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Thread: Meltdown 162

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    I Stay Blasted Yaz's Avatar

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    Meltdown 162

    Copeland: Welcome to WZCW Meltdown! We have quite a show in store. A star studded triple threat match to decide-

    Cohen: An historic triple threat match to decide the number one contender for this man’s championship!

    A single spotlight shines on the entrance ramp as the WZCW World Heavyweight champion Xander makes his way into the arena. The loud chants of disapproval fill the air as Xander quickly signals for his music to be cut off as he has a mic in hand.

    Xander: You ungrateful idiots do not deserve to hear my entrance music in full until it is time for me to grace this ring with my athletic presence. Which none of you deserve, but you will see tonight when I steamroll that horse-riding clown Stetson Hayes. But until then, we’ve got some other business to discuss.

    Fans continue to urge their displeasure with Xander as he continues talking while finally entering the ring.

    Xander: Tonight there will be a triple threat match to decide who will face me at Kingdom Come for this here World title. Steven Holmes, Titus Avison, and Chris K.O. will all foolishly try to outdo one another just to fail against me. Well I wanted to be the first to come out and wish the three of you the best of luck and to enjoy yourselves out there, because there isn’t a happy ending awaiting you on the biggest stage in this company-

    The fans change their spirit as they erupt at the interruption of the egotistical champion. Newly returned veteran Chris K.O. makes his way down the ramp with a mic in hand.

    Chris: I’m not sorry to interrupt, but I am sorry we haven’t been properly introduced. I’m Chris K.O. And I’m the guy that’s going to shut your mouth and take your title!

    As Chris gets in the ring looking to go nose to nose with the champ he is stopped in his tracks by the sound of-

    Titus: No one cares, no one here is happy to see you, and no one expects you of all people to win Chris. So save us all some time and leave WZCW already!

    Before Chris can respond-

    Titus is joined on the stage by his other opponent tonight, Steven Holmes. The former world champion and legend does not have a mic in hand. And he doesn’t even pay Titus nor Chris anymind. Instead he locks eyes with the World champion, only motioning to the champion’s title, before exiting the stage with his music still blaring. The other three men don’t seem happy by the interruption, Holmes delivers a devious smirk as he leaves.

    Xander: That’s just like you Holmes, having nothing to say and wasting everyone’s time-

    The Texan immediately makes his way down to the ring ignoring both Holmes and Titus. He slides under the bottom rope as Chris K.O. readies for a fight after their encounter in the roulette rounds but Stetson instead delivers a big boot sending Xander barreling over the top rope and to the outside! The fans pop as Stetson grabs the World title dropped by the champion and raises it high in the air! KO laughs and gives a nod of approval as Holmes leaves and Titus shakes his head. Xander begins throwing a temper tantrum on the outside as Stetson tosses the championship to the ground.

    Copeland: Well things are heating up here on Meltdown already as the World champion has a massive target on his back and he’s got four dangerous competitors coming for his gold.

    Cohen: I don’t think Xander is going to let this stand. All four of these men should watch their back tonight.

    Copeland: As they should, but that isn’t all the action we have tonight folks. Meltdown will start proper right after this!
    Last edited by Yaz; 08-28-2019 at 01:37 AM.

  2. #2
    I Stay Blasted Yaz's Avatar

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    The camera cuts to Dirk Buchanan in the centre of the ring.

    Copeland: A tough challenge for Dirk tonight, he's been a bit inconsistent recently.

    Cohen: He looks nervous as hell.

    Copeland: Who wouldn't with the EurAsian champion about to come out?

    Harrys: In the ring from Portland, Oregon weighing in at 235lbs...Dirk Buchanan. And hisopponent from from Ise, Mie, Japan weighing 145 pounds she is the EurAsian Champion...Kagura.

    Kagura dances out to the ring and hands her EurAsian title to referee Keith Morse. Morse passes the belt to the bell ringer. The bell goes. 1..2..3.

    Kagura looks at Dirk who in turn goes for a swing. She ducks low and then hits Dirk out of nowhere with the Fifth Dance of Amaterasu Omikami.

