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Thread: WZCW Goodbye: Eurasian Battle Royal

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    WZCW Goodbye: Eurasian Battle Royal

    After 12 1/2 years we're shutting up shop. If you've been in the fed before or in the fed now here's your chance to be the last ever EurAsian Champion.

    For your chance:
    RP Here with any of your characters you have used before
    No other rules

    If you want to go for one of the other titles you must do an RP in that thread too (But you can Copy and paste if you want)

    All four title winners will face off for the grand super championship to end it all. Go wild!

    RP deadline Saturday 28th December 11:59pm whatever timezone I CBA with.

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    G-Mod Lee's Avatar

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    Deadline changed to 1st January 2020!

  3. #3
    Senior Member Jeff Deliverer of Mail's Avatar

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    The following RP is not suitable for anyone, viewers discretion is advised.

    Pantages Hotel,Downtown Toronto 7:32 PM, December 31st 2019, PartlyCloudy with a Chance of rain, precipitation index 52.0 mm.

    The luxurious and spacious lobby of the Pantages Hotel was jam packed full of WZCW fans, Toronto Media and security awaiting the arrival of their hometown hero, Remarkable Mark Keaton. Everyone suddenly cheered as the front doors to the lobby swung open and Mark swaggered his way on the polished tile in his black suit, gold rimmed sunglasses and the Eurasian Championship flung over his shoulder, super polished. He held up a fist in the air and smiled at the continuous commotion of his arrival, he walked towards a bouquet of microphones ready to capture his words.

    â??Thank you, dudes and dudettes.â? Mark started as he was now a bit too crowded by the reporters who circled him, â??Listen, hey. Back the fuck up a little there fatty. Being crowned â?? Canadaâ??s Hero- by the Prime Minister last week was just icing on top of the icing on the cake, man. This Eurasian Championship has been my personal desire since Titus defended it for 1000 plus days the other year. Now that Iâ??ve finally grabbed that brass ring, that Iâ??ve climbed the mountain,the only logical next step is to stay on top of the mountain. I declare from this point, I will BREAK Titusâ??s record for defending this title! Let the Keaton Era begin!â?

    The crowds erupted in laughter.

    Not the reaction I expected. Maybe I didnâ??t look determined enough?

    Mark tried a determined expression, but everyone was still chuckling about his comment. A nearby reporter wiped a tear from his eye and regained composure.

    â??I guess you havenâ??t heard the news, or the title of the next pay per view?â?

    â??No, what is it? Super Extra Fighting Brawl 3000? R-R-Revolutionary Rumble? SummerClothesline? Throw me a frickin bone here.â?

    â??No, sorry to be the one to tell you this. Itâ??s called WZCW Goodbye.â?

    Mark took a moment to let that news settle in. It figures, I reach the summit and it ends. I guess I can be happy that I even reached my summit.

    â??So what are your plans at the event?â?

    Mark grabbed the leather strap of his title and held it up, â??I plan to defend my belt against all comers and be WZCWâ??s final Eurasian Champion!â? His voice echoed over the silence. He could see Leon Kensworth trying to elbow his way through the crowd to get his own sound bites off of him.

    I guess I owe the guy one last interview. He then spotted Amy Denver, her blonde hair teased way up, her make up on thick with large hoop earrings,her mouth smiling and constantly chewing her gum.

    Markâ??s heart skipped a beat. Leon would have to wait. He waved to everyone and made his way through the crowds to her, she took his hand and they hurried to the nearest elevator, finally they were alone.

    â??I knew you werenâ??t married, chick.â? She immediately grabbed his face and they furiously made out in the elevator.

    â??I guess our relationship build up is all in this one RP.â?

    â??Look Mawk,shaddup n kiss me!â? She pressed him on the elevator wall and force kissed him hard.

    They kissed all the way down the hall, Mark kicked open the hotel room door and they started stripping and grabbing at each other. As they dove on the bed naked, the door failed to close completely as a well polished shoe stopped it at the last second.

    Mark started drilling her missionary as hard as he could.

    â??FUCK ME MAWK!â? She screamed and dug her nails in his back.

    Mark grabbed the posts on the headboards and drilled away.

    â??Mark, uh, Leon Kensworth here. I was wondering if I can get a few words about your decision to defend the Eurasian Title at WZCW Goodbye and not....â?

    â??Holy fuck Leon,are you serious?! Canâ??t see Iâ??m busy here?!â? Mark flipped her over and they started humping doggy style, Amy gave Leon a flirtatious look as she grabbed the poles now.

    â??Just a few questions, ahem. At WZCW Goodbye, you decided to defend your Eurasian Title to try and be the final Eurasian Champion, why not try to become the Ultimate Champion?â? Leon held the mic to Markâ??s sweaty face.

    â??Ugh, ugh! Hya bitch, you like that? Well Leon, like I (Grunt) said downstairs, I want to be the final Eurasian Champion (Puff) (Puff) and be the all time hero of Canada.â? Mark tapped some cocaine on Amyâ??s back and snorted a line.

    â??Come ON MAWK,fuck me like a mule!!â? Amy screamed and Mark grabbed her hair and slammed her as hard as he could thrust, she screamed as Leon prepared his next question.

    â??At Kingdom Come,how did it feel to beat Garth Black, a Ty Burna apprentice in Mr Jones, Kole, Carl, and Kagura in one night?â?

    Leon could barely be heard over the loud slapping noises and the headboard slamming on the wall, plus Amy screaming and Mark shouting sex orders.

    â??Well Leon, HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT BITCH?! HUH?! (More loud slapping noises) Not very many wrestlers in WZCW...UGH!!! YES! .....can claim they beat those greats all in one night.â?

    â??Iâ??m gonna cum MAWK!â?

    â??I canâ??t believe it Seabass! It looks like Amy is submitting to Markâ??s Penetrator submission move!â?

    â??Itâ??s been a great intercourse session Jack! Both competitors are sweating profusely and it looks like Mark is ready to achieve release himself! Aaaannnnd there it is, OH MY GOD he didnâ??t pull out in time! Itâ??s an absolute jizzathon everywhere!â?

    Mark breathed heavily, his release was everywhere. He wiped himself off and put his clothes back on. Amy slowly climbed her way up the poles on the headboard and stopped panting, her breasts covered in sweat, her hair was messy and her makeup smeared.

    â??Your seaman has been collected, now my mission is to kill the host. The baby will be the perfect amalgamation of cybernetics and human. The first of the world rulers.â? Amyâ??s eyes turned bright red like lights were turned on inside them, her head cranked around to face Mark.

    â??You gotta be shitting me! A fuckin cyborg?!â? Mark barely had time to react as Amy sprung from the bed and kicked him square in the chest sending him flying across the room, through the door to the hallway, sending splintered wood and door pieces everywhere! He tried sitting up and watched the cyborg walk towards him. A cleaning cart smashed into her out of nowhere sending her flying into the next room!

    â??Get up, Boss! We got bigger problems!â? Big Bad Roadie growled as he hauled Mark to his feet in one haul.

    â??Jesus Christ,Meatball?! And how the fuck is there bigger problems than a sperm collecting cybernetic organism?!â?

    They both ran to the elevator and watched the cyborg jump out of the room and scan the hall for them, she started running fast at them as the doors closed. They could hear a big thump overhead as the car lowered, flickering the interior lighting and creating little rivers of plaster down on them.

    â??Boss! Blackburn found me and has the whole Skull biker gang holding down the street around the hotel, even worse than that....â?

    â??Hold on BigRoad,give me a second to breathe...WORSE than the whole biker gang after us?!â?

    The big man took a breath and continued with his bear voice, â??YUH! Thereâ??s some kind of panic on the streets, I look over and thereâ??s fuckin zombies everywhere! Like Afternoon of the Living Dead , yâ??know?! â??Cept these zombies look all buff like theyâ??ve been taking some crazy steroids or some shit.â?

