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Thread: Skairipa Plays WWE2K19 Universe Mode

  1. #21
    3 Time Elite Champion Skairipa's Avatar

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    Raw Week 8:

    As the show starts, Shawn Michaels is backstage and says he's worked all week to build a great card for tonight as Raw begins building towards Money In The Bank. First off, there will be two Money In The Bank Qualifying Matches tonight, the first will be Alexa Bliss vs Charlotte Flair vs Natalya, the second Bianca Belair vs Ember Moon vs Mickie James. On top of that we will find out the next challenger to Kevin Owens in a fatal 5 way elimination match with Daniel Bryan, Braun Strowman, Rey Mysterio, Seth Rollins and Baron Corbin being the competitors in the match. But that's not all as in tonight's opening match we'll find out the #1 contenders for the World Tag Team Titles as 3 teams will fight in an elimination tables match, and the winners will be challenging the winners of American Alpha vs Undisputed Era, as next week they'll have a Steel Cage Match for the titles to make sure this time nobody not involved in the match gets attacked.

    Match #1: #1 Contenders Elimination Tables Match
    Authors of Pain vs Heavy Machinery vs The Hardy Boyz

    Brawling chaos to start with all 6 men going at it, eventually Akam superplexs Jeff Hardy which causes him to roll out. Later on Otis scoop slams Rezar and hits a Caterpillar as Tucker takes out Jeff Hardy with a running crossbody while Matt and Akam brawl on the floor. Otis picks up Jeff and hits the Worlds Strongest Slam on Jeff but Jeff counters a follow up attempt with a jawbreaker, only to get shoved into a table in the corner by Rezar and chopped against it. Tucker tries to put Matt through a table but he's countered and Matt throws Tucker into the steel steps then hits him with a Side Effect. A couple minutes later Jeff Hardy sees an opportunity for an elimination as he places Rezar onto a table, and climbs up to the top turnbuckle and goes for a Swanton Bomb, but Rezar rolls off the table and Jeff crashes through the table and a few minutes later after another table is set up in the ring in one of the corners, Rezar powerbombs Jeff through it and gets the first elimination of the match! The fight continues for a couple minutes but the second elimination comes when Matt Hardy places Tucker Knight onto a table, and sends him crashing through it with a diving leg drop, taking this match down to 4. Matt fights with Akam on the floor while Otis fights with Rezar in the ring, AOP having to fight off the unlikely alliance of Matt and Otis, and Matt hits a Twist of Fate on Akam as Rezar knocks Otis off his feet with a big clothesline! Rezar throws Otis into a table, but Matt slides into the ring and hits a couple punches on Rezar, trying to prevent this becoming a handicap match, but Rezar headbutts Matt to stop him, and then powerbombs Otis through the corner table, and AOP takes this down to 3! Matt gets to his feet and realizes the situation he's in, and quickly clotheslines Rezar out of the ring before Akam can get in the ring, and he begins pounding on Akam, taking him down after a spin kick. Matt continues to fight them off as best he can for awhile, but the numbers are too much and he takes a beatdown for a bit. AOP set up a table as they look to close out the match, but when Matt gets to his feet he low bridges Akam out of the ring, then drops Rezar with a Side Effect! Matt bails out of the ring and sets up a table at ringside, and after Akam is back in the ring, Matt spears him off the apron and gets Akam eliminated, but as soon as he turns around he's powerbombed by Rezar! Rezar beats down Matt for a bit before attempting to powerbomb Matt through the table in ring, but Matt counters and shortly after, he manages to put Rezar through the table and gets the upset win!

    Winners and NEW #1 Contenders: The Hardy Boyz
    Dean Ambrose comes out to the ring with a mic and says last night he had the fight of his life against Braun Strowman, but he lost and that doesn't sit well with him. He wants to go another round with Braun and he wants to do it right now. Braun comes out onto the stage and says he's got a match in the main event tonight, but he'll never turn down a fight and if Ambrose wants these hands, he's happy to give them to him. Braun starts heading down the ramp as Ambrose throws the mic out of the ring and takes off his shirt, but as Braun reaches the bottom of the ramp, but Shawn Michaels runs out onto the stage and starts yelling no as security comes out with him, and make a wall between Ambrose and Strowman. Shawn says this can't happen tonight, the doctors said Ambrose isn't cleared to compete tonight and Braun has a match already, but he knows Ambrose will be cleared next week and if they wanna fight, they can do it next week, he'll even give them another Hardcore Match to settle their differences in. He warns them he'll have to suspend them both if they don't listen to him, and after some deliberation, both men seem to calm down and agree to fight next week instead.

    Match #2: Money In The Bank Qualifying Match
    Alexa Bliss vs Charlotte Flair vs Natalya

    Bliss rolls out of the ring and taunts at the start, and Charlotte charges across the ring and ambushes Natalya and starts beating her down in the corner. Nattie counters a headscissors and hits a delayed suplex as they get up, only to get blindsided by Bliss hitting her with a reverse DDT. Charlotte and Bliss fight it out for awhile, keeping Nattie out of the ring until eventually she blocks a punch from Bliss while on the apron, then suplexs Bliss out of the ring and to the floor. Nattie and Charlotte fight for a couple minutes before Bliss comes back in the ring with a chair, and gives both women DDTs onto it, but Charlotte is back up and suplexs Bliss, then attempts to spear Nattie only for Nattie to block it. They fight for a bit until Charlotte does get the spear in on Nattie, but Bliss dropkicks Charlotte and hits her with Insult To Injury followed by hitting Nattie with Twisted Bliss, but it only gets 2. Bliss gets annoyed and picks back up the chair and beats Charlotte with it, eventually getting her to roll out of the ring and as Nattie gets up, she gets smacked over the head with the chair! Bliss goes for Insult To Injury, but Nattie blocks it and locks Bliss into the Sharpshooter! Nattie looks to pick up the win, but Bliss manages to escape it and dropkick her. She tries to dive onto Charlotte, but Charlotte slides into the ring to avoid it, then goes for a moonsault on Bliss, but Bliss avoids that and whips her into the barricade. Bliss blocks a strike from Nattie back in the ring and hits an arm wringer followed by Insult to Injury and a Front Flip DDT for the pin and the win.

    Winner: Alexa Bliss via pinfall
    Adam Cole brags about beating Roderick Strong backstage and says he proved without a shadow of a doubt who the better man was, and that Roderick Strong was the weak link all along of Undisputed Era. He says now that he's taken care of that it's onto new matters, and he's setting his sights on getting that Money In The Bank contract.

    Match #3:
    Cedric Alexander and Heath Slater vs Undisputed Era

    A quick match here as UE make quick work of the odd ball team, keeping Cedric in the ring throughout the whole match while making tags to keep each other fresh and having the illegal man take out Heath Slater and beat him down at ringside. After a few minutes the match ends with Kyle and Bobby hitting a High-Low Attack on Cedric and Bobby gets the pin while Slater is laid out at ringside.

    Winners: Undisputed Era via pinfall
    Shayna Baszler is in the back and brags about beating Dakota Kai, she says she has to give Dakota a little credit, she put up more fight than she expected from her, but in the end it went exactly like she knew it would, Dakota tapped out. She says she's heard Dakota wants a rematch next week, and if she wants to tap out again that's fine, but this time she's going to hurt Dakota.

    Match #4: Money In The Bank Qualifying Match
    Bianca Belair vs Ember Moon vs Mickie James

    Mickie dominates early by beating down both women, but when she grabs a roll up on Ember, Bianca breaks it up at 1. Bianca beats up Mickie for a bit before Ember is up and drops Bianca with a combination of strikes leading to them brawling for a bit until Mickie gets a roll up out of nowhere on Ember, but again Bianca breaks it up at 1. Later on Ember hits a combo of kicks on Bianca before throwing her into the corner for a handspring clothesline for 2. Mickie gets back into the ring and throws Ember into the corner before throwing Bianca into her, then whips Ember into Bianca, knocking both down before going up top and then diving off the top and splashing Ember for a 2 count. Mickie goes back up top as Bianca gets up and Mickie tries to dive onto her, but Bianca catches her and powerbombs her! The end of the match comes when Bianca pushes Ember off the top rope to prevent her hitting the Eclipse, then goes for the KOD on Mickie, but Mickie counters by flipping out of it and drops Bianca with the Mick Kick for the pin.

    Winner: Mickie James via pinfall
    Aleister Black is sitting in the ring after a break and says once again tonight he's issuing an open challenge to anybody who wants a shot at his championship. He waits for a few moments, before the music of Ricochet hits and Black has a little smirk cross his face as he stands up and Ricochet comes down the ramp.

    Match #5:Intercontinental Championship Match
    Ricochet vs Aleister Black (c)

    Chain wrestling to start before Black snaps off a knee to the face, strike combo and german suplex. Black continues to dominate for a bit until Ricochet gets a couple counters in along with a springboard rana, but shortly after Black lays him out with a running knee to the ribs followed by a bicycle knee strike for a 2 count. Black follows up by picking Ricochet up and hitting Black Mass, but this also only gets 2. He goes up top and hits a moonsault followed by a standing double stomp for yet another 2 count. He tries a kick to the seated challenger, but Ricochet catches his foot and stands up, taking him down with a corkscrew leg sweep. Ricochet takes control for a bit and gets in a Benedryler for 2 after a couple minutes. The fight goes to the floor after Ricochet tosses Black to the floor and dives onto him, the fight goes back and forth for a bit on the floor, until Black rams Ricochet into the ring apron and rolls into the ring, but he rolls right back out, only to catch a kick from Ricochet and a whip into the steps. Both men manage to get back in the ring at the 9 count, and Black blocks a running strike from Ricochet with a knee strike, then drops him with a springboard knee. He hits a roundhouse kick to follow up but Black Mass is blocked and Ricochet hits a brainbuster. He goes up top and goes for the 630 Senton, but Black rolls out of the way and a few minutes later he busts Ricochet open after a bicycle knee strike, then finishes it with Black Mass.

    Winner and STILL Intercontinental Champion: Aleister Black
    Peyton Royce and Billie Kay walk into the office of Shawn Michaels, and Peyton asks if he wanted them there to praise her for the fantastic victory over Asuka last night. Shawn says no, in fact he's disappointed in her for getting herself disqualified, and he's getting fed up with her antics all together. Peyton says she did what she had to do to keep the belt, but if Asuka can win a contenders match she would be happy to give her another shot. Shawn says he's glad she's willing to give Asuka another shot...because that's exactly what she's going to do at Money In The Bank. Peyton and Billie both get angry but Shawn cuts them off and says he's not done yet, because when they have the rematch Billie Kay is going to be banned from ringside and if Peyton is disqualified or counted out, Asuka will become the new champion. Peyton is furious now and demands Shawn change his mind, but Shawn says his decision is final, if Peyton wants to stay champion she has to pin or submit Asuka and do it without Billie's help. The two storm out of the office.

    Akira Tozawa makes his way out for a match, but suddenly he's jumped from behind by EC3 with a steel chair! EC3 beats the hell out of Tozawa with it, even dropping a referee when they try to stop him. He finishes the beatdown by dropping Akira on the chair with a One Percenter. EC3 walks away now as doctors come out to check on Tozawa.

    Roman Reigns is backstage when The Usos come up to him and ask him how he's doing after losing to Kevin Owens last night. He says he's disappointed but he gave it his best shot and he'll get back to the title picture eventually. Jimmy says none of them are having much luck lately, and Jey says whatever comes next for Roman, they have his back if he needs or wants it. Roman says he appreciates it and tells them the same.

    Match #6: World Heavyweight Championship #1 Contenders Elimination Match
    Daniel Bryan vs Braun Strowman vs Rey Mysterio vs Seth Rollins vs Baron Corbin

    Typical chaos to start and near falls come after a few minutes of action with Rollins hitting a Curb Stomp on Braun and Bryan hitting the yes kicks on Corbin. A few minutes later out of nowhere, Rollins lays out Corbin with a dropkick only to get rolled up by Bryan and get a surprising first elimination! Bryan and Corbin now fight for awhile with Braun fighting with Rey. After a bunch more chaos, Corbin hits the End of Days on Mysterio for a close 2 count. Braun clears Corbin out of the ring along with Bryan, then blocks a 619 attempt before scooping up Rey and Powerslamming him for the second elimination. Braun pretty much dominates both Bryan and Corbin for awhile, but eventually they take control and double team him to beat him down with Corbin hitting a Deep Six, followed by Bryan hitting the Running Knee, but Braun manages to kick out! Braun gets back to his feet and drops both men, then hits a discus big boot on Bryan, causing him to roll out of the ring. Suddenly however, Dean Ambrose runs through the crowd and hops the guard rail, sliding into the ring, but Braun spins around in time and they trade blows for a minute before Baron Corbin comes from behind and low blows Strowman! Braun starts to go down but before he does, Ambrose grabs a hold of him, and drops him with Dirty Deeds! Ambrose rolls out of the ring and hops over the guard rail again, but back in the ring Daniel Bryan sees an opening and climbs up to the top turnbuckle, and dives off, connecting with the Diving Headbutt on Strowman! Corbin suddenly grabs Bryan and drops him with the End Of Days, dropping him onto Strowman before covering him for the pin, and eliminating the monster! Corbin quickly moves over and covers Bryan looking to get the win, but Bryan kicks out at the last second! Corbin is in shock and picks Bryan back up, and goes for another End Of Days, but Bryan flips out of it and hits a roundhouse kick on Corbin! Bryan backs into the corner and waits for Corbin to get up, then drops him with a Running Knee! Bryan covers and 3 seconds later, he gets the win to send him to Money In The Bank!

    Winner and NEW #1 Contender to the World Heavyweight Title: Daniel Bryan via pinfall
    Current Money In The Bank Card:

    Men's Money In The Bank Match:
    Participants TBA

    Women's Money In The Bank Match:
    Alexa Bliss vs Mickie James vs 6 participants TBA

    Raw Women's Championship Match: Billie Kay is banned from ringside and if Peyton gets DQ'd or counted out she will lose the belt.
    Asuka vs Peyton Royce (c)

    World Heavyweight Championship Match:
    Daniel Bryan vs Kevin Owens (c)

  2. #22
    3 Time Elite Champion Skairipa's Avatar

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    Smackdown Week 8:

    AJ Styles comes out to start the show and shows a clip of his match with Killian Dain last week, ending with Dain hitting him with a chair. AJ then calls out Dain and challenges him to come out and fight him right now in a no dq match and since he already beat him last week, he thinks Dain should put the belt on the line. After a few moments, The Miz's music hits and he strolls out onto the stage yelling no. He says Dain will not be defending his championship tonight against AJ or anyone else, but he does need to find a new #1 contender for the belt so he has a deal for AJ. He's got an open spot on the roster to fill and he's found two good candidates for it, so he offers AJ a match against the two of them, if he wins, he gets the shot at Dain on Sunday at Extreme Rules. If he loses, his two opponents will fight each other next week for the Smackdown contract and a #1 contenders match will happen later tonight. AJ questions Miz stacking the odds against him, giving him two opponents, but he accepts and asks Miz who exactly he'll be facing, to which Miz says he's glad he asked, and he brings out Mike Kanellis and Lars Sullivan, and they begin heading down the ramp as AJ takes off his shirt and stands ready to fight.

    Match #1:
    Mike Kanellis and Lars Sullivan vs AJ Styles

    A fairly quick match with AJ having to fight off a double team throughout the match as every time he starts building momentum, he gets cut off by the numbers game. There's a close near fall after Mike hits a crossroads on AJ and Lars follows up with a diving headbutt, but they only manage to get a 2 count off it. AJ gets his own near fall when he manages to hit Lars with a pele kick followed by locking in the Calf Crusher on Kanellis, but eventually Lars is able to break it up to save his partner. AJ blocks Lars trying to pick him up and drops him with the Styles Clash, but has to take time to take time to throw Kanellis out of the ring before going for a pin, and this gives Lars the time he needed to kick out at 2. The end came when AJ was getting the fight taken to him, but he managed to outsmart them and lay out Kanellis in the ring then threw Sullivan out of the ring and took him out with a slingshot forearm. AJ kept the beatdown going on Lars until the 7 count when Kanellis came out after him, but this just lead to him being thrown into the steps and after Sullivan was dropkicked one final time, AJ slid into the ring to avoid the countout and moved onto Extreme Rules.

    Winner via countout and NEW #1 Contender: AJ Styles
    Bayley is in the interview area backstage and talks about her submission victory last week over Becky Lynch. She admits last week was a bit of a struggle for her and Sasha caught her off guard by making their match at Extreme Rules a Submissions Count Anywhere Match, but she's spent the last week getting better at submissions and now she's ready to show what she's learned in her match against Zelina Vega later tonight. She hopes Sasha is watching because she's going to show her tonight that submissions are no advantage for Sasha.

    Match #2:
    Montez Ford vs Rowe vs Harper

    As the match starts, Rowe and Harper quickly run over Ford and take him out with a double big boot to the face. Harper pulls Ford to his feet and hits him with a big clothesline before throwing him at Rowe, who picks him up and hits a backbreaker. With the champ down for the minute, Rowe and Harper begin slugging it out, and Rowe gets the better of it as he ends up knocking Harper into the ropes, then sending him over the top rope and to the floor with a big running knee to the face! Suddenly, Rowe is rolled up out of nowhere by Ford for an early pin, but it only gets a 2 count. The 3 men continue fighting for a couple more minutes before Rowe catches Ford and flips him over before hitting him with a big knee to the face, but Harper spins Rowe around and drops him with a discus clothesline and picks up the victory.

    Winner via pinfall: Harper
    Mustafa Ali appears in a video package and talks about his recent rough patch, saying he hasn't had the best of luck lately but he's been through worse in his life and he'll get through this. Soon he'll be back and better than ever, but for now he's going to figure out what he's doing wrong and find ways to up his game. A change is coming.

    Match #3:
    Paige w/ Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville vs Liv Morgan w/ Riott Squad

    A fairly quick match as Liv looks to get revenge for the chair shot last week and Paige looks to get some revenge for her allies. Paige takes the fight to Liv early on but as she starts gaining a real advantage, Sarah Logan grabs her leg and Paige has to kick at her to get away, and Mandy and Sonya run over, but Ruby and Sarah quickly back off, and Liv takes advantage of the chaos to grab a hair pull backbreaker and take control of the match. She's able to keep control for the most part for the next few minutes with Paige trying to fight back but Liv is able to keep control with some cheap tactics and gets a 2 count off a top rope splash. Liv gets frustrated and loads up the green mist, but Paige manages to duck it as she gets up and instead it hits Sarah, who had jumped on the apron to distract the ref! Sarah falls off the apron and Paige quickly hits the Paige Turner on Liv into a pin, and it gets the 3 count!

    Winner via Pinfall: Paige

    Post Match: Paige celebrates her victory but as she does, Ruby slides into the ring and blasts her in the back to knock her down! Ruby starts beating down Paige but not for long as Mandy and Sonya slide into the ring and grab a hold of her, and throw her over the top rope and to the floor! Ruby lands hard on the floor as Liv rolls out and helps Sarah to her feet, and The Riott Squad regroup together on the floor as Paige asks for a mic. She says enough is enough, it's time this is settled. She didn't want to reunite Absolution, but she was left with no choice, so how about at Extreme Rules, The Riott Squad face Absolution in an elimination match? Ruby nods quickly in agreement and yells at them that it's on, and the two trios have a staredown before Riott Squad head up the ramp, leaving the newly reunited Absolution to stand tall in ring.
    Velveteen Dream comes out to the ring after a commercial break and says he's going to get right down to business, he wants a warm up match before he settles his problems with Bobby Roode on Sunday and he wants to do it in a Last Man Standing Match, just like he will on Sunday. He asks if anyone in the back wants to dance with the dream....and shortly after Shinsuke Nakamura comes out.

