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Thread: Ascension 140

  1. #1
    3 Time Elite Champion Skairipa's Avatar

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    Ascension 140

    The show cold opens to Flex Mussel already in the middle of the ring mid shouting with a picket sign and a microphone. As he comes more into view the sign can be read as â??MIKEY FOR THE HALL, OR Iâ??LL BUILD A WALL!â?

    Flex: Mikey for the hall, or Iâ??ll build a wall!

    The fans arenâ??t sure what to make of the situation.

    Flex: Thatâ??s right folks, we may have had one Hall of Famer announced on Meltdown, and with all due respect to Barbosa, I think we deserve another. Someone who has worked there ass off for years and continues to day in and day out. Someone who does not get the respect nor the recognition they deserve. I will not leave this ring until Mikey Stormrage is announced as the net inductee for Hall of Fame-

    The Elite Openweight champion immediately demands that his music is cut once he strides down the rampand procures a microphone. He goes nose to nose with Flex as the intensity in his face is clear.

    Mikey: How long are you going to continue to disrepect me? Youâ??ve got your title match at Kingdom Come, yet you still come out here like you care about my career, like you care about anyone other than yourself! Stop pretending like youâ??re my secret admirer Flex! Youâ??re just a liar who will use any advantage he can to get one over on an enemy!

    Flex: Mikey at Kingdom Come we may be adversaries but right now I see you as nothing more than a colleague who has earned my respect in more ways than one. But its clear that the respect does not go both ways. But by the end of Kingdom Come I will have your respect, and better yet, I will have the Elite Championship!

    Mikey: Flex, you may use every dirty trick in your back pocket and steal this championship, but you will never have my respect!

    Alice Adams walks down to the ring with a mic in her hand in gets right in between Flex and Mikey.

    Alice: The only thing Iâ??ll ever agree with Mikey on is that you only care about yourself Flex! I joined your alliance yet you havenâ??t helped me, you havenâ??t been by my side, yet without you Iâ??ve gotten wins, and here I am with a title shot against Mikey! Yet you both speak as though your match is a foregone conclusion for the title! Well itâ??s not happening! Iâ??m beating Mikey tonight, and Iâ??m going to Kingdom Come as a champion, and you two will settle your petty differences with nothing but your meaningless respect on the line!

    Flex: Youâ??re right Alice, I donâ??t care about you, or our alliance. So as far as Iâ??m concerned whatever you me and Keith have going, is officially over! Now onto more important matters, such as Mikeyâ??s induction-

    The Entire crowd comes to their feet at the return of the former WZCW superstar. All three competitors in the ring have their attention glued to the entrance ramp as Eve Taylor appears on stage basking in the crowd response. Soon enough she quiets every down as she begins to speak.

    Eve: Hope you missed me everyone, but donâ??t get used to it, Iâ??m only making a short visit. But Iâ??m glad I got here when I did. Speaking of Hall of Fame, Iâ??ve decided to make the announcement myself that Eve freaking Taylor will be the other inductee in this yearâ??s Hall of Fame!

    The crowd roars with approval as Flex shakes his head in displeasure.

    Eve: But I need someone to induct me. Someone who Iâ??ve had a personal history with. Someone who in my years in WZCW Iâ??ve grown quite close toâ?¦.

    Mikeyâ??s cheeks become a bit red as he looks up at his former fling.

    Eve: At Kingdom Come Iâ??ll be inducred into the Hall of Fame by none other thanâ?¦.Flex Mussel and Ramparte!

    Both Mikey and Flex are shocked as Eve drops the mic and exits the ramp backstage. Flex is confused and tries to approach Mikey who angrily shoves him into Alice who drops him with a Discuss clothesline from behind! Mikey doesnâ??t even react as he exits the ring trying to hide his anger. Alice gloats and yells at Mikey as he just continues up the ramp!

    Connor: Wow, so much just happened I think we need to recap!

    Cohen: Did Alice just drop Flex with his own move?

    Connor: The FlexAmerica alliance is over, and Eve Taylor is being inducted into the Hall of Fame, by her former frenemies?!