    â??Wait, that makes sense,â? Mark snapped his fingers, â??wasnâ??t there a new Flex Mussell Power Drink released on the market today, man? It was one of those work out drinks! Looks like they didnâ??t do any product testing and created some kind of deadly zombie-steroid epidemic thing!â?

    â??Yuh! Dat makes perfect sense boss! I guess!â?

    The elevator opened to chaos, the lobby was covered in blood and bodies. The glass doors were broken and all the sounds of the street could be heard.

    BRO! (Car crashing sound!) (Explosion!) People screaming for help, police sirens,ambulance sirens....more BROâ??s!
    â??I got my van around the entryway there! Letâ??s go boss!â? They ran towards the doors but three buff zombies blocked their path immediately!

    â??Uhhhhh BRO! Is it leg day?â? They moaned.

    â??Donâ??t let them bite you!â? BigRoad yelled, the stairway door exploded out revealing the naked cyborg! The buff zombies turned their attention to her, creating an escape route for RMK and BigRoad. Mark looked back and witnessed the cyborg immediately kill the first zombie by completely caving in the front half of itâ??s head with a hard punch.

    They jumped in the van that stunk of fast food and cigarettes, RMK cleaned off the empty chip bags off of the passenger seat as BigRoad fumbled around for his car keys. They could hear gunshots across the street, presumably from the Skull biker gang shooting at zombies.

    THUMP! â??Help me!â? A businessman slammed his bloody hand on the driver side window of their van.

    â??Dickhead! I just spent fifteen bucks putting this thing through a car wash!â?

    â??Uggggh BRO! You got to spot me!â? A buff zombie grabbed the businessman and suplexed him on the pavement, breaking him in half.

    â??Come on,Meatball! Get this piece of shit started!â? Mark yelled as BigRoad failed to turn over the van over and over again.

    Markâ??s passenger door ripped clean off! The naked Amy cyborg threw the bent door away and went to reach for Mark but took a shotgun blast off of her shoulder spraying black liquid on Markâ??s face, she spun and fell next to the truck.

    A Skull biker gang member reloaded his shotgun and pointed it at Mark, BigRoad got the van started and he peeled away causing the biker to shoot a hole in the side of the van. The Cyborg ripped the shotgun out of his hand,her metallic shoulder showing, she used the gun as a bat and swatted the biker in the head causing him to flip away off the side of a building. The Skull Biker gang leader, Blackburn dove behind a car as his friends shot at the cyborg, she expertly shot back, killing both of his friends. A biker gang member roared past in a Harley,in chase of the van. The cyborg grabbed the back of the bike causing it to stop instantly, sending the biker front flipping off of the front, snapping both of his legs on the handle bars. She jumped on the bike and blew off a Buff Zombie's head with her shotgun at the same time.

    â??Go! Go! Go! Comeon Meatball! Can this thing go any faster man?!â? Mark screamed as they swerved through a three car pile up and ran over two Buff Zombies.

    â??How about a little music Boss?â? BigRoad played with the radio as they crashed through a bus stop.

    â??Never mind the fuckin radio, concentrate on the road, BigRoad!â?

    BigRoad ripped the wheel and slid the van back on to the main road, narrowly avoiding ahead on collision with a police car speeding the other way.

    â??This is Toronto Rock 650, this is not a hoax, I repeat, citizens of Toronto, this is not a hoax! We are under some kind of terrorist gym rats who seem undead! I repeat, this is not a hoax! We have witnessed thousands of them heading downtown, killing people with wrestling moves or biting them to increase their numbers! Itâ??s horrific! Wait a second! Larry! Larry, what was that noise?! Larry?! Oh my god they killed Larry, theyâ??re in the studio now!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Coming up next, The Immigrant Song by Led Zeppelin only on Rock 650!!!!â?

    â??Ah, I love this song!â? BigRoad turned up the radio.

    â??Look out!â? Mark grabbed the wheel and they pulled to the right as a Cesna 172 airplane crashed landed and exploded right in the middle of the street, they crashed through a mailbox sending mail everywhere then pulled back on to the street. The wing on the Cesna flipped behind them as a Harley ramped over it, driven by the shotgun wielding cyborg. She started taking shots at the van now.

    They ramped over a steep hill and bounced down the street, trying desperately to avoid the shots from the cyborg, they ran right into a massive crowd of buff zombies taking out dozens at a time, BigRoad put the wipers onto clear the blood and guts from his windshield. They rammed an abandoned car in the middle of the intersection coming to a complete stop, Mark smacked his head off of the dash and knocked himself out,BigRoad did the same with the steering wheel, he barely stayed conscience after losing his top row of teeth. The Cyborg couldnâ??t stop in time and smashed into the back of the van, causing the bike to flip right over it and crash on the street. The bike landing jolted BigRoad and he tried starting it, the van turned over as he spit his teeth on to his lap.

    â??Marf, Marf you alriiii Boff?â? He ran over another zombie and he accelerated down a side street. Smoke started pouring out from under the hood now.

    â??Ohhhh BiiiiigRoooooad!â? Blackburn called out from his black Harley, he had four others following him on their own motorcycles. All of them started unloading on the van with Uzi Semi autoâ??s, poking hundreds of holes in the failing van.

    â??Thissh shuckshh!â? BigRoad spit out then was quickly grabbed from behind by the Cyborg! She wrapped the seat belt around his neck and started squeezing. The big man instantly turned red in the face and looked like he was losing his fight when he leaned forward and stepped on the gas, the van accelerated over the sidewalk and crashed right into a house, smashing their van into a living room, through a kitchen then getting wedged between walls on the way to a basement,the cyborg flew out of the smashed windshield into the darkness of the basement. BigRoad tried to get his breath.

    â??Hey, Meatball. How are we lookin now man?â? Mark said weakly as he rubbed his head.

    Zhanshi dropped his chopsticks on the floor in front of his couch, not believing that his television was gone, along with half of his living room and his kitchen.

    â??HEY! FAT MAN! WHY DO YOU DRIVE SO BAD?!?! YOU WILL PAY FOR THESE DAMAGES, WITH YOUR CANADIAN MONEY!â? Zhanshi yelled, with bad lipping, at the top of the stairs, he could see all the way to the front of the wrecked van as BigRoad and Mark tried to climb their way out of the back.

    â??Listen man,â? Mark grabbed Zhanshiâ??s shoulder to pull himself out of the truck, â??have you looked outside today? Itâ??s raining gym rat Zombies,airplanes and biker gangs o.k, give us a break, weâ??ve been through a fricken rough patch!â?


    The kitchen started getting picked apart by bullets as Blackburn and his men surrounded the front of the house and unloaded with their guns. Blackburn smiled under his greasy mustache as he pictured his arch nemesis BigRoad getting lit up with bullets, bonus points for that blonde headed fuck Keaton too. He reloaded and continued shooting at the house and watching the siding fall off as bullets ripped the house inside and out. His men laughed as they also reloaded and kept firing from their bikes. One fat, bearded Skull biker gang member was in the middle of reloading his gun in the driveway.....

    BOOM!!! A NORINCO Type 15 Chinese Military tank exploded out of the garage, running him over in seconds!

    â??Oh fuck ya! How do you use the main cannon Zhanshi? Hey! Chase those dicks down we got a score to settle with those greasy fuck bags!â? BigRoad secured the mounted heavy machine gun and took down another biker in a violent spray of guts and bike parts. They all turned and peeled away from the tank, Blackburn was cut off by his closest ally and almost wiped out on a parked car, he gained control long enough to keep his motorbike straight on the road......but it was too late, the tank was right behind him now!

    â??Ah ha! Fuck you guys! You wonâ??t be able to catch me!â? Blackburn squeezed the throttle and easily pulled away from the tank. The Type 15 pancaked a parked car and watched Blackburn get distance on it now.......

