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  1. #1
    Senior Member FunKay's Avatar

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    Real Name: Steven Holmes

    Gimmick Name: Steven Holmes

    Announced as: â??The Eliteâ? Steven Holmes

    Height: 6â??1

    Weight: 225 Pounds

    Hometown: Buckingham, England

    Billed from: Buckingham England

    â??Introducing first, from Buckingham, England, weighing 225 pounds, â??The Eliteâ?, Steven Holmes!

    Alignment: Face


    [William Regal]

    Hair Colour: Greying, Brown
    Eye Colour: Green
    Facial Hair: None
    Ring Attire: Black tights, â??The Eliteâ? sewn in (various colours), black wrist tape, black boots, black knee pads
    Backstage Attire: Elegant silk robe pre-match, business suit at other times
    Physical Attributes: Noticeable limp attributed to earlier career injuries, slight hunch too
    Tattoos: N/A
    Main Gimmick: Returning WZCW Legend

    2 Characteristics of Gimmick:

    â?¢ Unfinished Business: Holmesâ??s last tenures in WZCW as an active competitor and manager featured promising beginnings, but disappointing endings. He lost his physical health and his personal wealth. In recent years heâ??s regained both through smart dealings and cutting edge physical/sports therapy. Now, he wants to finish his in-ring career on a high, whether thatâ??s with championship gold, or in an all time mat classic.

    â?¢ Prestigious Pedigree: Holmesâ?? legacy is astounding in WZCW. Heâ??s a former heavyweight champion, managed others to great success and been a member of many notable alliances/factions. Heâ??s a major power broker in the history of the federation. Now, heâ??s looking to pass that prestige onto others through tough in-ring lessons. He retains his arrogance in the ring whilst learning humility out of it. And in turn it earns him new friends and foes alike.

    Brief Bio/History: WZCW Hall of Famer, World Heavyweight Champion, 2x Tag Team Champion and the first Elite (not X) Champion in WZCW history, Steven Holmes is a legend. Heâ??s had countless grand matches, terrific rivalries and stories to tell. And now heâ??s back. There are still some things heâ??s unsatisfied with. Having pushed his bodyâ??s recovery powers to the limit, Holmes has overcome a devastating hip injury that left him unable to walk without a cane and is determined to make the most of the borrowed time he has.
    Entrance Music: Beethovenâ??s 5th

    Entrance Description: The iconic beats of Beethoven belt out. Lights go out, several spotlights swing down to highlight Steven Holmes standing atop the ramp. He surveys the arena, one hand behind his back, the other partially extended out in a dainty fashion. He walks to the ring as the light follows. He takes his time climbing the stairs, wipes his feet on the ring apron, enters the ring and poses just as he did atop the ramp.

    Fighting Style: Technician

    Previous Injuries/Character Psyche:
    â?¢ Noticeable limp caused by severe hip injury, previously thought to be career ending. Had to have the hip resurfaced before ultimately having it replaced and rehabbed over a two-to-three year period.
    â?¢ While a popular star due to his status within WZCWâ??s pantheon, Holmes remains a vain and arrogant man. He is sadistic to a fault, taking his time (this is also resultant of the injury), exploiting others weaknesses, and adapting when needed. This however leaves him susceptible to quicker opponents who may take advantage of his sluggish pace.

    Finishing Moves (2 Max):
    Aristocracy Reigns [Camel Clutch]
    Imperial Impaler [Gotch-Style Piledriver]

    Signature Moves (3 Max):
    Buckinghamshireâ??s Bite [Stretch Plum]
    The Sword of Damocles [Regal Cutter]
    Double-Wrist Lock/Stomps Combo [Ala Daniel Bryan]

    12 Most Used Moves:
    Abdominal Stretch
    Assault on Opponent Trapped in the Ropes [Ala Sheamus/WALTER]
    Bow and Arrow
    Discus Elbow Smash
    Surfboard Stretch â?? Adapted to Inflict Pain [Gouging etcâ?¦]
    Lotus Lock
    Nelson Submissions [Full Nelson, Half Nelson, Three-Quarter Nelson]
    Various Knee Strikes [Double Knee Lift, Running High Knee etcâ?¦]
    Knee Drop
    European Uppercut [Adapted to Circumstances]
    Boom, in totality
    Anything stand out good/bad?