    Cohen: HA! Mikey thought Eve actually cared about him. Itâ??s obvious sheâ??s knows Flex will walk out vicorious at Kingdom Come.

    Connor: The show is already off to a wild start but letâ??s keep it going!

  2. #2
    3 Time Elite Champion Skairipa's Avatar

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    Backstage, Matt Tastic is walking around, slowly taking in everything. He touches the walls, the tables, the equipment trunks. He has a somber look on his face, as he knows this will likely be his last time walking backstage at Ascension. He turns a corner and goes to the catering area, where he grabs one last taco. The camera turns to the far side of the room, where Stetson Hayes is seen with his eyes fixated on the Hall of Famer.

    Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

    Introducing first, from Cleveland, Ohio, weighing in at 280 pounds, Mr. Jones!

    Cohen: What?!?

    Mr. Jones makes his way out to the top of the entrance stage, chomping on a big cigar. He looks out at the crowd before smiling big as he makes his way down the entrance ramp, slapping hands with the fans and especially taking time to chat up women that are at ringside. He then slides into the ring, climbing to the second turnbuckle and flexing his muscles before winking at the camera.

    Cohen: What is he doing back in WZCW? He isn't a wrestler, he was a thug who wrecked havoc with Tyrone and the Hollow Ones. Someone call the police before he does it again!

    Connor: Jones passed all the required testing to be hired on as an active talent. The Peruvian fans seem to remember him, giving him a rather warm welcome. He will be looking to make a splash in his first singles action tonight.

    Anderson: And his opponent, from The Dark Carnival, weighing 220 lbs pounds, 'The Great' Milenko!

    The music starts to the pulsing of black strobe lights. After a couple minutes with no sign of Milenko on the stage they stop, plunging the entire arena into darkness. When they turn back on Milenko is in the ring. Jones mouths some swear words while asking how he did that.

    Connor: Milenko has been on a bit of a roll since he came back at Lethal Lottery, scoring wins over Titus among others. He will look to keep that up tonight.

    Cohen: He is up against a rookie, I can't imagine this will be a stern test.

    Referee Keith Morse calls for the bell.


    Milenko stalks Jones as he advances and the two lock up. They fight for a few seconds, but the larger Mr. Jones get the upper hand and works to a side headlock. It isn't very technically sound, the big man just sorta squeezes Milenko's head in hopes it pops. The former Mayhem Champ uses his actual training to work back into the ropes and break the hold by reversing and Irish whipping Jones. The big man hits a shoulder block off the rebound and drops his opponent. He tries an elbow drop but Milenko moves. The veteran grabs an arm and works it while Jones fights back and powers out of the hold. He connects with a kick to the midsection and Irish whips Milenko across the ring. He connects with another should block and drops his opponent again. He then hits the ropes and hits a big splash to his downed opponent and stays on top for the cover...One!...Two!...kick out by Milenko. Jones grabs the head of Milenko in another sloppy headlock and pulls him to his feet, the ref checking to make sure Jones doesn't pull hair. He gets his foe to his feet and wrenches on the hold. Milenko tries to slip out so Jones just throws him into the corner with something that could best be described as a brute force Biel Throw. He charges but Milenko gets a boot up. Jones shakes it off and advances again but Milenko pokes him in his good eye, unseen by the ref. The big man is slowed and holds his eye before he gets hit with a headbutt from Milenko, who then takes over with a hammerlock.

    Connor: Blatant cheating there by Milenko. He just took out Jones' one good eye.

    Cohen: It's Jones' own fault for stepping into the ring with only one good eye. Sucks to suck.

