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Thread: WZCW Zero Hour: All Elite

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  1. #1
    I Stay Blasted Yaz's Avatar

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    WZCW Zero Hour: All Elite

    The voice of legendary film star Morgan Freeman can be heard.

    Some things are kept simple in life. The Elite belt is not. For me it will always be the Elite X title, for others the Elite, for some the Elite XXX, for Mikey Stormrage it's the Elite Overweight and for literally no one else it's the Elite Openweight.

    The second belt to appear in WZCW history this has a mixture of prestige and randomness. The Hall of Famers who have held this belt are Big Will, Titus, Showtime, Steven Holmes, John Constantine, Matt Tastic, Eve Taylor and one part of Cerberus Flex Mussel.

    To tip it up you also have a lot of forgotten people in there. Gus, Frankie Smith and Ben Legend.

    There was some chaos where there was a 7 defense rule, if you defended all 7 you got a World Heavyweight Championship match. Yet a true champion makes their belt the most prestigious.

    The EurAsian overshadowed it for a bit but the last year or so of the belt has arguably been some of the best. Current champion Flex Mussel won an epic bout with Mikey Stormrage but Callie Clark has also tried to make this hers.

    Who will be the person who will be classed as â??eliteâ? for the final Elite X champion? I guess we're about to find out.

  2. #2
    I Stay Blasted Yaz's Avatar

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    Annie Halloway is outside messing with some equipment around the production truck. She is trying to hide what she is doing but Amber Warren bumps into her, smashing a cupcake into the chest of Annie.

    Warren: Oh I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there. It was so rude of me to do something mean, even if it was an accident and really not a big deal in the end. I'm so ashamed and embarrassed. I have to get out of here.

    Warren takes off running, completely upset she was mean. Annie wipes herself off and goes back to the equipment.

    Annie: Great, I almost had our signal patched in to hack the broadcast feed until she came along. Now I have to start over!

    Suddenly she hears a thud from the other side of the truck. She goes to investigate and finds DC on the ground.

    DC: No, you can't see me like this! I'm supposed to be dark and mysterious and have a totally hot girlfriend who I don't at all emotionally abuse and play it off like we are The Joker and Harley Quinn. At least I think that's what I am. I was up there stalking you, being all brooding, and fell and hit my head and don't remember much else.


    Both DC and Annie look around and don't see anything. They have no idea where the voice came from until they walk back around and notice on one of the monitors that Zhanshi is in the loading bay under the arena breaking boxes with kicks.

  3. #3
    I Stay Blasted Yaz's Avatar

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    Callie Clark is backstage checking herself out in a mirror, when she sees through the mirror that Kagura and Sasuke have walked up behind her. Callie whips around and raises her fist, but Sasuke holds up his hands trying to get her to calm down, but she stays in a defensive position.

    Sasuke: Relax, we come in peace. Kagura wanted to tell you she respects you for the battles you've had with her, and it was nice having another strong and talented female to compete against.

    Callie thinks about it for a moment, then nods.

    Callie: You know I still don't like you.

    Callie shoots a glare at Kagura.

    Callie: But as much as I hate to admit always gave me a great fight and you drove me to get better. So I guess I respect you too.

    Kagura says something in Japanese to Sasuke, to which he nods in understanding to.

    Sasuke: Kagura says she's looking forward to one more fight with you in the Battle Royal, and wishes you luck.

    Callie: I should be the one wishing you luck, but thanks I guess. May the best woman win right?

    Callie smirks as Kagura nods and smirks back at her, and after a little staredown, Kagura and Sasuke walk away.

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    Saboteur: I can't believe we are back in Las Vegas for one last show before WZCW closes its door's forever.

    Saboteur is wearing a fancy suit as he walks down the Vegas Strip with his longtime friend, Action Saxton.

    Saxton: I told those suckas I was retired, but its hard to resist the bright lights of Vegas. I think we should hit up the casino before we have to head to the arena.

    Suddenly there is a commotion from across the street. There is a large menacing man standing in an alley.

    Saboteur: Looks like there is some trouble over there!

    Saboteur tears off his suit, revealing his full wrestling gear underneath. He and Saxton rush across the street with Saxton leaping off of cars and Saboteur doing his best Frogger impression, including running back to the start more than once. Once they arrive, Saxton sees the man and delivers a devastating kung-fu kick to the man and drops him.