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  3. #2
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    Real Name: Carleton "Just Carl" Augustus Abraham III

    Gimmick Name: Just Carl

    Announced As:

    Height: 6'1"

    Weight: 200 lbs

    Hometown: Somewhere in Georgia

    Billed From: The Southeast

    Alignment: Face

    Fill in the Blanks With Your Information:

    Introducing first from The Southeast, weighing 200 pounds, Just Carl!


    ----------------Hair Colour/Length

    Short Read Hair

    ----------------Eye Colour

    Brown Eyes

    ----------------Facial Hair

    Red Beard

    ----------------Ring attire

    Shirtless with Black/Red Tights

    ----------------Backstage Attire

    A Black and plaid jacket unbuttoned on his torso, same black/red tights as his ring gear.

    ----------------Physical Features

    Smaller man, but still muscular.



    Sample Pic of Wrestler:

    Main Gimmick: Humbled Babyface

    2 Characteristics of Gimmick: Carl does what's right for the sake of doing what's right and he rarely losses his temper or curses at people.

    Brief Bio/History: Just Carl grew up on a rich Georgia estate but quickly decided the highlife wasn't for him. He left home and soon found himself to be a beggar on the streets, fighting just to survive. After years of spending Just Carl put himself through wrestling school and quickly rose up, overshadowing his peers by leaps and bounds. Now he has made his way to the WZCW to try his luck here.

    Entrance Music: [YOUTUBE][/YOUTUBE]

    Entrance Description: Carl comes out with Hero blaring loudly over the loudspeakers. He gets a pop from the crowd as he runs down the ramp giving knuckle pumps and high fives. When he gets to the ramp Carl dropkicks himself under the bottom rope and then rolls onto his back for a kip-up to pop the crowd again. He goes to his corner and awaits his opponent.

    Fighting Style: High flying flashy offense combined with solid technical in ring abilities

    Previous Injuries/Character Psyche:

    Finishing Moves (2 max):

    Just Business - Players Boot (AKA Helluva Kick) Example
    Just Business Vol. 2 - Top Rope Brainbustah Example

    Signature Moves (3 max):

    Hello From The Other Siiiiide - Torpedo DDT Example
    The Ouch - Blue Thunder Bomb Example

    12 Most Used Moves:

    Body Splash - Can be down via top turnbuckle or springboard or almost anything JC can jump off of.
    Moonsault - Can be down via top turnbuckle or springboard or almost anything JC can jump off of.
    DDTs - Most common DDT used is the snap DDT but he also does a spiking DDT and a leg DDT when he needs to work over someone's leg.
    Rest Holds - JC knows too many rest holds to name here. Used to slow down the match and catch a breather.
    Dropkicks - JCs most common move, a dropkick quickly followed by a kip-up. Can be hit at almost any time.
    Running Big Boot
    Running Clothesline
    Bicycle Kick
    450 Splash - Used only on rare occasions to pop the crowd.
    Backbreaker - JC has learned a multitude of backbreakers in his time and will usually hit one or two different ones a match to pop the crowd.
    Stunner - Used only on rare occasions to pop the crowd

    Sample RP.

    Just Carl stands before the camera, wearing a smile on his face.

    JC: â??Audition time! I got a call today telling me to record a tape for WZCW and I cannot wait. I sent them some footage of me and all my stats and Iâ??m really pumped. I threw away everything I had and could have been because I didnâ??t want any handouts and today.. Thatâ??s finally paying off! To be noticed by the WZCW is the biggest accomplishment of my life so far and just to be considered in an honor. For years the WZCW has put on countless Match Of The Year contenders and I am looking forward to hopefully continuing that legacy. Going face to face with some of the worlds best and proving to myself and everyone else that Just Carl is the whole package.

