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Thread: Ascension Anarchy 138

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    I Stay Blasted Yaz's Avatar

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    Ascension Anarchy 138

    The show opens with a row of show girls on stage doing a routine. They kick their legs and dance with giant peacock feathers and when they are done the crowd gives them a big applause.

    Connor: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to Ascension Anarchy! We hope you all enjoyed the chaos that was Meltdown last night, but we have even more in store tonight.

    Cohen: That's right Cat. We have the another packed card, and at least one guaranteed title match, as Garth Black will be defending his EurAsian Title. Thing is, we have just as much clue as the viewers at home do as to who he will defend against and the type of match it will be defended in.

    Connor: Plus the newly crowned WZCW World Heavyweight Champion will be in action, though it remains to be seen if his title will be up for grabs.

    Cohen: Speaking of.

    The crowd boos as Xander shoves his way through the show girls. He is dressed sharply with a brand new black suit. He walks to the ring, mic in hand, and has a swagger in his step as he sports a smarmy grin. He gets into the ring and takes a moment to listen to his new theme music and soak in the boos. He then turns to face the camera.

    Xander: Damn it feels good to be here.

    "WE HATE YOU XANDER!" a fan yells out.

    Xander: Love you too buddy.

    The crowd boos even more.

    Xander: Oh come on, I know you guys can do better than that. Let's try again, but with this.

    Xander unbuttons his suit jacket and reveals his World Title. It glistens slightly in the bright lights. The crowd really gives it to him, and he eats it all up.

    Xander: Now that's more like it. I knew you guys could do it. I want you all to take a good look at this gold around my waist. Because this gold is the closest all you losers will come to gold and winning while you are here. Seriously, gambling is a horrible addiction, just an awful awful vice. Now I do want to encourage all of you, despite your obvious limitations to know I believe in you. I used to be in your shoes, well not as bad because let's face it, I'm a world class athlete and half of you people look like you didn't win the genetic lottery, let alone the actual lottery, but I overcame my demons. Now all I'm addicted to, is winning. I mean, ask the other twenty nine guys I out lasted that night. And yes I did outlast them all, because I came in at number one. No one has ever done what I did. I made history. Sure, you had Mikey Stormrage come in right after me and last until the end with me, but I showed I was superior to him and his addictions to food, alcohol, and video games. He did fine, but I did better. Stetson Hayes had the most eliminations that night, but he didn't eliminate me, just like he can't eliminate his beer from his life. Steven Holmes came back, he put on a great show, I applaud him coming back at his age, but I can't help but wonder how many harmful painkillers he had to choke down after the match. The fact remains, I was the best that night in Jeddah, and I am the best wrestler in WZCW and this right here, proves it!

    Xander unhooks the belt and hoists it into the air as the crowd boos.

    The crowd cheers when Chuck Myles's music hits.

    Connor: Well this is going to be interesting.

    Cohen: Can't this wait? Xander is enjoying his moment. Respect our champion.

    Myles gets to the ring and grabs a mic from a ringside attendant. He extends a hand to the new champ, who reluctantly accepts.

    Myles: I just wanted to come out here and congratulate you for winning the Lethal Lottery. I know the schedule for champions is hectic, on top of the already hellacious schedule WZCW has been on recently, so I wanted to take the chance to come out here while I could to say it. Being a World Champion means you are the face of WZCW, and being that face means you have certain obligations. People hold you to a higher standard. You owe these fans a higher standard.

    Xander: I don't owe these people a goddamn thing!

    Myles: I'll give you a pass for now, since this is your first time on air since being crowned champion, but after the show Mr. Bateman, Ms. Serra, and myself will have a little talk with you on how we expect champions to behave. Consider it mandatory.

    Chuck goes to walk away but stops just before he steps out of the ring.

    Myles: Oh that is, if, you are still champion after the show. Becky and I drew up the matches earlier in the day, and that title of yours will be on the line in the main event. I'd hate to see you lose it on the very first show after you won it. Good luck tonight champ.

    Myles's music hits again as he walks out of the ring and waves to the fans. Xander is livid.

    Connor: What a reveal by Chuck Myles! Xander will be defending his newly won World Title tonight, giving us two title defenses and stacking the card even further.

    Cohen: This is a damn outrage. This isn't how you treat your World Champion.
    Last edited by Yaz; 07-30-2019 at 04:15 AM.

  2. #2
    I Stay Blasted Yaz's Avatar

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    Stetson Hayes is at a Vegas bar enjoying a beverage. The scene is obviously pre-taped.

    Stetson: Crazy world we live in being rasslers. One week we in tha middle of one big ol' dry county called Saudi Arabia, the next we in damn Sin City. So I got me a beer, gonna catch me one of them thar peep shows, prob'ly fuck with Elvis, and of course deal me in some cards.

    An older man overhears him from a booth.

