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Thread: Kingdom Come X: Alice Adams v Callie Clark (Elite Number 1 contender)

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    G-Mod Lee's Avatar

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    Kingdom Come X: Alice Adams v Callie Clark (Elite Number 1 contender)

    An all women's ladder match for the number one contender for the Elite title. Alice almost had it on Ascension but Callie can't resist her mission to prove herself number one and regain the title. This match will take place in ladder match with anything possible.

    Deadline Tuesday 15th October 11:59pm Eastern (No extensions)

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    G-Mod Lee's Avatar

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    Deadline extended for all matches to Saturday 19th 11:59pm Eastern

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    Alice is seen leaving the Stadium fuming; she hastily grabs her stuff from the locker room and storms out and into her uber. The driver looked a little shocked at the force she shut his door, before he could protest about the unnecessary amount of force used to close it; She cuts him off.

    â??Look, I donâ??t have time for your bullshit. I donâ??t care about your precious piece of shit â??Prius".. a-and what type of man drives a literal â??Pussmobile"?! Snickers let me guess, your girlfriends carâ?¦?

    The driver turns around to fully face Adams; his face a bright scarlet red. Before he could stammer out an explanation, she letâ??s out a loud cold short laugh.

    â??Oh baby, look at you, your redder than my lipstick, whatâ??s wrong sweet cheeks? Did I burst your bubble? Now, I really donâ??t have time to listen to anymore excuses, just turn your cute little head around and just take me to my hotel okay?â?

    Alice blows a condescending kiss towards the driver and before he could finally get a word in, she pops her headphones into her ears and plays some music to calm her. The driver scoffs in disbelief, turns around and starts to drive. Alice stares out the window, replaying the robbery that just occurred; the stupid little rooster rider Callie, strolling her non existing ass out to MY title match, bashing what should have been MY elite X cash in briefcase and causing me to lose what should have been MINE. With what fell like eternity the car finally pulls in front of the Marriott and before the driver could fully stop the car; Alice hurriedly collected her things and practically jumped out the backseat.

    â??Hey?! How about a tip, since, you know, you slammed my door and basically tore down my self esteem.â?

    Alice without missing a beat in her stride turns her head â??Grow some balls and get your own car, or don't, I donâ??t really care, your girlfriend is probably fucking your friends anyways.â?

    As she steps into the hotel, the concierge stifles a laugh as he stares at the dumbfounded driver, who went from being a pale beige to a bright lobster red; hastily he drives off. Once inside the hotel lobby Alice stayed lasered focused on the elevator, once inside she presses the number to her floor and finally letâ??s out a sigh of relief and unclenches her jaw; she could feel the stress just melt away as she finally allows herself to slowly unwind. The ding of the elevator snaps her out of her little world and as the doors open she clumsily grabs her bags and shuffles out into the empty hallway. Once in front of her room door she swipes her card and practically slams her shoulder in to swing the door open.

    â??Fuck, thatâ??s going to leave an unnecessary bruise, way to go space cadet. Rolls her eyes ugh, who am I even talking to, oh right, my crazy ass self HAHA.â?

    She tosses her bags on the tiny couch then half heartedly throws herself onto her bed.

    â??Ugh, stupid bitch has me all twistedâ?¦ I need a drink.â?

    She picks up the phone and orders 2 bottles of white wine to her room. After an quick 10 minute shower, she hears a loud knock at the door. Still in her bathrobe she quickly opens the door; once the very cute and polite bellhop sets her up with her first bottle and got his 5 dollar tip, he leaves. As soon as the door made its final â??click' noise, a Cheshire cat smile adorns her lips. She pours herself a big glass.

    â??Oh how I needed this, takes huge gulp exactly what I neededâ?¦ just to take a nice warm shower and to finish off the night with a nice glass of white wine.â?

    She takes another big gulp, once done with the first glass, she continues to pour another� and another 1 ½ bottles later, she is flipping through the channels until she lands on her guilty pleasure; Little Women: Atlanta.

    â??Ugh, fuck this bitch throws a napkin at the television ugh I donâ??t know why stupid, ignorant â??ms. Juicy' reminds me of stupid ignor-â?¦ Oh wait HAH nevermind, I know why.â?

