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Thread: Kingdom Come X

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    Kingdom Come X

    Fireworks and explosion immediately begin to ring off from the stage and the top of the arena as a rowdy and ruckus crowd in Brazil makes their voices heard!

    Copeland: Here we are, the biggest show of the year, it's Kingdom Come!

    Connor: We don't want to waste anymore of your time, we're sorry for the wait but it is now over, the tenth Kingdom Come is upon let's get the show on the road!

    Cohen: It's a mighty long road we're about to go down!
    Last edited by HOMOFLEXUAL DYNAMITE; 11-01-2019 at 04:47 PM.

  2. #2

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    Harrys: The following contest is a number one contender's battle royal!

    Copeland: This is a big opportunity for six men at various stages in their career. A battle royal win is nice, but the chance to compete for the EurAsian Title will be even nicer.

    Cohen: It is going to be a tough task, because you have to defeat five other men as well as defeating Kagura later in the night. It won't be easy.

    Connor: You have to image Kagura will have a massive advantage later. She gets to scout all of her potential opponents as well as gets to fight them in their second match of the night.

    A few of the competitors; Mark Keaton, Mr. Jones, and Carl interact with the fans. Milenko stalks one side of the ring menacingly. Garth Black sits on the apron adjusting his boots. Keith Kole is leaning against the commentary table and cracking his knuckles. They all get in the ring but at the last second a fan yells out to Kole. He turns to see a young kid giving him a thumbs up. Kole looks a little surprised and takes off his shirt and gives it to the kid.

    Copeland: A rare good hearted gesture by Kole and it seems to have made that kid's entire day.

    The EurAsian champ has a chair in her hand and makes her way down the ramp. She places the chair at the bottom of the ramp and throws her title across her shoulder.

    Cohen: Speak of the Devil, looks like Kagura is going to be doing her scouting up close.

    Connor: Smart strategy by the champ. Any last minute predictions fellas?

    Copeland: He is just into his career, but Mr. Jones is a big man and that will give him an advantage.

    Cohen: Black. He has the most experience in the match. His luck is bound to turn around.

    Connor: Both solid, but I'll go with Carl. He is riding a wave of momentum after his first WZCW win.

    Referee Felix Springfield calls for the bell to ring as the rest of the referees outside watch the action.


    Immediately the other five competitors rush Jones. They try to beat him down but he throws everyone aside. He tosses Black into Carl before dropping Kole with a kick to the midsection and a clubbing blow across the back. Mark Keaton leaps at him but Jones catches him. He swings him at Milenko, knocking him down before dropping Keaton with a backbreaker. He smiles and nods his head as he looks around and is the only one standing. Kole comes back and clubs Jones across the back. It barely staggers him but Carl hits a dropkick and staggers Jones further. Black then hits a dropkick of his own, this one to the back of the leg and drops Jones to a knee. Keaton then runs in with a crossbody, this one working to take Jones down. Milenko comes in from behind Kole and grabs him and connects with a neckbreaker after some positioning. Carl and Keaton then lock up and fall to the corner. This leaves Black and Milenko to tussle. Milenko uses some questionable strikes and eye rakes to get the upper hand and body slams Black onto Jones. He then runs over to Carl and Keaton, who are trying to gain position in the corner. He leaps and splashes both of them. Keaton is squished in the corner, but Carl staggers out. Milenko then takes him down with a clothesline, leaving him the only man standing. The crowd boos.

    Copeland: The fans here in Brazil don't seem pleased with this turn of events.

    Connor: Milenko certainly not a fan favorite.

    Milenko allows Carl to get to his feet, still wobbly as he uses the ropes to steady himself. Milenko runs with another clothesline. It connects and knocks Carl over the top, but he hangs on and gets back to the apron. Milenko tries to shake him loose, but fails. He then sets up for his big kick, Hell's Pit. but Carl ducks it while pulling the top rope down. Milenko's momentum carries him over and down to the floor and out.

    Milenko has been eliminated!

    Carl tries to get back into the ring but when he does Keith Kole runs over and grabs him in a headlock. They jockey for position and Kole manages to Irish whip him across the ring. Before he can hit the opposite ropes, Jones takes his head off with a massive boot. Kole then charges at Jones, who tosses him into the corner and starts to work him over with shoulder thrusts. Across the ring, Garth Black is trying to muscle Mark Keaton out of the ring. Black manages to dump Keaton to the apron, but Keaton fights back and manages to ram Black's head into the top turnbuckle. He then climbs to the top rope and leaps and knocks Black off his feet with a clothesline. With Kole being worked over in the corner, Carl comes up and tries to get Mr. Jones over the top rope, catching him off guard. Kole takes a moment to shake out and get his wits back about him before he joins the effort. Meanwhile across the ring, Mark Keaton is playing air guitar.

    Cohen: Just an idiot wasting time.

    Connor: I hate to agree, but there is an open path to getting Mr. Jones out and he isn't taking it.

    As Jones struggles, Keaton goes over and tries to lift Black and toss him out. Mr. Jones manages to kick Carl away and create enough room to get to his feet. Kole and Carl both connect with a kick to the midsection to Jones though and try to suplex him. Jones is able ti block it though and manages to lift both, suplexing them both to the apron. Before they can get to their feet, Jones grabs them by their hair and knocks their heads together and they both fall to the floor.

    Keith Kole and Just Carl have been eliminated!

    Copeland: Mr Jones showing why he is a major threat, eliminating two men at once.

    Connor: And just like that he gets us down to three.

    Cohen: Jones is my new pick.

    Jones dusts his hands off, pleased with himself. Both Black and Keaton rush up just as Jones turns around and try to dump him over the top rope but Jones fights back to his feet. He hammers away at both Keaton and Black, neither able to garner much offense against him. He takes a running Black down with a sidewalk slam. Keaton then runs at him and runs into a clothesline. Mr Jones then drags Keaton to his feet and punches away with some soft jabs to set up a little dance before he connects with a bionic elbow that knocks Keaton over the top rope to the apron. Jones then decides to run across the ring and goes to hit Keaton with a big boot to knock him to the floor, but Keaton ducks, leaving Jones to get his leg stuck on the top rope. With only one foot to hold himself, Garth Black runs up and tosses Mr. Jones to the floor and out.

    Mr. Jones has been eliminated!

    Connor: What a turn of events! Jones was cleaning house but got caught by his own momentum and a quick thinking Garth Black.

    Copeland: Well your pick is out now Jack, as we are down to Garth Black and Mark Keaton.

    Cohen: Mr. Jones was never my pick, I picked Black from the start and he is still my guy.

    Black reaches out to lift Keaton back into the ring and Keaton looks confused.

    Copeland: A sign of sportsmanship from Black, offering to have Keaton come back into the ring.

    Cohen: Well that's just stupid Seabass. I'm changing my pick to Keaton.

    Keaton grabs Black's hand and pulls him into the turnbuckle before he drags him onto the apron with him. He hammers down at Black, but the former World Champion grabs the foot of Keaton and pulls it out from under him. Keaton stumbles back, but manages to catch himself on the steel steps before he falls to the ground.

    Connor: A very precarious position for Keaton to be in.

    Cohen: Yup, just as I knew. Black has been my pick and he is about to win.

    Keaton looks for his options, but Black isn't letting him back on the apron very easily. Keaton decides to take a leap for the ring post and turnbuckle. He manages to get a grip with one hand, but Black is trying to pry him free. Just as it looks like he is going to lose his grip, he reaches into his tights and tosses powder into the face of Black. Keaton then gets his feet back under him and simply pushes Black from the apron and to the floor below.

    Garth Black has been eliminated! Therefore the winner and the number one contender for the EurAsian Championship, Mark Keaton!

    Copeland: Some questionable tactics there at the end, but the fans seem into Keaton.

    Keaton is indeed being cheered as he gets in the face of Kagura and plays air guitar. Kagura sits with a stone look on her face, not bothered by the antics of her opponent later in the night.

  3. #3

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    Connor: Next up on Kingdom Come is the Queendom. Alice Adams and Callie Clark take each other in a ladder match. The winner gets an Elite Openweight championship opportunity any time they wish. Think Queen for a day but just for the Elite.

    A volcano is on the stage with the only light on in the arena being a red spotlight on that as a voiceover says the following.

    "I know who you are, you are not fire or a simple flame, you are greater than that. Something more important and so necessary, it's why you must live. You are not destruction, you are...

    then the voice over changes to Callie saying:

    "I am LIGHT!" as flames shoot off around the stage and Callie rises out of the volcano in her Lava Girl cosplay, complete with bright pink hair and the lights to change to make it look like she's glowing a bright orange (like fire). Callie proceeds to be lowered onto the stage as her music hits and she makes her entrance from there, glaring at Alice (If she's already in the ring) as she walks down the ramp. As she enters the ring and poses in the center flames shoot up from each of the posts as Callie awaits her opponent.

    Harrys: Introducing first from New York, New York, weighing 100 pounds, Callie Clark!

    Harrys: And her opponent, from Palm Springs, Ca, weighing 175 pounds, Alice "Baby Doll" Adams!

    Alice slowly and seductively walks forward, wearing a gaudy all black swarvoski crystal covered 50s burlesque robe with bubblegum pink feather trim, making an innocent face, she stops at the beginning of the runway to the ring, 10 seconds into the song she slowly rotates her hips, teasing the audience treating the match as one of her many burlesque performances; slowly unties the front of her robe and lets it freaks off of her shoulders, as soon as it hits the floor her whole innocent demeanor changes from innocent to seductive arrogance, she walks towards the ring with a look of determination and flawlessly slides into the ring. Once inside she flaunts towards the middle of the ring, throws her hands straight up into the air and slowly brings them down forward, caressing her front hips, legs and finally bending forward til she reaches her neat leather boot. She rises up, running her hands over the back of her legs, thighs and butt, after that she winks and blows a kiss to the audience.

    Copeland: The orange of Lava girl shows how on fire she is tonight.

    Cohen: I'd expect something like that from Cat, not from you Seabass.

    Connor: I was distracted by Baby Doll.

    Both women stand in the ring as Shepard calls for the bell. Callie runs for Alice who immediately pulls back and rolls out of the ring. She picks a ladder and throws it in, narrowly missing Callie. She then walks to the other side and does the same then the third side where the crowd begins to come alive. They cheer this as again it misses Callie Clark. Now there are four ladders in the ring with a very determined Alice Adams on the outside.

    Adams grabs another ladder from the outside but Callie uses this as an opportunity to run and dive over the top of the rope. The suicide dive jumps straight into Alice who was holding a ladder. Both crash to the outside as the crowd go nuts.

    Connor: This just shows how intense the girls of WZCW want this.

    Copeland: It's an intensity I've not seen for a while.

    Cohen: Were you watching the last match?

    Adams and Callie are tangled in each other with Callie on top leading punches. Alice rolls Callie over and returns the favour. Alice stands up and grabs Clark by the hair. A kick to the midsection allows a DDT to the ladder. Alice picks up Callie again and hits a second DDT to the ladder on the outside.

    A Baby Doll chant starts whilst others in the crowd boo. She enters the ring and sets up a ladder in the middle. She starts to climb but only manages a couple of steps before Callie slides back in the ring. Alice rushes over and hits a swinging neckbreaker. Clark crashes again to the mat.

    Copeland: Alice is in command now.

    Cohen: It can change very easily and I wouldn't rule out Callie here.

    Connor: The problem with ladder matches is logic goes out of the window.

    Alice begins to climb the ladder, but Clark comes through again. She kicks the ladder which causes Alice Adams to fall from 8 foot off the ground. Callie uses this to hit a Pele kick! The crowd is electric as Lava Girl climbs the ladder. She gets three quarters of the way up and then the crowd begins to chant.

    Callie-Sault! Callie-Sault! Callie-Sault! Callie-Sault!

    Normally not one to care what the crowd think she dives off the ladder and lands on top of Alice Adams. She rolls over holding her back as Katie Shepard rushes to make sure both women are fine.

    Connor: You see what I mean?

    Copeland: I think Callie hurt herself more than she hurt Adams there.

    Slowly both ladies begin to stir but miraculously it's Alice Adams who is first to her feet. She looks like a mad woman as she shakes her head no to the crowd booing. A substantial part of the fans start a Baby Doll chant again. Alice climbs halfway up the ladder as Callie stumbles to her feet.