    Happy Hour You a rassler?

    Stetson: Yer goddamn right I'm a rassler. From Fort Worth, Texas.

    Happy Hour No kiddin'. I used to be and 'round them parts too. Bit of an outlaw in my heyday. Stomps some mudholes in asses. Walked 'em dry.

    Stetson: You do look familiar. Sure does my soul good seein' a real rassler these days I tell you what.

    Happy Hour: See you drinkin' one of my own brands over there too.

    Stetson stares down at his bottle. It's an IPA with the label being a skull punching another skull wearing a blonde wig. DOMESTIC is printed in all caps below.

    Stetson: You made this?

    Happy Hour: Yes indeed. Proud of it.

    Stetson: You inspire me.

    Happy Hour: Good people drink good beer.

    They have a quiet albeit manly moment where they finish their bottles. Happy gets up from the booth.

    Happy Hour: Well I gotta hit the trail. Be seeing ya on the TV.

    Happy Hour tips his ballcap to Stetson, leaves a tip on the table, and heads out.

    Stetson: There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered rassler of some kind never even considered for mass purduction. Too weird ta live, and too rare ta die.

    The cowboy glances down inside the beer bottle.

    Stetson: ...what in the hell's in this thang?

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    Keith Kole can be seen stretching and doing jumping jacks backstage, Flex Mussel watches on, saying nothing but critiquing with his eyes. The duo is begrungingly approached by Stacey Madison.

    Stacey: I hate being anywhere near you but the people seem to want know, what’s the deal with you and Mikey Stormrage?

    Stacey holds the mic to Flex, who starts to utter a word, but ultimately decides to stay quiet and walk away. Keith Kole instead takes his turn.

    Keith: The King’s motives are for him to know, and you to find out whenever we allow it. Now here’s a better question to ask: who is the unlucky clown that is going to get decimated by Keith Kole? Answer? It doesn’t matter, because they are nothing compared to me and the might that is FlexAmerica.

    Stacey is visibly uninterested as Keith continues his exercising as he walks off screen.

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    Anderson: This match is scheduled for one fall! And is a Future Endeavors Lumberjack match!

    Connor: This could be interesting…

    Cohen: Time to see some of WZCW’s past.

    About half a dozen lumberjacks make their way through the curtain and down the ramp to little or no fan fair. This group contains the likes of Joe Mason, Armando Paradyse, Hollywood Jameson, Derek Jacobs, Diabolos, and El Swago.

    Connor: Not exactly WZCW’s brightest bunch.

    Cohen: But who is El Swago?

    The endeavored talent make their way down to the ring and spread themselves out around ringside as the participants begin to make thier way down to the ring.

    The familiar sound of hooves make their way through the arena as Stetson Hayes arrives on the scene riding a young Stallion straight off the race track. Pulling the reigns causing the steed to neigh loudly as it begins its stride down the ramp and towards the ring. Once he makes his down the ramp he unsattles himself before slowly making his way up the steps as he jaw-jacks with some of the lumberjacks. The ref urges him to get in the ring as he places his cowboy hat on the turnbuckle.

    Anderson: Making his way to the ring, from Fort Worth, Texas, weighing 295 pounds, Stetson Hayes!

    Cohen: This man had the most eliminations in the Lethal Lottery and had a dominating performance. His immense talent cannot be understated!

    Connor: Stetson is indeed on a hot streak. We shall see if he can parlay that into success tonight.

    The WZCW Veteran makes his way out to the ring to the adulation of the crowd. He soaks in all of the applause as he begins high fiving and working the crowd as he makes his way down the ramp. He notices some unsavory looks from the lumberjacks but doesn’t pay them much mind as he fist bumps a child with a Chris K.O. t-shirt before entering the ring.

    Anderson: And his opponent, from Norman, Oklahoma, weighing 220 pounds, Chris K.O.!

    Connor: Chris K.O. made a major return at the Lethal Lottery but WZCW is now a very different place than what it once was. Tonight will be a test to see if he can adapt.

    Cohen: He walked out back then, and I doubt he can hang now.

    Both Stetson and KO go nose to nose as the ref rings the bell for the match to begin. It doesn’t take long for both men to get into a collar elbow tie up. With Stetson having the size advantage he is able to back Chris into a corner as the ref starts the five count causing Stetson to break his grip. A moment goes by and Stetson goes for a wild swing which KO ducks and responds with a stiff uppercut to Stetson. Chris then makes his way back to the center of the ring trying to goat Stetson into an un-calculated move. Hayes shakes off the strike but doesn’t rush into another encounter, instead electing to take his time. The two men lock up again but this time Chris manuevers into a standing armbar but Stetson uses his power to throw Chris off. The former champion recovers to his feet quickly and gets his arms up blocking a Big Boot from Stetson. The force is still enough to send KO back into the turnbuckle and Stetson doesn’t let up as he delivers corner punches that Chris does a decent job at blocking as well. Not landing enough hits on the first go around Stetson does not do his signature drinking pose and instead Irish Whips him across the ring into the other turnbuckle. KO shoots himself out of the corner into a dropkick that nails Stetson perfectly but still does not send the big man off his feet. Chris then bounces off the ropes looking to hit another high impact move but is met with a solid Big Boot to the face sending the veteran back and outside to the ring. Chris quickly shakes the cobwebs out as he realizes where he is and dives back under the bottom rope into the ring before the lumberjacks can get to him. He shakes his head at them and is met with a short-arm lariat from Stetson.