    Milenko takes Jones to the mat and really works the hold, forcing him onto his stomach and putting his own back against Jones to increase the pressure as he pulls the arm in an awkward angle. He switches to a leg lock, but the muscular Jones use his tree trunk legs to fight, so Milenko settles for slamming the knee into the mat. Jones rolls onto his back in pain and Milenko stomps on the front of the knee. He allows Jones to crawl to the ropes and get himself on his feet before he hits a kick to the knee and as Jones is doubled over, rakes his head across the top rope. He holds his hands up to plead his innocence as the ref warns him. Milenko connects with a few blows and follows Jones to the corner. He softens him up with some chops before he lifts him to the top rope, looking for a superplex. Jones fights it though and is able to block and then shove Milenko down. He collects himself for a moment before he leaps from the second rope at Milenko, who is back on his feet. Milenko connects with a hard shot to the midsection to make sure Jones doesn't connect. The former Mayhem Champ shakes out his hand before he goes over and stomps on Jones some more. He then drags him to his feet and tosses him into the ropes. Off the rebound he connects with a Samoan drop and makes the cover...One!...Two!...kick out by Jones but Milenko shows good ring awareness by immediately pull Jones away from the ropes and grabbing a chinlock.

    Connor: Milenko has used his experience in the ring to really take over, though it did come as the result of earlier cheating.

    Cohen: It's only cheating if you get caught, and Milenko is too good to get caught.

    The veteran really pulls back as Jones tries to fight. He starts to power his way to the ropes and is able to get his foot on them to break the hold. Milenko simply grabs Jones in a full nelson and pulls him away from the ropes. He gets a talking to from the ref and the two have a little verbal spat, allowing Jones to start stomping his foot and getting the crowd into it. He uses the energy of the crowd to get to his feet and break the hold. Milenko throws a wild punch, easily avoided by Jones, who then scoops him onto his shoulders. He spins him around in an airplane spin. The crowd counts along with each spin "One! Two! Three!" Once they get to ten, Jones releases his opponent. Both are dizzy and Milenko wings another wild swing. Jones avoids it and takes Milenko down with a a suplex, leaving both men on the mat.

    Cohen: How is that move not cheating? Messing with Milenko's equilibrium.

    Connor: And old old old school move Jack. I figure you would be well versed with that one.

    Both men stir and once on their feet they begin to trade blows. Chops and fists fly but Jones gets the upper hand. He hammers away and goes for a bionic elbow but stops to taunt his foe. "Suck my dick!" he yells before he goes for the elbow but Milenko rakes the eyes. He shakes off the admonishing from the ref and Irish whips Jones into the ropes. Jones ducks a clothesline attempt and hits the ropes again. Milenko turns, right into The Pounce! Jones stumbles over and hooks the leg...One!...Two!....Three! The former manager picks up a W in his first official contest.

    Cohen: No! He cheated!

    Connor: Mr. Jones overcomes multiple underhand tactics by Milenko to score a victory here in Peru, and the fans are happy.

    Anderson: Here is your winner, Mr. Jones!

    Jones rolls out of the ring and holds his eye a little as the fans pat him on the back and applaud his efforts in the win.

  3. #3
    3 Time Elite Champion Skairipa's Avatar

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    Anderson: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall!

    Introducing first, from Paris, France, weighing 220 pounds, Flex Mussél!

    Flex poses a bit on the stage, but then walks to the ring with a sense of purpose. He rolls into the ring and poses on the second turnbuckle in each corner, but forgoes most of his usual theatrics.

    Connor: Do you think recent events are weighing on Flex? He has seemed off in recent weeks.

    Cohen: Flex has been known to play a mind game or two, and I think that is simply what he is doing.

    Anderson: And his partner, from Fort Worth, Texas, weighing 295 pounds, Stetson Hayes!

    Hayes is a little more theatrical as he makes his way from the curtain. He takes off his hat to some boos and laughs as he is booed. He gets to the ring and has a talk with Flex, likely talking strategy.

    Connor: This isn't the first time these two have had a partnership. If you recall at Lethal Lottery, they formed a very formidable duo, tossing opponents out left and right.

    Cohen: Until Stetson turned on Flex, but that won't happen again. They will be laser focused on the task at hand.

    And their opponents....

    Titus' name plate comes on screen just before we fade to black for a commercial.

    Back from break and Tastic is in the ring arguing with Titus who rolls out of the ring and goes over to the commentary table.

    Connor: Looks like we will have some company.

    Cohen: Welcome to the other side Mr. Avison. What brings you over?

