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Thread: WZCW Zero Hour: The Grandest Prize of them all

  1. #11
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    Copeland: Joined in the ring are Stetson Hayes, Annie Halloway, Mayhem Champion Just Carl, Everest and Joseph Rios.

    Connor:Plus Kagura and Callie Clark.

    Cohen: Is that? SHIT and Barbosa?

    That it is, they continue their brawl down the ramp, into the ring and continue to brawl. We'd expect nothing else from this.

    Harrys: From Norman, Oklahoma...Chris K.O.

    The lights go out and yellow lights glow through fog on the entrance stage. At about the 20 second mark of the music, Chris K.O. comes out and works the crowd from the stage and then makes his way to the ring. He connects with high fives down the ramp and then works the turnbuckles once he makes it inside of the ring.

    Copeland: Quite the reception for KO there.

    The lights go off.

    Connor:I've just gotten chills.

    Cohen: He's here!
    Last edited by Lee; 01-23-2020 at 10:38 PM.

  2. #12
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    On the Titantron appears a white figure, he smiles at the crowd and turns around. The all know who it is as he says "It's time for Vengeance!"
    Last edited by Lee; 01-23-2020 at 10:47 PM.

  3. #13
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    Copeland: No way!

    Connor:Absolute goosebumps.

    The lights come on, Hall of Famer Vengeance is stood in the middle of the ring.


    The bell rings and then some familiar music hits as SHIT and Barbosa roll out to continue brawling.

    Click for Spoiler:

    Copeland: Oh dear God no.

    Cohen: He's with the Foglelites, Baller, Armando Paradyse and Johnny Scumm.

    Connor:I have never seen the backstage team rush the ring as quick as possible. Scumm is still in his thong!
    Last edited by Lee; 01-23-2020 at 10:46 PM.

  4. #14
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    The bell has gone, as such Jared and his Foglelites are not allowed in. Johnny Scumm is not impressed shouting at Armando Paradyse. Armando replies that he went to Kingdom Come once, but before Baller can say anything or enter the squared circle, El Genio Verde is thrown out of the ring. He's holding a Theron Daggershield sword which means only one thing.

    Copeland: Did we really show Jared Fogle?

    Connor:It's allowed, he was part of the fed before it all happened.

    Cohen: El Genio Verde out already but Baller has lost his head, again.

    The Morality Minders run from the back hiding the chaos of a beheaded Baller, as well as putting a sack over the head of Jared. The backstage staff clear the Fogleites from the area as WarZone laughs at what is going on. This causes a combination of Fallout, Milenko and Steamboat Ricky to throw WarZone out of the ring.

    In the Other corner Keaton and Cooper are teaming up, like old times, to take on the first ever champion Joseph Rios. It doesn't take much effort as they eliminate him very quickly. Everst rushes at them but Cooper knocks Everest over, he is on the mat as Keaton picks him up. This causes a rush from the other competitors as everyone piles into the corner.

    Copeland: Absolute chaos in the ring and it's good to see Cooper and Keaton teaming again.

    Connor:Fallout, Milenko and Steamboat Ricky, now this is a combo!

    Cohen: Just keep an eye on Vengeance, he's watching but he'll tick soon. It's a shame RIOS went out so quickly, such a nice guy.

    Although SHIT better not break my bloody table!

    Outside SHIT and Barbossa are brawling, as they have eternal. Barbosa has the advantage as he goes for the Calculated Manic Fury as he hits the elbows to the side of The Mandroid's head who doesn't budge. He picks up Barbosa and turns around to throw him through the Japanese announcer table.

    Barbosa slowly moves and SHIT throws him in the ring, the Mandroid enters the ring himself as the chaos spills out from the corner. Carl and Beard charge individually as Carl eliminates SHIT and Beard eliminates Barbosa. The two don't care as they continue to brawl up the backstage ramp.

    Copeland: Cats, Dogs. Coke, Pepsi. DC, Marvel. SHIT and Barbosa.

    Connor:The Mayhem champion using his genius there.

    Cohen: Carl has surprised me, his resiliance in the third match in a row is impressive.

    An odd pairing of Theron Daggershield and Annie Halloway begin stomping the Hall of Famer Everest. Everest somehow breaks out of it and hits Halloway as she stumbles back. Milenko, seeing an opportunity, uses this to charge into the ropes. Halloway ducks as Milenko goes over the top rope.

    Halloway turns to celebrate but Everest is able to drop kick her to the chest. She falls back over the top rope and is eliminated. Everest cheers but Fallout slams into Everest who in turn is elminated. Theron grabs Fallout and the two begin to brawl.

    Copeland: Everest is gone too!

    Connor:Great work by Annie to eliminate Milenko too.

    Cohen: I guess the old guard need to up their game

    At the other corner Steamboat Ricky climbs up the turnbuckle but Kagura doesn't even let him complete the ascension as he goes over the top. Kagura smiles, turns and lamps Callie Clark. After three matches in three nights Callie Clark is exhausted and Justin Cooper uses this as an excuse to throw her out.

    Titus, Showtime, Chris KO, and Vengeance are just perched in each corner. Theron and Fallout are brawling as Hayes and Kagura lock horns. Carl and Beard are teaming up against Cooper and Keaton. The former tag team champions grab Carl and Beard for an Irish whip into the ropes. They are able to counter forcing Keaton and Cooper to bash into each other on the return. Cooper pushes Keaton as Keaton hits Cooper with a kick to the midsection and the Voltron Suplex!

    Copeland: Cooper showing his resolve but that Keaton Voltron Suplex has been about 5 years coming.

    Connor:Indeed, let's not also forget Callie is now out too.