    Alice signals for the Private Show and jumps down but Callie is able to avoid the diving DDT. Callie hits the Lights Out and demands that Katie Shepard counts a pin. Alice is covered for three but it doesn't matter for there is only one way to win the match.

    Connor: That was the most arrogant thing I've seen in this company.

    Copeland: I'll let you say it Cat.

    Cohen: That's Callie Clark for you.

    Alice is flat out on the mat and Callie Clark looks up, there the briefcase hangs. She sets up a ladder right in the centre of the ring. The crowd are a mixture, as they have been all match, with duelling â??Baby Dollâ? and â??Lava Girlâ? chants going. Callie looks to the crowd and smirks. She climbs, but the boos get louder as she gets higher. Clark is focused on one thing, the chance at retaining the Elite Openweight Championship.

    Adams stirs and she looks around noticing the ladder as she leaps to her feet. The crowd boo some more as she goes to climb the ladder. She opts to go for the same side as Clark as Callie is near the top. Alice rushes up and Callie begins to lash out with some kicks. All miss Baby Doll as she grabs Callie and lifts her in the air.

    Cohen: Is she going to Powerbomb her?

    Connor: Even better. It's the Not your doll!

    Alice Adams hits the Not Your Doll from the ladder. The widowmaker crashes the former champion to the mat. There's silence on the crowd as Callie is out cold. Alice, however, jumps straight back up. A fall from 15 feet doesn't phase her and she climbs up the ladder. She looks up and then she realises it. To use a cliché the silence is deafening. Referee Katie Shepard rushes over to Callie Clark and lifts up her hand.

    Harrys: The winner of this match....Callie Clark!

    The silence of the crowd cuts through the air as Alice shouts abuse at Shepard. Keith Morse rushes out to help with a few other backstage personnel.

    Copeland: Callie Clark grabbed the briefcase as she was lifted into the air. Watch this replay.

    The replay shows Clark being lifted in the air, grabbing the briefcase and throwing it out of the ring. Alice hitting the Not your Doll causes a distraction. Her realisation as she climbs the ladder has a camera angle showing nothing above.

    Cohen: She is furious! That was some skill by Alice to get up to the top and then be able to hit her finisher. No wonder she's so angry.

    Connor: I think it's more confusion but backstage personnel are needing to keep her back. Callie Clark won the match but she is out cold.

    The camera cuts showing Lava Girl, knocked out with referee Katie Shepard placing the briefcase by her side.

  4. #4

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    Harrys: This match is scheduled for one fall and will be contested under Mayhem Rules Introducing firstâ?¦..

    Harrys: From Southwestern, Puerto Rico, weighing 235 pounds, wrestling his final match, Matt Tastic!!

    The WZCW Hall of Famer appears on stage pushing a grocery cart of weapons such as trash cans, stop signs, barbed wire baseball bats, etc. He is immediately met with â??THANK YOU TASTIC!â? chants. He stops in the middle of the stage to take in the large reaction before pushing the cart down the ramp as he high fives all the fans he can.

    Copeland: Seems like Tastic is taking things back to his roots for his final match.

    Connor: We are indeed about to witness the final match in the illustrious career of one Matt Tastic. The multi-time champion and hall of famer made his name in WZCW off the back of Mayhem matches, and heâ??s going out just like he started.

    Cohen: Oh heâ??s going out alright, and his opponent is going to make sure it ainâ??t a comfortable journey.

    Tastic pushes his cart to ringside and proceeds to enter the ring and take in the adulation of the crowd. His music stops at the crowd begins to stand and clap in honor of the WZCW legend as he awaits his final opponent.

    Harrys: And his opponent, from Fort Worth, Texas, weighing 295 pounds, Stetson Hayes!

    The crowd immediately begins to boo as Stetsonâ??s theme begins to play. Usually the sound of a rowdy horse can be heard in the arena but instead Stetson makes his way out on stage riding a bull! The cowboy has a very devious look on his face with a bullrope on his shoulders as he reigning in the bull before making his way down the ramp. He ignores the crowds jeers as he focuses soley on Tastic as the bull seems like a caged animal. Stetson begins to swing around the bull rope as a rallying war cry as he gets to ringside.

    Cohen: Now this is what Iâ??m talking about! Stetson is not playing games tonight and I fully believe heâ??s sending Tastic packing with a loss.

    Connor: While it hasnâ??t been highly publicized its to be believed that Stetson may be having his final match here tonight, and the way heâ??s targeted Tastic over the last few weeks I believe he has dangerous intentions for this contest.

    Copeland: The future of Stetson is very unclear but one thing is for certain tonight, one or both of these men are not walking out of here tonight under their own power.

    As Stetson continues his bull rope swinging Matt Tastic bounces off the ropes and leaps out of the ring, onto Stetson and delivers a big Hurricanarana to the cowboy sending him flying off of the bull! The ref immediately rings the bell as the Bull begins to go up and down on its hind legs. Tastic uses Stetsonâ??s bull rope to reign in the animal, and then proceeds to smack it on the ass and the Bull begins to run up the ramp towards the backstage area. As Tastic is distracted by the fun and games Stetson retrieves his bull rope and begins to wrap it around Tasticâ??s neck to choke him out! Moments later he then chucks Tastic into the steel steps crumpling his body to the floor. Stetson then goes under the ring for a table that gets a huge response from the crowd, Stetson notices this and then immediately throws the table back under the ring and the crowd boos the cowboy. Stetson then knocks over Tasticâ??s weapon cart laying them all under the floor. He picks up the cart and places Tastic inside. He then takes a deep breath and gives one of the loudest whistles possibly in existence. So loud that the bull he was riding on makes its way back on stage and begins a running charge down the ramp! Stetson is just barely able to move out of the way as the bull smashes into the shopping cart with Tastic inside! The shopping cart is completely bent as Stetson reigns in the bull and ties it to the ringpost.

    Connor: How is this allowed?! Someone has to check on Tastic!

    Cohen: This is what Tastic wanted, this is what heâ??s going to get!

    Stetson picks up Tasticâ??s lifeless body and chucks him under the bottom rope. He immediately goes for the cover! 1...2â?¦.Tastic kicks out! Stetson then procures a belt from under the ring and begins whipping Tastic in the back! The luchador screams out in pain as the cowboyâ??s vicious whip connects with the war torn back of Tastic. Stetson continues his vicious whips as the crowd tries to will Tastic back into this match. He looks out into the crowd to see children with Tastic t-shirts, he locks eyes with a child who looks on in horror as his hero is being victimized. Stetson continues his onslaught but Tastic begins to stand. The cowboy whips furiously but with every slash Tastic starts powering up. Stetson isnâ??t sure whatâ??s happening as by the time Matt is finally back on his feet his back is bleeding from all the whips. Stetson looks like heâ??s seen a ghost as he goes for one last whip but Tastic catches the belt with his hand! The veteran pulls the belt forward and uses Stetsonâ??s momentum to hit a belly to belly suplex right into the turnbuckle! Tastic pops right back onto his feet and bounces off the opposite turnbuckle and nails a spinning heel kick to Stetson! Tastic then slides under the bottom rope and pulls out a table! The crowd erupts as Tastic furiously begins to set it up on the outside. He tries to pull Stetson outside the ring with under the bottom rope but Stetsonâ??s leg strength is too much and he send Tastic back first into the barricade! Tastic clutches his bloodies back in pain as Stetson goes to the outside and uses his strength to break the table with his bare hands! The crowd boos as Stetson laughs and kicks the table debris under the ring.

    Copeland: Not a fan of tables in South it seems.

    Cohen: I think theyâ??re overrated to be honest.

    Stetson stops his diabolical laugh and walks right into stop sign headshot from Tastic! Stetson drops down to one knee and Tastic delivers a stop sign basement dropkick sending the cowboy to the ground. Tastic then grabs the barbed wire baseball much to the delight of the blood thirsty crowd! Tastic then takes a wild swing at a grounded Stetson who just narrowly dodges the weapon! Tastic then wild swing after wild swing but continues to miss as Stetson dives back inside the ring. It becomes clear that Tasticâ??s damaged back is whatâ??s causing the miscalculations. He perseveres however diving back in the ring after Stetson but he runs right into a leg trap spinebuster! Stetson hooks the leg! 1...2...Tastic kicks out! Clutching his back immediately. Stetson holds onto the trapped leg and tries to transition to the Texas Cloverleaf but the veteran is giving some resistance, Tastic knows once the back is targeted this contest may be over, Tastic then twists his body sending Stetson towards the turnbuckle. Tastic tries to reach for the barbed wire bat and again but Stetson stops on his hand breaking his grasp. The cowboy dead lifts Tastic off the ground but Matt grabs the barbed wire on his way up and rakes it across the back of Stetson! The cowboy drops Tastic in response and grabs his now bleeding back as he yells in pain. Tastic is now the one with the devilish smile as he stalks Stetson who puts his hands up in defense.

    Copeland: Stetson is now on the defensive as Tastic is right back in his element.

    Connor: Itâ??s time for some bloody retribution!

    Tastic continues to stak Stetson, he goes for another telegraphed wild swing that Stetson ducks and the barbed wire clings to the turnbuckle pad. Stetson then grabs Tasticâ??s waist and chucks him on his neck for a german suplex! Tastic holds onto the barbed wire as it rips off the turnbuckle pad only leaving the exposed turnbuckle. Stetson is still holding his bloody back as he gets to his feet. Tastic begins struggling to get up as heâ??s in the opposite corner. Stetson then hits ten devasting corner punches to Tastic leveling the luchador. He then slaps away Tastic which only infuriates him. Stetson goes for a knife edge chop that Tastic leans into. He goes for another and Tastic leans into that, again, and again, one more time and then Tastic heads butts Stetson leaving both men hazed and in the center of the ring. With both men stunned Tastic hits a wild Headache driver out of nowhere! However, he isnâ??t fast enough to make the cover and Stetson rolls to the outside!

    Cohen: Tastic has not made one cover in this entire match and that may have been his last chance.

    Copeland: Itâ??s been a uphill battle from the start, but who knows that move has taken out of Stetson.

    The cowboy falls to the outside but Tastic uses his minimal energy to follow him and then take out another table! The crowd approves and Tastic sets it upright against one of the corner barricades. Before he can do anything however heâ??s met with a devasting chair shot from Stetson right into his face! Tastic is now bloodies as Stetson drops the chair and stalks a lifeless Tastic. He motions that heâ??s going to powerbomb Tastic on the chair and goes to do so. But as heâ??s lifting him up Tastic grabs the chair and delivers his own vicious shot right to Stetsonâ??s face! Itâ??s crimson mask galore as both men are now bleeding perfusesly, but it is Tastic with the adrenaline! He grabs a nearby fanâ??s soft drink and sprints to the other side of the ring with the tide up bull. He goes nose to nose with the restrained beast and spits coke directly in its face!

    Cohen: Call PETA! This is disgraceful!

    Connor: I have no idea what Tastic is planning but it canâ??t be good.

    Tastic then unhooks the bullrope and the luchador is off sprinting as it the bull chases it around the ring! Once Tastic takes a sharp turn and the bull follows it becomes clear whatâ??s happening. Tastic charges at Stetson with the bull behind and at the last second Tastic dives into the ring as Stetson gets a steel chair up and the bull crashes right into Stetson sending him flying into the table!


    Copeland: We said Tastic was a veteran but lets make it clear this man is a daredevil! Very clever offense!

    Connor: Stetson may be entirely out of this contest after that assault!

    Cohen: Donâ??t applaud that Tastic he assaulted an animal and used to injure someone else!

    Stetson is a crumpled mess in the corner covered in wreckage of the table and been steel chair. Dozens of officials run down to restraint the wild bull with multiple bullropes before bringing it to the back. The crowd isnâ??t pleased and begin to yell â??THATâ??S SOME BULL! THATâ??S SOME BULL! THATâ??S SOME BULL! Their attention is back on the match once they realize Tastic is making his way back to a downed Stetson. The veteran realizes he needs to win this match inside the ring and tries dragging the lifeless body of Stetson back into the ring but it is easier said then done. Stetson is a very heavy man and Tastic doesnâ??t have very much energy. After what seems like the longest minute in existence Tastic is able to throw Stetson inside the ring, and for good measure chucks a dented steel chair in there as well. Tastic then drags himself inside the ring and tries to hook the leg but Stetson was playing possum! He kicks Tastic backwards head first into the exposed turnbuckle! Tastic ricochets back from the collision and Stetson pops back up and tosses a steel chair into Tasticâ??s face, followed a big boot so thunderous it breaks the chair and turns Tastic INSIDE OUT! The luchador crumbles and so does Stetson...into the cover! 1...2â?¦.THR-NOOOOO! Tastic just barely gets a leg on the bottom rope. Tastic is still in this fight!

