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Thread: Meltdown 163

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    Meltdown 163

    The show opens with Steven Holmes in the ring sitting in a chair. He has a mic in his hand and looks around the sold out arena in Panama City.

    Holmes: I requested to come out here tonight without a lot of pomp and circumstance because I've been reflecting a lot on my journey to this point. I have this ring here to prove I am one of the very best in WZCW history. Twelve men have these, and by the time Kingdom Come rolls around, there will be fourteen. To be among those twelve, those fourteen if you will, puts you in a select group of the very best. You could say it makes you Elite. Elite, something I have always been and will always continue to be. I've had a long journey to this point, and you damn well better believe it isn't going to end anytime soon. I came back after a long layoff at Lethal Lottery and I proved I am still Elite. I proved that yet again during the Roulette Rounds and I proved it last week when I beat that little piss ant Chris KO. I will prove that once again when I beat Xander for the World Title at Kingdom Come Ten.

    The crowd cheer a bit, more so out of hatred for Xander than adoration for Holmes.

    Holmes: See I have some history with Xander, or as I know him better as, Triple X...

    Cohen: I don't think Xander is happy.

    Xander: That isn't my name! That isn't my name! You do not speak that name! Triple X is dead and I killed him!

    The champ storms out, dragging his World Title with him he was in such a hurry.

    Holmes: Did I strike a nerve sunshine?

    Xander: The only history we have is when I beat your ass for the Elite X Title. If you want to add to that history, we can when I beat your old washed up ass at Kingdom Come. I earned this title, I slaved away for years in a corrupt system that was designed to hold me down. I tried for years to listen to moronic fans, to please them. I'm the only one who is elite around here because I am the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion. You are just a relic from the past. You are ancient history, you belong in an old folks home or a museum. Not in my ring.

    Holmes: If you want to talk history, then allow me to be the teacher. I've been great since day one. I've never had to reinvent myself or throw my toys from the crib to get noticed. My performances speak for themselves. I did it all with a grace and class that you will never have. I have history at Kingdom Come. I walked out of the main event with that title, and you better believe I'll do it again when we face off. It doesn't matter what you want to call yourself these days, you will always be Triple X, the low life punk who never could. At Kingdom Come, Aristocracy Reigns and people will forget the name Xander and the name Triple X.

    A furious Xander tosses his mic aside and goes to rush the ring but security run out and stop him before he gets inside. Holmes sits in the chair, a wry grin on his face the entire time.

    Cohen: A very heated exchange between the two men who will main event Kingdom Come. The allure of the World Title on full display.

    Copeland: Both men with vicious barbs kicking off Meltdown in high gear tonight. Don't go away ladies and gentlemen because we have in ring action right after the break.

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    As the music kicks up Callie struts out onto the stage and strikes a pose. She is wearing military duds, eye shadow, army boots and helmet. As she climbs the steps and enters the ring through the middle rope and poses once again in the middle of the ring.

    Harrys: This next contest is scheduled for one fall to a finish. Introducing first, from New York, New York, weighing in tonight at 100 pounds, Callie Clark!

    Copeland: It appears Callie Clark is ready to go to war tonight.

    Cohen: Girl rocking that Avril Lavigne look from the Rock N Roll video.

    Copeland: do you know? Why? Huh?

    Cohen: She's poking fun at Keaton, it's sooo obvious SeaBass.

    Mark Keaton strolls out to the stage, chewing chum and sneering. Mark does a quick headbang to the right and pyro explodes, then a quick headbang to the left and more pyro explodes. He stops at the top of the ramp and starts playing air guitar as he makes his way to the ring. He gets inside the ring, takes his gum out of his mouth, and throws it at the crowd.

    Harrys: And her opponent, from Toronto Ontario Canada, weighing in at 245 pounds, please welcome back "Remarkable" Mark Keaton!

    Copeland: The rocker was on a world tour recently but now he's back and he's a welcome sight for many, excluding guy he nailed with the gum.

    Cohen: Where's Roadie?

    Referee Elizabeth Prince calls for the bell to begin the match.


    Right out of the gate, Keaton dropkicks Callie, and she topples down - her helmet rolling out of the ring. The rocker crawls over Callie, attempting to secure her leg for an ankle lock. Callie wiggles underneath the rope and Prince orders Mark off. He backs away, waits for her to stand back up, and bodyslams her to the mat. Pins, but isn't even good for one. He grabs hold of her arm, drags her back down, and positions himself for a headlock. Callie slips out, rolls forward, and delivers a Pele Kick to Mark's awestruck face. He lands on his ass as Callie barrel rolls over him and tries to pin him, but they're on top of the ropes. Prince separates them and they go to opposite corners.