    Cohen: Knowing Justin Cooper, the greatest of all time, he'll reverse this and survive.

    Cooper crashes to the mat as Keaton goes for another. This causes the rest of the competitors, save for Titus/Showtime/KO and Vengeance, to help Keaton sustain this in the air. He moves to the ropes and mouths “Sorry, I love you” and he goes over the top! Justin Cooper is eliminated.

    Cohen: Or not.

    Carl and Beard jump in celebration at their part of this but Hall of Famer Vengeance finally stirs. He walks over and with a double clothesline eliminates the Mayhem Champion and former World Champion. Fallout delivers a cross to the chest of Vengeance who doesn't budge. Vengeance uses his supernatural ability and brute strength picking Vengeance up and throwing him over the top.

    This causes KO, Showtime and Titus to move and attack Vengeance. Kagura is there first as she hits Vengeance with the First Dance of Awarawa no Mikot. The shining wizard knocks Vengeance down, but he gets up again. Ain't ever gonna keep him down. Chris KO then hits the CKO and the stunner knocks Vengeance perfectly into The Final Act from a leaping Showtime. Theron hits the Critical hit and this fits perfectly into a Tit Drop. Keaton and Hayes look at each other and Vengeance, Keaton signals to Hayes for him to do the Fancy Rope walk. The crowd goes crazy but Hayes just picks up Vengeance and throws him out. Keaton is unimpressed with that and hits Hayes over the top rope too.

    Copeland: The Hall of Famer Vengeance is now eliminated.

    Connor:Quite the effort needed too.

    Cohen: People often forget Vengeance's in ring work but that shows his legacy. Although Titus better watch his back.

    Titus finds himself in the middle. He looks to see long time rival Chris K.O. He turns and there's his frenemy Showtime. Another sees Theron Daggershield and the memories of this one year as EurAsian Champion. The constant thorn in his side Kagura eyes him up too but it's Keaton who charges at him. Keaton charges and Titus hits a European uppercut. Titus then drops, and rolls out of the ring.

    Kagura turns and hits Theron out of nowhere with the First Dance of Awarawa no Mikot, the former champion is dazed and Showtime uses this to throw him into the ropes. Daggershield goes over the top but clings on as only one foot hits the bottom! A cheer to the air for his misfits but he's forgotten his long-time rival is outside. Titus hits a European Uppercut to Theron as both feet hit the floor.

    Inside Showtime, Keaton and KO have teamed up against Kagura. Kagura, somehow, overpowers the men as she's in the corner. She smashes KO's face against the turnbuckle as he stumbles back. Showtime sees this as a perfect opportunity to eliminate him and he does. Chris KO lands on the mat directly next to Titus who mouths “sorry man!” and rolls back in the ring.

    Copeland: You don't get to be the best without strategy, that roll out was genius.

    Connor:Or cowardly.

    Cohen: Final Four now.

    Kagura and Keaton go at it as the MacCutcheon whisky loving Showtime and Titus lock horns. Kagura and Keaton trade blows, a traditional “wheeeey, booo” but both sides of the crowd are chanting wheey. Titus and Showtime are locked in a traditional show of strength as Kagura and Keaton move towards the edge of the ring.

    Showtime notices this and indicates to Titus. The two Hall of Famers charge and bash into the Keaton and Kagura. Keaton goes over the top but Kagura uses this to flip Titus over the top! Showtime reaches out and stops Avison from falling from the ring apron! He then swiftly gives a clothesline to Kagura who is eliminated.

    Copeland: Ah no she's eliminated.

    Connor:Absolute phenomenal showing too, still a chance at the WHC but I must say Kagura's impact on this company has been huge. Thank you Kagura!

    Both men shake hands and retreat to respective corners. The crowd goes crazy as Showtime rushes towards Titus, Titus moves and Showtime crashes into the turnbuckle. Titus goes for a grab from behind but Cougar reverses this and start with the punches to Titus.

    The crowd are electric and join in. ONE. TWO. THREE. FOUR. FIVE. SIX SEVEN. EIGHT. NINE. SHOWTIME IS DOWN! The crowd aren't quite sure as to what happens as Titus laughs, the replay show that Titus has kicked him square in the nuts!

    Cohen: YASS! He kicked him in the balls!

    Titus doesn't climb up to the turnbuckle, he almost jumps up and makes the leap. He hits the Red Comet. The impact is huge and the distance Showtime got off the mat is a sight to behold. Titus then picks him up, he looks to the crowd and hits potentially his last ever Tit Drop. Tears in his eyes he picks up Showtime and throws him over the top. He drops to his knees.

    Copeland: Was there any ever doubt?

    Connor:The EurAvison era has recommenced!

    Harrys: The winner of this match and NEWWWWWWWWW EurAsian champion...Titus Avison!!!
    Last edited by Lee; 01-23-2020 at 10:00 PM.

  5. #15
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    Titus is awarded the EurAvison belt by referee Keith Morse. Sebastian Copeland has made his way to the ring.

    Copeland: Titus, how does it feel?

    Titus: Bitter sweet Seabass, Bitter sweet. I cried on my way out. I cried hitting Showtime with the Titdrop.

    The crowd chant thank you Titus as Rosie Danvers makes her way out to the ring.

    Titus: I love each and every one of you.

    Rosie holds up Titus' arms and gives him a massive hug. Seabass shakes Titus' hand as the WZCW logo appears at the bottom of the corner.
    Last edited by Lee; 01-23-2020 at 10:50 PM.

  6. #16
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    Lee - Intro, segments, Match itself
    Yaz - Segments
    Matrix - Segments

    Honestly got emotional writing this one.

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