    Match #4: Last Man Standing Match
    Shinsuke Nakamura vs Velveteen Dream

    A back and forth match with Dream looking to gain momentum towards Sunday and Nakamura looking to pick up a big win to get himself into title contention. Nakamura took the early advantage and beat down Dream with a quick series of strikes, but Dream fought back and after taking down Nakamura, went and grabbed the steel steps, but when he tried to slam Nakamura on them, Nakamura slid down the back and hit him with a german suplex. Nakamura then grabbed the steps and smacked Dream in the face, but Dream was up at 3. The fight continued for awhile longer before Dream hit the Dream Valley Driver on Nakamura and went to clear off the announce table, but suddenly Bobby Roode's music hit! Dream quickly slid into the ring and picked up a baseball bat, standing ready to fight Roode, but instead he was dropped with a low blow from Shinsuke! Nakamura started beating down Dream, then smacked him with a baseball bat and dropped him with a Kinshasa, but Dream managed to get to his feet at the 9 count. Nakamura was shocked and left the ring to grab a chair, but as he got back into the ring with it his shot was blocked as Dream caught the chair and shoved it into his face! Dream then picked up the chair and DDT'd Nakamura onto it and climbed up to the top turnbuckle, but suddenly Bobby Roode appeared on the ring apron and shoved Dream off the top turnbuckle, sending him crashing into the ring! Roode entered the ring and picked up Dream, dropping him with a spinebuster on the steel steps! Roode wasn't done there though as he climbed onto the steps, and dropped Dream with a Glorious DDT onto the steps, busting him open in the process! Dream rolled off the steps and was laid out on the mat as Roode helped Nakamura to his feet in the corner and watched the referee count to 10 as he backed up the ramp.

    Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura
    The Miz is in his office and announces the main event for the evening, since he wants to see how well they work together, he's booked Randy Orton, Drew McIntyre and Samoa Joe in a 6 man no dq tornado tag match tonight against New Day. He starts talking again, but he's cut off by Lince Dorado storming into his office! Dorado demands a rematch with Revival, but Miz says it's not possible because Oney isn't here tonight. Dorado says he doesn't care he'll find a new partner, and Miz agrees but warns if he can't find a partner, it will be a handicap match. Dorado agrees and Miz tells him to look fast because the rematch is coming up after the next match.

    Match #5:
    Zelina Vega vs Bayley

    A very quick match as Zelina gets in some early offense but after taking a cheap tactic and using the ropes to choke Bayley, Bayley gets back into
    things and hits a few quick strikes and after another minute or 2, she hits an exploder suplex on Zelina into the turnbuckles and then locking in the Koji Clutch, and after a short struggle, Zelina is forced to tap out.

    Winner via submission: Bayley
    Sasha Banks is shown watching the match on a monitor backstage when Renee Young comes up to her and asks her about her thoughts on Bayley's recent submissions wins. Sasha says she's glad Bayley added a new weapon to her repertoire, but she still likes her chances on Sunday. She says she's looking forward to the match with Bayley, they always put on a great show together and she expects this one to be no different, at least not in that way. She mentions Bayley won the last couple of matches they had back in NXT but says this time will be different, this time she will take home the Women's Championship and you can bank on it.

    Match #6:
    Revival vs Lince Dorado and ???

    To the surprise of many fans, and to the Revival, Dorado's partner is revealed to be Kane. A fairly standard tag match ensures as Revival avoid Kane as best they can early on before he tags in Dorado, who hits some high flying offense to keep them reeling. Dorado ends up knocking both men to the floor and diving on them before throwing Dash into the ring and going for a springboard shooting star press, but Wilder gets the knees up to block it. Revival take control for awhile from here as they keep Lince isolated from the monster, and eventually they hit the Shatter Machine, but Kane breaks it up after plowing through Wilder who was trying to stop him. Shortly after this Dorado gets in a counter and makes the tag to Kane, who enters the ring and quickly begins clearing house, taking the fight to both members of Revival Wilder comes in illegally but he's disposed of after Kane whips him into Dawson, then splashes both men. Kane then scoops up Dawson and hits him with a sidewalk slam, but Dawson kicks out at 2. Kane now pulls Dawson to his feet and drops him with a Chokeslam, then tags in Dorado, who climbs up to the top turnbuckle and hits a Shooting Star Press into a pin, as Kane prevents Wilder breaking it up, and Lince Dorado gets his revenge on The Revival!

    Winners via pinfall: Lince Dorado and Kane
    In a dark room, Bray Wyatt is chuckling and says he liked the violent side he saw from Chris Jericho last week, he really liked it. He says he hopes Chris brings that side to their match on Sunday, after all he wants a fight. He tells Chris he'll see him on Sunday where he takes the next step in his prophecy, and blows out his latern causing the room to go completely dark.

    Match #7: Torando Tag No DQ Match
    New Day vs Samoa Joe, Drew McIntyre and Randy Orton

    A very good, long match that saw everyone but Samoa Joe get busted open. Orton and Drew try to go after each other a couple times, but Joe gets in their faces and yells at them to stay focused and says they can tear each other apart after they win. Eventually after a long fight, the end arrives once Xavier Woods puts Drew McIntyre through the announce table with a diving elbow drop, only to get dropped with an RKO from Randy Orton on the floor! Meanwhile in the ring, Samoa Joe picks up Kofi and locks him into the Coquina Clutch! Kofi struggles as Joe has him trapped in the middle of the ring, but Big E gets up, only to have Orton tackle him before he can break up the submission! With help not arriving and the ropes nowhere near bym Kofi has no choice but to tap out!

    Winners via Submission: Samoa Joe, Drew McIntyre and Randy Orton

    Post Match: The winners celebrate as Big E and Xavier Woods pull Kofi out of the ring and pat him on the back, telling him it's okay as they make their way up the ramp. Suddenly, Randy Orton attempts a sudden RKO on Drew McIntyre, but Drew shoves him away and bails out of the ring, and shakes his head at Orton who stares him down, telling him he'll see him on Sunday as he backs up the ramp. Orton turns around after realizing Drew isn't coming back, and he gets blindsided by a shot to the head from the championship by Samoa Joe! Drew goes down as Joe holds up the belt and shoots a glare at Drew, who stares him down as well and with the two locking eyes, the show comes to an end.
    Extreme Rules Final Card:

    Elimination Tag Team Match:
    Absolution (Paige, Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville) vs The Riott Squad (Ruby Riott, Sarah Logan and Liv Morgan)

    No Holds Barred Match For The United States Championship:
    AJ Styles vs Killian Dain (c)

    Tables, Ladders and Chairs Match For The Smackdown Tag Team Championships:
    The War Raiders vs The Bludgeon Brothers vs The Street Profits (c)

    Last Man Standing Match:
    Bobby Roode vs The Velveteen Dream

    Extreme Rules Match:
    Bray Wyatt vs Chris Jericho

    Submissions Count Anywhere Match For The Smackdown Women's Championship:
    Sasha Banks vs Bayley (c)

    Extreme Rules Match For The WWE Championship:
    Randy Orton vs Drew McIntyre vs Samoa Joe (c)

  3. #23
    3 Time Elite Champion Skairipa's Avatar

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    WWE Extreme Rules Live From Chicago, Illinois!

    Match #1: Tables, Ladders and Chairs Match For The WWE Tag Team Championships
    The War Raiders (Hanson and Rowe) vs The Bludgeon Brothers (Harper and Rowan) vs The Street Profits (c) (Angelo Dawkins and Montez Ford)

    Absolute chaos throughout as the 3 teams fought it out for the tag team titles and the two teams of bigger men left a path of destruction in their paths while the Profits used high speed offense and some high flying to hang in there with the monsters. The big spots throughout the match were Hanson driving Harper through the barricade and powerbombing him through a ladder bridge at ringside, Dawkins shoved Rowe and Rowan off a ladder, sending both men crashing to the mat below and set up Ford to climb the ladder and hit a huge Frog Splash onto Rowe, Hanson splashing Dawkins through a table, and Harper throwing Ford through a table. In the end, Hanson and Harper were on top of a ladder fighting it out as Rowe blasted Ford with a chair to take care of him only to get wiped out by Rowan with a spin kick. Hanson managed to shove Harper off the ladder but Rowan climbed up just before he could win the belts and nearly knocked him off the ladder, but Hanson countered and shoved Rowan off the ladder and managed to pull down the belts to win the match.

    Winners and NEW WWE Tag Team Champions: The War Raiders!
    Backstage, Drew McIntyre says tonight he's going to kick the heads off of Randy Orton and Samoa Joe's shoulders and take the WWE Championship just like he was destined to many years ago when he was proclaimed The Chosen One. He's already proved once and for all he's better than Orton when he beat him in their cage match recently but he has something to prove tonight against Samoa Joe. He says they are the two biggest and baddest guys on Smackdown and it was only a matter of time until they ran into each other, and tonight he knows he's going to have to kill Joe to keep him down, but that's fine with him, someone needs to put Joe down anyway. He ends by saying tonight the prophecy is fulfilled and the WWE Championship comes home to Scotland.

    Match #2: 6 Woman Elimination Tag
    The Riott Squad (Ruby Riott, Liv Morgan, and Sarah Logan) vs Absolution (Paige, Sonya Deville, and Mandy Rose)

    I was lazy and didn't take a bunch of notes so here's the important info...
    Despite teaming up for the first time in years and only reuniting because of the threat of the Riott Squad, Absolution worked well together and looked good as a unit. The first elimination came a few minutes in when Mandy hit Liv with a facebuster, and picked up a surprise pin and gave Absolution the numbers advantage. With being stuck working from behind, Ruby and Sarah had to fight smarter and they did just that by eventually isolating Mandy from her partners and after Ruby hit a Riott Kick while Sarah pulled Paige and Sonya off the apron, Ruby picked up the elimination and brought the match back to even. Ruby and Sarah took advantage of the momentum swing from here and managed to beat down Paige and Sonya for awhile, even driving Paige through an announce table, however the next elimination came when Sonya fought them off, spearing Ruby in ring, then spearing Sarah off the apron before hitting a jumping kick on Ruby, and eliminating the leader of the Riott Squad, giving Absolution back the numbers! The fans were surprised to see this as was Sarah Logan, who was back on her feet on the floor but she wasted no time going after Sonya, tackling her before stomping the hell out of her and running over to knock Paige off the apron. Sarah had a couple near falls on Sonya, but she wasn't able to finish her off before she made a tag to Paige, and this would prove to be Sarah's downfall as after a few minutes of back and forth, Paige hit the Paige Turner then whipped Sarah into the corner to tag back in Sonya, and together Paige and Sonya hit a Doomsday Device on Logan, with Sonya pinning her to pick up the final elimination and win for her team!

    Winners via pinfall: Absolution
    AJ Styles is backstage and says tonight is his chance to put an end to Killian Dain once and for all. He mentions how Dain has been running through everyone for awhile now but he proved when there's someone Dain can't destroy, can't beat, he has to grab a weapon and get DQ'd. But tonight it's No Holds Barred and Dain can't save himself by getting disqualified. He mentions he's fought plenty of guys bigger and tougher than Dain, tonight Killian Dain is going to have his reign of terror put to an end.

    Match #3: Last Man Standing Match
    Bobby Roode vs The Velveteen Dream

    Dream starts fast and aggressive with strikes followed by a Dream DDT and suplexing Roode on the apron. He throws Roode into the barricade followed by the ring post and bouncing him off the announce table but when he charges Roode, he gets dropped with a clothesline out of nowhere. Roode tries to stomp on Dream but he rolls out of the way of it and gets back to his feet, and drops Roode on the floor with a Dream Valley Driver! Dream isn't going for the win yet though as he throws Roode onto the announce table before rolling back into the ring and he goes for a Purple Rainmaker from the ring...but Roode rolls out of the way and Dream goes crashing through the table! Roode stumbles away from the broken table and tells the ref to count, but Dream manages to get up at the 2 count, and Roode looks surprised and hops the barricade but Dream follows, and the fight has gone into the crowd. Roode goes into the area with weapons and grabs a kendo stick, but Dream blocks a shot from it and kicks it out of Roode's hand before grabbing a trash can and he smashes it over Roode's head, busting him open in the process! Dream stands back to let the ref count, and he gets up to 6 before Roode is back on his feet. Dream throws Roode into a table and ends up suplexing him through it and this time it takes Roode until the 8 count to get back to his feet. The two fight through the crowd, trading blows along the way before they get back into the ring eventually, and Roode knocks Dream down then grabs a sledgehammer, and drives it into his ribs! Roode goes for a spear on Dream once he's back up, but Dream dodges and returns the favor with the sledgehammer! He goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits Roode with the Purple Rainmaker, but upon landing he also manages to knock down the ref which gives Roode time to recover without a count.

    The fight goes back to ringside with Dream throwing Roode into the steps then hitting another Dream Valley Driver, and he loads up a second announce table, but he turns around into a spear from Roode! Roode throws Dream onto the table and ends up putting Dream through the announce table with a pumphandle slam! Roode thinks it's over and walks away from Dream, even heads up the ramp and onto the stage, but Dream is back on his feet at the 7 count! Dream heads up the ramp and ends up following Roode backstage, where he ends up hitting Roode with a fire extinguisher before spraying him. They fight into the parking lot and Roode blocks a punch from Dream before powerslamming him onto the cement, but somehow Dream is up at the 4 count! Dream ducks a clothesline from Roode and shoves him into a car, which gives him a chance to recover a bit as he walks to the other side of the parking lot, and when Roode recovers and gets to him, he eats a superkick! Dream jumps onto the forklift and hits a diving knee drop onto Roode before pulling Roode up and telling him it was time to finish him, and climbing up on top of the production truck! Roode ended up following him up and they traded blows before Dream tried to throw Roode off with no luck, but Roode does succeed in throwing Dream off the truck and he hits the cement hard! Roode gloats and taunts while the ref counts, but to the shock of Roode and the fans, Velveteen is back up at the 9 count! Roode runs away from Dream and goes into the office of Miz, where Roode blocks a superkick from Dream, and hits a Roode Bomb! Roode isn't done yet though as he throws Dream onto Miz's desk, and ends up dropping him on the desk with a Glorious DDT! Dream rolled off the table and was laid out face first on the floor as Roode taunted, and this time there was no last gasp for Dream, as he was unable to answer the count of 10.

    Winner via Knockout: Bobby Roode
    Absolution are in their locker room backstage and Paige praises them for their performance tonight, and says it was nice to reunite with them tonight to put down The Riott Squad. Sonya says it felt good to get revenge on them finally and she's glad to put them behind her, and Mandy says they have a good thing here with Absolution and they had that before too. She suggests they stay together and take the women's division by storm. Sonya says her and Mandy we're already going to do that, but she's down to do it with Paige by their side as well. Paige thinks about it for a minute, then says she's not sure. After all there is only 1 championship and all 3 of them can't hold it. Mandy says that's true, but that's an issue for the future, not now. She asks Paige to reconsider but Paige says she'll think on it, but tells them no matter what Absolution is a family and she still thinks of them as friends, so if they end up in another situation where they need some backup, all they have to do is ask. Mandy and Sonya tell her the same thing before we go back to the ring for the next match.

    Match #4: No Holds Barred Match For The United States Championship
    AJ Styles vs Killian Dain (c)

    Dain jumps AJ during his entrance by running out and hitting AJ in the back of the head with his championship, before powerbombing him on the ramp and smashing him in the face with the belt a couple times before dragging AJ up the ramp, and tossing him off the stage! Dain picks up his championship and heads down to the ring as the referee goes to check on AJ, and after a minute or 2 he's able to get to his feet, and he looks angry as he climbs back onto the stage and heads down the ramp, charging into the ring, but he walks right into a bicycle kick from Dain! Dain quickly covers AJ for a pin, but he only gets 2, and he kicks AJ in the side of the head to keep him down before going to the top turnbuckle and going for a top rope senton...but AJ rolls out of the way! AJ goes on the attack a bit from here, landing a series of strikes before grabbing the US title and smacking Dain in the face with own championship before rolling out of the ring to grab a chair, and he beats Dain down with that before locking him into the Calf Crusher, but Dain quickly escapes and rolls out of the ring. AJ stays on him though as he goes for a springboard forearm, but Dain moves out of the way and slides back into the ring. AJ gets back in quickly but as he does, he's caught with a powerbomb followed by an elbow drop before Dain hits him with a vader bomb for 2. Dain backs up to the other side of the ring as AJ stumbles to his feet, and gets wiped out with a Running Crossbody! Dain covers AJ for another pin, but again he only gets 2! Dain is frustrated now as he goes back up to the top turnbuckle, looking for a diving senton again, but AJ blocks it with his knees up! AJ quickly gets to his feet and pulls Dain up, and drops him with the Styles Clash! Styles rolls over into the pin, but Dain manages to kick out at the last second!

    AJ can't believe it as he takes a moment to wonder what to do next before going to the top turnbuckle for a frog splash, but Dain blocks it and once on his feet, lifts AJ up and drops him with the Ulster Plantation out of nowhere, but AJ kicks out at 2! Dain looks angry as AJ has kicked out of everything he could throw at him, but instead of taking time to consider what to do, he quickly hits two straight deadlift powerbombs on AJ! He goes for a third, but AJ flips out of it and connects with a pele kick, followed by the ushigoroshi! AJ goes out onto the apron and starts motioning for Dain to get up, and when he does AJ goes for the Phenomenal Forearm, NO! Dain avoids it and wipes him out again with the running crossbody! Dain quickly throws AJ into the corner, then lifts him up onto his shoulders and drops him with a second Ulster Plantation, and this time it's enough to get the win and retain his championship.

    Winner and STILL United States Champion: Killian Dain

    After the match: Dain is celebrating retaining his championship as AJ rolls out of the ring and is being checked on by the ref, when suddenly Johnny Gargano hops the guard rail and slides into the ring behind Dain! Dain turns around, and Gargano smacks him with a chair that was in the ring! Gargano hits Dain a few more times with the chair, before backing into the corner and waiting for Dain to rise before dropping him again with a Superkick! Gargano picks up the US Championship and holds it up to cheers from the fans as he stands over the fallen Dain before throwing it down and leaving the ring.
    Back in The Miz's office, he's yelling at someone on the phone about how Dream and Roode got into his office earlier, when suddenly Revival storm into his office! Miz hangs up the phone and asks them what he can do for them, and Dawson says they want a rematch with Kane and Lince Dorado because they had no idea Kane was gonna be there last week. Miz says he has a better idea, because Oney Lorcan wants some revenge against them he's going to book a 6 man tag team match where Lince Dorado, Oney Lorcan and Kane team up against the Revival. Dash asks who their partner will be but Miz says that's up to them to find someone, and officially books the match for the next Smackdown. Revival seem unsure about the idea but have no choice but to leave and go looking for a partner as Miz shoos them out of his office.

    Match #5: Hardcore Match
    Chris Jericho vs Bray Wyatt

    Jericho goes on the attack quickly but Wyatt eventually fights back, laying out Jericho with a right hand to the side of the head followed by a second. Wyatt throws Jericho into the corner and hits a few punches followed by a running cannon ball! Wyatt sets up a table at ringside and after a short fight with Jericho in the ring, he throws him onto the apron and ends up putting Jericho through the table with a uranage off the apron! He covers once on the floor, but only gets 2. Wyatt simply laughs before clearing off the announce table, but he turns around into an enziguri from Jericho! Jericho throws Wyatt onto the table, and drives him through it with a DDT! Jericho rolls him over and covers, but only gets a 1 count off the pin. He now throws Wyatt back into the ring where he has the advantage, and grabs a chair before following him in, and drills Wyatt over the head with the chair before locking him into the Walls of Jericho! Jericho rears back on the hold but after a short struggle, Wyatt escapes the hold, but as he gets to his feet he's instantly dropped with a Codebreaker! Jericho covers him, but he only gets 2 off the pin! Jericho quickly gets up and lowers the knee pads this time, getting ready to strike with another Codebreaker, but suddenly the lights go out in the arena! A moment later the lights come back on, and Bray is standing behind Jericho! Jericho turns around, and walks right into a Sister Abigail! Jericho is down and Wyatt rolls over into the pin hooking the leg, and he gets the pin.

    Winner via pinfall: Bray Wyatt
    Samoa Joe is backstage and says for weeks he's dealt with Randy Orton and Drew McIntyre sneak attacks, and tonight it culminates in a triple threat war where only one man is walking out as champion. He has to admit, Drew has looked very impressive in the last few weeks, and sure Randy Orton can strike out of nowhere as he so often reminds everyone of, but he needs this win, he needs to get this win to prove his worth as WWE Champion and tonight, the glory and grace of the power game will lead him to victory. Tonight he doesn't go to war with them, they go to war with him, the Samoan Submission Machine and as the fans like to say, Joe's Gonna Kill You.