    Copeland: Lot of groundwork mixed in with aerial maneuvering early in this match.

    Cohen: Yeah, they've really been rolling around a lot.

    Mark Keaton asks for the Test of Strength. Callie shakes her head, and elbows him in the chest. He staggers, and elbows her in the chest. She clutches at her breasts, appalled at Keaton's actions. He goes to apologize but is sucker punched. The two exchange blows - the rocker with snap jabs, the cosplayer a combination of spinning backfists and backhand chops that gains her the upper hand. She irish whips him into a corner. Callie circles around the ring, rushes Mark, and catches him with a Step Up High Knee. He crumples to the mat as Callie takes her time getting to the top rope turnbuckle.

    She positions herself for the Calliesault...leaps...and Mark knees her in the stomach! Keaton rolls her up for the 1...2...Kickout! Callie furiously gets up, grabs Mark's neck and tucks it under her arm and Snap Suplexes him - he lands roughly. Callie rolls him over onto his belly and stomps him across the back. The fans boo. The referee stops her from doing it repeatedly, earning a warning. Callie rolls her eyes and grapples with Mark who is in the process of standing up. Keaton reverses, and lifts Callie Clark up for the Voltron Suplex! The cosplayer flails wildly, and counters his hold into a Running Bulldog. It lands, but as Callie went for the roll-up, Keaton slid out of the ring.

    Cohen: He's a slippery sucker.

    Copeland: Callie is madder than modern politics right now.

    He steps back in, playing her some air guitar. Callie eyes his hands and licks her lips. Mark is perplexed to say the least, but goes ahead and plays her a soft, serenading ditty. The cosplayer rushes the rocker, and the rocker dodges. He grabs her wrist for a Short-Arm Clothesline, and she counters it by grabbing his own hand.

    She clutches his fingers and attempts to break them. He wreaths in agony.

    Keaton: NO! I MUSIC WITH THESE!!!

    Keaton lunges towards the ropes, but Callie prevents him. He somersaults, monkey flips, moves with the agility of a martial artist, but Callie clamps down harder, grapevining his arm. He taps out.

    Harrys: Here is your winner by submission...Callie Clark!!!

    The moment Callie releases the hold, Keaton sprouts up and exits the ring immediately, favoring the hand.

    Copeland: I...didn't expect that ending.

    Cohen: A musician has to take care of his hands. If I was some 80s sex god I'd have tapped the moment she touched them.

    Callie stalks the ring like a hungry tiger and Mark Keaton gives her a look that says "Even for you breaking fingers is low!"

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    Chris K.O. approaches a nearby camera man and implores him to begin filming. He speaking directly into the camera tapping the lense to test whether it’s on and recording.

    Chris: Testing! Testing! 123! Lights camera action this thing on? Perfect. It’s clear I had some past issues I thought I finished but turns out they’re still exist in the form of Titus Avison. Listen here movie star, superhero, self-obsessed dick-kicing coward. I’m not saving anyone from you, I’m coming to beat you, hurt you, finish you once for all at Kingdom Come. If it wasn’t for you I would be going to main event and beating the man I’m facing tonight Xander. Simple fact is, no point crying about the past like you always seem to do. I’m beating Xander tonight, and taking the title later, you are nothing but roadblock. Tonight I start run through every roadblock in path.

    A focused Chris K.O. walks off into the distance.


    Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, weighing in at 210 pounds, from the Last Chance Saloon, Garth Black!

    Garth walks down to the ring purposefully, carrying a bottle of water. On the way down to the ring he looks into the camera and says "time to send Kole back to McDonalds, here we go" before heading down the ramp. On the way down to the ring, he takes his local sports shirt off and gives it to a fan in the audience. When he gets to the ring, he slowly climbs in, acknowledges the crowd, has a drink of the water before tossing the bottle out of the ring.

    Copeland: Garth Black has been in a bit of a funk since losing the Eurasian Championship, but this is a chance to get back on track.

    Cohen: It certainly is, and with Kingdom Come right around the corner everyone needs to gain momentum and pick up wins to end up in the best positions on the card.

