We see Keith Kole n Kassandra Kross standing on front of their apartment complexes courtyard. Kole is wearing jean shorts and an old WZCW shirt. Kassandra moves her hair out of her face, the wind not helping keep it out of the way. She holds up her phone, setting the camera to prepare to record.

Kross: Ready? Starting in 10 seconds

Kole smiles and flashes the ok sign to Kassandra.

Kole: So, Kingdom Come 10 came and went. It's officially the past now. You know what else is in the past? This shitty year I had in my first foray into the wrestling world. It was a serious learning curve for ya boy here. Maybe I was too cocky. (A loud "Hah" can be heard from Kassandra, but if Kole hears he doesn't show it.

Ah hell who am I kidding? I was a cocky arrogant asshole. I thought that's what I needed to be to succeed. I've been watching professional wrestling since I was 3 years old. I tried to be what I thought the fans wanted. I should've known the answer all along. The fans don't want someone trying to be cool, or be a rebel. Fans want someone real, someone relatable. Well any of you fans that watch this, I want you all to know. I'm that guy! I am literally "one of you" I'm a lifelong fan who loves this sport, I'm not rich, look this is where I live! It's just a regular non fancy apartment. I don't consider myself a superstar, or that I'm too good to stop for a picture with a fan. I was and I still am a fan myself. Going forward all you're getting from me is me. I'm not gonna try and be something I'm not, I'm not gonna lie to you guys. You guys are more than welcome to join me on this journey. Let's get a fan to the top of the mountain amirite?

Kole stops to laugh a bit, before pointing at the camera and continuing.

Kole: I need you guys to come with me. I can't don't it alone. Kassandra is coming along of course. But we need more of you guys. Come join Kole's Krew and let's show the management of WZCW that this fan can develop a following and let's climb to the top! Hell I'm not saying we're gonna get there fast, I know my place and it definitely is not at the main event table haha.....yet. I'm ok having to start at the bottom and earn everything I get. Gimme a feud with Dirk, I'll make it work. Gimme a chance at a title? Any given Sunday. And if they bring those tag titles back, I think I might know a guy....

Basically this is me pleading to not just WZCW, but also to you guys the fans. Don't give up on me cuz of a poor rookie year....and God PLEASE don't make me a comedy jobber. I left McDonald's so I've already done that haha.

Kole stops and Kassandra laughs, while putting her arm around Kole's waist. Kole looks surprised but ignores it as the two watch the playback.

Kross: You're such a dork....but I think this might work. WZCW did say they wanted input from their roster after all. "Kole's Krew" though? Really?

A random voice is heard from a distance...

???: I think it's a great idea guys...and if that potential tag partner us who I think it is....

The passerby pats Kole on the shoulder as he walls past and Kassandra struggles to catch a glimpse of the man's face. As quickly as he appeared he was gone.

Kross: I think that was Carl....from WZCW....

Kole: (puzzled) Really? Looked like just a guy to me...

Kassandra just shakes her head as she motions for Kole to head back to the apartment.