    Cohen: Ouch!

    She makes the cover. 1...2...3!

    Harrys: The winner of this match by pinfall...Kagura!

    The EurAsian champ turns and walks out. Dirk looks frustrated.

    Copeland: Did he expect anything else?

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    Backstage we see Kagura and her manager Sasuke walking, when Leon Kensworth walks up with a mic and stops them.

    Leon: Kagura, congratulations on your impressive win just minutes ago. Last week during the roulette rounds you captured the Eurasian Championship, and now people are wondering what you'll be doing at Kingdom Come. Do you think it'll be a rematch with Garth Black, or a title defense against someone else?

    Kagura glares at Leon for a moment before saying something in japanese to Sasuke, who pulls the mic in Leon's hand towards himself.

    Sasuke: Kagura is not worried about whoever her next challenger will be, she sent a message to the locker room tonight that she is going to be the most dominant champion this company has seen and whoever steps up to her at Kingdom Come is going to realize that.

    Leon nods in understanding before asking another question as he pulls the mic back towards himself.

    Leon: I see, so is there anybody certain Kagura is hoping will step up to her?

    Leon holds the mic out to Sasuke again as Kagura tells him her answer.

    Sasuke: No, Kagura is ready for any and all potential challengers and will be watching closely to see who that will be.

    The pair now walk off as Leon sends things back into the arena.

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    Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

    Copeland: I'm excited Jack, rarely do we get to see two opponents with as much history in WZCW as we are about to see here.

    Cohen: It should be quality Seabass.

    Introducing first, from.....

    No sooner than is Black introduced, is he running to the ring holding his arm. Matt Tastic gives chase, holding a steel chair. You can see some swelling on the arm of Black around his left elbow, the result of a blow from the chair. The crowd is on their feet.

    Copeland: What in the hell?

    Cohen: Tastic was just trying to get an early advantage, that's just the type of mental games Hall of Famers play.

    Tastic swings the chair but Black rolls into the ring to avoid it. Tastic then slides in after him but Black hits a running low dropkick to Tastic to knock the chair away. He kicks the chair out of the ring and calls for the ref to call for the bell. Keith Morse does so.

    *DING! DING!*

    Black immediately rolls Tastic up in the chaos...One!...Two!...kick out by Tastic at the last second, the heads up move by Black nearly paying off. He locks up with Tastic once they are on their feet and the two battle until Black works to a hammerlock. Tastic reaches back, but Black switches to an arm wringer. He uses his good arm to bring an elbow down onto the wrenched arm of Tastic, who grimaces in pain. Black grabs a rear waistlock on Tastic and works toward a German suplex, but Tastic grabs the ropes and blocks. A springboard attempt from Tastic misses, but the Hall of Famer lands on his feet. A quick bulldog from Black plants him though, but Tastic has the ring awareness to roll over to the ropes to prevent any follow up. Once he is on his feet he ties up with Black, who keeps his foot on the gas and Irish whips Tastic. Off the rebound, Black leapfrogs the Puerto Rican and then rolls onto his back and connects with a modified monkey flip to send Tastic across the ring. Tastic is unable to get to the ropes this time and Black makes a cover...One!...Two!...kick out by Tastic.

    Copeland: The chair doesn't seem to be coming into play.

    Cohen: Garth Black is a quality wrestler, it takes a lot to get one over on him.

    Black gets Tastic to his feet and looks for a suplex, but Tastic blocks and is able to reverse and connect with a suplex of his own. He grabs the bad arm of Black and places it on the second rope. He then climbs onto the second rope next to it and leaps and falls with his hips on the arm. Black recoils in pain as the ref gives Tastic a warning. The Hall of Famer shrugs it off and drags Black to his feet and connects with some chops to back him into the corner. He then starts to kick at the midsection, grabbing the top rope for extra leverage. The ref pulls Tastic away and they argue a bit before Black storms out of the corner and clotheslines Tastic down. Black shakes his arm out a little, the chair attack from before the match clearly doing him no favors. He tries to drag Tastic up but Tastic kicks him away. Tastic gets to his feet and goes to kick Black, but the kick is caught. Tastic connects with an enzuiguri to drop Black, the smack to the side of his head echoing throughout the arena.