    Saxton: That will teach him to be up to no good.

    Saboteur finally makes it across the street, completely winded. He looks down and makes a face back at Saxton. Well it's a face to Saxton as after many years together Saxton has learned to read Saboteur's face despite it being under a mask.

    Saboteur: Uh-Oh! That was that Russian guy. Viktor or Oleg or something. I'm not sure but they were both pretty much the same. He was supposed to wrestle later, he isn't a villain at all despite his menacing Russian appearance.

    Saxton: Well come on then, lets get to the casino before we turn into the real suckas.

    Saboteur rips off his wrestling gear to reveal yet another suit underneath as the two walk back down the Strip.

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    Alice saunters her way up to the studio and throws open the doors, startling the camera crew. She haughtily flips her hair back and walked on set, stopping only when she was directly in the middle. She spins around quickly startling the main camera guy, she places her hands on her hips and rolls her eyes

    “Alright, let’s get this shit over with, come on, hurry up, t-t-t-today camera 1! God, I already gave this 2 bit circus fed one whole year of my valuable time and attention and the blind morons didn’t even see all of this greatness they had, ugh, come one Camera 1 I am WAITING.”

    The main camera guy clumsily adjusts his camera to focus on Adams and counted down.

    “Live in 5… 4… 3… 2… 1…”

    Camera light shines brightly, Alice’s whole demeanor changes once she sees that merry little light.

    “ why hello WZCW universe, I know it just pains you all to not get a farewell match from me but… honestly, I have a very reasonable explanation for you all… Blame the COMPANY sneers thank them for not giving me what’s rightfully MINE, thank them for always kissing old hags ASSES; always making sure they are the apple of their blind eyes. Now, now, now, I know what you all want to say…. “but Babydoll, don’t punish the universe for the sins of the creators… well, last time I checked, none of y’all pay my bills, or coincidentally not even a tiny bit amusing to even get my attention. So as a parting word to you all, and believe me, I mean it from the bottom of my little black heart… KISS MY ASS WZCW!”

    Alice flips off the camera, letting out a hearty laugh as the crew freak out behind the cameras and force them to stop recording….

  6. #6
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    The cameras go backstage where Leon Kensworth is in the catering area, when suddenly we see Bruce Irwin standing near him, talking to a camera in a hushed tone.

    Bruce: Oh my god check it out! It's one of the most dangerous creatures in the land, the wild Leon Kensworth! We need to be careful here, one bite could kill me....I'm gonna poke him.

    Bruce slowly sneaks up behind Leon, who turns around hearing footsteps and smiles.

    Leon: Hey Bruce long time no see, how've you been?

    Bruce Irwin jumps back and gets into a defensive stance, leaving Leon to look confused.

    Bruce: Oh oh we've been spotted! This could get dangerous!

    Leon: Bruce...what are you doing?

    Bruce Irwin slowly reaches out to Leon, who continues to look confused as Bruce pokes him in the shoulder before quickly jumping back.

    Bruce: Okay we might be safe, the wild Leon doesn't seem angry, let's make sure though.

    Bruce slowly takes a step towards Leon, and holds out his hand, and Leon shakes his hand.

    Leon: What have you been up to Bruce? Are you competing for the Elite Championship tonight?

    Suddenly, Bruce's expression changes and he smiles as he pulls Leon in for a hug and pats him on the back.

    Bruce: Yeah mate, I'm excited. I've been off on all kinds of crazy adventures but there was no way I was going to miss the farewell show! It's good seeing ya again, I'll catch up with you later, good talk.

    Bruce releases Leon from the hug and grabs an apple off the table and takes a bite of it before walking away, leaving Leon looking confused at the whole conversation but he shrugs it off.

    Leon: Never dull a moment here in WZCW, I'm really going to miss it.

  7. #7
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    Flex Mussel can be seen walking to the gorilla position with the Elite Musselweight Championship around his waste. He turns a corridor and stops dead in his tracks as he comes face to face with Ramparte.

    Flex: I’d say long time no see but lately it feels like you’re around every corner I turn…

    Ramparte: What if I told you I never left?

    Flex: Yeah I heard about your outburst. Something felt familiar about teaming with Stetson, and you were always pretty good at hiding who you truly were.

    Ramparte: As good as you were at being the loudest vein in the room.

