Quote Originally Posted by Matrix View Post
I have yet to check out Black Lightning, didn't really perk my interest but maybe I'll check it out. Would you guys say it's worth watching?

I've also been considering binge watching Arrow but from what I've heard it can be a real struggle at times.
Arrow season 2 is amazing, season 1 is a tad of drag early but the back half is great stuff. It goes a bit down hill and a bit too batmany from there

I made it halfway through episode 3 of black lightning and just gave up, on one hand its trying to be all high and mighty and shining a light on injustices that black people go through in terms of inequality but then smacks you with some brilliant racial stereotypes like gang bangers and sassy (oh but they just strong) black women. Plus I can/could see the problems of Arrow and flash coming into play as well, Black Lightning's going to be pushed to the side for his daughters once they find out his secret just like Oliver Queen and Diggle has/have been pushed to the side by Felicity and the rest of the team, its so bad on Arrow that the villain for this season that I dont even know what the motivation for the big bad is this season. And its just like Barry Allen & Cisco are being pushed out for Iris and Wells