    Cohen: I felt that one!

    Copeland: I think everyone in Havana felt that one Jack.

    Tastic waits fro Black to stand before he charges, but Black drops down, pulling the rope with him. Tastic goes up and over, but lands on his feet and is quick to turn around and pull Black out of the ring with him. He hammers away at his opponent before he Irish whips him into the stairs. Black is able to leap onto the stairs though and leap back at Tastic and connect with a big time tornado DDT. Tastic is down and Black takes a moment to lean on the ring to catch his breath.

    Cohen: I felt that one too!

    Keith Morse urges Black to get the action back into the ring, but Tastic has crawled under the ring. Black goes to grab him and is struck in the face by something, unseen by the referee. Tastic had wrapped a chain around his hand to punch Black, who stumbles backwards. The crowd boos the display as Matt sweeps the chain back under the ring. Black is leaned against the barricade and has his head down, his right eye having a noticeable hematoma above it from the punch. Tastic goes to get him, but Black kicks forward and hits Tastic directly in the groin. Black is able to get away with some cheating of his own due to Tastic blocking the view of the ref.

    Copeland: I know both men are desperate for a win after disappointing performances at the Roulette Rounds, but this is getting out of hand.

    Cohen: Maybe they both secretly have a crush on Becky Serra, you've seen how they look at her backstage.

    Black grabs Tastic and goes to roll him back into the ring, but the bell rings. Black looks confused and thinks he may have been disqualified. He looks up at the ref, who exits the ring and walks to the timekeeper's area. They have a quick chat.

    Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, due to neither man entering the ring before the count of ten, this match has been ruled, a draw!

    The crowd boos as Black is frustrated, both with himself and the referee.

    Copeland: This one certainty never seemed to get on track after an odd start.

    Tastic is stirring but Black grabs him by the hair and drags him over to the announcers table. He takes the chair Tastic had earlier and cracks him across the back with it. He then puts Tastic on the table, without clearing it.

    Cohen: What is this mad man doing?

    Black: Giving the fans a show!

    Black yells in the direction of the announcers and tells them to scatter as he climbs onto the ring apron and then the turnbuckle. He leaps with the Come Down and drives himself through Tastic and both men through the table! Both men are down as we go to commercial.

  5. #5
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    We get a split screen of Chris K.O. and Steven Holmes warming up. Suddenly there is a loud crashing noise and both men scramble from their locker rooms as they hear yelling for help. When they get outside they see Titus laid out, face down on the ground with Backstage Bob knelt beside them. Both men look a little concerned and eye each other suspiciously.

    Bob: WE NEED HELP!

    Some medics rush in a few moments later. They check on Titus, who isn't moving. Becky Serra comes running to the scene, and as the camera pans to her, both Garth Black and Matt Tastic can be seen.

    Serra: Did either of you do this?

    Both Tastic and Black keep walking in opposite directions. Becky then questions Titus' opponents for the night. Both hold their hands up defensively.

    K.O.: I was in my locker room getting ready. Holmes has a history of this sort of crap.

    Holmes: I also have a history of besting opponents in the ring, I had no reason to take out a fellow legend. It's uncouth.

    WZCW head doctor Finton McClain tells Serra that Titus is in no condition to compete.

    Serra: Okay, you two will go at it in a singles match tonight, but the stipulation stands. I have my eye on both of you.

    The voices of Copeland and Cohen can be heard as the scene fades out.

    Copeland: A heinous and mysterious attack has left Titus down and out and cost him a major opportunity.

    Cohen: A bit of foul play never hurt anyone. You have to get a competitive advantage anywhere you can Seabass.

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    We come back from a quick promo for Cheesecake Factory with Leon Kensworth standing by with Garth Black.

    Leon: Garth, we know you have an on again off again friendship with Titus, but you have been down on your luck in recent weeks. Did you attack him out of frustration?