    So WZCW.. I know you might not want to take a chance on this rookie but I promise you I will give everything Iâ??ve got.. I will bleed for this company, break my bones for this company. Everything I have including the kitchen sink. I beseech you, take a chance on this rookie and together we can inspire a whole new generation of wrestling fans! Just Carl, signing off.â?

    Carl gives one last smile and switches off the camera.

  4. #3
    I Stay Blasted Yaz's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by JustCarl View Post
    Real Name: Carleton "Just Carl" Augustus Abraham III

    Gimmick Name: Just Carl

    Announced As:

    Height: 6'1"

    Weight: 200 lbs

    Hometown: Somewhere in Georgia

    Billed From: The Southeast

    Alignment: Face

    Fill in the Blanks With Your Information:

    Introducing first from The Southeast, weighing 200 pounds, Just Carl!


    ----------------Hair Colour/Length

    Short Read Hair

    ----------------Eye Colour

    Brown Eyes

    ----------------Facial Hair

    Red Beard

    ----------------Ring attire

    Shirtless with Black/Red Tights

    ----------------Backstage Attire

    A Black and plaid jacket unbuttoned on his torso, same black/red tights as his ring gear.

    ----------------Physical Features

    Smaller man, but still muscular.



    Sample Pic of Wrestler:

    Main Gimmick: Humbled Babyface

    2 Characteristics of Gimmick: Carl does what's right for the sake of doing what's right and he rarely losses his temper or curses at people.

    Brief Bio/History: Just Carl grew up on a rich Georgia estate but quickly decided the highlife wasn't for him. He left home and soon found himself to be a beggar on the streets, fighting just to survive. After years of spending Just Carl put himself through wrestling school and quickly rose up, overshadowing his peers by leaps and bounds. Now he has made his way to the WZCW to try his luck here.

    Entrance Music: [YOUTUBE][/YOUTUBE]

    Entrance Description: Carl comes out with Hero blaring loudly over the loudspeakers. He gets a pop from the crowd as he runs down the ramp giving knuckle pumps and high fives. When he gets to the ramp Carl dropkicks himself under the bottom rope and then rolls onto his back for a kip-up to pop the crowd again. He goes to his corner and awaits his opponent.

    Fighting Style: High flying flashy offense combined with solid technical in ring abilities

    Previous Injuries/Character Psyche:

    Finishing Moves (2 max):

    Just Business - Players Boot (AKA Helluva Kick) Example
    Just Business Vol. 2 - Top Rope Brainbustah Example

    Signature Moves (3 max):

    Hello From The Other Siiiiide - Torpedo DDT Example
    The Ouch - Blue Thunder Bomb Example

    12 Most Used Moves:

    Body Splash - Can be down via top turnbuckle or springboard or almost anything JC can jump off of.
    Moonsault - Can be down via top turnbuckle or springboard or almost anything JC can jump off of.
    DDTs - Most common DDT used is the snap DDT but he also does a spiking DDT and a leg DDT when he needs to work over someone's leg.
    Rest Holds - JC knows too many rest holds to name here. Used to slow down the match and catch a breather.
    Dropkicks - JCs most common move, a dropkick quickly followed by a kip-up. Can be hit at almost any time.
    Running Big Boot
    Running Clothesline
    Bicycle Kick
    450 Splash - Used only on rare occasions to pop the crowd.
    Backbreaker - JC has learned a multitude of backbreakers in his time and will usually hit one or two different ones a match to pop the crowd.
    Stunner - Used only on rare occasions to pop the crowd

    Sample RP.

    Just Carl stands before the camera, wearing a smile on his face.

    JC: “Audition time! I got a call today telling me to record a tape for WZCW and I cannot wait. I sent them some footage of me and all my stats and I’m really pumped. I threw away everything I had and could have been because I didn’t want any handouts and today.. That’s finally paying off! To be noticed by the WZCW is the biggest accomplishment of my life so far and just to be considered in an honor. For years the WZCW has put on countless Match Of The Year contenders and I am looking forward to hopefully continuing that legacy. Going face to face with some of the worlds best and proving to myself and everyone else that Just Carl is the whole package.

