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  1. #1
    I Stay Blasted Yaz's Avatar

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    It is with a heavy heart that WZCW is officially closing its doors, for good.

    There is a large part of me that suspects most people saw this coming. For over a year, WZCW has been on its last legs. We have tried various fixes, including but not limited to putting the World Title on the line in a special Lethal Lottery, hosting open forums, and moving websites. We as a team had many discussions about what we could do, and even if we should keep it going. In the end, we came to a decision, and that decision is that WZCW has reached a point where it is no longer a priority for most of its members and we wanted to make sure we had a definitive end, one worthy of such a special place. More on that later.

    For over a decade, WZCW has been a premier e-fed. Often times, e-feds flame out in a year, if that. They are plagued with politics. They often end in the middle of cycles with no explanation. Numerous people put in work, both seen and unseen, to make sure that WZCW was an enjoyable place for all. Once upon a time there were end of year awards on WZ that people took seriously and WZCW won Best Section on multiple occasions. We had a history of colorful characters and well written storylines that rivaled those of actual wrestling promotions. It even became a running joke about which idea WWE would steal from us next.

    In some ways, there is an irony in the timing. Just as various upstart and independent are moving up in the wrestling world, we decide to close our doors. The truth is, many of us have simply grown up. Not in the way that wrestling, or even fake fake wrestling as we call it in jest, is childish. Many of us found WZCW at points in our life where we had a lot of free time, where many of us didn't have the responsibilities we have now. Many of us have found full time jobs, have children, have graduated college, have gotten married, many of the things that often take a priority to hobbies. And that's okay. We knew WZCW couldn't last forever.

    So to give WZCW the final send off it deserves, we will be hosting one final show. We are going to be pulling out all the stops RP wise. You can RP for any character from your history you want. Want to RP as multiple characters from your past and present? Go for it. We will be holding a battle royal for each title, including a Mayhem battle royal with Mayhem rules. At the end of the night, the four winners will battle in a match to determine the Ultimate Champion. All RP rules are out the door. You wanna drop all the swear words you ever had to hold back? Go for it. Wanna kill children? Have at it. Just go absolutely crazy to give your character the send off you want. I will note that killing your character at the end of the RP would disqualify them from the show, since they would be, you know, dead, but we won't stop it if that's what you want. Anyone who is not currently an active member and reads this, feel free to RP one last time. Know someone who you want to message to bring back a character for one last battle royal pop? Shoot them that message. That even goes for Jam, Remix, and Dagger!

    For this show we will make the deadline December 21st. The show will air around the New Year. Seems appropriate to end a decade of WZCW just as planet Earth rings in a new decade. If you would like to use the RP you used this round, we will allow you to do so. We know it can be hard to find time around the holidays to RP and many likely made time for this recent RP.

    We will be giving every character who appears on the show one last segment to tell the world of WZCW farewell, so please feel free to send us that message. We are fine with writing that segment, but this is your goodbye so we prefer if you would write it.

    We will be making a thread so that you can post your out of character goodbyes to the fed. We will be keeping the Discord open, as we have a close community and very much want to keep in touch.

    So from everyone on the current team, we thank you, everyone. It has been a beautiful ride.

    Last edited by Yaz; 12-05-2019 at 12:08 AM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Fallout's Avatar

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    It's been about an hour since I've read this, and I still have no idea what to say. I feel a whirlwind of overall sadness, regret and anger towards myself.

    There was a point where WZCW was my life. I was dealing with heavy depression at the time, and not enjoying school in the slightest, and working on RP's for Fallout, conversing with the fed and thinking of ideas was something I could do that I enjoyed. And then, time and time again, I flaked from the fed and let people down. I took what someone else had built for granted.

    Undoubtedly though, I'm going to write something for this show with Fallout. If there's good to be derived from this, I'm going to write the best fucking RP I've ever written for this, in the hopes that I can make up for the times I dropped out of the fed.

    There's a lot more I want to say, but I think I'll reserve that for the goodbye thread. I'm still in a state of shock. This might seem hyperbolic, but it feels like someone I knew closely but lost contact with has died.

    "We are not entitled to our opinions. We are entitled to our informed opinions." - Harlan Ellison (1934 - 2018)

  3. #3
    G-Mod Lee's Avatar

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    So here we are. The end.

    I joined WZCW in 2007, I joined the forum in January 2007 and the first show was in the June. I know Luther, Johnny and Shocky had some sort of influence on this. Titus has been a part of my life longer than that though, he was originally a backyard fed character and my idea was essentially a combination of the Rock/Hogan in their Hollywood stages but good. That somehow worked.