    Connor: Both men taking the strategic route in this contest but its only a matter of time until the lumberjacks get involved.

    Cohen: Speaking of which…

    Instead of going for the cover Stetson chucks KO out of the ring down to the lumberjacks. Joe Mason and Derek Jacobs circle like Vultures but before they can do anything Chris meets both jobbers with a running knee strike and uppercut each before running back into the ring. Stetson attempts a knife edge chop that KO ducks and hoists the big man with a German suplex folding him up on the mat. Both KO and Stetson struggle to make it to their feet but once they do Chris is the first to capitalize hitting a spinning heel kick sending Stetson to the floor. Armando and Hollywood Jameson pick up the big man but Stetson delivers a knife edge chop right to Jameson’s face sending a loud echo through the arena and a handprint on the jobber’s face. He he then delivers a short arm clotheline that turns Armando inside out! Stetson gets back on the apron and KO meets him with a dropkick that sends him back to the outside but Stetson lands on his feet. El Swago then attempts a running crossbody on Stetson but the Cowboy catches him in mid air! Diabolos then jumps on his back but the big man is still standing strong! KO gets to the top turnbuckle and delivers a splash taking out all three men!

    Cohen: These lumberjacks seem to be highly ineffective.

    Connor: Just as they were employed.

    Chris is the first to his feet and chucks Stetson into the ring. He goes for the cover and only gets a one. He doesn’t waste time and picks up Stetson looking to hit a CKO but the big man pushes him off. Chris then charges at him but Hayes uses the momentum and slams Chris down hard with a leg trap spinebuster. Stetson does not make the cover and instead yanks him up violently and hits a Russian leg sweep. He hooks the leg 1...2...Chris kicks out. Stetson is irriated at the ref but he does not begin to argue. He instead throws KO out towards Mason and Jacobs who begin to stomp out Chris. Stetson begins to rest in the corner until Diabolos and and El Swago pull out the big man by the legs and begin attacking him on the outside of the ring! Chris begins trying to fight back but is put back down the ground as Armando joins Jacobs and Mason to attack the veteran. Stetson continues his valiant fight but Jameson helps the other lumberjacks as they send the big man into the steel steps shoulder first. The jobbers on the other side flapjack Chris KO into the apron face first. The ref tries to get both groups of lumberjacks to put the men back in the ring but the lumberjacks ignore him completely as they continue to stomp away at the contestants.

    Connor: This match has completely devolved the ref has no control!

    Cohen: These lumberjacks have stolen the match! They’re in business for themselves.

    The lumberjacks continue their beatdown until the crowd begins to erupt as Haven leads other lumberjacks down to the ring that include SHIT, Grizzy Bob, Krypto, Jabari, Facecrush McSpinesmasher. The rest of the lumberjacks take notice and the two groups meet at bottom of the ramp and begin brawling ringside! The ref has his attention towards the lumberjacks as Chris struggles to make his way back inside the ring. Stetson does the same except he enters with a steel pipe hidden under his arm. Both competitors meet in the middle of the canvas and Stetson swings the pipe but KO narrowly ducks! He grabs the arm of the big man and wrestles him down into The Burning Crusade! The veteran has Stetson in the crossface but the ref is no where to be found! Chris lets go to get the ref’s attention but Joe Mason pulls the ref out himself! Mason tries to hit the official with a bag of Jew Gold but the ref ducks and begins hitting various right hands on the jobber! Chris turns around in frustration and is nailed straight in the head with the pipe! Stetson gets rid of the evidence but the steel step shot and the cross face has done damage as well. After a few long moments Stetson makes a cover! He’s got him down to the five count but the ref finally dives in for the count 1...2...Thr-NOOOO! KO just barely kicks out!

    Cohen: Stetson was robbed, he had him beat!

    Connor: He needed a weapon to do it! But the chaos outside wasn’t in his favor!

    Stetson is now furious with the ref. The two begin arguing and El Swago gets in the ring looking to cause some damage. Stetson takes his frustration out on him and lifts him up for a snap powerbomb on the outside that takes out all of the lumberjacks! Stetson turns around and Chris nails him with the CKO! Chris hooks the leg! 1...2...3!!!!

    Anderson: And here is your winner, Chris KO!!!!