    So WZCW.. I know you might not want to take a chance on this rookie but I promise you I will give everything I’ve got.. I will bleed for this company, break my bones for this company. Everything I have including the kitchen sink. I beseech you, take a chance on this rookie and together we can inspire a whole new generation of wrestling fans! Just Carl, signing off.”

    Carl gives one last smile and switches off the camera.
    Not a bad app, but there are two things that stand out.

    1) Hero by Skillet has been used by so many past WZCW wrestlers that you may wanna change it. I'm not saying we are gonna make you change it, but its been a super common theme.
    2) The Phoenix Splash and the Stunner will need to be changed on the move list. They are finishing level moves, so they aren't allowed in common moves. Neither are currently in use as a finisher, so you can use them as a signature move.

  5. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by JustCarl View Post
    Real Name: Carleton "Just Carl" Augustus Abraham III

    Gimmick Name: Just Carl

    Announced As:

    Height: 6'1"

    Weight: 200 lbs

    Hometown: Somewhere in Georgia

    Billed From: The Southeast

    Alignment: Face

    Fill in the Blanks With Your Information:

    Introducing first from The Southeast, weighing 200 pounds, Just Carl!


    ----------------Hair Colour/Length

    Short Read Hair

    ----------------Eye Colour

    Brown Eyes

    ----------------Facial Hair

    Red Beard

    ----------------Ring attire

    Shirtless with Black/Red Tights

    ----------------Backstage Attire

    A Black and plaid jacket unbuttoned on his torso, same black/red tights as his ring gear.

    ----------------Physical Features

    Smaller man, but still muscular.



    Sample Pic of Wrestler:

    Main Gimmick: Humbled Babyface

    2 Characteristics of Gimmick: Carl does what's right for the sake of doing what's right and he rarely losses his temper or curses at people.

    Brief Bio/History: Just Carl grew up on a rich Georgia estate but quickly decided the highlife wasn't for him. He left home and soon found himself to be a beggar on the streets, fighting just to survive. After years of spending Just Carl put himself through wrestling school and quickly rose up, overshadowing his peers by leaps and bounds. Now he has made his way to the WZCW to try his luck here.

    Entrance Music: [YOUTUBE][/YOUTUBE]

    Entrance Description: Carl comes out with "I Am Machine" blaring loudly over the loudspeakers. He gets a pop from the crowd as he runs down the ramp giving knuckle pumps and high fives. When he gets to the ramp Carl dropkicks himself under the bottom rope and then rolls onto his back for a kip-up to pop the crowd again. He goes to his corner and awaits his opponent.

    Fighting Style: High flying flashy offense combined with solid technical in ring abilities

    Previous Injuries/Character Psyche:

    Finishing Moves (2 max):

    Just Business - Players Boot (AKA Helluva Kick) Example
    Just Business Vol. 2 - Top Rope Brainbustah Example

    Signature Moves (3 max):

    Hello From The Other Siiiiide - Torpedo DDT Example
    The Ouch - Blue Thunder Bomb Example
    Stunner - Used only on rare occasions to pop the crowd

    12 Most Used Moves:

    Body Splash - Can be down via top turnbuckle or springboard or almost anything JC can jump off of.
    Moonsault - Can be down via top turnbuckle or springboard or almost anything JC can jump off of.
    DDTs - Most common DDT used is the snap DDT but he also does a spiking DDT and a leg DDT when he needs to work over someone's leg.
    Rest Holds - JC knows too many rest holds to name here. Used to slow down the match and catch a breather.
    Dropkicks - JCs most common move, a dropkick quickly followed by a kip-up. Can be hit at almost any time.
    Running Big Boot
    Running Clothesline
    Bicycle Kick
    German Suplex with a Bridge
    Backbreaker - JC has learned a multitude of backbreakers in his time and will usually hit one or two different ones a match to pop the crowd.
    Snap Suplex

    Sample RP.

    Just Carl stands before the camera, wearing a smile on his face.

