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Thread: Kingdom Come X: Titus v Chris K.O.

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  1. #1
    G-Mod Lee's Avatar

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    Kingdom Come X: Titus v Chris K.O.

    Chris K.O. was the White Knight, a very popular WZCW wrestler who had the world at his feet but one man thought it was all a facade. The legend of Titus Avison was born of frustration at being overlooked and to him it was the one that got away. Chris K.O. didn't realise the severity of Titus' bitterness but a return at Lethal Lottery for K.O. showed just that. This is a match that has been years in the making.

    Deadline Tuesday 15th October 11:59pm Eastern (No extensions)

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    G-Mod Lee's Avatar

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    Deadline extended for all matches to Saturday 19th 11:59pm Eastern

  3. #3
    Junior Member Kermit's Avatar

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    White athletic tape wraps around a wrist and up around a hand. The hand belongs to Chris K.O. Chris is sitting in a locker room alone.

    As he wraps his wrists, several things cross his mind. In just a few moments, Chris will be speaking in his final media appearance before Kingdom Come X. The last appearance before the predestined bout with Titus Avison.

    And this time, in the capital of Brazil, Chris needs to get something off his chest.

    Chris finishes wrapping up his hands, and then reaches for a red marker from his bag. He pauses for a moment and then smiles as he inspects the marker.


    The scene shifts to the bedroom of Chrisâ??s daughter, Riley. We see a package of markers (with the red one missing) next to Rileyâ??s bed on a night table. Astrid, Chrisâ?? wife, sits at the foot of Rileyâ??s bed.

    ASTRID: Alright, letâ??s see. What story shall we read tonight? Any choices?

    RILEY: You pick!

    ASTRID: Alright, letâ??s see.

    Astrid leans over to a bookshelf near Rileyâ??s bed. She inspects the shelf before eyeing one.

    ASTRID: How about this one? It reminds me of your daddy.

    Astrid grabs the book and displays the cover to Riley.

    RILEY: I love that book! Itâ??s so weird!

    ASTRID: Right? *chuckles* Just like daddy.

    Riley giggles as Astrid opens the book and begins reading. Riley gets snug in her bed as their dog Stevey rests on the covers.

    At House Show #11, we see a very young Chris K.O. back in 2011.
    Clips are shown of the match before eventually we see that Chris is toppled out of the ring by Black Dragon.
    However, Black Dragon is then instantly dumped by the winning King Shabba.
    Chris watches as Shabba celebrates, but a hunger burns in Chrisâ?? eyes.

    Chris, at the podium of the media appearance, begins to speak.

    CHRIS: I want to thank The Rio Times for welcoming me out here to speak one last time before my matchâ?¦

    Titus Avison, for the last several weeks, has been telling a story; a story about me. However, he is not telling you the full story. So, Iâ??m going to tell you all of it now, and I promise I wonâ??t sugar coat it.

    Heâ??s not telling you about the Chris K.O. that entered WZCW on his ass as he got thrown out of the ring of a contract battle royale.

    We see clips of Ascension 38 where Chris K.O. and James King ambush Steven Kurtesy to align themselves with Ty Burna to make The Apostles of Chaos.
    More clips continue to show highlights of the AoCâ??s triumphs and its eventual demise.
    We see Ty nailing Chris to the chaos symbol, and then Chris burying Ty alive.

    CHRIS: Heâ??s not telling you about how Chris K.O. surpassed and outlived all of the wrestlers in that same contract battle royal. How he joined one of the most dominant stables in WZCW history.

    However, with that, heâ??s also not telling you the heinous acts he committed while aligned with such evil. Or how he ultimately embraced that same evil to escape.

    We see a clips of Chris K.O. hoisting his first EurAsian champion in the ring after his defeat of Triple X at Meltdown 90.
    Then, we see him holding his second championship over Theron Daggershield at Unscripted 2015.

    CHRIS: Titus is not telling you how his historic EurAsian Title Reign only began after Chris vacated the title. In fact, Chrisâ?? greatest EurAsian defense came at Titusâ?? defeat...

    But with all that I just said, heâ??s also not telling you about how Chris K.O. used the title as a stepping stone before eventually burning out and throwing the belt away like trash. Heâ??s not telling you how Titus restored the EurAsianâ??s prestige and picked up the pieces that Chris left on the groundâ?¦


    We see clips of Chris in his White Knight gimmick.
    We see how Titus called him out for claiming to be the â??savior of WZCW.
    We see clips of their match at All or Nothing 2013 and their historic â??I Quitâ? match at Kingdom Come V.â?