    Titus: Matt Tastic things he has something to prove, so I'm letting him. I have bigger fish to fry at Kingdom Come. Tastic could tap out in five seconds for all I care.

    Referee Felix Springfield calls for the bell, but Stetson wastes no time in charging Tastic and knocking him to the mat with a shoulder tackle. He stomps away as Tastic crawls into the ropes, at which point he backs off long enough to his opponent to get out of the ropes. He then rushes back in and knocks Tastic into the corner and starts to kick away until the referee steps in to force the break. Stetson argues a little before he goes to grab Tastic by the back of the head and connects with a headbutt and causes him to stagger back into the corner. Stetson then climbs to the second turnbuckle and hammers down with punches...One!...Two!...all the way until the ninth. He makes his beer drinking gesture, but Tastic takes the small break to shove him away. Stetson lands and tries to get his balance and Tastic hits a dropkick. He looks back to his corner, but Titus isn't there.

    Titus: He told me he had this and didn't need me.

    Connor: Seems low to abandon your partner like that.

    Cohen: You heard him, that idiot Tastic said he had it.

    Tastic gets to his feet, but Flex has tagged in. The two lock up but Flex is too powerful and gets a rear waistlock. He drives Tastic down by kneeing him in the back of the leg. From there he switches around to a sort of bulldog choke, making sure to not illegally cut off the air flow and cause the ref to break the hold. Tastic tries to fight up, but Flex shows off his strength by picking him up and tossing him down with a gourd buster. Flex can't help but pose a little as he knows few could have pulled off that dead lift. Flex keeps the pressure up with a single leg crab, trying to make sure that Tastic stays grounded. Tastic is too close to the ropes though and is able to crawl his way over with a little effort. Titus can be heard scoffing as Flex pulls him away from the ropes and drags him up by his hair. The ref motions to stop so Flex Irish whips him across the ring. Flex readies for the Flexicution, but Tastic is wise to it and ducks. He springboards and hits a sidekick, the Flying Power Kick. Flex tumbles into the ropes, where his arm gets trapped as he falls. Tastic is down and trying to catch his breath as Stetson tries to free Flex. He crawls to his corner but again Titus isn't there.

    Connor: This has essentially turned into a handicap match.

    Cohen: Matt Tastic did this to himself.

    Titus: He insisted before the match that he had this. So I'm letting him have it.

    Flex gets free, but Hayes tags himself in. He rushes Tastic who is on his feet and connects with a big boot, knocking him back down. He then drags him over to the corner with Flex and tags Flex in. He isolates an arm and Flex kicks him in it as Hayes gets out of the ring. Flex scoops Tastic up and slams him down before he tags Hayes back. The two then drop simultaneous elbows onto the Hall of Famer. Hayes then drags him up and shoves him into the corner and connects with some hard knife edge chops. He then tags Flex in, but not before he scoops Tastic up and hits a back breaker. Flex, who had climbed onto the second turnbuckle, jumps and drops a knee onto Tastic, who was still elevated on Stetson's knee. Flex makes the cover...One!...Two!...kick out by Tastic. Flex looks at the ref annoyed before he grabs a side headlock on Tastic. He pulls on the hold despite Tastic trying to fight up. The Puerto Rican throws elbows and fists into the midsection of Flex and works to a position so he can lift Flex and drop with him a back suplex. Flex hits his head on the bottom turnbuckle and both men are out. Hayes reaches over, but can't reach his partner to make the tag. He leans through the ropes and yells to get Flex up. Tastic is still dazed.

    Titus: Fine.

    Titus takes off the headset and climbs onto the apron. Tastic makes the tag and Titus storms into the ring, an absolute ball of fire. He takes Flex down with a clothesline. Flex stumbles to his feet so Titus hits a dropkick. Hayes storms into the ring, so Titus ducks a big lariat attempt and connects with a reverse DDT. Hayes rolls out of the ring just as Titus springboards off the ropes and connects with a hurricanrana on Flex, who rolls out of the ring. Titus then runs to the far end of the ring and bounces off the ropes and readies for a big leap over, only to pull up short. He brushes his hands at the crowd who boo him.