    Black: I respect Titus. Me assaulting him from behind wouldn't fix my issues. I just drove Matt Tastic through a table, I'm in no condition to be sucker punching someone, frustration or not. I had nothing to do with this and I will prove as much if I have to.

    Black walks away as the scene transitions to another part of the arena where Stacey Madison is standing with a very frustrated Matt Tastic.

    Madison: Matt we just saw the attack on Titus. You have been directionless and on a skid lately, and this wouldn't be the first time you pulled a stunt like this to get some attention. Are you the attacker?

    Tastic: If I have to beat someone's ass to get noticed, I'd have the balls to do it like a man.

    Tastic slaps the mic out of her hand before he walks away.
    Last edited by Yaz; 08-28-2019 at 02:08 AM.

  7. #7
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    Harrys: The following contest is a WZCW World Heavyweight Championship #1 Contenders Match and it is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Buckingham, England weighing in at 225 pounds, The Elite Steven Holmes!

    The iconic beats of Beethoven belt out. Lights go out, several spotlights swing down to highlight Steven Holmes standing atop the ramp. He surveys the arena, one hand behind his back, the other partially extended out in a dainty fashion. He walks to the ring as the light follows. He takes his time climbing the stairs, wipes his feet on the ring apron, enters the ring and poses just as he did atop the ramp.

    Copeland: Quite the opportunity tonight for the recently returning legend, he could get to the main event of Kingdom Come tonight.

    Cohen: That he could Seabass and we found out earlier tonight that Titus is injured and has been pulled from this match, so now he just has to get through another freshly returned star in Chris KO.

    Copeland: This should be a good one and I'm not even going to try and predict the winner.

    Harrys: And his opponent, from Norman, Oklahoma, weighing 220 pounds, Chris K.O.!

    The lights go out and yellow lights glow through fog on the entrance stage. At about the 20 second mark of the music, Chris K.O. comes out and works the crowd from the stage and then makes his way to the ring. He connects with high fives down the ramp and then works the turnbuckles once he makes it inside of the ring.

    Copeland: Chris KO the other half of this main event looking to get his hands on the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship.

    Cohen: Winning this match and beating Xander are two very different things, but you're right that winning this match gets you to that main event on the grandest stage and the chance to have a life changing moment if you can win.

    ***Ding Ding Ding***

    The match starts and the two men quickly lock up. Holmes gains control as he backs KO into a corner, and the referee counts for him to break, and he does at the 4 count, only to slap KO across the face! The ref yells at Holmes, who holds his hands up innocently as he backs away into the middle of the ring, and KO comes out of the corner fired up, charging the hall of famer, who ducks his strike before connecting with a discus elbow to the jaw, knocking KO off his feet and down to the mat!

    Copeland: A surprising start to things here with Holmes taking a cheap shot at KO and then outsmarting him by baiting him in only to drop him with an elbow to the jaw.

    Cohen: Never under estimate Steven Holmes, he's always thinking and he's probably two steps ahead of every opponent he steps into the ring with.

    Back inside the ring, Holmes has slowed things down by locking in a side headlock on KO, keeping him down on the mat as he tries to get back up. KO works his way up to a sitting position as Holmes wrenches on the hold, but it doesn't work as KO fights back up to his feet, and elbows Holmes in the ribs a couple times to break the hold, and causing Holmes to stumble away. KO sees an opportunity to take control now as he shoots off the ropes, coming back at Holmes with a knee strike, it hits! Holmes goes down, and KO waits for him to get back up, before dropping him quickly with a running bulldog!

    Copeland: KO has some momentum now can he keep it going?

    Holmes rolls to the ropes to get away from KO, but no luck as KO follows him and pulls him up to his feet, but this proves to be a mistake as Holmes rakes the eyes of his opponent, sending him stumbling away! With KO blinded for the moment, Holmes charges him, dropping him with a running knee strike to the side of the head, knocking him down to the mat! Holmes sees an opportunity now and takes it, going for a quick pin attempt. 1..but KO kicks out.