    JC: “Audition time! I got a call today telling me to record a tape for WZCW and I cannot wait. I sent them some footage of me and all my stats and I’m really pumped. I threw away everything I had and could have been because I didn’t want any handouts and today.. That’s finally paying off! To be noticed by the WZCW is the biggest accomplishment of my life so far and just to be considered in an honor. For years the WZCW has put on countless Match Of The Year contenders and I am looking forward to hopefully continuing that legacy. Going face to face with some of the worlds best and proving to myself and everyone else that Just Carl is the whole package.

    So WZCW.. I know you might not want to take a chance on this rookie but I promise you I will give everything I’ve got.. I will bleed for this company, break my bones for this company. Everything I have including the kitchen sink. I beseech you, take a chance on this rookie and together we can inspire a whole new generation of wrestling fans! Just Carl, signing off.”

    Carl gives one last smile and switches off the camera.
    NOTE** moved Stunned to signature and dropped the 450 splash.

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    Dirk Buchanan- Updated

    Real Name: Dirk Frederick Buchanan

    Gimmick Name: Dirk Buchanan

    Announced As: Dirk Buchanan

    Height: 6'2

    Weight: 235

    Hometown: Portland, Oregon

    Billed From: The Pacific Northwest

    Alignment: face

    Fill in the Blanks With Your Information:

    Introducing first from The Pacific Northwest, weighing 235 pounds, Dirk Buchanan!


    ----------------Hair Colour/Length: Brown, medium length

    ----------------Eye Colour: Brown

    ----------------Facial Hair: A big beard

    ----------------Ring attire: Basic Black Trunks and black Boots

    ----------------Backstage Attire: A black jacket and a towl around his neck

    ----------------Physical Features:

    ----------------Tattoos: none

    Main Gimmick: A holder of secret knowledge/ a modern day shaman.

    2 Characteristics of Gimmick: loves nature, tries to help people better themselves. He is an Animist

    Brief Bio/History: Dirk Buchanan is a man of many qualities. He is a leader, a philosopher, a man who has set out to change the world.

    Growing up in Portland, he is very fond of the environment and all things natural and organic. He is very much a modern day transcendentalist, and pines for the days when men were men. The only reason Dirk competes is to push himself as the best man he can be. In one on one combat, one finds out what he is really made of.

    Update: After a near death experience in the woods, Dirk was revived with a new clarity on how the world works. He is a practicer of Nature Spirit Magic.

    Entrance Music:

    Entrance Description:
    Lights through out the arena begin to dim as the music starts up. Dirk Buchanansoon steps out from behind the curtain, where smoke billows out from the ground on either side of him. He stands for a brief moment, runs his hand through his hair, before slowly making his way down the ramp as he aknowledges the fans along the way.

    Fighting Style: strong style, likes to brawl but has some wrestling ability. Agile for his size.

    Previous Injuries/Character Psyche: none

    Finishing Moves (2 max):
    Wanderlust(Muscle Buster)
    Emerson Choke (Standing Guillotine)

    Signature Moves (3 max):

    1. Air Raid Crash Neckbreaker

    2. Bucklebomb

    3. Thrust Spinebuster

    12 Most Used Moves:

    1. Short Arm Lariat

    2. Backdrop Suplex

    3. German Suplex

    4. Headbutt

    5. Flapjack

    6. Rolling Firemans carry

    7. Spinning Backfist

    8. Snap DDT

    9. brainbuster

    10. european uppercut

    11. Snapmare followed by kick to the back

    12. Irish Curse Backbreaker

    Sample RP:

    In the Mountain in the Cloud.

    It was cold outside.

    I shivered as a cold breeze blows past me from the North, with the trees rustling as if they were alive.

    Snowfall covered the terrain in a blanket clouds . As the bits of frozen fractals feel to Earth, they danced about my feet like a plastic bag caught in the wind. Each step I take is quickly overtaken by the falling snow, erasing any evidence of me ever stepping foot here. Even the small steps of from animals are an after thought here.

    I had been here in the Pacific Northwest for quite some time, with each day pushing me further and further into this mountain; pushing me to a place far from the civilizations of the world.