    Connor: What is it going to take to put one of these guys down?!

    A bloodied and frustrated Stetson yells at the referee and then immediately pulls Tastic to the center of the ring for another cover! 1...2...Tastic still kicks out! Stetson goes for repeatedly pin fall covers but none of them work! Stetson then goes to the outside as heâ??s yelling to himself â??You want tables!? Youâ??re gonna GET TABLES!â? and proceeds to chuck multiple wooden tables into the ring he then grabs a bag from under the ring and chucks it inside too. He reenters only to be met with a frog splash from Tastic! He then follows up with a Pumphandle cutter! He finally makes a cover! 1...2â?¦.Stetson kicks out! Tastic is pissed! He stomps away on Stetson before procuring the barbed wire bat once more. He begins raking it across Stetsonâ??s face! As the cowboy is writhing in pain a possessed Tastic begins setting up the tables! He hen grabs the small and pours it over the wooden tables revealing about two dozen sharp thumbtacks. He then goes to pick up Stetson but is met with a low-blow!

    Copeland: A desperate shot form a desperate competitor.

    Cohen: Itâ??s Mayhem Rules anything goes!

    An injured and wounded Stetson uses what strength he has left to hoist himself and a weakened Tastic up on top rope. It becomes clear heâ??s looking for a powerbomb to end it all but Tastic begins fighting back with strikes. Itâ??s a slugest and the crowd is erupting as both men are throwing haymakers on the tope rope. The crowd is chanting please donâ??t die as both these men throw caution to the wind. Eventually with each passing strike there is left power behind them. Both men are have been lost a significant amount of blood and with the last shot left each of them they both deliver to massive headbutts! The thud is absolutely sickening as both men collaspe forwarded into three tables covered in thumbtacks! The ref is seeping through the damage he sees that Stetsonâ??s arm is just barely draped over Tasticâ??s shoulder! 1...2...3!

    Harrys: And here is your winner!!! STETSON HAYES!!!!!!

    The crowd doesnâ??t let out a boo, a cheer, just concern for both men as the ref immediately throws up the x-symbol. Neither man has moved as the crowd watches on intently. Medical staff rush to ring with stretchers as they slowly begin to move the lifeless bodies of both men from the ring.

    Copeland: Well folks Stetson Hayes has won this match but I have to wonder at what cost. Neither man is moving.

    Connor: We have just witnessed an absolute war, and in the process the final battle of longtime WZCW mainstay Matt Tastic.

    Cohen: I might not have been a fan but Tastic was a warrior and he proved that tonight.

    Portions of the crowd throw up hook em horns as a sign of respect for Stetson as both men are put onto stretchers and wheeled out. The wreckage of the match is then tended to by stage hands.

    Once Stetson Hayes is wheeled out, Matt Tastic is still trying to fight with the medical personnel. He wants to stand and walk out on his own power but is struggling to do so. He makes it a few steps up the ramp before he falls to a knee. He looks up though and a small smile comes on his face as Mikey Stormrage comes jogging down the ramp. He lifts his former Live Mas brother to his feet and drapes Tastic's arm around his shoulders and helps him walk up the ramp. They get to the top and the two look at each other before Mikey embraces him. The crowd cheers as the two bury any issues they may have still had. The crowd begins to cheer for the duo but Mikey shakes his head and points to Matt Tastic and begins to mouth his name and encourage the crowd to chant for the Puerto Rican native.


    The two embrace one more time before Mikey helps Tastic to the back.

  5. #5

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    Harrys: Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the WZCW Hall of Fame Inductee, Eve Taylor!!

    Eve is greeted with a thunderous applause as she makes her way onstage as the WZCW Roster and behind the scenes talent watches on in a contained private box near the main stage. It is filled with current and past members of the roster.

    Eve: "I'm not going to lie... I kinda miss walking out to my own entrance music and being the centre of attention."

    She takes a moment to soak in the atmosphere before she continues.

    Eve: "Unfortunately, tonight will be the last time I get to enjoy that because this will be my final appearance ever in WZCW."

    Eve pauses for a second to hold back a tear and regain her composure.

    Eve: "I made a promise at the beginning of the year at the Gold Rush '19 event when I wrestled Callie Clark that I would leave WZCW for good if I lost. And I did. Callie Clark is an exceptionally phenomenal wrestler and I couldn't compete against her. As much as I'd love to get back in the spotlight again, I wouldn't be able to hold a candle against her in the ring today. Nor would I be able to compete against all the great talent that is busting their asses for WZCW. Everyone who is on this roster and still keeping WZCW alive should be absolutely proud of their accomplishments and all of you deserve your own Hall of Fame wing for keeping this place alive when many other companies would've folded by now."

    An applause from the audience for the statements. Eve joins in and applauds everyone else.

    Eve: "But like I said, I miss being the centre of attention and hogging the spotlight all to myself so please, allow me to indulge myself one last time tonight by giving my the chance to talk about how I fabulous I am for a few minutes."

    Eve laughs alongside the audience.

    Eve: "No, no... I won't be doing that tonight. You've heard enough promo's from myself that rambled on about my greatness I'm just here to share the love and showcase appreciation to those who made my wrestling career one that deserved a spot in the WZCW Hall of Fame."

    Eve takes a deep breath.

    Eve: "First, I want to thank WZCW management for giving me a chance to become a professional wrestler. I know I submitted my application extremely late and sent multiple messages non-stop right before the night of my debut begging to be Jonathan Hyada's tag team replacement; however, I appreciate the opportunity to come here and have some fun for a few years. I caught the wrestling bug.

    "In particular, there are two people on staff that I want to thank and that is Selena Anderson and Stacey Madison. Thank you two for being there when I felt alone and horrible, and thank you for putting up with my terrible attitude. I don't deserve either of you. I love you, both."

    Eve blows a kiss to Selena and Stacey.

    Eve: "Aubrey Sloan. I know you are not here tonight. I am not quite sure where you are but wherever you are, thank you for being the first person in WZCW to show me love. Maybe some day you can forgive me and we can be together again. I love you, Aubrey."

    Eve blows a kiss to the camera.

    Eve: "Speaking about love, Mikey Stormrage! I know our relationship didn't pan out quite as either of us expected but I want to let you know that I did love you. That was very true. And every single day, I regret the day I told you that we needed to break up because I thought our relationship would get in the way of your career. I was wrong. You have blossomed into a gorgeous human being and I will cherish our time together. I love you, Michael."

    Eve blows a kiss to Mikey Stormrage.

    Eve: "Celeste Crimson. Thank you for giving me my dream match at Kingdom Come. I will always remember that match and I will treasure it dearly. I love you, Celeste."

    Eve blows a kiss to Celeste.

    Eve: "And I want to extend my love to every opponent that came out there to wrestle me and wanted to deliver the best match they could. Thank you to all of you and I love every one of you."

    Eve begins blowing multiple kisses to various roster members, past and present.

    Eve: "Finally, I want to thank the two people who I specifically requested to induct me into the Hall of Fame. No offense to anyone else who made a huge impact in my life but these two made the biggest. Ramparte and Flex Mussel. Both of you, get up here. Get up here, guys!"

    The crowd applauds as Ramparte and Flex Mussel make their way to the podium alongside Eve.

    Eve: "My name would not be cemented in the WZCW Hall of Fame if it weren't for the two of you. Even though I had my first match against the two of you, even though neither of you were my first official tag team partner and even though I was a WZCW wrestler for a while before we got together... my career truly did not begin until I got the call from Flex Mussel asking me to be the Third Head of Cerberus. That moment when I joined your ranks was the first time I felt true passion for wrestling. I wanted to prove myself to you both that I could be great. I wanted to be the best because of you both. The two of you gave me the drive to become legendary. Under the Cerberus banner, I captured the Eurasian and Elite Openweight championship, setting multiple records with both titles. Despite the Elite title breaking us up permanently and we never saw eye-to-eye again, I needed the two of you to be up here. This is Hall of Fame position is not just for me; it is for the two of you."

    The crowd applauds as Eve begins to shed a tear.

    Eve: "Thank you for accepting my offer to induct me into the WZCW Hall of Fame... but please, allow me to induct both of you into my Hall of Fame. Ramparte, I love you. Flex Mussel, I love you, too."

    A few tears stream from the eyes of Eve as she hugs and kisses both Ramparte and Flex Mussel. She then asks both of them to clump up and embrace together as a trio. They hold this position for a moment as the crowd applauds at the happy moment.

    Eve breaks up the hug and wipes away the tears, trying to laugh away her crying.

    Eve: "Okay, okay... enough sappiness. Singing the praises of everyone else is emotionally draining. I need to bring it back and be myself for a moment. So, if you wouldn't mind, I need to talk about my greatness for a just a second."

    Eve takes a quick pause.

    Eve: "I cannot leave tonight, during my own Hall of Fame speech and my final appearance ever for WZCW, without saying that I have broken one more record. I am the first-ever female superstar to be inducted in the Hall of Fame! Suck it, bitches!"

    Eve throws up the double birds and laughs as she says that. The crowd roars in approval as Eve continues to laugh at herself.

    Eve: "And with that, I just have one thing left to say."

    Eve looks at Ramparte. Then, she looks at Flex Mussel. She motions for both of them to get in position. All three of them line up together with hand on heart.


  6. #6

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    Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the Eurasian Championship! Introducing first, the challenger, weighing in at 245 pounds, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, "Remarkable" Mark Keaton!

    Mark Keaton walks out on stage dressed head to toe in a Skeletor costume, he stands there for a moment and takes out an electric bone guitar to play along with his music. He headbangs his way down the ramp as pyro erupts on stage behind him. Mark slides in the ring and tosses his guitar, he rips off the Skeletor mask and costume. He climbs the nearest turnbuckle and stares at the crowd, smirking and pointing at fans left and right.

    Copeland: Keaton went through the battle royal earlier in the night to earn this opportunity, and now he has to go through one of the top stars currently in WZCW, Kagura to become the champ. I don't know how much he has left in him at this point but he certainly isn't showing any lack of energy during his entrance!

    Cohen: I just hope he's focused on the match, if not this might not go that long.

    Connor: This is Kingdom Come, the biggest night of the year, of course he's focused!

    Harrys: And his opponent, weighing in at 145 pounds, from Ise, Mie, Japan, she is the Eurasian Champion, Kagura Ohzora!

    As her music plays pink lights begin to swirl around the stage in a circular pattern, but instead of the normal petals of cherry blossoms falling through the air, it's dead ones which bring a dark aspect suddenly to this entrance. A fine mist appears on the stage. She walks down the ramp through the mist, and ascends the stairs, entering between the middle ropes. Afterwards she bows to the side of the hard camera, and shoots a death glare at Keaton, who's standing on the floor.

    Copeland: If looks could kill I think Keaton would be dead already, Kagura looks like she's in a bad mood and ready to take it out on Keaton.

    Cohen: She has a habit of performing best when the lights are brightest, so we'll see if she can do it again.

    Connor: She needs to control her temper though, after all this isn't a no dq match.

    **Ding Ding Ding**

    As soon as the match begins, Kagura sprints across the ring, catching Keaton off guard and connecting with dropkick to the chest, sending Keaton flying into the turnbuckles and he goes down hard, and rolls out of the ring as Kagura follows him out of the ring, and grabs him by the head, and throws him hard into the steel steps! Keaton goes down again but Kagura stays on the attack, pulling him back up and tossing him into the ring, sliding in after him and connecting with a running knee drop to the head, before covering for an early pin attempt. 1...2...but Keaton kicks out.

    Copeland: What a crazy start to the match, Kagura is fired up tonight and didn't even give Keaton a chance to move before she went on the attack!

    Cohen: I like seeing this more aggressive side of Kagura, if she keeps going like this it's only a matter of time until she gets the win!

