First, I want to thank Spidey and all those that still remain on Creative for the work they put in. I know from experience the time commitment that it takes and the creative energy that goes into making something consistently good.

I want to make a few observations from my own perspective.

-----#1. I've noticed that the "extra" discourse outside of role playing has all but vanished. I think the most obvious reasoning is that the fed as a whole has less people in it. However, I've seen inklings in discord that suggests the interest and passion is still there to generate discussion.

On the topic of discord, I've always struggled with keeping up with the structure. I'm going to sound like an old man when I say this, but discussion seemed a lot easier to follow when each thing had its own respective thread on the forums. Sometimes, with conversation being pulled in different directions, it can be hard to get fully vested in a conversation on discord.

I will say that this a general opinion of mine, as I am a member of several discord servers, but I have always felt discouraged about participating in conversation because of the way it is structured. I might be in a vast minority on that one.

-----#2. I do agree with BK on the fanfare of Kingdom Come X. I still think the show was spectacular, but there wasn't the typical build or hype that I remember from past events. That is as much on the community as a whole, as it is on Creative. However, I do feel like someone needs to spearhead those type of things.

-----#3. I think some basic cleaning-up would be nice. One of the first things I did when I got back was head to the General Guide in the backstage section to see who was on Creative. It still has Dave listed as Head of Creative and Dagger as an active creative member.

-----#4. I saw the post on discord about needing help on Creative. Unfortunately, for me, my priorities have shifted. As much as I love the fed, I don't think I could commit to helping. Honestly, I think for the sake of longevity, it might be time to consider how to maximize the work being done and the workload being put on Creative.

Below, I just want to kind of spitball some ideas that could maybe change the workload put on Creative members. Maybe some of the ideas below could possibly attract more people to the other side of the curtain.

Ideas to Shorten Time on Reading RPs

*Have a character-limit on non-PPV shows. (Less time spent reading RPs for Creative)


*Have a character-limit for non main-event talent

Ideas to Shorten Time on Match Writing

*Introduce a "Main Event"-esque show where certain talent is booked on non-PPV rounds. Their matches are written in quick summaries. (This doesn't have to be a demotion. Throw in a beefy main event every once in a while. I personally wouldn't be offended if I was booked on this type of show. In fact, sometimes I would prefer to read match summaries for matches that are not my own.)


*Write shortened matches except for main events on MD and AS.


*Consider how to shorten the match-writing process. Shortening or even cutting things like entrances and commentary.


*Have some RPing for "events" than matches. As in, who gets the upper-hand in a verbal battle and/or contract signing?

Other Random and Mostly Stupid Ideas

*Turn PPVs into a community collaboration. Have Creative take the four biggest matches, and then divvy out the rest. If no takers, offer an incentive. Offer a mid-card title shot on the following round to all contributors. The worst thing that could happen is a little shake-up.

*Re-open the tag division. Allow people to RP as a one-man team with two characters. They could also be occasionally booked in a single match as one of their tag members. However, they won't be allowed to RP in two separate matches.

*Since brand wars seems to have recently spiked in popularity, why not run WZCW in a traditional sense, but try some of the new ideas on a "separate" show. Essentially, it would still be like you have MD and AS, but your second show would now be another company.

Anyway, I hope you know you guys deserve a lot of credit for the quality of work you put out on top of your daily lives. I just hope something above or something someone else suggests can help make WZCW an easier place to keep alive. Much love <3. Cheers!