Originally Posted by
Jeff Deliverer of Mail
I've suggested this before, and it's a bad idea but I'll throw it out there again because I'm bored. With the loss of another member, creative or not, the fed numbers are low. With no new people joining on the horizon I think we could have secondary characters. I think with our secondary wrestlers we just make a new profile for them in application thread for creative to approve or not to approve. We don't have to RP with these secondary wrestlers. Their performance will be loosely tied to our main characters RP performance. They can never beat another main character unless the main character no shows. They can't win titles unless the title holder no shows. So if the card looked like this...
Xavier and Freddy G vs RMK and Alec Dinkleberry
Xavier's RP is outstanding
Freddy G is a property of Stormrage, his RP was So So
RMKs RP was awful
Dinkleberry is a property of D Carl's and his RP was also So So.
Xavier's team clearly wins with Xavier getting the best parts of the match.
It also gauges a Main Character to have somewhat squash matches.
Example: RMK's RP is awful. His side character Drunk The Clown is taking on Milenko who had a good RP. Milenko's character can have a dominating match on the card now and give the writer something to work with and the character looks good overpowering his opponent.
Plus it would be easier filling out match cards and writing a short match here and there instead of all epics. It would make the workload a bit heavier but you'd be able to have more tag matches, the odd Battle Royale here and there, silly segments where the side character is humiliated or something you wouldn't dream of doing to damage the rep of your main character.
I think it would be fun to try if everyone got behind it and would give a more comforting illusion that we had a larger fed to the members already playing and perhaps an outsider looking on, they could see it thriving with a larger roster and want to join in.