    Kagura continues to stay on the attack, pulling Keaton up to his feet right after the kick out, and going for a saito suplex, but Keaton lands on his feet! Kagura spins around, and Keaton ducks a punch to the face and instead hits a back suplex! Keaton takes a minute to back away and regain his composure after the fast start to the match, while Kagura gets back to her feet, but Keaton charges at her, hitting her with a big clothesline to send her flying over the top rope and to the floor!

    Copeland: Keaton was able to get a counter in and now he's slowing the match down a little bit to try and kill her momentum.

    Connor: It's also giving him a chance to catch his breath after getting battered to start things, but he can't let up on the champ.

    Keaton is indeed staying on the attack as he climbs up to the top turnbuckle and is motioning for Kagura to get up, and as she does he dives off...but as he goes for a double sledge off the top rope, Kagura hits a throat jab on him! Keaton goes down holding his throat as he rolls around in pain and the fans begin booing Kagura, who shakes her head in disgust at them as she pulls Keaton back up, and tosses him spine first into the barricade, before throwing him back into the ring. Kagura slides into the ring and as Keaton stumbles back up, he gets hit with First Dance of Awarawa no Mikoto, the shining wizard! Keaton goes down as Kagura rolls over on top of him and hooks the rear leg for the pin, is it over? 1...2...but Keaton kicks out!

    Copeland: A big kickout from Keaton there as he keeps his championship dreams alive.

    Kagura gets up and yells at the referee to count faster as she goes to the corner, and is just waiting on Keaton to get up as he crawls across the ring to try and get away from the champ. Keaton gets to his feet against the turnbuckles, as Kagura charges at him, and connects with a knee strike to the face! Keaton looks dazed as Kagura has an evil grin cross her face as she stays with her knee in the face of Keaton for a moment, before pulling him out of the corner...and connects with the Second Dance of Yamatohime no Mikoto, the wrist clutch exploder suplex! Keaton is down on the mat and potentially out as Kagura crawls over to him and hooks the leg for the pin and she might have her title retained here! 1...2...but Kagura pulls him up?

    The fans seem confused as does the referee as Kagura gets up to her feet and yells something in japanese, but based off her actions it's assumed she wants to inflict more punishment as she drags Keaton up to his feet, and hits a series of forearm strikes, before dropping a dazed Keaton with a saito suplex!

    Copeland: This is a whole new vicious side of Kagura, as she might have had the match won but instead decided to inflict more punishment on Keaton.

    Connor: I don't know if this is the smart move on her part, but we'll see if she'll regret it I guess.

    Cohen: That goof Keaton deserves this beating though, but even after inflicting more punishment it seems Kagura is getting ready to inflict even more.

    Indeed she is, as Kagura is standing in the corner and just waiting for Keaton to get back up and strike, what does she have in mind now? Keaton is slowly stumbling to his feet, clearly a little bit dazed, and as soon as he does, Kagura charges at him, looking for another Shining Wizard.....but Keaton sidesteps it! Kagura misses but she's right back up on her feet, only to get nailed with a clothesline from Keaton! Kagura gets back up, only to get nailed with another clothesline, but Kagura is back up again, and this time Keaton hits a running crossbody, knocking down Kagura again and this time she stays down!

    Copeland: Finally signs of life from Keaton after taking a beating.

    Cohen: I'll be honest I thought he was dead on his feet there, but I'm glad to see he's not. If he was Kagura might have actually injured him.

    Keaton is trying to get the fans cheering and get them loud as he walks over to Kagura as she gets back up, and scoops her up, dropping her with a body slam! Kagura is down again and Keaton goes over to the corner, and slowly begins climbing to the top turnbuckle, what's he thinking? Keaton reaches the top turnbuckle and slowly stands up, Kagura still down on the mat as Keaton jumps off...and connects with the diving leg drop on Kagura! The fans cheer loudly for that as Keaton hooks the leg for the pin, is it over? 1....2.....but Kagura kicks out!

    Connor: That might have been Keaton's best chance to win but Kagura kicked out, now Keaton has to figure out something else to do to put her away.

    Keaton checks with the ref who assures him that was 2 count, and gets to his feet slowly as he wonders what to do next. He goes over to the turnbuckles and begins slapping the turnbuckles, causing the crowd to clap along with it, and now he turns around as Kagura is getting to her feet, and Keaton walks over to her and pulls her up, but as he does Kagura hits a jawbreaker. Keaton stumbles backwards as Kagura reaches her feet and goes for a forearm strike, but Keaton blocks it, and lifts Kagura up for the Voltron Suplex, can he hit it!? Keaton walks away from the ropes and into the middle of the ring...but Kagura knees him in the head to escape! Kagura slips down the back of Keaton and spins him around, and spits the green mist at him, but it misses as Keaton ducks! He had it scouted!

    Copeland: Kagura went for her desperation shot that's saved her in a few matches with the mist, but she missed!

    Cohen: What's she gonna do now?

    Kagura has a look of shock on her face that her desperation shot missed, but before she can do anything else, Keaton rolls her up with a school boy pin! The fans jump up as the surprise pin as the referee counts it 1...2.....but Kagura kicks out at the last possible second! The fans have an audible disappointment at the kick out but Keaton stays on the attack, grabbing Kagura by the head and trying to lift her up for a piledriver, but Kagura escapes it, and jumps onto Keaton's back for a sleeper hold, wrapping her legs in the process...but before she can knock Keaton down, he runs backwards and slams her into the turnbuckles! Kagura breaks her grip and slides off his back, as Keaton pulls her right out of the corner, and this time he's able to connect with a piledriver!

    Copeland: Oh my god he could be closing in on the victory after that piledriver!

    Connor: He's taken everything Kagura has dished out and kept fighting but now might be his best chance to finish her off!

    Keaton isn't done yet as instead of going for the pin, he pulls the champ back up, and lifts her right up for the Voltron Suplex, and this time he hits it! He hits the Voltron Suplex! Kagura goes down as Keaton hooks both legs for the pin and is it over? Do we have a new champion? 1....2....3!

    Harrys: Here's your winner, and NEWWWW Eurasian Champion, "Remarkable" Mark Keaton!

    The fans let out a loud cheer as Mark Keaton rolls off Kagura and sits up, realizing he's achived what he set out to do at the beginning of the night and become the Eurasian Champion. Keaton slowly gets to his feet as the referee hands him the belt and he holds it up proudly and begins celebrating as Kagura rolls out of the ring holding her head.
    Last edited by HOMOFLEXUAL DYNAMITE; 11-01-2019 at 04:34 PM.

  7. #7

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    Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall!

    Introducing first from Norman, Oklahoma, weighing 220 pounds, Chris K.O.!

    The crowd is very happy to see K.O. and give him a reception to match that happiness. He doesn't appear on stage right away as yellow smoke fills the stage. The lights go down as the fog fades. There is then an image of a phoenix on the screen and K.O. comes out as it flies away. He hypes himself up before he travels down the ramp and high fives as many fans as he can. He gets into the ring and poses on each of the turnbuckles before he jumps into the middle of the ring. He kneels down and slams his fist into the mat as pyro erupts from the ring posts.

    Copeland: Since he came back to WZCW at Lethal Lottery, Chris K.O. has been a fan favorite and the Brazilian crowd is letting him know it.

    Connor: He has been on a roll since his return and tonight he finds himself face to face with an old foe in the form of the Hall of Famer, Titus. Mind games and sneak attacks have been the norm the past few weeks, so you know this one will be tightly contested.

    Cohen: I won't, hell I can't deny what K.O. is capable of. This is a personal battle, but it isn't the same type of personal as some of his past battles. This may be the toughest test of his career.

    The crowd returns their attention back to the stage as the lights go back down. The tron screen comes on and we see a white horse. On the back of the horse is Titus and he is wearing a replica of the helmet that Chris K.O. used to wear. Titus rides the horse into the arena when the camera shifts to the stage.

    Titus enters on the horse with a flaming sword in his hand. The crowd rips into him as he dismounts the horse and hands the sword off. He steps into the ring and then removes the helmet and places it at the feet of his opponent.

    Cohen: Haha, yes! The mind games continue. Few have been able to do it like Titus.

    Copeland: Despicable and disrespectful.

    Cohen: Oh now he is disrespectful but until CHris K.O. came back you had your crush on him again. Pick a side Seabass.

    Connor: Few men can elicit the response Titus does, positive or negative. It will be interesting to see how he approaches this one.

    Referee Keith Morse moves the helmet out of the ring, which K.O. ignored the entire time. He checks both men's tights for foreign objects and calls for the bell.


    K.O. approaches his opponent but Titus leans out of the ropes to make sure the ref steps in to stop it. The ref orders Chris back and Titus slowly gets back into the ring. Chris tries to approach again and Titus again ducks through the ropes and orders the ref to step in. K.O. just shakes his head and backs up, but makes sure to not turn his back on Titus. Titus keeps hold of the ropes and stretches out on them as the crowd begins to boo while Titus makes sure the ref keeps K.O. away. He finishes stretching and tells K.O. to come at him. As his opponent approaches, Titus drops down and rolls out of the ring. The crowd is furious as K.O. throws his hands up. Referee Keith Morse orders Titus back into the ring, but he takes his time walking around the ring.

    Connor: A cowardly display from Titus, refusing to engage.

    Cohen: Hey now, Titus is just properly stretching and making sure he is loosened up. Do you wanna see him get hurt from having tight muscles?

    Titus takes his time getting on the apron and climbing into the ring. Chris K.O. immediately goes for the CKO, and Titus pushes him away and tries to the the Tit Drop but K.O. blocks it. They separate and come together again and Titus tries for the Tit Drop again, but K.O. counters and goes for The Burning Crusade, but Titus blocks and tries to pick the ankle for his ankle lock but K.O. blocks that. The crowd is turned around as the two face off and Chris K.O. begs Titus to come back at him.

    Cohen: See Cat, Titus wasn't properly warmed up, cause a warmed up Titus would have hit that TIt Drop and we be done with this match.

    Copeland: The early mind games appeared to have no impact on K.O.

    The two lock up for some more traditional wrestling and Chris gets the upperhand and works to a side headlock. He works the hold but Titus falls back into the ropes and shoots him off. Titus leapfrogs off the rebound but K.O. hits the ropes and comes back and connects with a Thesz press and connects with a couple of punches before the ref orders him away. Titus crawls to his feet but K.O. grabs him in a front facelock and pulls him to his feet. K.O. then clubs him across the back to knock him back to a kneeling position. He then takes a few steps back and hits a running knee to the side of the head of Titus and makes a cover...One!...Two!...Kick out by Titus just after the two. Chris grabs the arm of Titus and wrenches on it as he drags him to his feet. He gets him on his feet and then Irish whips him across the ring. Off the rebound Chris backdrops his opponent. HE then gets Titus to a kneeling position and dropkicks him in the face and makes another cover...One!...Two!...again Titus kicks out. K.O. nods his head, almost as if he expected this to happen. He works Titus into another headlock while he ponders his next move.

    Copeland: Since the action started in full, K.O. has been in control.

    Connor: Do you think his strategy is to put Titus away early? If this match goes a long time who does it favor?

    Cohen: The two are nearly identical in size, about six foot two and two hundred and twenty pounds each, so it may just come down to who conditioned themselves for this match better. Neither are known to take opponents lightly so it's anyone's guess.

    K.O. works on the hold, but again Titus works to the ropes and shoots him off the ropes. Off the rebound, K.O. goes for a spinning wheel kick but Titus ducks it. As Chris gets to his feet, Titus grabs him in a rear waistlock. He runs him into the ropes to roll him up, but K.O. hangs on and leaves Titus to roll away. K.O. uses the ropes to springboard and catch Titus with a back elbow, but it just grazes the Hall of Famer, who wobbles off balance to the corner. His opponent approaches him and unseen by the ref, Titus uses a thumb to the eye to slow the momentum of K.O. Titus kicks his opponent in the midsection and with him doubled over, throws him back and slams him into the mat before he takes a quick breather. Titus stomps down on Chris a few times before dragging him to his feet and raking his face across the top rope, earning an admonishing from the ref, as he takes him to the corner. Titus starts to stomp away at the midsection of K.O. knocking him down to a seated position just as the referee gets to a count of four. Titus puts him hands up as he walks away. He then runs and connects with a running dropkick to the seated K.O. and pulls him out of the corner...One!...Two!...kick out by K.O. Titus grabs a chinlock to keep the pressure on.