    One might ask what a professional wrestler was doing out wandering the wilderness like a pioneer exploring the North American landscape. Truthfully, I just needed to be alone, far from the burdons of society. Out here I can find out what it truly means to be me. What it means to be The Man known as Jensen.

    I have spent many times out in the wilderness this year, but this was the first time experiencing the frozen frontier that comes with the change of seasons. I was thankful for this of course, because the snow landscape was a much more appropriate setting for my uncasing vison of sugar plums dancing in my head

    The wilderness is truly a magical place, a place to find the answers to the questions you have not yet thought of. Sucha an experience should be earned , while you push yourself to the limits on your own two feet as you make your way through the wild, unkempt frontier, Our here you earn everthing. Nobody should ever enter the wilderness through mechanical means to find what they
    are looking for.

    My body continued to ache from the cold, with the two pairs of gloves I had on barely keeping my fingers functioning. I treaded along, with my feet sloshing through the snow. Careful not to slip as I made my way uphill through the terrain, I decided to take a short break. I took a seat on what appeared to be an old ancient tree, taking a view at the wonder

    Out here, you have to respect what is out here, otherwise mistakes can happen. In the wrestling world, I misstep can lead to, at worst,a kick in the face, or even being put into the Ace of Cades. Out here a slip can lead to falling down a mountain and dying. All the YOLO kids wouldn't stand a chance with all their skate boards and skeet skeeting, instead they would be crushed by an angry Mother Earth.

    With my body telling me I could go no further, I quickly set up camp and huddled inside my tent. My stomache growled, so I quickly pulled out the tasty food I had packed with me on my travels. With my food laid out in front of me, I descend upon the buffet with the sounds of a shrieking eagle. Crumbs fall into my beard, but I continue to chew away like teh wild untamed man I set out to be. Soon, I reach for my blankie, which is a gift given to me by my good friend the chief.

    The blanket was wrapped tightly around me, giving me the appearance of a vary large caterpillar. Soon, I begin to inspect the blanket. According to The Chief, this was a very old blanket which had been in his family for generations. His people, used the very same blanket on this land, just as I was doing at this moment. The blanket itself was beautiful, full of patterns and a very ornate design. Soon, my eyes began to feel heavy, but before I fell into a slumber, I took one final gaze and the blanket. For the first time ever, I noticed some smalll writing at the bottom, sewn into the bottom corner.

    "Hecho en Mexico", the words of a proud ancient people.

    My eyes closed. The dancing of the sugar plums commenced....


    Generally speaking, a howling wilderness does not howl: it is the imagination of the traveler that does the howling. A person hears wind rustling through the crackes and crevices of the landscape, giving life to something that isnt there.
    Not this time though. The howling was from a large wolf circling the outside of my tent.

    It snarled, and began to scratch away at the entrance to my tent.It was clear the wolf was hungry, which lead me to believe with its superiour senses, the wolf had been able to sniff out my signature brand of trail mix. The extra handfull of seaweed snacks must of been worth it for the wolf to follow me out into no mans land.

    It was only a matter of time before its sharp claws and knife-like teeth rip through the canvas of my tent. I readied myself. Although I was terrified at what was to come next, I knew this was why I was here. This was one of those questions I never knew needed answered, could Jensen, a Man, survive a battle agianst a wolf?

    I rose to my feet, fist clenched, waiting for the inevitable.With my heart racing, I stared intently at the entrance to my tent.


    A loud screech echoed from above. It was mechanical in nature, and cast a large shadow over my tent. I glanced over at the entrance, but the wolf had ran off. Still tense, I walked over and unzipped the entrance and popped my head out to get a better view. My eyes, blinded by the sun against the sheet of white, took a second to recognize the helicopter right above me. It came down slowly, landing about twenty feet from me. With the blades still twirling, a large man in a suit exited the contraption.

    Smiling as he approached me, he waved towards me.

    " So, you must be Dirk Buchanan?"

    "Who, is asking?"

    "Ah sorry, how rude of me. My name is Chuck Myles, and I am apart of WZCW. If you are Dirk Buchanan, then you are exactly what I have been looking for out here...

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