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Thread: WZCW Goodbye: World Heavyweight Championship Battle Royal

  1. #11
    Junior Member Kermit's Avatar

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    Final Chapter: Future Ball
    Part 4 or 4

    The normal Future Ball setup is not here. Chris K.O. is sitting alone in his living room with a drink in his hand.

    CHRIS: Yeah, this is the end here. I donâ??t need a â??future ballâ? to tell me what comes next.

    Iâ??m going to walk out to the ring one last time in WZCW. Iâ??m going to compete. The results wonâ??t define where I go from here. I know my future.

    Iâ??m going to go home to my family. My daughter is going to grow up, and I might even have 2-3 more kids. Iâ??m going to stay in Oklahoma. There isnâ??t much here, but there are some good people here if you can see past the hate.

    Thank you WZCW. Thank you for the opportunity. Thank you for the outlet. Thank you to the ones I called friends and the ones that helped me grow as a person.

    I think I would have found my way in life without lacing up my boots here, but Iâ??m glad that this is a part of it. Iâ??m glad that itâ??s on the timeline.

    Thank you, WZCW. Iâ??m grateful.

    I used to say this a lot, so I thought it was fitting to say it one more time.


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  3. #12
    Junior Member BK201's Avatar

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    The stage in Hall H at the San Diego Convention Centre was full of die-hard WZCW fans, some dressed as their favorite superstars, while some wore simple WZCW merchandise, paying their respects to the biggest Wrestling Company in the world for one final time. The crowd in attendance had been treated to the very best superstars; legends of yesteryear, heroes of the present and those who looked destined to carry on in their footsteps. The atmosphere was sombre, sure, but also hopeful and thankful of the service the many superstars had indeed put on over the years.

    The news had broken through a wrestling news website, before quickly being confirmed by the company. The news had sent shockwaves through the wrestling world, as the biggest name in town was about to go out of business. But not before one final act of defiance in the face of the end. Not without giving everything it had left, one final time...

    Sebastian Copeland applauded as the last batch of superstars leave the stage to the adulation of the audience.

    'Thank you all. Not just for today, being here, but the last thirteen years. I've been here since day one and I can honestly say that they've been the best of my life. And it's because of you all. This company; it doesn't exist without people to love it. It doesn't exist without those who are invested in it, who keep coming back week after week. It doesn't exist without those who give their time to make it happen. So many things had to happen for this company to even exist, and even more had to happen for it to last as long as it has, and truth be told it has outlasted all of the competition. And for that we have to say thank you, to you all.'

    Seabass claps in the direction of the audience, who give a thunderous cheer towards the voice of WZCW. A cheer that is cut off by...

    The crowd erupt in both excitement and confusion at the older music; unsure of how they should be responding, but as the World Champion walks out on stage, the crowd stand, giving him an ovation he so rarely gets in the modern day. Xander stands on the stage, looking out to the sea of people as they begin to chant 'Xan-der!' back at him. He smiles, removing his cap for a second to adjust his hair, before holding his hands up in the air in an X; his old pose. He walks over to Seabass, shaking his hand, before taking a microphone from the long panel table, placing the World Championship down.

    'Well, ladies and gentleman, the World Champion has graced us with his presence. Xander; how are you?'

    Xander laughs, almost nervously as he rubs his subtly red eyes.

    'How am I? Gee, that's...that's a hard question to answer. I, uhh...'

    Xander tails off, looking back into the crowd. They slowly begin to swell in noise once more, as a tear rolls down the World Champions cheek.

    'Yeah...I'm not doing so great.'

    Seabass pats him on the shoulder as he nods.

    'Xander; you are officially the last Lethal Lottery winner and the last gentleman to win the Main Event of Kingdom Come. At Goodbye, you have the chance to become the final World Champion, and the Grand Champion. Your thoughts on the final matches of WZCW, and how you hope to fair in them.'

    'You know what? Before we get into any of that shit, theres some stuff I need to get off of my chest; okay. So we're gonna talk...' Xander gestures out to the audience. '...and we're gonna set some things straight.'

    Seabass subtly smiles, nodding as he takes a step back.

    Xander walks to the end of the stage, sitting on the edge in front of the hundreds of people in the room. He looks out, nodding slowly as he raises the mic to his lips.

    'I'm sorry.'

    He takes a breath, letting the microphone drop into his lap as the room seems to take a breath in all in unison. He looks up to the sky, his eyes glassy, as smiles to the above, as if seeing a face unseen by the rest of the room. He looks back to the room, raising the mic once again.

    'Xander Knight is a complicated human being. He always wanted to be the best, but he couldn't admit to himself when he was younger that he would go to any length to achieve his dreams. He convinced himself he was better than that; that he had honor. Then...' He points around the room as he continues. '...he found a scapegoat.'

    Xander rubs his eyes as he continues further.

    'He found a scapegoat in the people. How else to explain the former Elite X and Eurasian Champions decline in fortune? It was the peoples fault. Of course it was! No it wasn't.'

    The crowd remain silent as he carries on.

    'You guys were never anything other than good to me. But I had to blame something, and I couldn't find it in myself to blame the person truly at fault. Me. And I couldn't look past a promise I made so many years ago...' Xander looks up to the roof for a second, smiling. '...a promise to become the very best. And the truth is, I probably could have still made it here, right now, with that Championship if I hadn't turned my back on you. But I did.'

    Xander pushes himself back up from the ledge, walking back to the table.

    'I'm not asking for forgiveness. I'm asking for the opportunity to go out the way I came in.'

    Xander unzips his hoodie, revealing...




    A Triple X shirt.

    The crowd lose their shit, leaping out of their seats at the sight of the name that had been stricken from Xanders career. He smiled at the reaction, as fans were literally out of their seats in joy.

    'I'm asking for the chance to go out there and keep that belt, and go out as the last WZCW Champion for you guys. So that we can make history.'

    Seabass walks over to him, clapping him on the back with a huge grin to his face.

    'Sebastian; you wanna know how I feel going into this final show, in possibly my final defense of the WZCW Championship? Look!' Xander points out to the crowd, who have remained standing. 'I have a god-damn army right behind me! So I don't care who it is that comes up. I don't care if it's Titus, Stormrage, Showtime, Steven Holmes, Ty Burna, Vengeance, Big Will, Everest, Joseph Rios, Austin Reynolds, Drake Callahan, Constantine, Celeste Crimson, Black Dragon, Saboteur, Armando Paradyse, or anyone else who wants to try and show up. God himself could tag in and I'll superkick that son'bitch over the top rope!'

    The crowd roared once more; the energy in the room becoming fastly contagious.

    'I'm walking in there as World Champion, and I'll be leaving the ring as the final Champion of WZCW, and I'll be doing it for all of you.'

    Another roar from the crowd, as Seabass attempts to calm things down.

    'So, once Goodbye is over; what are your plans? Will you carry on wrestling? Or will you try your hand in other ventures?'

    Xander shook his head, smiling.

    'I could never walk away from wrestling. WZCW may be gone but you'll see me. As for the immediate future, my old trainer Geoff Kingsley...he left his wrestling school without an owner when he passed on. Seems like it needs a trainer, so I might see about trying my hand at teaching the next generation. And then...Talia; where you at??'

