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Thread: You are head of creative

  1. #1
    Senior Member Jeff Deliverer of Mail's Avatar

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    You are head of creative

    What do you do with the current WWE ?
    Frank: Ludwig?!
    Goon: Drebin!
    Frank: Yeah, I'm Drebin!
    Goon: I have a message for ya from Vincent Ludwig!
    Goon: Take that, you lousy cop!
    Frank: I'm sorry! I can't hear ya! Don't fire the gun while you're talking!

  2. #2
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    Unscripted promos would be a great start, but Vince wouldn't approve. Ultimate everything goes through him, so I'm not sure there's much more creative can do.

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    Stop the stunt show mentality. Having two guys simply go out there and perform a ton of impressive, athletic moves becomes boring, quickly. More emphasis on story, less on stunts.

  5. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by BestSportsEntertainer View Post
    Unscripted promos would be a great start, but Vince wouldn't approve. Ultimate everything goes through him, so I'm not sure there's much more creative can do.
    Pretty much this. I'm not saying that the wrestlers should be out there dropping F bombs or any of that nonsense but I believe they're ultimately better and the fans believe they're better when they're allowed to use their own personalities to sink or swim. You know, like how they did before circa 2008 or so.

    If I were in charge of WWE's creative team, and I mean in legitimate control in that I would be the final voice as to what would go on and what wouldn't, unscripted promos would definitely be something I'd implement. In some situations, I MIGHT give the wrestlers bullet points, just a little list of things to make sure they touched on during their promo but in their own words and using their own timing. If they left something out, however, I wouldn't flip out as though it was the end of the world as we'd find a way to come back to it at some point. Furthermore, I think it's also important to actually talk with the talent, listen to whatever ideas they might have, listen to their input and go from there. Not just dictate to them what happens, just see where they are and see what's what as far as they're concerned. Who knows? You might hear some great ideas that can be incorporated into the storyline or the night's angle or match that might be better than what you and the rest of the team came up with and trying to put out the best product you can so that the people will keep tuning in on TV, will keep subscribing to the network, will keep buying tickets to house shows, TV tapings and PPVs and buy some merchandise should be what it's all about.

    I'd also do away with champions losing non-title matches to set up title matches on a regular basis. This is something that's okay to do once or twice a year but WWE is known to sometimes do it several times a month. On the rare occasions it did go down, I'd make sure the loss came about on a special show or during a match in which we spent a few weeks hyping the crap out of. Would the champion get his win back? Would a new champ be crowned? Those questions are more difficult to ask in this situation when a champion losing a non-title bout as the gateway to setting up a title match at a later date happens only rarely. I also wouldn't have the match a few weeks later, I'd maybe wait another month or two but keep the storyline going and do little things to remind fans each week of what happened as part of setting up the eventual title match.

    This brings up another little problem in that I think some programs need to be expanded while some need to be curtailed. For instance, look at NXT right now in that Tommaso Ciampa make his return to NXT on October 2nd and he's going to get his NXT Championship match against Adam Cole on February 16th. So NXT has kept building this match for 4.5 months while simultaneously having both men involved in other programs. This is something that should be implemented on the main roster, in my opinion. I'm not saying every major title match has to be drawn out for 4 months or anything, but there's also no need to run a program into the ground before the match even happens either. Take time to build the programs up, even if they're not title feuds, and don't run them into the ground. For instance, do away with Reigns vs. Corbin already. It's been going on forever and there's nowhere else to take it, nor is there any further need to continue it. Reigns got his wins back, Corbin got a few solid heel wins during the program so his stock went up. Mission accomplished.

    If you're going to bother putting championships on wrestlers, make the championship reigns matter. Don't just have someone carry a belt for a while, actually promote and use someone as champion because that someone is supposed to be a representative of the level of talent you have working for your company. Shinsuke Nakamura, for instance, was IC champ for some 200 days and WWE did nothing with him. Hw had the second longest IC title run of the last roughly 9 years but it didn't matter. I'm also not saying that every title run needs to last 6 months, I've seen some wrestlers in WWE and other companies do more with a month or two than I've seen some do with half a year, but I also don't believe in playing hot potato either. If you put a championship on someone, then make sure it's someone that you believe in, someone you trust has the necessary talent and someone you've actually taken the time to build up and get over in the eyes of the audience. Otherwise, it's your own damn fault for putting the strap on that person in the first place.

