Who is interested in Season 5? A draft will not start until after the Royal Rumble (and it looks like thankfully this season will end BEFORE the Rumble). Not only because we will barely be finished but because I will be in Houston for the Rumble and won't be able to run it. Besides, it wouldn't be fair to start a draft and the 4th pick knows who's going to WrestleMania whereas the 1st pick doesn't.

Same rules for the most part. However, I have a couple thoughts that I'd like input on

  1. Would anyone like the idea of a Keeper system (2 of your current roster you can keep for the new season)? If not for this current season maybe we draft anew and that starts a keeper league.
  2. I think I want to adjust the tag team scoring so that the person who gets the fall gets an additional point (ie if New Day wins a match with Kofi gaining the fall, Big E gets 5 and Kofi gets 6). The other idea could be subtracting a point for the person who suffers the fall. This will reward the winner (or punish the loser), and help with the value for Tag Team competitors.

I like an 8 team league but I can do a 10 person league as well.

Please everyone give me your ideas, I'm open to anything. If we want to wait for Season 5 we can do that too. Maybe we wait a month and we can finish that season with an AEW PPV.