    Flex: Which is exactly why I let those awfully mean comments slide, I craved the spotlight so much I thought I destroyed you.

    Ramparte: I desired to be in the shadows so bad I let you.

    ???: But now you’re the one that’s going in a wheel chair.

    Flex turns around and comes chest to face with Batti. The fitness freak gets into defensive position as both Ramparte and Batti share a devilish sadistic look. They both then immediately begin laughing.


    Flex: The hell is this?!

    Ramparte: Relax friend, if I wanted to hurt you it would have been done while I was in disguise, at your little documentary show, or in this hallway. I say a lot of mean things when I’m drunk, but I’ve made peace with you. And as our journeys now end I’ve decided we should all lighten up a bit, and bury the hatchet. Including you two.

    Batti and Flex have some slight attention until Batti makes the first friendly gesture.

    Batti: We were friends once before, I’m willing to try to be one again.

    Flex is hesitant but then he smiles and goes in to give Batti a massive hug!

    Batti: You give hugs now? This is not what you said would happen Rami!

    Ramparte: Guess we’re all making a change today.

    Eve: About damn time.

    The book worm lets out an uncharacteristic laugh as Eve Taylor walks into frame putting her arm around Ramparte as Batti gives in to cuddley Flex.

    Eve: What do you say once Flex here is done with his match we all go have one last Cerberus party?

    Batti: Including me?

    Eve: Of course, you were always a hound in at heart, and it’s about damn time we added more women to this sausage-fest.

    Eve and Batti share a laugh as they walk down the hallway.

    Flex: If this is the equality they were always talking about, I’m damn proud to be a fucking FlexAmerican.

    Flex and Ramparte share a smile as they follow their female counter parts to the gorilla position.

  8. #8
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    Harrys: The following contest is the battle royal to see who will become the final Elite Openweight Champion!

    Inside the ring, we see the majority of the competitors already standing in the ring including Saxoteur, DC, Austin Reynolds, Haven, Bruce Irwin, Zhanshi, Theron Daggershield, Just Carl, Milenko, Showtime, Annie Halloway, Batti, Warzone and Mr. Baller, who just recovered his head and reattched it. A few others mull around the ring waiting for the match to start including Eve Taylor, who just finished her entrance.

    Copeland: Well Jack, who do you see becoming our final Elite Champion? Anyone currently in the ring?

    Cohen: I'm putting my money on Eve Taylor Seabass, she's the longest reigning Elite Champ for a reason and no doubt she wants to be the final one too. What about you?

    Copeland: Hmm it's tough to say there's a lot of unknowns with all these returns but maybe Theron? He is a former World Champ. But I think I'll go with Showtime, I'm feeling a wild card pick. Of course we don't even have everyone out here yet so the winner may still be yet to come out.

    Cohen: That's true, in fact the champ himself Flex Mussel isn't even out here yet, hell I might change my pick to him!

    Harrys: Making their way to the ring next. weighing in at 145 pounds, from Ise, Mie, Japan, Kagura!

    As her music plays pink lights begin to swirl around the stage in a circular pattern, but instead of the normal petals of cherry blossoms falling through the air, it's dead ones which bring a dark aspect suddenly to this entrance. A fine mist appears on the stage. She walks down the ramp through the mist, and ascends the stairs, entering between the middle ropes. Afterwards she bows to the side of the hard camera, before glaring at the rest of the competitors in the ring, before going over to the corner where Baller stands and the glare makes him run away to the other side of the ring and she takes the corner, eyeing the field as her music cuts.

    Copeland: If looks could kill, Kagura would win by default.

    Cohen: Thankfully they don't because nobody wants that! But her anger made her lose her title at Kingdom Come and it could cost her this match. However she was one of the most successful females to ever step into a WZCW ring and I wouldn't be surprised if she wins a new title here.

    Harrys: Introducing next, weighing in at 15 stone, from the Last Chance Saloon, Garth Black!

    Garth walks down to the ring purposefully, carrying a bottle of water. On the way down to the ring he looks into the camera, and says "last show, gotta make it count, make em remember me" before heading down the ramp, high fiving some fans along the way. He stops at the bottom of the ramp and takes off his Las Vegas Golden Knights jersey and hands it to a child in the front row, then walks up the steps and enters the ring, eyeballing the rest of the field as he stands near the ropes and his music cuts.