    Harrys: And his opponent, from San Diego,CA, weighing 235 pounds, Keith Kole!

    Lights are out until the words "Are you ready " at which point the lights flicker constantly as Keith Kole comes jogging out onto the ramp, stopping and posing for a moment , turning around and soaking in the energy until the song begins to calm down about 30 seconds in. At this point Kole begins walking down the ramp, randomly telling fans that they aren't ready, they wish they were ready and such. Kole walks confidently up the steps his manager Kassandra Kross walking behind him. Kole enters the ring arrogantly, posing multiple times and gesturing to the crowd.

    Copeland: Kole is back with his manager Kassandra tonight, it seems they've repaired their relationship since last week.

    Cohen: If you ask me she's a key to his success, so that's probably for the best.

    **Ding Ding Ding**

    As the match begins, Kole gets in the face of Black and starts yelling at him, asking him if he wants to just lay down and end this without a beating, but Black responds with a punch to the jaw! Kole stumbles away as Black follows, spins him around and takes him down with a double leg takedown, before firing away with a series of punches until Kole crawls to the ropes and clings to them, forcing the referee to start a 5 count, and Black does pull away after hearing the count. Black stands in the middle of the ring waiting for Kole to get up, as he pulls himself up on the ring apron, and as Black charges at him, Kole jumps off the apron and walks around ringside, shaking his head at Black and telling him to back off.

    Copeland: Kole looks a little shaken up from the aggressive start to the match, and now he's trying to play mind games.

    Black has an annoyed look on his face as Kole continues to walk around ringside, but as he slides out of the ring to go after Kole, Kole slides back into the ring to avoid him, and as Black slides back into the ring, Kole hits him with a sliding knee to the head! Kole smirks and laughs at outsmarting Black and takes a moment to taunt the fans as Black recovers, but as soon as he gets up he gets hit with a clothesline, sending him flying over the top rope and to the floor!

    Copeland: Smart move by Kole to outsmart the veteran.

    Cohen: It was, and now he needs to stay on the attack while he has control of the match.

    Kole indeed is going on the attack as he bails out of the ring, and whips Garth into the barricade hard! Kole smirks as he watches Black crumble slowly, but then grabs him by the head, and slams him face first into the ring post! Garth goes down as Kole rolls into the ring, then rolls back out, breaking the count. Kole suddenly seems to get an idea as he looks at Black slowly getting to his feet and looking at the ring, and quickly pulls him up, spins him around, and lifts him up for a spinebuster, dropping him onto the edge of the ring in the process!

    Copeland: Oh my god that was nasty!

    Cohen: I love it, Keith Kole showing a mean streak tonight, keep it up!

    Kole sees a chance to win however, and tosses Black into the ring, then climbs up to the top turnbuckle, and comes off the top rope with Airborne Arrogance, the top rope elbow drop! Kole rolls over on top of Black, hooking the rear leg for the pin as the referee counts the pin. 1....2.....but Black kicks out.

    Kole looks angry as Garth holds his back in pain and rolls away, but Kole follows, dropping an elbow across the back of Garth Black, who lets out a yell in pain. Kole stomps on the back of Black a few times to keep him down, then goes out onto the apron and climbs back up to the top rope, and yells that this is over and he's going to hurt Garth. Kole stands up and makes a cut throat motion, then dives off the top for another Airborne Arrogance....NO! Black rolls out of the way and Kole lands hard on his elbow!

    Copeland: Garth Black needed to get out of the way of that and thankfully for his sake he did.

    Cohen: That really might have been it if Kole hit that, with the bad back and all, but now it looks like it's back to anyone's match to take.

    Both men are stirring on the mat, Black holding his back as he crawls to the ropes and Kole holding his elbow as he stumbles to his feet, and a moment later both men make it to their feet at the same time, and lock eyes from across the ring before Kole charges at Black....and tackles him through the ropes, with both men tumbling to the floor and as soon as they land, they begin firing off punches at each other!

    Copeland: These guys do not like each other and they're trying to destroy each other!

    Kole and Black continue to brawl for another few moments before Black pushes Kole away and crawls away to the ramp, and as he gets to his feet, Kole charges back at him...only to get caught with a belly to belly suplex that sends him flying half way up the ramp! Kole lands hard on the middle of the ramp as Black follows him, and the referee is now up to a 5 count. Black gets to Kole and pulls him up to his feet, and lifts him onto his shoulders for the Black Out! Kole frantically elbows Black in the jaw to try and escape, and does a moment later, and goes for the May I Take Your Order? Superkick...but Black ducks and now both men knock each other down with a double clothesline! Kole and Black are both flat on their backs as the referee reaches the 8 count.