    Match #6: Submissions Count Anywhere Match for the Smackdown Women's Championship
    Sasha Banks vs Bayley (c)

    The match begins with some chain wrestling before Sasha takes control with a backbreaker. They go back and forth for after this with neither one having control for long before eventually Sasha hits Bankrupt, then goes for the Bank Statement, but Bayley pushes her away and takes her down into a guillotine choke, but Sasha escapes without much trouble. Bayley managed to take control for a bit after hitting a dropkick as Sasha got back up, putting Sasha in the ropes before sending her to the floor with a big running clothesline! Bayley followed her out to the floor and picked up Sasha, going for a suplex onto the ramp, but Sasha counters with a knee to the head before whipping Bayley against the ring, then charging her and dropkicking her
    into the apron. Sasha then threw Bayley into the ring and climbed to the top turnbuckle, and connected with a frog splash on Bayley! The two wrestled back and forth for a few more minutes with Sasha escaping a Koji Clutch by reaching the ropes while Bayley managed to escape the Bank Statement after being locked in it. Sasha had gotten rolling after double knees in the corner and a Bankrupt neckbreaker, and she locked Bayley into the Bank Statement again! Bayley struggles for a bit, and Sasha yanks back on the hold, but eventually Bayley manages to get to the ropes and break the hold! Sasha is frustrated now as she rolls out of the ring and pulls out a steel chair from under the ring, sliding in with it after neither woman used a weapon all match. She looked at Bayley pulling herself up with the ropes and debating swinging for the fences, but changed her mind and instead punched Bayley into the ropes, before throwing her out of the ring and hitting a big suicide dive! The end came shortly after this as Sasha went back after Bayley, but walked right into a Bayley to Belly Suplex onto the ramp! Bayley attempted to lock in the Koji Clutch, but Sasha fought it off and whipped Bayley a couple times into the barricade, then slid into the ring and grabbed a chair, and when Bayley got up, Sasha smacked her over the head with the chair! With Bayley down and out on the ramp, Sasha pulled her dead weight up and locked her into the Bank Statement again! Bayley struggled for a little bit but with no ropes to grab, she was forced to tap out!

    Winner and NEW Smackdown Women's Champion: Sasha Banks
    An interviewer catches up with Johnny Gargano backstage and asks him why he decided to make his return tonight and go after Killian Dain. He says Dain tried to end his career and took him out of action for a whole month, they are far from done with each other and he will take his title as an added bonus to getting his revenge. As for why tonight? He's seen the way Dain has been acting, constantly jumping people before and after matches and he figured he would give him a taste of his own medicine. He tells Dain he'll see him at Smackdown in a couple days before walking off.

    Match #7: Extreme Rules Match for the WWE Championship
    Randy Orton vs Drew McIntyre vs Samoa Joe (c)

    Destruction, mayhem, chaos, bloody, all a good way to describe this absolute war of a main event. At different points in the match all 3 men were busted open and put through tables. Along with tables they used chairs, a baseball bat, and kendo sticks to destroy each other including Orton beating the hell out of McIntyre with a kendo stick at one point before hitting him with an RKO for a close 2 count before Samoa Joe broke up the pin. At a different point, McIntyre put Joe through a table with an exploder suplex then dropped Orton with a headbutt before hitting him with the Future Shock DDT, but Orton managed to kick out. Shortly after this, Samoa Joe slid into the ring with a bat and smacked Drew in the back with it to drop him then proceeded to beat the hell out of both of his challengers with it before stacking them up in the corner and splashing them, then hitting a running senton on Orton followed by setting up a table and powerbombing Drew through it, but a pin attempt afterwards only gets 2 before Orton breaks it up. In the end, Drew dropped Orton with a Claymore Kick right into a pin, but at the last second Samoa Joe broke it up! Joe picked up Drew and tossed him out of the ring, then picked up Orton and locked him into the Coquina Clutch! Joe quickly took him down to the mat with it as Drew began recovering on the floor, but just as Drew got up and slid back in the ring to break up the hold, Orton was forced to tap out!

    Winner via Submission and STILL WWE Champion: Samoa Joe

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    3 Time Elite Champion Skairipa's Avatar

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    Monday Night Raw Week 9:

    Kevin Owens comes out to start the show to a mixed reaction from the fans as he enters the ring. After waiting for his music to cut he talks about how last week Daniel Bryan became #1 contender for his title at Money In The Bank. He talks about how he's never fought Bryan 1 on 1 before and he's looking forward to the challenge of Daniel Bryan. He praises Bryan calling him one of the best wrestlers in the world and and says that was who he was hoping would win that match, but that's just because he wants a new challenge and to solidify himself as one of the best. Suddenly Bryan's music hits and after getting in the ring, he mentions that anytime he's been in the ring with Owens, Owens has lost. Bryan then says sure it's never been one on one, but the fact remains Owens has never beat him and he doesn't know if that'll change at Money In The Bank, after all he barely beat Roman Reigns in their two matches. Owens chimes in and says he has more fire in him than ever before and promises at Money In The Bank, he's going to beat Daniel Bryan, just like he did to Roman and just like he's done to anybody else who's gotten in his way, and warns Bryan if he wants to talk trash he'd be happy to drop him right now. Things get heated as they go nose to nose, but cooler heads prevail as Bryan steps back and Owens holds up the World Heavyweight Championship, and things don't end up getting physical as Bryan leaves the ring and backs up the ramp.

    Match #1: Six Woman Tag Team Match
    The Iiconics & Bianca Belair vs Asuka, Ember Moon, and Ronda Rousey

    Bianca and Ember start for their teams and quickly turn things to a brawl as the rivals waste no time going at it. Bianca manages to drive Ember into the corner and hits a couple shoulder blocks to the ribs before backing up and going for a big clothesline, but Ember sidesteps and hits a kick to knock Bianca into the corner, then hits a couple kicks to knock her down into a sitting position, then backs up, and hits a running knee smash to the face! Ember lets out a scream as she waits for Bianca to get up, then charges her, but Bianca moves out of the way and runs to her corner, tagging in Billie Kay which lets the heels take control, and they manage to isolate Ember for a bit, making quick tags and getting in a few double team moves including a near fall after The Iiconics hit a backbreaker/knee drop combination. Later in the match, Ronda gets a hot tag into the match and wipes out Peyton with a hip toss followed by one to Billie Kay, and spearing Bianca off the apron. Ronda takes down both Iiconics with clotheslines then scoops up Peyton onto her shoulders, but Billie pulls her down to avoid Piper's Pit which leads to Asuka coming in, and dropping Billie with a roundhouse kick to the face, which lets Ronda hit Piper's Pit this time but she only gets a 2 count on the Women's Champion. The end of the match comes when Asuka has been isolated from her partners, who were taken down at ringside, and Bianca pulls Ronda up for Billie, who charges her for a big boot, but Ronda ducks and Billie nails Bianca, knocking her out of the ring! Ronda scoops up Billie and drops her with Piper's Pit then locks in an Armbar, but the tap out doesn't matter because Peyton Royce is legal! Peyton slides into the ring and breaks up the armbar and begins stomping on Ronda as Billie gets up and joins in, but suddenly Asuka and Ember get into the ring and realizing they're outnumbered, The Iiconics yell for Bianca as she gets to her feet, but instead of getting in the ring, she flips her hair and shakes her head before walking off! The Iiconics continue yelling at her but this is a mistake as Ember and Asuka attack Billie as Ronda grabs Peyton and throws her into the corner, and fires off punches on her as Billie rolls out of the ring after a double kick to the face and Ember and Asuka exit the ring to finish her off. A minute later, Ronda hits Piper's Pit on Peyton Royce and sees Asuka begging for a tag on the apron, and she tags her in! Asuka enters the ring and stalks Peyton, waiting for her to get up, then locks her into the Asuka Lock! Peyton tries to reach the ropes with no luck and with Billie still down at ringside, she's left with no choice but to tap!

    Winners via submission: Asuka, Ronda Rousey and Ember Moon
    In the GM's office backstage, Undisputed Era walk in as Shawn Michaels says he's glad they got the memo about tonight, because he wanted to inform them they're in the main event tonight. UE look happy about this as Cole asks who they'll be facing, but Shawn says he misunderstood, Adam Cole isn't in the main event, Kyle O'Reilly and Bobby Fish are. Kyle and Bobby seem happy still as Kyle asks who their victims will be, and Shawn tells them they'll be giving American Alpha a rematch for the World Tag Team Championships, and after the way they acted at Backlash, assaulting Kurt Angle all match to distract them, he's making it a Steel Cage Match. UE freak out about this and all 3 protest about it being unfair, but Shawn says he doesn't want to hear it, they don't run this show, he does. He then tells them that whoever wins the cage match will be defending the belts against The Hardys at Money In The Bank, and UE try to protest more, but Shawn asks them if he needs to call security and threatens to kick Adam Cole out of the arena, which causes them to leave.

    Match #2:
    Akira Tozawa vs EC3

    Before The Match: EC3 stops his entrance after coming out with a mic, and says he has a new manager, Drake Maverick! Drake Maverick walks out from the back with a smug look on his face and shakes hands with EC3, before taking the mic from him and he says he's seen for weeks how Raw has wasted EC3's potential and tonight that all changes because tonight begins the rise of EC3 and the beginning of a beautiful partnership that will take them both to the very top of the card. He demands they hit EC3's music again as he drops the mic and the music hits again to allow EC3 to finish his entrance.

    Match #2:
    Akira Tozawa vs EC3 w/ Drake Maverick

    EC3 goes on the attack right away with a clothesline and a german suplex, and the beatdown is on quickly from here with EC3 taking a couple minutes to beat down Tozawa, and he picks up a victory after The One Percent Fireman's Carry Driver.

    Winner via pinfall: EC3

    After The Match: Drake Maverick slides a chair into the ring and EC3 picks up Tozawa, then drops him face first onto the chair with a One Percenter! Tozawa is knocked out as Maverick climbs into the ring and raises the arm of EC3, as EC3 puts his foot on the back of Tozawa as the fans boo them.
    Dean Ambrose is backstage with a shopping cart full of weapons behind him. He says tonight is his chance to avenge his loss and he promises mayhem and unscripted violence tonight when he fights Braun Strowman. He says he wants those hands, he wants to cut them off and hang them on his wall, he wants to hurt Braun Strowman and this time if Braun wants to keep him down, he better be ready to kill him.

    Match #3: No Holds Barred Money In The Bank Qualifying Match:
    Shayna Baszler vs Dakota Kai

    Shayna starts with a running knee to the face then quickly goes for a chair, but as she gets in the ring with it, Dakota kicks the chair out of her hands then goes for a roundhouse kick, but Shayna turns it into a powerbomb. Shayna now beats Dakota with the chair, eventually forcing her to roll away to the apron, but as she gets to her feet, Shayna charges her and spears her off the apron! The fight now goes out of the ring and into the crowd, but Dakota has the advantage as she wins the fist fight as they fight into the weapons filled area of the crowd, and Dakota smacks Shayna over the head with a trash can. Dakota throws Shayna into a table but Shayna shoves her away and hits a double gutwrench suplex. Shayna then locks Dakota into the Kerifuda Clutch, and Dakota is forced to tap out in the crowd but it doesn't count for a win, but Shayna simply laughs, seemingly using the tap out to play mind games with Kai. The fight goes back into the ring shortly after with Shayna whipping Dakota into the corner, and lifting her onto the top turnbuckle then goes for a top rope gutwrench suplex, but Dakota reverses and hits a top rope crossbody! She whips Shayna into the corner and hits a running corner kick, but only gets a 2 count off the pin. Dakota goes for the Kai-Ropractor, but Shayna blocks it and smacks Dakota with a chair! Shayna now puts the chair around the neck of Dakota Kai, then goes up to the top turnbuckle, and goes for a diving knee drop....but Dakota gets out of the way! Dakota is back on her feet and pulls Shayna up, hitting a kick to the ribs before whipping her into the corner and Kai tries to follow up with another running kick in the corner, but Shayna gets out of the way then hits a back suplex on Kai! Shayna quickly pulls Kai to her feet, and locks her into the Kerifuda Clutch in the middle of the ring! Dakota struggles for a bit, but she's not able to escape and she taps out!

    Winner via submission: Shayna Baszler
    Braun Strowman is backstage and says he doesn't need all the weapons that Ambrose is bringing out tonight, all he needs is his two hands. He heard what Ambrose had to say and he tells him to be prepared to die if that's what he wants tonight, because tonight he's settling this beef and after he beats Ambrose, he's setting his sights on winning Money In The Bank again. He's ready for the war tonight and he's going to end it one way or another.

    In a hallway backstage, Adam Cole walks out of the Undisputed Era locker room, when suddenly he gets dropped by a flying steel chair! The camera pans around to reveal Roderick Strong, who quickly slams the door as Bobby and Kyle try to exit the locker room, then pushes a heavy crate in front of the door to keep them in! Adam Cole begins getting to his feet, and Strong dives on him and begins pounding on him! Strong pulls Cole to his feet and throws Cole into the wall, then hits him with the steel chair he threw at him earlier! Cole goes down again as Bobby and Kyle continue to try and open the door, but just as they start getting it open, Strong places another crate in front of the door, before turning around into an enziguri from Cole! Strong goes down as Adam Cole stumbles away to the parking lot, but Roderick Strong sees him walking there follows him, diving on him again in the parking lot! Roddy grabs Cole by his hair now and throws him onto the hood of a car, before climbing up onto the hood himself, and hitting him with a suplex onto the car windshield, cracking it in the process! Strong looks satisfied with himself as Adam Cole lays motionless on the hood of the car and Roderick Strong tells him payback is a bitch, before walking away as the cameras cut to the ring.

    Match #4: Money In The Bank Qualifying Match
    Naomi vs Lacey Evans

    A fairly short match with Naomi controlling the majority of it early on but Lacey blocks the headscissors ddt, and suddenly dropping Naomi with the Women's Right for 2. Later on Naomi hits a couple running dropkicks then a springboard kick to the face for a 2 count, and in the end she finishes off Lacey with a headscissors ddt followed by the Slay-O-Mission for the tap out.

    Winner via submission: Naomi
    A video plays showing various clips of Finn Balor, Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson in action, before cutting to Finn Balor himself looking into the camera and he says next week, the new and improved Balor Club arrives.

    Match #5: Hardcore Match
    Braun Strowman vs Dean Ambrose

    Before The Match: Dean Ambrose's music hits for his entrance, but there's no sign of him. Braun looks confused in the ring and after a few moments, grabs a mic, but before he can say anything the music hits again, and while there's still no sign of Ambrose, 3 masked men appear in the crowd! The masked men all are wearing skull masks of various colors as well as all black clothing that completely covers them, and they make their way through the crowd and towards the ring, and after they hop the guard rail, they spread out to cover 3 sides of the ring, but Braun speaks up and says he doesn't know who they are, or where Dean Ambrose is, but if they want these hands he's fine with fighting them instead. The masked men seem to like this idea as they climb onto the ring apron, and suddenly Braun charges the man in the blue mask to send him flying off the apron, but the other 2 men wearing red and green masks quickly begin pounding on him, and it seems we have a new match!

    Match #5: Hardcore Match
    Braun Strowman vs 3 Masked Attackers

    The bell rings and Braun throws both the men in the ring across it, before taking them down with a double dropkick as blue mask gets into the ring and jumps onto Braun's back, but Braun runs backwards into the corner to get the smaller man off him! Braun manages to somewhat fight off the masked men for a bit, that is until the man in the green mask grabs a steel chair and cracks it across the back of Strowman! Strowman gets taken to the floor as the 3 men begin mauling him including hitting him with a double cutter and a stump puller piledriver on the floor! Shortly after this, Strowman gets a second wind and begins fighting off the 3 men again, eventually wiping out the men wearing blue and green masks with shoulder charges on the floor, before giving the man in the green mask a chokeslam through the announce table! Braun now rolls into the ring to go after the man in the red mask, but as he gets in he's blasted in the ribs with a sledgehammer! A baseball bat is now brought into the ring and Braun's busted open with a shot to the head from it, before the man in the red mask opens up the cut a good bit with a series of punches and elbows to the face. The man in the green mask is back now and climbs to the top turnbuckle as the other 2 men drag Braun to his feet and set him up for a spike piledriver, as the man in the green mask dives off the top rope and a double team spike piledriver hits! Red mask covers Strowman, but somehow he kicks out at 2! Braun suddenly rises to his feet, looking angry as he hits big boots on all 3 of the attackers, before picking up red mask, and throwing him over the top rope and to the floor! Strowman turns around however into a running strike from blue mask, followed by a jumping knee strike from green mask that knocks him off his feet, and an assisted shooting star press is hit on him and green mask covers...but again only a 2 count on the monster! Braun begins fighting back against blue mask and green mask, eventually taking them down but as he loads up a Running Powerslam, he's blasted with the baseball bat by red mask! Red mask beats the hell out of Strowman with the bat before hitting another double team spike piledriver with blue mask into a pin, and this time they've managed to slay the monster!

    Winners via pinfall: The Masked Attackers
    Cesaro has a video package play and he says he demands a match next week, because he's tried of waiting for an opportunity. He says next week his darker side will be unleashed on the roster and nobody is safe.

    Match #6: Steel Cage Match for the World Tag Team Championships
    American Alpha vs Undisputed Era (c)

    Gable fights with Kyle and Jordan fights with Bobby to start. After some brawling to start, Jordan starts climbing the cage but instead of stopping him, UE double team Gable and let Jordan escape as they focus on beating down Gable. UE beat down Gable for awhile with him trying to fight off the numbers game without much luck. Finally, Bobby hits a spin kick on Gable and Kyle grapples with him on the mat as Bobby climbs the cage, and he manages to escape as Kyle throws Gable into the cage on the other side of the ring! Kyle has a plan of escape for himself now as he ties Gable into the tree of woe in the corner, and takes a second to taunt him before walking across the ring and climbing the cage, but just as he reaches the top, Gable stops him and pulls him down back into the cage, and after slamming him face first into the cage, Kyle falls back into the cage! Gable hops off the ropes and pulls O'Reilly up, hitting him with a german suplex! Gable now climbs the cage himself looking to win and get the titles for his team...but Kyle stops him before he can climb to the top of the cage! Kyle now climbs up onto the ropes and slams Gable face first into the cage, followed by a second slam into the cage to knock Gable back into the ring! O'Reilly thinks about trying to escape, but he looks back and sees Gable crawling across the ring so he hops off the ropes and stands behind Gable waiting for him to get up, and when he does, Kyle drops him with a low blow! Gable goes down and Kyle quickly climbs to the top of the cage, and with Gable still down in the ring, Kyle climbs out of the cage and retains the titles for his team!

    Winners and STILL World Tag Team Champions: Undisputed Era
    Current Money In The Bank Card:

    Men's Money In The Bank Match:
    Participants TBA

    Women's Money In The Bank Match:
    Alexa Bliss vs Mickie James vs Shayna Baszler vs Naomi vs 4 participants TBA

    Raw Women's Championship Match: Billie Kay is banned from ringside and if Peyton gets DQ'd or counted out she will lose the belt.
    Asuka vs Peyton Royce (c)

    World Heavyweight Championship Match:
    Daniel Bryan vs Kevin Owens (c)

    World Tag Team Championship Match:
    The Hardy Boyz vs Undisputed Era (c) (Bobby Fish & Kyle O'Reilly)

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    Smackdown Live Week 9:

    As Smackdown comes on the air, Johnny Gargano is standing in the ring with a mic and he cuts right to the chase, he wants a piece of Killian Dain and he wants it right now. He doesn't care if the title is on the line, he doesn't care about rules, he just wants a fight. Dain tried to end his career at King of the Ring by powerbombing him off the production truck and getting his hands on him when he made his return at Extreme Rules wasn't enough, he wants to hurt Killian. He waits for a moment for Dain to come out, but suddenly Smackdown GM, The Miz appears on the tron sitting at a desk in his office. Gargano instantly looks annoyed and the fans boo but Miz speaks up anyway and says he can't let Dain and Gargano fight tonight, but if Johnny wants a fight he has a solution for him, an awesome one at that. He's been looking for someone to fill the opening on the Smackdown roster and he thinks he's found his guy, but he wants him to earn it. So his suggestion is right now Johnny Gargano fights the new superstar, if Gargano wins not only can he have a singles match with Killian Dain next week, but he'll let Gargano pick the match type AND make it a title match. But on the flip side if Johnny loses, he doesn't get his match and his opponent gets a contract. Gargano quickly speaks up and tells Miz he has a deal, and as soon as he does, a big man slides into the ring behind Gargano! Miz wishes Gargano luck, and warns him he might wanna turn around to meet his opponent, Dominik Dijak. Suddenly, Gargano is lifted up onto his shoulders, and dropped with Feast Your Eyes, the reverse GTS! The tron goes dark as a ref comes running down the ring for the match.

