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Thread: MD 163: Callie Clark vs. Mark Keaton

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    Senior Member Spidey's Avatar
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    MD 163: Callie Clark vs. Mark Keaton

    Deadline is Tuesday, September 17th, 11:59 PM EST

    No extensions will be given this round.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Jeff Deliverer of Mail's Avatar

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    "Take me down to Panama City where the grass is green and the girls are pretty, why won't you please take me home? Ya yeah!"

    - Remarkable Mark Keaton

    Remarkable Mark Keaton drove the rented station wagon in Los Andes heading towards the Los Andes Mall, he was chain smoking heavily and sweating profusely in the heat, his white muscle shirt soaked. The young lad who was dragged behind his motorcycle in his last RP was riding with him. Mark owed him a favor and needed a camera man anyway. The lad was covered in bandages but he was alright, he turned on his handheld camera and pointed it at Mark, he made a motion with his finger that they were rolling.

    "Hey wrestling fans! Mark Keaton here with a very special segment I like to call - On the Street with RMK- echo!" Mark flicked a smoke out of his window and smirked at the camera. He put on his right turn signal and turned the car into the parking lot of the Los Andes Mall.

    "We're here at the Los Andes Mall dudes and I'm gonna be talkin with all these regular folks about wrestling. You see, Callie Clark has her dozens of fans she'll be Twottering and Faceblogging all over so it's only fair that I gather a few dozens fans for myself man! Yeah!"
    Mark managed to do a doughnut in the parking lot with the station wagon then parked it near other cars.

    Mark Keaton strutted towards the mall, the camera rolling as the young lad limped behind him, he must've had an injury to his leg in the last RP, who really cares anyway? He's just a no name lad right? Fuck that guy! They entered the busy mall.

    Mark strolled up to a middle aged woman pushing a cart of clothing, "Yo, my name is Remarkable Mark Keaton and you're on - On the Street with RMK- Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?"

    The woman opened her mouth to reply but Mark gave her no time, "Listen, I know you're a huge RMK fan. I can tell by the way your eyes lit up when I walked into the place. So my first question is, why am I so awesome?" He thrusted the mic into her face for an answer. She shook her head, not understanding English.

    "I get it, I get it, you're flabbergasted because you're a huge fan. Hey, you want an autograph? I haven't done a wrestling autograph in forever man, here, I'll sign one of your shirts in your cart." RMK clicked a pen and grabbed a shirt from her cart, she grabbed it back and screamed in Spanish for help, she hurried away with her cart, cursing at him in Spanish.

    "Ah shit, she's Italian or something. Huh! Who knew? Let's try somebody else." Mark continued through the mall, he spotted a teen talking with his girlfriend.

    "Hey, hey kid? Mind if I ask you a few questions?" Mark put his arm around the teen's girlfriend and snickered, soaking the entire shoulder section of her shirt with his sweat soaked arm.

    The teen looked confused and opened his mouth but Mark cut in, "Hey, you a big WZCW fan? You know we're in town yeah? Who's your favorite wrestler?"

    The teen shrugged, he looked annoyed then grabbed his girlfriends arm, they both said something to him in Spanish as they walked away from him. RMK blushed then shook his head at the camera. "Does everyone speak Italian here?"

    "Hey es malo?! Hey hombre', chew one of dem luchadores?" A fat, full bearded man called out. He looked like he hasn't washed in a few years and his greasy hair hung over his cheeks.

    "Yes! Yes my friend, I am from WZCW. You might know me as Remarkable Mark Keaton!" Mark smiled wide and looked right at the camera as he walked towards the man.

    "Si si! Live Maaaas! Matt Tastic!" The man punched the air in joy.

    "Nah, nah I'm Mark Keaton," Mark pointed to himself, "RMK, you know, rock n roll man!"

    "Si si! Matt Tastic rules, el te golpeara!" The man laughed loudly, emitting his bad breath towards Mark.

    "Well, let's move on here. Ah, I see some hot chicks over by the canteen, let's stroll over and..."

    "Mikey Stormraaaage, Live Maaaasss!" The smelly man continued.

    "Sure dude, Live Mas. Piss off now thanks." Mark made his way to a group of attractive blondes gathered at a Smoothy Bar.

    "Hey ladies, Remarkable Mark Keaton here, mind if I ask you a few questions?"

    "Oh my god! Like, I'm a huge wrestling fan!!! I LOVE wrestling! You're totally that Mark Keaton guy!" The busty blonde put her smoothy down and hugged Mark, he could smell the booze off of her.

    "The one and only babe, you see coming up on Meltdown, I'll be battling Callie Clark one on one and...."

    "OH MY GOD!" All the women screamed at once, " we are the BIGGEST Callie Clark fans!!" They showed off their Callie Clark shirts.

    Mark frowned, "That's nice. I hope you don't mind seeing her lose to me. She can't beat me, it's just one of those things that happens, doesn't matter what retarded costume she wears for her entrance, she can come out dressed as Condiment Man, Rainbow Girl, Matter-Eater Lad, Arm-Fall off Boy, Color Kid, Shit Brains Girl, Captain Skank Smell, I don't give a crap, at the end of the night she's getting a Voltron Suplex and I'm walking away the winner!"