    BOOM!!!! The main cannon fired obliterating Blackburn in a split second, creating a small crater in the middle of the street with dots of guts and bike parts falling around it.

    â??How can you afford this Zhanshi? Like seriously! Who keeps a giant tank in their garage anyway?â?

    The Amy Cyborg walked out of Zhanshiâ??s house, half of her face was missing,exposing her metallic skull. â??The host must be destroyed. Activate prototype 45, emergency level high.â?

    The Cyborgâ??s arms folded twice then connected with two large barrels from her torso,revealing two giant laser mini guns for arms now, her legs folded into tank treads......

    BOOM! She exploded into a million pieces as they returned with the tank.

    â??OOHHH hell! See that Meatball? See her transform like a Decepticon then bang, sorry not sorry Bitch! That was awesome! Hey, letâ??s go save the rest of the city now guys!â?

    And they did, Mark and his gang of merry men would rampage their way through the city of Toronto, saving everyone on the planet from sure destruction from Buff Zombies. Mark was awarded yet another Hero of Canada Medal from the Prime Minister of Canada, he would have to weld it to the bottom of his other medal. The Prime Minister of Canada watched Mark leave his Palace of Solitude, a picture left in his hand from a gutsy news reporter named Jeff, who used to deliver mail. It was a picture of Mark standing on top of a Chinese Tank, with his Eurasian Championship strapped on his shoulder with a Canadian flag waving behind him. The inscription read :
    ---- Goodbye WZCW , Iâ??ll miss you dearly - Mark.

    Frank: Ludwig?!
    Goon: Drebin!
    Frank: Yeah, I'm Drebin!
    Goon: I have a message for ya from Vincent Ludwig!
    Goon: Take that, you lousy cop!
    Frank: I'm sorry! I can't hear ya! Don't fire the gun while you're talking!

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    I Stay Blasted Yaz's Avatar

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    Leon Kensworth: I'm on the scene here at Chichen Itza, in Yucatan, Mexico. Moments ago there was a massive explosion originating from underneath the ruins. I was on my way here with an official WZCW lawyer to finalize the one off contract with El Genio Verde for a final return to WZCW, when the explosion happened. Emergency responders rushed the scene and found the rubble of the evil genius' lair in flames. There was no sign of Verde, only a tattered and burned comic with his image on the cover. All of us at WZCW would like to send their condolences to the Verde family.

    Lawyer: You know that Verde was a literal comic book character only used for All-Stars right? Why are we even here? Waste of my time and talent.

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    Just like the yuppies in Duck Dynasty and everybody else in reality hick TV, Stetson Hayes would continue to be a prominent figure on shit local channels long after syndication.

    Many still believe he was real and argue online about it daily.

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    As the camera turns on, a woman with freckles can be seen messing around with it, trying to make sure it's standing up straight. She nods, taking in mind her surroundings and smiles at ther camera.

    Annie Halloway: Hello WZCW...itâ??s been quite some time hasnâ??t it?

    Annie Halloway: Allow me to apologize for disappearing so suddenly. Priorities within ATV permitted me from proceeding further with my wrestling career than I wished.

    Annie sighs, shaking her head.

    Annie Halloway: Itâ??s a shame, it truly is. We had something special going.

    A pause occurs, lasting a few seconds, as if to remind herself of what could have been before she glances at the camera.

    Annie Halloway: I assume the populace has been made aware, but if you are among the few who havenâ??t, iâ??m afraid I have some discouraging news.

    She sighs, a part of her still unwilling to believe the news.

    Annie Halloway: WZCW has chosen to shut down after eleven and a half years of service. An era has ended.

    Letting it sink in, she points towards herself.

    Annie Halloway: I had planned to return as soon as next year and leave Ezekiel to handle office duties while I once more competed in the ring, but now it seems that day will never come.

    Looking down at the floor, she sighs once again. Speaking quietly.

    Annie Halloway: I know I have paraded myself as a messiah of knowledge, but if there is one regret I have, itâ??s failing to capitalize on momentum when I should have. One wonders what life would have been had I been able to balance life in and out of the ring before my departureâ?¦

    After a few more seconds of pondering, she pulls herself together and puts on a serious face.

    Annie Halloway: But enough about that, I have an announcement I wish to make. One that I believe may define my legacy within WZCW. I-

    Ezekiel enters the shot, looking towards his partner.

    Ezekiel Roche: Ms. Halloway?

    Annie looks towards him.

    Annie Halloway: Yes Ezekiel?

    Ezekiel Roche: We have visitors.

    Annie nods, smiling pleasently.

    Annie Halloway: Send them in.

    Ezekiel smiles, motioning for their visitors to enter. In walks a wealthy looking businessman and a man who looks like his muscles have muscles. The businessman walks towards Annie with the type of swagger only seen from an wrestling manager. Annie herself is rather intrigued by this reveal.

    Troy Excellence: Well, well, well. What do we have here?

    Annie Halloway: Mr. Excellence! This is quite the surprise. What brings you here?

    Troy Excellence: The same reason you seem to be here. WZCWâ??s closure. And with me being a former alumni, I simply couldnâ??t resist the urge!

    Troy motions towards a very annoyed looking War Zone.

    Troy Excellence: I brought...him back.

    Ezekiel gasps, staring at the tank of a man.

    Ezekiel Roche: Is that who I think it is?

    Troy Excellence: Indeed. The almighty War Zone, has returned!

    War Zone glares at Troy.

    War Zone: Troy, How many times have I told you. I donâ??t want to be called War Zone anymore. From now on, I want to be known as Robert Gwynn.

    Unwavering, Troy pats him on the back.

    Troy Excellence: Relax buddy, itâ??s only for one night.

    As Troy saunters off to talk to Ezekiel, War Zone sighs in frustration, muttering to himself.

    War Zone: Fucking hellâ?¦

    It's around this time Annie walks towards him, hands behind her back and with a shit-eating grin on her face.

    Annie Halloway: Ah yes, War Zone. One of the great duds in WZCW history.

    War Zone glares at her. Not wanting to put up with anything.

    War Zone: At least I won a title.

    Annie Halloway: It was one of only two wins. For a monster, thatâ??s rather pathetic.

    Hearing this, Troy turns his head over and walks over to her.

    Troy Excellence: Hey now! My client War Zone-

    Before he can get too far to Annie, War Zone puts his hand up towards him.

    War Zone: Please Troy, let me handle this.

    He obliges, stepping back to let War Zone do whatever it is he needed.

    Annie Halloway: Well, iâ??m glad to see you have balls the size of your muscles.

    Ezekiel Roche: Ms. Halloway, you know weâ??re not supposed to swear.

    Annie smirks at Ezekiel.

    Annie Halloway: Actually, the swearing rule has been abolished. Iâ??m allowed to say whatever I want.

    Having addressed the rules, she glances towards War Zone.

    Annie Halloway: And to you War Zone, or Robert Gwynn, whatever you wish to be called. Allow me to say this.

    Annie clears her throat and takes a deep breath.

    Annie Halloway: Youâ??re fucking pathetic. I heard the rumors throughout the grapevine. How you faked your injury so you could leave WZCW when it was clear strength wasnâ??t going to get you anywhere in life. For someone who was built up as the ultimate fighter, you clearly couldnâ??t handle the pressure. All the losses you piled up chewed at your fragile machismo and you cracked, like the little bitch that you are!

    As Annie continues to get more heated, Troy and Ezekiel stand awkwardly in the background. Concerned, Troy taps Ezekiel by the shoulder.

    Troy Excellence: Hot damn, is she usually like this?

    Ezekiel Roche: No, sheâ??s usually much calmer.

    Annie is then shown, screaming at the top of her lungs to an unmoved War Zone.


    Beginning to seethe, she looks at Ezekiel who gives her a thumbs up. Seeing this as the signal to end the rant, she takes some deep breathes before staring straight into War Zone's eyes.