    Match #1: Title Shot vs Contract
    Johnny Gargano vs Dominik Dijak

    As soon as the bell rings, Dijak covers Gargano, but only gets a 2 off the pin. Dijak backs off to let Gargano up, but as soon as he's on his feet he's blasted with a running big boot! Dijak pulls Johnny right up and drops him with 3 straight clotheslines, then hits a flipping senton onto his ribs into another pin attempt, but again he only gets 2. Dijak stays on the attack as he grabs Johnny by the throat as soon as he's back up, and goes for a Chokeslam Backbreaker, but Gargano blocks it and hits an enziguri to knock the big man off his feet! Gargano begins getting fired up as he feeds off the crowd energy, the fans wanting to see him get his hands on Killian Dain, and he hits his comeback on Dijak to get his momentum rolling! Dijak ends up being knocked into the corner after the comeback, and Gargano charges in, and hits a flying forearm to the face! He quickly throws Dijak back into the corner, then somehow scoops the big man up onto his shoulder, and launches him into the turnbuckles with a lawn dart! Dijak is down as Gargano might be able to rob him of a contract, but as he goes into the opposite corner and begins setting up for his finishing Superkick, the music of the US Champion hits! Gargano turns his attention to the stage, waiting for the man who took him out of action for over a month to come out, but he misses him sliding into the ring behind him, and suddenly he's smacked in the back, then lifted up and dropped with Ulster Plantation! Gargano is down and possibly out as Dain bails from the ring before the ref gets up, and Dijak crawls over and covers Gargano, but again he kicks out at 2! Dijak can't believe it as he pulls Gargano up, but suddenly Gargano blocks a strike from him and takes him down into the Gargano Escape!

    Gargano locks in the hold as the monster of a man is trying to figure out an escape, but the ropes aren't near by! Gargano applys more pressure on the hold, but Dijak manages to escape after a couple knees to the back of the head. Dijak gets angry now and he snaps, beating the living hell out of Johnny Gargano after throwing him out of the ring and he wrecks him at ringside, and after a Chokeslam through the announce table, he brings Johnny back into the ring, and drops him with Feast Your Eyes! Gargano looks to be knocked out and Dijak covers him, and this time it's enough for the pin, as he earns himself a contract!

    Winner via pinfall and new Smackdown Live Superstar: Dominik Dijak!

    After The Match: Dijak isn't done with the beating yet as he grabs a chair from under the ring, and ends up busting open Gargano after DDT'ing him onto the chair! Dijak then pulls Gargano back to his feet, and drops him with a third Feast Your Eyes of the night! Suddenly, The Miz comes out onto the stage and announces to the crowd that it's official, Dominik Dijak is the newest member of the Smackdown Live roster! He claps for him as Dijak looks back at the bloodied Johnny Gargano, and simply shakes his head and chuckles before leaving the ring as the ref checks on Gargano. Miz says as for Johnny Gargano, he's glad to have him back but he will not be fighting for the US Title next week.
    After a commercial break, Miz is in his office again and announces he has come up with a must see main event, due to Drew McIntyre not being pinned at Extreme Rules and him calling out Samoa Joe about it on social media, the two of them will face off tonight in a No Holds Barred match. If Drew wins, he gets a title match at Money In The Bank and this time nobody will be added to it. If Joe wins, he can hand pick his next challenger. He also announces tonight will be the beginning of Smackdown's Money In The Bank qualifying matches as they're will be 3 tonight. The first will be Becky Lynch vs Zelina Vega vs Liv Morgan, the second will be the 3 members of Absolution facing off, and the third will be the 3 members of New Day facing off. He ends by telling the fans to enjoy the show and he'll see them next week.

    Back in the arena, The Street Profits have come to the ring and talk about how things didn't go their way at Extreme Rules, they fought the 2 biggest, baddest and most dominant teams on the roster, and in the end they lost their belts to the War Raiders. But that's okay because you can't win them all, and tonight, they want the smoke. They want their rematch with the War Raiders. The champs are quick to answer as they come out onto the stage and Rowe says they accept, but they wanna leave no doubt about who the better team is. He suggests they make it an elimination match, and the Profits quickly accept their terms.

    Match #2: Elimination Tag Team Match for the WWE Tag Team Championships
    The Street Profits vs War Raiders (c)

    Back and forth match to start until Hanson tosses Angelo into the champs corner, and in the span of about 5 minutes, the champs snap off about 6 different double team moves on Dawkins before Hanson covers him for a pin, only for Dawkins to kick out at 2. Hanson is back on the attack quickly and climbs up to the top turnbuckle, and goes for a big diving splash, but Dawkins rolls out of the way and makes the tag to Montez Ford! Ford hits a running dropkick on Hanson, knocking him into the ropes before charging him and sending him to the floor with a big clothesline! Ford takes the chance to knock Rowe off the apron as he waits for Hanson to get up, then charges at him and wipes him out with a dive over the top rope! Ford is on a roll right now as he throws the big bearded man back into the ring, then slides in after him and covers, but only gets 1 off a pin. Ford whips Hanson into the challenger's corner and they make the tag, and the Profits hit a double suplex! They keep control for a bit by cutting the ring in half, keeping Hanson in the ring for a few minutes before eventually, Dawkins hits a big spinebuster! He rolls over into a corner but Rowe breaks it up at the 2 count with a diving knee drop!

    Rowe hits a deadlift powerbomb on Dawkins before going back onto the apron which lets Hanson make the tag, and Rowe hits a few big power moves on Dawkins before flipping him over his head and smashing him in the face with a big knee! Rowe throws Dawkins into the corner and makes the tag to Hanson after giving him a couple minutes to recover, and together they hit Fallout! Hanson pins as Rowe ducks a punch from Ford then hits him with a german suplex, which lets the ref count the pin and the first elimination! Montez Ford is left all alone now against the dominant tag champs, but he manages to hold his own fairly well even with the numbers working against him, but they appear to have him dead to rights after hitting him with Fallout, but Ford kicks out! Rowe tags back in and powers Ford into the corner and hits a couple shoulder blocks to the ribs then charges into the corner, but Ford sidesteps and Rowe smashes face first into the turnbuckles and Ford rolls him up, but Rowe kicks out at 2.

    Ford manages to keep control for a bit and eventually, goes for a Frog Splash to put an end to Rowe, but Rowe gets the knees up to block it! Rowe gets back to his feet and flips Ford over and smashes him in the face with a knee before tagging in Hanson, who wipes out Ford with a spin kick! Ford is reeling as Hanson drags him into position, and the Raiders finish him off after they each hit a top rope splash, with Rowe managing to pin Ford and retain the belts.

    Winners via pinfall and STILL WWE Tag Team Champions: War Raiders
    Bobby Roode is backstage and brags about destroying Velveteen Dream at Money In The Bank. He brags about how he told everyone he would be the Last Man Standing and that was only the beginning of his rise, because Miz has informed him he's been given a spot in the Money In The Bank Ladder Match due to his impressive victory on Sunday. He says he has another promise for the fans, he's going to win Money In The Bank, and nobody will stop him.

    Match #3: Money In The Bank Qualifying Match
    Becky Lynch vs Liv Morgan vs Zelina Vega

    Becky takes out both quickly before throwing Zelina out of the ring and hitting a dropkick on Liv. She goes for a leg drop, but Liv counters with a jaw breaker, as Zelina gets back in and knocks Becky down with a clothesline! Zelina turns her attention to Liv, and offers her an alliance, suggesting they take out Becky before fighting each other, as Becky gets to her feet in the corner, and Liv nods to Zelina and the double team is on! Becky is trying to fight both off, but Liv and Zelina manage to keep her under control including hitting a double ddt! Zelina goes for a pin, but instantly Liv breaks it up. Zelina gets up and yells at Liv, and the two argue for a moment, and the alliance is officially over as Zelina punches Liv, only for Liv to respond by locking her into a Guillotine Choke! Zelina is struggling as Liv applies more pressure on the hold, but Zelina manages to escape! Zelina kicks Liv in the ribs as she's back up, but Becky Lynch is back with a steel chair and drops both women! She beats down both of them with the chair, before throwing it out of the ring, then hitting a Bexploder on Morgan! Zelina stumbles to her feet, but she's instantly taken back down into a Disarmher! Zelina is quickly in trouble and reaching for the ropes, but it doesn't matter! Zelina struggles for a bit, and does manage to escape the hold, but Becky keeps her on the mat with a running dropkick to the side of the head! With Vega down, Becky turns around, only to get blinded by the green mist from Liv Morgan! Becky falls to the mat and rolls out of the ring, unable to see as Liv pulls Vega up to her feet, and hits a running single leg codebreaker! Liv covers and Becky can't get back in, and Morgan gets a surprise upset win!

    Winner via pinfall and going to Money In The Bank: Liv Morgan
    Sasha Banks is backstage, looking proudly at her newly won Smackdown Women's Championship. Renee Young walks up and asks her about how the match went down with Bayley, namely her using a steel chair to finish Bayley off when neither woman used a weapon all match. Sasha shrugs it off and says she sees nothing wrong with it, there was no dq's in the match so she didn't break a rule, but yet she's been getting all this hate. She says she's innocent and it's not her fault Bayley chose not to use weapons. She reminds Renee that she still had to lock Bayley into the Bank Statement and force her to tap out to win the match, and when Renee tries to raise a counter point, Sasha says she doesn't need to stand here and get accused of things, she says Bayley is still her best friend and she's earned the championship, then walks off.

    Match #4:
    Lince Dorado, Oney Lorcan, and Kane vs The Revival and Drew Gulak

    Lince and Dash start for their teams with Dash shoving the luchador into Kane, knocking him off the apron before throwing him across the ring to the heel corner, and making a tag to Dawson, and Dash takes down Dorado and ties up his legs in a hold as Dawson kicks them. Dawson wears down the legs a bit before running across the ring to knock Kane off the apron, but he turns around into a running clothesline from Dorado! Dorado can't take control however, as Drew Gulak enters the ring illegally and suplexs Dorado before knocking Oney Lorcan off the ring apron! Dawson makes a tag to Wilder and they double suplex Dorado before Wilder tags in Gulak, who runs across the ring to knock Kane off the apron once again, then german suplexs Dorado before climbing up to the second turnbuckle, and hitting a splash into a pin, and to the shock of everybody, it's enough to get the win!

    Winners via pinfall: The Revival and Drew Gulak
    Bray Wyatt is in a dark and smokey room backstage and laughs to the camera while saying he's vanquished Chris Jericho, just like the prophecy said he would. He says soon the next step of the prophecy will begin, maybe by taking the money in the bank briefcase. After all, it's easy to run the world when you're it's champion isn't it? He tells everyone to follow the buzzards before blowing out his lamp.

    Match #5: Money In The Bank Qualifying Match
    Paige vs Mandy Rose vs Sonya Deville

    Mandy and Sonya double team Paige to start, and eventually make her roll out of the ring after the double team continues for the first couple minutes, and very quickly after that Mandy drops Sonya with a right hand! Mandy and Sonya proceed to counter each other for a bit before Sonya whips Mandy into the corner, but Paige slides back in and Sonya tackles her and fires off a series of punches to the face! Mandy goes after Sonya, but Sonya blocks her and throws her out of the ring and to the floor, then rolls up Paige, but only gets a 2 count. Sonya continues to try and focus only on Paige, not wanting to fight her best friend, but Mandy slides in and drops her with a face buster! Mandy and Paige fight for a bit now until Mandy hits the Implant Buster on Paige! Mandy rolls her over into a pin, but at the 2 count, Sonya comes out of nowhere to take out the referee! Mandy gets up and glares at Sonya, but Sonya dodges a punch from Mandy and backs up, still refusing to actually fight Mandy, until Mandy slaps her across the face! Sonya looks angry now and blocks a punch from Mandy, but Paige has gotten back to her feet, and she spins Mandy around, and drops her with the Paige Turner! Mandy is down but Sonya quickly grabs Paige, and throws her over the top rope and to the floor! Sonya hops out of the ring and throws Paige into the steel steps, leaving Paige down as Sonya slides back into the ring, and sees Mandy getting to her feet, and she seems conflicted for a moment, before deciding to do what she has to do to win, and she quickly takes down Mandy into a choke hold! Sonya yanks back on the hold as Mandy is struggling, but she can't escape and has no choice but to tap out!

    Winner via submission and going to Money In The Bank: Sonya Deville
    Drew McIntyre is getting ready for action tonight as he tapes up his wrists, and looks into the camera and says he has a simple message, he's going to destroy Joe tonight, he's going to try and hurt him. And at Money In The Bank, that title will belong to him. Joe couldn't beat him at Extreme Rules, and he won't beat him tonight.

    Match #6: Money In The Bank Qualifying Match
    Big E vs Kofi Kingston vs Xavier Woods

    Before The Match: The Miz pops up on the tron and says he has a quick announcement before this match gets underway, he says he wants to up the ante for this match, after all we just saw 3 teammates and friends fight each other didn't we? So he's making this an Extreme Rules match. He wishes them all luck before the video ends and the members of New Day begin eye balling each other as the bell rings.

    A series of roll ups to start as their all cautious about fighting each other until finally, Woods drops Kofi with a punch and Big E clotheslines Woods. Kofi is back up and hits a running double stomp on Big E followed by one to Woods, but he only gets 1 on a pin attempt on the latter teammate. Kofi tries to pick up Woods, but Woods elbows Kofi in the ribs and dropkicks him as Big E pulls out a chair from under the ring, taking advantage of the stip, and he smacks Woods with it! Big E clotheslines Kofi out of the ring then splashes Xavier Woods and covers him for a pin, but only gets a 2 count. Big E throws Woods into the corner, then charges in, but Woods sidesteps and hits an enziguri before going up top and going for the Elbow Drop on Big E, but he rolls out of the way and Woods lands on the chair! Woods rolls around in pain as Kofi sets up a table at ringside, and Big E pulls Woods up to his feet, and hits the Big Ending! Big E covers for a pin, but Kofi breaks it up at the 1 count! Kofi throws Big E onto the apron then charges him, and spears him off the apron and through the table! Big E is taken out and Xavier Woods stumbles to his feet, only to walk right into an SOS followed by Trouble In Paradise! Kofi covers him for a pin and with Big E still down at ringside, it's enough to pick up the win!

    Winner via pinfall and going to Money In The Bank: Kofi Kingston
    Zelina Vega is backstage and has changed her clothes after her match, and announces that next week Andrade Cien Almas will be back on Smackdown. She also says she's going to take some time to focus on being a manager before walking off.

    Match #7: No Holds Barred, if Drew McIntyre wins he gets a title shot at Money In The Bank
    Drew McIntyre vs Samoa Joe

    Drew jumps Joe during his entrance and drops him with a few shots from the WWE Championship before throwing him into the barricade and dropping him on it ribs first, which gives him time to take the title into the ring and pose with it as Samoa Joe recovers at the bottom of the ramp. Joe gets to his feet and sees Drew holding his title, and he's seeing red between that and being jumped during his entrance, and charges into the ring, but Drew smacks him with the championship again! Drew throws the belt down and covers Joe for a pin, but only manages a 2 count. Drew stays on the attack and hits an Air Raid Crash then pulls Joe right back up, and goes for a Future Shock DDT, but Joe blocks it and throws him out of the ring! Joe rolls out after him and begins beating down Drew all around the ringside area including spearing him through the barricade! Joe grabs a baseball bat and swings at Drew once he's on his feet, but Drew dodges it and heads up the ramp, looking to get the hell away from Samoa Joe! Joe follows him however but Drew was baiting him in, and charges at him...but Joe backdrops him! Joe quickly pulls Drew back up and slams him down on the ramp with a Urinagi! Joe takes the fight back to the ring and goes for the Coquina Clutch, but Drew blocks it and drops Joe with a headbutt! Drew covers Joe, but he still can't get the win as Joe kicks out at 2.

    Drew picks up the WWE Championship again as Samoa Joe gets to his feet, only to get smacked in the face with his own title again, and this time it busts him open! Drew backs into the corner and motions for Joe to get up, and when he does, Drew drops him with the Claymore! Joe goes down and Drew covers him for the pin, and he gets it to send himself to Money In The Bank!

    Winner and NEW #1 Contender to the WWE Championship: Drew McIntyre

    After The Match: Drew McIntyre is instantly back on the attack, grabbing a chair and slamming it across the ribs of Joe before throwing him out of the ring, and after clearing off the announce table, he drives Joe through it with a Future Shock DDT! The fans boo loudly as Drew McIntyre rolls into the ring and grabs the WWE Championship before grabbing a mic at ringside, and he says this is his show now, Joe's days are numbered. He just put down the man who has a reputation for being a killer and he's proven he was robbed at Extreme Rules. He looks down at Joe, who hasn't moved on the floor, and tells him to clean this blood off his championship before Money In The Bank, then throws it down onto the chest of Joe before planting a foot on his chest and striking a pose to end the show.
    Money In The Bank Updated Card:

    Men's Money In The Bank Match:
    Kofi Kingston vs 7 participants TBA

    Women's Money In The Bank Match:
    Alexa Bliss vs Mickie James vs Shayna Baszler vs Naomi vs Liv Morgan vs Sonya Deville vs 2 participants TBA

    Raw Women's Championship Match: Billie Kay is banned from ringside and if Peyton gets DQ'd or counted out she will lose the belt.
    Asuka vs Peyton Royce (c)

    World Heavyweight Championship Match:
    Daniel Bryan vs Kevin Owens (c)

    World Tag Team Championship Match:
    The Hardy Boyz vs Undisputed Era (c) (Bobby Fish & Kyle O'Reilly)

    WWE Championship Match:
    Drew McIntyre vs Samoa Joe (c)

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    3 Time Elite Champion Skairipa's Avatar

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    Monday Night Raw Week 10:

    The show opens with a table set up in the ring for a contract signing with a chair on either side of the table and the Raw GM Shawn Michaels standing in the ring with a mic. Shawn says what happened last week to Braun Strowman was unacceptable and he's going to find out who the masked attackers were and they will be punished for their actions. But as for this week, he's hired extra security to keep outsiders out as well as having them search people's bags when they come in. He promises there will be no mystery attackers showing up this week and next week he's hoping Braun Strowman will be back. As for right now he's here for the contract signing between Kevin Owens and Daniel Bryan. The champ and challenger come down to the ring and Bryan asks Owens about getting under his skin last week by mentioning the fact Kevin has never beat him, asking if it bothered him so much because he's afraid history will repeat itself. Owens says he doesn't live in the past, he lives in the present where he's the World Heavyweight Champion and this is the Kevin Owens Show, and Daniel Bryan has.....done nothing of note besides win 1 number one contenders match recently. He admits Bryan has had his number in the past but says Bryan hasn't faced this Kevin Owens before, this Kevin Owens is fighting every day for his family and nobody will stop him, Roman Reigns couldn't do it, and Daniel Bryan damn sure won't. Both men sign the contract before standing up as Bryan says unlike Owens, he's going to control his temper and he's not going to engage Owens tonight, he'll wait until Money In The Bank where he'll defeat him. Bryan starts to leave, but suddenly Undisputed Era's music hits and they come out onto the stage, much to the confusion of the men in the ring. Adam Cole says he's so sick of hearing these 2 argue over who's going to do what, because at the end of the day it doesn't matter, he's going to win Money In The Bank and watch their match, wait until they beat the hell out of each other enough, then he's going to come out and cash in his briefcase, and the night will end with Adam Cole as World Heavyweight Champion Bay Bay. Shawn Michaels now speaks up and says in case Cole forgot, he's not even qualified for Money In The Bank yet, in fact if he wants to do that he'll have to beat his old friend Roderick Strong next week. But since UE decided to come out tonight, and Bryan and Owens seem to have some aggression to work out, he has an idea for the main event. Tonight it'll be Daniel Bryan and Kevin Owens vs Bobby Fish and Kyle O'Reilly in a non title match. Cole speaks on behalf of his boys and says that's fine with them, after all it's an excuse for them to soften up Bryan and Owens before Money In The Bank. Bryan and Owens meanwhile shoot each other a look, unsure about teaming tonight but they seem to have refocused their anger towards the men on stage as no violence occurs.

    Match #1:
    Cesaro vs Aleister Black

    Cesaro debuts new red and black gear along with coming out with chains draped over him. Cesaro starts quick by charging at Black with an uppercut followed by a series of uppercuts in a variety of different ways before Aleister fights back with kicks and elbow strikes. Cesaro ends up hitting a body slam followed by a top rope splash for 2, but shortly after Aleister Black drops him with a running bicycle knee strike, followed by Black Mass! Black falls into a pin, but only gets a 2 as Cesaro shows good heart managing to kick out of the Black Mass! Aleister grabs a dragon sleeper, but Cesaro counters out of it and hits the Very European Uppercut! Cesaro then busts out something new as he picks Aleister up, and locks him into a Tombstone Stretch! Aleister is struggling with the new submission hold and after not finding a way to escape, he's forced to tap out!