    Cohen: Tonight was an absolute injustice, Stetson had this match won and bad officiating, jobbers, and an unsportsmanlike Chris KO soured all of it.

    Connor: There was much interference in this match but in the end it was Chris KO who took advantage and was able to secure the victory. He may just be able to adapt to this new WZCW.

    Chris gets his hand raised as he holds his head still feeling the effects of the steel pipe. He quickly exits the ring stepping over the lumberjacks who are still laid out on the floor. He picks Haven up and the two exit up the ramp together as Stetson begins to stir inside the ring.

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    Chuck Myles is sitting in his office, texting, when there is a knock at the door.

    Myles: It's open!

    WZCW EurAsian Champion Garth Black walks in. The two shake hands.

    Myles: Thanks for stopping by. I just wanted to say thanks for not making a fuss over the temporary show switch. I'm happy to have such a big name star on the show, even if for just one night.

    Black: I've developed something of a rapport with Becky, but I'm happy to be here and put on a show.

    Myles: Well the least I could do was let you know ahead of time you would be defending your title in a gimmick match. Unfortunately, its all I can say. Oh and that you might want this.

    Myles reaches into a bag next to his desk and tosses something to Black. He opens it to find a Las Vegas Golden Knights custom jersey with Black's name and the number "00"

    Connor: Ladies and gentlemen, don't go away, the WZCW EurAsian Title is on the line, next.

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    Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is a Sin City Street Fight and it will be for the WZCW EurAsian Championship!

    The crowd cheers as Selena Anderson smiles.

    Cohen: Are you excited to get to call a EurAsian Title match Cat?

    Connor: It has been a while since I got to call one on Ascension, so I bet will will be fun. Plus I know how excited you get when we get a match where falls count anywhere.

    Cohen: You are not wrong my friend.

    Anderson: Introducing first, weighing in at 15 stone, he is the WZCW EurAsian Champion, Garth Black!

    Black gets a pretty warm reception from the Las Vegas crowd when his music hits, but when he comes out wearing a Las Vegas Golden Knights jersey, the crowd erupts. He has the EurAsian Title around his waist as he makes his way to the ring. He gets inside and stretches on the ropes a bit before he unhooks the title and holds it high as the crowd cheers him.

    Cohen: In his career, Garth Black has some big wins in matches such as these. He won his sole World Title in Hell in a Cell, and defeated the current World Champion Xander, at Unscripted, to defend the EurAsian Championship that Black has across his waist. He knew he would be defending his title tonight, but he had no clue it would be like this and he still has no clue who his opponent will be. I don't envy him.

    Connor: It certainly isn't an easy situation, but Black is constantly evolving, shedding his old skin and growing. Tonight may be another chapter in the book of Black.

    Selena Anderson looks down at her match card.

    Anderson: And his opponent...

    ...from Ise, Mie, Japan weighing 145 pounds, Kagura!

    Connor: What a turn of events!

    Cohen: You are just excited to root for a woman.

    Connor: I'm just excited to see the draw throw something like this out. Kagura goes from losing the World Title to getting a shot at the EurAsian Title in the span of a couple of weeks.

    Kagura dances through her rose petals and pays no mind to the boos as she is wearing a form fitting San Jose Sharks shirt, the Golden Knights rivals. She saunters into the ring as a pink spotlight shines on her. She gets into the ring and snarls at Black, who holds his title high.

    Cohen: Well I'm not going to ask because I already know who you would pick, but I'm going to go with Black to retain. He picked up a big win at Unscripted in a similar match, and I think he wins tonight and puts puts the gimmick match trend behind him.

    Referee Felix Springfield takes the EurAsian Title from Black, who taps it twice before handing it over. Springfield holds the EurAsian high before he hands it to Selena, who takes it to the timekeepers area with her. Felix calls for the bell.

    *DING! DING!*

    Black and Kagura lock up in the center of the ring. They tussle around and jockey for position and Black backs Kagura into the corner. He starts to break, but realizes there are no breaks in the match. The temporary slip gives Kagura the upper hand and she reverses position and hits a big chop on Black. He grabs his chest in pain, though you have to imagine the thick hockey jersey cushioned some of the blow. Kagura snapmares him out of the corner and grabs a chinlock. Black fights to his feet and falls back into the corner and temporarily breaks the hold. Kagura jumps on his back though and tires to grab the Fourth Dance of Toyouke Omikami, but Garth falls back into the turnbuckle again and starts to ram backward to make sure Kagura doesn't try again. Satisfied he pulls Kagura out and goes to Irish whip her into the opposite turnbuckle but Kagura reverses. Black reverses the reversal and short arms and scoops Kagura in a firemans carry for the Black Out. He readies for the knee but Kagura manages to block and pick his leg on the way down and transition into an ankle lock attempt. Black rolls with it and gets on his back and kicks Kagura away. Kagura charges once Black is on her feet, but Black uses the momentum to toss her with a judo throw. Kagura pops up and Black begs her in so she charges again. This time Kagura reverses and throws Black. Black pops up and throws a dropkick, which Kagura dodges. She then throws a high roundhouse kick, which Black drops down to avoid. They then square off again as the fans applaud.

