.

    Connor: First title defense tonight for Xander, and it's the upstart Keith Kole getting the shot thanks to a spin of the roulette wheel. Not only did Xander not have a chance to prepare for this, he couldn't have seen this match type coming in his wildest dreams.

    Cohen: Yeah speaking of that what the hell is that structure!?

    Connor: Oh come on Jack didn't you watch GUTS? It's the super mega agrocrag!

    Cohen: The what?

    Connor: Nevermind, what do you make of Xander's chances tonight?

    Cohen: I think he should have decent odds of retaining, but he went the distance at the Lottery and who knows if he'll have to contend with Flex America here, this is going to be a challenge.

    **Ding Ding Ding**

    As the bell rings, both men size each other up before taking a look up at the stage at the agro crag they have to climb. Finally Kole makes the first move, dropping Xander with a clothesline! Xander goes down and Kole wastes no time, quickly sliding out of the ring and running up the stage! Kole reaches the stage as Xander slides out of the ring, chasing after him, and he reaches him just as Kole was about to start the climb, clobbering him in the back of the head, knocking him down. Xander picks up Kole's flag now, and looks at him getting back up, but he stops that by cracking him over the back with the pole of the flag!

    Kole goes down as Xander simply laughs at him, before tossing his opponent's flag off the stage, and to the floor below! The fans are booing as Xander soaks it in, laughing at their anger as Kole begins crawling away from the agrocrag, and after taking another moment to soak in the fans boos, Xander follows his opponent, hitting a kick to the ribs to keep him down! Xander looks over at the agrocrag, before shaking his head and tossing Kole half way down the ramp before following him down.

    Connor: I guess Xander wants to inflict some real punishment in this match.

    Cohen: A bad stratgey if you ask me, if you have an opening to win the match you take it! But maybe he doesn't think Kole will stay down long enough for him to climb up and win yet.

    Kole finally makes it to his feet as Xander stands behind him waiting to strike, and he does with a dropkick, sending Kole stumbling forward and he falls face first onto the bottom of the ramp. Xander follows him and walks over to the ring, pulling out a steel chair from under it! Xander bangs the chair on the floor as Kole rises to his feet, and Xander is yelling for him to turn around, and he does, and Xander swings....but Kole ducks! Xander spins around quickly, and as he does, he gets the chair punched into his face! Xander stumbles backwards, only for Kole to spin him around and drop him with a german suplex!

    Kole debates going for the win, but instead grabs the chair and slams it down across the back of Xander! Kole yells at him about how he's taking his title, before slamming the chair across his back 3 more times, with Xander rolling around in pain holding his back as Kole tosses the chair aside before going back under the ring, this time pulling out a table, much to the delight of the fans!

    Connor: This seemed like it was going to be a very quick match at the start, but now these guys are just trying to hurt each other with whatever they find under the ring!

    Cohen: I think they realized they're gonna need to beat the hell out of each other if they wanna win, even more so for Kole since he'll have to grab his flag off the arena floor on the side of the stage before he can climb that mountain.

    Connor: Agrocrag.

    Cohen: Whatever you say.

    Kole meanwhile has set the table up at ringside, as Xander gets to his feet, while Kole charges him, only to walk into the Swinging STO into a DDT, Afterthought! Kole drops as Xander has an evil smirk on his face, and he looks around, spotting the table and another smile crosses his face as he grabs Kole by the arm, dragging him towards the table before bringing him to his feet and throwing him onto the table. Xander now climbs up onto the table, pulling Kole to his feet at the same time and grabbing him in a front facelock, and he yells that this match is over, as the fans boo....but Kole suddenly drops to his knees, and low blows Xander! Xander has a look of shock and pain on his face as he crumbles, falling off the table and onto the bottom of the ramp as Kole rolls off the table himself, realizing he escaped trouble and he looks over at his manager Kassandra Kross, who tells him to finish it while he has the chance!

    Kole nods in agreement as he pulls Xander up to his feet by his hair, and lifts him up, spins around and drops him through the table with a spinebuster! Xander is down and potentially out, laying in two halves of a broken table as Kole sees his opportunity, and begins walking up the ramp, this could be it!

    Connor: Well Xander might be finished here, this is a big opportunity for Keith Kole to shock the world!

    Cohen: It certainly is but laying out his opponent is only half the battle, now he needs to find his flag and plant it.