    A commotion overcomes the crowd as finally Talia emerges from backstage, a confused look on her face,

    'You mind if we tell 'em?'

    Xanders question is picked up by seabass's mic. She shakes her head, smiling.

    'So...we're having a kid!'

    Another roar of cheers, possibly the most human, genuine one, rocked the building at the news. Xanders smile beamed fromear to ear, as did Talias.

    'But...that's not while I called you up here...'

    Xander moved, creating some distance between the two...before dropping to one knee.

    The crowd, which was pretty overexcited to begin with, collectively goes even crazier, so much so that the question is lost in the noise. Tears form in Talias eyes, as she nods like a crazy woman before leaping at Xander, kissing him in front of the rabid Hall H crowd.

    Seabass claps at the side as the crowd begin to die down. He walks back over, shaking Xanders hand and hugging Talia.

    'So it's safe to say you've got a few things to look towards.'

    Xander smiled, nodding.

    'Fantastic. Well, its been a pleasure watching you grow and mature, and its...its heart warming watching you come back to the man you once were in the companies final hours. The wrestling world will be all the worse for the loss of WZCW, but all the better for having this version of Xander, no, Triple X in it!'

    Copeland walks over, picking up the World Championship and placing it on Xanders shoulder, slapping the place on it.

    'We're just about out of time here guys, but Triple X; do you have anything final to say to the crowd before we see you in a WZCW ring, one final time before Goodbye?'

    Xander nods, handing the Championship belt over to Talia. He takes a few steps forward, lifting the microphone up to his mouth. He looks out, with a smile...






    The crowd lose their minds in anger, leaping out of their seats in shock. Some of them even run towards the stage, being held back by security. Some WZCW personnel, including Jack Cohen and Becky Serra run from the side of the stage to check on Seabass.

    'You fucking morons.'

    Xander throws his hoodie off, ripping the Triple X shirt from his back, throwing it into the crowd. He holds his arms out as the boos, the anger, and the 'FUCK YOU XAN-DER' chants begin.

    'Why would I degrade myself by returning to that failed abortion of a name? Why would I lessen myself to become one of you one final time? No; fuck you, fuck you all. I'm going out as the man who crushed your fucking dreams as the WZCW Champion, and I'm doing it because this is YOUR fault.'

    He picks the jacket up, throwing it back on before grabbing the title belt once more.

    'You fans, you vultures; you are the reason this company is on life support. You cheer for your heroes, yet where are they now? They roll out to a panel to smile and wave and wax lyrical on the good old days, but where are they week in, week out? All the while I'm here, carrying the company on my back for you ungrateful assholes. Well fuck you. Because you lose. Even if I don't win, that's the thing. You still lose and I still win because I fucking did it. I won the title when NONE of you thought I could. So fuck every single one of you in your stupid fucking faces because I am the Champion. And just so we're clear; I wont be losing. I will walk out of the battle royale, which by the way is the same god-damn match I won this Championship in from the number one spot ANYWAY, and I will go down as the FINAL WZCW Champion. And when you think of the name WZCW, the name Xander will forever be with it, and will never, EVER fade away.'

    Becky Serra has had enough; she leaps from the side of Seabass, pushing Jack Cohen away from stopping her. She squares up to Xander, screaming 'who the hell do you think you are??' in his face. He just grins, holding his Championship up at her. She snaps, slapping him in the face.

    The smile remains, as he slowly drops the Championship Title to the ground. Cohen intervenes, getting between Becky and the Champion. He holds his hands up, pleading with Xander to just walk away. Xander merely smiles, before stiffing Cohen with a forearm to the face. Dazed, Jack is dragged by Xander to the panel table as Becky screams for Xander to stop. He pulls Cohen atop the table, lifting him up in a reverse DDT position. He looks out to the crowd, revelling in the pure hatred the energy in the room had transformed into, drinking it in. He looked up to the sky, closing his eyes.

    This is the way. I hope you're proud of me.

    He lifts Cohen up, before dropping through the table with a devastating Silencer. Xander winces in the wreckage, put pulls himself up, scooping the Championship up, before blowing a kiss out to the mob, ready to avenge the attack on the two legendary voices of WZCW. He smiles, sticking a middle finger into the air, before pushing past Becky to leave the stage in chaos and ruin.







    Later That Night...

    Xander and Talia walk towards the hotel, with Xander opening the door for his future wife.

    'I love you, Xander Knight.'

    'And I love you, the future Talia Knight.'

    She smiled, kissing him.

    'Cute. But it'll never last.'

    Xanders eyes widened, as he froze. Talia looked around him, at the lady with long, black hair in a dark denim jacket.

    'Sorry, but who-'

    'Talia, give me five minutes, yeah?'

    Talia looked up to Xander, confused. She slowly nodded, before heading inside.

    Xander walked over slowly, arms folded.

    'Its been a while, Faith.'

    Faith nodded, half a smile escaping from the corner of her mouth.

    'Just a bit, yeah.'

    'Last time I saw you, I was-'

    '-less of an asshole, right?'

    Xander chuckled.

    'I was going to say still deluding myself.'

    'Yeah.' Faith laughed, nodding. 'No delusions anymore, X. This is you. The real you.'

    'You don't need to tell me what I already know-'

    'That's not why I'm here.'

    Xander sighed.

    'Go on?'

    'I saw your little performance at the Convention Centre. You played that crowd like a fiddle. It was impressive in a sick sort of way.'

    'Compliments? I'm touched.'

    She smiled, taking a step closer to her former friend.

    'Talia's a good woman. I'm happy you found someone after Abi.'

    The hubris in Xanders face fell away at the mention of that name.

    'I hope you're happy, Xander. I really do. Because t would be a damn fucking shame for you to wake up the morning after Goodbye, and for you to have realised that none of this was worth a damn thing. Because despite everything, I still want to see you happy, X.'

    She turned, slowly walking away from him. He stood in a trance-like state for a few moments, before blurting his question out.

    'Are you happy?'

    She stopped, slowly turning, smiling.

    'That's the secret to life, Xander. No-one is ever truly happy all of the time. But I take what I get and I treasure it. And I accept the universe for what it is. And I don't compromise myself just to force the world to fit what I want from it.'

    She reaches into her pocket, throwing something to the ground in front of him. He feels anxious just staring at it, but he cannot stop himself from slowly reaching down, grasping it.

    Abi's necklace.


    'I came back. To see if I could talk you into not going. To see if I could talk sense into you. But I found that on the pavement outside. It told me everything I needed to know.'

    ' think you know-'

    'Whether I do or not is irrelevant, X. You are who you are. And you'll do what you need to do. I just hope it was worth it.'

    Xanders eyes stay fixated on the old necklace for so long, that Faith has gone by the time he looks back up. He shakes his head, her words stuck in his head.

    I'll make it worth it. With every breath in my god-damn body.