    Connor: Very even and eventful start here.

    Cohen: It is clear the title means a lot to both competitors. Hot start for sure.

    The two lock up again and Kagura slips behind Black and runs him into the ropes and rolls up Black...One!....Two!...Black kicks out but Kagura grabs a school boy at the first opportunity...One!...Two!..Black kicks out and Kagura goes for another roll up but Black knees her square in the face. The crowd "oooohhhs" at the blow and Kagura falls flat. Black thinks about it for a moment, but forgoes the pin attempt as he sees Kagura stir just a bit. He grabs her then drops her back down with a Russian leg sweep. He then hits the ropes and connects with a leaping elbow drop. Then he makes the cover...One!...Two!...Kagura kicks out and rolls to the ropes to make sure Black doesn't grab her in any sort of transitional hold. Black simply grabs her legs and lifts her and drops her to the mat. She smacks her knee on the mat and grimaces, but uses the ropes to get up. Black immediately whips her into the corner. He makes his way over and chops her across the chest, her form fitting shirt not offering the padding Black's jersey did. He then climbs to the second turnbuckle and punches away as the crown counts along...


    Cohen: Five!...Six!...

    Connor: What the hell Jack?

    Cohen: It's infectious.


    Black hops down and kicks Kagura in the midsection before hitting a monkey flip. The 12 Step Program! Kagura's momentum carries her across the ring to the far turnbuckle. Black sees this and readies for Getting On The Wagon. He and goes for the corner body avalanche, but Kagura slips out. Black connects chest first with the turnbuckle. Kagura grabs a school boy but she and Black roll all the way through and she connects with a stiff kick to Black. He falls back, folded on his knees. She shakes herself out a little bit and then grabs a trapezius claw on Black. She uses it to drag him to his feet. She pushes him back into the ropes and forces him back down. He counters by pulling Kagura through the ropes and to the floor. He is rotating his arm to try to get feeling back in it as Kagura is on her knees by the ring. Black runs and launches himself through the ropes with a suicide dive. Kagura catches him with a chair to the head though, dropping him. She makes a cover on the outside and the referee hurries to get out of the ring to count the pin...One!...Two!....Black just barely gets a shoulder up in time.

    Connor: I think we would have had a new champ there if the ref was in a proper position.

    Cohen: We very well could have. The time it took him to get into position might have been three.

    Kagura shouts at the Felix in Japanese and shoves him out of the way. She goes to the timekeeper's area and grabs the title. She holds it high and Wraps it around her waist as if she won as she keeps shouting. She tosses the belt back at Selena Anderson and goes over to Black. Her time away gave him time to recover though and he connects with the edge of the chair to the midsection. He then connects with chair shot to the back, his opponent recoiling upward in pain. Garth connects with an uppercut, of the non European variety, and then tosses her into the barricade and then tosses her into the ring back first. He grabs the chair and winds up for a shot, but Kagura falls to the ground to avoid it. Black hits the ropes with the chair and it pops him in the face. Kagura then sweeps Black's legs and he falls face first into the steel steps, with the chair in between. It makes a loud and unpleasant ringing. Kagura is starting to feel the impact of the match and stretches out and and tries to relieve some pain by shaking her limbs. Once finished, she reaches under the ring and grabs a kendo stick.

    Connor: Why do we keep those under the ring?

    Cohen: No clue.

    She cracks the stick across the back of Black, who screams out. She brings it down across his back a second, third, and fourth time. His back already starting to show the signs of the attack. Kagura finds the chair and lays it out and then smacks Black one more time with the stick. She then grabs the champ and plants with him a saito suplex onto the chair. She makes the cover...One!...Two!...Kick out by the champ. She pushes her opponent away in anger and then rummages under the ring. She grabs a cookie sheet....

    Connor: Or those?

    Cohen: Maybe someone plans on baking cookies after the show?

    ...but Black smacks her in the face with the kendo stick. She recoils, dropping the cookie sheet. Black smacks the stick against the steps a few times and then starts to tee off on Kagura. She rolls into the ring to escape the assault and Black follows, but Kagura is quick to slide out the other side. Black throws the stick at her to throw her off balance before he connects with a baseball slide to knock her back. She stumbles up the ramp where Black runs and bulldogs her into the ramp. The champ then grabs her and pulls her to her feet, and she tries to fight back with punches to his midsection. Black hoists her onto his shoulders, despite her resistance and the fans anticipate Black Out. Kagura connects with knees though, and manages to slip out. She stumbles up to the stage and Black grabs her and tries again. Again more knees and she slips out the back. Black whirls around to grab her yet again, but Kagura connects with a two fisted heart punch! Fifth Dance of Amaterasu Omikami!

