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Thread: AS 140: Flex Mussel & Stetson Hayes vs. Matt Tastic & Titus Avison

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    Senior Member Spidey's Avatar
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    AS 140: Flex Mussel & Stetson Hayes vs. Matt Tastic & Titus Avison

    Deadline is Tuesday, September 17th, 11:59 PM EST

    No extensions will be given this round.

  2. #2
    G-Mod Lee's Avatar

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    Titus and Rosie are on the top floor of a hotel in Lima, Peru. One side of the city is shanty towns and poverty, the other side is lit up with the hustle and bustle of South America.

    Titus: I feel sorry for them.

    Rosie looks over to the shanty town.

    Rosie: Yeah, me too.

    Titus: I mean them.

    Titus points to the other side of the town.

    Titus: They never know when it can be taken. They never know when they need to regroup. They wouldn't even know how to do it. Look at me, I'm one of the most successful people ever. Not actor, not wrestler. People. I came from a lower middleclass family in a town most people haven't heard of. If it wasn't for the beer or the football no one would.

    I worked my ass off and got somewhere then got a break and took every little break I could. Five Oscars later and people look to me. I'm only 35 as well! I have given millions to charities, sent countless kids to college and goodness knows how much medical debt I've cleared.

    That's me as a person. As an actor. Then we have me as a wrestler. Longest champion holder in WZCW history. Grandslam champion. Mayhem. Elite. EurAsian. Three time World Champion. Hall of Famer. Legend.

    Kingdom Come is soon, very soon. I've done it all there and to think it was last year I finally lost my prize. But I persisted, I became a world champion. I lost. How does one pick themselves up?

    Everyone has that spark inside of them. It's all it takes, a spark. Whether that's being the best version of you or that bully from school who never let you forget. Everyone has that one mistake they could redeem. He's mine.

    The White Knight. The savior of WZCW. All words. All predictable. He won the battle but the war? The war was mine. He ran, hid and pretended it didn't exist. Raising a family, like he hadn't been part of an evil cult a few years back? The people forget. I don't forget.

    Kingdom Come is mine. Chris KO will feel the burn. Legends will be told about that night and there will be only one victor.

    Rosie: Before that? Tag match? Stetson? Flex? Tastic?

    Titus: I t doesn't really matter does it? They're not my focus. I've beaten them all. It's all about him.

    Fade to black.

  3. #3

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    Flex Mussel arrives at one his Flex Fitness locations. One he rarely ever visits actually: Forth Worth, Texas.

    He enters through the front door as fitness employees immediately fan him with feathers. He waves them away as he walks immediately into the built in eating establishment. He makes a be line straight to a private table guarded by security. They let me him through and he takes a seat, directly in front of Stetson Hayes. As soon as Flex is seated both men have freshly made steaks put in front of them. Stetsonâ??s well done while Flex procures one that is medium

    Stetson: Howdy, hope you donâ??t mind I ordered for us.

    Flex: Presumptuous to assume I like my steak this way.

    Stetson: Youâ??ve always taken me for a guy who doesnâ??t like his meat too tough.

    A silence fills the air as both men cut into their steak like its tension asking to be stabbed.

    Stetson: Nice place you got here.

    Flex: Glad you like it, never been to this one before actually..

    Stetson: Donâ??t make it down South much do you?

    Flex: Donâ??t get much time between the travel, the gym, the press, you know the deal by now.

    Stetson: I do, exactly why Iâ??m getting out.

    Flex: Can't handle the pressure?

    Stetson: Not interested in it, donâ??t have the passion.

    Flex: You eliminated the most men (including me) in the Lethal Lottery and youâ??re telling me you donâ??t have the passion? What happened to that Texas Strong never give up mentality?

    Stetson: I got my personal reasons, but letâ??s be honest, thatâ??s not why you asked me here.

    Flex: I asked you to a much different location.

    Stetson: Youâ??re lucky I showed up here at all, and I certainly wasnâ??t going to go to one of your Northern liberal gyms where they get fruit smoothies after some light yoga.

    Flex: Well I did the long distance thing with one tag team partner and it lead to abysmal results. Didnâ??t intend to let that happen again.

    Stetson: Iâ??m no Mikey Stormrage, and I certainly have no vested interest in your quarrel.

    Flex: But you do have vested interest in Matt Tastic.

    Stetson: Only in the destructive sense.

    Flex: Lovely to hear, Iâ??ve never much liked Tastic at all. Much like his partner this week Titus Iâ??ve always thought he was incredibly overrated. The weaker competitor if you really strip away all the bells and whistles.

    Stetson: Never underestimate how much a dying horse doesnâ??t wanna be put down.

    Flex: Iâ??ve never taken an animal behind the shed for good but Iâ??ve certainly ended a career or two. Tastic is ripe for the picking because heâ??s got nothing left, meanwhile Titusâ?? ego is once again running wild blinding his focus. Two incredibly talented but troubled men blind to how irrelevant they are in the grand scheme of things.

    Stetson: But you do realize so are we?

    Flex: Weâ??re the new generation, weâ??re the future.

    Stetson: There is no future, I reckon thatâ??s why I donâ??t care that much these days.

    Flex: You really planning to just leave this all behind and go on the ranch huh?

    Stetson: Your interpretation of a Southerner is quite offensive, how would you like it if everyone only classified you as some dumb jock meathead.