    She pours herself another glass of Stella Rosa Peach and greedily chugs it til the glass was transparent. She drunkenly readjusts her bathrobe, trying to daintily cover up her cleavage. Then, as if a bee stung her on the ass, quickly jumps up onto her feet.

    â??I am so sick and tired of this stupid trollop taking WHAT'S MINE throws glass I am the one who carried us to Victory, I am the one who pinned the gluten filled Kids meal that is Stormrage for the Eliete X title shot!â?

    Alice stomps her feet childishly on frustration


    Loud crashes could be heard throughout the hotel room; the 2 crystal glasses that the bellboy brought up, in shatters at the far left corner of the room. She grabs a handful of her hair and sits down at the edge of her bed.

    â??I thought I rose above all thisâ?¦. Above the stupid Russian mail order whore and her ridiculous veg head of a puppet Flex; above using my body for the scummy secretaries like Kole and his overinflated miniscule ego! I WAS THE ONE who had the most wins in that unsatisfactory â??businessâ?? arrangement they called Flex America, I am the one who, despite the lack of recognition, made that stupid egotistical â??kingâ?? relevant. If it wasnâ??t for me, they would still be floundering, so, he better consider what he says. Only because he sat at the head of a table, did that man think he had ANY sort of power over me. Oh no, no, no sweetness. I AM THE QUEEN; I am the one who will win this unnecessary â??courtesyâ?? match. That tramp has proven nothing more than she knows who to ride for that next spotlight shot. Once I win YET AGAIN I will show EVERYONE in this place who the REAL CHAMPION is; that elite X title shot will be mine and come hell or high water whoever wins my title, because, let's face it, everyone knows its MINE; WHOEVER THINKS they are going to become the next big thing better watch their fucking back, because baby, MOMMA is hungry and ready to show WZCW who the true QUEEN of this Fed is. I can guarantee you, it ainâ??t little miss hop along down the line CALLIE FUCKING CLARK!â?

    Once fully satisfied with her self pep monologue; Alice drunkenly crawls into bed to finish the rest of her show, she drunkenly laughs at all the drama and shenanigans before fully falling into the deep unconsciousness of sleep.

  4. #4
    3 Time Elite Champion Skairipa's Avatar

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    @CallieClark Everything that is or was began with a dream. #KingdomCome #LetsMakeItQueendomCome #WhoSaidIt #CosplayHint

    Backstage After Ascension 140: Coliseo Amauta

    It was a weird feeling I had at this moment, I was annoyed my attempt to cash in my title shot so I could walk into Kingdom Come as a champion, but then I had a feeling of joy, joy for getting one over on Alice Adams, after all she stole my spotlight in our tag match by pinning Mikey, that wasn't her pin to take, it was mine. Of course now I had to defend my earned opportunity against her, but that just meant I got a big spotlight at the biggest show of the year, and I don't fear her, so bring it. As I was walking with a smug strut backstage on the way to the exit, I was stopped by Stacy Madison, I could tell she wanted an interview, I mean I can't say I blame her, I am the #1 trend currently on twitter after all.

    I know what you're gonna say, yes I'll give you the honor of having an interview with me.

    Stacy rolled her eyes but didn't make a snarky comment back to my surprise, shame, she's a fun one to toy with even if she can be annoying. It's fun getting a rise out of her.

    Yes, well, I think everyone wants to know why you screwed Alice over?

    I laughed, I assumed it was obvious but I guess not. Or maybe Stacy just isn't as smart as I thought she was.

    It's simple, she stole my pin to even get this shot, and I'll be damned if I was just gonna sit back and let her become a champion, much less beat the guy who beat me in the first place. Let's not forget Sally..


    If you say so. Anyway let's not forget that I never got my rematch for the Elite Championship, a championship I have held more than anybody in this company, a championship that if it wasn't for me breaking the curse on it, would STILL be a hot potato that nobody can defend! But people expected me to just sit back and let Alice, a woman who I hate, potentially win it? Puh-lease! As far as I'm concerned, nobody should be getting a shot at that championship until I get my rematch. But instead of giving me what I deserve, now I have to defend this baby.

    I hold up the X.