    The women were up in arms now, one girl swung her purse at Mark as he walked away, her friends held her back as she screamed curse words at him. Another girl got pissed off and threw her smoothie, but it hit the camera man in the back of the head, splashing purple liquid all over his hair and face.

    "Dammit, this is not going well kid. Let's try to find at least one sensible human being in this mall!"
    Mark lit a smoke and walked towards a large gathering near the center of the mall. A bunch of black women were wearing yellow skirts and black shirts with yellow lettering that read - #YOSOYFUNDADER A speaker just finished up a speech and the crowd cheered. Mark flicked his smoke and told the smoothie covered lad to keep rolling.

    The woman speaker put the mic back in the holder and went to grab a shirt to show everyone, when she turned around, Mark was already at her mic. "Hello Los Andes mall patrons! Yeah!" The crowd didn't react.

    "It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see you folks love the soy, and this fundraiser to raise awareness of soy is just what the doctor ordered, am I right?! Give me a Fuck Yeah!" Mark raised his fist, the few that understood English had their mouths wide open in shock. Mall security ushered Mark off of the podium and they accidentally bumped the Camera lad who fell right on the buffet table set up, crashing through it and getting taco's and cheeses all over his shirt and pants. Mark couldn't help but laugh at the whole thing.

    The camera lad gathered himself and turned the camera back on. Mark couldn't find anyone remotely interested in talking to him so they left the mall. They cut a final interview on their way back to the station wagon.

    "Listen, hey, Camera guy, keep the camera on my face O.K? Ya, up here. Listen, let me tell ya somethin dude! On Meltdown at The Duran Duran Arena in Panama City, Panama, Remarkable Mark Keaton will be fighting the one and only Callie Clark, one on one for the first time ever man! Now I've been doin my research on these Cos playin nerds that like to play dress up and pretend they're larger than life super heroes. You see, these stupid ass cosplayers are wrecking the U.S economy! You don't see smart Canadian's like myself dressing up and pretending I'm Captain Cannuck do you? NO! No effing way, Jose! These loser's that show up at Comic Con's dressed up like Anime character's are draining their BUDGET in the cost of their extremely expensive costumes! They want to look like the Hollywood version of Batman, not Wal-Mart Batman. What could they be doing instead? Something more productive you say, man? Sure, how about GETTING A JOB AND CONTRIBUTING TO SOCIETY! You're a young girl, watching your heroine Callie Clark on television dressing up like Doctor Who and you say to yourself, hey, I can be Doctor Who too, instead of a REAL DOCTOR! Callie Clark is creating a virus of disillusion to these kids and somebody has to put a stop to it! And that somebody is YOUR HERO, your REAL HERO, Remarkable Mark Keaton. With me as your leader and wrestler to look up to, you'll feel obligated to work harder, find a job and nix the stigma Callie Clark has put on the youth of today, you aren't worthless loser's like everyone is sayin dudes, I believe in you. For the youth of today, I will slay the evil Clark, she will be battered, beaten and LAY at the feet of REMARKABLE MAAAAAAARK KEATON!!!!"
    Frank: Ludwig?!
    Goon: Drebin!
    Frank: Yeah, I'm Drebin!
    Goon: I have a message for ya from Vincent Ludwig!
    Goon: Take that, you lousy cop!
    Frank: I'm sorry! I can't hear ya! Don't fire the gun while you're talking!

  3. #3
    3 Time Elite Champion Skairipa's Avatar

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    @CallieClark Me, a marvel fan who's seen Endgame more times than they can count, hiding under a bed.

    Armed Robber: ....

    Me: ....

    Armed Robber:,

    Me: And MAN!

    *proceeds to get shot*

    A Few Days Before Meltdown: Panama City, Panama

    Once again everything had gone according to plan, I picked up another victory and I even did it with that skank Alice Adams. Who knew she wasn't completely useless? She still needed to be smacked around and taught to respect her betters, like me. But she didn't cost me a win, so she did one thing right at least. I was sitting in my hotel room in Panama, and I was glad I had sent Sid back home to Bates already because it was simply unsatisfactory, I mean it wasn't even a suite first of all, and second, this hotel was NOT 5 stars, how DARE they force me to stay at a 4 star hotel! I was disgusted but thankfully I wouldn't be here long, and with everything booked I didn't have much choice in the matter, but someone was going to hear about this, that much I could promise. But for now I wanted to relax and watch some tv before it came time to focus on my match with Mark Keaton this round.

    I flipped on the tv and while most of the channels were in spanish, I found a few in English. After stopping on the first one for a minute I realized it was some cheesy 80's movie, gross.

    Ugh, this is basically Mark Keaton in movie form. So gross.

    I rolled my eyes and changed the channel, next coming upon a music channel, and of course they were playing a freaking music video from Mark Keaton and his band! I should have known this stupid third world country would be stuck in the 80's still, quite frankly I'm amazed the TV doesn't have an antenna still, and is in color.


