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Thread: WZCW Zero Hour: We are the champions...

  1. #11
    G-Mod Lee's Avatar

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    Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, the following battle royal is for the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship!

    Copeland: One last opportunity for the superstars to realize a dream and cement themselves in the history books.

    Cohen: It is an absolute honor to hold that title and someone will walk out of here with the feeling of being th ebest in the world.

    Connor: And an opportunity to wrestle in the very last match in WZCW history. It will be a breathtaking moment for whoever wins.

    A group of superstars make their way to the ring.

    Milenko, Justin Cooper, Annie Halloway, War Zone, Rush, Theron Daggershield, The Beard, Sam Smith, Mark Keaton, Drake Callahan, Dorian Slaughter, Harald Van Krigare, Yemrez Reqonic, all climb into the ring.

    The fans give various boos and cheers as each superstar gives a quick nod to the crowd.

    Suddenly the lights go down.

    Cohen: Could it be? YES! It is! The man to save us all from our peasant unswag lives.

    Ricky Runn makes his way out from the curtain, with all of his swag on full display. He saunters into the ring and starts to talk to the others about how they have no swag. Without hesitation a large group of superstars rush the King of Swag and throw him over the top rope and onto the floor.

    Ricky Runn has been eliminated!

    Connor: Was the match even started yet?

    Copeland: The ringside refs called it so it must be official.

    Cohen: It can't be official, we still have more entrants. The champ isn't even out here!

    Suddenly there is a commotion high in the rafters and Haven is seen battling with Red Mask. The two heroes and arch rivals trade deft blows and cunning dodges. The two of them both miss with quick kicks before Red Mask grabs a rope and rappels down into the ring, Haven isn't far behind. The two do battle, two heroes vying for supremacy. They are at a stalemate, neither able to get the upper hand. They stare each other down until Red Mask takes on a less threatening stance and extends a hand to Haven. Haven looks nervous but extends a hand and the two former rivals shake hands, presumably burying the hatchet. Before they can turn around however, The Beard rushes up and clotheslines both men out of the ring. Neither makes hero is happy, but they accomplished the greater goal of squashing their beef.

    Haven and Red Mask have been eliminated!

    Connor: This is shaping up to be eventful.

    Cohen: We still have competitors yet to enter, this isn't fair to Ricky Runn!

    The crowd boos as Ramparte, the only member of Cerberus yet to compete, makes his way out. He seems to revel in the boos, with a sly smirk on his face. He knows hes a showman and your performance is only as good as the reaction it elicits.

    The crowd is unsure how to react to the Hall of Famer, "Showtime" Cougar. He has been gone for some time, retired by Ramparte's close friend Flex Mussel. Ramparte gives him a wide berth before they both enter the ring on opposite sides.

    The crowd cheers as Mikey Stormrage makes his way through the curtain. He high fives some fans as he walks down the ramp and around the ring. He climbs onto the apron and waits for the final competitor before he climbs in.

    The boos are deafening as the WZCW World Champion makes his way to the stage. He makes his way to the ring, doing his usual routine of antagonizing the crowd. He slides into the ring and taunts everyone before being taken down by Mikey Stormrage, who launched himself off the top rope with a crossbody.

    Cohen: Now we can make it official.

    Fists and kicks start to fly as the match descends into bedlam. Yemrez stares down the monster Rush and tries to take him head on, but a giant boot to the face puts her down. He then grabs her by the hair and slings her over the top rope.

    Yemrez whatever has been eliminated!

    The Beard and WarZone clash in the center of the ring and start to stumble awkwardly toward the ropes. Rush sees this and tries to power the two up and over and once he is joined by Dorian Slaughter, he succeeds.

    The Beard and WarZone have been eliminated!

    Rush then tries to lift Slaughter over but his old man heart gives out and he has like his ninth heart attack. He is easily disposed of by Slaughter with the former World Champion easily tossing him over. Rush is declared deed once he hits the floor.

    Rush has been eliminated!

    Slaughter has no time to celebrate though as Ramparte comes in with a dropkick to the upper back that causes Slaughter to tumble to the apron. A springboard off the middle turnbuckle turns into a knee and Slaughter hits the floor.

