*Life may end, but legacies live forever*


*A humming sound echoes in a dimly lit room. A young yet aged face can be seen briefly*

It's time to say goodbye to this cruel world. It's time to be real. It's time to be normal. I'm a freak but soon I'll be a real boy

*The buzzing sound grows louder as a pair of hair clippers approach the face of the young boy*

I reckon you don't do that son. I did that once and it lead to some bad bad things.

Papa, I...I thought you were out. Your presence was not expected.

I was out little guy but I sensed trouble. And it seems my senses still work. It's as if I'm Spiderman with a beard. I'm Beardedman!

*Beard puts his hands on his hips in traditional superhero pose as his son looks up, redness in his eyes and tears on his cheeks*

What's bugging you little dude? Papa doesn't like seeing Little Beard so sad.

*Beard wipes away the tears from his son’s face and some runny boogies from his nose*

They keep picking on me papa. Because of my face. Because of our legacy.

*Beard looks on concerned as his son tells him the torturous tales of the trolls from school. His son pauses and Beard lets out a sigh*

Alright kiddo. Take a seat on Papa’s knee. I think it’s time for a story. A very true and very unbelievable story.

*Beard looks around and puts down the seat to the toilet and flicks on the overhead lighting as his son sits on his knee, like a child would Santa Claus.*

These trolls and bullies date back to the beginning of our existence. When my quadruple great grandfather, Jebediah Beard graced this here earth. You see QGG, as we call him, wanted to be a circus performer. No one believed he had any special talents or skills. All QGG had was a luxurious beard. His beard was a folk legend. It glistened in the light, birds would nest their young in his beard, its flow was like a glorious river. He believed his beard was magicial but the town folk thought he was just another crazy old man. That all changed. You see one day, the daughter of a very rich individual become deathly ill. QGG happened to be in town trying to join the traveling circus. The rich man overheard QGG talking about his beard’s powers and he asked if he could heal his daughter.

QGG was unsure but he believed in himself but even this was an impossible task. QGG went with the rich gentleman and attempted the impossible. Crowds gathered as word got out that old Jebediah was going to heal this girl. He bestowed upon her a piece of his beard. And then...it all went black.

What happened Papa?

*Beard’s son asks with worry in his voice.*

Suddenly a burst of light shattered the windows and blinded those nearby. A tornado of golden dust and the power of life circled the ill girl as it levitated her above her deathbed. Suddenly her eyes opened and her feet touched the ground. SHE WAS CURED! But it didn’t come without sacrifice my boy. For poor Jebediah took on her illness and tragically passed within minutes.

But he saved the girl Papa?

He sure did kiddo. The beard, while attached to the body, has amazing powers. But removing it can cause serious damage. I once removed mine and it took me to a dark place. A place we never talk about. I put my trust into a very powerful man and I took over and tried to destroy a community. A community known as WZCW.

And now WZCW is walking into the light, just like old Jebediah. Before you kiddo, I was a wrestler. And I did some crazy stuff. I was world champion, I was a tag team champion, I was king for a day, I wrestled a guy named Grizzly Bob, I wrestled an actual Grizzly. It saved my life. I made friends, I gained a new family. Your godfather was briefly with the company.

Really? Uncle Talent was a wrestler?

You’re rootin’ tootin’ right he was. And a surprisingly good one. So was I. So I think it’s time we say goodbye to our family son. Without them I wouldn’t have the greatest family of them all, you. Thank you WZCW, you saved my life and helped me create a new one. We’ll forever be kicking ass. Peace, love, and Beards.