    Annie Halloway: In conclusion, if there is one thing we can agree on, it's you dear War Zone are a fraud.

    War Zone blinks his eyes, looking at the door.

    War Zone: Uh yeah. I think that's been proven for a while now.

    Annie smiles pridefully.

    Annie Halloway: Of course i'm r-

    War Zone: Can I do a monologue now?

    Annie Halloway: Very well then.

    Annie steps back, letting War Zone have the floor for a moment.

    War Zone: Yeah, I lied about the injury. I did it cause...well, like you said I thought I was a fraud.

    War Zone looks at the others.

    War Zone: So after that Gino douche attacked me, put me through a table and I spent a day or so inside an E.R, I began to feel those same feelings of doubt I had when the losses initially piled up. That's when I said fuck it and decided to play up my injury as a career ender.

    Troy glares, putting his hand on Ezekiel's shoulder and motioning towards War Zone.

    Troy Excellence: I told him, he was making a big mistake. It wasn't the path to excellence I said, but did he listen? No! He was so over the wrestling world cause people were gettin' lucky!

    Troy moves his head towards War Zone, same angered glare on his face.

    Troy Excellence: Tell em what happened when you got exposed, tell them I haven't let you hear the end of it since!

    War Zone: Relax Troy, being blacklisted isn't the worst thing ever. Besides, you wanna know who else is blacklisted?

    Ezekiel Roche: Who?

    War Zone: Yemrez Reqonic.

    Troy blinks. The name is foggy to him.

    Troy Excellence: Who?

    War Zone nods.

    War Zone: Exactly.

    Annie Halloway: Estonian gold medalist, embarrassed her country with half assed performances and a shite attitude despite being a so called good girl.

    War Zone shrugs.

    War Zone: I remember facing her a few times. Always thought she was all-

    Realizing Annie described her perfectly, he looks at her in confusion.

    War Zone: Wait, you never got to see her. How do you know that?

    Annie smirks smugly.

    Annie Halloway: Being a hacker has its perks.

    Wanting to get involved in the matter, he comes up towards the two.

    Troy Excellence: Well er, do you know who else is on the list? That Lynx person!

    War Zone: You mean the time traveller?

    Troy Excellence: Yes the time traveller.

    War Zone crosses his arms, shaking his head.

    War Zone: Time paradoxes are a bitch man.

    As the others are talking about the blacklisted wrestlers of the company, Ezekiel checks the WZCW Goodbye matchup card on the WZCW website and motions towards the others. to listen.

    Ezekiel Roche: Excuse me gentleman, but if I may, I'd like to tell you that the proverbial blacklist of WZCW has been rendered irrelevant. Anyone who wishes to partake in the final event is free to do so.

    Troy's eyes widen when he mentions this.

    Troy Excellence: Shit now, really?

    Still unsure how to take the swearing rule being relaxed, Ezekiel tries to figure out how to respond to his question.

    Ezekiel Roche: ...Yes um, your feces is...erm...correct.

    Troy blinks at Ezekiel, the latter sweating nervously about how he'll take this.

    Troy Excellence: Politically correct as it may be, I say that opportunity has come knocking. Hasn't it War Zone?

    War Zone: When are you going to call me Robert?

    Troy Excellence: When you're retired or six feet under. Whichever comes first.

    Annie Halloway: Tell me Ezekiel, what will be the agenda for WZCW's farewell?

    Ezekiel turns his laptop over towards the others.

    Ezekiel Roche: According to this match card, there will be four different battle royals. All for the company's titles and will crown the final champions in their lineage. For our main event, we will see the winners of all four matches compete to determine a grand champion.

    As Ezekiel talks about the idea of being a grand champion, Annie begins to imagine herself winning one of the battle royals and becoming the ultimate champion and hangs her tongue out of her mouth, drooling profusely. It does not go unnoticed.

    Ezekiel Roche: Annie, you're salivating.

    Realizing this, Annie puts her tongue back in her mouth and blushes.

    Annie Halloway: Apologies.

    Putting on her determined face, she gets up on top of the bed. Commanding everyone's attention as she speaks.

    Annie Halloway: Friends, I believe our goal from here is apparent. The final conquest of ATV is upon us. Together, we shall rule WZCW!

    Ezekiel Roche: Actually Annie, only one of you can rule WZCW...assuming Mr. Gwynn even wants to compete.

    War Zone is then shown watching Troy coming closer to him, the puppy dog eyes on his face apparent. He sighs in defeat.

    War Zone: Oh fine. Only because Joseph McCarthy would never forgive me if I didn't take the chance.

    Annie Halloway: McCarthy's dead.

    Once Annie says this, she triggers a distraught reaction towards War Zone.

    War Zone: DON'T REMIND ME!!!

    War Zone runs out of the room, Troy following him.

    Troy Excellence: Wait for me!

    As Annie watches the two head out, she shakes her head, jumping off the bed and walking towards the camera.

    Ezekiel Roche: Ms. Halloway, I must congratulate you on your return to WZCW. But are you sure you're prepared to take a hold on the grand championship?

    Annie glances at Ezekiel, the look of determination now more apparent than ever.

    Annie Halloway: I have to. If there is one thing that defines me...let it be this.

    She looks at the camera one final time.

    Annie Halloway: Farewell WZCW. May your final days be filled joy, happiness...and the smartest little bitch to ever grace the squared circle.

  8. #7
    Natural 20 Dagger Dias's Avatar

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    Ending #2

    Read what's in the spoiler tag first if you haven't read my World title RP yet.

    Click for Spoiler:

    The Legend Of Theron
    The Final Chapter

    A black screen is seen. A message from a WZCW Talent Relations official named May Trix had found its way to Theron in the way of an email in his inbox, inviting him to one more match. A final show due to WZCW ending. Theron was ready to break the silence and share the remainder of his story with the world. His thoughts are heard.

    Theron: It has been almost 3 years since the last time I competed in the ring for WZCW. Kingdom Come 8 in a TLC match for the Eurasian Championship against Titus, who I looked up to when I was young. Most of my time following that fateful night has been spent serving on an international missionary team. Surprised that I'm not saying "Tidarthian" instead of Titus? or "World Gladiatorial Combat Federation" instead of WZCW?

    A few seconds pass, then his thoughts are heard again.

    Theron: A lot of healing has taken place these last 3 years. Sometimes life throws you a curveball that you never expected. Here is what happened.

    Kingdom Come 8
    February 3, 2017

    A mosaic animation transitions to the backstage area at Kingdom Come 8. Theron, weak from his TLC match, walks into the room and drinks a bottle of water. Tiffany his onscreen manager walks onscreen behind Theron. She places her hand on his back, but he pushes her away.

    Theron: Why would you get involved in that match!? You could have gotten killed out there!

    Tiffany: I'm sorry. I was just trying to help you. Why are you always being so stubborn? All I have ever done is try to help you.

    Theron turns around to face her and glares at her.

    Theron: That's a LIE and you KNOW it!

    Tiffany: Hey! You need to calm down!

    Theron: No, Kirilah! I'm done!!!! You try to control EVERYTHING! My finances, my gladiatorial career, my gaming accounts. This is MY life! I knew that you managing me onscreen was going to be a bad idea.

    She crosses her arms.

    Tiffany: I see. So this is how it is going to be. Go ahead and fire me from being your manager if that is what you want. What about our dating relationship? How are you going to fix this?

    He walks over to her and is now right in front of her.

    Theron: I'm calling Mark Flight and we're going to get counseling. You have not been honest with me and we need help from a man of The Triad in order for this relationship to become healthy again.

    She closes her eyes and sighs.

    Tiffany: Fine.

    The scene fades to black with a mosaic transition. Theron's thoughts are heard again.

    Theron: I really did love her, but this relationship was so unhealthy. We ended up having another argument again before our scheduled counseling session with Josh Browning, or Mark Flight as I called him back then, could take place. It was on the night that I was going to be giving a temporary farewell promo at the Aftershock Awards Special in March 2017. I was planning to take some time off to rest due to frustrations with the direction that WZCW was going in. Maybe a semester or a year, I might return I thought. Things did not turn out that way.