    Holmes goes right back on the attack, pulling KO up to all fours before driving his knee into his skull, knocking him back down to the mat. Holmes isn't done there though, as he slams his knee into the side of the head of KO two more times, and now he's got his opponent in some serious trouble. Holmes gets back to his feet and has a smug look on his face, knowing everything is going his way right now, as the referee checks on KO to make sure he's not knocked out, telling Holmes to stay back for a moment.

    Copeland: I don't know what's caused this but Holmes saw an opening after he blinded KO and has unleashed a series of vicious knee strikes.

    Cohen: He's always been a vicious competitor Seabass, he'll do whatever he has to do to win this match and he's showing that with the ruthlessness.

    Thankfully Chris KO isn't knocked out, but as soon as the referee is done checking on him, Holmes is back on the attack, mounting KO and hitting him with a series of forearm strikes, before standing up and grabbing both wrists, and unleashing a series of stomps to the chest of KO! Holmes finally stops the brutal assault as KO looks to be barely with it, and Holmes drops down to cover for another pin, is it over? 1.....2....but KO kicks out!

    Holmes looks a little surprised....and a little angry at the kickout. KO rolls over onto his stomach looking for reprive after the onslaught of strikes he just took, but Holmes is quickly back on the attack, hitting a stiff kick into the ribs of KO, causing him to let out a yelp in pain and roll over onto his back again, but as he tries to reach out to the ropes to get away, Holmes quickly kicks his arm away! Holmes now grabs hold of both wrists of KO again, and pauses as he smirks at the fans, who look a little concerned for KO as Holmes stands ready to stomp the hell out of him again.

    Copeland: Chris KO is not looking good right now, he needs to get out of this.

    Cohen: I don't know if there is any escape, but he needs to find a way to get on the offense again as Holmes has dominated and is quickly destroying him at this rate.

    Holmes now goes to stomp on KO, but the pause was a mistake as KO manages to get his wrists free, and slides out of the way leaving Holmes to stomp the mat! Holmes turns around just as KO is using the ropes to get to his feet, and Holmes charges him....but KO pulls down the top rope and Holmes goes sailing over the top rope and to the floor! KO has a moment to breath now and recover, and he recovers enough while Holmes gets to his feet on the floor, but as he does he gets hit with a dropkick through the ropes by KO, knocking Holmes backwards into the barrier! KO now slides out of the ring and grabs Holmes by the head, dragging him towards the ring post before tossing him into it, and Holmes smashes face first into it before stumbling away and falling to the floor!

    Copeland: Looks like KO wanted a little revenge for those stomps by throwing Holmes into the ring post. But he can't win the match on the floor and while he has some control he needs to capitalize and go for the win.

    KO walks over to Holmes and pulls him up, then rams him against the side of the ring! Holmes grabs his back in pain but KO strikes again, this time dropkicking Holmes, and it knocks him against the ring before he falls face first onto the floor! KO realizes now the ref's count is at 6 and he sees a potential chance to win, so he grabs Holmes and drags him to his feet before rolling him into the ring before sliding in after him and covering him for a pin. 1...2...but Holmes kicks out. KO looks disappointed, but he stays on the attack as he pulls Holmes up to his feet, wraps his arms around his waist, and drops him with a german suplex, right into another pin! 1...2...but Holmes kicks out again!

    Copeland: Two close pin attempts there but Holmes has more fight in him!

    Cohen: I thought Chris might have had him after the german suplex, but he might not have been able to put as much force onto it as normal due to the beating he took earlier.

    KO motions that it's over as he gets back to his feet, and he's now stalking Holmes, who's slowly stumbling back to his feet. Holmes is up to his feet and KO kicks him in the gut, then drops him with the CKO! Holmes goes down and KO hooks the leg on the pin as the fans count along with the ref, 1.....2....NO! But Holmes didn't kick out...the referee got pulled out of the ring! The fans look shocked and Chris KO looks confused as he stands up and looks out of the's Titus!

    Copeland: What the hell!? Titus!? I thought he was injured!?

    Cohen: I guess he recovered! Does this mean this match is back to being a triple threat!?