    Copeland: Garth Black looking to take home the Elite Title tonight, what do you make of his odds Jack?

    Cohen: I'd say it's not impossible, but I don't trust him enough to change my winner pick to him.

    Copeland: Personally I think he has as good of odds of any other strong competitor in this match, I think he's a dark horse here, might be able to slide under the radar.

    Harrys: Introducing next, weighing in at 100 pounds, from New York, New York, Callie Clark!

    As the music hits Callie struts onto the stage with a smirk on her face, dressed as Stargirl and holding a staff in one hand and her X that entitles her to a title match anytime in the other. She smack talks fans along the way, even threatening one with the staff which causes them to take a step back, and she laughs. She walks up the steps and at the ref's discression, she leaves the staff against the steps and the X next to it as she enters the ring and strikes a pose in the middle of the ring until her music cuts.

    Copeland: Well it only makes sense for Callie to enter this, she holds the record for the most Elite Championship wins ever, and she considers herself the greatest Elite Champion ever. But can she become the last one?

    Cohen: Of course she can Seabass, in fact I'm tempted to make her my new winner pick! She's sneaky and smart, that could be enough to win this!

    Copeland: Jack you've changed your winner pick about 5 times so far.

    Cohen: I'm just covering the field!

    Harrys: And finally, introducing next, weighing in at 220 pounds, from Paris, France, he is the Elite Openweight Champion, Flex Mussel!

    The music hits and Flex walks out onto the stage with the Elite Championship over his shoulder as he makes his way down to the ring. He stops at the bottom of the ramp and sizes up the challengers in the ring, all eyes have turned to him and he holds up the championship for a moment before walking up the steps and entering the ring, going into the middle of the ring and holding up the title again, causing all eyes to turn to the prize at hand. He hands it over to the ref, who holds it up again before handing it to the time keeper and calling for the bell.

    **Ding Ding Ding**

    As soon as the match starts, the challengers all quickly jump on Flex, swarming him in the middle of the ring and beating him down! He tries to fight them off, even managing to knock a few down, but the numbers are simply too much and he's taken down with a swarm of punches and kicks, and once down he gets stomped on by everyone for a bit, until they back off, sastified with the early beatdown as the champ is down on the mat. However as soon as the mugging is done, Showtime grabs ahold of DC, and runs him to the ropes, before tossing him right over the top rope and to the floor!

    Copeland: What a fast start to the match! Everyone ganged up on Flex to beat him down in about a 23 on 1 beatdown, but as soon as that was taken care of we're quickly back to every man and woman for themselves as Showtime has just tossed out DC for the first elimination!

    Cohen: That's the type of thinking that'll win you this match, that's why Showtime was so successful over the years!

    Connor: I just wonder if they'll be smart enough to get rid of Flex while they have the opportunity. But by the looks of things, the focus has turned off him now that they mugged him.

    Indeed that's the case as everybody has broken off into pairs and groups to fight while Flex is still down on the mat, and outside the ring DC is angry at being out first, but heads up the ramp after a short argument with the refs. In one of the groups we see Saxoteur have teamed up once again as they're battling with Beard and Austin Reynolds, meanwhile across the ring we see Kagura kicking Bruce in the corner. In the middle of the ring, Warzone has just run over Carl, Mr. Baller and Annie Halloway with clotheslines when he turns around right into a kick to the chest from Zhanshi. Warzone stumbles backwards into the ropes as Zhanshi charges him and tries to dump him over the top rope, but Warzone is trying to fight him off, both struggle for a bit, but suddenly both get dumped over the top rope by Eve Taylor, who sneaks up behind them!

    Cohen: Clever move by Eve, taking out 2 enemies at once!

    Connor: Nobody has ever called Eve dumb Jack, she's always thinking and suddenly the field shrinks by two.

    Eve laughs at getting the eliminations and waves goodbye to them, but suddenly she herself gets lifted over the top rope by Oleg, but she hangs onto the top rope! Oleg begins trying to pry her hands off the top rope, but no luck as she regains her footing and kicks him away, slipping back under the bottom rope to avoid elimination, then drops him with a kick to the face! On the other side of the ring, Saxoteur have won the face off with Beard and Reynolds, knocking them both down and they look at each other for a minute, then embrace in a big hug to the delight of the fans!

    Copeland: One of the greatest teams to ever step foot in a WZCW ring, and the fans have clearly missed them.