    Aftershock Awards Special
    February 26, 2017

    Theron: That night we had one one of the worst arguments we ever experienced. I won't go into the details of this argument other than the fact that it was the end of the relationship. I knew that Tiffany Wyatt could not be in my life any longer, so I broke up with her. I never saw her again. I had signed up to be on Josh Browning's team for an upcoming mission trip with my church. Yeah I know some of you don't like Josh Browning. Tough. He's integral to my story and I'm not leaving him out. Before the trip I attended a training retreat with the rest of the team. This took place during the shows where Lynx had made his debut.

    Undisclosed Location
    March 21, 2017

    A mosaic animation transitions the scene to a view of an outdoor gathering at night, there is a large campfire where a few young men and young women, all in their 20's, are interacting. Theron is laying down by a large wooden stick in a grassy area. Tears are running down both sides of his face, he has been crying for most of the evening. Three men approach Theron. One of them has brown hair and a long brown beard, this is Theron's pastor Josh Browning. The other two are young men in their 20's from Josh's team. The three stand by Theron for a moment as the fire crackles behind them, and then Josh breaks the silence.

    Browning: Get up!

    Theron does not respond, but his thoughts from his present self are heard.

    Present Theron: ((((I didn't want to. My life had fallen apart. I had lost my dream job and also the love of my life. While it was my own decision to take a break from wrestling as well as my own decision to break up with Tiffany, I felt hopeless.))))

    Browning: Shawn.... You need to get up. We're about break into a time of discipleship. Come sit with Pecard and DJ. You can be in their group. Let them know what's going on and they'll pray with you.

    Still no response from Theron. Josh motions to the other two guys to help Theron up. They do so. Theron hugs Josh then follows Pecard and DJ to their group of men by the campfire. The other men are now listening to Theron as he tells his story to them.

    Present Theron: ((((That night I shared my full testimony. About Dungeons & Dragons, my relationship, and about WZCW. Which still included my Theronisms. Pecard, who knew me better than the others, was able to translate some of the Theronisms. Later, as the men prayed for me, I heard a voice. It said "Open your eyes. What I have for you is better!".))))

    Theron, who had been sitting by the campfire for a few minutes with his eyes closed while his friends prayed for him, now opens his eyes.

    Present Theron: ((((Then, for the first time since 2013, the real world once again became a reality. I was Shawn Daggers. A young man from Texas. Not a Warblade of Mystra or a Hylian from Zelda. I remember going over to Josh Browning after this to speak about this revelation, as myself, and that was the pivotal moment. Now I knew my identity came from my faith and not from a D&D character sheet. My faith grew like never before on the remainder of this training retreat, and then we departed for our overseas mission trip.))))

    Scene transitions with a mosaic animation to a picture of Lynx holding the Elite Openweight Championship. Theron's thoughts continue to be heard.

    Theron: ((((And that brings us to Lynx. A fan of mine who had been motivated to pick up where I left off, when he saw my promo after Kingdom Come 8. The attack from Flex Mussel afterwards as well. Lynx did pretty well, even going on to capture the Elite Openweight Championship. The title I spent my entire rookie year trying to obtain! I found out about Lynx's initial success during outreaches when speaking with locals who were fans of WZCW. I decided to reach out to Lynx. At the WZCW 10th Anniversary Show, I had Lynx read a letter I wrote for him as well as for our fans. I wanted to pass the torch to him, which I now realize may have been a mistake.))))

    Undisclosed Location
    December 30, 2019

    Scene suddenly shifts to an outdoor area by a waterfall, in present day. Theron is looking out into the waterfall while sitting on a bench on a porch. The angle zooms out to reveal that Doreen, Lynx's Social Media Administrator is next to Theron typing on a laptop.

    Theron: You getting all this, Doreen?

    Doreen: Yes she is. You know how fast a typer Doreen is!

    Theron: Wondering why she's here? Doreen became the Administrator for our outreach team here after Lynx left WZCW. This made her the perfect candidate to correspond with WZCW for me regarding my appearing at the final show. Now, where was I.... Oh yeah. The letter I had written to Lynx was written with all Theronisms intact in order to preserve my character's persona. From that moment on I would speak normal when on outreaches but in-character when making appearances as my character, such as the Lethal Lottery in 2018.

    He laughs to himself for a couple of seconds.

    Theron: Speaking of Lethal Lottery.... The one in 2019? Turns out someone pretending to be me had entered that match. It should have tipped anyone off that it was an imposter when he came out to the wrong entrance song. While I do love Nightwish, I don't even like "Ghost Love Score". Should have been "Mother Of Light" by Epica, you know, my actual entrance music. Had it been the real me, I would have won that match. Just saying.

    Doreen: Theron, another message has just come in. They would like to know if Lynx will also be competing or if it will be just you. What should Doreen tell them?

    Theron: Just me. Lynx has no desire to compete again after his departure happening the way it did. I felt bad for him, though I know part of it is my own fault for trying to make him into the "next Theron" when he should have been focusing on being the first "Lynx".

    Lynx is seen walking with a group of young adults, he waves at Theron. The men continue walking and Theron waves back to them. They are engaged in conversation and appear to be having a good time.

    Theron: When Lynx began to struggle in WZCW, I mentioned it to Josh Browning that Lynx may need the same kind of healing from spiritual community that I did. So we reached out to Lynx and that is what led to my Lethal Lottery 2018 appearance. After quitting WZCW, Lynx ended up taking Josh Browning's offer to join our international team. Lynx lived much of his life thinking he was sent back from the future to prevent us from ending up in a post-apocalyptic world where the only language everyone spoke was Al Bhed. Now that he knows the truth that he was from this era all along and his "future world" never existed, he is focused on meeting people from other cultures and sharing the story of his salvation. He's flourished during his time out here and is now leading one of the outreach teams that I oversee.

    Scene shifts to a picture of Lynx's Grand Dream faction as well as Theron's Misfits in 8 bit form. A few seconds after that a mosaic animation transitions to a D&D table with dice, as Theron's thoughts continue to be heard.

    Theron: You may be wondering what happened to the rest of Lynx's Grand Dream group.... Unlike Doreen and Lynx, the others did not get involved in ministry. Remember that gym that Lynx trained with the Grand Dream in before his match with Triple X at Unscripted? Cousin Willy and Masamune ended up taking over ownership at that gym. They now train up and coming wrestlers there.

    Theron picks up each of the 20 sided D&D dice except for the red one. It is Theron's crimson red D20.

    Theron: Then there's The Merry Band Of Misfits. My closest friends who I saw as their D&D characters. None of which have been mentioned or seen since the Christmas party at Tiffany's mother's house 3 years ago. We still play Dungeons & Dragons at Ian's house, though our schedules never quite line up anymore. We began a 5th edition campaign about fighting lizards in the jungle in 2016 that we have yet to finish.

    He throws a blue speckled dice onto the table.

    Theron: Ian, who many of you probably remember better as Kaleesta the Healer, was my roommate in the real world. He is still our Dungeon Master. He's married now and works as an Information Technology technician. He plays a Drow Ranger in our current campaign. Ian's Ranger along with my Paladin Of Silvanus lead that campaign's Merry Band Of Misfits. Someday Ian and I need to finish the campaign where his first character, Davivel, took over the Cult Of Shar, however that is a story for another day.

    He throws an olive colored dice onto the table.

    Theron: Jason, who you knew better as Sheshmish the Orc Swashbuckler, was another of my roommates in the real world. He now manages a pizza restarant and his current D&D character is a human Bard Barbarian multi-class. Jason's Bard Barbarian is our comedic relief character, much like his Sheshmish character was. One such moment was when my Paladin of Silvanus tried to mentor a red Grung, only for Jason's Bard Barbarian to yell at the Grung asking if it spoke Common. He didn't and his family then tried to attack our party.