    Chris KO looks confused and angry as he yells at Titus, as does the referee, but Titus just glares at KO, who's inviting him into the ring to come fight him but Titus shows no signs of doing that, which leads to KO exiting the ring but Titus quickly backs upn the ramp as KO follows him, and the chase turns into a run, with Titus running backstage before KO can get his hands on him! KO shakes his head before heading back down the ramp and into the ring, and he sees Steven Holmes leaning on the ropes and walks over to him...but Holmes was playing possum and sucker punches him right in the gut! KO doubles over in pain as Holmes brings him into the middle of the ring, and drops him with the Imperial Impaler, the gotch style piledriver! KO goes down and the fans boo loudly as Holmes rolls him over onto his back and hooks the leg on a pin and the referee has no choice but to count 1....2.....3!

    Harrys: Here's your winner and NEW #1 Contender to the World Championship, The Elite Steven Holmes!

    The fans boo loudly as Holmes gets his hand raised in victory, and he bails from the ring as the ref checks on Chris KO, who just got screwed.

    Copeland: That's ridiculous! How was that not a DQ win for Chris KO!?

    Cohen: I don't know, I don't understand what that was about with Titus. But the fact of the matter is he just cost Chris the number one contendership, and it appears Steven Holmes is going to Kingdom Come to fight his old rival Xander in the main event.

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    Stetson Hayes is walking backstage through the hallways when an overlay promo plays.

    Hayes: Since this company is in the mood to give out undeserved title shots, I'm letting it be known that when I beat Xander, I will demand a World Title shot at Kingdom Come. After all, Socialism is a popular topic lately and what better place to get a handout than surrounded by all these pinko Commie bastards here in Cuba.

    Cohen: Amen!

    Copeland: Strong words from the big Texan. Our main event is next!

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    Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is your MAIN EVENT!!!

    Copeland: This should be a good one.

    Cohen: For once I think we’re actually in agreement Seabass.

    Hooves echo throughout the arena just as a fans begin jeering for the Southern competitor. A large horse makes its way on stage with Stetson quickly bringing the reigns as the horse begins its strut down the ramp. Stetson does not bother jaw-jacking with the crowd but instead quickly enters the ring preparing for who is out next.

    Harrys: Introducing first from Fort Worth, Texas, weighing 295 pounds, Stetson Hayes!

    Cohen: Stetson looks to be all business tonight, can’t say I blame em.

    Copeland: He’s well aware of what he’s up against tonight, and its the opportunity to take down the champ.

    The arena is plunged into darkness until a single spotlight shines upon the WZCW World Heavyweight champion. Boos reign down like leaves in the fall as Xander lets out a devious grin before unzipping his jacket revealing the beautiful looking World championship. He begins his steady walk down the ramp as he unhooks the title raising it one hand and meeting the crowd’s displeasure with his own tasteless gesture.

    Harrys: And his opponent, from Phoenix, Arizona, weighing 210 pounds, he is the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, this is Xander!"

    Cohen: The champ is on fire and he absolutely knows it.

    Copeland: So far as dominant of a champ as we’ve had in months. And it doesn’t seem like he’s slowing down as we roll into the biggest show of the year.

    Xander continues to jaw-jack with the crowd as he walks up the steel steps and gets in the ring but the moment his attention is pulled to his opponent Stetson launches out of the corner like the missle with a massive Big boot that sends Xander over the top rope and down to the floor! The ref immediately calls for the bell and this match gets underway! Xander doesn’t have much time to recover as the big man slides under the bottom rope and then Irish whips Xander straight into the barricade! Stetson picks him up once more and launches him with full force once more! The texan then chucks Xander back in the ring but the champ wisely rolls out the other side back to safety...or so he thinks! Stetson charges around the ring like a monster truck and clips Xander hard with a chop block taking him down to one leg! The ref urges the competitors to get the action back into the ring but Stetson ignores this. Instead picking Xander up completely and giving him a belly to belly suplex on the apron! The fans aren’t sure what to make of this as they’re not exactly fans of either man, but they seem to be enjoying someone getting hurt! Stetson begins to revel in the momentary adulation but quickly snaps out of it and throws Xander back inside the ring.