  4. #13
    3 Time Elite Champion Skairipa's Avatar

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    #TheEnd #GoingOutOnTop

    Two Days After Kingdom Come: A Beach In Malibu, California

    Kingdom Come had come and gone, and of course I won just like I said I would, becoming 2-0 at Kingdom Come. I didn't know what my next challenge would be, and right now I didn't care. I was enjoying my vacation in LA, far away from the cold and snow in New York and enjoying the sun and sand in Malibu. The best part? It wasn't even crowded because these weak people would freeze in anything under 70 degrees. I was laying on my beach chair getting some sun when my phone buzzed with a text. To my surprise, it was from my sister Gabi. How did I not forget to block her number when I cut her out of my life months ago?

    Callie are you still mad at me? It's been months, it's time to let it go. I saw your match at Kingdom Come, you've become so good. I can't wait to see you win a title again.
    I rolled my eyes, such an obvious attempt to suck up to get back into my life now that I'm a million times more successful than she'll ever be, gross. I thought about it for a minute, then deleted her text and blocked her number. My life has been so much better ever since cutting her out and I didn't need her back, buh bye.

    I chuckled and put my phone down on the towel next to me, and put my sunglasses back on, she was the past and I don't live in the past, not when I have such a bright future.

    Two Weeks Later: A Restaurant In Los Angeles, California

    I had decided to extend my vacation since there was another snowstorm in New York and I had enough stuff with me where I didn't need to go home. I was starting to like it out here, maybe I should get a second house out here, but then again the traffic is terrible and hipsters are annoying, bleh. I was enjoying dinner at the nicest restaurant in the city, when I got a message with some shocking news.

    ATTN ALL WZCW TALENT: It is with a heavy heart that I have to inform you that WZCW will be closing it's doors. Management have discussed this and unfortunatley decided it's something we must do. We will be doing a farewell show and every championship will be defended in a series of battle royals and plenty of faces from the past will compete. Thank you for your service and good luck at the final show. Who will become the final champions of WZCW?
    I was in shock, I was mad, I was sad, truth be told, I was slightly heartbroken. I had gotten really good at wrestling and as much as everyone around WZCW annoyed me, some of them were....good competition. Plus how dare this company close before I got a chance to become World Champion! I wasn't even sure how to react to the news, a million thoughts were running through my head, suddenly my waiter came over to check on me.

    You! More wine! Chop Chop!

    I shooed the waiter away, and he shot me a glare as he walked away, whatever. He was soooo not my problem. I had much bigger problems to worry about, like for starters the fact that I just won a freaking ladder match that's going to mean nothing! I mean I put my body on the line, risked my freaking life to win that match, and now it means nothing? They might be going out of business but they were sooo hearing from my lawyer for that one. But more importantly, what would be next? I needed to talk to someone who could think clear headed right now, I needed to talk to Kira.

    Kira! Did you hear the news? WZCW is closing.
    I took a a bite of steak and ate a few french fries as I waited for the waiter to come with my new glass of wine. It took him long enough. I took a sip of wine as my phone buzzed with Kira getting back to me.

    Oh no that's terrible, sorry to hear that. Are you okay?
    Of course I'm okay, I'm me. But that said I have a bunch of thoughts on this running through my head and I don't even know what to think. I mean my cosplaying has become bigger and more successful than ever partly due to WZCW, but I don't wanna just cosplay, that's a boring thought after I managed to become much more than a simple cosplayer. I know how good I am at wrestling and obvi other companies would be offering me millions to go there, but I don't know if that's what I really wanna do. What do you think?
    I realized I rambled in the text, oh well. I had a lot on my mind at the moment, this was truly not a good time to give me this news, I wasn't in the right state of a mind or a calming location. But I finished up my meal as I got a text back.

    I think you need to take time and think about this, in fact why don't you focus on killing it at the last show first? I mean you always say you wanna go down as the greatest superstar ever right? Imagine being the last ever WZCW World Champion, or winning the Eurasian Championship for the first time. Or even breaking your own record to get back the Elite Championship one last time. You have a chance to really make history at this last show, I say you focus on that and worry about the future after that. It's not like you need to rush into doing anything.
    I left money on the table for the bill and walked out of the restaurant, and was now on the way back to my suite at the hotel. I took that time to think about what Kira said, she raised a good point. Maybe I was too focused on the future. After all, I didn't need to rush into anything. I walked into the hotel and took the elevator back up to my suite, after getting back into the room and sitting down, I took back out my phone to text Kira back.

    You know what, you're right. The time has come to go from legend of tomorrow, to legend. Tomorrow is today and it's my destiny to finally become the World Champion, in fact maybe I'll take every title on the way out, after all is there a better way to make history than by holding every title all at once? Nobody has ever done that.
    I smirked at the thought as I changed into my pajamas to get comfy for the night, and plopped down on the bed. Truthfully I'd be happy to end up being the final holder of any championship, but all the belts? That, that would be the best moment of my life. And I would do anything to make that happen.

    I flipped through the channels on the tv, but didn't find anything I wanted to watch so I turned the tv off. Shortly after I got a text back from Kira, sometimes I'm surprised by how much time she makes for me and my craziness, she must really care about me. I should probably stop taking her for granted. I mean I did get her a brand new sports car for Christmas, but is that enough? Before I could continue thinking I got a text back.

    There ya go that's the way to think. But I just read the news online, Apparently there's going to be a bunch of old faces from the past showing up, probably some of the best to ever wrestle for the company. What do you think of that? This could be tough for you to overcome.
    She was right, the Lethal Lottery was hard enough and that wasn't even a ring full of superstars, but now who knows how many people I would have to fight. But beating a bunch of people who can't let go of the past and want one last moment of glory? That would be sweet. After all they need to learn the future is now.

    Bring it on. I'm not afraid of a bunch of old timers, in fact beating them too would just make my moment that much greater when I stand tall as one of the final champions. Don't you think?
    Do you need to run through everyone?
    No, I've done that a million times. Besides I have no interest right now in playing into the unknown of the past. But they're the past for a reason, because they can't hack it anymore and I'll be damned if I'm gonna let them get in my way. As for the current roster? Some of them are completely useless, and the rest are probably people I know I can beat. This might be the end of WZCW, but I am the present and the future of wrestling, and it's my destiny to be the last champion. It's just a matter of which title I choose to take, if not all of them.
    Kira and I talked about a variety of things after that, life, our holidays, how she was liking the new car I got her, and other things. The conversation stopped around 4 AM in Texas when she fell asleep on me, poor thing works herself too hard, even though she knows she doesn't need to. I went to bed about an hour later, after figuring out what my final cosplay for WZCW would be, after all I had to make the last one the best one, or at least one of the best.

    The Day Before The Farewell Show: Location Unknown

    Finally I decided to end my long vacation in California and head to Las Vegas on my private jet. I had narrowed it down to 2 costumes for what I would wear for the last show. Ever since the news came about about WZCW closing it's doors I had gotten a wide variety of offers, some from wrestling companies, some for reality TV shows, some for shows about me and my life, hell I even got an offer from a record label for some reason! I fully expected something like this to happen, but I couldn't wrap my head around any of it, not right now, I needed to be totes focused on WZCW for a little while longer.