    He throws a green speckled dice onto the table.

    Theron: Kelly, who you might remember as Kellia the Elven Summoner, was Tiffany's roommate in the real world. She ended up moving back to her home country of Sweden after graduating from college. All those times she and I spoke in "Elven" it was actually Swedish.

    He throws a black dice with blue numbers onto the table.

    Theron: Austin, who you knew as Keifasar the Necromancer, was my former roommate in the real world. He's now working in a smartphone repair shop and is a competitive gamer. He has won numerous video game tournaments in his spare time. His D&D character in our current campaign is a Lizardfolk Cleric who he inherited from a guy that never showed up. Austin's Cleric often asks our other characters "Are you gonna eat that?". This became a recurring inside joke amongst the group.

    He throws a magenta dice onto the table.

    Theron: Last but not least.... Tiffany, who you all knew both as Kirilah the Paladin of Mystra and as my onscreen manager. I never saw her again after breaking up with her. I did however forgive her for how she hurt me, how dishonest she turned out to be, and for trying to control me. I forgave her because that is the right thing to do, no matter how hard it is. Once I had forgiven Tiffany and finally let the pain of that relationship go, I was ready to move on.

    He turns around with a smile.

    Theron: And then it happened. I remember back in January of 2019 going to my church's World Missions Conference.... Or the World Magic Conference for those who prefer the Theronisms to the real thing.... Josh Browning was one of the speakers that year and during his sermon I prayed, giving back the desires of my heart. Not even 2 weeks later I met a wonderful woman who I started a relationship with and we are serving now together in the young adult ministry.

    He picks up the red crimson D20.

    Theron: At WZCW's final show I have been invited to participate in one final battle. With Lynx having no desire to compete, I will fight on his behalf as well.

    At that moment Dr Anderson flies in on his blue plaid helicopter the ART-Copter. He plays the boss theme from Sonic 2 on his smARTphone.

    Anderson: Hullo! A final WZCW show you say? I must pARTicipate! That'll teach those wrestlers for never coming to my ART cless! Then I'll eat a pop tART!

    Art's rival, Nunzio Phillip a student who avoided his class ever since the Spring 2006 semester, runs up to Art. Nunzio is dressed up like Hawkeye from Trials Of Mana. Next to Nunzio Phillip are his pets which include a husky named Rando, a great dane named Thor, a german shepherd named Corey, and a donkey, named Tex.

    Nunzio: Not so fast, Art! If Theron and Lynx get to complete their story arcs then so do we. It's time for revenge for you trying to force me to go to that class all these years.

    Anderson: Wot? Everyone has to go to my cless.

    Nunzio: No one is EVER going to your class, Art! Rando, summon Jaws for me!

    The husky casts a summon spell that summons a colossal Great White Shark that can fly.

    Anderson: No! Not Sharko! Aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrttttttttt!!!!

    Art flies away in the ART-Copter and Jaws The shark chases the terrified art professor. Sonic 2's boss theme is no longer heard since Art had flown the ART-Copter several miles away.

    Nunzio: His name is Jaws! Not Sharko!

    Theron: What about all of Art's clones that he sent to department stores all over the world dressed up as Santa?

    Nunzio: Ah man. I forgot all about them. Well, at least Art won't show up on your WZCW show now. Good luck, Theron!

    Nunzio and his husky walk offscreen in the direction Jaws chased Art off into. Thor the great dane follows them while eating Beggin Strips. Behind Thor is Corey the german shepherd who is playing the Link's Awakening remake on Nintendo Switch as he walks which is impressive. Corey's brother Kory Witha C was also going to come but he got lost and ended up in an ART Anderson RP that never got posted. Behind Corey is Tex the donkey who is eating a good carrot that he made sure is trending on Twitter. The dogs and the donkey chase off ART's sidekick the overweight oppossum that got a 112 in Art class. He hissed at the dogs and ran away before the dogs could scare him away. Aloha couldn't make it because it'll take him 10 Hours to get here, plus he's looking for that bag of chips that they kept talking about at the end of every ART Anderson RP. The Bee Who Got a B in Art For Being a Bee also gives his regards. Oh yeah, hi! Remember me? I was that descriptive paragraph who went on strike in ART's second RP. I'm back for this one appearance. I can't talk any longer though, I have to do the dishes tonight and then I gotta mow the lawn. Ok, bye now!

    Theron: Ok then, that was weird. In all seriousness, I am ready to fight. For one last time I will enter battle as The Warblade Of Mystra.

    Doreen: So what championship should Doreen register you for? Elite Openweight, Eurasian, Mayhem, or World Heavyweight?

    Theron: Let's settle that like we would in Dungeons & Dragons. I'll roll for it. If my D20 lands on anything between 1 and 5, I'll compete for the Mayhem Championship. For anything between 6 and 10, it will be the Elite Openweight Championship. If it's between 11 and 15, the Eurasian Championship. Finally, if I roll something between 16 and 20, then it's the World Heavyweight Championship.

    He picks up the red D20 knowing it is the end of an era.

    Theron: May the way of The Warblade lead to the Light!

    He rolls the crimson red D20 and it lands on a 15.

    Theron: So, the Eurasian Championship. Alright then. Now I get to clear up the unfinished business I have. The first title I won in WZCW when I defeated Eve Taylor at Gold Rush 2015 will also be my last title. It's almost perfect. My last major match was for the Eurasian Championship. I must avenge the loss to Titus and I will do so by becoming the final Eurasian Champion. Time to give the fans what they wanted at Kingdom Come 8, and that is Theron as Eurasian Champion!

    A few seconds pass. Doreen gives Theron the thumbs up that she has sent his message to WZCW for him. She puts her computer away and goes inside. Theron stands up and goes for a walk. He passes a cathedral full of stained glass windows, some of which have holes in them. Sunlight is shining through the holes. Theron smiles and keeps walking, whistling to the tune of The Lost Woods theme from Ocarina of Time.

    And so ends The Legend of Theron. Or is this really the end? Be sure to check out the other 3 endings.

    Fade to black.

  9. #8
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    one for the homie

    I am so very proud of what you have become, Mark. Itâ??s crazy to think where this all started. I had just returned to WZCW and started losing. My big return, this was supposed to be a change for me, a third chance at the big time, and I was on my ass once again. Truth is when we got paired together by random it was the best thing to ever happen in my career.

    Together we formed one of the best tag teams that WZCW had ever seen. We beat every team that they put in front of us. With the world against Cooper and Keaton we went into Gold Rush and we defeated Ty Burna and his masked buddy in one of the biggest upsets WZCW had ever seen up to that point. We did that. For the rest of our lives we can say that we are one of a handful of teams to ever win the WZCW Tag Team Championships twice.

    Most of all we can say that we stood not just as friends but as brothers on the grandest stage of them all. I didnâ??t close the show that night. We did. Without you by my side there is no Justin Cooper reign as World Heavyweight Champion. You remained loyal through it all and after I left, when the world thought you would crumble, you continued to grow. I have held every title in WZCW historyâ?¦ except the Eurasian Championship.

    Mark Keaton did something on his own. You did something even I couldnâ??t achieve and I am so damn proud. I was able to give you so much throughout your career. I gave you two WZCW World Tag Team Title reigns, a spot in the main event of Kingdom Come, career guidance, big match experienceâ?¦ I have given you so much.

    So you can understand why it pisses me the fuck off when you donâ??t have the respect to thank me for giving you everything! I am the sole reason you hold the Eurasian Championship right now! You ungrateful little prick. You had the nerve to think you could upstage me, the man who built you, by winning the sole title I am yet to hold? How dare you. You couldâ??ve had any other title in the company. Any other belt and it wouldnâ??t have mattered. I could sit at home and not have to bother with any of this but no, you picked the one title you didnâ??t deserve. The one title that you knew would be a slap in the face to your mentor! You stand there with the title that is owed to me and you donâ??t have the decency to say thank you, sir!!