    Winner via Submission: Cesaro!

    After The Match: Cesaro takes a moment to celebrate his big return victory, but the celebration doesn't last long before he drops the referee with a kick to the face! Cesaro then stomps on Aleister Black a couple times, before picking him up onto his shoulders and dropping him with a Dominator! He isn't done yet however as he drags Black to his feet, and drops him on his head with a Spike Piledriver! Cesaro now leaves the ring without saying a word as Aleister is knocked out in the ring and the fans are left surprised at the new Cesaro.
    Backstage, Dean Ambrose says he was not part of the trio of people who attacked Braun Strowman last week. He says he doesn't need to hide under a mask to do his attacks and he was disappointed by the attack because he was looking forward to kicking Strowman's ass. He says if Braun is back in action next week he wants to have their match they had planned, then ends by saying if he sees those masked attackers tonight he'll deal with them himself.

    Match #2: Money In The Bank Qualifying Match
    Kassius Ohno vs Rey Mysterio vs Ricochet vs Baron Corbin

    Lots of chaos and fighting in this match, at one point Corbin busts open Ricochet before being busted open himself by Ohno. Later on Mysterio hits the 619 and a Frog Splash on Corbin into a pin, but Kassius Ohno breaks it up just before the 3 count! Ohno throws Rey out of the ring and attempts to steal the pin for himself, but Ricochet breaks it up at the 1 count before throwing Ohno out of the ring and wiping him out with a suicide dive! In the end, Ohno is down at ringside as Corbin gets taken down in ring by Rey, only for Ricochet to hit a springboard knee strike on Mysterio, followed by a 630 Senton! Ricochet crawls over into a pin, but Mysterio kicks out at 2! Ricochet looks surprised and stomps on Rey to keep him down, then hits a standing shooting star press on Baron Corbin! He isn't done yet though as he goes up top and hits another Shooting Star Press on Corbin, and it's enough for the pin!

    Winner via Pinfall and going to Money In The Bank: Ricochet
    Drake Maverick and EC3 are in the interview area and Maverick says last week they sent a message to the entire RAW locker room by destroying Akira Tozawa. Maverick says EC3 has only just begun his rise to the top and next week, he's going to qualify for Money In The Bank and go on to win the briefcase, he says EC3 will be champion soon, it's a matter of when not if.

    Match #3:
    Charlotte Flair vs Dakota Kai

    Charlotte jumps Dakota during her entrance and spears her off the ring apron before beating her down on the floor for a couple minutes before the match actually begins. She throws Kai back into the ring and hits a series of knees to the ribs before the referee pulls her away and checks on Dakota before officially starting this match. As soon as the bell rings, Charlotte boots Dakota over the top rope before going out after her and throwing her into the steps, before throwing her back into the ring and taking time to strut at ringside. However this proves to be a mistake as when Flair gets back in the ring, Kai fights back with a flurry of strikes and a snap suplex! Dakota throws Flair into the corner and charges in after her, but she's kicked away, then charges her and takes her down with a Spear! Charlotte locks in the Figure Eight as Dakota is in serious trouble, away from the ropes, but thankfully for her she manages to fight it off and escape the hold! Dakota gets some more strikes in before throwing Flair into the corner again, and this time she connects on a running forearm! Dakota pulls Flair up and goes for a suplex, but Flair counters with one of her own! One spear and natural selection later, and Flair is able to put Kai down in the battle of women who needed a win.

    Winner via Pinfall: Charlotte Flair
    Asuka warns Peyton Royce that a new Asuka is coming to Money In The Bank, an angry and violent Asuka. The light brightens in the room and shows Asuka's mask, which looks like it's dripping blood and she takes it off to say nobody is ready for Asuka, before showing off darker colored gear. She shoots the camera a wicked smile before the video ends.

    Match #4: Money In The Bank Qualifying Match
    Chad Gable vs Heath Slater vs Seth Rollins vs Gentleman Jack Gallagher

    Slater dominates for a bit at the beginning before it breaks down to him and Gable fighting in ring while Rollins and Gallagher fight on the floor. Slater hits Sweetness on Gable, but Rollins breaks it up at the 2 count, and rolls up Slater but only gets 2 himself before Jack breaks it up. Rollins hits the school boy superkick on Gallagher only for Gable to german suplex Rollins, causing him to roll out of the ring! Gable grabs an Ankle Lock on Slater, looking to take advantage of 2 of his opponents being out and using his mentor's move to get a win, but Slater escapes the hold! After a few more minutes of action, Rollins gets back in the ring and hits the school boy superkick on Slater before Curb Stomping Gable! He isn't done yet though as he hits the Ripcord Knee Strike on Gallagher! Rollins has everyone down and covers Gallagher, but at the 2 count it's broken up by Slater! Slater pulls Rollins up and goes for Sweetness, but Seth blocks it and shoves him into the corner, then sidesteps a charging Gable who runs into Slater in the corner, which causes Slater to fall and roll out of the ring, but now Jack is up and charges across the ring, and shoves Gable out of the ring! However this is a mistake as he turns around right into a waiting Rollins, who drops him with the Curb Stomp! With Gable and Slater still down on the floor, it's enough to get the win!

    Winner via Pinfall and going to Money In The Bank: Seth Rollins
    Peyton Royce is backstage and rolls her eyes to Billie Kay before saying Asuka can make all the threats she wants but threats won't win her the title. Billie asks if she should go find Asuka and beat her up, but Peyton says no she needs to prove she can beat Asuka without any help and on her own. She mentions beating Ronda Rousey in a cage without Billie and says everybody forgets that, even though it was the most ICONIC victory ever. She tells Billie the Women's Championship means more to her than anything and Asuka isn't taking her baby away from her.

    Match #5: No Holds Barred Match
    Bianca Belair vs Ember Moon

    Back and forth match to start with neither woman gaining much advantage, and this frustrates Belair who brings the steel steps and a chair into the ring, but Ember blocks shots from both before hitting a kick to the face which causes Bianca to bail out of the ring and take a break, and even hops over the guard rail, but Ember doesn't take the bait and follow her into the crowd which forces Bianca to come back to ringside, which is when she grabs a sledgehammer to bring into the ring, but Ember goes for a clothesline, only for Bianca to dodge it and drop Ember with a shot to the ribs from the sledgehammer! Bianca hits a spear for 2 and goes for KOD, but Ember flips out of it and hits a roundhouse kick followed by a handspring corner clothesline! Bianca is down and Ember climbs to the top turnbuckle, looking to hit the's blocked! Bianca then backs up and waits for Ember to get up, and spears her before picking her up and dropping her with the KOD, which is enough to get the win over her rival!

    Winner via Pinfall: Bianca Belair
    Roderick Strong is backstage and says that next week he has a match with Adam Cole for a spot in Money In The Bank, and he's going to beat the hell out of him. He says going to Money In The Bank is nice, but the real thing he wants to destroy Cole's ego, he needs to beat him in the ring for the ultimate revenge for Cole kicking him out of Undisputed Era. He tells Cole if he has any balls he won't bring his boys to ringside with him, and promises one by one to destroy each member of UE.

    Match #6:
    Roman Reigns vs Finn Balor w/ Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson

    A fairly long back and forth match with both men kicking out of each others finishers, and after they caused a distraction at ringside, Roman Reigns bailed from the ring to beat down Gallows and Anderson, getting both of them ejected from ringside after taking the beatdown into the ring, but this leaves an opening for Balor to roll him up for a very close 2 count. They fight for a few minutes after this before the finish comes when Balor goes for the Coup D'Etat, but Roman rolls out of the way! Roman gets to his feet and wipes out Finn with a big Spear! Roman waits for Balor to get up, then hits a second Spear, and it's enough to get the win!

    Winner via Pinfall: Roman Reigns

    After The Match: Roman celebrates his victory as Finn slowly gets to his feet holding his ribs, and Roman offers him a handshake. Balor thinks about it for a minute, then nods and shakes his hand, but suddenly Gallows and Anderson sprint down the ramp, and they jump on Roman taking him down! The beatdown is on from Gallows and Anderson as they stomp away on Roman, before Balor pushes them away...then makes a gun motion at Roman and pulls the trigger, which gives Gallows and Anderson the sign to pick Roman up, and drop him with a Magic Killer! Reigns is down as Balor goes up to the top rope as Gallows and Anderson drag Reigns into position and hold him down, and Balor hits the Coup D'etat! Suddenly, The Usos sprint down the ramp with chairs and seeing this, Balor Club bail out of the ring and glare into the ring as The Usos stand ready to fight despite the numbers disadvantage, but when they realize Balor Club is actually leaving they turn their attention to Reigns, checking on their cousin and helping him to his feet.
    Adam Cole is backstage and says he doesn't give a damn what Roddy wants to do, or what he says. This is the story of his rise to the top of the company and Roderick Strong is nothing but a chapter in that story. He only recruited him to Undisputed Era in the first place because he needed to use him, and Roddy had served his purpose and proved he was a weak link and that's why he was kicked out. He says if Roddy wants to talk such a big game, then HBK should make it an Extreme Rules Match next week, he would love the chance to take Strong out of action for good. He says next week, Roderick Strong is proven as the weak link.

    Match #7:
    Daniel Bryan and Kevin Owens vs Undisputed Era (Bobby Fish and Kyle O'Reilly) w/ Adam Cole

    Your basic tag match with UE isolating Owens for most of the match with Cole causes a couple distractions during the match when the tide would turn towards Owens and Bryan favor. Towards the end of the match, Owens hit a Stunner on Fish into a pin, but Adam Cole pulled the ref out of the ring to save his team! Just as it looks like the ref is going to eject Cole from ringside however though, Roderick Strong hops the guard rail and attacks him! Strong is on the attack as Cole tries to get away by running up the ramp, but Strong follows him and chases him out of the arena and to the back! The distraction lets Owens make a tag to Bryan, who goes up to the top turnbuckle and goes for the Diving Headbutt, but Fish rolls out of the way and makes the tag to O'Reilly, and together they hit Chasing The Dragon! Kyle pins as Bobby knocks Owens off the apron, but Bryan kicks out at 2! The finish comes a few minutes later when Bryan locks O'Reilly into the Yes Lock, but Bobby Fish slides into the ring, only to get jumped by Owens, who drops him with a Pop Up Powerbomb just as O'Reilly taps out!

    Winners via Submission: Daniel Bryan and Kevin Owens
    Money In The Bank Updated Card:

    Men's Money In The Bank Match:
    Kofi Kingston vs Ricochet vs Seth Rollins vs 5 participants TBA

    Women's Money In The Bank Match:
    Alexa Bliss vs Mickie James vs Shayna Baszler vs Naomi vs Liv Morgan vs Sonya Deville vs 2 participants TBA

    Raw Women's Championship Match: Billie Kay is banned from ringside and if Peyton gets DQ'd or counted out she will lose the belt.
    Asuka vs Peyton Royce (c)

    World Heavyweight Championship Match:
    Daniel Bryan vs Kevin Owens (c)

    World Tag Team Championship Match:
    The Hardy Boyz vs Undisputed Era (c) (Bobby Fish & Kyle O'Reilly)

    WWE Championship Match:
    Drew McIntyre vs Samoa Joe (c)

  7. #27
    3 Time Elite Champion Skairipa's Avatar

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    Smackdown Live Week 10:

    As the show starts, Andrade Cien Almas and Zelina Vega walk out onto the stage and quickly make their way down to the ring. After getting into the ring, Zelina tells the fans to welcome their future champion Andrade back to the show, which they do to a loud chorus of boos. After waiting for the crowd to quiet down Zelina says thanks to The Miz being the best GM, Andrade will be in a Money In The Bank Qualifying Match up next, which of course he'll win, and then he'll win the briefcase and whenever the time is right after that, World Heavyweight Champion. She says not only will she be leading Andrade to championship gold, but she's scouting the entire Smackdown roster looking for the right person to sign as a second client. She leaves the ring after this as Andrade takes off his jacket and prepares for his match.

    Match #1: Money In The Bank Qualifying Match
    Andrade Cien Almas vs Shinsuke Nakamura vs Oney Lorcan vs Velveteen Dream

    A long match with a lot of kickouts and saves from other people in the match, Andrade was wrestling more aggressive throughout including at one point taking a chair and beating the hell out of all 3 of his opponents with it, even busting open Dream with one of the chair shots. Later on, Oney hit a Running Neckbreaker out of nowhere on Nakamura, but Velveteen Dream broke up the pin and picked him up, then dropped him with the Dream Valley Driver! As Dream went to the top turnbuckle for the Purple Rainmaker however, Andrade slid into the ring and charged at him, hitting him with a kick to the face to send him flying off the turnbuckles and to the floor hard! Andrade then picked up the chair and slammed it across the back of Nakamura before throwing it down and dragging Oney to his feet, only to drop him with a Hammerlock DDT onto the chair! Andrade quickly covered and with his other opponents down, nobody was there to save Oney and it was enough to send Andrade to Money In The Bank!

    Winner via pinfall and going to Money In The Bank:Andrade Cien Almas
    In the locker room area, Johnny Gargano walks into AJ's locker room to ask him if he's ready to go to war tonight with Killian Dain and Dominik Dijak. AJ says of course he's ready and promises that tonight they both get some revenge on Dain for what he's done to them and they slay the new monster before he can even begin his reign of terror. Gargano agrees and says he can't wait to get his hands on both monsters, Dain took a month off his career and Dijak beat him to a bloody pulp last week. Styles mentions that Miz isn't here tonight so Killian has no protection and the street fight stipulation is going to give them the edge they need. They fist bump to end the segment.

    Match #2: Money In The Bank Qualifying Match
    Candice LeRae vs Nia Jax vs Sarah Logan

    Nia dominates early as she manages to keep one of them out of the ring at all times early on, but eventually Candice and Sarah seem to realize they need to work together, and they gang up on Nia, jumping her at the same time and after a few minutes, they force her to roll out after a bit of a beatdown, and as soon as that happens, the alliance ends as Logan jumps Candice from behind with a clothesline to the back of the head and stomping the hell out of her. Later in the match, Sarah hits a Split Legged Moonsault on Candice, but she only gets 2. Nia Jax now comes back in after this and runs over Sarah in the process before stacking up Sarah and Candice in the corner, then splashing into them! Nia hits the Leg Drop on Logan before scooping her up for a Samoan Drop into a pin, but Candice breaks up the pin right away! Candice tries her best to fight off Nia including diving off the second rope at her, but she looks to be in trouble as Nia blocks her diving move, however suddenly Sarah Logan is back up and hits Nia with a running knee to the back! Sarah and Candice work together again to finish off Nia, forcing her to roll out after a double dropkick, and this time Candice expects an attack from Logan and dodges it, then quickly drops her with a single leg codebreaker for the win!

    Winner via pinfall and going to Money In The Bank: Candice LeRae
    Drew Gulak is with the Revival backstage and they're talking about their dominant and quick victory last week. Gulak says they have a good thing here and he thinks they are the best team Smackdown has to offer. Dash and Dawson mention the fact they have a match with New Day later tonight and ask Gulak to manage them for their match, after all they could use someone to make sure New Day doesn't try to cheat. Gulak quickly agrees to do it, and says he thinks they have some business to discuss after the match, but first he has a match of his own to get ready for. Dawson wishes him luck and tells him he hopes he wins the Money In The Bank Briefcase so he can truly improve Smackdown as Gulak walks off.

    Match #3: Money In The Bank Qualifying Match
    Ruby Riott vs Kairi Sane vs Carmella

    A surprisingly quick match here as Kairi lets Ruby and Mella fight for awhile after Ruby charged Mella at the start before getting herself involved later to help Carmella with a double suplex to Ruby which causes her to roll out and Kairi quickly rolls up Carmella, but it only gets 2. After a couple more minutes Carmella throws Kairi out of the ring and locks Ruby into the Code of Silence, but after a short struggle, Ruby manages to escape. At the end of the match, Carmella hits a Superkick on Ruby before Kairi hits a spinning back fist on Carmella! Carmella rolls out of the ring from the strike and Kairi sees the opportunity, and drags Ruby into position before climbing up to the top turnbuckle, and dropping the Insane Elbow on her! Kairi covers and she manages to get the 3 just as Carmella gets to her feet on the floor!

    Winner via pinfall and going to Money In The Bank: Kairi Sane
    Drew McIntyre is in the ring after a break and brags about how he destroyed Samoa Joe last week and sent a message to him that his days as champion are numbered. Drew says he may have sent his message to Joe last week, but he's not satisfied, he wants to send a message to the entire Smackdown locker room that you don't wanna cross Drew McIntyre. He's issuing an open challenge right now to anybody who wants to get their head kicked off but warns it'll be the worst mistake they can make, and after a few moments, Chris Jericho's music hits giving Drew his answer.

    Match #4:
    Drew McIntyre vs Chris Jericho

    Drew jumps Jericho before the bell, running up the ramp to lay out Jericho before whipping him into the barricade and the steel steps then throwing him into the ring. Things don't get better for Jericho once the bell rings, as Drew beats the hell out of him throughout the match, choosing to focus on beating Jericho up more instead of going for pins at multiple points. He ends up spearing Jericho through the barricade and almost gets a count out win off it, but Jericho gets back in at the 8 count. Shortly after this Jericho takes control finally and strings together a bit of offense before hitting his comeback followed by dropping Drew with a Codebreaker, but he only gets 2 off the pin. Drew gets back to his feet and blocks a punch, then drops Jericho with a headbutt! Drew now throws Jericho out of the ring and ends up putting Jericho through the announce table with a Future Shock DDT! Drew goes for a pin after getting Jericho back in the ring, but Jericho kicks out at 2. Drew fires off a series of punches to the face of Jericho, drawing blood in the process before backing into the corner, and once Jericho is up, Drew drops him with the Claymore! Drew rolls over into a pin and finally it's over.

    Winner via pinfall: Drew McIntyre
    As soon as the match ends, Samoa Joe's music hits and he walks out onto the stage with his title over his shoulder as he glares at McIntyre, who's daring him to come get in the ring and go another round with him. Joe now speaks and says he admits it, Drew kicked his ass last week, he under estimated him. But Drew made the mistake of not injuring him last week because he's an indestructible monster when he's defending his championship and at Money In The Bank, Joe's Gonna Kill You. Joe drops the mic and the champion and challenger glare at each other until the show goes to commercial.

    Match #5: Last Chance Money In The Bank Qualifying Battle Royal
    Pete Dunne vs Bray Wyatt vs Drew Gulak vs Kane vs Rusev vs Tyler Bate

    Dunne eliminates Gulak seconds into the match, leaving him in shock as he sits on the floor not sure what just happened. Dunne tries to throw Kane out right after this, but Bate drops him with a punch as Bray Wyatt throws Rusev over the top rope and to the floor! Wyatt and Bate fight each other now as Dunne starts fighting with Kane. A couple minutes later, Tyler Bate saves himself from being eliminated by Kane and ends up getting the big red machine onto the apron, and he punches him off the apron and to the floor, taking this down to 3! Bate and Dunne double team Wyatt for a bit as they try to get rid of the unknown in this match, but Bate ends up knocking Dunne into the ropes after they take down Wyatt! Bate quickly charges Dunne, looking to blindside his former rival, but Dunne low bridges him out of the ring! Dunne shrugs as Tyler Bate looks surprised on the floor, but this leaves an opening for Bray to spin Dunne around, and throw him across the ring! Wyatt stalks Dunne as he gets to his feet, then charges at him, but Dunne sidesteps and Wyatt runs into the turnbuckles, then gets dropped with an X Plex! Wyatt is down and Dunne sees his chance to finish this match and quickly drags Wyatt to his feet and places him into the ropes, then hits a variation of the Bitter End, which drops Wyatt on the floor!

    Winner and going to Money In The Bank: Pete Dunne
    Becky Lynch is backstage and says last week shocked her, she lost again but she's not going to sit back and accept this losing streak. Next week she's issuing an open challenge to whatever dope wants to get their head slapped off, cause she's ending this losing streak next week one way or another.