    Suddenly Saboteur is shoved from behind into Saxton, and their heads collide causing them to fall down and the fans boo as Milenko laughs while standing over them, and now begins stomping on them. Oleg Rasputin now comes over to help him as they beat down Saxoteur, and at the signal of Milenko, they pull the two legends to their feet, but this proves to be a mistake as Action Saxton hits a Crane Kick out of nowhere on Milenko as Saboteur hits a dropkick on Oleg! Oleg is stumbling but not down as Saxton turns around, and he knocks him off his feet with another Crane Kick! Oleg drops as Saxton motions for Saboteur to go up top and he does, as Saxton stacks up Milenko and Oleg, with Milenko on top of Oleg and Saxton holds them in place as Saboteur dives off the top, and hits his Moonsault on both men! The fans cheer loudly as Saxoteur now pull Oleg up, and while working together they throw him over the top rope and to the floor! Saxoteur take a moment to celebrate, but this proves to be a mistake as Flex Mussel is back to his feet, and as soon as they turn around, he charges them, hitting them both with a big clothesline that sends them over the top rope and to the floor!

    Copeland: Just like that Saxoteur go from being on a roll to being eliminated!

    Cohen: They made a mistake not taking out Flex when they had the chance, and now the champ is angry and nobody might be able to stop him.

    Connor: I was rooting for Saxoteur to become co champions together, but no such luck. Was good to see them again at least.

    Flex quickly spins around, sensing danger and indeed he's right as Mr. Baller is charging him, and he ducks the clothesline attempt, then hits him with the Flexicution, which in the process sends Baller's head flying out of the ring and into the crowd! Baller falls down but Flex decides to put him out of his misery, deadlifting him up off the mat and over his head, then dropping him out of the ring and to the floor!

    Copeland: He's been beheaded again!

    Cohen: He really needs to get that thing attached better.

    Connor: Well right now he has to find a way to get it back from the fans, but this is also another elimination for Flex, as the champ continues to keep rolling.

    Outside the ring, Baller's body has hopped the guard rail to go hunting for it's head as Flex simply shakes his head at that before turning his attention back to the ring and dropping Carl with a jumping knee strike, knocking him down and sending him rolling into the ropes. Flex now turns his attention to Beard, who's back on his feet and arguably the two strongest men in the match have now come face to face in the center of the ring as everyone fighting around them takes a moment to notice this, and the fight is on as Beard and Flex start trading blows! Everyone watches for a moment before going back to their own fights. Beard and Flex continue to trade blows until Flex knocks Beard into the ropes, and Beard bounces off the ropes before taking down Flex with a running crossbody! Beard stands up and beats his chest, satisfied with getting the advantage but suddenly Annie Halloway jumps onto his back and locks in a sleeper hold! Annie tries to take down the big man and Austin Reynolds runs over to join her as Beard stumbles backwards to the ropes, causing Annie to slip onto the apron but with the help of Reynolds, she manages to get Beard out onto the apron as well!

    Copeland: This could be trouble for Beard and Annie Halloway, both have gone over the top rope so if they hit the floor they will be eliminated.

    Connor: And Beard is under a 2 on 1 attack currently, can he fight them off?

    Beard headbutts Annie, sending her stumbling backwards as Austin Reynolds charges Beard and hits a running dropkick, which almost knocks Beard off the apron but he hangs on with one hand! Beard is barely hanging on as Reynolds is trying to pry his fingers off the ropes, but Beard regains his footing and headbutts Reynolds knocking him away. Annie meanwhile has recovered from her headbutt and charges at Beard, only to get knocked down with a kick to the chest as the big man hangs onto the ropes, and Annie falls to the floor! Annie is eliminated!

    Copeland: Well that's one way to stop someone eliminating you, just destroy them with a kick.

    Cohen: He better watch out though because Austin Reynolds is back up!

    Indeed he is, and Reynolds charges back at Beard, who spins around just in time, and lifts Reynolds into the air, backdropping him over the top rope and to the floor! Beard has eliminated both people who were trying to get rid of him! Beard realizes he's still in danger and quickly gets back into the ring before anybody can attack him and finds the nearest person, which happens to be Haven and clubs him across the back as he begins a new fight. Meanwhile on a different side of the ring, Garth Black has managed to lift Milenko over the top rope and to the apron, trying to get an elimination here and he fires off a couple punches, but Milenko fights back with punches of his own. The two men continue to trade blows for a bit until suddenly, Callie Clark sneaks up behind Garth Black and hits him with a low blow! Garth Black goes down as Callie lets out an evil laugh, then looks at Milenko, who offers her a smile and thanks her for the save, but she laughs and shakes her head before dropkicking him off the apron and to the floor! Milenko has been eliminated!