    CHRIS: Heâ??s not t--

    Chris pauses for a moment and then takes a breath.

    CHRIS: Somehow, over the course of an amazing career for Titus, I have landed in the spot of the â??unbeaten opponentâ? for him.

    Let that sink in for a moment.

    As I go back and look at the matches at All or Nothing and Kingdom Come V, I've realized something. Although my hand was raised as victor, it was Titus the fans cheered forâ?¦

    You see, I told you in the beginning that Titus was not telling the full story, but I canâ??t stand here and tell you that he is telling a fake story.

    CHRIS: Titus knows who I was. He knows what I did. He knows what I called myself. Every picture that history paints; it paints me in all my mistakes. And you know, I donâ??t think I have truly said this publicly, but I want to say this now.

    To Titus, and the fans of WZCW: Iâ??m sorry. You deserved better from me. No, not a hero. I was not the â??heroâ? or â??saviorâ? that WZCW needed. You just wanted me to show up and be authentic, but I didn't do that.

    The truth is that I canâ??t take back what happened. I canâ??t take back what I said. And even though it makes me feel like shit to think about the past, I can still somehow finish this speech with a smile.

    CHRIS: Titus has told you all a true story about me, but itâ??s not the whole story. You see, the story continues from here. The next chapter is written at Kingdom Come X.

    Even though the record book states that Chris K.O. is 2 and 0 against Titus; Iâ??m here to say officially that we are starting from scratch.

    For the first time, Iâ??m going to enter that ring with Titus and face him like a man with a clear mind. No games, no gimmicks, and no delusion.

    So, listen carefully Titus because I know your watching.

    When I leave that ring, whether it is a win or a loss, I want to earn your damn respect. The only way I know how to do that is to show up and fight.

    Kingdom Come X



    CHRIS K.O.



    LETâ??S FIGHT!

    The room is buzzing as Chris grips the podium. We see his taped-up hands with the word â??phoenixâ? written in red marker on the knuckles of his right hand.


    We transition to Astrid covering up a now sleeping Riley. She kisses Rileyâ??s forehead, puts the book on the shelf, and then pauses in the doorway. She admires her daughter as she also thinks about her husband. With a flick, the lights go off, and a new story begins.
    Last edited by Kermit; 10-19-2019 at 12:20 AM.

  4. #4
    G-Mod Lee's Avatar

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    The Book of Titus: How the legend came into being

    Chapter 14: In Brightest day and Whitest Knight

    For a man with so many successes in life it's odd to think about the failures. As cheesy as it is I hate the word failure, every failure I've had has been an opportunity to learn and grow. If you don't learn and grow what's the point? Where does it leave you? Tagging with Paramount Joe T or lying on your IMDB page by saying you were an extra in Wonder Woman or something? My failures have lead to my successes.

    There was the infamous Elite X number one contenders match where I was supposed to wrestle Mohammed Hasheem but the Dynasty happened. That and my self imposed exile to the fed. Rumours of a legend dotted around the place and unmasking Red Mask showed what I was made of. I defeated Carmen Bratchny and became the second best Elite X champion of all time (after Mikey Stormrage, of course).

    Then there's the world title. Can you recall my first ever world title match? It was a six person match and I did not win. I was lost in shuffle and was way out of my depth. Yet I learnt, developed and with that I won the world title not once or twice but three times. That is the stuff of legends.

    I could write an entire book on the historic EurAsian reign but 951 days were built on failures. There's the Big Dave match for the belt which led to me needing to leave the federation. Imagine that, a man I had mentored who turned his back on me was the one to send me packing. My time off involved me winning another Oscar and watching the likes of Bruce Irwin just stink up the place. The time was to step in and win it. That I did. Lesson learnt.

    I recall once being on set for my movie Passion of the Pope (Best picture, Best Actor, Best Director at the Oscars, Golden Globes, ACE "Eddie" Award, ASC Award, Art Directors Guild Award, Cinema Audio Society Awards, Screen Actors Guild Award, The Directors Guild of America Award, and Broadcast Film Critics Association Award) where director Kirk Lazarus gave some advice to me and another co-star. The other actor, let's call him Christian Bale, got irate at the direction. Lazarus fired him there and then and moved me into his role. This was the first day of filming and my first major role. I learnt there that there are people who know what they are doing in life in every aspect. I decided I would be one of those people. My acting, philanthropy and wrestling shows that. Some may think that's cocky but honestly I'm just better than you at most things.