    Copeland: This is possibly the most aggressive and on his game Stetson we have seen in a while. I’m not sure Xander expected this tonight.

    Stetson looks to capitalize even more but Xander throws up the “X” sign to the ref using arms causing the official back Hayes into a corner while he checks on the condition of the champ. Xander is holding his leg as he desperately crawls to the corner yelling in pain. It seems Stetson’s hard chop block is the cause of it. Stetson continuously tries to get back into the action but the ref keeps backing him up. Xander begins to try to pull himself to his feet but struggles each time clutching his leg. As the ref is in Stetson’s face Xander undoes the turnbuckle pad and when Stetson forcibly moves the ref away Xander sucks Stetson in for a reverse STO right into the exposed steel buckle! Stetson clutches his head in pain as Xander pops up to his feet with no problem! He stretches out his leg and its fine!

    Copeland: The champ using another dirty trick to get ahead!

    Cohen: Stetson started it with the early unsportsmanlike assault. All is fair in war...and war!

    Xander transitions to flipping off the ref, a downed Stetson, and the fans before pulling Stetson to the middle of the ring and making a cover! 1...2...Stetson powers out completely! A much stronger kickout than I think Xander was expecting. The world champion begins stomping away on the head of Stetson as the Texan attempts to retreat into the corner. Xander does not let up with the strikes however as the ref gives him till the count of five to give things a breather. Xander does right before the last second...a brief pause occrus before Xander goes another wild strike but Stetson blocks! His massive hands grab Xander by the head and he throws him into the corner he once resided! Stetson then goes to work delivering nine hard corner punches before channeling in his inner drinker and and delivering one last shot that sends Xander over the top rope and down to the floor. Instead of following him out Stetson begins to hold his head and rest as the ref begins to count Xander out. The World champ gets back up on the apron and Stetson quickly shoulder checks him back down the floor. The ref continues his count, Xander once again tries to slide in but Stetson meets with a kick blocking his entrance and keeping him outside. It becomes clear at this point that Xander knows Stetson’s plan: the easy countout. Like a man protecting his home borders Stetson is on the alert as he plans to keep Xander out as the champion realizes he’s only got a few more moments to breath before he loses this contest. Xander thinks on his feet and quickly goes to grab a steel chair that he throws inside the ring interrupting the refs ability to count. Xander then hops on the apron and the two begins trading right hands until Xander rakes the eyes causing Stetson to move backwards. Xander has now entered the ring and charges at the big man but is met with a knife edge chop that stops him dead in his tracks and echoes throughout the arena.

    Cohen: Jeez Louise you could hear that from a mile away!

    Xander is phased but not stopped as he charges once more only to be met with another chop! Xander tries for another charge as Stetson goes for one more chop but this time Xander rolls under and hits an inverted hurricanrana! Fans pop only ever so slightly for the throwback as Xander lets out a disgusting groan. This move caught Stetson off guard as the big man tries to get back up only to be met with a fton drop kick that sends Stetson barreling under the bottom rope. Stetson doesn’t stay down for long at all as the big man begins getting to his feet. Xander looks to be in a desperate as he looks to be going for the running dive. He bounces off the ropes as fans look on in anticipation only to slide under to the outside and slap Stetson right across the face! He flips off the fans once more but doesn’t realize his slap wasn’t very effective! He turns around to a pissed off Stetson who violently yanks him into a snap powerbomb into the ring post!

    Copeland: Xander may have picked a bad night to piss this man off.