    Kassandra Kross is now at the bottom of the ramp, yelling at Kole to get up and get in the ring, and as the referee reaches the 9 count, both men are stirring and begin hitting each other with punches again...and the referee reaches the 10 count having no choice but to count both men out!

    Harrys: Ladies and Gentleman this match is a double countout and a draw!

    Kole and Black turn their attention away from each other and realize what's happened, and both look angry and disappointed about the draw. Kross is now helping Kole to his feet as Black gets up on his own, and with both men staring each other down one more time, Black shakes his head and walks away up the ramp as Kross discourages Kole from yelling at him.

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    Backstage Kagura is standing with her title and her manager, Sasuke. Leon Kensworth comes up to interview her.

    Kensworth: Kagura, you won the EurAsian Title during the Roulette Rounds, but thus far no challenger has stepped up...

    Kagura knocks the mic from Leon's hand and glares at him until he walks away.

    Kagura: 誰も私に立ち向かうことはできません。私のユーラシア選手権に挑戦したい人は誰でも考え直すべ きです。あな たが私の称号を手に入れることができると思うならば、あなた自身に賛成して、家にいてください 。私があなた を眠らせたとき、あなたは何が起こるのか気に入らないでしょ.

    Sasuke: Kagura says "No one can stand up to me. Anyone who wants to challenge for my EurAsian Championship should think twice. If you think you can take my title, do yourself a favor and stay home. You won't like when I put you to sleep."

    Kagura: お休み. Night night.



    .................................................. ...................................

    Harrys: BARBOOOSSAAAAA!!!!!!!!

    Fans in the arena become unglued at the announcement of the WZCW Legend finally getting his acclaim. The announcers begin to stand and clap as well.

    Copeland: Definitely a Hall of Fame worthy choice!

    Cohen: Even I have to admit it, very well deserved!

    The applause continues as we fade to commercial.
    Last edited by HOMOFLEXUAL DYNAMITE; 09-27-2019 at 12:10 PM.

  5. #5

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    Harrys: This match is schedule for one fall, introducing first, from Norman, Oklahoma, weighing 220 pounds, Chris K.O.!

    A focused Chris K.O. makes his way out to the ring. His usual interaction with the fans put on the back burner as yellow lights fill the entrance stage. He nods and acknowledges fans with his merch but he makes his way inside the ring as a man possessed.

    Copeland: Chris K.O. has made it clear he intends to finish his saga with Titus Avison at Kingdom Come, but one has to wonder whethe or not that future clash will distract him from this very important upcoming bout.

    Cohen: You’re damn right it is, Titus is in his head and Chris has always had trouble focusing, it’s why his career is the way it is.

    Harrys: And his opponent, from Phoenix, Arizona, weighing 210 pounds, he is WZCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION! This is Xander!

    A single spotlight shines on the entrance ramp as Xander appears with the World championship around his waist. As his obnoxious grin forms he unhooks the championship and begins his stride down the ramp. The fans jeer but he pays them no mind only basking in his own glory. He slowly enters the ring and holds his championship high as the crowd continues showing their disdain for the champion.

    Copeland: This might be the last Meltdown Xander can call himself World Champion.

    Cohen: How dare you state that Seabass!

    Copeland: Xander’s cockiness and disrepect may end up being his downfall, and if Steven Holmes has anything to say about it Kingdom Come may be the end of his early reign.

    Cohen: Holmes is an over the hill veteran who Xander has already-

    Jack’s commentary is immediately interrupted by the echoing sound of Chris’ charging European uppercut blasting an unsuspected Xander right in the face! The ref immediately backs a heated Chris off and checks on Xander. The champion is now enraged and the ref calls for the bell. Both men charge in the center of the ring and Xander is met with another vicious uppercut sending him to the ground! Chris picks him back up for a German suplex! Chris keeps his hands hooked and delivers another one! Xander is folded up but Chris still doesn’t let go as he looks to deliver a trifecta! Xander furiously delivers back elbows causing Chris’ grip to break allowing for Xander to scurry to the outside for some rest. KO doesn’t let up as he exits the opposite side of the ring and charges around to deliver a running drop kick sending Xander right into the barricade!