    I had been trying to strategize for how to make my moment happen, but it was simply too much to attempt, and my mind didn't wanna focus on that anyway. My mind over the last few days in fact didn't wanna focus on anything except for one thing, Kira. I had been thinking recently how even when I was a bitch to her when I first met her how she killed me with kindness and put up with my bullshit for some reason, probably to help her business. And how even once we became friends how she was always there for me when I needed her, whether it was for something as simple as dog sitting or talking me off the ledge when I go a little crazy, which let's face it, happens a lot. I had been thinking about how much I need her in my life, how she had become my main support system over the last few months and how I would be lost without her, it made me realize something....I care about her a lot, like more than I thought.

    But I didn't know how to express that to her, I mean truthfully I was never good at that type of thing, sure I could express things like that to Sid, but he's a dog. I debated calling her multiple times over the last couple days to talk about it with her, but I would always change my mind, tell myself it was crazy talk. But now I was sitting on this plane trying to focus on other things and I simply couldn't. I was never a "feelings" person, I cared about myself, my dog, winning, the amount of followers I have, and looking good more than anything. Sure I had my friends, and Bates, and I guess some family I don't talk to, but I always saw people as tools to use to my advantage and nobody was any use to me if I had nothing to gain from them. But something happened that changed that, Kira had become my lifeline and someone I talked to almost daily, she had become my best friend and someone I couldn't do without. I had to express that to her, I had to tell her that I think I might love her.

    But was that a bad thing to do over text? Or even a phone call? I don't know. I thought about it the rest of the plane ride, and when I finally got off the plane and into the waiting car, I texted her.

    Kira, we need to talk. After the show tomorrow I'm going to get a good nights sleep then I'm flying to Texas, it's important. Don't worry, it's nothing bad...I think. Don't bother trying to figure out what it's about ahead of time cause I'm not telling you. Wish me luck with the show, I'll see ya in a couple days. XOXO
    I was going to be a bundle of nerves in a couple days, I had never really let myself be vulnerable with anyone, but that was a couple days away. Tomorrow was the last ever WZCW show and now hopefully I'd be able to focus on the task at hand. Thankfully that task was what I do best, win some matches, make some history and win titles. The story of Callie Clark isn't over, it's only the end of the first book. But will it have a happy ending? Bet your ass it will.

  5. #14
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    "Ladies and Gentleman!"

    "Ladies and Gentleman!"

    "Ladies and Gentleman!"

    "Ladies and Gentleman!"

    "Ladies and Gentleman!"

    "Ladies and Gentleman!"

    "Ladies and Gentleman!"

    "Ladies and Gentleman!"

    "Ladies and Gentleman!"

    "Ladies and Gentleman!"

    "Would you bring your attention to me."

    3 time WZCW Champion!

    Showtime wins! Showtime wins! Showtime wins!
    "For a feast for your eyes to see"

    WZCW Elite X Chamion!

    Showtime survives the iron man match and wins!
    "An explosion of catastrophe"

    2 Time EurAsian Champion!

    A legend continues to grow.
    "Like nothing you've ever seen before"

    Mayham champion! Tag Team champion!

    Showtime does it again!
    "Watch closely as I open this door"

    Lethal Lottery Winner!

    Showtime hangs on, he's won it!
    "Your jaw will be on the floor"

    Grand Slam Champion!

    He's done it all in WZCW!
    "After this you'll be begging for more"

    Hall of Famer

    What'll he do for an encore?
    "Welcome to the Show. Please come inside. Boom! Do you want it? Boo!m Do you need it? Boom!"
    "Ladies and Gentleman"


    Baldwinson: Gooooooood morning, afternoon, evening, whatever time it is there where you happening to be living and listening to this podcast. I am your host of the Gorilla Kayfabe, David Baldwinson, and ladies and gentleman, and there is no pun intended there, we have a very very special guest with us today joining us before the big WZCW farewell show to talk all sort about his career and his time with the company. He is a man who needs to introduction so I am not going to give him the satisfaction of an over the top introduction that he might rightly deserve. Say hello to our listeners.

    Cougar: Hello to all my viewers out and the people that would rather change the channel, I know you're listening too. Thank you.

    Baldwinson: Of course for anyone who has been living under a rock these past 10 years or has accidently stumbled upon my ring of wonders, my guest is one of the greatest of all time in WZCW Showtime David Cougar. Thank you being on here.

    Cougar: Pleasure is all mine. This fits right in under community service, right. Maybe we can write this off as volunteer work on my taxes.

    Baldwinson: You're too modest about the quality of my charitable organization I run here keeping Hall of Famers like yourself in relevance. But jabs aside, I had my team compile a list of your many accomplishments in WZCW. I thought they brought me a list of Post Malone tatoos. Look at this, 3 time WZCW Champion, Lethal Lottery, Main evented Kingdom Come twice. You know what, we should just post this list on the website instead of doing the show and we can spend the rest of the time instead snapping selfies and trading headlocks. You cool with that?

    Cougar: Cool as a cucumber. Just be sure to share that out there, twitter, Instagram, whatever app just was created. Let the universe know.

    Baldwinson: Cool beans, but we ain't letting you off that easy. Now the big story, WZCW Goodbye, the final show.

    Cougar: The last ride.

    Baldwinson: The final destination.

    Cougar: The sun set.

    Baldwinson: Sianara Koopasara.

    Cougar: The swan song.

    Baldwinson: Consecrated Banishment.

    Cougar: The Final Act.

    Baldwinson: I'm sure there is a lot of emotion swirling around inside of you, as someone who was with the company early on as it struggled to gain any traction before it did explode into a national powerhouse.

    Cougar: Yea even though I have been outside of it for a number of years it is pretty surreal that it's all going to be over. There were a lot of real lean years early on. A lot on inconsistencies and propped up paper champions. As I recall at one point the place was being run by reformed convicts

    Baldwinson: Prison Life.

    Cougar: It was a reak time out back then. It's really though a credit to all the wrestlers and all the backstage staff who came together and worked on and continued to build. There's a lot of great names that are responsible for a lot of great things that occurred in WZCW and there is always a special place in my heart for being able to help be a part of that.

    Baldwinson: Rough times certainly led to rough beginnings for you. I hear that early on you thought of packing it in and heading back to Hollywood before ever winning a match.

    Cougar: Yea, I remember my debut match. Freaking 5 way they called it. I did well, go plenty of offense in, but I wasn't the guy the company had prospect in early. Was some other guy, Anoki I thing, great writer, er, wrester. Never had the passion though for it. I lost to him and then I floated around in the tag circuit. Seemed to be going no where and then when they made a new belt and it seemed like I would get a shot I lost early in the tournament. There seemed like a lack of direction at times and the match times we were given gave us nothing to prove.

    Baldwinson: What made you stick it out?

    Cougar: Great respect I had for the head of creative. There seemed to be great chances out there for me and I just had to get around and start taking them. Art is always a work in progress.

    Baldwinson: What led to your first big break?

    Cougar: Honestly, it was Plinko and convincing a former Mayhem champion in Milenko to stand in my corner. Creative at the time loved the idea, and I think Drake Callahan was nursing some injury of sorts, he liked to party back then, so they wanted to hide that from the audience and put the Mayhem title on me. After a mini feud with Milenko, I was competing against Drake and Ty Burna at the next PPV for two titles.