    Cohen: Titus really putting the pressure on now.

    Copeland: After blatant cheating.

    Copeland: Oh go cry about it Seabass.

    The crowd is trying to will K.O. back to his feet and he feeds off the crowd as he does his best to get to his feet. He starts to throw punches to the midsection to break the hold, but Titus cuts him off with a knee to the midsection. He keeps throwing the knees, but K.O. catches it. He has Titus in trouble with his leg isolated, but Titus grabs the rope forcing the break. The ref counts and K.O. has to reluctantly let go. When he does Titus connects with a hard right hand to stagger him. He throws a few more punches to back him into the ropes on the far side and then Irish whips him back across the ring. Titus then slaps on a sleeper hold off the rebound. K.O. fights it but the hold is locked in. He scrambles as quickly as he can to fall back and ram Titus into the turnbuckle . The first doesn't break the hold but the second one does. The reprieve doesn't last long though as Titus leaps from the second rope and bulldogs his opponent down. He makes the cover...One!...Two!...kick out. Titus immediately pulls K.O. to the center of the ring and grabs an arm bar. He pulls it as far back as he can behind the back. He then drives a knee into the back of K.O. who winces in agony. He stomps his foot, trying to get the crowd behind him and they start to clap and chant his name "Chris, Chris, Chris." He stands awkwardly, bridging himself. He then drops to a seated position to break the hold. He rolls back, surprising Titus, and hits a modified monkey flip once he raises his legs. Titus gets to his feet first and charges at K.O. but he blocks the punch attempt and hits one of his own. He blocks the return punch and the crowd is behind him as he punches Titus back into the corner. He then hits a vicious chop, echoing through the entire stadium. He hits a second and a third before he snapmares Titus out of the corner. K.O. then flips over Titus, slamming him head into the ground as he goes. K.O. pulls him out of the corner and makes the cover...One!...Two!...kick out by Titus, who rolls out of the ring to catch his breath. Chris K.O. is unable to grab him before he gets outside.

    Connor: Chris K.O. looks to be turning it around. Momentum shifting in his favor.

    Copeland: The crowd is firmly behind him at this point and Titus needs to rethink his gameplan.

    As Keith Morse is utilizing his ten count, K.O. rolls out of the ring to go after Titus. Titus starts to run from K.O. and slides into the ring and stomps on K.O. when he tries to give further chase. This staggers Chris, who then gets knocked into the barricade with a baseball slide. K.O. refuses to go down, but Titus tosses him chest first into the ring apron.

    Cohen: You know the apron is the hardest part of the ring.

    Titus then drapes K.O. in the ring skirt and hammers away at him as the ref orders him back in the ring. Titus rolls in the ring and back out to break the count. He picks K.O. up, who had fallen to his feet and Irish whips him face first into the ring post. K.O. is down and Titus shrugs his shoulders as the crowd boos. He rolls back into the ring and goes to the corner and props himself up and tells the referee to count before he looks at his wrist and his imaginary watch. One!.......Two!.......

    Connor: You hate to see the match end this way.

    Cohen: A win is a win is a win, especially at Kingdom Come.

    Copeland: It's still a cheap win, but no doubt Titus would take it.


    K.O. is stirring.......

    ......Eight!......Nine!.......K.O. dives back in just in time and the crowd erupts. Titus lowers his head in annoyance before he gets down and starts to stomp away at K.O. and yell at him. Titus grabs K.O. by the ear and pulls him to his knees "DO YOU HEAR ME?!?" He yells at his opponent and slaps him before he hits a DDT. He makes the cover...One!...Two!....Kick out by K.O. and Titus is livid. He slams his hands onto the mat and gets in the face of referee Keith Morse. He slaps his hands together three times, Morse responds with two slaps of his hands. Titus grabs him by the collar of his shirt and holds up three fingers. Keith Morse shoves him away, right into the CKO! The stunner drops Titus and Chris K.O. goes to make the cover...One!...Two!...Thr-Kick out by Titus and the crowd is stunned. K.O. slams his hands onto the mat from his back to get the crowd back behind him. He gets to his feet and is calling for the move again. Titus struggles to his feet and K.O. hits the kick to set it up, but Titus is able to shove him away. Chris turns around and Titus connects with a kick to the midsection and hits the Tit Drop! Titus stumbles a bit after the fameasser before he goes to make the cover....One!....Two!...Thr-K.O. kicks out! Titus looks like he may cry.

    Copeland: Unbelievable heart shown by both men in the last few moments.

    Connor: Two absolute warriors just slugging it out.

    Cohen: I truly thought the match was over after the CKO, then I thought the same after the Tit Drop.

    Both men stagger to their feet and begin to trade blows back and forth. Chops and punches. The two men then start to trade European uppercuts before Titus hits a Kesagiri chop to really stagger K.O. Still on his feet, Titus tries to take him down with a spinning heel kick. K.O. still doesn't go down so Titus hits the ropes and springboards at K.O. who stops Titus with a dropkick in mid air. Both men are down. Referee Keith Morse checks them and begins his ten count...One!...Two!...Three!...Four!...Both men stir and K.O. is on his feet first and grabs Titus to set up for a suplex. Titus blocks and tries for one of his own. He lifts K.O. who kicks his legs to block and does but grazes the ref, who recoils. Titus rakes the eyes of Chris while the ref has his back turned and then hit the suplex on the second try. He immediately gets Chris back on his feet and hits a Northern Lights suplex and keeps it for the pin...One!...Two!...Kick out by K.O. Titus sweeps the legs of K.O. to keep him down and locks on an arm bar again. This time K.O. is scooting toward the ropes as he tries to bridge upward, so Titus connects with a reverse DDT to stop that. He pulls K.O. away from the ropes and drops a knee before making a cover...One!...Two!....Kick out again by K.O. Titus kicks K.O. in the midsection as he tries to stand and then grabs him by the head and gets him to the feet. He slams him down with a simple body slam before he climbs to the top rope. He waits for K.O. to stand as just as he sees where Titus is, the Hall of Famer leaps from the top and hits a flying clothesline. He makes a cover again...One!...Two...Kick out again by Chris K.O.

    Connor: Chris K.O. refusing to die.

    Copeland: Indeed he will not go quietly into the night.

    Titus slaps his hand on the mat three times and glares back at the referee. He turns his attention back to his opponent, not wanting to make the same mistake as earlier. He drags K.O. to his feet and begins to slap him around "Stay down you useless wannabe hero." Titus continues to slap K.O. around until the former survivor respond with a kick to the midsection. He readies for the CKO but Titus had it scouted and shoves him away and into the ropes. Off the rebound Titus hits a surprise CKO! He uses K.O.s own move against him. He makes the cover...One!...Two!....Three! The referee waves it off though as Chris K.O. got his foot on the bottom rope! Titus pops to his feet and kicks K.O's foot off the rope and moves him in position for the Red Comet and scales the turnbuckle. He climbs to the top rope and just before he leaps, K.O. moves out of the way. Titus lands on his feet and rolls away. before he can get to his feet though, K.O. runs over and hits the Tit Drop! He hooks the leg...One!...Two!...Thre-Titus kicks out! K.O. is beside himself.

    Cohen: He can't use that move, that is Titus' most famous move!

    Copeland: Turnabout is fair play Jack.

    Connor: But where do they go from here?

    K.O. gets Titus to his feet and works him over with some knife edge chops and backs Titus into the ropes. He shoots him off the ropes and ducks a Titus clothesline attempt off the rebound and then drags him to the mat and locks in The Burning Crusade! The crossface is locked in! Titus yells in pain and desperation as he crawls to the ropes. Just as he is about to get the hold broken by the ropes, K.O. pulls him back to the center and locks it on again. Titus sticks his hand out and clinches and unclinches his fist as he waves it around and the crowd chants for him to tap. He manages to roll and pin K.O.s shoulders to the mat...One! but K.O. releases the hold. They get to their feet and tie up, with Titus still hurting. K.O. goes for a headlock but Titus just falls to his knees. K.O. goes to grab him but Titus small packages him...One!...Two!...but K.O. reverses the pin...One!...Two!...Titus kicks out. Both men pop to their feet and Titus ducks a clothesline and gets Chris in a crucifix and pulls him to the mat...One!....Two....K.O. kicks out. Titus swings a clothesline as soon as he can and K.O. ducks it and then backslides Titus down...One!....Two!...Titus kicks out. Titus goes for a kick back on their feet but K.O. catches it and spins him around. He goes for a kick of his own but Titus catches it. Chris goes for the enzugiri but Titus ducks. K.O. catches himself on his hands though and connects with a one legged mule kick. Titus staggers backward and bounces off the rope and K.O. grabs him to pull him into the Burning Crusade, but Titus spins out and goes for the Tit Drop! K.O. manages to push him up and away, face first into the turnbuckle. K.O. approaches him but Titus throws a couple of back elbows to knock him away. Unseen by the referee, Titus tears the turnbuckle pad enough to expose it. K.O. charges in and Titus steps aside and lets K.O. crash into the exposed buckle and as Chris staggers out, Titus hits the Tit Drop! He falls into the cover...One!...Two!....Three! Titus gets his first win over Chris K.O. and does it at Kingdom Come.

    Copeland: Why did he have to do it like this?

    Anderson: Here is your winner, Titus!

    Cohen: Titus with a very big and very fair victory here tonight.

    Connor: What planet do you life on Jack?

    Cohen: The one where Titus just beat Chris K.O. at Kingdom Come.

    The crowd rains down boos on Titus as he demands that the referee raise his hand.

  8. #8

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    *Sebastian sits at his home office writing the latest entry in his blog Nothing More Epic: The Kardashian Story . As he writes about the wonderful people that make up the Kardashian clan, his key-clicking is interrupted by the ringing of the doorbell. It is soon followed up by a voice he knew and loved more than those of Kourtney, Chloe and Kim.*

    ???: Seby-poo? It's me, Britney! I forgot my keys again!

    Sebastian slowly gets up from his chair and bounds over to the door, his body still wracked from mysterious injuries he seemed to pick up out of the blue. The doctors had said it was like he had been in a car crash or sustained some kind of prolonged beating and then been caught in an explosionâ?¦ He was lucky to be alive, but through the loving support of his wonderful, if occasionally scatterbrained, girlfriend, Britney, he was on the mend.

    Sebastian: Be right there, honey-bunny!


    The Smoker: Hey! What are we doing?

    Manic: Letting Britney in. Didn't you hear? She forgot her keys again!

    Depressive: We should not open the door.

    Manic: Why not?

    Depressive: It is not her.

    The Smoker: What?

    Depressive: It is a trap... again

    The Smoker: What? Who?

    Depressive: Probably the same automaton as last time.

    Manic: You mean it might be Poo?!? YEY!

    The Smoker: The mandroid? God, we would rather spend more time watching those insufferable Kardashians than deal with that cardboard-covered cretin. Donâ??t open the door!

    Depressive: It is too late... again. And how often do we have to say it? We do not have any control on the outsideâ?¦


    *Sebastian unbolts the door and opens it with a big beaming smile on his face.*

    Sebastian: Brits, you big silly-billy! How could you forget your keys agâ?¦

    *Sebastian is cut short by what he sees - rather than the smiling friendly face of his coffee-serving girlfriend, he sees her wide-eyed petrified faceâ?¦

    She has a cardboard robot claw clamped over her mouthâ?¦ The owner of that claw holds up a digital Dictaphone in its other robotic appendage and presses its play button.*

    ???: Seby-poo? It's me, Britney! I forgot my keys again!

    *Before Sebastian can process this, with a hint of déjà vu, the holder of the dictaphone speaks.*

    Sebastian: Who are you? What are you doing with my Brits?

    SHIT: Answer to Question #1: Scaled Humanoid Industrial Technology with Bounty Hunter Downloadable Content installed.

    Answer to Question #2: Scaled Humanoid Industrial Technology Bounty Hunter Edition is using this female meatbag to gain access to Barbosa, a plan which has worked before.

    Sebastian: Barbosa?!? Who is that?

    *The mandroid cocks its head in some semblance of surprise.*

    SHIT: You are the meatbag called Barbosa.

    *Sebastian takes a tentative step backwards.*

    Sebastian: But my nameâ?¦ isâ?¦ Sebastianâ?¦

    SHIT: Negative! You are merely the latest sub-programme of the Barbosa computer, cohabiting with this caffeine-bean dispensing flesh balloon.