    Cohen: K.O. has been hitting nothing but cheap shots why is the ref allowing this!

    Copeland: I hope Titus is watching because we are seeing a different side of K.O. tonight!

    Chris picks up Xander and chucks him back inside the ring. K.O. gets up on the apron and halfway between the ropes but Xander distracts the ref and kicks the second rope crotching Chris and sending back to the floor! The fans boo the underhanded tactis as Xander retreats back to the corner to rest as the ref begins his count. Chris holds his crotch as he struggles to make it to his feet. He can hear the ref counting and dives inside the ring to break the count about halfway through. Xander notices and he immediately follows up with a regal plex! Xander doesn’t go for the cover however as he is still reeling from the stiff shots of his opponent. He does however pick Chris up for a release tiger suplex! He then follows up by stomping away on Chris as he tries to cover up. The ref gives him till a count of five to ease up off his opponent as Xander does barely at the last moment. After a quick verbal back and forth with the official Chris uses the distraction to attempt a scoop slam that Xander slips out of and throws Chris shoulder first into turnbuckle! The force almost shifts the ring slightly and K.O. falls back to the outside. The ref begins his count again as Xander begins resting up.

    Cohen: Now this is a tactician.

    Copeland: Yes, taking the easiest possible victory certainly is strategy.

    Cohen: Like you’d know anything about it.

    The ref makes his to a four count as Chris is now on his feet. He tries to enter the ring but Xander meets him with a low dropkick sending him back to the outside. The ref continues his count as Chris attempts to enter again only to be met with the same fate. Chris does the same once more but its clear he’s just luring Xander in as he dodges the third drop kick, grabs one of Xander’s legs and flips him over for a single leg crab on the apron! The ref implores Chris to release the hold as a decision must be in made inside the ring and away from the ropes and eventually Chris does. The damage has been done and Xander crawls to the middle of the ring as Chris enters and begins sizing him up. Xander begins to pull himself up off the ropes and Chris stalks him up. Once he’s up and hobbling Chris attempts a CKO but Xander holds onto the ropes causing Chris to crash down into the mat. Xander then follows up with the Afterthought neckbreaker DDT combo! Xander hooks the leg! 1...2...Chris just barely kicks out! A frustrated Xander begins arguing with the ref as he feels it was a bad call.

    Copeland: Now may not be the ideal time for this…

    Cohen: The ref gave a slow count!

    As Xander is distracted Chris goes for the surprise rollup! 1...2… Xander just barely kicks out! Both men pop up and Chris is met with a super kick out of nowhere! Xander cannot follow up because of the injured leg! He clutches it in pain and tries to drag himself over for the pin! However, once he hooks the leg K.O. reverses it into The Burning Crusade Crossface! Chris locks it in tight and there’s seemingly nowhere for Xander to go! The fans are on their feet as it looks like Xander is going to tap, he’s such a distance away from the ropes, his hand goes looking to drop for the submission loss but he uses it to flip himself over into a pin! 1...2...Chris is forced to let go of the hold! Both men pop and Xander tries for a superkick one more time! He can’t connect, the injured leg can’t extend and Chris hits the CKO! He hooks the leg!! One!!Two!!Three!!!!

    Harrys: And here is your winner! Chris K.O.!!!

    Copeland: WOW! What a victory by Chris! Just around the corner from Kingdom Come and he now has a victory against the World champion. Speaking of which, this must be Xander’s first loss in quite some time..maybe a sign of things to come?

    Cohen: Shut your mouth Seabass this was a match of unfair starts, lousy officiating, and a dirty Chris K.O.!

    The ref raises Chris’ hand high in the air as he mouths the words Titus into the camera. It is clear he was looking to send a message tonight. He exits the ring as a defeated Xander clutches his championship in the corner devastated by the loss.

  6. #6

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    We return from commercial break where Xander is still in the ring. He has a mic in his hand.

    Xander: This is exactly the reason I walked out on his company at one point. I'm the World Champion. I beat twenty nine other men to win this title, and I was forced to defend it in some match that was an absolute atrocity during the Roulette Rounds. Despite this company trying to make it's top wrestler look like a jackass, I prevailed. It didn't matter though because I've been forced to fight an uphill battle since I came back. I mean look at the corrupt referees who have tried, and tonight succeeded, to screw me over. I mean in what world does Chris KO beat me without help? There is none because he is a joke! I had him beat, I countered his best shot. I put him down and a slow count cost me a win. Then the referee, the man who is supposed to enforce the rules and be impartial, allowed Chris to take advantage of an obvious injury. I will make sure that ref, whose name isn't even important enough for me to learn, is fired and this match changed to a no contest due to his bias.