    Flex: They do but thatâ??s not really the point, you have such a bright future ahead of you and you really want to just leave this place?

    Stetson: What you wanna take me under your wing?

    Flex: Better than what I got right now. Feels like Iâ??ve been sinking trying to keep two rookies on my back. Let alone this entire company.

    Stetson: Youâ??re sinking because the ship has holes. Your ego is just as blinding as Tastic and Titusâ?? because you canâ??t see that youâ??ve already reached your ceiling. Youâ??ve been World Champ, youâ??ve had your fans, followers, votes, subjects, whatever. Hell youâ??ve already beaten our opponents before on separate occassions. There isnâ??t much left to prove yet here you are still trying to put down that horse with a stick.

    Flex: Better than just waiting around to drown.

    Stetson: Iâ??m jumping head first off the boat I donâ??t care where I land, thatâ??s the difference between the two of us.

    Flex: Thereâ??s a lot of differences, thatâ??s been made very clear.

    The two men stop their chat as they finish up their steak. Neither sure where to take the conversation.

    Flex: So you just plan to stroll on into Ascension and just not care what happens?

    Stetson: I plan to ride into the arena on my trusty steed and whip Tasticâ??s ass before I walk into Kingdom Come and whoop Tasticâ??s ass. How about yourself?

    Flex: I want to show both Tastic and Titus that their false idols. Ego driven lunatics who pale in comparison to a real Hall of Famer like Mikey Stormrage.

    Stetson: Hate to break it to you but I donâ??t think heâ??s buying your grift partner.

    Flex: Itâ??s not a grift, leaving or no leaving, you, him, and the rest of the world is going to figure that out.

    Flex pushes aside his plate.

    Flex: You know you kinda remind of a partner I used to have a few years ago. We clashed opinion wise a lot, but in the end he was the ying to my yang, a balance I needed.

    Stetson: Iâ??m not the sentimental type.

    Flex: And Iâ??m not the forgiving one, he was my best friend and I ended his career. Retiring or not itâ??s in your best interest not to cross me cowboy.

    The moniseur of muscle exits the table as Stetson chuckles, still finishing the last bit of his steak.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Spidey's Avatar
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    Allied Forces

    Real American Heroes

    Flex Mussel. Stetson Hayes. Two patriots fighting the good fight in a world that needs better wrestling. Will they unite and become Allied Forces? Or will they fall to the foreign menace known as Tastic, representing Puerto Rico, and Titus, the foreign menace representing Kansas? Stay tuned.

    Hail To The Chiefs



    Stetson: I watched Do The Right Thing for the first time last night. It tore me up on the inside. Pretty damn tragic the way it turned out. Disgraceful. Those Italians didn't deserve to have their place burnt down. It's sad what we do to our fellow man.

    The bartender nodded while drying off an empty glass. Hayes played with the coaster that supported his whiskey.

    Stetson: Could've settled it over a beer or something. Da Mayor had it right. You know what I mean?

    The bartender nodded again, his attention fixed on the washrag in his hand.

    Stetson: I bet you give good blowjobs, but not as good as your mother. Am I right?

    The bartender nodded, placing the glass with four dozen others behind him. The cowboy rolled his eyes.

    Stetson: Typical. Too busy living in your own little world, not getting the full experience of a "rassler". It's not like Kingdom Come is around the corner. Not like I could bend your ear for a moment about my tag team partner and best friend Flex Mussel. Not like there's plenty to say about Tastic or Titus. I have some great stories to tell you, books worth of adventure and intrigue, but you can't be assed to care. People like you keep your eyes on your own shit, with your little shit glasses and little shit rags. That's living alright. Dull bastard.

    Hayes downed his drink and got up from his barstool. He left a five dollar bill next to the cup.

    Stetson: Want a tip? You'll get more customers if you pay attention to them.

    He went to put on his cowboy hat, stopped, and threw it on the ground. Stetson began peeling his face off - something he had done last week after the gun store commercial. Something he had done last Kingdom Come when listening to Batti's woes.

    Click for Spoiler:
    Ramparte: You might learn something.

    Hail Cerberus

  5. #5
    Death By Retarded ABMorales787's Avatar

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    One more time/I am the best there is/One last time

    One more time/I am the best there was/One last time

    One more time/I am the best there ever will be/One last time

    One more time/I am the all time great/One last time

    One more time/I am the one who won it all/One last time

    One more time/I am the best damn thing ever/One last time

    One last dance/One last battle/One last stand/Kingdom Come


    And so the gauntlet was laid out. I would face Stetson Hayes. My final opponent at Kingdom Come X. I asked. I recieved. But before I would get to that fateful last day, I first have to team with Titus Avison to face Flex Mussel & Stetson. History is the backbone for the future. This match showed it. My history with Titus and Flex. Titus, the man who once won ownership of me, only to release me. I was so moved, I relinquished my mask and identity as Baez and became Matt Tastic. Flex Mussel. We crossed paths first as Live Mas vs Cerberus where we defeated them for the Tag Team titles. You could say it was a total vanity move. The only title I had never won up to that point I became a Gland Slam Champion at Lethal Lottery 2015. Flex would have the last laugh as over a year later he would beat me at Kingdom Come 8.

    That leaves Stetson Hayes, the man I have not met yet. History beckons us. We will collide. They all come by me. I am long-standing. WZCW's most decorated wrestler. Soon enough, I'll ride into the sunset. But that's not tonight.

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