    Copeland: He should have known better than to trust Callie.

    Cohen: I might have to change my winner pick to her, that was a great move!

    Connor: Callie really came out of nowhere to put her stamp on this match but now she had better watch out, she has plenty of enemies in this match.

    Speaking of which, Callie turns around and is greeted by one of her greatest rivals, Eve Taylor! Eve smirks at Callie and asks her if she missed her, and Callie asks her if she's ready to be old yellered again, and the two women begin trading blows! They trade blows for a bit before Callie grabs the hand of Eve, and snaps her fingers, causing her to stumble away, but Callie follows and spins her around, lifting her up for the air crash neckbreaker! Callie isn't done with her yet though as she pulls Eve up, and throws her out of the ring and to the floor!

    Copeland: Wow, the longest reigning Elite Champion has been eliminated!

    Cohen: I really thought Eve had a good chance of winning this, but I think Callie was determined to get rid of her and she did.

    Connor: Well Callie did officially retire her, and Eve has the one record with the championship Callie always wanted and never got, so I think she was determined to make sure Eve didn't leave tonight as the final Elite Champion.

    Callie smirks, satisfied with getting the better of her biggest rival, and she turns around as Kagura is standing there behind her! Callie begins to back away, but Kagura follows and suddenly tries to hit her with red mist, but having been hit with it before, Callie sees it coming and ducks it, and instead Kagura blinds Haven! Haven stumbles away to the ropes, not being able to see, as Kagura tries to stomp on Callie, who rolls away and escapes out of the ring under the bottom rope and quickly crawls under the ring as Kagura looks for her for a moment before turning her attention elsewhere. Meanwhile Haven has been handed a towel by a referee, and he begins to wipe his face, but before he can regain his vision, he gets knocked out of the ring by the freshly recovered Garth Black!

    Copeland: Haven lasted for awhile in this but the resident superhero is gone thanks to an accidental red mist from Kagura.

    Cohen: Superheroes aren't real Seabass! It was about time someone got rid of him, and now we're getting down to the nitty gritty of this match.

    Connor: Indeed we are as there's only 11 competitors left, and I feel this is a good time to remind people that Callie Clark is not eliminated, she went under the bottom rope. So with her hiding we have 10 remaining in the ring.

    The 9 remaining in the ring are realizing the small amount of people left, and stop their fighting to size each other up. Flex Mussel makes the first move as he whispers something to Beard while motioning to the two of them, and Beard nods in agreement, it appears they've formed an alliance! Seeing this happen, Garth Black, Theron, Batti, Irwin and Carl have come together on the other side of the ring, and now Flex convinces Showtime to join up with him and Beard, as well as Kagura. It appears battlelines are being drawn as Amber Warren is left in the middle with both sides waiting to see where she goes, and eventually she walks over to the side of Flex, Beard, Showtime and Kagura, and with the numbers advantage on their side, the 5 of them charge across the ring and take the fight to the other 4! The 4 superstars try to fight them off but with the numbers against them as well as the fact Beard is able to fight Batti and Carl on his own, it's too much to overcome and they're beatdown to the mat! Flex is now directing traffic as he watches Beard stack up Carl and Batti in the corner, before charging in and splashing both of them, knocking them down and he points to Theron, who is getting stomped on by Amber Warren and Showtime, and they pull him up and restrain him, which lets Flex hit him with the Flexicution! Theron goes down as Flex now points to Batti, who's slowly pulling herself up as the group of 5 walk towards her, but Amber Warren suddenly has a change of heart and steps in between Batti and the group! Flex looks confused and asks her what she's doing, and she says this isn't right, they need to be good people and they need to fight fair. Flex looks annoyed and tells her to move, but she refuses. Flex, having no patience, kicks her in the gut to double her over, then drops her with a Mussel Bomb!