    Dorian Slaughter has been eliminated.

    Copeland: Hopes and dreams are being dashed in a hurry as eliminations are coming quick.

    Connor: A bevy of superstars being tossed really speaks to the desire of the men inside the ring.

    Mikey Stormrage drops Sam Smith with a back elbow, only for Harald Var Krigare to club him from behind. The Hall of Famer stumbles forward into the turnbuckle. HVK turns him around and kicks him in the midsection before heading across the ring. He then runs at Stormrage, who ducks down at the last second and sends Harald over the rope and to the floor.

    HVK has been eliminated!

    Stormrage bends over to try to ease the pain from the kick and gets met with a knee to the side of the head from Justin Cooper. As Cooper bends down to taunt his former foe, Showtime hits a modified version of The Final Act, the C4 plants Cooper before Showtime picks him up and tosses him out. Before Showtime can recover, Ramparte runs up and grabs the Hall of Famer by the trunks and throws him over as well.

    Justin Cooper and Showtime have been eliminated.

    Ramparte turns around right into a running body block from Stormrage. He then runs across the ring and hits a running crossbody to Theron and takes him down. He then sees Milenko running at him and takes him down with a thunderous uranage. The big man's path of destruction is stopped only by a chop block from Annie Halloway. She celebrates taking the gamer off his feet, only to be met with a huge superkick from Xander. She staggers into the ropes and a second kick sends her up and over.

    Annie Halloway has been eliminated.

    Drake Callahan, who has been waiting to pick his spot runs up behind Milenko, who is staggering to his feet. He tries to toss him but Milenko hooks the top rope and manages to carry Drake Callahan to the floor. Milenko looks almost stunned he managed to eliminate the former WOrld Champion.

    Drake Callahan has been eliminated!

    Theron Daggershield then charges at Milenko who low bridges, pulling the top rope down and letting Theron carry himself over.

    Theron Daggershield has been eliminated!

    Copeland: Milenko certainly making the most of this final chance, eliminating two former World Champions back to back.

    Cohen: He may just have a chance Seabass.

    Almost on cue tough, Xander sweeps the legs out from Milenko as he pulled himself to his feet and he drops to the floor.

    Milenko has been eliminated!

    It isn't long though before Sam Smith tries to take advantage of the situation and take out Xander. Mark Keaton makes his presence known, having slid back into the ring after spending time on the outside playing air guitar with fans. He tries to toss the two men out, only for Ramparte to join in. The four men are all struggling on the ropes.

    Connor: Do you guys see whats about to happen?

    Mikey Stormrage comes from behind the four and lifts with all his might and Keaton and Sam Smith both hit the floor in the commotion.

    Mark Keaton and Sam Smith have been eliminated.

    As Keaton gets back to his feet he grabs a plastic food tray and tosses it in frustration. A jagged edge of the tray hits a fan, who turns out to be Mr. Baller. You know what happens next. The crowd gives a sensible chuckle.

    Copeland: Ramparte and Xander are on the apron and the rotund Stormrage is inside the ring, this shouldn't be hard to figure out.

    Stormrage goes to grab the two and finish the match but Xander catches him with a shoulder through the ropes. The champ and Ramparte grab Stormrage and get him ready for a suplex and manage to get him up and over. He hits the floor and the two men responsible for the elimination quickly roll back inside.

    Mikey Stormrage has been eliminated!

    All three men look rather stunned with the outcome and in that confusion, Ramparte tosses Xander to the apron. Xander lands on his feet and blocks a punch before hitting a forearm. He then hits a second to stagger Ramparte. The champ then grabs the arm of Ramparte and jumps onto the turnbuckle and performs a beautiful arm drag ends with Ramparte in the ropes. Xander goes for the X-Rated superkick to end it, but Ramparte catches it. He spins Xander around, but the champ catches him with an enzugiri and causes him to tumble over the ropes and to the floor.

    Ramparte has been eliminated! Therefor your winner and still WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Xander!

    The crowd boos as Xander falls to his knees and demands his title. The feed fades to black as the camera pans to the commentary team, who look on impressed.

  2. #12
    G-Mod Lee's Avatar

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    Intro/Segments - Lee
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