    I changed the channel, and after coming across a couple kids stations that didn't interest me, I turned the tv off and threw the remote across the room. Stupid WZCW coming to this stupid country. I guess if I wanted entertainment it was going to have to be on my phone, I should have known. I unlocked my phone and before I could open Netflix, I saw a text from my girl Kira, she was great at keeping me sane when I'm stuck on the road in terrible places. What would I do without her?

    Heyy girl, how's Panama City? Have you gone to the canal? BTW saw your match last week, I guess Adams isn't as awful as you make her sound, I mean she did get the pin. Congrats on the win though.
    Did she really think Alice did anything more than steal MY pin? It's not like she's the reason we won, I guess i'd have to set her straight.

    Why would I go to a canal? That sounds extremely boring. I guess the city is fine, the hotel is NOT up to my standards though. Can you believe they put me in a normal room in a 4 star hotel!? Ugh! Be tee dubs, as far as Adams goes, she stole my pin, I did the work and thanks to me she got a win, but that's fine because I stole the more important win that earned me a future title match, and I still got a much needed win over fatass Mikey, so I'm happy.
    I closed the text conversation and went to Netflix, I had asked my followers recently if they had any Netflix suggestions and mostly got suggestions for things I've seen plenty of times, or didn't like, of course one creepy guy had to shoot his shot and say we should netflix and chill, to which I responded "how about hbo and no", because the creepers need to be put in their place or blocked, and I was in the mood for the former so that's what he got. After scrolling through for a couple minutes without finding anything I wanted to watch, I got another text from Kira.

    I don't know it looked pretty even to me, but either way I'm happy for you getting a win. I figured you might go to the canal since it's famous, and it's probably a touristy thing. Anyway I see you have a match with Mark Keaton next, that's a new one for you.
    She was right in a way, I hadn't faced Mark Keaton in a singles match before, but we have been in the ring together one time, my debut match. He was teaming with Justin Cooper, I was teaming with Gabi. They were the tag team champions at the time, and Gabi and I weren't used to such a big stage to wrestle on. It wasn't good, we got destroyed.

    Yeah haven't faced him in a singles match before, only as part of a tag match in my debut, which didn't go well. But things have changed since then. I've gone on to become a record breaking 3 time Elite Champion, a Mayhem Champion, and have beat plenty of bigger names than Mark Keaton since then. What did he do after that? Retire the tag titles because he was afraid of competition and leave the company? I don't even get why they brought him back, is anybody even a fan of him?
    I shook my head and kicked my feet up on the table in front of me. I had been wanting to get my hands on Mark Keaton for awhile now, this was a wrong I never thought I'd get the chance to write, and there was no way I was going to let it slip. Suddenly my phone chirped with a notification as Kira texted back.

    I mean someone has to be right? I imagine the older fans in their 40s or 50s are a fan of him at least. Some kids probably like him too. But that's crazy you haven't faced him since your debut, what do you think you'll do different to win this time?
    Was that really a question?

    I don't even need to do anything different, he doesn't have his much more successful tag partner Justin Cooper to carry him through the match and I don't have Gabi dragging me down and making me lose, she was totes the reason we lost. But I've also gotten more confident and more aggressive since my debut, when I debuted I only had my thoughts of being good, but since then I've proven how good I am by breaking records and winning titles. Keaton might have been a great tag team wrestler but he's on his own, and sure he won last week, but he beat burger boy and the new guy, not the great Callie Clark. He's just the next demon for me to slay on my path back to championship glory.
    I nodded to myself as I sent the text and switched over to Youtube, there's always something good to watch on there. I went through my subscription feed before settling on a podcast to listen to, a good Harry Potter podcast is always entertaining. After getting a couple minutes into the podcast, I got a text back from Kira.

    I wouldn't under estimate him, sure you've had more singles success but he's probably been training hard while he's been away and you know first hand that a tag team takes two good partners to have success. I get your thinking that he's the next "demon" for you to slay in your path to redemption and getting gold again, but overlooking him sounds like just asking for him to surprise you and win.
    She made a good point, I hate when she does that. It would be so much easier if she would just agree with me, but in a way it was good she didn't, sometimes she makes me think about things I don't think of. Plus she has a point, Keaton probably didn't spend the whole time he was away drinking and making shitty music, he had to do some training. But has he studied me? Does he know what to expect with me? Better yet, does he realize the future is here and has passed him by?

    Hmm you're right I guess, but he needs to realize it's not the 80's anymore, just like music has passed him by, so has wrestling. He can make all the claims he wants but I have the facts to back up what I say. At one point I was a legend of tomorrow, now I'm a legend in the making and I'm not the future anymore either, I'm the present. This is my time and my journey to the top, I'll be damned if I'm gonna let some old has been playing rock star stop me.
    I sent the text and went back to listening to my podcast, deep down I knew Keaton was going to bring the fight, and I knew he wasn't going to be a cake walk to beat, but I also knew this win would be another great name to add to the list of my victims, and I needed to keep my momentum going for whenever I cashed in my title match. I looked over at the red X sitting on the bed a few feet away from me, this was getting to be a hassle to travel with, not as easy as a championship belt, I may have to make a trade soon, very soon....but first I have some business to handle, like whopping Mark Keaton's ass all over Panama City.

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