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Thread: WZCW Zero Hour: And now the end is near

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    G-Mod Lee's Avatar

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    WZCW Zero Hour: And now the end is near

    The final WZCW show opens with a lone figure in the middle of the ring. It's Hall of Famer and EurAsian champion Titus Avison. The crowd are silent, you can hear a pin drop.

    At ringside announcers are shown front row. The camera cuts backstage to show the whole locker room transfixed on this.

    Titus: So here we are. The last ever WZCW show. You know my story, as well as I know yours. WZCW started in June of 2007 and with that we became the best company in the world. I was there from the first show, and I'll be there for the last ever match.

    So it's time for me to get some thank yous out of the way first. Leon Kensworth has been here longer than me, he has put up with some crap from most of the company. But he stuck by it, a WZCW without Leon Kensworth is like Donald Trump without any hair.

    Then there's Johnny Klamor, often forgotten but his input into the business has been second to none. The smartest man in WZCW.

    What can be said about Stacey? You name it she's been in it...or it's been in her. She came into the company at a time where the fierceness was needed.

    Becky Serra, my favourite. She interviewed me first, and helped me along the way. To see her become GM and cement that legacy is phenomenal.

    Chuck, I'm glad you returned and I know you put everything into keeping this place open.

    Let's give these guys and gals a round of applause.

    A thank you Leon chant breaks out as the hapless announcer sheds a tear.

    Then there's those in the back. Most of you I've faced, and most of them I've beaten. Some bad blood at times, but I have respect and love for you all. It's hard coming into a company that does things a particular way. You've all asked me for help, most have agreed and all have disagreed at some point, but we got there.

    I can't possibly thank you all individually. Really there's too many from day one to now who have had that impact. I want you to know you've been a huge part of my life for 13 years and it will be a huge loss to me. I truly mean it.

    The camera cuts to the lockeroom to show the roster who are hugging and congratulating each other. The crowd cheer again.

    Lastly there's you guys. The WZCW universe. The bread and butter of the company. If you werenâ??t supporting us week on week we'd have long been closed. Some of you tried out. Some of you offered support by reading and watching shows. Others spread the word to your friends about this. I'm thankful.

    Then there's me. It's no lie I'm emotional. For me it's been an absolute honour to be in your lives. The Oscar winning Superhero who kicks ass week on week. There's a reason you've heard legends of that man. I can't believe I am him.

    The crowd start to cheer for Titus but he cuts them off.

    Cheer for me later tonight when I wrestle for the last time. For now we'll get the show started.

    The WZCW intro video begins.

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    Without any pomp and circumstance after the WZCW intro video we cut to Hall of Famer Everest.

    Everest: It's weird that I am here saying this. My WZCW journey started in 2007 and my in ring career wasn't the longest but I was able to have an impact. My Hall of Fame induction was something I'll always remember. Backstage I was able to get an input on Flex Mussel, and just look at him now.

    It's why I am proud to announce Flex Mussel will be one of the final people announced in the Hall of Fame. In additon to Flex will be Callie Clark for her constant grit and determination. Xander for one of the most impressive WHC reigns ever. Kagura for being the most dominant female in the sport and lastly the biggest hidden gem of WZCW...Garth Black.

    I'm sure you'll join me in applause for these fine individuals and for me it's goodbye.

    The camera shoots to the crowd who are cheering the announcements.

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    We see a street filled with people in what seems to be a very loud protest. People hitting casseroles with spoons, waving flags and such as the police stand firm in front of a barricaded entrance. The flags waved become more prominent and the location becomes evident. Puerto Rico. From there, we pan to a sign.

    (Street of Resistance)

    A sticker is plastered over what was originally 'Calle de la Fortaleza'. Where the island's governor resides. The street was renamed on Google Maps. And the people are not happy. However slowly we pan out over the chaos. Atop of the old colonial style houses. A familiar face sits and watches: Matt Tastic.

    Tastic: It's sad to see times change. Seeing how a simple, fun little island has turned to such chaos. Angry and bitter at how it's government lies to it in a time of need. How Mother Nature can be so brutal. Earthquakes. Hurricanes. It does not mess around. But we have a famous song here that talks about how everything comes to an end. Good times. Bad times. Title reigns. Tag teams. Friendships. Rivalries. That's what ultimately makes things have meaning. If something was eternal, lasted forever, we would take it for granted. In the same vain as we want to change the bad, the good also can't last. Below me are all these people. Indignant to learn their government hid full warehouses of supplies following a Hurricane that killed so many. Unearthed after an Earthquake that left so many homeless. Honestly, I shutter to think how it can get any worse. But I sit here on this rooftop and remember some of the great moments I had in WZCW. Feuding with Titus and giving up my mask. Facing Rush over and over. Gordito. And of course, Live Mas. Great moments for me, my rivals and of course, the fans. We got to create those fun moments. Clear the minds of people from the stress under. I'm sad WZCW is closing. I'm sadder that I couldn't be there. But at the very least, we have so many fond memories. It was a great journey. And the best part is we got to have a true ending. A happy one. So to everyone out there. Thank you. Please, appreciate the good we have. And remember that everything has an end. Good. Or bad. As for me....... I'm gonna go and Deliver Kickassery out on my streets.

    And so, Matt stands up and leaps off the rooftop, landing in the middle of the crowd who stop and start to cheer as the pro wrestler enters the fray. He grabs a casserole. And starts banging it in protest.

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    The video cuts to Hall of Famer, “The One” Big Will.