    Cohen: Dance of the whatever or something!

    Black was too close to the edge of the stage though and falls before Kagura can catch him. She falls to her knees, distraught.

    Connor: There is a great chance that the match would have been over had Black just fallen in the correct position.

    Kagura slams her fists into the stage a couple of times before she yells out and climbs off the stage to find Black. She looks for him, noticing he fell into a padded equipment crate, softening the impact of the fall. He is still not completely unharmed from the blow and the fall, so she has to use considerable effort to drag him out of the crate. She gets him out and she tries to connect with a suplex of some sort, but Black fights back. They trade punches back and forth until they are back on the ramp. They fight back up toward the stage, to the entrance area. Kagura is getting the upper hand but lets her emotion get the best of her and wings a wild punch. Black ducks and grabs her in a rear waistlock and goes for a German suplex. Kagura flips out of it and lands on her feet. Black slips trying to regain his footing and ends up on a knee. Kagura slaps her knee, the sign she is looking for her shining wizard, First Dance of Awarawa no Mikoto. She runs, but Black grabs the structure above him and pulls himself up in an impressive display. Kagura crashes knee first into the tron's steel and falls back, clutching her feet. Black takes a moment to catch his breath and sees the giant WZCW logo above the entry curtain. He looks to the top of it, and then back down to Kagura.

    Connor: He isn't.

    Cohen: He is! Go Garth go!

    Black begins to scale the logo as the crowd cheers him on. He looks down one last time and leaps, The Come Down! The fans go wild as he does, but Kagura moves out of the way! Black crashes into the stage, falling through. Felix Springfield grabs the side of his head, shocked. Kagura drags Black onto the stage, cutting his back on the steel in the process and she beckons the ref over. He hesitates but gets into slides into position as best he can...One!....Two!...Three! Kagura slams her fists onto the ramp, but this time in elation instead of frustration. Springfield sprints over to the timekeeper's area as Kagura gets to her feet, slowly. She falls back into the same section of the tron she ran into just minutes earlier as Mr. Springfield hands her her newly won title.

    Anderson: Here is your winner, and the NEW, WZCW EurAsian Champion, Kagura!

    Cohen: I'm still in shock. I have no idea what to say.

    Medical personnel arrive on stage to check on Black as you can hear Cat stammering, at a loss for words as Kagura holds the title high while using the tron to support herself.

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    We return from commercial after the match. The lumberjacks are all getting on a bus outside. Derek Jacobs has a broom in his hand, likely to clean house.

    WZCW's newest signing, Carl, is standing around talking to Backstage Bob nearby. As they are talking, some crew guys walk past with equipment to fix the stage after the last match.

    Carl: So yeah, Georgia is known for peaches and Ted Turner and the guy who invented Coca-Cola. Otherwise, not much else.

    Suddenly WZCW Keith Morse comes up to the two.

    Morse: Carl? Just Carl? Whatever you prefer, you need to come with me. Your match is at a different location and that's all I'm allowed to tell you.

    Keith Morse escorts Carl to a car in the parking area. Carl gets in and takes his seat. Sitting next to him is Mayhem specialty referee Michael Raymond McRae. He sits in silence with his arms crossed.

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    Chris KO and Haven can be seen walking down a Hallway. Still reeling from KO’s earlier encounter. They are stopped by Leon Kensowrth.

    Leon: Chris can I get a word? I just wanted to ask how it feels to have your first official match in your years absence?

    Chris: Well it certainly wasn’t easy, Stetson made sure of that, but its kind of like riding a bike, you pick it up after some time. But things don’t stop here, Kingdom Come is just around the corner, and I’ll make my mark once again, and this time I'll do it the right way.

    Haven: Because that's what true heroes do.

    Chris: Damn straight.

    Chris and Haven continue on licking their wounds.

  9. #9
    I Stay Blasted Yaz's Avatar

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    The car from earlier pulls up to a building. Carl gets out with McRae. The building reads "GAME NEST ARCADE" and they walk inside.

    Carl: Hell yeah! They got skee ball!

    McRae points across the arcade, where Flex Mussel is hassling the ticket guy over a giant stuffed shark.

    The voice of Jack Cohen comes across a loud speaker in the arcade.

    Cohen: Apologies ladies and gentlemen, the massive swarm of grasshoppers outside if causing some technical interference and we are having audio issues, hence the lack of proper entrances or the current feed from Cat. We do have Selena Anderson with the match announcement. Selena.

    Anderson: Thanks Jack. The following contest is an Arcade Brawl! You can only win by pinfall or submission and you may not leave the perimeter of the arcade! Introducing first from The Southeast, weighing 200 pounds, Just Carl!

