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Thread: Donald Trump Impeachment

  1. #1
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    Donald Trump Impeachment

    This is pretty historic. Only the 3rd impeachment in US history.

    The quicker America moves on, the better. However Trump will forever be a stain on the Republican party, and honestly I don't see myself ever voting for them unless they make some massive changes.

  2. #2
    Call me, Rhea #AbsoluteUnit's Avatar

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    However Trump will forever be a stain on the Republican party
    Pretty much this.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member Jeff Deliverer of Mail's Avatar

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    He won't get 67% in the Senate, so he'll stay in the house making the whole thing a waste of time.
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    Frank: Yeah, I'm Drebin!
    Goon: I have a message for ya from Vincent Ludwig!
    Goon: Take that, you lousy cop!
    Frank: I'm sorry! I can't hear ya! Don't fire the gun while you're talking!

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  5. #4
    Senior Member Spidey's Avatar
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    Wasn't a waste of time when they impeached Bill, who wasn't removed from office. Cheer up. Like any Christmas gift it's the thought that counts.

  6. #5
    You Never Know When You Might Stuff An Owl klunderbunker's Avatar
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    And then he'll get to crow about winning because it was a witch hunt because Trump can't ever have dignity or grace about anything.

  7. #6
    Senior Member Fallout's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Spidey View Post
    Wasn't a waste of time when they impeached Bill, who wasn't removed from office. Cheer up. Like any Christmas gift it's the thought that counts.

    Very good short video outlining the differences between this case and Bill Clinton. This is nowhere close to the hot water Clinton was in, let alone Nixon.

    If anything, the whole thing seems ceremonial. It's more a heavy denouncement of Trump than a serious gesture to get him out of office.

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  8. #7
    Senior Member Spidey's Avatar
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    I wasn't comparing the actual impeachments, Fallout. Just how neither are or were a waste of time even though in all likelihood Trump won't be removed from office.

  9. #8
    Administrator Slyfox696's Avatar

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    While there have only been three, Trump's impeachment has been, by far, the worst abuses of the office (even if you include Nixon's inevitable impeachment had he not resigned). Just because Republicans refuse to do what is right does not mean it is wrong to impeach Trump.

    He may not be removed from office through impeachment, but it is only because of the cowardice of the Republican party, not because he didn't do anything very wrong.

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  11. #9
    Senior Member Jeff Deliverer of Mail's Avatar

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    Wait until the elections start, every Trump opponent now has Impeachment Ammo.
    Frank: Ludwig?!
    Goon: Drebin!
    Frank: Yeah, I'm Drebin!
    Goon: I have a message for ya from Vincent Ludwig!
    Goon: Take that, you lousy cop!
    Frank: I'm sorry! I can't hear ya! Don't fire the gun while you're talking!

  12. #10
    Sure it's historic but it's also something of a waste of time, energy and money because the Democrats don't have the votes to actually get him out of office due to the Republicans having a small majority in the Senate. You need a majority vote in both the House and Senate in order to actually remove the POTUS from power and that's not gonna happen here because the country is split down party lines like no other time in my lifetime that I can recall.

    Do I think he deserves to be removed from power? Absolutely as it's been shown that Trump attempted to leverage Ukraine to launch an investigation into Joe Biden by not delivering nearly $400 million in aid to the country unless they launched said investigation. The Republicans are trying to say that nothing criminal happened here because Ukraine didn't go through with the investigation, they're saying there was no "Quid Pro Quo" because the investigation didn't happen and that there's nothing criminal in Trump's attempt, at least that's the stance of those who'll even acknowledge the attempt even took place because there are some who claim they don't despite all the testimony, despite transcripts of the phone calls, etc.. The GOP has bent over backwards to ignore the law and basic human decency when it comes to the defense of Donald Trump throughout his term; whether it's been taking the side of dictators like Vladimir Putin & Kim Jong-Un over the word of American intelligence agencies, lashing out with childish insults at anyone who doesn't agree with him, mocking the physically disabled, mocking the appearance of women he doesn't find attractive, supporting and/or initiating policies based on racial, religious or sexual prejudice and it just goes on and on.

    The fact that so many people defend this man is beyond astounding. I grew up in a pretty conservative area, Eastern Kentucky is a haven for right wing politics and also happens to be one of the geographically poorest areas in the entire country. It's also home to a number of the poorest counties of any state in all the country and those are places that are rife with conservative politics. I've heard people venerate Donald Trump almost as though he's some kind of saint, some saying he's the best POTUS of their lifetime, etc. and I don't think it has so much to do with Trump as it's just that they so severely dislike liberal politics. Around where I grew up, if you're Pro Choice, support stricter gun laws, think efforts in energy production should be moved from fossil fuels or any or all of the above, then you're the next worse thing to Satan himself. For MANY of them, they cling to this age old propaganda that the United States is THE chosen land, that the United States is the end all and be all of creation; they don't like to acknowledge the truth in that you can be proud of your country while still not whitewashing the fact that there are NUMEROUS atrocities that's part of our history. They don't want to admit that American industry was once, and continues to be in some cases, built on the exploitation of minorities, that our ancestors to one degree or another forcibly took this land from Native tribes and the disproportionate distribution of wealth and services that's been SOP almost from the very beginning. During election time, all a GOP candidate has to do is start thumping the Bible, life begins at conception, every other country should essentially bow down to the USA, say that every Democratic candidate is out to take their guns like Beto O'Rourke would do if he cound, that they're a friend of coal and marriage should be between a man & woman only and you'll have droves of Bubbas and Billy Bobs practically flying out of the hollows and small towns to come and vote for you. Even if they don't know the issues at all, which is the case when it comes to a lot of them, they'll vote red because they're just so opposed to blue because that's what they've been taught whether it be by their parents or their pastors.
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