    Baldwinson: Of course, another important part of development is character and perhaps Showtime, like most wrestlers who start, was a tad standard and basic. And then came the chair.

    Cougar: Yes, I have no idea who found that chair, but when I sat in it and spoke to the camera, I was home. And from there we added a desk, because what else would you put in front of a chair, and then we added a stage, and lights, and a band, and all sorts of other props were included, and suddenly we had The Show, where I'd talk about WZCW, and my opponents, and pop culture, and whatever the heck I thought would draw or sell, and the funny part is, you know, I grew up in Hollywood around the entertainment industry, one thing I hated though was talk shows. Honestly I never ever watched them and seldom looked to them for inspiration, but there I was on stage for WZCW,
    nailing it night after night with the talk show bit. It was a stable I could fall back on when needed and because it was there it allowed me to stretch my own creativity and my own character whenever I felt it was needed. No matter what I had The Show I could fall back on.

    Baldwinson: Is there a favourite episode.

    Cougar: Oh god there is honestly far too many of them to narrow it down. In the achieves of on the old site there is a volume 1 best of edition I'm proud to have released. I'm sure you'll find a favourite there.

    Baldwinson: You know many of the greatest feuds in WZCW history all seem to pass though you. Ty Burna, Big Dave, Austin Reynolds, Constantine, Barbosa, Steven Holmes, Drake Callahan, Titus. I know this may be difficult, let's say you're Batman, maybe you're Joker, but lets say you are Batman. Who's your Joker, where does everyone else fall on the Batman villain ladder.

    Cougar: All of those wrestlers very good guys. All are deserving of a lot of mention, a ton of praise, and maybe a good jab or too. I think I'm going to spare some by not naming who's my cat woman or poison ivy or Mr. Freeze, and just talk about the Joker to my Batman, and I can't name anyone else really but Ty Burna. Not only was he an epically talent wrestler, but was my bar for the longest time. He push me for further greatness. We had a lot of back and forth battles and it really meant something when we faced whether in one of our heated feuds or a match that seemed like it would be our last. We always pushed each other. We were neighbours and brothers on the road.

    Baldwinson: Indeed there were many great matches between you two, many great matches with all those guys. You're career has pretty well been one great match after another after another after another. Is there a favourite.

    Cougar: Any of my title wins are incredible special moments. Kingdom Come 5 winning the WZCW title for a third time. My promo for that match felt like my greatest work ever. I've had some incredible matches with Austin Reynolds and putting my career on the line against Drake to win my second WZCW title still sends chills down my spine for how close I actually was to walking away needing an eventual career break. But my favourite match, which may surprise people, is my match with John Constantine at Kingdom Come. I was going in as such an under dog returning to the ring with low expectations and we turned in the match of the night, one of the best all time, and even though I lost, it was definitely one of my last and greatest highlights, showing how much I still had left. There should still be plenty more at WZCW goodbye.

    Baldwinson: When you've been a part of the company for as long as you had, you do come across some screw ups and mistakes that occurred in WZCW.

    Cougar: Well we did bring back Mr. Baller more than once.

    Baldwinson: And gave Doug Crashin his own stable.

    Cougar: And aired a promo of Ashleigh Falcon killing Judas the Babtist.

    Baldwinson: What would you say was the biggest screw up that occurred during your time.

    Cougar: Okay, so it's after Kingdom Come 2, the company has gone through some management change and so everyone there is now in charge of one division. The guy running Mayhem, his name was Blade, not the wrestler, he wanted to run this 24/7 rule for it. Fine, we were all on board with it and tentative plans were to run it at the next PPV. So it rolls around the guy in charge of the Elite X division is writing those matches, the guy running tag team is working on that, e.t.c, Blade, writes the world title match. No biggie there, but when the show starts and us wrestlers are looking over the card, no body wrote anything for the Mayhem match. Notta, barely a pencil mark. The creative team is in full panic running frantically to put something together before the match starts, which was early in the card. What they gave basically killed the 24/7 idea and the whole idea was shelved 2 weeks later to much fanfare.

    Baldwinson: Any regrets?

    Cougar: It was near the end of my time, I had a feud with someone who I agree with is a GOAT like me, like Ty, and that is Matt Tastic, and I gave a lackluster feud against him to close out a career. I had a opportunity to come back last year and didn't and wanted us to properly have a GOAT feud but that never came to fruition and it never will now. It's a shame, but that's life.

    Baldwinson: I know it's late and I want to rap this up, so I'm going to throw out this last question and that's if there is anything you want to say or thank before WZCW closes the door forever.

    Cougar: Oh absolutely, obviously a big shout out to everyone who is putting this last show together, and everyone past and present who has lent a hand to the creation of WZCW. This is a big deal, everyone involved had a hand in creating something special and for many the memories will last a lifetime. There are simply too many Daves to thank, and Lee, and Ty, and Falcons, and Holmes, and Stormrages, Killjoys, KO's and so so many so many more. We all fought and laughed and cried and debated and had a really good time over the years and even though many of us drifted away it's still sad to see it all end tonight, but it's still going to be an amazing show, and I can guarantee you that there will be at least one more amazing moment for WZCW, and for Showtime David Cougar. The camera's will roll, the lights will flash, and start will take his final bow.

    Baldwinson: And we're all very much looking forward to it. Thank you so much for being here tonight Showtime David Cougar. Thank you to all our listeners and viewers watching. Have a save and wonderful 2020. Goodnight WZCW.

  6. #15
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    Kagura found herself kneeling, her head bowed down to the floor. She stood in a room filled with her family members, as she groveled in front of them, begging them to forgive her recent actions of hostility. She knew eventually this day would come, but she never realized it would be so soon. Her journey as a professional wrestler was coming to an end. She knew something was up when her contract did not come up for renewal during her negotiations with Vance Bateman before the Lethal Lottery. She expressed her desire to sign a new one after Kingdom Come, but to her surprise â?? well, everyoneâ??s surprise â?? she received word that the company was folding. Kenneth Banks, on his way out of the company, liquidated all of his stocks and sold what was left of the promotion for pennies. Perhaps it was one last middle finger to those that wronged him. One last show of absolute power. Bateman was only a paper manager, the captain tasked to navigate WZCW to her final resting place in the undying lands.

    â??ごめんなさい [Iâ??m sorry,]â? the raven haired beauty said.

    Her great uncle let out a sigh. Beside him sat her grandfather. They were the leaders of her clan. They had the final say here.

    â??もういいよ、子供 [Thatâ??s enough, child.]â?

    Kagura lifted her head and shifted herself back into a kneeling position. She told her uncle and grandfather everything. Sheâ??d wrestle one last match and then sheâ??d be leaving the States and returning to Japan. Sheâ??d done a lot of thinking and knew the best thing to do was to make amends now while the wounds were still fresh. The longer it took to apologize the harder it would be to forgive and move on, and she didnâ??t want that added stress for herself or her family.