    Cohen: Haha, what a tease. I love it. These Mexican fans were hyped up to see some high flying and Titus denied them.

    Connor: We are in Peru, Jack.

    Cohen: What's the difference?

    Titus waits for Flex to roll back into the ring and the two old foes square off. Flex catches him with a right hand so Titus fire back with a forearm. They trade a few blows until Flex connects with a kick. He gets an abdominal stretch on, getting Titus in some trouble. The Hall of Famer can't fight out as Flex starts to wrench back on the ankle, trying to lock in his patented unique version. Titus is able to throw off Flex's balance just enough reach out and tag Tastic, who gets in and clubs Flex to break the hold. He connects with big foreamrs to the face of Flex and backs him into the corner. He switches to a punch and then chop combo to soften his opponent up before he retreats to the far corner. He then runs and connects with a dropkick to Flex. He pulls him out of the corner and makes the cover...One!...Two!...Flex kicks out. Tastic pulls him to his feet and whips him back into the corner. He goes for a corner splash, but Hayes tags himself in and moves Flex, leaving Tastic to crash into the corner. Hayes then grabs Tastic from behind and connects with a belly to back suplex. Tastic tries to immediately get to his feet but stumbles into the corner. Titus tags himself in as Stetson charges. Tastic falls just in time to avoid a big boot, leaving Hayes to get his foot hung on the top rope. Titus rolls Hayes up with a school boy from the corner...One!...Two!...The ref stops counting as Titus had his feet on the ropes. Titus argues with the ref as Hayes starts to stir. Tastic tags himself back in, much to the chagrin of Titus. He reluctantly exits the ring, upset. Tastic gets Hayes in position and connects with a lariat neckbreaker, taking him down and makes a cover...One!...Two!...Hayes kicks out. Tastic looks a little frustrated but looks to Titus. He grabs Hayes and hits an inverted atomic drop before tagging Titus in. Titus then springboards in and takes Hayes down with a springboard bulldog, as Tastic still had him in position for the move. Titus makes a cover as Tastic exits the ring...One!...Two!...the ref stops the count as Hayes got a foo ton the ropes despite Tastic trying to kick it off. Hayes stirs a bit so Tastic jumps back onto the apron and tags himself back in. Titus is furious and the two start to argue.

    Connor: Looks like things are breaking down.

    Titus and Tastic continue to argue back and forth.

    Titus: You want it so bad? Then take it.

    Titus rolls out of the ring and starts to walk up the ramp. Tastic watches him and yells back at him. He turns back to the match, only to be hit with Flexicution. The discus lariat causing him to flip through the air. Flex makes the cover...One!...Two!...Three! The fighting between the two Hall of Famers cost them in the end as Tastic was distracted and missed Flex tagging in. Flex goes to the corner to pose as Stetson makes the ref raise his hand in victory.

    Anderson: Here are your winners, Flex Mussel and Stetson Hayes!

    Connor: Just a complete breakdown in communication and in the end it cost them.

    Cohen: On paper this match favored Tastic and Titus but Tastic insisted on tagging himself in and Titus was having none of it and now they both get a L next to their name on the official record.

  4. #4
    3 Time Elite Champion Skairipa's Avatar

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    Anderson: The following contest is schedule for one fall and is for the Elite Openweight Championship!

    Alice slowly and seductively walks forward, wearing a gaudy all black swarvoski crystal covered 50s burlesque robe with bubblegum pink feather trim, making an innocent face, she stops at the beginning of the runway to the ring, 10 seconds into the song she slowly rotates her hips, teasing the audience treating the match as one of her many burlesque performances; slowly unties the front of her robe and lets it freaks off of her shoulders, as soon as it hits the floor her whole innocent demeanor changes from innocent to seductive arrogance, she walks towards the ring with a look of determination and flawlessly slides into the ring. Once inside she flaunts towards the middle of the ring, throws her hands straight up into the air and slowly brings them down forward, caressing her front hips, legs and finally bending forward til she reaches her neat leather boot. She rises up, running her hands over the back of her legs, thighs and butt, after that she winks and blows a kiss to the audience.