    Match #6:
    Revival w/ Drew Gulak vs New Day w/ Kofi Kingston

    A good back and forth match with Revival isolating Woods for a majority of the match and working over his leg, and knocking Big E off the apron a couple times to keep him from tagging in. Eventually however, Woods fights off Revival as he knocks down Wilder with a DDT then knocks Dawson off the apron and stomps on Wilder as he starts getting back up, then makes a tag to Big E! Big E cleans house as he gets into the ring, throwing Wilder around until Dawson comes in illegally, and he also gets a belly to belly suplex that sends him right back out of the ring! Big E hits a big running splash on Wilder, leaving him in a bad way before throwing him into the New Day corner, and he makes a tag to Woods, and they hit the Midnight Hour! Woods crawls into a pin but Gulak pulls the ref out of the ring to save his friends! Kofi Kingston isn't having any of that though as he runs over, and hits a jumping double stomp on Gulak! Suddenly Dawson pulls Big E off the apron and throws him into the barricade, then lifts him up and drops him ribs first on the barricade! Dawson slides into the ring as Woods hits him with an enziguri, but Dash spins Woods around and hits a Codebreaker! A minute later, Dash tags in Dawson and they hit the Shatter Machine! Dash stands guard to keep Big E from breaking it up and it's enough to get the pin!

    Winners via pinfall: The Revival
    Bayley is backstage and announces she's invoking her rematch clause at Money In The Bank. She says Sasha disappointed her using a steel chair on her at Extreme Rules to beat her for the belt, but says this time it'll be a normal match so Sasha can't use a chair again, and she can't have the advantage with having to win by submission. She says at Money In The Bank, she rights the wrong Sasha caused and becomes a 2 time Smackdown Women's Champion.

    Match #7: Street Fight
    Dominik Dijak and Killian Dain vs Johnny Gargano and AJ Styles

    Dijak and Gargano fight to the floor while Styles and Dain fight in the ring at first. Diajk chokeslams Gargano through a table early on, but has to run back into the ring to save Dain as Styles has him locked into the Calf Crusher. A table and kendo stick are brought in the ring and the monsters double chokeslam AJ before Diajk boots Gargano off the apron and goes back after him while Dain beats down Styles. Gargano ends up getting the Gargano Escape on the floor on Dijak but he manages to escape. Dain meanwhile has set up Styles in the corner hanging upside down from the turnbuckles, and this lets him hit him with a Coast To Coast! Dain covers Styles, but the amazing move is only enough for a 2 count. He sets up the table in the corner but by time he does, Styles is back up and blasts him with the kendo stick, then hits the Styles Clash! Styles rolls him over into a pin, but Dijak breaks it up at the 2 count! Dijak throws Styles into the table, but Gargano slides into the ring and rolls him up out of nowhere, but the surprise pin only gets 2. Gargano now drops Dijak with an enziguri but Dain wipes out Gargano with a Running Crossbody then drags him to the floor to use the environment to hurt Johnny more. Shortly after this, Dijak knocks Styles back into the table then scoops him up and lawn darts him through the table! Gargano and Dain have begun brawling up the ramp and this leaves an opening for Dijak to lift Styles onto his shoulders, and drop him with Feast Your Eyes!

    Winners via pinfall: Dominik Dijak and Killian Dain
    Money In The Bank Updated Card:

    Men's Money In The Bank Match:
    Kofi Kingston vs Bobby Roode vs Ricochet vs Seth Rollins vs Andrade Cien Almas vs Pete Dunne vs 2 participants TBA

    Women's Money In The Bank Match:
    Alexa Bliss vs Mickie James vs Shayna Baszler vs Naomi vs Liv Morgan vs Sonya Deville vs Candice LeRae vs Kairi Sane

    Raw Women's Championship Match: Billie Kay is banned from ringside and if Peyton gets DQ'd or counted out she will lose the belt.
    Asuka vs Peyton Royce (c)

    World Heavyweight Championship Match:
    Daniel Bryan vs Kevin Owens (c)

    World Tag Team Championship Match:
    The Hardy Boyz vs Undisputed Era (c) (Bobby Fish & Kyle O'Reilly)

    WWE Championship Match:
    Drew McIntyre vs Samoa Joe (c)

    Smackdown Women's Championship:
    Bayley vs Sasha Banks (c)

  8. #28
    3 Time Elite Champion Skairipa's Avatar

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    Monday Night Raw Week 11:

    The show opens to Shawn Michaels in his office, and he says he has two big announcements to make before we get going tonight, the first involves tonight's opening match as Adam Cole vs Roderick Strong will kick off the action tonight and he's confirming right now it will be an Extreme Rules Match for a spot in Money In The Bank. He says he has one thing of his own he's adding to it though, the rest of Undisputed Era is banned from ringside and if they come out, they will be stripped of the tag team titles and Adam Cole will be fined heavily. His other big announcement for tonight involves Daniel Bryan and Kevin Owens. Tonight, they will be picking each other's poison for a singles match and as motivation for their opponents, if their opponents are able to pick up wins, they will be in consideration for title shots going into Summerslam. He then sends things to the ring.

    Match #1: Extreme Rules Match for a spot in Money In The Bank
    Adam Cole vs Roderick Strong

    Strong goes on the assault right away, dropping Cole with a big running knee followed by some punches, then goes for a back suplex, but Cole lands on his feet and rolls up Strong for a 1 count. Cole hits a running kick to the face and quickly bails from the ring, pulling out a kendo stick from under the ring and sliding into the ring with it, but Strong knocks it out of his hand before he can be hit with it, then suplexs Cole before grabbing a second kendo stick from under the ring. He slides into the ring with it, but Cole quickly grabs a small package pin but Strong kicks out at 1. Cole manages to beat down Strong with both kendo sticks then sets up a table in ring, and he powerbombs Roddy through it! He quickly goes for another pin attempt, but he only gets 2 off the pin. Cole stays on the attack and hits a brain buster onto the knee for 2 more, but when he tries to follow up with the Last Shot, it's blocked and Strong blasts him in the ribs with the kendo stick, followed by a shot to the back! Strong rolls out of the ring and pulls out a chair from under the ring, and smacks Cole across the back with it as he's getting back up, but a follow up pin only gets a 2. Strong stays on the attack as he stomps on Cole a couple times until he gets up, then goes for his signature move, but Cole blocks it and quickly drops him with the Last Shot! Cole crawls over Strong for the pin, but somehow Roddy kicks out at 2! Cole can't believe it and grabs the chair and hits Strong with it 5 or 6 times, then hits a second Last Shot followed by the Panama Sunrise, and this time it's enough to pick up the win.

    Winner via pinfall and going to Money In The Bank: Adam Cole
    Dean Ambrose comes down to the ring after a break and quickly yells for his music to cut then takes off his shirt and tells Strowman to come out and fight, it's time to finally settle this once and for all. He doesn't have to wait long as less than a minute later, Braun's music hits and he quickly makes his way down to the ramp.

    Match #2: No Holds Barred
    Dean Ambrose vs Braun Strowman

    The fight is on right away as Ambrose hops out of the ring and the fight begins on the ramp with a fist fight! Strowman gets the better of it and throws Ambrose into the ring, but by time Braun pulls himself onto the apron and gets into the ring, but Ambrose is up and hits a few punches, knocking him into the corner before rolling out of the ring and grabbing a steel chair, but when he brings it into the ring, Braun drops him with a kick to the face! Braun throws Ambrose around the ring for a bit, then hits the Discus Big Boot! He isn't done yet though as he pulls Ambrose up off the mat, and drops him with a Running Powerslam right into a pin, but Ambrose kicks out at 2! Ambrose fights back after shoving Braun out of the ring onto the apron, then knocking him off, and beating the hell out of him on the floor with a chair and a sledgehammer. Ambrose brings Strowman back into the ring and goes for Dirty Deeds, but Braun backdrops him to block it! Braun picks up Dean for a Powerslam, but suddenly static appears on the tron and the noise from it distracts Strowman as he lets go of Ambrose and turns to the tron as it turns to a shot of the 3 masked men who attacked him two weeks ago sitting in a dark room backstage. Ambrose meanwhile uses the distraction to his advantage, as he spins Strowman around, and drops him with Dirty Deeds! Ambrose crawls into a pin, but somehow only gets 2!

    They end up fighting to the backstage area after this, with both men using a chair to beat each other a bit before Ambrose manages to put Braun through a table backstage! Ambrose grabs 2 trash cans, and smashes them both over the head of Strowman, busting him open with the second one! Ambrose isn't done yet though as he picks up a metal cart, but Braun takes it away from him and smashes him with it. The fight goes back into the arena now as Braun drags Ambrose back into the arena and throws him across the stage with a biel! Braun uncovers the announce table, but when he goes back over to Ambrose, he gets sucker punched and dropped with a headlock driver! Ambrose ends up putting Braun through the announce table after this before heading back to the ring, with Braun slowly making it back to the ring as the blood covers his forehead and has dripped down to his chest, but as soon as he gets into the ring, Dean goes for another Dirty Deeds, but Brock blocks it and hits the Reverse Chokeslam out of nowhere! Suddenly however, before Braun can go for a pin, the Red Masked attacker hops the barricade and slides into the ring, spinning Braun around and low blowing him, then drops the monster with a Piledriver! The masked man stands over Strowman, who could be out cold, then looks over at Ambrose, who's sitting against the ropes with a shocked look on his face, then the masked man bails out of the ring and hops the guard rail, leaving through the crowd as Ambrose crawls over Strowman....but still only gets 2! Ambrose argues with the ref, who assures him it's only 2, and he turns around to see Strowman rising, and Dean pulls him up and hits Dirty Deeds, but before he can pin Braun is already getting up! Dean is shocked and unsure what to do, so he quickly leaves the ring and grabs the sledgehammer, bringing it into the ring and ramming it into the ribs of Strowman! Dean then moves a chair into position, and hits a Second Dirty Deeds, this time onto the steel chair! Ambrose covers Strowman, and FINALLY he's done enough to put the monster down!

    Winner via pinfall: Dean Ambrose
    Cesaro is backstage and challenges Aleister Black to a match next week for the IC Title, and says tonight he will win the battle royal and earn the final spot in the MITB match.

    Match #3:
    Daniel Bryan vs Baron Corbin

    A fairly standard match here with Corbin having a power advantage and using it to wear down Bryan, but Bryan fights back with strikes and some fast paced offense. At one point Bryan hits the YES Kicks, then locks in the YES Lock, but Corbin escapes it and hits a big boot followed by Deep Six and the End of Days, but Bryan kicks out at 2. The end comes a couple minutes later after Bryan hits a diving headbutt followed by a Running Knee Strike, and it's enough to pick up the victory.

    Winner via pinfall: Daniel Bryan
    After a break, Roman Reigns and The Usos are in the ring and Roman says last week The Balor Club returned, and they used him to send a message by beating his ass after Finn couldn't get the job done in their singles match. Jimmy says what they didn't expect was The Usos got their cousins back and now The Bloodline is united and they want to fight Balor Club right now in a 6 man tag. After a small delay, Balor Club come out onto the stage with and Finn quickly says he sent his message last week, and has no intention of fighting tonight. He does say that Gallows and Anderson would love their chance to send a message, and Usos offer to fight them right now since Finn is being a bitch, and Anderson quickly defend Balor saying good brother Finn went through hell last week, and he doesn't want to hurt Roman more, then accepts the challenge.

    Match #4:
    Balor Club w/ Finn Balor vs The Usos w/ Roman Reigns

    Balor Club start fast and manage to dominate the majority of the match, cutting off multiple comeback attempts from The Usos by using some power offense along with heel tactics like taking out the illegal Uso or the illegal man coming in for a quick double team. They manage to hit the Boot of Doom for a 2 count, but Jimmy kicks out and fights them both off, and gets a hot tag to Jey, who manages to get rolling after taking down Anderson a few times, then knocking Gallows off the apron before throwing Anderson to the floor, only to dive onto him! Jey throws Anderson into the ring then Superkicks Gallows on the floor! Jey goes up the top rope, and goes for a Superfly Splash, but Anderson gets the knees up to block it! Anderson drops Jey with a spinebuster before throwing Reigns into the ring and beating him down enough for the referee to eject Reigns for being in the ring too long! Shortly after this, Anderson tags in Gallows and they scoop Jey up and drop him with the Magic Killer! Gallows covers and Anderson blocks Jimmy's attempt to break it up, and it's over!

    Winners via pinfall: Balor Club
    Aleister Black accepts Cesaro's challenge for next week and says he was impressed with Cesaro last week, he didn't expect so much aggression but now he knows what to expect, he won't be caught off guard again. He says he will never turn down a challenge but he will successfully defend his championship next week. As for tonight, he will win the battle royal to get into Money In The Bank and send a message of his own to Cesaro in the process.

    Match #5: Last Chance Battle Royal for the final spot in the Money In The Bank Ladder Match
    EC3 vs Cedric Alexander vs Cesaro vs Aleister Black vs Lio Rush vs Tyler Breeze vs Otis Dozovic vs Shelton Benjamin

    As soon as the bell rings, EC3 charges Lio Rush, and clotheslines him over the top rope and to the floor, quickly taking this down to 7! After this, everyone fights for awhile with no eliminations, even a couple saves happen, but eventually EC3 catches Shelton taunting after he drops Otis with a knee strike, and throws him over the top rope and to the floor, taking it down to 6! EC3 quickly picks up another elimination shortly after as he knocks Cedric Alexander into the ropes, then clotheslines him over the top rope and to the floor, suddenly were down to 5! The remaining 5 fight for a bit including Aleister german suplexing EC3 then getting into a fight with Cesaro, with neither man being able to eliminate each other but landing plenty of offense on each other. After Cesaro hits the Pop Up Uppercut to drop Black, he joins Tyler Breeze in trying to eliminate Otis, but Otis manages to fight them off and EC3 charges Otis, only to get hit with a belly to belly suplex! Otis taunts but this is a mistake as suddenly Cesaro and Breeze are back on him, and they double suplex him to take him down! Across the ring, EC3 is fighting with Aleister Black and Cesaro is directing traffic on his side as he tells Breeze to help him eliminate Otis, and they drag Otis up and place him into the ropes, but suddenly Cesaro turns on Breeze, throwing him over the top rope and to the floor, leaving Prince Pretty looking shocked as he sits on the floor and Cesaro smirks and laughs at him as Otis gets out of the ropes and goes into the corner, only for Cesaro to charge him for a running uppercut, but Otis sidesteps and Cesaro runs into the turnbuckles, then gets shoved down by Otis, who suddenly gets attacked by EC3 who pounds on him, only for Otis to scoop him up and drop him with a spinning scoop slam!

    Suddenly, Cesaro is back up and dropkicks Otis into the corner, then hits him with a running uppercut to knock him down! He turns around and Aleister is trying to blindside him with Black Mass, but Cesaro ducks it and then throws the IC Champion out of the ring for a surprise elimination and taking this match down to the final 3! Cesaro realizes the situation now and helps EC3 up, and they watch Otis get to his feet, and after a quick nod to each other, they charge Otis and knock him back down! EC3 and Cesaro double team Otis for awhile, working well together to beat down the big man before knocking him into the ropes and going for an elimination, but Otis manages to fight them off! Otis hits a spinning scoop slam on Cesaro to knock him down, but he turns around into a dropkick from EC3 which knocks him back into the ropes! EC3 says the fairytale is over, and charges at Otis...but Otis pulls down the top rope and sends EC3 flying to the floor, shocking him and taking this down to 2! Cesaro however is waiting for Otis to turn around, and when he does, Cesaro shows an amazing feat of strength by hitting the Pop Up Uppercut on Otis, then hitting the Cesaro Swing! Cesaro appears to have the match in hand now as he pulls the dead weight of Otis up to his feet, and drags him towards the ropes before trying to throw him out of the ring, but Otis headbutts Cesaro! Otis then gets a big pop as he hits the Caterpillar on Cesaro! Otis is rolling now as he picks up Cesaro and puts him in the ropes, then lifts him up....and scoop slams him over the top rope and to the floor, giving this match a shock winner!

    Winner and going to Money In The Bank: Otis Dozovic
    The Hardys are backstage in and Matt says the time is near, the deletion of the Era of Undisputed is near. He asks Brother Nero if he's ready, and Jeff says he is. Matt then challenges a member of the Era of Undisputed to face him next week before they are DELETED at Money In The Bank.

    Match #6:
    Alexa Bliss vs Mickie James vs Naomi vs Shayna Baszler

    An action packed four way match between the women representing Raw in the Money In The Bank Ladder Match. Everyone gets a near fall at various points in the match off finishing moves, but each time it's broken up by someone else in the match. At the end of the match, Shayna is cleaning house, dropping everybody with strikes and suplexs, then locks Naomi into the Kerifuda Clutch, but Naomi manages to escape it, and hits her dancing kicks on Shayna to force her to roll out. She turns around now and walks right into a Mick Kick from Mickie James, followed by the MickieDDT, but before she can go for a pin, Alexa Bliss drops Mickie with a chair shot! Bliss then hits Mickie with Insult To Injury, before climbing up top and hitting Twisted Bliss on Naomi, into a pin, but Shayna breaks it up at 2 and a half! Shayna hits a running knee to the face of Bliss then throws her out of the ring, before hitting a knee strike to Mickie as she tries to get up, which knocks her back down. Shayna now picks up Naomi and hits 2 straight gutwrench suplexs, then quickly moves over to Mickie, picking her up only to lock her into the Kerifuda Clutch! Mickie seems to be trapped as Naomi is down and out and Bliss is only just getting up on the floor, but she tries to fight back or reach the ropes, but she's quickly fading. Bliss now is on her feet and slides into the ring, but just before she can break it up, Mickie is forced to submit!

    Winner via submission: Shayna Baszler
    Asuka and Peyton Royce have a contract signing in the ring, Asuka threatens Peyton, warning her that she's not ready for Asuka or the pain she's going to bring, but Peyton says maybe Asuka isn't ready for the most iconic, and best women's champion in history. When Asuka laughs at her, Peyton yells at her asking her if she wants to fight right now, saying they don't need to wait until Money In The Bank. Asuka loves this idea, but suddenly she gets thrown out of her chair by Billie Kay, who's come out of nowhere! Billie stomps on Asuka as Peyton laughs at her, saying there's no chance she would get in the ring with Asuka before she has to, claiming she wants the biggest spotlight for when she shatters the thought of Asuka being unstoppable, before hitting Asuka in the head with the mic while Billie holds her up! The Iiconics aren't done yet though as they pull Asuka up to her feet, and together they lift her up, and drive her through the table! Asuka lays in the broken table not moving, as Peyton picks up her Raw Women's Championship and poses with it with Billie Kay, celebrating getting the upper hand on her challenger before they leave the ring and head up the ramp holding hands and laughing at Asuka.

    Match #7:
    Kevin Owens vs Kurt Angle w/ American Alpha

    A great match here as Daniel Bryan picks an all time great technician to face the champion tonight, and they do not disappoint as they give the fans a thrilling main event. Kurt Angle blocked the Stunner at 2 different points in the match, the second time hitting an Angle Slam right afterwards, but Owens kicks out at 1 from a pin. A couple minutes later, Angle locks in the Ankle Lock, but Owens manages to roll through and grab a quick roll up pin, but Angle kicks out at 1 himself. Owens manages to hit a Cannon Ball in the corner on Angle, but before he can follow up Jason Jordan is up on the apron causing a distraction, but Owens isn't having it and goes out of the ring after him, superkicking him at ringside before throwing him into the ring to beat him down while also keeping Angle down. Jordan gets ejected shortly after this and Angle is back up, and goes for another Angle Slam, but Owens blocks it and hits the Pop Up Powerbomb, and gets the win off it.

    Winner via pinfall: Kevin Owens
    Money In The Bank Final Card:

    Men's Money In The Bank Match:
    Kofi Kingston vs Bobby Roode vs Ricochet vs Seth Rollins vs Andrade Cien Almas vs Pete Dunne vs Adam Cole vs Otis Dozovic

    Women's Money In The Bank Match:
    Alexa Bliss vs Mickie James vs Shayna Baszler vs Naomi vs Liv Morgan vs Sonya Deville vs Candice LeRae vs Kairi Sane

    Raw Women's Championship Match: Billie Kay is banned from ringside and if Peyton gets DQ'd or counted out she will lose the belt.
    Asuka vs Peyton Royce (c)

    World Heavyweight Championship Match:
    Daniel Bryan vs Kevin Owens (c)

    World Tag Team Championship Match:
    The Hardy Boyz vs Undisputed Era (c) (Bobby Fish & Kyle O'Reilly)

    WWE Championship Match:
    Drew McIntyre vs Samoa Joe (c)

    Smackdown Women's Championship:
    Bayley vs Sasha Banks (c)

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    Smackdown Live Week 11:

    The Miz is in the ring to start the show wearing a fancy suit and holding a mic, he looks surprised at the boos he's receiving and shakes his head in annoyance at them, before speaking up and welcoming everybody to the most must see show of the week, Smackdown Live! He mentions being on the road to Money In The Bank and announces that tonight the 4 women representing Smackdown in Money In The Bank will be in a fatal four way match, but the first order of business tonight is establishing a new #1 contender to US Champion Killian Dain. Miz says he's scoured the entire Smackdown roster to find the best choices for the contenders match, and he's decided to go with 6 of the up and coming stars on the brand and give them a chance to earn a shot at Killian Dain. Suddenly, Miz gets a surprise as Johnny Gargano's music hits and he walks out dressed to compete, but as he's making his way down the ramp Miz begins yelling no, telling him he's not in the #1 contenders match, in fact he's not even booked tonight so he's not sure why he's dressed to compete. Gargano gets into the ring and says he's not here for a shot at Dain, he'll worry about him later, he wants Dijak and he wants him tonight, preferably right now. Miz thinks about it for a minute, then says he likes the sound of that, Johnny Gargano vs Dominik Dijak part 2, but not right now, he wants to save it for the main event of the evening.