    Her uncle looked her in the eyes, his gaze becoming more sympathetic. â??神楽は厳しいように見えるかもしれませんが、あなたの行動は追放されました。あなたのライフス タイルのた めではありません。家族の誰もあなたのキャリアを本当に公に支持しなかったが、私たちは皆、あ なたがアメリ カに行くために去った日をとても誇りに思っていました。この数ヶ月間、孤立した気分にさせられ たら、許して くださることを願っています [Kagura, though it may seem harsh, you were banished for your behavior. Not for your lifestyle. Though no one in the family ever really publicly supported your career, we were all very proud the day you left to go to the States. I hope you can forgive us if we made you feel isolated these last few months.]â?

    Kagura nodded. A part of her was so mad at the world and the people around her that she drug her families name through the mud with her foolish actions. The disownment came because of her fame. People knew who she was regardless of her clans distinction. After thinking about it, she came to the realization that she would have made the same decision to disown herself if she were standing in her uncle shoes.

    â??この時点で、あなたが望むようにあなたの人生を生きるのは自由です、もう恥ずかしい行為は控え てください 。 [At this point forward, youâ??re free to live your life however you wish, just please refrain from anymore shameful acts.]â?

    Kagura raised an eyebrow, â??そういうのと同じように、私を歓迎してくれるの? [Just like that, youâ??re welcoming me back?]â?

    Her uncle shrugged, â??君が気が戻ってくるのにどれくらい時間がかかるか待っていた。幸いなことに、私たちは長く待つ 必要はあり ませんでした。お前は俺たちの一人だワタライという名前とそれが何を表しているのか覚えておい てください。 女神アマテラスの精神もあなたの中に存在します。いつか自分の子供たちに伝統を伝えてほしいと 思います [We were waiting to see how long it would take for you to come back to your senses. Fortunately for all of us, we didnâ??t have to wait long. Youâ??re one of us, child. Remember the name Watarai and what it stands for. The spirit of the goddess Amaterasu resides within you too. I will hope that one day youâ??ll pass down the traditions to your own children.]â?

    She smiled, â??あれはずっと私の計画でしたよ、おじさん。レスラーであることは楽しかったし、それはいつも私 の心の近く に何か、愛するものになるだろうが、それは私の呼び出しではありませんでした。家に帰ったら神 社に戻ります 」 [That was my plan all along, uncle. Being a wrestler was fun and itâ??ll always be something near and dear to my heart, but it wasnâ??t ever my calling. Iâ??ll return to the shrine when I come home.]â?


    Meanwhile, in an unknown location back in the States, Kaguraâ??s manager Sasuke Gozaburo was relaxing in a bar. The old man stayed behind while his protégé went back home to make amends with her family. He didnâ??t want to go. Sure, Japan had been his home once too, but the country brought back so many painful memories. In the end, he was glad that Kagura hadnâ??t become completely jaded by the industry. It was a tough business. It had certainly changed that girl into something fierce. When theyâ??d first met, Kagura had been this shy and quiet little wallflower. He had to lead her by the hand on practically everything. Now she was this tough and grizzled veteran who had seen and dealt with her fair share of shit. She had this iron glare that would tear right through a man. The kids in wrestling today had to deal with exposure that just didnâ??t exist in his era. Sure, he wrestled more often, but they were on television in front of a worldwide audience several times a month. Kagura did her best and smashed every expectation that he ever had. She was a two time world champion. No one expected her to rise to that level, but she did, and he was glad he was able to see her hold that belt high both times.

    He tilted his beer back, absentmindedly watching the football game of the television, when he felt a pat on his shoulder. He turned to see the smirking face of his old friend, opponent, and occasional tag partner from the territories, long-time color commentator, Jack Cohen. The magnificent one took a seat and joined him at the bar, ordering a beer of his own.

    â??Well, Jackie-boy, this looks like the end of the line for us.â?

    The older man nodded, â??Indeed. I was just thinking about retirement the other day, Sauce. WZCW took me in and gave me a job. Bateman, Myles, Serra, and Banks were all good to me. I never thought Iâ??d be relevant again, certainly not with the youngsters, but itâ??s funny how it all works out I guess.â?

    â??I completely understand,â? the Asian man replied.

    The bartender brought over a bottle and placed it in front of the balding man. The sound of glass clanking together rang out, as the two men toasted their careers and WZCW respectfully. Sasuke began to muse.

    â??In the end I am grateful. You were the one that brought me in, Jack. They wanted me to manage some kid and it turned out to be Kagura. She wasnâ??t the best prospect from Japan either. There were several guys and gals who were better, but Banks liked her style. I thought it was cliché really, a shrine maiden wrestler. As if that wasnâ??t already a niche gimmick. I thought her appeal wouldnâ??t last, but she made it work because she was the real deal.â?

    â??It reminds me of one particular man from the past," Cohen mused. "Mark the Mortician, remember him? Big, scary looking dude who walked around like a zombie. His father was a funeral director and taught him the trade. Funny how those over the top gimmicks become more realistic when played by those who actually live the life of the character theyâ??re supposed to be.â?

    Sasuke chuckled, â??Kaguraâ??s not like me or any other wrestler in the world. She managed to bring a piece of the art of our country to this industry and made it entertaining. In the end, she became more than that. Sheâ??s not simply a shrine maiden who wrestles, nor is she a wrestler who happens to be a shrine maiden. Sheâ??s just simply a wrestler with her own unique style and identity that transcends any type of stereotype or niche. Iâ??m proud of her, Jack. I really truly am.â?

    A somber wave of silence washed over the men as Sasuke began to reminisce about his life. About his wife and his deceased child. â??In many ways, Kaguraâ??s like a daughter to me.â?

    Cohen nodded. Sasukeâ??s daughter was killed in a car accident many years ago, and while Kagura could never replace her or fill the void that still lingered in the former world championâ??s heart, having met the girl and having her in his life helped.

    â??Weâ??ll save the memories then, Sauceâ? replied the announcer. â??Besides, we still have one last show to do before we pack it all up and go our separate ways.â?

    â??Thatâ??s true,â? he replied. â??When itâ??s over, you and the wife are always welcome at my place whenever youâ??re in town.â?

    Jack smiled, â??Iâ??ll have to take you up on that offer eventually my friend.â?

    The two men proceeded to drink long into the night, sharing stories of the good old days, and new ones of the current era, and the kids theyâ??d seen grow into stars along the way.


    Across the globe, Kagura sat on a bench in a park nestled deep within her hometown. Her fiancé Derrick was beside her. The couple hadnâ??t spoken much in the weeks leading up to Kingdom Come. Heâ??d been in attendance, but sheâ??d been so wrapped up in her anger and frustration that she hadnâ??t even seen him. Derrick could sense the shift in his soon-to-be wifeâ??s demeanor backstage when he saw her that evening. They talked long into the night after the show. A few days after he arrived back home, heâ??d gotten the call that the promotion was shutting down. They both became such a whirlwind of emotions, that he wound up giving her space to think things over. Two weeks later and here they were, reunited once again, but with little to talk about. Kagura was abnormally quiet. Derrick wanted to break the ice, but didnâ??t want to seem pushy.

