According to, Jinder Mahal is set to receive a big babyface push on Raw over the next several months. Allegedly, one of the big reasons for this is due to WWE's television deal in India and their desire to portray Jinder as a strong babyface. As part of this TV deal, WWE will eventually return to India to perform shows once travel restrictions are lifted and for Jinder to headline these shows.

If this is true, then I just can't get behind it whatsoever. Whether heel or babyface, Jinder Mahal just isn't that good of a professional wrestler. We've seen the guy in WWE for many years now either as a jobber, a comedy jobber and as, arguably, the worst WWE Champion in the title's history and a big reason behind his WWE Championship push was essentially racial profiling. WWE had a couple of shows lined up in India and were trying to open a new market there, so they slapped the WWE Championship on Jinder roughly half a year before the shows but the fans in India didn't give a crap. Ticket sales for the first show were lousy and sales for the second were so lousy that WWE wound up canceling.

I have no interest in a feud between Jinder and Drew McIntyre as I see no reason to believe that anything has changed with Mahal. Aside from not being as muscular as he used to be before being put on the shelf for almost a year, he still strikes me as the same dull, bland, uninteresting, average on his very best day professional wrestler who as put into a spot FAR above what he's capable of.