    This is a relatively minor thing but I feel most of the main roster titles need to be redesigned. Let each title have its own look, it's own presence and personality. Do away with the Big Logo title belts, do away with the Roman Centurion tag title designs, give the US title its first new design since WWE started using it, maybe use a white leather strap for the IC title, do away with the black accents, color in the globe portions of the center plate a bright ocean blue, maybe do the whole thing in a lighter shade of gold, design the custom side plates so that they match up well with the center plate and really make the gold shine, etc..

    I'd like to cut back on the number of PPVS but I'm not sure if that'd really be a good idea from a financial standpoint. Ideally, I think WWE should have about half a dozen PPVs a year and maybe, once every three or four months, have a special PPV style show for Raw and SmackDown sorta like the Clash of the Champions used to be for WCW.

    Continuity is also something that needs to be brought back. For instance, don't give someone an opportunity to become a champion or be in a #1 contender's match if you've jobbed him out to someone else a week or two earlier. Also, when someone wins a match, don't turn around the next week and start jobbing them out again. Winning a match should look like it means something, like it shows some degree of advancement for the wrestler winning.

    I also feel that there are ways of building up an entire roster to look strong without really having to make anyone look bad. For instance, remember how Braun Strowman spent about a month destroying Sami Zayn? Personally, I'm long since over this chest thumping, alpha male bullshit and I would have preferred letting these two have an actual program with a couple of competitive matches rather than Strowman mauling Zayn for a few minutes. We know Strowman's a big ol' hoss but that doesn't automatically mean he should just squash a guy that's so much smaller than he is when you know the guy has a TON of talent himself. Nothing wrong with Strowman coming out on the winning side of the feud, but Zayn could still come out shining like a diamond by using a combination of heel tactics and his own ability to take the behemoth to his limit. Strowman looks good by ultimately getting the better of a tough opponent in the end and Zayn looks good by hanging in there and really making a man eight inches taller, legitimately about 140 lbs. or so heavier really struggle for a win. I'm not saying that everyone would be made to look like a star but when you look at the talent they have and speak with the other creative team members, pay attention to who the fans respond to and what they respond to, watch the work of the wrestlers themselves, etc. then you can know who're the people that you need to be focused on.

    Essentially, look at what they do in NXT for the most part and just try applying pretty much the same sort of approach to the main roster.
    Last edited by Jack-Hammer; 02-02-2020 at 08:04 AM.
    "What Do I Know Of Cultured Ways, The Gilt, The Craft And The Lie?
    I, Who Was Born In A Naked Land And Bred In The Open Sky.
    The Subtle Tongue, The Sophist Guile, They Fail When The Broadswords Sing.
    Rush In And Die Dogs - I Was A Man Before I Was King."

    Conan Of Cimmeria

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    AEW doesn't seem to have unscripted promos and I'm not sure that's working out, with the exception of a few.

    I'm all for it but it shouldn't be across the board.

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  8. #6
    Senior Member Jeff Deliverer of Mail's Avatar

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    Pretty much everything what Jackhammer said is what I would also implement. I'd also go back to using Madison Square Gardens for second tier PPVs instead of super house shows, like Super Raw/Smackdown events. I'd abolish the brand split but keep a soft behind the scenes split on both shows to avoid the same wrestlers fighting every week. Abolish The Universal Title, The Smackdown Tag, womans and tag womans titles. Make all titles World Titles instead, Womans World, World Tag, World Champ, IC and US titles and 24/7 titles, that's it. Maybe a secondary womans title instead of the tag titles. This way it amps up the prestige of the championships and expands the contender list.

    Give a few high potential stars the -Brock-Hogan 80's- treatment where they only appear once in awhile and at PPVs to keep them special. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, that's why people like Brock, he is a special attraction and a huge star in the company because of it. If he was on Raw fighting every week people would really sour on the guy and his sheen would wear off completely. You could do something like that to a Braun Strowman or some other big dude.