    Suddenly she opened her mouth, â??考えると超現実的ですが、次の試合はWZCWで最後の試合になります。私たちは王国の後に私の 行動と私の 怒りについて多くのことを話しました。私は普通そういう人ではない。何もかもイライラして、ス ナップしただ けなんだ [Itâ??s surreal to think about, but my next match will be my last one in WZCW. We talked a lot after Kingdom Come about my behavior and my anger. Iâ??m not normally that kind of person. I just got so frustrated with everything that I just snapped.]â?

    â??I know me leaving last year wasnâ??t easy on you,â? he replied in English. â??But Iâ??m proud of you for pushing forward. You picked yourself back up and won Gold Rush, and then the world title for a second time. You have a will and determination that few can match. Iâ??ll admit that I didnâ??t watch a whole lot of you during the last few months, but I was with you through some dark times before, and Iâ??m sure I saw worse.â?

    Kagura lowered her eyes a bit, thinking back to her â??possessionâ? right before she won King for a Day. She and Derrick were together every day and sheâ??d put him through the emotional ringer. Despite that he not only stayed, but their time together made him fall in love with her even further.

    â??Besides, you had your reasons.â?

    She nodded. Even when he left to go back to Japan after Kingdom Come, her anger did not subside. It was only after learning of WZCWâ??s fate that she finally started to let some of it go. Whether she hated or liked her co-workers, Vance Bateman, or Kenneth Banks, this was their livelihoods here. Everyone was in the same boat now, facing the unemployment line together.

    â??私は今、すべてで大丈夫です[Iâ??m okay with everything now,]â? she replied. â??私は本当にそうです。私の怒りは、私が受けていた尊敬と認識の欠如に対する私の認識から主に起 因しますが 、私は本当に素晴らしいキャリアを持っていました。たぶん、私のタイトルの支配は短く、記憶に 残るすべてで はありませんでしたが、チェイスは、私はそれらの瞬間を決して忘れません。私は他の誰かがどち らかを疑う[I really am. My anger mostly stemmed from my perception of the lack of respect and recognition I was receiving, but I really did have a wonderful career. Maybe my title reigns were short and not all that memorable, but the chase was, and Iâ??ll never forget those moments. I doubt anyone else will either.]â?

    â??I certainly wonâ??t,â? he said. â??I watched you win the world title the first time. Watching the crowd surf you back and forth across the arena was incredible. You really did become a hero and an inspiration that night. But despite that, youâ??re human too.â?

    â??あなたとサスケは、本当に悪い時代を見た唯一の二人です。祖父を含む他の誰もが、中古の知識を 持っていま した。私にくっついてくってくれてありがとう、デリック。そして、私があなたを押しのけようと しても、決し て私をあきらめないために。君がいなかったら、こんなに遠くまではやらなかっただろう [You and Sasuke are the only two people who really saw the bad times. Everyone else, my grandfather included, had second-hand knowledge. Thank you for sticking by me, Derrick. And for never giving up on me, even when I tried to push you away. I wouldnâ??t have made it this far without you.]â?

    Suddenly Kagura leaned forward and planted a kiss on his lips. He pressed his forehead against hers for a moment, as if mentally syncing his thoughts.

    â??Thank you for allowing me to share your journey; at least a part of it.â?

    She reached out and grabbed his hand as her engagement ring gleamed in the sunlight. She only wore it when they were out in public like this. Kagura smiled.
    â??まもなく一緒に新しい旅に出ます残りの人生を続けるもの [Soon weâ??ll be embarking on a new journey together, darling. One thatâ??ll last the rest of our lives.]â?

    Derrick laughed, â??I canâ??t wait babe.â?


    In an undisclosed location far away from prying eyes lay a room that few had seen. This place was special, for it was the very same room that we first saw Kagura. It was still dark and musty, and the light could barely generate enough power to light the center, leaving large pockets of shadows in the corner. Smoke began to seep in from the crack in the door, slowly filling the room with an acrid smell. Suddenly the door burst open, but the entryway was revealed to be empty. The light began to flicker. It crackled and died, bathing the room in complete darkness. The door shut, as if by magic. Seconds later the light sprung to life once more, as a masked figure dressed in black appeared in the middle. Eerie laughter began to fill the room. It echoed off the walls and slowly built to a cacophony of noise. The figure reached up and removed the Shinto mask to reveal a familiar face for the final time. Her beautiful features were unobstructed by her recent choice of face paint, but her outfit was certainly that of Youkai Kagura.

    She grinned like a Cheshire cat, as her eyes glinted with a certain amount of madness. Confidently, she opened her mouth to address her competition one last time in her native language.

    â??これは私の友人と敵、私たちのキャリアの最後の試合です。私がこの打撃を言うとき、皆さんも私 と同じよう に感じると思います。しかし、それは私たちすべてを売り払うためのあの野郎ケネス・バンクスの せいではあり ません。しかし、私たちは皆、最後に支払われ、私たちの陽気な方法について行く前に、すべての 最後のコンテ ストを1行で持つことができます。私は競争力のある血が沸騰しているのを感じることができます !私が勝った ことがないメイヘム選手権、エリート選手権、ユーラシア選手権、世界選手権は、すべてグラブの ためにアップ しています。最後のチャンピオンとして出て行くのはどっちですか。タイタス・アビソンか、それ ともタイロン ・ブレイズか、マイキー・ストームレイジ、ザンダー、あるいはキャリー・クラークか?それはバ ルボサ、ビッ グウィル、エベレスト、蒸気船リッキー、イブテイラー、あるいはショータイムのような戻ってく る伝説になり ますか?ラッシュやバッティオタク、S.H.I.Tのような古いお気に入りかも?誰にもわかり ません。私は 確かにしません。私が知っているのは、勝ちたいということです。私はそれらすべてを獲得し、W ZCWの最後 のグランドチャンピオンとして歩いてみたい! [This is it my friends and foes, the final match of our careers. Iâ??m sure you all feel the same way I do when I say this blows. Itâ??s not our faults though, itâ??s that bastard Kenneth Banks for selling us all out. But before we all get paid one last time and go about our merry ways, lets have one last contest with everything one the line. I can feel my competitive blood boiling! The Mayhem championship that I have never won, the Elite championship, the Eurasian championship, and the World championship are all up for grabs. Which one of us will walk out as the last champions standing? Will it be Titus Avison, or Garth Black, or perhaps Xander, or maybe Mikey Stormrage, Callie Clark, or even Mark Keaton? Will it be a returning legend like Eve Taylor, or Tyrone Blades? Maybe an old favorite like Ramparte, or Batti Otaku, or ElegAnt? Who knows? I certainly donâ??t. What I do know is that I want to win. I want to win them all, and walk out as WZCWâ??s final grand champion!]â?

    Kagura laughed and place a hand to her chin, â??それはそれに素敵なリングを持っています。「グランドチャンピオン」神楽大空。 [That has a nice ring to it. â??Grand Championâ?? Kagura Ohzora.]â?

    Suddenly her expression dropped, as did her posture. Sadness filled her soul for a brief moment. Then she smiled. But it wasnâ??t devious this time. This time, it was genuine. Kagura straightened herself up and spoke in English in a rare display. It was broken and no where near concise, but it was clear enough.