    For over two years you have run around this company and never thanked me. Well, now is the time for some respect to be beaten into you. You hold the one thing I desire most in this world, Mark. That title needs to be added to my collection so I can complete the Grand Slam of WZCW. I have the rest â?? I earned the rest and I am owed the Eurasian Championship.

    If you have any respect left in that bleached blonde hair than you will come to the final show that WZCW ever puts on and you will lay that title at my feet and thank me for everything. You will show me the respect that I deserve. All will be forgiven if you hand over the belt. I'm not looking for a fight, Mark. You have always been in my shadow. The second fiddle to Justin Cooper. That's the way the world works. Some people are the stars and others are the extras. You are my extra. You don't deserve to be Eurasian Champion. That may sound harsh but you know it's true. Look inside yourself, Mark. You're pretending to be the star. I'm back - do the right thing and give me what I am owed. We can end this era in the right way. Cooper and Keaton - back together. All you have to do is hand me the belt. You are nothing without me. I led you by the god damn hand to the top of professional wrestling and for two years you have forgotten my name. It's time to fix those mistakes. I am offering you redemption, Mark. Forgiveness for the sins of the son.

    I started your career and I will end it if I must. Don't be stupid, Mark. This is the way it was always meant to be. Justin Cooper as the champion and Mark Keaton one step behind. We are Cooper and Keaton â?? now hand over the damn belt!

  10. #9
    Senior Member Fallout's Avatar

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    The sands of the Mojave Desert blew at a gale force, pounding against any object unfortunate enough to be in its path, whether it be small cacti or hulking ridges encapsulating the arid Arizonan abandon. Little could resist the forces of nature, its turbulence enough to break apart even the hardiest of constructions as it surged unopposed across the vastness of the barren wasteland.

    And yet, through the unfathomable strength of the gust, a slender, imposing figure stood, unmoved and expressionless as the grains passed it by, permeating against its apparel, like a boulder in water. The evening sunlight, whilst deteriorating, still had enough prominence to cut through the sandstorm, and radiate through the blizzard of dust, albeit in small pockets.

    The figure began to carefully stride through the sands, impervious to the winds and the weight they carried. The pushback was not enough to deter the roamer from its destination and opportunity for headspace, a reprieve from the resistance it had long since suffered, in part its own responsibility.

    As the figure approached the perimeter of the storm, it found its destination: A craggy perch, lurched over the clear plains below, a monument of solace from the onslaught of the Mojaveâ??s fury. The figure emerged from its shroud to reveal a masked man, burnt in every sense of the word, clad in constrictive Kevlar armour, coated with a swamp brown duster for further resistance against the elements.

    Click for Spoiler:

    But it was the face, or thereby lack of that completed the image. A modified gas mask concealed the enigma lying beneath it, the red visor piercing through the fading daylight, reflecting the vision of its occupant. The mask drew heavy breath infrequently, yet vehemently, making every strenuous rasp count for the limited air it could intake.


    The irradiated warrior of old approached the end of the cliff to rest, when something entered his line of sight. A tan scorpion, taking refugee within the sand particles on the rock, preparing for its nightly hunt, in a tentative, yet stoic manner. Through a more astute stare, Fallout identified it as the local bark scorpion, a discreet danger for the people of the US south-west. Visual impairment made it foolhardy in the face of adversity, employing its venom to great effect against prey and predator alike. Despite its physical limitations, perseverance and defiance kept it going against the odds.

    Much like himself, Fallout began to consider. Life after WZCW had felt like a perpetual exorcism, an aggressive caress over a sea of razor blades, each sharper than the last. But it was anything but unjust. The acts he held responsibility for, the rise of the repugnant, reprobate Dr Zeus not once, but twice. The annihilation of innocence those such as Theron Daggershield and Eve Taylor, among others had to endure during his Elite X Championship reign.

    But one act haunted him more than any other. The mere recollection let an impervious despair envelope Fallout as he recalled the moment:

    The fans are on their feet as all four men are barely moving on the ground. Califa and Fallout get to their feet and Fallout charges at Califa but the luchador pulls down the top rope and Fallout falls to the floor. Califa turns around right into a European uppercut from Doe followed by a hangman neckbreaker! Doe gets back up and is met with a kick to the gut. Ty looks to hit the Desecration Annihilation but stops when he sees Fallout grab both Arianna and Skylar over the guardrail by their hair! Fallout tosses Skylar into the ring and hits the Half-Life on Arianna straight on the floor! Ty quickly runs out to check on the unconscious Arianna as Fallout gets back in the ring and grabs hold of Skylar. Califa gets back to his feet and is met with a devastating roaring elbow from Doe sending Califa to the outside knocked out! Fallout begins yelling at Ty to get in the lay down or else heâ??ll crush Skylar like he did Arianna.

    Copeland: Heâ??s screaming at Ty to just give up the match!?

    Connor: Donâ??t do it Ty! Donâ??t let them get away with this!

    Cohen: Itâ??s that Skylar is toast!

    With the fans chanting no Ty looks at the terrified Skylar who is shaking in fear Ty rolls into the ring with little to no resistance and Doe hits with another devastating roaring elbow. Fallout tosses Skylar out of the ring and they hit the Crucifixion into Radiation Sickness! Ty is eventually forced to tap out as the ref calls for the bell!

    Harrys: The Phantoms of Chaos are eliminated, therefore here are your winners, and NEW WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS;THE CHILDREN OF THE DAMNED!

    Connor: What monsters these two are! Hurting defenceless onlookers!

    Copeland: These two crossed the line tonight in a big way.
    Despite the sequence of events repeating on a daily basis within his mind, Fallout still physically tremored as if he were recounting the tale for the first time. It was his own personal hell to haunt him for the rest of his days and remind him of what he would always bear responsibility for. But it wasnâ??t the fact that he almost killed an innocent woman that tortured him the most. Nor was it the fact that he almost killed an innocent child. Those actions undoubtedly left caustic, soul-perforating wounds from which heâ??d never recover.

    But it was the fact that the Fallout of old was fully prepared to kill them to break Ty Burna that stung the most. Had Ty Burna resisted, had he still held on for the championships, Fallout would have continued to outsource his punishment on the vulnerable for his own end, of not only becoming a tag team champion, but being the person who destroyed one of the greatest wrestlers of all-time.

    It took time for the consequences of his actions to truly set in. Ever since the referee called for the bell, something seemed to gnaw away at him from within. It began as ever so slight as his mind could not process the meaning of it right away, nor did it care to when other matters were more immediate.

    But it was when he stared into the eyes of Ty Burna for the next and final time that the magnitude of his deeds set in.

    The crowd cheers as Ty jumps over the barrier, wearing street clothes, a hood covering his face. He slides under the bottom rope and rises to his feet directly behind Fallout.

    Copeland: Fallout doesn't know he's there! What is Ty going to do?


    The ref calls for the bell, much to the surprise of Fallout. He turns and eats a hard right hand from Ty, and falls backwards into the ropes. Ty leaps, catching Fallout's head, and pulls him down locking in The Final Seance! He digs in tight, right in the middle of the ring! Fallout flails furiously, trying to break free, but to no avail! He taps in under a minute!

    Harrys: Your winner...Ty Burna!

    Keith Morse tries to pull Fallout free, but Ty won't break the hold! From under his hood, a red glow is seen emanating from his eyes as he pulls tighter and tighter! Fallout falls limp, and Ty finally releases the hold, jumping to his feet, standing tall over the tag team champion!
    He could still picture the crimson gaze puncturing through his being, the price of burning a man who had the resolve for little more than vengeance against the source of his ills. An instrument of destruction, to be fashioned for purpose, to destroy as a means to stay alive.

    And nothing else.