    Have more of the big six PPVs in the UK. Like Summerslam or Wrestlemania. There are crazy wrestling fans and giant venues there that would take no time to fill up. Same with Canada, give them a big six PPV in Toronto like Wrestlemania 6.

    Keep a close eye on MMA like Impact Wrestling does, ask George St.Pierre is he would be interested in a try out for a special attraction spot in WWE, Cyborg too, maybe Frank Mir ect ect. Sometimes it catches because these athletes already have combat training and have to sell themselves as well, so the green doesn't last too long.

    Make KING of the RING great again! I'd bring back KOTR PPV replacing some other forgettable one and focus only on the tournament to create new stars or amplify ones who need it. The King of the Ring being stretched out into normal shows is way too meh.

    Implement HALLOWEEN HAVOC PPV, I adored this gimmick fueled PPV in WCW and I think with the budget and roster it would be a sight to behold in WWE.

    Change the PG concept completely. I'm not saying every match or show should have blood and cursing but I'd allow it. If Braun yelled GET THESE FUCKIN HANDS! Once in a blue moon to amp up a promo I'd allow it.

    Like Jackhammer said, let the talent steer where their character goes and see if it sticks. Put Bray Wyatt in charge of Gimmick Consulting.
    Frank: Ludwig?!
    Goon: Drebin!
    Frank: Yeah, I'm Drebin!
    Goon: I have a message for ya from Vincent Ludwig!
    Goon: Take that, you lousy cop!
    Frank: I'm sorry! I can't hear ya! Don't fire the gun while you're talking!

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  10. #7
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    Unscripted promos, story consistency, bring back King of the Ring PPV, implement War Games PPV, create characters that are clearly either heel or face (why is everyone a tweener these days?), work to make championships relevant again, create larger than life stars again, create more main event tier performers (Bobby Lashley should be in the main event, Samoa Joe too, and there are many many others), and that's about it for now.

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  12. #8
    Senior Member Storm Trooper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SSJPhenom View Post
    Unscripted promos, story consistency, bring back King of the Ring PPV, implement War Games PPV, create characters that are clearly either heel or face (why is everyone a tweener these days?), work to make championships relevant again, create larger than life stars again, create more main event tier performers (Bobby Lashley should be in the main event, Samoa Joe too, and there are many many others), and that's about it for now.
    1. I should hunt you down for insinuating that the main roster should steal War Games from NXT, who does it fucking amazing. Let them have this one thing please.
    2. Creating larger than life stars involves actually having people that are larger than life. They have one now and everyone hates him because he is part time and "hogs the championship." They had another for over a decade and people bitched about him and his jorts until he left then realized he was the fucking best. The Attitude Era had those larger than life stars because they hired people that were larger than life, they were not created in developmental or on the indies.
    3. if you have too many people in the main event, you do not have a main event. Honestly you need about 4 guys per brand tops, with another 2 or 3 that can jump in and out.
    4. Unscripted promos would be good, but you need people that can pull them off. I don't think a lot of the talent can do that. the ones that can should most definitely do it though.

    I agree with the rest. King of the Ring needs to return and mean something more than just a costume change and name change. Clear heels and faces are good to have, and really the midcard campionships to make them relevant just need actual storylines, not just "I pinned you and you're the champ now give me a title shot."

    As for me, I'd say have number one contenders earn title shots by going on winning streaks against other superstars, instead of just beating the champion. Similarly, Champions need to win most of their matches. And let us get clear winners of feuds, none of this 50/50 booking shit. Let someone lose a feud, then they can bounce back with wins over someone else.

    If I was in charge of hiring people, I'd look for people with a ridiculous amount of charisma and a unique look instead of guys that do cool looking moves really well. Those are the ones that make people want to watch.
    IYO SKY, Shotzi, Bayley, Gigi Dolan, Alba Fyre, Asuka, Kayla Braxton.

    Quote Originally Posted by #RicSolarFlair View Post
    It's good having trooper back.
    Quote Originally Posted by BestSportsEntertainer View Post
    Reasons to watch Raw
    1 - LDs with #RSF and Trooper
    2 - Rhea in shorts
    Still Here. LD regular.

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    1. Sign Brian Cage
    2. Give him a pimp gimmick
    4. Profit

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