    â??I want all you to know that I love you like family. This place is like home to me. I have friends and enemies but I treasure my time here. So many years spent travelling, training, and fighting the best. Kagura would not be me without all of you. Thank you all. One last time we fight for glory and honor. Win or lose, I have no regrets.â?

    Kagura closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Suddenly she lurched forward and spat red mist all over the camera screen. It slowly slid down the lens, covering the feed in a haze as the light dimmed and faded leaving nothing but darkness for the final time in its wake.

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    “One final show”

    Carl was sitting on his couch, looking up at the camera.

    “The WZCW took me in when I was just another indie darling. Took me in when I couldn’t convert my indie experience into wins with the pros. And now the WZCW is going out with one final show, going out with a bang. Had so many plans for 2020, but life can be a cruel unpredictable mistress. It’s a bittersweet thought, I could win my first WZCW title in a few days… but then the reality sets in that I’d be the last person to hold that title, and then the reality sets in that it would be my last title. Reality is a cruel bitch, but she tells no lies. The WZCW had a good run, a great run. Untouchable by its peers. But all good things must come to an end, such is life. And now we stare down the final show and even though that pit in your stomach won’t leave, it really is the final show.”

    Carl signs.

    “Only one thing left to do, time to go out there for the last time and give it my all one more time. Fight until you can’t fight anymore and at the end of the night if you did it right, you’re leaving with your name etched in the history books for wrestling historians to critique for years to come. The “coulda, shoulda, wouldas” will kick in shortly after the show, the could I have done better? Should I have pushed myself harder? Would the WZCW still be alive if I won more matches?

    And no, I couldn’t have done better because I did my best. I shouldn’t have pushed harder because I was already pushing past my limit. And I am nowhere near vain enough to think it would last longer if I did better. But these thoughts, they creep up on your like a late evening breeze and then they too will chill you to your bones. I look at myself in the mirror and my face changes to all my doubters screaming at me, COULDA, WOULDA, SHOULDA!”

    Carl shutters in place.

    “But all you can do is brush them off. This is the final show, there is no changing that. There is no going back and changing the timeline, Barry Allen can’t come fix this for us. This is it my friends. One more show.”

    Carl gives a half smile.

    “To everyone who I have faced, from Keaton to Milenko to Vlad to Chris KO to Mr. Jones to etc etc. Thank you for helping me grow in the ring. And to my future opponents on the last show, thanks for helping me as well. And I’d thank you to just lay down and let me win as well, if you don’t mind.”

    Half smile turns into a full smile.

    “Folks, this is the end. The end of an era. Thanks for sticking with Carl along the ride and thanks for believing in me. Now it’s time to believe in myself and push myself to that first title victory. It won’t be easy but nothing good ever is. The opposition will want it just as badly as me, but I cannot give it to them. I cannot fail again. Because for me, this isn’t just the last WZCW match. This is my last match. Well, matches. And I intend to go out on top, to prove I wasn’t just some sham. To prove to myself that I really belonged. So this is me putting everyone on notice!... is that still a thing people say? Regardless. I am going to win my first and last title and then I am riding off into the sunset with my girlfriend and my sanity. Where we end up, who knows? But just somewhere far away from the noise… but somewhere I can hang my first and last title above a fireplace to admire it.”

    Carl gets to his feet.

    “Don’t cry that it’s over, be happy that it happened. WZCW will live on in all of us. And THAT’S Just Business.”

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  9. #17
    Junior Member Theo's Avatar

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    *Life may end, but legacies live forever*


    *A humming sound echoes in a dimly lit room. A young yet aged face can be seen briefly*

    It's time to say goodbye to this cruel world. It's time to be real. It's time to be normal. I'm a freak but soon I'll be a real boy

    *The buzzing sound grows louder as a pair of hair clippers approach the face of the young boy*

    I reckon you don't do that son. I did that once and it lead to some bad bad things.

    Papa, I...I thought you were out. Your presence was not expected.

    I was out little guy but I sensed trouble. And it seems my senses still work. It's as if I'm Spiderman with a beard. I'm Beardedman!

    *Beard puts his hands on his hips in traditional superhero pose as his son looks up, redness in his eyes and tears on his cheeks*

    What's bugging you little dude? Papa doesn't like seeing Little Beard so sad.

    *Beard wipes away the tears from his sonâ??s face and some runny boogies from his nose*

    They keep picking on me papa. Because of my face. Because of our legacy.

    *Beard looks on concerned as his son tells him the torturous tales of the trolls from school. His son pauses and Beard lets out a sigh*

    Alright kiddo. Take a seat on Papaâ??s knee. I think itâ??s time for a story. A very true and very unbelievable story.

    *Beard looks around and puts down the seat to the toilet and flicks on the overhead lighting as his son sits on his knee, like a child would Santa Claus.*

    These trolls and bullies date back to the beginning of our existence. When my quadruple great grandfather, Jebediah Beard graced this here earth. You see QGG, as we call him, wanted to be a circus performer. No one believed he had any special talents or skills. All QGG had was a luxurious beard. His beard was a folk legend. It glistened in the light, birds would nest their young in his beard, its flow was like a glorious river. He believed his beard was magicial but the town folk thought he was just another crazy old man. That all changed. You see one day, the daughter of a very rich individual become deathly ill. QGG happened to be in town trying to join the traveling circus. The rich man overheard QGG talking about his beardâ??s powers and he asked if he could heal his daughter.

    QGG was unsure but he believed in himself but even this was an impossible task. QGG went with the rich gentleman and attempted the impossible. Crowds gathered as word got out that old Jebediah was going to heal this girl. He bestowed upon her a piece of his beard. And all went black.

    What happened Papa?

    *Beardâ??s son asks with worry in his voice.*

    Suddenly a burst of light shattered the windows and blinded those nearby. A tornado of golden dust and the power of life circled the ill girl as it levitated her above her deathbed. Suddenly her eyes opened and her feet touched the ground. SHE WAS CURED! But it didnâ??t come without sacrifice my boy. For poor Jebediah took on her illness and tragically passed within minutes.

    But he saved the girl Papa?

    He sure did kiddo. The beard, while attached to the body, has amazing powers. But removing it can cause serious damage. I once removed mine and it took me to a dark place. A place we never talk about. I put my trust into a very powerful man and I took over and tried to destroy a community. A community known as WZCW.

    And now WZCW is walking into the light, just like old Jebediah. Before you kiddo, I was a wrestler. And I did some crazy stuff. I was world champion, I was a tag team champion, I was king for a day, I wrestled a guy named Grizzly Bob, I wrestled an actual Grizzly. It saved my life. I made friends, I gained a new family. Your godfather was briefly with the company.

    Really? Uncle Talent was a wrestler?

    Youâ??re rootinâ?? tootinâ?? right he was. And a surprisingly good one. So was I. So I think itâ??s time we say goodbye to our family son. Without them I wouldnâ??t have the greatest family of them all, you. Thank you WZCW, you saved my life and helped me create a new one. Weâ??ll forever be kicking ass. Peace, love, and Beards.
    Theo was here

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