    Some applause can be heard from the fans.

    Anderson: And his opponent, from Paris, France, weighing 220 pounds, Flex Mussél!

    You can hear boos until Selena's feed is cut. Flex shoves the attendant and walks over to where Carl and McCrae are standing. McRae pulls a bell from his pocket and rings it.

    *RING! RING!*

    Flex looks a little confused and has to duck a ball from the skee ball machine that Carl chucked at him. He is unable to dodge the second, it cracks him in the side of the head and startles him. Carl runs at him and dropkicks him, taking him off his feet. He is nowhere near ready to be down for good, so Carl backs off enough to let Flex stand. Still a bit groggy from the shot to the head, Flex wobbles on his feet and Carl hits another dropkick that knocks Flex back into the free throw game. Carl runs and hits the best splash he can in the situation before he backs away and ponders his next move against a decorated foe like Flex. Carl sees a pool table nearby and grabs a cue, only for Flex to hurl a basketball at him and cause him to drop it. Flex runs and tackles Carl to the ground, really knocking him on his ass. The former World Title holder stops for a second to check his head for blood as a static comes across the arcade's loud speaker.

    Cohen: I think we finally have Cat patched in.

    Connor: Sorry for the delay folks, but our great tech team I am patched into the feed and ready to call this unusual but fun sounding match.

    Cohen: Oh fun is definitely a great word to describe this one.

    Carl is back on his feet and tries to grab the pool cue but Flex kicks it away before he grabs a pool ball and goes to hit Carl with it. The rookie gets his hand up to take the blow, but it bends his pinky finger back awkwardly. He yells a blood curdling yell as his finger hangs at an awkward angle. Flex laughs, so Carl kicks him in The King's royal jewels.

    Connor: I think Flex just broke Carl's little finger!

    Cohen: Forget the finger, I think The King just broke the royal scepter!

    Carl does his best to pop his finger back into place, but its clearly broken. He punches Flex with that hand, then recoils in pain and shakes his hand out. He then pops Flex in the jaw with his good hand to better results. Carl drags Flex to his feet and chops away at Flex, backing him into the prize area. Flex shoves him away but Carl hits a dropkick to knock Flex over the counter. Carl goes around the counter to grab Flex but Flex pulls him down into the counter. They struggle for a few moments and Flex gets up and laughs. Carl has his fingers trapped in a Chinese finger trap. Flex starts to kick and and punch at Carl, who is still trapped.

    Cohen: Carl is royally screwed here. Those things are impossible to get out of!

    Flex knocks him into the pool table and grabs the other cue and begins to choke him with it. Ref McRae is right there to make sure Carl doesn't tap or pass out. He reaches up as best he can to keep the pressure off the choke. He reaches to the table as best he can and grabs a pool ball with both hands and thrusts his hands upward. He doesn't connect with much, but it's enough to graze Flex and break the hold. Flex checks his lip for blood as Carl is finally able to break the trap.

    Cohen: An incredible display of strength by Carl. That kid will go far.

    Connor: It's a children's toy Jack.

    Flex charges at Carl, but slips behind and tries for a waistlock. Flex breaks it and reserves to a side headlock. Flex uses it to drag Carl over to the wack-a-mole and starts to hit Carl in the head with the mallet. He mixes it up by hitting a couple of the moles, but then holds Carl's head over the moles so they pop up and hit him in the face. As the tickets start to spit out Flex drops Carl and begins to count them.

    Flex: I'm gonna get that damn shark.

    Flex walks over to the prize table and demands the poor attendant, who had to watch all of this thus far, give him the shark. The poor guy informs Flex he doesn't have enough tickets and Flex grabs him again. This allows Carl to whip an air hockey puck at Flex and startle him. He then cracks him across the back with the pool cue. He cracks him across the back of the knee to drop him down and while he is kneeling Carl connects with a boot to the side of head and makes a cover...One!...Two!...Kick out my Flex.

    Cohen: You know, I was enjoying this so much, I forgot this was a wrestling match.

    Connor: It is certainly unorthodox but also entertaining, no doubt about it Jack.

    Carl drags Flex over to the skee ball area again and places his hand on the ramp and then slams a ball down onto his hand. Seeing that his hand is still intact, Carl tries again, but Flex moves his hand and slugs Carl in the face to knock him back. Carl responds by kicking at Flex as he stands, but Flex catches his foot. Flex laughs as Carl hops, so Carl connects with an enziguri. Flex drops to a knee and Carl uses it to snap Flex back with a suplex. He makes another cover...One!...Two!...Flex kicks out again. He grabs an arm off the kickout and works a sort of armbar, but instead of wrenching it too really inflict damage, he drags Flex toward a Foosball table. He works toward an armtrap DDT to put Flex down and then climbs onto the table and moonsaults off. He hooks the leg...One!...Two!...Flex kicks out. Carl goes to grab him, but Flex headbutts him when he is on his feet and knocks him back. He then spins and fires off the Flexicution! The discuss clothesline knocks Carl off his feet and onto the Foosball table. Flex tries to figure out how to pin him, and when he finally does, McRae tells him its not a legal pin because Carl's arm is hanging off the table, meaning his shoulder into down. Flex gets frustrated and grabs Carl by the neck and tosses his away and flips the table in a fit of rage.