    Anderson: Introducing first, from Palm Springs, Ca, weighing 175 pounds, Alice "Baby Doll" Adams!

    Connor: Alice Adams has really stepped up her game in recent weeks. Acquiring a massive win over Mikey Stormrage last week has gained her an opportunity to grab her first championship in WZCW.

    Cohen: Alice has the chance tonight to not only dethrone Mikey but also shove this win in the face of her former ally Flex Mussel whom she laid out earlier tonight when he broke up their alliance. And after the way Flex has managed to get inside Mikey’s head, I think she just may do it.

    A somber Mikey makes his way down the ramp. Not even interacting with fans he slowly enters the ring and hands over his championship. Back towards Alice buring his head in the turnbuckle.

    Anderson: And her opponent, from Berkley, California by way of Indiana, he is the Elite Openweight Champion, Mikey Stormrage!

    Cohen: Mikey has had the wind taken out of his sails in the past few weeks, and I think his inability to focus is going to cost him big tonight.

    Connor: Regardless of if he wins Mikey will face Flex at Kingdom Come, but if he wants to beat Flex as champion he’s going to need to get all of the distractions out of his head. That includes the doubters, that includes Eve, and that includes Flex.

    The bell rings and Alice charges at Mikey who still has his back turned but at the very last second Mikey spins around and launches Alice high into the air for a Pop Up European Uppercut! The Falcon Punch landed perfectly! Alice seems to be out and Mikey hooks the leg! 1...2...Kickout! Alice squirms away and tries to roll out the ring but Mikey who was seemingly playing possum pulls her back in. He grabs Alice by the legs and begins to twirl her around the ring with a Spin & Win!

    Connor: For the second time tonight someone has stolen a move from the Flex Mussel and it seems Mikey is having fun with it!

    Cohen: Seems to me Mikey is doing the same underhanded tactics that he accused Flex of using! The hypocrite! He could never Spin the way Flex does!

    Mikey continues the rotations as the crowd counts along. The crowd interaction is breathing new life into the depressed Mikey. He’s feeding into the adulation but the distraction is long enough for Alice to use her pole dancing prowess to position her body to reverse right into a DDT! Mikey’s head bounces off the mat and he looks for solace in the ropes. Alice will have none of it as she gets right back up and begins stomping away on the downed champion. Mikey does his best to protect from the strikes but Alice is laying them in. Mikey grabs her midsection and tosses through the second and onto the outside. Mikey looks to get a breather and rolls back to the center of the ring but a ferocious Alice slides right back in nails a diving bulldog! She goes for the pin immediately! 1...kickout immediately by Mikey. Alice tries to pick up the bigger man but Mikey uses his strength advantage to tackle Alice into the corner. He bounces off the opposite turnbuckle and nails a few running body blocks before violently yanking Alice by the neck trying to get her into position for the Game Over! He puts the move in position but the flexible Alice reverses into a swinging neck breaker! Both competitors begin to get up but with Mikey still feeling the effects of the move Alice nails a back elbow that nails Mikey square in the face knocking him outside of the ring!

    Connor: Despite the hot start from Mikey at the beginning of this match Alice has been meeting him step for step, she is desperate to prove she belongs with this caliber of talent.

    Cohen: She belongs on a pole but the squared circle is a good alternative, if Mikey isn’t careful he might lose it all tonight.

    Alice pops off the ropes and tries to hit a diving bulldog to the outside! Mikey catches her in mid air! He pops her up looking to hit another Falcon Punch but Alice comes crashing down on Mikey with another back elbow! The force of which causes Mikey to crumble! Alice struggles and uses all her force to put Mikey back into the ring. She takes a few moments to catch her breath and upon trying to get on the apron Mikey kicks her off knocking her into the barricade. Before she can recover Mikey is already bouncing off the ropes and squashing Alice with a suicide dive! Miraculously the champ lands on his feet and yanks Alice up for a Uranage on the apron! He shoves her back inside and is looking to climb the top rope. He signals to the fans its clear he’s looking for a splash! He leaps off the top! But Alice moves at the last second! Mikey crashes to the mat and does not move. Alice is still recovering and pulling herself up by the ropes. Mikey begins to stir as the ref checks on him, as the official is distracted Alice is seen pulling off the turnbuckle pad exposing the steel. Mikey gets to one knee and Alice charges at him with a discuss clothesline clobbers Mikey! Alice does not go over the pin instead she tries to pick him up for the Widows Peak. The weight difference is apparent however as she struggles to lift Mikey’s dead weight. About halfway through the manuever she gives up and just lets him drop right on her knee! Mikey feels the pain but the weight crashing into Alice’s leg causes a noticeable reaction in her.