    Gargano seems pleased, but then asks what's the catch? When is Killian Dain or someone else going to come out and get involved in the match since nothing ever seems to go as planned around here. Miz says there's no catch, and says Killian has a match of his own tonight anyway. He says if it'll make Johnny feel better he'll ban everyone from ringside and make it a Steel Cage Match. Gargano says that sounds good to him, and before leaving he warns Miz when he's done with Dijak, he's coming for Killian next. Miz mocks Gargano behind his back as he's leaving the ring, then says he should focus on Dijak if he doesn't wanna leave the arena a bloody carcass again like 2 weeks ago. Gargano looks angry at Miz, but walks off to the back and Miz introduces the competitors in the contenders match.

    Match #1: US Championship #1 Contenders Elimination Match
    Zack Ryder vs Oney Lorcan vs Aiden English vs Mustafa Ali vs Curt Hawkins vs Tony Nese

    Typical chaos for the first few minutes with everyone fighting anyone who they can, but suddenly Nese rolls up Aiden English out of nowhere and the surprise pin is enough to catch him off guard and get rid of him for the first elimination of the match. A couple minutes later Ali, Oney, and Hawkins fight outside of the ring as Nese german suplexs Ryder in ring, then goes up top and hits the 450 Splash! He covers for a pin and Hawkins tries to go break it up and save his partner, but Oney takes him out with an uppercut to stop him, and Ryder is the second man eliminated! Nese takes the opportunity to dive onto the group on the floor after the pin and the fight continues on the floor for a couple minutes before Nese and Ali get into the ring with Nese putting Ali on the top turnbuckle, only to shove him off the top and to the floor! Suddenly, Curt Hawkins slides in behind Nese and spins him around, and drops him quickly with the Taste of Pain! Hawkins covers Nese for a pin, but Nese kicks out at 2! Hawkins tries to throw Nese out of the ring, but Nese blocks it and throws him out, then slides out of the ring to go after Ali, dropping him face first on the apron before laying him out with a superkick! Hawkins and Lorcan meanwhile have gotten into the ring and Hawkins counters a scoop slam and dropkicks him. Back on the floor, Ali blocks a punch from Nese and drops him with a flatliner on the floor as Hawkins places Lorcan throat first onto the middle rope, but Hawkins is blindsided with a rana into a rollup from Ali, and it gets a pin as Hawkins is caught off guard, and we're down to 3!

    Nese gets double teamed for a bit after he tried to make them fight each other, but after they take him down with a double suplex, Ali rolls up Oney out of nowhere, but Oney kicks out at 2, and with the alliance broken, Oney drops Ali with an uppercut then forms a new alliance with Nese as the two of them beat down Mustafa for awhile before Nese hits him with a 450 Splash, but Ali kicks out at 2. Oney picks Ali up, and hits him with a Half and Half Suplex, but Ali rolls out of the ring from this, and Nese takes the opportunity to blindside Lorcan with a jumping knee to the back! The two fight for a couple minutes before Oney puts Nese on the top turnbuckle, then hits him with a top rope Half and Half Suplex, but Ali is back in and rolls up Oney, but again a roll up only gets 2 and Ali quickly throws Oney out of the ring and to the floor, then dives onto him to wipe him out! Ali spins kicks Nese as he gets back in the ring then goes up top, and the 054 connects! Ali covers, and the pin is enough for the 4th elimination! With the match down to 2, Oney Lorcan stumbles to his feet on the floor and glares at Ali before sliding into the ring and the brawl is on! The two fight for a couple minutes before Oney attempts a Half and Half Suplex, but Ali lands on his feet! Oney turns around and walks into a superkick! Ali goes out onto the ring apron and once Lorcan is up, Ali hits a slingshot neckbreaker, and it's enough for the win finally!

    Winner via pinfall and NEW #1 Contender for the US Championship: Mustafa Ali
    After the match: Mustafa Ali gets to his feet holding his ribs after they took a beating all match and he suffered a minor injury, but just as Oney rolls out of the ring, The Miz comes out onto the stage and claps for Ali, before congratulating him, and telling him that was a hell of a performance, but he hopes Ali has more in him...because he's getting his title shot right now! Ali sighs and tries to protest, but Miz tells him he has good news for Ali, because of the fact he already went through a grueling match he wants to even the playing field a bit, he's making it a No Holds Barred Match so that way Killian Dain has no championship advantage. He wishes Ali luck before walking backstage, and the music of the US Champ hits and he comes out onto the stage with a grin on his face, he's a shark who smells blood in the water.

    Match #2: No Holds Barred Match for the United States Championship
    Mustafa Ali vs Killian Dain (c)

    Dain starts fast, trying to destroy Ali within minutes, but after a few big moves to start, Ali gets a roll up out of nowhere, but he doesn't even get a 1 count off it. Dain gets back up and drops Ali with a running kick then hits a couple deadlift powerbombs! Dain throws Ali into the corner and hits him with a vader bomb into a cover, but Ali kicks out at 2. Dain backs up across the ring and motions for Ali to get up, and he stumbles to his feet slowly, then turns around right into a charging Dain, who wipes him out with a Running Crossbody! Dain covers Ali for another pin, but somehow Ali kicks out again at 2! Dain looks angry at Ali not staying down, and quickly drags him to his feet and lifts him up, going for Ulster Plantation...but Ali blocks it with punches to the head followed by a poisonrana! Ali follows it up with a couple dropkicks and he finally has the big man down, so he goes up top and dives off for a frog splash! He covers, but Dain kicks out at 1! Ali can't believe it but stays on the attack and goes out onto the apron, and once Dain gets up, he's dropped with a slingshot neckbreaker into a pin, but Dain kicks out at 2! Ali stays on the attack as he hits a kick to the face to keep Dain down, then goes back to the top rope and goes for the 054....but Dain gets the knees up to block it! Dain looks angry as he gets to his feet, quickly throwing Ali out of the ring and beats him down for a bit on the floor before slamming him through the barricade! Dain smirks as he goes under the ring and grabs a chair, bringing it into the ring before going back out of the ring to grab 2 chairs from ringside, now having a pile of 3 chairs in the ring. He isn't done yet though as he rolls back out, and grabs the steel steps, sliding them into the ring and placing them next to the chairs, leaving a dangerous pile of weapons, but he forgot about Ali, who slides into the ring and charges him, hitting him with a swinging neckbreaker onto the pile of weapons! Ali lands on the weapons himself but he has the monster down and after pulling himself up with the ropes, he climbs to the top turnbuckle, then hits the 054! Ali has his opportunity to become champion as he covers Dain, hooking the leg on a pin....but Dain kicks out just before the 3! Ali can't believe it as he gets to his feet and rolls out of the ring and goes over to the announce tables, clearing one off, but when Dain recovers and follows to the floor, Dain hits him with an elbow to the face then whips Ali into the table, then chokeslams him through the announce table!

    Dain throws Ali into the ring and grabs a chair, beating the hell out of Ali with it before pulling him up, then backing up and charging at him, wiping him out with another running crossbody! Dain doesn't cover however, instead he drags Ali up, and slams him onto the pile of weapons! Dain then drags the lifeless carcass of Ali up and throws him into the corner, then lifts him up and drops him with the Ulster Plantation! Dain covers and 3 seconds later, it's over finally after Mustafa Ali's rib injury has worsened.

    Winner via pinfall and STILL United States Champion: Killian Dain

    Post match: Dain decides to inflict even more punishment as he drags Ali back to his feet, and hits him with another Ulster Plantation! Mustafa Ali is lifeless on the mat as Dain holds up his title in celebration before leaving the ring and the ref checks on Ali.
    After a break, The Revival are in ring and sporting black and white matching robes, and Dawson has a mic and says tonight is an exciting night because tonight, The Revival grows in numbers. Dash nods in agreement before chiming in and saying the 3rd member of The Revival is a man who thinks just like they do, a man who also wants to clean up wrestling and get rid of the flips and the dives and the nonsense, a man who has proved to be an absolute machine in the ring, and the man who bought them these fancy 500 dollar robes, Drew Gulak! Gulak walks out, also sporting a robe and he comes down to the ring, shaking hands with his new teammates. Gulak takes a mic and says tonight is the beginning of The Revival taking over Smackdown. He praises Dash and Dawson for being the best tag team in the world and says now that he's joined them, The Revival are officially the best trio in WWE. Suddenly their cut off by The New Day, who come out onto the stage and ask if Revival are serious about being the best trio in WWE when they aren't even the best trio on Smackdown, not when their here. Woods then makes fun of their robes, saying if they paid 500 dollars for those they should ask for their money back, but Gulak speaks up and says New Day are the exact type of sillyness that needs to be eliminated from WWE, and mentions the fact the three of them are undefeated as a trio. Big E starts laughing and says they've had one 6 man tag match and Kofi says if they wanna test themselves, how about they face them right now? Revival agree and say it's on and New Day head down the ramp.

    Match #3:
    The Revival (Dash Wilder, Scott Dawson, and Drew Gulak) vs New Day

    Gulak and Kofi start for their teams, and the action goes back and forth to start for the first couple minutes with a couple quick tags before Big E gets isolated by Revival and they beat him down for awhile, working over the leg mostly, but eventually he gets a hot tag to Kofi, who cleans house for a bit, taking on all 3 men himself including hitting the trust fall dive onto Gulak and Dawson, then sliding into the ring for a running double stomp to Dash! Kofi throws Dash into the New Day corner and makes a tag to Big E, and they connect on Midnight Hour! Big E covers but he only gets 2 before Dawson breaks it up! Dawson starts attacking Big E, but suddenly Kofi comes back into the ring and wipes out Dawson with Trouble In Paradise! Dawson rolls out of the ring as Gulak slides in and hits a regalplex on Kofi to force him to roll out, then dropkicks Big E to prevent him getting control back and knocking Woods off the apron and leaving the ring. At the end of the match a few minutes later, Xavier Woods is hit with a Shatter Machine and Dash pins, but Big E and Kofi break it up! Dawson and Gulak get into the ring and the fight is on before Revival clear out Kofi and Big E, and Woods is left alone and Dash tags in Gulak and Dash hits a brainbuster followed by Gulak hitting a Frog Splash, and it's enough for the pin as the new trio beats the proven one!

    Winners via pinfall: The Revival
    Dijak is backstage and says he spent the last two weeks trying to put Johnny Gargano back on the shelf, but this week in the cage he finishes the job. He says it's nothing personal with Gargano, just business. He says he's only been here 2 weeks and already everyone is talking about him and how destructive he is. He says tonight is the end of Johnny Gargano and after this, everybody on Smackdown better pray they don't end up on the hit list.

    Match #4:
    Carmella vs Becky Lynch

    Back and forth match with Mella slightly dominating, but Becky hangs in there. At one point Carmella locks in the Code of Silence, looking for a surprise submission victory, however Becky escapes only to get kicked in the face before she can get up and Carmella quickly covers for a pin, but Becky kicks out at 2. Becky gets up to her feet and hits her comeback, but as she tries to pick up Carmella, she's hit with a jawbreaker and Carmella hits her with a Superkick! Carmella falls into a pin, but Becky again kicks out at 2 then rolls out of the ring looking for a breather, but Mella follows her out to the floor which proves to be a mistake as she's caught with a Bexploder on the floor! Becky throws Carmella into the ring then jumps onto the apron and quickly climbs to the top turnbuckle, and she hits a top rope leg drop! Becky quickly pulls Carmella up to her feet and lifts her up onto her shoulders, and drops her with a TKO! Becky covers for a pin and gets the win moments later.

    Winner via pinfall: Becky Lynch
    Pete Dunne is backstage and gets asked about his thoughts on the upcoming Money In The Bank Ladder Match and his chances, before he can answer however, Bobby Roode walks up and questions why anybody would care what Pete Dunne thinks, the guy who had to win a last chance battle royal to get into the match. He says the person everyone should be talking to is him, the man who's going to win Money In The Bank and become the next WWE Champion. Pete Dunne chimes in now and gets in the face of Roode before saying at least he earned his place in Money In The Bank, unlike Roode who had to kiss Miz's ass to get a spot handed to him. Roode gets angry but just before any violence can happen, Andrade and Zelina Vega walk up and Zelina says it doesn't matter what either of them think, because the man who's winning Money In The Bank is her client Andrade Cien Almas. Dunne looks annoyed at more interruptions to his time, and says how about both of them meet him in the ring next week because he prefers to let his fists do the talking for him. Both men agree and Dunne walks off, but after he leaves Zelina puts a hand on Roode's shoulder and tells him they have a lot to talk about. Roode seems interested and leaves with Vega and Almas.

    Match #5:
    Candice LeRae vs Liv Morgan vs Sonya Deville vs Kairi Sane

    Complete chaos and a finisher fest throughout the match that I forgot to take better notes on. The end of the match comes when Kairi hits the Insane Elbow on Liv, but Sonya breaks up a pin, then spears Candice off the apron and throws Liv out of the ring. Kairi gets to her feet and goes for a spinning backfist, but Sonya blocks it and hits a Jumping Kick to Sane! Sonya covers, and picks up the win!

    Winner via pinfall: Sonya Deville
    Johnny Gargano is backstage and says tonight is the beginning of his redemption and revenge on Smackdown. He says it starts tonight with beating the hell out of Dijak in the cage, and taking a bucket of his blood, and it ends with beating Killian Dain, maybe even taking his championship. Gargano says Miz is abusing his power and protecting his favorites, like earlier tonight with having Dain fight an already tired and beat up Mustafa Ali. He says he has an eye on Miz and hopes he didn't lie to him about nobody getting involved in his match tonight, but he'll handle it if he does, and says for now he's focused on Dijak and getting revenge for the assault 2 weeks ago.

    Match #6:
    Sasha Banks vs Mandy Rose

    A fairly quick match with Sasha dominating the majority of it and going for a quick finish by locking in a Bank Statement on Mandy early on, but Mandy fights it off very quickly and counters into a roll up for 2. Mandy hits a knee to the face then goes for a facebuster, but Sasha blocks it and hits Bankrupt. She goes up top and hits a top rope meteora for 2. She quickly follows up with a second Bank Statement, and with the ropes nowhere near her, Mandy is left with no choice but to tap out.

    Winner via Submission: Sasha Banks
    Backstage right after the match, Mandy Rose storms past the cameras, and walks up to Paige, who was watching the match on a monitor and asks her where she was for the match. Paige says she was watching the match from the back, and Mandy asks her why she wasn't at ringside, and if she's fully committed to Absolution or not. Paige shrugs and says she figured Mandy could herself and didn't need a manager, after all Sonya handled herself earlier and won, but Mandy seems to not be able to handle things herself, after all she lost pretty handily. Mandy glares at Paige and says she only lost because she was wondering where the hell her "teammate" was. Things start to get heated but Sonya runs up and gets between them, and asks what the problem is. Mandy explains and Sonya says it's not worth getting so heated over, and both of them need to calm down. Both Paige and Mandy start to calm down while still shooting each other looks and Sonya says they just got back together, they need to put their egos aside and work together, Absolution could be a good thing but it's going to take all of them committing to it. Mandy says she's in, after all she's not the one who didn't support a teammate. Paige thinks for a moment, then sighs and says whatever, she's still in. The trio walk off together now.

    Match #7: Steel Cage Match
    Johnny Gargano vs Dominik Dijak

    Back and forth grueling match with both men more focused on punishing each other more than winning, and at different points in the match both guys got busted open. At one point Dijak hits Feast Your Eyes after whipping Gargano into the cage, but Johnny kicks out at 2. Later on, Gargano hits a lawn dart in the corner then hits his Superkick, but Dijak kicks out at 2. Gargano goes back into the corner and goes for another Superkick, but this time Dijak counters and scoops him up, hitting a second Feast Your Eyes! Dijak covers, but again Gargano kicks out at 2! At the end of the match, both men are fighting on the side of the cage, taking turns slamming each other into the cage, and eventually Johnny gets the better of it as he knocks Dijak off the side of the cage and to the mat! Johnny climbs up to the top of the cage and debates escaping, but instead he dives off the cage, and hits a huge splash onto Dijak! Gargano crawls over to the ropes and pulls himself to his feet, then lines up in the corner, and hits another Superkick! Gargano falls into a pin, but somehow Dijak kicks out again at 2! Gargano is shocked and unsure what to do as he looks at the cage door, then looks back at Dijak, who's beginning to get up, and he hits him with a kick to the ribs! Gargano then debates going for more punishment, but instead calls for the door to the cage and tries to escape, but Dijak gets up and grabs him before he can escape, but after a short struggle, Gargano snaps the neck of Dijak off the top rope and falls out of the cage, getting the win over his monster rival!

    Winner via Escaping The Cage: Johnny Gargano
    Money In The Bank Final Card:

    Men's Money In The Bank Match:
    Kofi Kingston vs Bobby Roode vs Ricochet vs Seth Rollins vs Andrade Cien Almas vs Pete Dunne vs Adam Cole vs Otis Dozovic

    Women's Money In The Bank Match:
    Alexa Bliss vs Mickie James vs Shayna Baszler vs Naomi vs Liv Morgan vs Sonya Deville vs Candice LeRae vs Kairi Sane

    Raw Women's Championship Match: Billie Kay is banned from ringside and if Peyton gets DQ'd or counted out she will lose the belt.
    Asuka vs Peyton Royce (c)

    World Heavyweight Championship Match:
    Daniel Bryan vs Kevin Owens (c)

    World Tag Team Championship Match:
    The Hardy Boyz vs Undisputed Era (c) (Bobby Fish & Kyle O'Reilly)

    WWE Championship Match:
    Drew McIntyre vs Samoa Joe (c)

    Smackdown Women's Championship:
    Bayley vs Sasha Banks (c)

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    Monday Night Raw Week 12:

    Braun Strowman comes out right after the show opening and he's dressed to compete as he enters the ring. Braun quickly takes a mic from the ring announcer and says he's sick of the games and he's sick of being jumped, he knows Dean Ambrose is one of the masked men and right now, he's calling out all 3 of the masked men to come fight him right now. But if Dean Ambrose wants to prove he's not under one of those masks, why doesn't he just come out with them and all four of them can get these hands. The fans roar with excitement as Braun throws down the mic and stands ready to compete...but instead of Dean Ambrose or the masked attackers, the music of Rey Mysterio hits? Braun looks confused as Mysterio walks out onto the stage with a mic and asks for his music to cut as he heads down the ramp, and he quickly tells Braun he doesn't know who's been behind the attacks recently, but he wants to find out who it is too and offers to team with Braun to take them on. Braun picks the mic back up and says he trusts Rey, and if Rey wants to help him he's fine with that. Mysterio now joins Braun in the ring but suddenly the lights in the arena go out, and static plays loudly over the speakers!

    The lights come back on a minute later, and the tron is still at static, but a muffled voice tells Strowman and Mysterio to look up to the top of the arena, and suddenly we see the three masked men standing there! Red Mask warns Braun and Rey to stay in the ring if they want a fight, which stops them from exiting the ring to come after them, and then says Dean Ambrose is not one of them, last week he just got lucky because their target was Braun, and a few weeks ago when Ambrose didn't show up for their match? That's because they took him out. Braun chimes in and dares them to shut up and come down to the ring for a fight, but Red says no, they don't play by Braun's rules and the fight will happen when they want it to, but this just angers the monster who starts to exit the ring, but suddenly Raw GM Shawn Michaels runs out onto the stage and yells for Braun to stay calm, he's going to settle this. He says he wants to know who's under the masks too, and he's not sure if Dean Ambrose is one of them or not, but he has a way to settle it. Tonight we're going to have 6 man tag team match, the 3 masked attackers will team up to face Braun Strowman, Rey Mysterio....and Dean Ambrose! He says this is the only way to make sure Dean Ambrose is not one of them and Red Mask chimes in to say tonight they send Mysterio and Strowman to the hospital. Suddenly though, Strowman says screw waiting, and now him and Mysterio nod to each other then hop out of the ring and over the barricade as Shawn yells for security as they come running out, but the masked men quickly exit the arena and before they get too far, Strowman and Mysterio are stopped by a wall of security, and Shawn tells them to save it for later, and eventually cooler heads prevail as Raw goes to break.