    It was only then that Viktor Petrov truly saw not only what he was, but what he was responsible for: Burning the world as it had once burned him all those years ago at Chernobyl.

    It was only after Ty Burna burnt with Fallout that he truly saw how that path ended, not only for him or Ty Burna, but everyone else around him.

    They would have to feel what he felt, the everlasting agony from scars physical and mental, to understand a modicum of the feeling. The incomprehensible harm he had abhorred for every passing moment in his life, only multiplied across the populace, spreading like a chronic, rampant disease, inflicting all and sparing none.

    Unifying? Yes.

    Productive? Anything but.

    It was this baptism of fire at the hands of Ty Burna that changed Fallout, from a monstrous gladiator, perfected into a weapon of war, to what he was now: A nomad, seeking if not redemption, perhaps some peace of mind, some idea of altruism in his remaining days, travelling the globe and contributing his skillset to those who needed it the most, for no monetary currency, but for currency of the mind.

    Too tame was it to suggest the prodigal son had returned. Rather, the demon had repented, the scope of his actions bordering on irredeemable, too late to be rectified, only to be neutralised by acts of good will.

    Bringing his attention back towards the unmoved scorpion, Fallout crouched down and gently lifted the creature from the ground in his palm. Startled, the creature thanked Fallout by entering a frenzy, jabbing its stinger against the dark leather gloves to little avail, seeking skin contact but finding none. desperate to find an opportunity for escape from the threat.

    As the scorpion tried to find purchase with its venom, Fallout sighed to himself, aware of the discomfort he was causing the arachnid. But what good was the scorpion there? A virulence of the desert to all who encountered it, yet a living thing like anything other that deserved some quality of life as opposed to a life dedicated to destruction. In situations like that, nothing wins.

    Reaching into the pocket of his duster, Fallout retrieved a small glass jar and guided the scorpion into it by curling his fingers towards its back end, coaxing it to scuttle forward. He then sealed the scorpion inside the jar before placing inside his jacket once more. Maybe some good could come from it in captivity, away from the dangers of the desert.

    With the obstacle overcome, Fallout planted himself on the edge of the cliff to watch the sunset. The dusk felt like the best time for him at this moment in his life. Not only did the light seem more acute and incisive than the mundane daylights, but every fleeting moment felt important.

    The daylight may be mundane, an incidental status quo easily dismissed on those grounds and to pass by him as it did so many others. But the twilight helped Fallout put things into perspective. The final radiant display of the sun before nightfall, a memory to hold him through the tsunami of caliginosity and the end of the day.

    Because, in some capacity, whether obscured by the clouds, late or early, the sun would rise again.

    The inner pessimist within Fallout still dwelled however. It was too easy to tell himself that the sunrise was more important. With that comes the burden of marginalising what comes after, the common grounding and the comfort of daylight he had once again allowed into his life, through his trials and tribulations. It was the sunset that kept everything in full perspective, that made him grateful for the sunrise and the day ahead.

    A final exclamation point to set the record straight. That things could be better. Things like WZCW, in its eleventh hour.

    He had heard wind of the federation that once housed him shutting down, overhearing the mad ramblings of a colossal Swede in his travels. And for everything Fallout accomplished in WZCW, one thing mattered more to him than championships, intimidation or personal glory.

    It was to give the people what they want.

    It was to feel unified with the audience on their terms, instead of his. It was a chance to create, rather than destroy. It was time to apologise for every wrong he had been a part of.

    It was to show that even the deepest of wounds could heal...

    "We are not entitled to our opinions. We are entitled to our informed opinions." - Harlan Ellison (1934 - 2018)

  11. #10
    SCF Fantasy draft Mod 'Ravishing' Ned Flanders's Avatar

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    As the camera comes into focus we hear a familiar voice as well as two unfamiliar voices.

    ????: The doctor said he'd be awake by now dad what's wrong?

    Dad: Nothing is wrong Alex if you would calm down and breath you would see your l is waking up.

    At hearing the name Alex the man we know as Milenko visibly flinches in his bed which causes Alex to exclaim with excitement.

    Alex: He moved dad did you see that?

    Dad: i saw that Alex now run and go get the doctor.

    As he slowly opens his eyes Milenko hears the sound of feet rushing out of the room. As he fully opens his eyes he looks around the room at 3 people. He glares at them but all they do is look relieved.

    Dr.: Hello Cory, how are you feeling today?

    For a few seconds Milenko stares at the Dr. like he's seen him somewhere before when all ofca sudden it comes to him.

    Milenko: Has anyone ever told you that you look exactly like Stephen Kurtesy? I mean you could pass for his twin.

    Dr.: That's a name you've not mentioned before. Who is this Stephen Kurtesy?

    Milenko looks at the Dr. like he's crazy before shaking his head and answering his question.

    Milenko: He's a shrink turned pro wrestler. Won the tag titles twice, was the best part of an awful stable, eventually won the World title and was put in the Hall of Fame. How can you not know of one of the best pro wrestlers of all time?

    Instead of letting the Doctor talk Alex buts in and starts talking

    Alex: What the fuck are you talking about Cory? How would you know any pro wrestlers let alone one of the best in the world?

    As his brother talks Milenko gets more and more agitated until he's almost frothing at the mouth in anger and talking in a slow even voice in order to try and keep in temper in check.

    Milenko: Why are you 2 even here Alex? I haven't heard a single word from you in at least six years and you dad, I'm surprised you were able to stay sober long enough to stand upright.

    Witnessing all of this the doctor motions for the 2 men to follow him out into the hallway so he can talk to them in private.

    Dr.: It's clear he's still suffering from his schizophrenic delusions. I still don't know why he hates you two so if you want to go to the waiting room and i'll be out in a little bit.

    The doctor walks back in after that and starts scribbling in a little notepad He pulled out of the breast pocket of his vest.

    Dr.: What was that all about Cory? I know for a fact your family is very worried about you.

    Hearing that Milenko laughs in the doctor's face.

    Milenko: You're joking right? I'm surprised that abusive drunk isn't head first in a bottle of Wild Turkey screaming at everyone within earshot while Alex runs away and hides from it, leaving me to take 99% of the abuse.

    Instead of answering the doctor is scribbling in his notebook.

    Dr.: Ok Cory, if you don't want to go with your family where do you want to go?

    Milenko: I want to go to the WZCW Goodbye Show. I've been a part of that company in some way for 12 years and i'll be damned if I'm going to miss the last show ever.

    Dr.: What will you be doing at this show?

    Milenko: I'll be fighting for both the world and Elite X Championships. They were the only titles around when i started & they're the ones i want to go for one last time.

    Instead of answering the doctor just scribbles in his notebook and excuses himself from the room. He walks down the hallway and into the waiting room where he motions for Alex & his father to follow him into the nearest consultation room where he cuts to the chase.

    Dr.: Cory is still mired in his delusion that he's a professional wrestler. He says the company he works for, WZCW, is closing and he is going to be on their final show and hopefully win the World or Elite-X championship.

    Alex: what the fuck? Why would he think that?

    His father smacks him in the arm and tells him to shut up but the doctor answers him anyway.

    Dr.: until he feels like telling us himself all we can do is guess. What i know for certain however is that not only is Cory seems to be slipping further into his delusion instead of getting better like we thought.

    Dad: He is? How can you tell?

    Dr.: By the fact he's adding in people from his life. You hears what he said, you're an abusive drunk, his brother doesn't care about him and I'm a former wrestler that used to work with him.

    Dejected Alex and his father stare into space until his father says something.

    Dad: What should we do doctor? He was supposed to come home today.

    Dr.: I'm sorry Mr. Bowen but he'll need to stay here in the hospital. I don't know what caused this sudden regression but maybe if this plays out and WZCW goes out of business he'll come out of it.

    As the doctor continues to tall the camera slowly fades to black as the voices get softer & softer until everything goes silent and all we see is a black screen.

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