    *Confusion spreads over the face of Sebastian, with just a hint of recognition like there are voices screaming behind his eyes.*

    Sebastian: Whâ?¦whâ?¦what do you want?

    SHIT: WrestleZone Championship Wrestling has paid this unit to make sure Barbosa attends his induction into the Hall of Fame.

    Sebastian: The what wants to do what?

    SHIT: Repeat Mission Statement: WZCW has paid this unit to make sure Barbosa attends his induction into the Hall of Fame.

    Sebastian: Pleaseâ?¦ just let Brits go.

    SHIT: Negative!

    Sebastian: Why?

    SHIT: Repeat Answer to Question #2: Scaled Humanoid Industrial Technology Bounty Hunter Edition is using this female meatbag to gain access to Barbosa.

    *A brief moment of silence spreads over the confusing door way stand offâ?¦*

    SHIT: Additional Answer: the purveyor of caffeine addiction is also to attend.

    *Sebastian takes another tentative step backwards, in a move that SHIT recognises as a prelude to an escape attemptâ?¦*

    SHIT: If you do not come quietly, this unit will have to apprehend Barbosa

    *As the mandroid takes a step forward, still grasping Britney, Sebastian turns to run towards the telephoneâ?¦*

    Sebastian: No, I am calling the police

    SHIT: Negative! Police officers would interfere with Scaled Humanoid Industrial Technology Bounty Hunter Edition's mission. Target Acquired! Initiating Barbosa Neutraliser!

    *With that, Scaled Humanoid Industrial Technology uses its free hand to unleash a forceful overhand piston chop to the turning Sebastian, who crumbles to the floor unconscious.*

    SHIT: Barbosa Neutralisation Successful!

    *SHIT then lets Britney go and ushers her inside the house.*

    SHIT: Female, caffeine-dealing meatbag will aid this unit in preparing Barbosa for Hall of Fame induction.


    SHIT: Barbosa requires suitable attire for his induction. Records indicate a penguin suit to be in order.

    *This is met with another look of confusion as SHIT follows Britney in through the door, closing it.*

    SHIT: And the female, caffeine-dealing meatbag requires a dress.




    *The lights seem to go out.

    A brief silence is interrupted by the switching on of a single spotlight, which is big enough to illuminate the Smoker, the Depressive and the Manic. All three are wearing tuxedos and each appear to be wearing a Hall of Fame ring.

    For once, there appears to be no discord amongst them.*

    Depressive: One more timeâ?¦

    The Smoker: Last full measureâ?¦

    Manic: For Pooâ?¦ for Huntâ?¦for us

    *And suddenly they all break out in song, with a shared voiceâ?¦*

    And now, the end is near
    And so we face the final curtain
    My friend, we'll say it clear
    We'll state our case, of which we're certain

    We've lived a life that's full
    We cashed in on Dave the worst way
    But more, much more than this
    We did it my way

    Regrets, we've had a few
    Losing the belt, too hard to mention
    We did what we had to do
    Got it back from Showtime at Redemption

    We sang along the course
    Each doeful note to hinder Ty Burnay
    And more, much more than this
    We did it my way

    Yes, there were times, when things sure blew
    When we fell from heights when we should have flew
    But through it all, when there was doubt
    We beat SHIT up and knocked Hunt out
    We faced them all and we stood tall
    And did it my way

    We've tagged, we've crushed and fried
    We've had my fill; my share of losing
    Titus and Runn, how we cried
    We find it all so amusing

    To think we did all that
    And may we say - not in a shy way
    Oh no, oh no, not us
    We did it my way

    For what a great team, when we have a robot
    Escaped from bedlam, and never caught
    Used Kylie to say what he truly feels
    And yet, he is not one who kneels
    The record shows we took the blows
    And did it my way

    Yes, it was our way

    *The three Barbosas bow.*


    *Back in the real world where the Barbosas do not liveâ?¦ the Hall of Fame ceremony continues with Barbosa announced as the next inducteeâ?¦

    But he does not appearâ?¦ the announcer tries againâ?¦ still nothing.

    Suddenly there is some commotion behind the curtain as Scaled Humanoid Industrial Technology

    Britney over his cardboard shoulder and a tuxedoed Barbosa dragged behind him

    The mandroid deposits both Sebastian and Britney in front of the waiting microphone.*

    SHIT: Objective achieved! Barbosa delivered!

    *However, instead of giving a moving acceptance speech or singing his latest hit, Sebastian takes the opportunity to scream for help, shouting to the audience to call the police because they have been kidnapped.*

    SHIT: HALT! Barbosa must be inducted!

    *Unsurprisingly, the kidnapped Sebastian does not stop calling for help. Unfortunately for him, many in the crowd remember his antics from the past and think that this is all part of the showâ?¦*

    SHIT: If Barbosa does not cease, Scaled Humanoid Industrial Technology will take action to ensure induction.

    *Again, Sebastian does not calm down.*

    SHIT: Target Acquired! Barbosa Interception Protocol Initiated!

    *SHIT races towards the frantic Sebastian, looking to tackle him; however, in his attempts to escape, the Hall of Fame inductee has strayed too close to the edge of the stage so when the cardboard cyborg succeeds in intercepting him, it spears Sebastian off the stage into the electrical circuit boards of the arena!

    The last thing that can be heard before the sound, lights and indeed the live feed is cut off is Britney screamingâ?¦*

  9. #9

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    Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the Elite Openweight Championship!!!

    The stage opens wide as a large bust of the Cerberus hound emerges from the stage. Just as it comes into focus, it bursts into pieces! Flex smashes it from behind with a mallet that looks like a dumbell. He strides over the pile of rubble, savoring his deed. The stage begins to opens up again - a throne ascends. Mussel brings the mallet down over and over again until it too is nothing but broken garbage. The FlexAmerican flag then descends from the rafters. Flex bends the mallet in half and tosses it away. Mussel's music plays.

    Harrys: Introducing first, from Paris, France, weighing 220 pounds, "The Commander In Chief", Flex Mussél!!!

    Flex Mussel proceeds down the ramp, taking the moment in with every turn of his head to the Brazilian faithful.

    Cohen: A legacy forged in steel. Flex Mussel has pushed through the ranks like a one man armada. A former tag team champion - a former World champion even! Tonight he sticks his flag into the ground and says "Add my name to the Elite as well!"

    Copeland: It can't be denied that Flex has come into his own over the years. His entrance is a testament to that. But Mikey is the lifeblood of WZCW. He's not going gently into this good night.

    Connor: We have a big hoss fight, one you can only see here at Kingdom Come.

    Mussel paces his corner, tugging on the ropes and limbering up with stretches.

    Harrys: And his opponent...

    The lights flicker off one by one, until a solo rests on the stage itself.

    Green goo starts to drip down a large screen until it forms into the silhouette of Stormrage. It fills up the screen: feet, legs, torso, shoulders, etc until the image reveals itself as a Gooigi version of Mikey. The real Mikey Stormrage rips through the screen dressed as Luigi with his Poltergust 5000 and title around his waist.

    He sucks up some mist before he takes off the pack and heads to the ring. He takes a moment to interact with Katherine at ringside before he gets into the ring. Once he takes off his costume he is in his regular gear, tonight green and black. He has a shirt on that says “Flex This”with an arrow pointing to his dick. He tosses it into the crowd and puts his hair into a bun before the match.

    Harrys: From Berkeley, California by way of Indiana, weighing in at 355 pounds, he is your Elite Openweight Champion, Mikey Stormrage!!!

    Copeland: Whatever Flex has done throughout his legendary career, Mikey has done all that and then some. Very few can boast the Hall of Fame career he lives every single night on Meltdown. Very few come close to the prestige this man carries on his shoulders every time he's on Ascension. And none, zilch, zero, can compare to his humility. Truly a quality human being.

    Connor: He's done it all but he still has a feather to stick in his cap - beating Flex at Kingdom Come with the belt on the line.

    Cohen: Is this a Ghostbusters thing? I'm so confused.

    Both men stand face-to-face, psyching each other out as the referee Elizabeth Prince starts the match.


    Neither man moves from his position. They stare into each other's eyes - Mikey's a calm, almost sagelike expression. Flex's own a hyped up, contorted mess. The lights shift into position to add focus onto the ring and its occupants. The crowd grows restless, cheering at Mikey's face when cameras capture it for the tron video. Flex barks at Mikey, ordering him to strike first. Mikey remains unresponsive. Flex begins to crack, slapping at his own chest and yelling how this is his moment and Mikey is walking away with nothing but an L. Mikey stays stoic. Flex gets aggressive, even running the ropes just to brake in front of the champion. Mikey isn't psyched out. Impatient, Flex throws the first punch and Mikey blocks it, delivering a right hand of his own and the fight is on.

    Mikey throws him into the nearby turnbuckle and punches his ribs until Prince begins the five count. He backs away just to deliver a standing clothesline. Flex staggers but puts himself together, running into Mikey's outstretched arms. Sidewalk Slam has Flex on his back. Mikey doesn't go for the pin; he grabs Flex's legs and drags him back to the turnbuckle. He climbs up onto the second rope - lands flush on Flex's chest at a seated position. Prince counts, but it's broken up at one.

    Copeland: Interesting fact of the night: The world championship match has both competitors at 6'1. Titus vs Chris K.O. both stand at 6'2. Mikey vs. Flex features as our biggest attraction height-wise with Mikey at 6'4, and Flex at 6'5.

    Cohen: You're making that up.

    Connor: No it's true. KC10 is a very even card and that's why I said this'll be a big hoss fight.

    Mikey snatches him up from the ground and saddles him on his shoulders. He starts to spin around, but Flex shifts his own weight, sandbagging him to drop him to his feet. This knocks the referee down! Flex starts to lift Stormrage from the ground himself, but Mikey clubs him in the back. Crowd cheers as Mikey sends Flex through the ropes and to the outside. Mussel crumples to the protective mat, crying out in pain. Nearby fans jeer at the gym rat. He gathers himself and gets in their faces. Mikey runs the ropes and suicide dives - Flex grabs a fan's beer cup and flings it into Mikey's face! Mikey crashes in temporary blindness. Flex grabs a tuft of his challenger's hair and pulls him forward, shoving his face into the security barrier. He lets the video gamer drop to the floor. Rows of fans toss junk at Flex, and he dares them to throw more. Trash rains from the skies. He has to cover himself as Mikey sprints towards him. Together they go through a barrier and spill out into the near-riotous crowd.

    The WZCW Universe stop throwing things and push each other out of the way. Mikey Stormrage and Flex Mussel climb over chairs blow-to-blow. Elizabeth Prince stirs. Mussel catches a right from Mikey, and lifts him up. Mikey snatches a hot dog from a nearby fan and shoves it into Flex's mouth. Flex lets Mikey go and for a moment takes pleasure in eating said frankfurter. Prince begins the ten count. Mikey rushes him again, but Flex counters with a Belly-To-Belly - both men crash into the adjoining chairs! Prince: "Two!"

    Connor: The devastation already.

    Cohen: Indeed. What a piece of garbage Mikey is, ruining a man's diet like that. Can't he just ruin his own?

    Copeland: I think a guy like Flex could use a cheat day now and then. It's healthy.

    "Three!" as they still lie prone on the stadium floor. The members of the audience close by root for the Elite Champion to get back up, to beat the count. Flex starts to roll to one side, crawling towards the stairs to descend. Mikey still catches his breath, having caught most of the onslaught. Flex goes down a step at "Four!" Stormrage pulls himself up using the bolted-in chairs. A spectator hands him a cup of beer. Exhaustingly, he takes a swig. In his somewhat conscious state, he asks if it is a Blue Moon. "Five!" Flex crawls on the matted floor, yards away from the steel stairs. Mikey hobbles down the stairs, worse for wear but steady, and grabs Flex by his tights. He hoists him high into the air and throws him at the ring ropes. "Six!" He bounces off and crashes to the ground. Mikey slips into the ring, and back out. He picks Flex back up again, but gets a thumb in the eye.