    Xander yells out in pain as Stetson picks up the champ and throws him into the ring. The Texan goes for the cover! 1...2….Th-Xander just barely kicks out! Stetson picks up Xander once again looking for another snap powerbomb! He gets Xander up in the air but he’s able to slip out and find solace in the ropes. Stetson charges over to deliver a big boot but Xander pulls the top rope down causing Stetson to get crotched! Xander then stands on the second rope and delivers an avalanche release tiger suplex! Xander immedately goes for the cover! 1...2...Stetson kicks out! Xander slams his hands on the mat in frustration but doesn’t waste anymore time than that as he puts Stetson into a sleeper hold. It’s clear Xander doesn’t intend to win with it but hopes to weaken Stetson. His grip is locked in tight and to the surprise of many the audience seems to be getting behind Stetson, or just more against Xander! The crowds chant in unison distracts the champ just long enough for Stetson power both men up and throw himself and Stetson backwards into the same exposed turnbuckle! Xander yells out in pain as both men struggle to their feet! Stetson bounces off the ropes and delivers a big boot that turns Xander inside out! Stetson then yanks Xander to his feet and hits a brutal short arm clothesline! Stetson hooks the leg! 1...2….XANDER just barely licks out!

    Cohen: Hate him or not you cannot deny the champion’s ability to survive one hell of a beating!

    Copeland: Both men seem to be giving just as much as they get! It’s still anyone’s match!

    Stetson signals for the end as he attempts to lock in the Texas Cloverleaf but Xander is doing all he can to kick away and squirm! He just barely makes it to the ropes but Stetson is trying to yank him away. It seems like an endless game of tug of war until the strength of Stetson wins out and yanks Xander by his leg high into the air! Xander manuevers his body perfectly however and manages to land a mid-air X-Rated Superkick! Stetson is completely stunned! Xander follows up with the swinging STO into the DDT Afterthough! He hooks the leg! 1...2…..THR-NO!!! Stetson kicks out! The fans are on their feet as Xander yells in frustration! He begins to furiously stomp away on the head and neck of Stetson! Just vicious stomp after stomp until Xander hits a shin breaker! Xander wobbles backwards in pain and Stetson hits a devasting leg trap spinebuster! Stetson keeps control of the leg and begins locking in the Texas Cloverleaf! The fans are on their feet! Xander is writhing in pain! Everyone is yelling for him to tap!

    Copeland: If his leg wasn’t injured before its about to me!

    Stetson continues to apply the pressure! He yanks back to put torque on the lower half of Xander’s body! But its possibly too much torque as Xander is able to contort himself enough to transition the submission into a cradle pin! The ref counts! 1...2...Stetson lets go of the hold to escape the pin, both men get to their but Xander is just a bit quicker on the trigger and hits THE SILENCER! Xander drops Stetson right on his head with the sit out driver and Xander falls into the cover! 1...2...3!

    Harrys: And here is your winner, the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion! Xander!

    Fans merciclessly boo as the ref hands a still downed Xander his championship belt. He looks over to the fallen Stetson. A look of disgust is on the champ’s face but he knows he’s beenin a fight.

    Copeland: You gotta give your props to both these competitors tonight. Stetson came ready to fight and brought all he had to beat Xander, but in the end the champion is on the run of his life.

    Cohen: You’re damn right Xander did absolutely everything needed to get the win tonight and take down the big man. I don’t see this reign stopping anytime soon!

    Copeland: I think someone may disagree with you there.

    Steven Holmes makes his way out to the ring still in his ring gear from earlier! Xander tosses his belt aside and struggles to his feet. He knows what this is about! Holmes slides under the bottom rope and him and Xander begins trading shots! The ref calls for extra help as they try to separate the two guys but to no avail! The ref gets clocked trying to get between them! The two continue trading shots at the brawl spills outside of the ring. About a dozen refs spill out from the back at the World Champion and his contender continue trading right hands! Ringside is a sea of zebra stripped officials as Holmes and Xander desperately try to rip each other apart!

    Copeland: If these two men are in this state now I can’t imagine what awaits at Kingdom Come! Thank you for joining us! We’ll see you on Ascension!

  11. #10
    I Stay Blasted Yaz's Avatar

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    Dynamite: Opening, main event
    Matrix: Triple Threat, segments
    Lee: Kagura match
    Yaz: Tastic vs Black, segments

    This round has been a mess and 99% of that falls on my shoulders. Again, I am truly sorry. The good news is Ascension is mostly done at this point, just a few segments and it should be good. We also figured out the weird error we got when we originally tried to piece the show together. We hope you guys enjoy.

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