    Kole reaches the stage now and looks around, he can't find his flag! Kole looks all around the agrocrag for it with no luck, but finally he spots it a few feet away from the stage and hops off the stage, walks over and grabs it, to a mixed reaction from the fans, some wanting him to pull off the upset, some wanting him to lose. Kole quickly walks back to the stage and climbs back up, as Xander rises to his feet at ringside. Kole sizes up the agrocrag, then quickly begins trying to climb the rocky structure, as Xander realizes what's going on and runs up the stage as Kole has managed to get halfway up the crag, but loses his footing and has to grab onto part of it to avoid falling back down! Xander meanwhile is now on the stage, and runs over to the side that Kole is climbing, and jumps onto it, landing only a little bit behind him and quickly making up the distance while Kole regains his footing, and Xander starts pounding on his back to stop his climb! Kole throws a couple wild elbows at Xander trying to knock him off with no luck, as Xander grabs the head of Kole, and pushes it forward into the structure, causing him to slowly slide down, but he manages to catch himself half way down to avoid falling to the stage.

    Kole begins climbing back up after recovering, but Xander sees this and then looks up, spotting Kole's flag sitting on a jagged piece of the crag, and grabs it quickly, and shows Kole he has it, before throwing off the crag, and to the stage below! Xander laughs as Kole looks frustrated, as he climbs down the rest of the way quickly to go after his flag, while Xander takes his time getting down. Kole meanwhile has grabbed his flag again, and a moment later Xander is standing at the bottom of the crag, playing defense daring Kole to make a move. Kole takes a step towards Xander, swinging the flag at him, but Xander dodges it and goes for an X Rated Superkick, but Kole ducks it, and this time he connects with a shot to the back with the flag! Xander falls down to all fours as Kole turns around, and now throws his flag to the top of the crag...and it lands very close to the top!

    Connor: What a throw by Kole!

    Cohen: A smart move too, now all he has to do is climb to the top and plant it in the hole in the middle to win! But I don't think he's done with Xander just yet!

    Indeed it seems he's not, as Kole is sizing him up, and Xander stumbles to his feet, only to get kicked in the gut, and now Kole goes for Told You, his Cradle DDT...NO! Xander blocks it and pushes Kole away, then ducks a Superkick from Kole, and then low blowing Kole!

    Cohen: Looks like turnabout is fair play there for Xander, a little payback for the low blow he was hit with earlier!

    Kole now falls to his knees, holding his groin in pain as Xander waves goodbye to him, before dropping Kole with an X Rated Superkick! Kole falls backwards, laying flat on his back on the stage as the fans boo loudly, realizing Xander has this now as he taunts them as he walks over to his flag, pulling it out of the holder on the stage and slowly beginning the climb to victory! Kole is laid out as Xander gets to the halfway point up the crag, and the climb continues, taking his time to avoid falling and a minute later, he gets to the top and tosses his flag onto the small platform at the top, then looks down, but he gets a surprise when he sees Kole is on his feet and walking towards the crag! Xander quickly scurries the rest of the way up and onto the platform, as Kole is trying to make up time and climb as fast as he can.

    Xander now picks up his flag, but instead of planting it, he stabs with it at the hands of Kole, trying to knock him back down! Kole is now trying to dodge and avoid falling as Xander gets angry and nearly throws his flag at Kole, but stops himself at the last second, and instead turns around to put it in the hole...but at the last second Kole grabs his leg! Xander turns around as Kole is trying to pull him down, but Xander kicks his hand away, then kicks Kole in the face, stumbling him! Kole regains his balance and comes back at Xander...but Xander kicks him again, this time harder and it manages to send Kole flying off the crag, and down onto the stage!

    Connor: Oh that was brutal! Xander could have won without doing that!

    Cohen: Yeah but he wanted to not only win, but be the only man standing, and that's what he just did!

    Indeed it is as Xander turns back around and plants his flag into the crag, and raises his arm in victory as the bell rings to end the match!

    Anderson: Here's your winner, and STILL WZCW World Champion, Xander!

    The fans boo loudly as Xander stands high above the WZCW universe and his fallen challenger as he celebrates his victory next to the flag with his name on it, and the roulette rounds come to an end with Xander having his first defense of the WZCW World Championship!

  2. #12
    I Stay Blasted Yaz's Avatar

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    Dynamite: 1st Match, segments
    Yaz: 2nd and 3rd match, segments
    Matrix: 4th match
    Spidey: Segment

    Sorry the delay on this one. I should have managed my time better but things come up. We hope you all enjoyed the shows and congrats to all of the winners. Thank the fellas as well. Look for boards around Friday, as we will need an extra day or so to discuss the KC card as well as the boards for the upcoming round. If you have any story suggestions, feel free to drop one of us a line.

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