    Amber goes down as Flex tells the rest of his group to get rid of her, and Kagura is happy to do it as she picks up Amber Warren, and tosses the deadweight over the top rope and to the floor, taking this match down to 9! Batti sees the distraction as an advantage and grabs the leg of Kagura, trying to dump her over the top rope but before she can do it, Flex, Beard and Showtime attack, pulling her away and throwing her into the corner and beating her down before Beard lifts her up, and throws her over the top rope and to the floor!

    Copeland: Well it appears an alliance formed, but Amber Warren changed her mind out of the blue and tried to help Batti out, but it caused her elimination.

    Cohen: That was a stupid move, she could have gone to the final 5 of this match but now she's eliminated instead! Plus she didn't even save Batti, Batti went out right after her!

    Connor: Not only that but this alliance is still in a great position to run this match the rest of the way, but we have 9 left including some of the biggest names.

    Flex and Beard now go on the attack as they jump Bruce and Carl, who try to fight back but the power of their attackers is too much and they end up going down as Theron charges at Kagura, who ducks his attack and hits him with a saito suplex! Garth Black meanwhile is fighting with Showtime as they get away from the rest of the group and begin brawling on their own on the other side of the ring. Meanwhile with the rest of the group, Beard drops an elbow onto the ribs of Carl as Flex stomps on Irwin in the corner, and Kagura hits a Shining Wizard on Theron, knocking him down just as he was getting back up! Kagura is quick to act as she pulls Theron up to his feet, and throws him over the top rope and to the floor!

    Copeland: Theron hits the floor and we're down to 8!

    Cohen: This alliance now has the numbers advantage too, this could be where they pick off Irwin, Carl and Garth Black.

    Bruce meanwhile has fought back to his feet as he fights off Flex, hitting him with a series of punches to stumble him, before hitting him with the Tit Drop! Mussel drops as Irwin is getting fired up, but he gets clubbed in the back of the head by Beard! Kagura walks over, joining Beard in stomping on Irwin as Carl gets to his feet and spins Beard around, dropping him with a DDT! Beard goes down as Kagura goes for a spin kick on Carl, but he ducks it and spins her around, dropping her with a DDT as well! Carl is getting fired up as he looks around, and spots Garth Black barely hanging onto the ropes as he's upside down trying to fight off an elimination attempt by Showtime, as Carl runs over and hits a clothesline to the back of the head to Showtime, knocking him down! Carl now grabs the legs of Garth Black and pulls him back into the ring slowly, saving him from elimination, and he points out the situation to him and tells him they need to work together. Black nods in agreement and the two of them pull Showtime to his feet, but suddenly Beard comes running over and wipes out all 3 men with a running crossbody!

    Copeland: Beard threw caution to the wind there and laid out 3 men at once using his body as a weapon!

    Cohen: Beard wants this win and I'm not sure it was an accident hitting Showtime there, he might be thinking he wants to get rid of all 3 of them and forget this alliance!

    All four men are down for the moment and across the ring, Irwin and Mussel are both back to their feet at the same time and begin trading blows with Bruce getting the better of it, taking down Mussel with a hurricanrana! Irwin gets back up, and Kagura blasts him out of nowhere with red mist!

    Copeland: She has more of that stuff!?

    Cohen: I guess so, but Bruce Irwin is blinded and he could be in trouble now!

    Indeed he is as Kagura grabs him by his hair, and runs him to the ropes before throwing him over and out of the ring, we have another elimination! Irwin hits the floor as Kagura has an evil smile on her face, she realizes she's one step closer to becoming champion. Kagura turns around and sees Beard on his feet and trying to eliminate Garth Black, and she joins him, but he tries to fight them off and begins punching them, and he does manage to fight them off and he snaps off a german suplex on Kagura! Garth gets back to his feet and sees Beard charging him, and he pulls down the top rope, sending Beard flying over the top rope and to the floor! The fans cheer for this as Beard looks angry on the floor, realizing his hopes of winning are gone and suddenly we're down to 6!

    Copeland: That was a big elimination right there as Beard is out and that might be enough to break up that big alliance!

    Cohen: Beard was looking like a favorite to win but my pick Flex Mussel is still in!

    Garth Black and Carl now turn their attention to Showtime, who's back on his feet and daring them to come after him, and they do, but he throws wild punches to try and fight them off! Flex now comes running over and starts pounding on them, as Kagura is up and joins him, the two of them manage to take down Garth with a double suplex before grabbing Carl and pulling him away, leaving Showtime to recover. Kagura and Flex meanwhile throw Carl onto the ring apron and Kagura grabs the arm of Carl to hold him in place, as Flex backs up, then spears him off the apron, and we have another elimination!