    Cohen: And the inexperience finally shows itself. She’s no Flex, no point in trying to emulate the body builder.

    Alice looks around frantically trying to figure out her next move. She rolls out to the apron and sizes Mikey up as he begins getting up to his feet. Once he’s in a standing position she bounces off the ropes looking for a flying forearm smash! Her knee gives away after the springboard assist! She flies right into fireman’s carry position and Mikey spins right into a Samoan Drop! Mikey rolls through still keeping hold of Alice and nails a fallaway slam! Mikey begins feeling the energy of the crowd as they will him back into this contest! He signals once again for The Game Over as Alice tries to pull herself back up in the corner. Mikey grabs her body but she drop toe holds him into the exposed turnbuckle! Alice then yanks him back and hits the Goodnight Kiss! The crowd is in shock as she hooks the leg! 1...2….THR-NO!!! Mikey just barely gets the shoulder up!

    Connor: Incredible perseverance from the champion! Alice is pulling out the stops to win this title and she may be just moments away!

    A frustrated Alice yells and pounds away at a downed Mikey. She struggles to get him up still looking to hit the Widows Peak but she can’t muster the strength. She instead throws him down into the corner, bounces off the ropes and nails the Bronco Buster on Mikey! She sqaushes his head and neck repeately over and over! She bounces off the ropes looking to do the same again until Mikey explodes out of the corner with a clothesline! He yanks her right up and nails her with another short arm clothesline! One more time, and another, once more, and again! Alice is completely out on her feet and Mikey nails the Live Mas Slam! He hooks the leg! 1...2….Kickout! Mikey yanks Alice back up but she quickly rakes the eyes! The desperate Alice clings to the ropes to hold herself up! A partially blinded Mikey charges at her and she pulls down the top rope causing him to get tangled in it. She then uses the momentum of the rope to power Mikey up just enough to hit the Widows Peak!!

    Cohen: By god she may have done it…

    Connor: All she has to do is hook the leg!!

    Alice goes for the cover but out of nowhere she gets clocked in the head! It’s Callie Clark! Callie repeatedly bashes Alice with the Elite X. The ref calls for the bell as this is a blatant disqualification. Callie chucks Alice out of the ring and then hands the ref the X, she’s trying to cash in!!

    Cohen: Mikey may be losing the belt after all!

    Callie begins sizing Mikey up but Flex sprints down the ramp! He slides unde the bottom rope and tackles Callie! The two begin brawling until Callie retreats to the outside. Alice then attacks Callie and the two women begin brawling. The ref struggles to separate them as they continue throwing shots!

    Myles: Stop it! Stop it now! I cannot let things stand as they are, since Callie just screwed Alice, at Kingdom Come, Callie Clark will face Alice Adams for the Elite X to cash in whenever they choose!

    Myles then sends more security to break up the impending Alice and Callie brawl. Flex turns his attention to Mikey to try to help him up. He extends his hand but Mikey refuses the help, he slides out of the ring and grabs his championship and a microphone.

    Mikey: You think you’re noble Flex? You didn’t come out here to save me or help me! You came out here to secure your title match! You’re a fraud Flex! At Kingdom Come you’re facade is going to end when I beat you! Then we’ll see if you continue faking your admiration!

    Mikey storms off as Callie and Alice continue brawling, Flex is left in the ring alone annoyed by Mikey’s words.

    Connor: One more match confirmed for Kingdom Come! Chaos is enseuing ringside, we gotta go off the air but folks we shall see you at the biggest stage of them all!

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