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Thread: Impact LD - All Dates

  1. #201
    You Never Know When You Might Stuff An Owl klunderbunker's Avatar
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    Impact Wrestling
    Date: April 21, 2020
    Location: Skyway Studios, Nashville, Tennessee
    Commentators: Madison Rayne, Josh Matthews

    It’s the first night of Rebellion and it’s taking place in an empty arena, just like all of the other big shows at this point. I’m not sure what we’re going to see due to how many people might not be available for the show and that could make for an interesting show. The company has done well in recent weeks so hopefully they can keep it up. Let’s get to it.

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    It Wouldn't Be Impact

  2. #202
    You Never Know When You Might Stuff An Owl klunderbunker's Avatar
    Asteroids Champion! Simon Champion! Hexxagon Champion! Pinball - Budweiser Champion!

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    Impact Wrestling
    Date: April 28, 2020
    Location: Skyway Studios, Nashville, Tennessee
    Commentators: Madison Rayne, Josh Matthews

    It’s the second night of Rebellion and that means it’s time to find out what is going on with the World Title. That’s quite the situation and hopefully they have a good answer to the problem. It’s a pretty rare situation so I’m curious to see what they come up with for the whole thing. Let’s get to it.

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    Now Do It Again

  3. #203
    You Never Know When You Might Stuff An Owl klunderbunker's Avatar
    Asteroids Champion! Simon Champion! Hexxagon Champion! Pinball - Budweiser Champion!

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    Impact Wrestling
    Date: May 12, 2020
    Location: Skyway Studios, Nashville, Tennessee
    Commentators: Madison Rayne, Josh Matthews

    Believe it or not, it’s tournament time around here and that means things are going to get interesting in a few weeks. I’m not sure what to expect here as we are on the way towards…well nothing actually as it’s far too early to know the next pay per view. Hopefully things stay up around here, which has been the case in recent weeks. Let’s get to it.

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    Well Done

  4. #204
    You Never Know When You Might Stuff An Owl klunderbunker's Avatar
    Asteroids Champion! Simon Champion! Hexxagon Champion! Pinball - Budweiser Champion!

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    Impact Wrestling
    Date: May 19, 2020
    Location: Skyway Studios, Nashville, Tennessee
    Commentators: Madison Rayne, Josh Matthews

    Things are getting interesting around here as the tournament is starting to pick up. That’s going to continue this week and we’re also going to be seeing more of the TNA World Title, as Moose gets to show us more of his relative insanity. To cap it off though, Johnny Swinger gets his X-Division Title shot and they wouldn’t be that insane, right? Let’s get to it.

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    Steady And Steady

  5. #205
    You Never Know When You Might Stuff An Owl klunderbunker's Avatar
    Asteroids Champion! Simon Champion! Hexxagon Champion! Pinball - Budweiser Champion!

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    Impact Wrestling
    Date: June 2, 2020
    Location: Skyway Studios, Nashville, Tennessee
    Commentators: Madison Rayne, Josh Matthews

    It’s time for the tournament final as we need a new #1 contender to the World Title. Granted we also need the World Champion back, but I’m not sure when that is going to be the case. This show has been pretty watchable as of late though and hopefully they can keep that up this week. Let’s get to it.

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    It's Their Night

  6. #206
    You Never Know When You Might Stuff An Owl klunderbunker's Avatar
    Asteroids Champion! Simon Champion! Hexxagon Champion! Pinball - Budweiser Champion!

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    Impact Wrestling
    Date: June 9, 2020
    Location: Skyway Studios, Nashville, Tennessee
    Commentators: Madison Rayne, Josh Matthews

    It’s a big night as we get to find out the future of the World Title. Last week Ace Austin won the #1 contenders tournament, which was rather odd as he beat someone who wasn’t even entered. Never let it be said that things go as you might expect around here, though that’s not necessarily a good thing. Let’s get to it.

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    Something Positive

  7. #207
    You Never Know When You Might Stuff An Owl klunderbunker's Avatar
    Asteroids Champion! Simon Champion! Hexxagon Champion! Pinball - Budweiser Champion!

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    Impact Wrestling
    Date: June 16, 2020
    Location: Skyway Studios, Nashville, Tennessee
    Commentators: Josh Matthews, Madison Rayne

    They have a main event to build towards now with the five way elimination World Title match set for Slammiversary. That is of course assuming Tessa Blanchard can make the show, which is no guarantee. It’s also assuming they don’t add the mystery former World Champion to make the match a bit bigger. There is other stuff to do first though so let’s get to it.

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    Save Us Wrestling

  8. #208
    You Never Know When You Might Stuff An Owl klunderbunker's Avatar
    Asteroids Champion! Simon Champion! Hexxagon Champion! Pinball - Budweiser Champion!

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    Impact Wrestling
    Date: June 23, 2020
    Location: Skyway Studios, Nashville, Tennessee
    Commentators: Josh Matthews, Madison Rayne

    Then, as they tend to do in this company for one reason or another, things got complicated in a hurry as Michael Elgin was suspended from the company over SpeakOut allegations. At the same time, Joey Ryan was fired outright, leaving some good sized holes in this show. That means this show is going to be hacked to pieces, which could make for some different viewing. Let’s get to it.

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    Until Next Week

  9. #209
    You Never Know When You Might Stuff An Owl klunderbunker's Avatar
    Asteroids Champion! Simon Champion! Hexxagon Champion! Pinball - Budweiser Champion!

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    Impact Wrestling
    Date: June 30, 2020
    Location: Skyway Studios, Nashville, Tennessee
    Commentators: Josh Matthews, Madison Rayne

    The Slammiversary shakeup continues as we need to find another replacement now that Michael Elgin is gone. This comes after World Champion Tessa Blanchard was released from the company, meaning the main event is looking quite a bit different than it did just two weeks ago. We should be getting some updates on what is happening here so let’s get to it.

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    Here We Go Again

  10. #210
    You Never Know When You Might Stuff An Owl klunderbunker's Avatar
    Asteroids Champion! Simon Champion! Hexxagon Champion! Pinball - Budweiser Champion!

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    Impact Wrestling
    Date: July 14, 2020
    Location: Skyway Studios, Nashville, Tennessee
    Commentators: Josh Matthews, Madison Rayne

    It’s the go home show for Slammiversary and that’s actually a pretty nice feeling for once. The shows building towards the pay per view have been well done and if they manage to make it work this time, we could be in for a heck of a show on Saturday. Yeah Saturday, as almost everyone outside of WWE has changed up their pay per view schedule in a pretty smart move. Let’s get to it.

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    Speed Bump

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