    Every opponent who has bested me I have destroyed later as they learn that I grow and develop. That is all apart from one man. Chris K.O. I don't even know if Chris is short for Christopher or Christian nor what the K.O. stands for, nor do I care. He could be called Christos Kermit Omega for all it matters. Yet he's someone that many just forgot about. The rise of Vis Imperium, the return and departure of Tyrone Blades, Flex America and a 951 day EurAsian reign. Why do I bother with someone most forgot?

    Chris K.O. was someone I saw right through from the off. He came out of nowhere with these plaudits and with that people were pushed aside. I was a former world champion yet, for the first time in my career, I was moved to give a newcomer the chance. I call him kid but we're actually a similar age, I started my ascent sooner. The White Knight was the hero of WZCW for some weird reason, he'd shit on people but the crowd and locker room loved him. One man saw through that decided enough was enough. I called him out for it. It took me six months to face him, it was a throw away match that I lost.

    With that the Apostles of Chaos had built up and his true intentions were revealed. That feud ate up WZCW, my fed, and when the likes of Alex Bowen are on your side you know you're in the wrong. He used it to snatch Seraphina away amidst all the chaos (pun intended) and the big match came. AOC v WZCW. Of course he wait until it was too late to try and help WZCW, why not help at the start. It's because it was always about him. Always. Yet that period, when Ty was in charge, showed him for who he was. He was one of a few people to defeat Ty in a match. Wrestling historians believe it was Ty who â??put him overâ? which is where you intentionally lose a match for reasons. What this did was show him as this big thing to WZCW. Yet I was not convinced. Not really.

    I remember the day clearer than anything. It was February 24th 2013. Nothing newsworthy happened that day but it was a few days before Pope Benedict resigned. Think of the card, I bet you'll struggle to remember. Mason Westhoff, Krypto, Sam Smith, Justin Cooper, Alex Bowen. Funnily it also had Xander v Holmes on it. Yet here it was the â??grudge matchâ? me v KO. I lost. I was pinned. The ref broke me out of the ankle lock yet I allowed myself to be distracted. He won. Lost to my biggest rival.

    A quick aside on that, it's often been said that my Lex Luthor, Moriarty and Shredder was Everest but I made my peace with him years ago. We had our downs but we had our ups too, kinda like that weird cousin you always argue with. You still have each others back. For me though it's always been about one. Every day for five years that niggle has been at the back of my head. Every cheer. Every boo. Every success has been spoilt by my nemesis. Chris K.O.

    After that loss it was suddenly summer. July 25th, three days after Prince George. Summer in LA is rough, let me tell you, but LA is my third home (after Keystone City and Newcastle) for obvious reasons. Physical activity in 80o heat is not fun. Let alone when it's for the EurAsian championship. I've mentioned several times in this book about my love affair with that belt and here was my chance to prove once and for all. Let alone an I Quit match. Can you imagine me, Titus Avison, saying the words I Quit? I can assure you I didn't.

    The crowd were with me, the failed to see his antics. From entering the ring doing a crucifix sign, as if the Lord Jesus himself would give him support in the match. My only regret is that awful speech I did to the crowd, in retrospect it made me off on the backfoot but my idea was to get in his head. It failed. The whole match is a blur. He starts off. Then I get control. He says no. I stay in control. He says no. I am busted open, bleeding. I say no. He moves the next level. I've never done well with busting my opponent open, I feel it's week but this is genuinely the time I contemplated it. He hit Harrys. Who in their god-damn mind hits Harrys Truman? He's the nicest guy in the world. I'd say I saw red but the blood from my head made my face like I was Red Mask again. A tit drop almost saved my bacon but he lost control.

    Chairs and who knows what happened next. I lost 3 pints of blood that match. Katie Prince decided to call an end to it. He was the EurAsian champion still but I never uttered the words. The records show he won that match but I never said â??I Quitâ?. I had lost that much blood yet still was continuing on. The crowd were behind me yet the full thing is a blur.

    For five years that moment has been there. For five years I wondered how I would make amends. I did it all. The legends were written and extended but that was still at the back of my mind. It wasn't the people who inspired me. It wasn't Joe Montana or Rosie Danvers. It wasn't even Becky Serra. It was always about him. So to see him make that return in the Lethal Lottery, all singing all dancing. All smiley faces I could not put up with it. The family man now. I don't forget the hypocrisy. Seraphina. The blood loss. I don't forget it. People can change but for me I needed to do it. I needed to end him.

    At Kingdom Come X I did it, I defeated him. I forgave him and I moved on. We're on good terms now and I wish him the best. With that the third major chapter of the legend began but you know how that goes, something Harthan could only dream of.

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