    Flex Mussel attempts to sweep the big man off of his feet, but again Mikey struggles and powers out. "One!" Flex grapples with him, catching Mikey in the gut with his knee. Flex propels Mikey face-first into the ring steps! A sickening thud answers the referee's "Two!" The Healthiest Man Alive whips Mikey back into the ring. Flex goes for a cover, but doesn't even get a count for one. Flex gets behind Mikey and deadlifts him - he's off his feet - for a German Suplex, but Mikey counters with the Abdominal Stretch. Flex is beside himself, furiously trying to break free, but Mikey bears down on him. With one free hand, Mikey slaps Flex's ass. The crowd create a chant in rhythm of the strikes.


    Flex manages to wiggle free, and reverses the hold into his own Abdominal Stretch! He pulls back on Mikey's ankle in the submission and Mikey howls. The contender audibly shouts and tech equipment picks it up.

    Flex: That's right, howl! HoWwWwL!

    Copeland: Moments ago I had Mikey pegged for a near-perfect victory, but now I'm not so sure. Flex is showing intensity I rarely see from him.

    Cohen: Then you haven't been watching. Flex has more intensity than a kid forging their parent's signature on a report card.

    Connor: I've...never heard that simile before.

    Mikey grunts in pain, reaching out for rope that isn't there. Flex doesn't let go. Prince asks the champion if he wants to give up. Mikey shakes his head. He shifts in Mussel's grasp, pushing his weight forward on the balls of his feet. Flex doesn't let go, more determined to keep the lock in place. Brazil claps for the champion, and Mikey hears them. He howls, and hip throws Flex over his shoulder onto the canvas. Flex wastes no time getting back to his feet, dodging a limb from Mikey, running the ropes, and executing a Jumping Knee Lift into Mikey's face. Mikey barrels over the ropes, the ropes themselves supporting his body, as Flex grabs hold of his arm and whips him into a corner. Flex grabs hold of Mikey's legs, and turns around, propping them onto his shoulders. Using the second rope as support, Flex lifts Mikey off of the ground and steadies him. Mikey is sitting unaided onto Flex's shoulders as Mussel walks the center of the ring. Crowd is in awe. Flex rears back and plants himself and Mikey onto the ground. The ring shakes. Flex makes the cover. Referee with the one...two...kickout! Flex sighs and helps Mikey to his feet.

    Mikey throws a wild right fist, Flex dodges. Like a man possessed, Mike throws another. And another. Again Flex backs away moments before they would connect. Flex runs the ropes - Mikey with a clothesline but catches nothing but air. Mussel slips out of the ring for a breather.

    Copeland: Flex got away like one of the monsters in Mikey's video game.

    Cohen: Duck Hunt?

    Connor: Fuck you're old.

    Flex stumbles over to the timekeeper area. Mikey follows suit from behind, favoring his back but still taunts with his elbow. Flex turns around and is met with a Headshot! The Bionic Elbow dazes Mussel, who falls onto the timekeeper's lap and the bell dings on accident. "One!" Mikey navigates Flex over to the front row where he asks for more junk food. A fan happily gives him a few of their fries. Mikey goes to shove them in Flex's mouth, but Flex comes-to and forces them down Mikey's throat. "Two!" Flex asks him if he likes the letter he mailed him, the package delivery. Flex slaps Mikey's face and the food is spat out near ringside. "Three!" Flex brings Mikey back into the ring before the count of four. With Mikey prone, Flex grabs at his legs again - this time he proceeds to move clockwise. Spin & Win! The swinging maneuver sends Mikey flailing on the mat, his own head dizzy. Mussel stands over Mikey, a hungry, almost ravenous look on his face.

    Mikey uses the bottom rope to pull himself up to sit. Another Jumping Knee Lift catches Mikey in the face. In a frenzy, Flex rolls him over and grasps him from behind - German Suplex lands flush. Flex doesn't release his grip, rolling back to his feet again with a second German Suplex. Flex whips him into the turnbuckle, rushes him with a European Uppercut, circles back and hits a Running Forearm Smash, and makes a final relay with a Shotgun Kick. The Body Breaking Diet finishes perfectly as Mikey drops to the mat. Flex signals for the end. He pulls Mikey back up to his feet, and nails the Flexicution. Discus Clothesline brings Mikey down once more and Flex makes the cover.

    One...two...three. Kickout.

    Cohen: What?!

    Copeland: Amazing. Surprised Mikey had the wherewithal to know where he was at that moment.

    Connor: Veteran instincts maybe.

    Flex is furious, getting in Elizabeth's face and ordering her to count normally. He pins Mikey again, hooking the leg. Prince is there for the one...two...thr-another kickout. Flex looks pale. The audience whistle and holler loudly for Mikey to rise up. Flex beats him to the punch, back on his feet and lifts Mikey up into the air in a Vertical Suplex. Crowd falls silent again. Flex brings the big man down with a Sideslam - Full Body Fitness V2! Mussel drapes an arm over the fallen opponent and the referee counts one...two...KICKOUT! Flex shuts his eyes and shakes his head. Mikey is unresponsive. Flex rolls out of the ring and paces, trying to think of ways to put Mikey out to pasture.

    While Flex takes a moment, Mikey gets on all fours and catches his breath. He eyes Flex from between the ropes, his face a calm resolve. Flex stares back at him, bewildered and shaken. Flex mouths off at him, telling him he can't psyche him out. That tonight is his night. Mikey shakes his head. Fuming, Flex quickly slides back into the ring and goes on the attack-

    Mikey Stormrage with a Game Over! The crowd are on their feet! Game Over puts Flex away for the one...two...three. Flex kicks out by a hair!

    Copeland: Oh my god.

    Cohen: Yes! Flex had an extra life!

    Connor: The determination between these two is reaching uncanny levels. Neither wants to give up. Neither wants to hear Harrys call their opponent's name out from his microphone. This is a contest. A real drag-out fist-against-flesh contest.

    Mikey hangs his head, nearly in tears. Flex favors his own backside now, grasping at a turnbuckle that isn't there. The champion limps towards his opponent, clutching at his own back. He grabs Flex and gives a Belly-To-Belly of his own: Live Más Slam! A move that factors back into their tag-team rivalry days, Mikey pins Flex. One...Two...There is another kickout. Stormrage laughs as if to say "of course he kicked out". Flex smacks his hand against the mat, telling himself to get back up. Mikey takes deep breaths, pulling himself up to a standing position. Flex gets to his knees when Mikey yanks him off the ground, whips him into the ropes, pop-up lifts him into the sky - European Uppercut...FALCON PUNCH! Flex is down. Mikey falls to his knees. Mikey visibly clasps his hands in prayer before lying on top of the athlete for another pin.

    One...two...Flex gets a shoulder up. Mikey's calm demeanor is broken. He buries his face in his hands. Flex takes his time getting back to his feet. Mikey and Flex stare each other down a third time on opposite sides of the ring. Mikey is quiet. Flex is quiet. Together they rush each other. Mikey gains the upperhand, lifting him into another Game Over. Flex counters by grabbing hold of his arm, turning him around, and lunges with another Flexicution. Mikey catches his arm, and delivers a Short Arm Clothesline. It connects. Mikey looks at his fallen foe, back at the turnbuckle, and back at Flex.

    Cohen: Oh Jesus Mikey you're not...

    Mikey climbs the ropes, his back to Flex Mussel.

    Copeland: He is. He really is.

    He gets to the top rope, and holds on unsteadily. He turns to check that he's in position. Flex is there, up and already upon him. Mussel gets between his legs and grabs his tights. He walks Mikey away from the turnbuckle and closer to the center of the ring. Flex's legs wobble. A hush falls on the audience a third time in the match. Flex throws Mikey full force into the canvas. Mussel Bomb! The powerbomb rattles the ring, and a corner of the ring gives out - Flex Mussel and Elizabeth Prince are throttled forward! They collide with the ground.


    EMTs are quick to the scene, sprinting down the runway and towards the ring to check on all three WZCW employees. Elizabeth Prince is the first to stir. She turns around and sees Flex had pulled Mikey close against him in an embraced pin. Prince musters her wits about her and does her job. One...two...three.

    Harrys: Here is your winner and the NEW ELITE OPENWEIGHT CHAMPION, FLEX MUSSEL!!!

    Prince hobbled over to the timekeeper area and retrieved the title. EMT help Flex stand at attention. She gives him the title and he doesn't look like he knows where he is.

    Copeland: I'm ...uhh folks there are times when we can't do a scene justice. This is one of those times. Congratulations to Flex. Truly a well deserved win in a strong showing from both men. But I really hope Mikey is okay though.

    Connor: ...

    Cohen: ...I have to go. I'll be right back.

    Jack Cohen takes his headset off and goes to the broken ring. Flex Mussel clutches the Elite title, muttering "It's mine. It's mine". Cohen passes him without a glance.

    Along with a half dozen medics, Cohen checks on the well being of Mikey Stormrage. After a few uncertain minutes, Mikey gives the staff as well as the arena the thumbs up. The arena fills up with chants of gratitude for Mikey. Jack Cohen nods in reassurance, and gives Mikey's shoulder a squeeze. Cohen returns to the broadcast booth.

    Flex is still inside the ring after the match, not able to really go anywhere with the carnage. Mikey Stormrage pushes the ring crew aside and gets into the ring. He stares down Flex, though both men are clearly still feeling the effects of the grueling fight. Flex sticks his hand out for a handshake but Mikey moves past it and grabs the Elite Title off the shoulder of Flex.

    Connor: I don't think that Mikey is satisfied with the result of the match.

    Mikey looks at the title and then places it back in the extended hand of Flex. He then urges Flex to put the title back on his shoulder and after he does, the Hall of Famer Stormrage extends his hand back out and shakes hands with Flex in the ultimate show of respect between the two men. The crowd cheers as Mikey then takes that hand and raises it above their heads and points to Flex. Mikey rolls out of the ring and claps while nodding at Flex before he heads up the ramp to give Flex his moment.

    Copeland: These two men went to war and tore each other apart. Flex walks away with the Elite Title but in the end I think he got something he coveted even more, mutual respect between he and Mikey Stormrage.
    Last edited by HOMOFLEXUAL DYNAMITE; 11-01-2019 at 04:42 PM.

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    Harrys: The following contest is the main event of Kingdom Come, and it is for the WZCW World Championship! Introducing first, the challenger, from Buckingham, England, weighing in at 225 pounds, "The Elite" Steven Holmes!

    The iconic beats of Beethoven belt out. Lights go out, several spotlights swing down to highlight Steven Holmes standing atop the ramp. He surveys the arena, one hand behind his back, the other partially extended out in a dainty fashion. He walks to the ring as the light follows. He takes his time climbing the stairs, wipes his feet on the ring apron, enters the ring and poses just as he did atop the ramp.

    Copeland: Steven Holmes has had quite a bit of success since his return and it's lead him here to the main event of Kingdom Come, now will he able to end this journey with picking up the World Championship?

    Cohen: I'm not sure, it's going to be a hell of a fight and I would never rule Holmes out in any match, but he's going to need his absolute best here to unseat Xander.

    Connor: I don't dare make a prediction about this match, but Holmes has worked hard to get back to this level and seeing him end the night with winning the title would be a nice moment I think.

    Harrys: And his opponent, from Phoenix, Arizona, weighing 210 pounds, he is the WZCW World Champion, this is Xander!

    The lights in there arena cut, descending the capacity crowd into darkness. Fans can be seen holding their phones up as torches, like fireflies on a sea of darkness.

    All of a sudden, unexpected music begins to play...

    The sound of the long forgotten entrance music makes the crowd roar, if for no other reason than pure shock. As the drums kick in, a figure begins to walk out onto the stage. People looking very familiar to the WZCW fanbase.

    Cohen: Wait, thats...

    Copeland: What the hell is this??

    The man is dressed, head to toe, in Triple X's original wrestling gear. His hair was dyed a multitude of colours, the baggy pants in purple and black paired with the black converse, and the fists taped with X's on the back of each hand. The one difference between him and the man they imitates? His face, painted as a white skull.

    He stands there on the stage, solemn, as a word appears on the screen behind him...

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    Focus remains on the black letters against the white screen as the music slowly fades out...

    The crowd erupts again, though this time more from confusion than anything. A few seconds in, another figure walks slowly onto the ramp, again his face painted as a skull.

    And again, dressed as Triple X.

    This time, the appearance mirrored his return from a shoulder injury at the hands of Blade. The tights black, with red X's down the side, and the hair black and red. He too stood at the top of the ramp, to the left of the first imposter.

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    The new word lingers as the music dies out once again, replaced instead by...