    Xander tosses the mic and rolls out of the ring. He starts to exit through the crowd, but waves them off and walks up the side of the ramp just as Steven Holmes' music hits for the main event.

    Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen the following non title contest is your main event of the evening!

    Introducing first, from Buckingham, England, weighing 225 pounds, “The Elite”, Steven Holmes!

    Holmes eyes Xander as he walks through the equipment off to the side of the stage. He then turns his focus toward the ring. While he doesn't have the speed he once had in his early career, Holmes still has an unmistakable elegance and swagger in his walk. He climbs the ring steps, ignoring the fan reaction and wipes his feet before he enters. He takes the center of the ring and puts one hand behind his back and gives his signature pose.

    Cohen: Just a bastion of class and excellence. Few men have done it better than Steven Holmes. I have a feeling tonight we will see just why they call him The Elite.

    Copeland: Few men have more accolades than Holmes, and the biggest of all, that Hall of Fame ring he just slipped off and handed to a ringside attendant. Win or lose, Holmes always puts on a competitive contest and he will surely prove tonight why he is the number one contender for the World Title.

    And his opponent, from from Ise, Mie, Japan weighing 145 pounds, she is the WZCW EurAsian Champion, Kagura Ohzora!

    The unmistakable cherry blossoms fall from the rafters as Kagura saunters onto the stage. She has her title around her waist as her pink mist engulfs the ramp. She enters the ring and bows to the referee and the crowd, but simply glares at Holmes from across the ring.

    Cohen: What a statement from Kagura just now. Normally her beauty and grace is extended into her pre match bow, but Holmes will get none of it tonight.

    Copeland: The EurAsian champion has shown a more aggressive side since winning the title in an unexpected upset a few weeks ago. Her strong words earlier in the night show she has no desire to drop the title anytime soon.

    The EurAsian champion stands on one side, the other the hall of famer and number one contender. Referee Keith Morse calls for the bell as both competitors face the centre. Both former world champions give each other a nod to the head and the 6”1 Holmes barely stands above Kagura. She puts her hand in the air. Steven Holmes responds by a link up. Both competitors grapple.

    Holmes uses the height advantage to take charge but Kagura has experience with bigger, and stronger men. The crowd are going crazy at this, divided in their adoration of the wrestlers in the ring. The back and forth continues with the starting grapple.

    Copeland: Something I have been thinking about for a few minutes now Jack, seeing a wrestler with a style similar to Celeste Crimson has to be impacting Steven Holmes. It can't be easy going against someone so similar to someone like Celeste, who had a major impact on his life.

    Cohen: You know Seabass I've had a lot of women in my life that had similarities, hell my second wife divorced me for calling her by my first wife's name in bed, and it can be hard to shake, even for a man as mentally sharp as Holmes. Whether she realizes it or not, Kagura likely has the mental edge due to that.

    Kagura with the advantage now and attempts a judo throw. Holmes stands his ground as a slight bounces lands him back on the mat. The EurAsian champ attempts it again, she's able to get him higher but again he lands on the mat. The crowd cheers for the Hall of Famer. Without neither losing focus she attempts for the third time and this brings him to the mat.

    Kagura picks him up from the mat and delivers a second, then a third. This is used as an opportunity to grab in a reverse chinlock to the hall of famer in the middle of the ring. Holmes is crying in pain as Keith Morse checks on him, no tap. Kagura locks it in further, both sides of the dueling crowd shouting. This seems to give Holmes a new lift as his face moves from pain to a wry smile.

    Copeland: It looks like Holmes is feeling it. That grin, that smile that we have seen so many times usually signals that we aren't too far from Steven Holmes having his hand raised in victory.

    Cohen: Kagura is a champion for a reason, she won't be put away easily, but when a seasoned pro like Holmes gets an opponent on the ropes, it's an uphill battle for anyone.

    The smile gets bigger as he shakes his head “NO” to Morse. He then proceeds to stand himself up with Kagura locking the chinlock still whilst piggybacked on him. An elbow to the head of Kagura makes her drop down, Holmes turns and hits with a European uppercut. Kagura steps back as Holmes grabs her in a headlock.