    In a ladder match!? How's that fair!? This company always wants to stack the deck against me, they did it with fighting Mikey Stormrage in a cage, they did it with fighting Matt Tastic in a Mayhem Rules match, they did it by letting Kagura spit poison mist in my face and not be disqualified, and I could go on. But that's fine, I won't let a stacked deck stop me this time, oh no.

    I shook my head.

    When I climb to the top of a ladder, take this baby back and look down at Alice laying on the mat, a broken heap, I'm going to laugh at proving the haters wrong again. Because I always get the last laugh one way or another. Does that answer your question Stacy?

    I raised an eyebrow at her and watched her nod before answering.

    In way too many words, yes it does. What's your problem with Alice anyway? She's working hard trying to make a name for herself the same as you. Can't handle another girl stepping up and taking some of your spotlight away?

    Stacy had a little smirk on her face, and I returned the smirk back to her. There's that cattiness I've come to expect from her. I knew she couldn't be a professional for a whole interview.

    Oh Stacy you're making jokes now? First off, me and her are nothing alike, and there's no "making a name for myself", I already have made a name for myself as the greatest Elite Champion in history, and let's admit the truth, one of the best in this locker room currently. After all, look at my win-loss record. Then you look at Alice and....what has she done? Be a lackey to Flex Mussel? Is that her biggest accomplishment? She could only dream of being on the same level as me right now Stacy. And as far as taking away my spotlight? Sweetie, nobody has a bigger spotlight than me, after all I'm currently the #1 trend on twitter, I have more followers than anyone in this company and everything I do gets people talking about me. I might not be in the main event of Kingdom Come, but after my match nobody is going to care about that anyway, my spotlight is huge and only getting bigger. Maybe you'd know that if you weren't just a lowly interviewer.

    I winked and walked away, I was bored with her now and now I probably pissed her off, I didn't wanna deal with that. I looked back and saw her shooting me a glare. I simply blew her a kiss and kept walking, this is probably why I don't do many interviews. Oh well. I have better things to do anyway.

    A Week Later: A Hotel In Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

    Finally a step up in luxury! It took a compliant to management, but this time I got the suite I deserve and demand while in Brazil for Kingdom Come. I was enjoying a coffee while putting the final touches on my outfit for the show, when I got a text back from Kira, it was a couple hours after I texted her but she was probably busy with her shop. I had texted her to offer her a ticket to Kingdom Come, I figured since last year I had my sister there and now we weren't speaking, I would offer a chance to be there to my best friend, after all I need some support in the crowd.

    If I can figure something out for a flight and hotel I would love to come to Kingdom Come to support you girl! I think I can manage to close the shop for a couple days.
    Figure out something for a flight and hotel? Giiirl do you not know me!? Obvs I'll take care of that! I'll send a private jet for you and you can stay with me in this suite! Nothing but the best for my BFF. But I'm excited to hear you'll be able to be here to watch me kick Alice's ass and maybe even become a champion...after all who knows maybe I'll decide to cash in my title shot right away, maybe the perfect moment will come around.
    I smiled to myself as I sent the text, I didn't have too many people in my life I was close to and opened up to, but Kira was one of them. Knowing she'll be there to support me is exactly what I need to get the job done, climb the ladder to success and put Alice behind me once and for all.

    Aww you're too kind, but thank you so much! That would certainly be a way to create a moment for yourself if you cashed in the title shot to take the belt from the winner of Mikey and Flex. But don't get too ahead of yourself, after all Alice is doing well for herself lately, she looked like she was going to become champion this week.
    She was probably right, though I'd be lying if I said Adams was exactly a big worry for me. My accomplishments vs hers is a huge difference and sure, she's got some good momentum right now, and sure, she eliminated me from the Lottery which started all our problems, but one on one is very different.