    Once more, yet another doppelgänger appears, walking to the right of the two visions of the past. This one, however, feels far more recent. His hair is black, half shaven half long, and the white tights have blood splattered all over them. The face is again painted as a skull, he takes his place in the line-out of former guises of the World Champion.

    The music dies; the fans unsure of how to react. The three men stay facing out, lifeless, representing days gone by in the life of the Champion.

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    The third word seems to hang on the screen for twice as long as the others; the screen bathing the Triple X's in a sea of white light.

    The screen goes black as the arena is covered in spotlights, and after a few seconds the World Champion finally makes his way out onto the stage, title around his waist. He slowly walks between two of his three former selves, ignoring all three as he makes his way down the ramp. Halfway down he stops, bowing his head, before throwing his arms in the air, pointing up to the sky. As he does, fireworks erupt into the air, lasting for a good five seconds. Upon the final bang, the screen comes back to life, revealing one final title.

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    He lowers his arms, lifting his head with a smug, conceited grin, and makes his way to the foot of the ring. He enters the ring and stares at Holmes across the ring, and smugly taunts him with the title before handing it to the referee as his music cuts, and the ref holds up the belt for both men and the fans to see.

    Copeland: Xander has been on an absolute tear since Lethal Lottery, he started that match and went all the way to the end to eliminate Mikey Stormrage and become champ. He even successfully defended the belt in a Raid Area 51 match against Keith Kole along the way to tonight. Now he steps into the ring with an all time great to try and retain his championship.

    Cohen: He's got more focus than ever before so I like his odds, but he's going to be in for a tough fight tonight.

    Connor: Better believe he's going to be ready to pull out every trick in the book tonight to get this win though, that title means more to him than anything arguably and when you face Xander, you have to be prepared for that. But if anybody is going to be ready for that, I'd say it's Holmes.

    **Ding Ding Ding**

    Xander and Holmes walk to the middle of the ring, Xander mouthing off to Holmes, but Holmes keeps a straight face not letting it bother him, and a moment later both men lock up. Holmes and Xander are struggling for control, with Holmes using his power to back Xander into the corner, and Holmes waits until the 4 count to break, but as soon as he does, Xander slaps him across the face! Holmes gets angry as the ref holds him back and Xander simply chuckles at getting under his skin, even waving to him. Holmes slips away from the ref and charges at Xander, who backs into the ropes and yells at the referee to pull him away, which he does but not before Holmes could take a swing at Xander, even if he missed.

    Copeland: Xander is playing games with Holmes, but I'm not sure that's the best idea.

    Cohen: He's getting into the head of Holmes, I like it!

    Connor: I don't know about that Jack, I'm sure Holmes has been around long enough to know what Xander's trying to do and he's not going to fall into his traps.

    Xander gets out of the ropes and as soon as he does, Holmes charges him, but Xander goes back into the ropes, however before the ref can get in between them, Holmes grabs the arm of Xander, and pulls him out of the ropes before throwing him overhead with a throw! Xander lands hard in the middle of the ring and rolls away to the opposite set of ropes but Holmes follows him, and as soon as Xander starts getting up on the apron, Holmes pulls him up to his feet then begins pounding on his chest with forearm smashes, hitting 10 strikes right in a row, before kicking Xander in the small of his back, sending him flying off the ring apron and to the floor face first!

    Copeland: Well the mind games are done and Holmes is giving Xander a beating now!

    Holmes quickly bails out of the ring after the champ, who's still down but not for long as Holmes grabs him by the hair to pull him back up, and he walks him over to the steel steps, and slams him into them face first! Xander begins stumbling away, but Holmes grabs his arm to stop him, and slams him face first into the steps again! Holmes now tosses Xander into the ring and slides in after him, hitting a knee drop onto the face and covers him for a pin. 1....but Xander kicks out.

    Holmes stays on the attack now, locking in a surfboard stretch on Xander, clearly trying to slow the match down as Xander begins trying to fight to his feet, but Holmes hits a couple forearms to the side of the head to knock him back down, keeping him on the mat and now Holmes digs his knee further into the back of Xander. Xander now begins fighting back to his feet again, Holmes trying to keep him down, but Xander manages to get back up and hits a couple elbows to the ribs to make Holmes release him, then ducks a right hand from Holmes, and snaps off a regal plex on him! Holmes rolls out onto the ring apron, as Xander waits for him to get up, then connects with a big dropkick, sending Holmes crashing off the ring apron and to the floor!

    Copeland: Well Holmes was wearing him down, but now Xander is back on his feet and back in control.

    Xander seems to be getting an idea now as he sees Holmes recovering on the floor, and he backs up into the middle of the ring, is he going to dive onto him? Xander bounces off the ropes, comes charging at Holmes, who's up and turns around, but instead of diving, Xander smoothly sliding out of the ring and slapping Holmes in the face! This time though, Holmes gets angry, and grabs the head of Xander, going for a regal cutter...but Xander shoves him off, and drops him out of nowhere with an X-Rated Superkick! Holmes drops and the fans react with surprise as Xander has an evil smirk cross his face, and rolls into the ring, telling the referee to count him out!

    Copeland: Oh come on, does he really want to win the main event of Kingdom Come by countout!?

    Cohen: Well I guess anyway to win works for him, but this isn't right.

    Connor: I don't think Xander cares about what's right or how he wins, he just wants to win and keep his title.

    Xander has gone over to one of the corners and taken a seat on the top turnbuckle, as the referee has no choice but to start counting Holmes out, and reaches the 5 count after the earlier fight on the floor had already taken away some of the count from his recovery time. 6...7...8...and Holmes is finally up to his feet, sliding in just before the 9 count. As soon as he's back in the ring however, Xander hops off the turnbuckles and grabs a hold of Holmes, looking to drop him with Afterthought, the swinging STO into a DDT, but Holmes pushes him off, and even ducks a second X-Rated Superkick, avoding potential diaster twice in a row now, before rolling up Xander for the surprise pin! 1...2...but Xander escapes!

    Both men get back to their feet at the same time, and Holmes ducks a punch from Xander, but grabs his other arm, and pulls him close, dropping him with the The Sword of Damocles, the regal cutter! Xander goes down and Holmes hooks the leg for another pin attempt. 1...2...but Xander kicks out again.

    Copeland: I thought Holmes might have had it there, but no such luck.

    Connor: He managed to block two of Xander's biggest moves after nearly getting counted out though so I'd say momentum has shifted.

    Holmes sees an opportunity with Xander down on the mat, and attempts to lock him into Aristocracy Reigns, but Xander manages to slide out of it, and rolls right out of the ring! Xander is shaking his head as he walks around on the floor, but Holmes seems content to wait for him in the ring, standing right in the middle and offering the champ free entry back in after nearly locking in his finisher moments ago. Xander thinks about getting back in the ring, climbing up onto the ring apron, but when he sees Holmes standing ready to fight, he jumps back off the apron as the referee is at a 4 count. For a couple seconds, and 2 more counts of the ref's count, we have a staredown before Xander slides back into the ring, and charges right at Holmes, who takes him down instantly with a discus elbow smash! Xander drops and rolls away before Holmes can do anything, and now Xander bails out of the ring again.

    Copeland: It seems the challenger has the champ on the rocks right now leaving him trying to figure out what to do.

    Cohen: Nonsense Seabass, he's just frustrated by the veteran outsmarting him at the moment.

    Connor: It seems Xander might have had enough though, look he's grabbed his belt from the timekeeper's area!

    Indeed he has, as after a short argument with the timekeeper, he's snatched his World Title away from them, but when he turns around, he realizes Steven Holmes is blocking his path! Xander thinks for a moment, then shrugs and swings wildly with the belt, looking to knock out his challenger...Holmes ducks! Xander turns back around, still holding the belt, but not for long as he gets dropped with a facebuster! The champ goes down and drops the belt in the process, as Holmes picks it up and hands it back to the time keeper, trying to prevent that from being a factor in this match before pulling Xander up, and dragging him back to the ring and tossing him in. Holmes slides in after him, and grabs a hold of both of his wrists, and quickly stomps down on Xander over and over and over and over, not stopping until he's hit 10 straight stomps! Xander might be knocked out as Holmes covers him for the pin, do we have a new champion? 1.....2.....NO! Xander gets his foot on the bottom rope!

    Cohen: What great ring presence from Xander! He got a hole stomped in his chest but he knew enough to get his foot on the ropes and save his title!

    Connor: It really was a great save but how much more does he have left in him at this point? Surely it's only a matter of time until we have a new champ at this rate.

    Holmes seems to think the end is near as well, as he slowly drags Xander by his foot to the middle of the ring, before dragging Xander up to his feet, but as soon as he does, Xander pokes him in the eye, and rolls him up with a small package pin! He was playing possum! The ref counts it! Holmes escapes! Xander is up on his feet a second before Holmes, and uses that second to hit a big kick to the face of Holmes, knocking him flat on his back! Xander now climbs on top of Holmes, and quickly begins firing off punches to Holmes, punching him in the face over and over again, until finally he's satisfied after busting Holmes open!

    Copeland: Oh no, it looks like The Elite has been busted open after a series of straight punches from the champ.

    Cohen: This is taking things too far, but I guess we should expect nothing less from Xander.

    Xander smirks a little bit at the blood of his opponent on his knuckles, and takes a couple steps back, stomping his foot on the mat as he yells for the challenger to get up. Slowly Holmes does begin to rise, realizing the cut on his forehead as he does, and once he reaches his feet, Xander drops him with the X Rated Superkick! Holmes goes back down as Xander quickly covers him, 1...2...but Holmes kicks out again, which just makes Xander angry! Xander yells at Holmes to stay down as lifts up his head, and punches him in the face again before covering Holmes for a second time, this time hooking both legs. 1...2...but again Holmes kicks out.

    Xander looks even angerier now, but he doesn't let it get to him and instead he motions it's over and pulls Holmes up to his feet, and kicks him in the gut to double him over, and now goes for the Silencer...but Holmes slips out of it, and shoves Xander away into the ropes! Xander quickly turns back around and comes back at Holmes...who drops him out of nowhere with another Sword of Damocles! Xander is down but instead of going for a cover, Holmes rolls the champ onto his back, and locks him into Aristocracy Reigns! The Camel Clutch is in and the fans have begun chanting for the champ to tap, is it over!? Holmes cranks back on the hold as Xander attempts to crawl to the ropes with what energy he has left, but he can't get there! Xander has a look of desperation on his face as he tries to figure out a way out of the hold, but he also looks like he's about to tap out as the referee comes in closer to check for a submission...but suddenly Xander grabs the ref by his shirt, and pulls him in, making him smash heads with Holmes and causing the hold to be broken as Holmes falls over holding his wounded head!

    Copeland: Oh what a cheap trick! Xander realized he had nowhere to go and was going to have to tap out so he used the referee to break the hold!

    Cohen: It wasn't right but it was effective, he just saved his title!

    Connor: Surely that's going to be a fine, but thankfully it seems the referee is okay as they are already back on their feet.

    The champ is also on his feet as is the challenger, who's holding onto the ropes after using them to get up, but Xander quickly grabs ahold of him, and drops him with the Afterthought! The STO into a DDT! Holmes is down and away from the ropes but Xander isn't done yet, he pulls Holmes back to his feet and this time connects with the Silencer! Holmes is laid out as Xander falls on top of him, managing to hook both legs for the pin while the fans loudly boo, but the referee has to count it 1.....2.....3!

    Harrys: Here's your winner, and STILL WZCW World Champion, Xander!

    The champ's music hits and he rolls off of Holmes with a slight smile on his face realizing he managed to pull off the victory in the main event of the biggest show of the year. He slowly gets up to his feet as the referee hands him his belt, and he gives it a kiss before holding it up with arrogant pride as he gets his hand raised in victory. Xander takes a final look over at Steven Holmes, who's still laid out on the mat, and waves goodbye to him before bailing out of the ring, holding up his championship proudly.

    Copeland: Well I don't agree with how he did it, but he did it. Xander is still your World Champion folks.

    Cohen: Like it or not he found a way to win and that's all that matters, he might be unstoppable as champion.

    Connor: The fans certainly aren't happy, and I'm sure Holmes won't be, but for right now all that matters is Xander has won and that's all we have for you tonight ladies and gentleman, thank you for tuning in tonight to Kingdom Come, goodnight!

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