    The positioning looks weird but this seems perfect for the cravate! He manages to hit it as Kagura lands on the mat. Quick cover 1...2...kick-out at 2. Holmes shrugs his shoulders as if that was to be expected. Holmes locks in the double wrist lock as the stomps ignite the crowd with an “ELITE. ELITE. ELITE.ELITE” chant. This continues but Morse breaks it up. The champion has her feet under the ropes.

    Copeland: Greta ring awareness by the champ. Realizing where she was and getting in position to force a break.

    Cohen: I touched on it earlier, you don't fluke into as many big wins as Kagura has. She is a tough out physically and showing she is a tough out mentally as well.

    Kagura gets up and turns to Holmes who has his hands up in the air. She grabs one but when he brings the second out she tosses him overhead with another judo lock. She picks up Holmes and gives him an Irish whip into the turnbuckle. Kagura runs, jumps and connects the flying knee to the face of Holmes. He looks dazed but she runs back and goes for another. Holmes catches her and throws her to the centre of the mat. Holmes rushes over and as Kagura gets to her feet hits her with a discus elbow smash.

    This forces her to the mat as he hits the bow and arrow. Kagura in the air screaming, Morse drops to his knees. It's a no from the champ but this is still locked in. Morse counts and then forces Holmes to release the hold. He does but Holmes looks towards the crowd frustrated, this allows Kagura to strike a chop to the back of the neck. Both now stand up as Kagura has a new lease of life. A Judo throw gets Holmes on the mat. She stands back, he stumbles to get to his feet but before that happens she hits the First Dance of Awarawa no Mikoto! The shining wizard connects and she goes for the pin.

    Kick out at 1 for Holmes as Kagura picks him up once again. This time she uses this to hit the Second Dance of Yamatohime no Mikoto! The wrist clutch exploder suplex takes a lot of effort on the 225lbs as both competitors crash to the apron.

    Cohen: Kagura looked to have Holmes reeling but the Hall of Famer refused to go down without a fight. A big impact move and both competitors are feeling it.

    Copeland: The referee using the ten count, as both competitors are on the outside. You knew coming in these two were looking for a big win heading into Kingdom Come and both showing they want it. Holmes kicked out early after a big shot from Kagura, but she wasn't deterred and hits a move that took them both out. This means a lot to them.

    Cohen: That momentum could be the difference between walking out with a title around your waist or not in Brazil.


    The crowd cheer on. Above all a chant echoes “ELITE! ELITE! ELITE!”


    A stir by the EurAsian champion.


    She gets up and pulls herself together.


    So does Holmes. He turns and goes for The Sword of Damocles but the Regal Cutter misses as Kagura out of nowhere hits The Third Dance of Amenouzume no Mikoto! The speed victory roll takes Holmes by surprise. 1...2...3!

    Harrys: The winner of this match by pinfall...Kagura!

    Copeland: What a heads up counter by the EurAsian Champ! Holmes was about to hit a move that would have likely ended it, but Kagura turns it into a beautiful pinning combination.

    Cohen: We may have seen some ring rust from Holmes there. Not to take anything away from Kagura, but Holmes rarely makes those mistakes. It has been a long time since he was World Champion, WZCW is a different place, and he is going to have to remember that if he wants to walk out of Kingdom Come as World Champion for the second time in his career.

    Copeland: But a hard fought victory for Kagura nonetheless. Her confidence will be sky high headed into her title defense in Brazil, and whoever the challenger may be, they face a stiff contest.

    The final image is that of Kagura walking up the ramp with her EurAsian Title and looking back at a stunned Steven Holmes as the copyright info shows on screen.

    Suddenly the camera turns back to Holmes, who is assaulted from behind by Xander. He blasts him in the back of the head with the World Title. He falls to his hands and knees, Xander then kicks him in the ribs and turns him over. He gets in his face and rakes the title across the face of his challenger. This is mine, you hear me? I'm gonna beat your ass back into the nursing home!

    The screen fades to black with Xander standing, his foot on the chest of Holmes, holding his World Title high.

  7. #7

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    Feb 2019
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    Steven Holmes vs Kagura - Lee
    Keith Kole vs Garth Black - Matrix
    Xander vs Chris KO - Dynamite
    Callie Clark vs Mark Keaton - Spidey
    Segments - Yaz, Dynamite

    Ascension around the corner and onto the Kingdom Come!

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