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Thread: What would get you interested in WWE again?

  1. #1
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    What would get you interested in WWE again?

    Simple question. Nothing more to add.

  2. #2
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    Great question.

    So I stopped watching after Mania this year, after never missing a Raw, SD or PPV since 2000. The booking of the Fiend was my last straw. The matches with Seth, putting the belt on him, and having Goldberg squash him was the icing on the cake that finally got me to walk away. Since then, I have read occasional recaps and seen a few youtube clips, but many Mondays and Fridays, I forget to check anymore.

    I have been disappointed in overall growth of talent, and Covid has not helped things. But it always felt that when a "major" storyline was building to ultimate failure, there was still plenty to tune in to watch. Wrestling has always had a ridiculous side, and I accept that. But when I start to feel like I can't find anything for me in 5-9 hours of wrestling a week, I can't justify dedicating that much time to it.

    I mention all that, because the simple answer would be to add just one thing that appeals to me so I can start watching again, however, now that I have stepped away, I feel like it will take a lot more, and I have become more pessimistic about their ability to pull it off. I don't want to give cliche answers like, "get rid of Vince" or "Give HHH more power" because I don't think those explain away everything. I would like them to have more plans in place. I understand injuries are part of the business, but you can still plan out storylines in advance and have backup plans in place, instead of seemingly have no plans out of fear of injuries derailing them.

    Also tell stories with no regard to fan reaction. Trust that your superstars will be able to get to the destination at its right time instead of pulling the plug prematurely because they didn't get a loud enough pop. I have enjoyed a lot of what I have seen in NXT, but constantly get disappointed when it hardly translates to the main stage. I also did a lot of dirt sheet reading, which took away a lot of the surprise and genuine excitement, and that is on me. But it also felt like Vince would change outcomes of matches just because something leaked, which leads me back to trusting that your story telling is good enough that even if the outcome is known by some, its the right direction to go.

    Simple question: Complicated answer is a lot, but to simplify it for me: Follow through on plans, pushes, etc. Trust your superstars more.

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    When the fans are physically back in the arenas.

  5. #4
    Call me, Rhea #AbsoluteUnit's Avatar

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    ^ Pretty much what he said.
    Rhea, Bianca, Mandy, Tiffany, and Raquel featuring Scarlett

    Quote Originally Posted by Storm Trooper View Post
    #RicSolarFlair you're kb
    Quote Originally Posted by BestSportsEntertainer View Post
    Reasons to watch Raw
    1 - LDs with #RSF and Trooper
    2 - Rhea in shorts
    Quote Originally Posted by Storm Trooper View Post

  6. #5
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    Thunderdome helps a lot to be honest. Smackdown was the first show I watched in about 3 or 4 months and just the presentation made it easier. Summerslam felt 10x bigger than Mania. As long as the presentation value is there, I'll keep watching.

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