    Will: After all this time, I'm still amazed WZCW cares about me. It was a huge part of my life and it saddens me to say goodbye, but the important thing is life goes on. It really does.

    Off screen you can hear a child shout Daddy.

    Will: Coming sweety!

    Goodbye WZCW Universe!

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    Barbosa is in a closet.

    Barbosa: A breath. Space. Clear the head.

    Barbosa: The head will never clear.

    Barbosa Let's forget about him for a moment, it's time to say goodbye. My time here was fun, I am glad I made an impression on you all and that I will never be forgotten.

    Barbosa: You know what else will never be forgotten?

    Barbosa opens the closet door and grabs two kendo sticks that are randomly there for no reason. He jumps, the screen freezes.

    Barbosa: SHIT.

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    The logo for the Ricky World Order is shown. Beyond the rWo are three faces, two very familiar. One almost forgotten. Ricky Steamboat. Big Dave and Ace David.

    Ricky: Arr me harties, I'm here with some old friend!

    Big Dave: That's it, the rWo are here to say goodbye to this amazing ride. Plus we have some good news.

    Ace David: I can walk again!

    Big Dave: He can walk again!

    Didn't you have a sprained ankle 10 years ago? Surely you should have recovered by then.

    Big Dave: Well it means we can get the Fullhouse Daves back together.

    Ace David: Win the tag team titles back!

    Ricky: Arr well me harties, I've some news for ya.

    Ricky whispers to the fullhouse Daves.

    Ace David: Egads!

    Avast Ye Scalliwags...goodbye!

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    The next video shows Hall of Famer Showtime.

    Showtime: Well what a ride. Four battle royales is a good way to send my goodbyes. It's great to see how much competition has picked up, although I'd kick anyone of your asses on a one on one basis.

    It was great to see some old buddies but that hunger never goes, does it? I wanted to be on the final show but alas this happens. So through my copious title reigns. Great matches. Hall of fame legacy and dare I say fun. Here's one last glass and goodbye.

    Showtime raises a glass of MacCutcheon's whiskey. A sombre nod says goodbye.

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    John Constantine, Steven Holmes, and Mikey Stormrage are all sitting at a table, discussing their careers.

    Holmes: I always imagined that one day you and I would be here John. You were always a man worthy of taking on The Elite. You though, Mikey, I am impressed. I never thought I would see the day that class and aristocracy would stand on a Hall of Fame stage next to, well, you.

    Mikey can't help but smile and laugh.

    Stormrage: I won't lie, when I dreamed of being in the Hall of Fame, the two of you were guys I didn't exactly picture by my side.

    Constantine: Regardless, the three of us were very deserving. We went to war many times, but in the end, I would say it was all worth it.

    Holmes: To life.

    Holmes raises his glass.

    Stormrage: To love.

    Stormrage raises his.

    Constantine: To family.

    The three men toast their glasses and share a drink. The three men, often times rivals, put aside their differences to share stories and memories of their famed careers. They discuss their ups and downs in ring, but also talk with excitement about their lives after WZCW, each man with his own interests with love and family.

    Before the camera feed fades out, Anthony Michaels walks past. Holmes and Constantine pay him no mind, but Stormrage looks to Michaels and then Constantine. He continues to do a double take back and forth between the two. He goes to open his mouth to speak, but instead just takes a long drink, finishing off his glass.

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    Eve Taylor walks down a dimly lit runway. Though she hasn't done any professional modeling in some time, she doesn't miss a beat. If she were doing this in a wrestling ring, the fans would surely chant about she's still got it.

    She reaches the end of the walkway and turns and shoots a glance over her shoulder. She then raises her hand and shows off her Hall of Fame ring. She then returns to a normal stance before she sits on the edge of the runway.

    Taylor: In my career, I found fame, fortune, love, heartbreak, and some really freaky things in between. Modeling was great, but wrestling was something entirely different and greater. It wasn't without it's downfalls, but I wouldn't change a thing. So to all the fans who cheered and booed me, to all the men and women who loved me, and to all those whose hearts I broke along the way, I thank you. You gave me a platform to perform. A platform to make changes. Most importantly though, you gave me a platform to find myself. So everyone I crossed paths with, some more than once, again I thank you.

    The lights go out on Eve.

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    Copeland: Ladies and gentlemen, we alluded to a mystery donor who helped fund these final few shows. We wanted to give that person a moment in the spotlight as our way of saying thanks for helping make WZCW what it is. So ladies and gentlemen, please welcome back....

    There are heavy boos as the former owner of WZCW, Kenneth Banks makes his way down the ramp. He has a wide smile as he climbs into the ring and waves to the fans, oblivious to their boos. He requests a mic.

    Banks: I just wanna say to everyone.....

    Suddenly the lights go out in the arena. When they come back on there is a hooded man inside the ring. Banks turns to look at him, and is hit in the face with a bicycle kick. The man stands over the fallen former owner of WZCW and slowly removes his head. His red eyes are a dead giveaway as Ty Burna looks into the camera! The crowd erupts. The WZCW Legend drags Banks to his feet before he hits a second Consecrated Banishment! The crowd is at a fever pitch as Ty picks up the mic from the ground.

    Burna: You're all welcome.

    Ty drops the mic and starts to walk away, when he sees Banks use the ropes to pull himself up. Ty climbs back into the ring and connects with a superkick that drops Banks to his knee before the Hall of Famer follows up with a running knee. Click Clack, one last time to the man that made Tyrone's life a living hell. The crowd roars their approval as the lights go out again. They come back on and both Burna and Banks are nowhere to be seen. Only the logo of Ty where the fallen Banks was laying remains.

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