    Match #1:
    Ricochet vs Seth Rollins

    Back and forth to start with nobody gaining a real advantage, until Rollins hits a DDT followed by a springboard knee strike and a diving elbow drop, but Ricochet kicks out at 1. Ricochet shoves Rollins away as he tries to pull him up, then hits a dropkick followed by another. He hits a few more running strikes, getting his momentum rolling and he goes up to the second turnbuckle for a splash, but Rollins gets the knees up to block it. Rollins hits a kick to the ribs to buy himself a moment to recover but then Ricochet gets up, only to walk into a Ripcord Knee attempt, but Ricochet counters with a clothesline! He goes for his comeback, but Rollins sees it coming and rolls out of the ring, but this just leaves himself open for Ricochet to hit a running dive over the top rope and wiping out Rollins! The fight continues on the floor for a bit after this as Ricochet attempts to throw Rollins into the barricade, but Rollins reverses and sends Ricochet into it instead, then throws him into the ring post before throwing him back into the ring. Seth goes for a springboard knee strike, but Ricochet sidesteps and Rollins lands hard on his knee! Ricochet takes advantage of that with a dragon screw to wipe Rollins out, then drops him again with a flat liner, but only gets a 2 count. Ricochet goes up top for the 630 Senton, but Rollins jumps up to his feet and hits a running kick to send Ricochet to the floor hard! The fight goes up the ramp now with a fist fight, but Rollins gets the better of it and ends up driving Ricochet through the announce table with a falcon arrow! Rollins heads back down the ramp, and tells the ref to count out Ricochet, but at the 9 count Ricochet makes it back in! Ricochet rolls out of the way of a kick from Rollins to keep him down, then gets up only to get rolled up quickly by Seth, but the pin attempt only gets 2. Seth follows up with a snap suplex and goes to the top turnbuckle, frog splash! Seth covers for another pin attempt, but again gets 2. Seth ends up hitting a superplex into a falcon arrow for another pin attempt, but again it only gets 2, and Seth is shocked and seems desperate to finish this! He motions for Ricochet to get up, then charges him, only to get punched then dropped with a dragonrana, dropping him on his head! Ricochet sees his opening now as he climbs up to the top turnbuckle, then connects on the 630 Senton! He crawls over to cover Seth, but Seth kicks out at 2, and now Ricochet is shocked! Ricochet stays on the attack though as he hits a standing shooting star press, then goes back to the top turnbuckle, and looks for another 630's blocked with knees to the back! Rollins gets to his feet and quickly hits a Curb Stomp out of nowhere! He covers Ricochet, and finally this incredible battle is over!

    Winner via pinfall: Seth Rollins

    Post Match: Rollins gets his arm raised in victory but pulls away, and pulls Ricochet up to his feet, then holds out his hand to him for a handshake! Ricochet thinks about it for a second, then shakes his hand, and Rollins now raises the arm of Ricochet, showing respect for the hard fought battle.
    Undisputed Era are in the interview area backstage and gets asked about the challenge from Matt Hardy to a match tonight. Bobby Fish chimes in and says he accepts that challenge and ups the ante, saying he got Shawn Michaels to agree to the winner of the match getting to pick the stipulation for the title match at Money In The Bank. Kyle O'Reilly chimes in and says at Money In The Bank, they end this thing with The Hardys once and for all. He reminds Renee that they started this by abducting them backstage months ago, and calls Matt insane, Bobby chimes in again and says The Hardys are going to regret that because they will be lucky to walk out of Money In The Bank. Renee then asks Adam Cole about his chances of winning Money In The Bank, and he begins talking about how he'll win, when suddenly, Heavy Machinery walks up. Otis asks Adam Cole if he forgot about him being in the Money In The Bank Match, and Adam Cole laughs him off and asks if Otis can even climb a ladder, but this angers Otis who challenges him to a match tonight. Cole starts laughing again and asks why he would waste his time fighting Otis, the guy who needed a miracle to win his qualifying match. He starts making fun of Otis more, but Otis snaps and shoves Cole, sending him stumbling backwards into the rest of UE! Tucker now steps forward and tries to calm Otis down, but Cole gets in Otis's face and says he's on for a match tonight, and Otis nods, satisfied and walks off with Tucker while Cole glares at him.

    Match #2: Winner Picks The Stipulation For Match at Money In The Bank
    Matt Hardy w/ Jeff Hardy vs Bobby Fish w/ Undisputed Era

    Bobby Fish dominates the majority of the match, working over the leg of Hardy as he tries to fight back, but he has trouble getting rolling for awhile. At one point Matt hits 3 straight leg drops, but only gets a 1 count. Later on he snaps off a Side Effect for a 2 count, but Kyle gets on the apron to distract the ref! Matt realizes this and goes after him on the floor, but Kyle tries to run away only to be stopped by Jeff blocking his path, and Matt spins Kyle around, dropping him with a Twist of Fate! He turns around and clotheslines Bobby Fish, who left the ring to go after him, before throwing O'Reilly into the ring and into the corner, slamming his head into the turnbuckles 10 times in a row, and the referee ejects O'Reilly from ringside! Matt taunts as Kyle exits the ring, but Bobby slides into the ring and catches Matt with a roll up pin, but only gets 2 off the surprise pin! Bobby is up first and as soon as Matt is up, he drops him with the Flying Fish Hook! Bobby covers Matt again, but again only gets 2! He stays on the attack though and locks in Fish Hook Deluxe, but after a short struggle, Matt manages to escape and get to his feet, drawing blood on Fish after punching him in the face! Matt opens up the cut more with the 10 turnbuckle smashes, but Fish reverses right after that and takes out Matt's leg by dropping a knee on it! Fish gets another 2 count off a second Flying Fish Hook, and follows up with a second Fish Hook Deluxe, but it's in the ropes. A minute later as both are back up, Matt blocks a punch from Bobby, and drops him with a Side Effect out of nowhere, but only gets 2 as Adam Cole distracts the ref! Matt sees this and tries to attack him, but Cole jumps off the apron and laughs. Suddenly though, Jeff Hardy comes running around ringside, and dives off the steps and wipes out Cole! Matt laughs as Jeff continues to pound on Cole, but suddenly Bobby Fish sneaks up behind Matt and goes for a back suplex, but Matt lands on his feet, and drops Bobby with a Twist of Fate! Fish is down and Matt covers him, and it's enough for the pin!

    After The Match: Bobby Fish rolls out of the ring as Jeff Hardy slides into the ring and hugs his brother, and Kyle O'Reilly comes back out to check on his teammates, and help them up. Matt Hardy now asks for a mic and gets one, and says he has the perfect stipulation that will let him and Brother Nero DELETE and ELIMINATE the Era of Undisputed, an elimination hardcore match! Fish and O'Reilly look slightly nervous as they head up the ramp, and Matt begins yelling DELETE as him and Jeff make the delete motion with their arms.
    Alexa Bliss is in her locker room and she says it doesn't matter who else is in Money In The Bank, she's going to win her second Money In The Bank Match. She mentions that nobody else in the match has won it before, and some of them have never even been in a Money In The Bank Match, and ends by saying she promises she will be the next Raw Women's Champion, and tells the fans that this was their moment of bliss.

    Shayna Baszler is now on screen and says she is the most dominant woman in the entire company, and mentions the fact she's undefeated, and says neither of those things are going to change in Money In The Bank, she's going to get the briefcase and soon after that she'll become champion. She says she's going to hurt all 7 of her opponents in route to victory.

    Naomi is now on screen in a neon room and mentions being a Money In The Bank veteran and says all her opponents will feel the glow and it's about time she wins a briefcase.

    Mickie James now has her promo time and she mentions being a 6 time Women's Champion, and says it's about time she wins a 7th and getting the briefcase would be the easiest way to make that happen. She says nobody in the match has more experience than her and that will lead her up the ladder of success.

    Back in the ring now, Peyton Royce is in the ring by herself and says she's sick of the haters saying she's a terrible champion and saying Asuka's gonna kill her on Sunday, so she's got something to prove and that's why she's created the ICONIC challenge. She explains the rules of the challenge: she's issuing an open challenge to anybody in the back to come out and face her for her championship, and under the same rules that have been stacked against her at Money In The Bank meaning she cannot be disqualified or counted out without losing the belt, and Billie Kay is banned from ringside. But there's a twist: anyone answering the challenge must meet 3 requirements.

    1. They must be a former champion.

    2. They can't be Asuka.

    3. They cannot be on the Raw Roster.

    With that the first of many ICONIC challenges is now open...and after a few moments of waiting, Nikki Bella comes out to answer the challenge.

    Match #3: Raw Women's Championship Match, Billie Kay is banned from ringside and Peyton Royce will lose the title if she's counted out or DQ'd.
    Nikki Bella vs Peyton Royce (c)

    Peyton starts fast with a running crossbody and stomps on Nikki until she gets up and drops Peyton with a right hand. Nikki takes a moment to shake out the cobwebs as Peyton recovers, then whips her into the corner only to get kicked away when she tries to follow up. A few minutes later, Peyton Royce hits a spin kick into a pin, but only gets 2. She quickly tries to follow up with the Venus Fly Trap, but Nikki blocks it and hits a Forearm Smash for a 2 count of her own. Bella pulls Peyton up to her feet and lifts her up for the Rack Attack, but Peyton blocks it with elbows the side of the head, then slides down her back, and a second spin kick drops Nikki, and this time a pin is enough to get the win!

    After The Match: Peyton Royce quickly goes back on the attack, smashing Nikki in the face with the title before hitting her with the Venus Fly Trap! She then grabs a mic and says she just destroyed a has been, who's really a never was who some fans considered an all time great, but those fans are fools, just like Asuka. She says not only will she be the most ICONIC Women's Champion of all time, but also the greatest once she overcomes the odds that that evil Shawn Michaels stacked against her and pins Asuka right in the middle of the ring. She poses with the title before leaving the ring.
    The Balor Club are backstage and Balor brags about Gallows and Anderson defeating The Usos, saying it was the first of many wins for the new and improved team. He says The Bloodline are part of the problem on Raw, people who are always on top and considered for title shots no matter what. He says that's why they must be destroyed, and promises they will be the ones to do it and they'll do it soon.

    Match #4:
    Adam Cole w/ Undisputed Era vs Otis Dozovic w/ Tucker Knight

    Adam Cole largely dominates the match, using Otis's temper against him as he keeps knocking him out of the ring early on, but after doing this 3 times, Otis snaps and charges Cole, running him over before throwing him around the ring a bit with a couple biels and suplexs, which leaves Cole reeling as he gets up in the corner, only to get charged and hit with a big splash! Cole goes down but Fish grabs the leg of Otis, only for Otis to kick his hand away. However the brief distraction lets Cole get a roll up pin, but it only gets 2. After this, Cole hits an enziguri and fully takes control from here, beating down Otis and after hitting him with a Superkick into a german suplex, he slides out of the ring and throws Tucker into the steps! Cole motions O'Reilly and Fish over, and they come running and begin attacking Otis, as Cole rolls back into the ring, but walks right into a small package pin from Otis, which gets a close 2 count! Otis now scoops up Cole, and hits a spinning scoop slam, then follows up with the Caterpillar! Otis covers and can he shock the pin? 1...2..but Cole kicks out! Otis now pulls Cole up and scoops him up for a slam, but O'Reilly jumps on the apron for a distraction! Otis lets go of Cole and climbs up to the top turnbuckle, potentially looking to dive onto UE, but suddenly Tucker Knight comes out of nowhere to cannon ball onto them! Tucker wipes out Fish and O'Reilly and Otis turns his attention back to the ring and goes for a big splash on Cole, but Cole rolls out of the way! Cole now goes for the Last Shot, it hits! Cole rolls the big man over into a pin and covers...but at the last second Tucker pulls the ref out of the ring, turn about is fair play! Cole leaves the ring and throws Tucker into the barricade, then drops him ribs first on it before sliding into the ring...but he gets rolled up by Otis! Cole is caught off guard and UE is still down, and that's enough for the big upset!

    Winner via pinfall: Otis Dozovic
    Aleister Black is in a dark room backstage and says later tonight he will be defending his championship against Cesaro, the new more aggressive, unchained Cesaro. He admits that Cesaro has had his number so far, beating him in his return match and eliminating him from the battle royal last week, but being the champion means more to him than anything and he's ready for the big fight tonight. He promises to make Cesaro fade to black tonight to end it.

    Match #5:
    Cedric Alexander vs EC3 w/ Drake Maverick

    A complete squash here as EC3 decimates Cedric in about 2 minutes. He wins after hitting the One Percenter right into a pin. After the match Drake Maverick gets on the mic and says the rise of EC3 will not be stopped just because he didn't get into Money In The Bank. Last week was a hiccup, and Drake says if he was there that wouldn't have happened, but EC3 will not be stopped, he will be a champion very soon.
    Cesaro is backstage and brags about being the first person to beat Aleister Black 2 weeks ago, and mentions how close he came to earning a spot in Money In The Bank. He says the people in that match should feel lucky he's not in it, because he would have broken them in half in route to getting the briefcase. He then focuses back on the IC Champ and says he's proved he has his number ever since becoming unchained. He says tonight he becomes champion.

    Match #6:
    The Masked Attackers vs Braun Strowman, Rey Mysterio, and Dean Ambrose

    Before The Match: Braun and Rey are in the ring, and Ambrose's music hits, but it quickly cuts into static before a video pops up on the tron, showing the 3 masked men standing together over the fallen Dean Ambrose, face down on the cement floor backstage. They hold up a sign saying "PROOF" before throwing it down and walking away, and appearing at the top of the arena as they walk down the arena steps towards the ring for the match.

    Match #6: 3 on 2 Handicap Match
    Braun Strowman and Rey Mysterio vs The Masked Attackers

    Mysterio and Red Mask start the match for their respective teams, but Red Mask yells for Rey to join them, help them destroy Strowman once and for all. Rey looks confused by this, and he's warned he doesn't want to be their enemy, as Red Mask holds out his hand for a handshake, and Strowman yells for Mysterio to do the right thing. Mysterio looks at Strowman, then looks back at Red Mask along with the two men on the apron, then decks Red in the face, dropping him! Rey quickly gains control of the match as he starts attacking Red, who's trying to fight back with no luck, but Green Mask comes in illegally and hits a running neckbreaker on Mysterio, which gives Red the opening to throw Mysterio in the corner for a double team attack with Blue. Mysterio gets isolated for awhile after this by the 3 men, who beat him down and keep him away from Braun, but eventually Braun gets a tag into the match and quickly begins clearing house, dropping Blue with a shoulder block then bringing Red and Green into the ring via a toss, only to clothesline both of them down! However this proves to be a mistake as Blue spears Mysterio off the apron and the numbers game quickly catches up to Braun as he stacks Red and Green up in the corner but is chop blocked by blue, and they triple team him for a minute until Rey recovers and clears the illegal men out of the ring! A couple minutes later after a tag, Green hits a cutter on Strowman into a pin, but it only gets 2. He goes for a second one, but he gets shoved off, then lifted up and dropped with a Running Powerbomb! Braun lifts Green back up for a Running Powerslam, but he slides down his back and takes out his leg! Red and Mysterio make tags into the match and they begin fighting, but it quickly spills to the floor and Rey is quickly triple teamed, only for Braun to sprint over and wipe out all 3 masked men! Braun whips Red into the barricade, then lifts him up, and drives him through it! The numbers have been evened as Rey slides into the ring to break the count, but he goes up to the top turnbuckle, and Blue catches him with a Superplex to the floor!

    In the end, chaos is ensuing with everyone in the ring after Rey hits a splash off the shoulders of Strowman onto Blue, only for Red and Green to enter the ring and attack Rey and Braun, with them forcing him to roll out of the ring after a double team move, but Strowman clears out the 2 illegal men by throwing them out of the ring! Braun turns around into a kick in the gut from Blue, who then tries to hit him with a Piledriver, but Braun backdrops him! Braun now lifts up Blue off the mat and onto his shoulders, and drops him with a Running Powerslam! He covers for a pin as Rey takes down Green, and he gets the 3 just before Red can break it up!

    Winners via pinfall: Braun Strowman and Rey Mysterio
    A video package plays after the match showing what's happened in recent weeks with Kevin Owens and Daniel Bryan that's led to their match at Money In The Bank becoming more heated and a bit personal.

    Match #7: Intercontinental Championship Match
    Cesaro vs Aleister Black (c)

    Cesaro instantly takes down Black with a flying uppercut then waits for him to get up before doing it again. Black gets up again and Cesaro goes for another flying uppercut, but he went to the well one too many times as Black dodges it and hits a couple kicks on Cesaro then goes for a german suplex, but he's blocked and Cesaro hits one of his own before following up with a standing double stomp to the chest and a running uppercut to a seated champion into a pin, but it only gets 1. Cesaro gets vicious now as he uses his power to beat down Black, and throw him around the ring before dropping him with a Very European Uppercut, but he doesn't cover and instead locks the champ into a Tombstone Stretch, however it's too close to the ropes and it causes a rope break, forcing Cesaro to release the hold. Black fights back now with a jawbreaker followed by a bicycle knee strike into a Black Mass, but he doesn't cover and instead sits cross legged next to Cesaro, waiting for him to get up, and when he does, Black hits his comeback followed by a diving double stomp! He still doesn't cover though, feeling like he needs to do more damage and he goes back up top for a second diving double stomp, but the challenger gets out of the way and rolls him up for a pin, but only gets 2. Cesaro now throws the champ out of the ring and takes the fight into the crowd, hitting a double sledge as he dives off a crate! He tries to pick up the champ to follow up, but Aleister shoves him off and throws him into a wall and heads back to ringside, and both men manage to beat the count at the 8 count.

    As they get in the ring, Black goes for a kick to Cesaro, but it's blocked and Cesaro rolls him up for a pin for 2, then goes for another roll up but again only gets 2. Cesaro now hits a springboard uppercut to lay out the champ, then hits a dominator for another 2 count. He now gets angry and glares at the ref, who assures him it was only 2, but the challenger isn't satisfied, and drops the ref with a kick to the face! He rolls out of the ring now and grabs a chair from ringside, but when he gets into the ring and tries to use it, Black shoves it back into his face then snaps off a german suplex! Black throws the chair out of the ring and backs into the corner, he goes for another Bicycle Knee, but Cesaro sidesteps and hits a Piledriver out of nowhere! He covers but the ref is only just getting to his feet! Cesaro yells for the ref to get up, and he does, but the delay to the count is enough for the champ to kick out at 2! Cesaro is getting really desperate now as he quickly goes to the top turnbuckle and looks for a splash, but Black blocks it and hits Black Mass, but that only gets 2! Black goes for another Black Mass, looking to finally finish off the challenger...but no it's countered and Cesaro hits another Dominator! Cesaro pulls the champ back up and drops him with a second Piledriver! Cesaro crawls over into a pin, and it's enough to win the title!

    Winner via pinfall and NEWWWW Intercontinental Champion: Cesaro
    Money In The Bank Final Card:

    Men's Money In The Bank Match:
    Kofi Kingston vs Bobby Roode vs Ricochet vs Seth Rollins vs Andrade Cien Almas vs Pete Dunne vs Adam Cole vs Otis Dozovic

    Women's Money In The Bank Match:
    Alexa Bliss vs Mickie James vs Shayna Baszler vs Naomi vs Liv Morgan vs Sonya Deville vs Candice LeRae vs Kairi Sane

    Raw Women's Championship Match: Billie Kay is banned from ringside and if Peyton gets DQ'd or counted out she will lose the belt.
    Asuka vs Peyton Royce (c)

    World Heavyweight Championship Match:
    Daniel Bryan vs Kevin Owens (c)

    Elimination Hardcore Match For The World Tag Team Titles:
    The Hardy Boyz vs Undisputed Era (c) (Bobby Fish & Kyle O'Reilly)

    WWE Championship Match:
    Drew McIntyre vs Samoa Joe (c)

    Smackdown Women's Championship:
    Bayley vs Sasha Banks (c)

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