    Yeah maybe she would have, or maybe Mikey would kick out. Trust me, I know first hand how hard it is to get that fat bastard to stay down. I know she's going to fight just as hard as me though, and sure she has more to prove and is probably hungrier for the win than me, after all she's the one with everything to prove here. But just like I've done to multiple people, I'm going to crush her hopes and dreams of being on top of the world, and send her flying off the top of the ladder and along with her goes all her hopes and dreams of taking my title shot away from me.
    Was I too confident? Maybe. I've faced up and comers, legends, hall of famers, and just about anything else you can think of for wrestlers. I know Alice isn't a joke, I know she could beat me, but I also know that for once, I'm not the underdog. I have more accomplishments, and my size isn't really working against me for a change. I did worry my confidence would work against me and end up being my downfall, it's always something I worry about a little bit, but if I truly feel confident, why wouldn't I embrace it?

    You're pretty confident in your ability to win this one huh? With how much you guys hate each other I'm surprised, I figure both of you are itching for the chance to use the ladders to beat the hell out of each other and that's a dangerous aspect of the match. After all it's not like a straight up match, it's more than just skill that'll lead to a win.
    Kira did have a good point there. For all I know she could try to bury me under a stack of ladders, or I could end up going through a ladder, in fact when Tastic beat me a ladder was the main reason, because I got distracted by the bright lights and the stupid fans and decided to try and dive off a ladder to put him through a table. I saw it as a great way to get the fans talking about me and took the chance, and it ruined everything at the time. Will the spur of the moment cause me to make that mistake again? I can't let it, after all I don't want to lose my title shot, I can't lose my title shot, I need to take back the Elite Championship, I have more history to make with it.

    That's a good point, my history with ladders in WZCW isn't a good one after all. But losing on the biggest stage just isn't an option, there isn't a show more important than Kingdom Come, the lights are the brightest, the wins and losses mean the most, the opportunity to create moments is the biggest. If I lose this match, I'm never going to be able to live it down, it'll always be remembered. But if I win? I stay undefeated at Kingdom Come and I'm one step closer to my destiny of becoming a champion once again. I'll be damned if I'm going to let her ruin that for me.
    I shook my head in defiance as I sent the text and finished the rest of my coffee, placing the empty cup on the table near by. I continued the conversation with Kira for awhile longer, making plans for when she would fly out and what not. I was excited for Kingdom Come.

    Later That Night:

    I was standing in the sold out Maracana Stadium, right in the middle of the ring, looking up at the red X hanging above the ring, my X, my title shot, it was just waiting for me to grab it and pull it down. In front of me and right under the X was a ladder, it was my moment. I started to climb the ladder as thoughts of my past achievements went running through my head. Starting with my first win, the beginning of a path to greatness.

    I climbed to the next rung.

    My first championship win, beating Batti and holding up the Elite Championship over my head proudly as I tried to keep it together, even if part of me wanted to cry tears of joy.

    I climbed up the next two rungs.

    My second championship win, beating Matt Tastic, he may have got the better of me in the Mayhem Rules match but he was no match for me when he couldn't use weapons. My quest to #BanTheMayhem may have failed, but I got the last laugh, which is all that matters.

    I climbed up the next rung.

    My third championship win, defeating Lynx, god he was annoying. I never knew what the hell to make of him but he dared to steal MY title from me, and defeating him at last years Kingdom Come along with 2 other people was arguably the biggest moment of my career thus far. But to me, it was only the second biggest.

    The next rung, the X was barely out of my reach now. If only I wasn't so short I could probably reach up and pull it down from here.

    Then the biggest win of all, retiring Eve Taylor earlier this year. Considering she was a constant thorn in my side and largely considered the greatest woman ever in WZCW, nothing was sweeter than sending her packing to the retirement home, and playing mind games with her by coming out dressed as her, or at least her when she was successful.

    I was at the top of the ladder now and grabbed onto the X, it was mine. I started unhooking it and nearly had it, when suddenly I felt the ladder begin to tip. I began panicking trying to finish pulling down the luck, I went flying off the ladder, and crashing to the floor outside the ring below. Suddenly I woke up, sitting straight up in bed and turning on the lamp next to the bed. I took a couple deep breaths as I realized it was just a dream, even if it could be reality in a few days. What was a beautiful dream turned into a horrible nightmare, was it because I was overlooking Alice? Was that my subconscious telling me I had more to prepare for? I wasn't getting back to sleep right now, so I figured I might as well, I opened YouTube and began searching for videos of her matches, some say sleep is the most important thing, but sleep isn't nearly as important as winning.

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