    I was banned from the fed for a year and returned and had a chat with Steamboat Ricky, one of the ideas was to streamline certain things. I had the idea the Elite and Mayhem should merge, little would I know that within a year I'd be pushing for the EurAsian championship to come in as an extra belt. Ricky put me on creative and that was my focus, being on creative. The fed was in a mess and I had a few ideas how to make it not a mess. It worked. The roster grew and I'm pretty sure we were up to about 40 active people at one time.

    I love the fed, have been passionate about it and likely bumped heads with everyone who's ever been a part of it. Through Titus/Red Mask/Bruce Irwin I was able to do an escape in life which was needed. I've grown a lot during that time but it's been the constant for me.

    Then there's the friends I've made along the way. I've met so many members of the fed IRL. There's Dave, Big Dave, Gaz/Tastycles, NorCal, JGlass, Theo, Shocky, Merks, Gelgarin and I'm sure a few others I've missed. I've been up til stupid o clock in the morning quoting South Park to Yaz, to ripping Matrix for liking Indy wrestling and everything in between. There's the countless hours talking about all sorts of video games with Ty to my brother from another mother Spidey.

    I have seen people use talents they've honed from this fed. Killjoy has designed graphics for wrestling feds. Yaz/Sawa have had an understanding of how things work to take the plunge to wrestling training. Doc has used it to pretty much have his own network of feds.

    Then there's the absolute hilarity of it. Baller being beheaded twice. Doug Crashin finally winning a match. FWR getting on Kingdom Come. Jeff winning a singles title!

    The decision has been a long time coming. I made a thread when I came back to creative as to what to do to sustain past KCX. The main thing for that was to get new people through the door. I think we had three through that time and that's not due to lack of effort. We've tried a few things, moving to SCF, pushing the Lottery earlier but this round it was apparent. It's not that people can't be bothered, we all love the fed, it's that people just are busy. That's not the time of the year or anything it's just we're not 18 year old kids anymore. We have jobs, partners, kids and (step)grandkids.

    I've given time and effort for this, arguably more than anyone else. I've cancelled plans, skipped out on sleep to make sure this has been done. Has it been worth it? Absolutely. The joy of seeing Xander's reaction to winning the lottery. The shock as Chris KO returned. The "I feel part of the community" that new people like Bucky/Carl and Sawa have said.

    Seeing people's lives unfold over 12 years all from different walks of life. In what way would Kweb, Ech, Spidey, Milenko and Killjoy interact aside from a love of creative writing and wrestling? Where else would Australian Falkon be able to interact with Geordie Lee and Midwestern Ty? It's absolutely insane to me.

    So let's go out on a bang, I know it's the way I want it "Old Yellered, not the dog getting hit by a taxi" is the way I've put it. I hope to see you all RP and I hope to see as many faces from the past as possible. WZCW has been a huge part of my life. I'll miss it but the community is still there. SCF is here.

    For those currently in the fed, I'll post a full thank you/random thoughts about character etc. post the Goodbye show. Everyone who RP's will get one. It's been 12 1/2 years. From the first show, to the last. You've heard legends of that man, I was lucky to pen it.

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  5. #4
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    Never thought I'd see the day. While I haven't been active, I still made it part of my weekly routine to read the show's. I got locked out of my account a few months back and couldnt get back in but I was thinking that I will try to rejoin after I get a new PC, which was yesterday by the way. Very sad to see it go.

  6. #5
    Natural 20 Dagger Dias's Avatar

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    Hi guys It's been a while. Really sad to see the fed end. I had actually been wanting to write a conclusion for Theron for over a year now. When Matrix contacted me I knew I wanted to be a part of this last show. Writing my stories for my characters here helped me through some really tough times. I wanted to apologize for any frustrations I ever caused anyone in the fed. I consider many of you as friends and still want to keep in touch. You know, I had actually been in the process the last few months of re-posting my old RP's in an archive of screenshots on facebook. Currently that archive album has limited visibility but if you guys want I can revise it to where those who are my friends on there can all see it. I have a lot of change on the horizon with starting a new job and recently getting engaged, so with so much else changing it is fitting one final return for this last RP. Might not be the ending people wanted for my characters, but I wanted to tie up all loose ends as best I could and to give complete closure to both Theron and Lynx. I had a great time in my time in the fed both as an RP'er and during my time on Creative. Again, I am sorry for any and all frustrations I caused. Thank you for the chance to have closure and to write Theron's final chapter. I don't have the discord but if you would have me then I would like to keep in touch. Otherwise there's always facebook. It's been a pleasure

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