    Cohen: Flex right to be angry. He hits a devastating move, but Carl lucked out.

    Connor: And just scary strength by Flex there.

    Carl is crawling toward a Time Crisis cabinet and uses it to stand. Flex gives chase but Carl takes the gun and smacks Flex across the face with it. Carl then tackles Flex into a NBA Jam cabinet. Flex crashes into it, and breaks one of the sticks off. Carl uses his non broken hand to punch Flex in the face a couple of times before he grabs him by the back of the head and tosses him through the screen of a Polybius machine. He tries to school boy Flex, and while pulling him out of the screen, causes Flex to cut his face open. Flex kicks out of the pin before the ref can count. back on there feet Flex can feel the blood trickling down his face. He knees Carl in the face and then puts his hand to his own face. He stares at the blood.

    Flex: Nobody makes me bleed my own blood.

    Flex, in an adrenaline fit from seeing his own blood, and possibly a fit of roid rage, grabs the machine. He grunts and lifts the machine over his head and hurls it at Carl, who just avoids it.

    Cohen: Holy shit! Those cabinets weigh about three pounds on average, and Flex tossed it like it was Amber Warren.

    Connor: Jack, don't swear on air.

    Cohen: We are on a tape delay due to the location, they can censor it.

    Carl starts throwing pool balls, skee balls, Foosballs, anything he can to slow down the rampaging Flex. He crawls under some pinball machines to escape, but Flex just tips one over. Carl crawls until he hits the wall. He knows he is trapped and in a desperation move tries to crawl through the legs of Flex, but Flex grabs him by the tights and hoists him into the air and slams him onto one of the pinball machines. The machine flashes "TILT!" as Flex does so. Some of the blood from Flex's face has dripped onto Carl as Flex begins to choke Carl. The rookie spits in the face of Flex in a final act of defiance. It only enrages Flex who, who positions Carl for a Mussel Bomb. He carries him and hits the vicious powerbomb through a tabletop Pac-Man game. He makes the cover...One!...Two!...Three! Flex gets up, his face as red as three ball from the pool table just a few feet away. He refuses to let McRae raise his hand. Instead he walks over and grabs the giant stuffed shark and walks out the door with it as Selena Anderson's voice comes back on the PA.

    Anderson: Here is your winner, Flex Mussel!

    Cohen: That match was incredible. Well it wasn't so much a match as two men destroying thousands of dollars worth of video games, but I'll take it.

    Connor: A valiant effort by the rookie Just Carl, who has really been thrown straight into the fire here in his WZCW career, but The King walks out the victor and the owner of a new stuffed shark.

  10. #10
    I Stay Blasted Yaz's Avatar

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    The camera returns back inside the T Mobile Arena where Leon Kensworth is in the ring. He gets some polite applause.

    Kensworth: Thank you everyone. While the crew set up for our special main event match, we are going to be doing a special contest. Since we are in Las Vegas, we are going to give one lucky fan a chance to win ten thousand dollars if they can successfully answer just one WZCW trivia question. Will the fan sitting in section C, row 4, seat 17 please allow security to escort you to the ring?

    The house light shines down on the fan, who is certainly happy. He jumps up and down and lets security escort him to the ring. He climbs inside and shakes hands with Leon.

    Kensworth: What is your name?

    Fan: My name is AB Morales!

    Kensworth: Well Mr. Morales, where are you from and what do you do for a living?

    Fan: I'm from Puerto Rico and I run a wrestling website and podcast! And today is my birthday!

    The fans cheers for him.

    Kensworth: Well let's hope we can make this birthday a special one. Let's bring out the man who will ask you your question!

    Cohen: Jesus Christ, not again.

    Fans cheer as Krypto makes his way to the ring. He jumps around, clearly excited to be back a second night in a row.

    Connor: Not happy Jack?

    Cohen: Area 51 is just about a hundred and fifty miles north, why can't they do something about this little pest?

    Krypto shakes hands with the fan and gets the mic.

    Krypto: Who did I face in the original UFO match in WZCW? Hint, he was victorious in the match.

    The fan snaps his finger, but suddenly two men in black suits and sunglasses despite being indoors come out of the crowd. Krypto panics and runs out of the ring and up the ramp as one of the men gives chase. The other throws a bag over the fan's head and escorts him away. Leon look around confused.

    Cohen: Thank our reptilian overlords! Oh and the answer was Vega. Give me my ten thousand dollars.

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