    Carl looks dejected as he sits on the floor as Flex and Kagura turn their attention to Garth Black who's getting back up and they double team him, but he fights back and shoves Mussel away, then lands on his feet from a saito suplex attempt, and drops Kagura with the Black Out! Kagura goes down as Garth Black lifts Showtime up, and drops him with the Black Out as well! Before Showtime can go down however, Garth charges him and clotheslines him over the top rope and to the floor! Garth Black looks around, realizing he has taken control of the match and he pulls Flex up, and drags him to the ropes. Garth backs up then charges him, but Flex kicks him away and then punches him and lifts him up for the Mussel Bomb, and drops him hard on the mat! Garth Black is laying on the mat in pain as Kagura meanwhile is on the top turnbuckle, and she dives off, hitting Flex out of nowhere before he can notice her with a diving knee strike!

    Copeland: Kagura has turned on Flex and is in the drivers position to win this match!

    Cohen: She very well could be, she's racked up a couple eliminations in this match and now she's one of the last few left.

    Connor: Wait a minute guys, Callie is back in the ring and she's holding that staff she brought to the ring with her!

    Indeed that's the case as Callie stands ready to strike behind Kagura, who turns around, and instantly gets hit in the ribs by the staff! Callie smacks it across the back of Kagura, dropping her to the mat and she soaks in the boos from the fans, as she turns around and hits Garth Black over the head with the staff before spinning around to hit Mussel across the back!

    Connor: She's deadly with that!

    Callie now throws the staff out of the ring and looking around, decides on Kagura to be her target as she pulls her to her feet, then hits her with a jumping knee to the face, and throws her over the top rope and to the floor! Kagura is eliminated!

    Copeland: We're down to the final 3!

    Callie stands for a moment waiting to strike whoever moves first, and when Garth Black starts moving she runs at him and kicks him in the ribs, causing him to roll across the ring. She walks over and stomps on the back of his head while standing on his back, slamming his face into the mat multiple times, and she takes time to taunt the fans while standing on his back, bragging about how she'll break her own record tonight. However taking time to taunt is a mistake as she lets Flex Mussel get to his feet, and she realizes this when she turns around. Flex looks angry for the staff strike and charges at her, but she sidesteps and he goes over the top rope and onto the apron! Callie blocks a punch from Flex and hits him with one of her own to keep him there, then hits a pele kick, knocking him off the apron and to the floor!

    Cohen: We're going to crown a new champion, I knew it! I called Callie as my winner all along!

    Connor: Sure you did Jack. But Callie hasn't won yet, she still needs to get rid of Garth Black.

    Callie realizes this as she drags Garth away from the corner and climbs up to the second turnbuckle, and taunts the fans that they better be ready to bow down to her, as she jumps off the turnbuckles and goes for the Calliesault....but it misses! Garth Black rolls out of the way! Callie rolls around on the mat holding her ribs as Garth slowly gets to his feet just before Callie is up, and he lifts her up onto his shoulders, but she elbows him in the jaw multiple times to escape a Black Out attempt! Callie snaps the fingers of Garth, sending him stumbling into the ropes as he grabs his fingers in pain, and Callie realizes this is her chance after walking to the middle of the ring, and she charges at Garth, but he sees her coming and scoops her up onto his shoulders! Callie struggles to try and escape, but no luck as Garth hits her with the Black Out, the GTS! Callie goes down but not for long as Garth Black picks her back up onto his shoulders, but this time he dumps Callie out of the ring and to the floor!

    Harrys: Here's your winner, and NEWWWW Elite Openweight Champion, Garth Black!

    Copeland: Well the odds were stacked against him for awhile in that match but Garth Black overcomes the odds and he's become our final Elite Openweight Champion!

    Cohen: I guess I shouldn't have doubted him, good for him.

    Connor: Garth Black has been through a lot in his career, and as much as I'm all about the girl power, I'm glad Garth Black overcame Callie's sneaky move hiding until the end and won. Now he advances to the champion of champions match where he'll try to defeat the rest of the champions and win all the belts in our final match. Can he do it? Only time will tell!

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