My fellow SteelCageForum users, we may be in for the most epic experience of our entire lives. Either that, or this will be a Rick-Roll to end all Rick-Rolls.

Are you as excited as I am!? Probably, because I'm honestly not expecting much. Expect the worst, hope for the best and such.

BUT WAIT! What if...certain seemingly "impossible" names actually did show up? We've all been wrong before, so allow me to be hilariously wrong with whom I hope will be showing up.

Please tear me apart if I out myself as a blubbering buffoon.

Wouldn't it be like stabbing Vince in his abdomen with the Spear of Longinus if, when it looked like Sting was about to deliver the death drop to Brian Cage, the lights went out.

The deafening silence is broken by the sound of a motorcycle revving hard, and the telltale sound of a gong. Tony exclaims "IT'S MEAN MARK!" to which Jim shouts "NO IT ISN'T! IT'S HIM! IT'S THE UNDERTAKER!"

The beam of a motorcycle's high beam headlight shines through the darkness as The Undertaker rides a motorcycle with a posse of masked bikers wearing the Aces and Eights gear. They surround the ring as the lights come back, revving their bikes loudly as Sting and Darby Allin cautiously huddle together in the center of the ring. Team Taz tries to leave nonchalantly, but all except for Brian Cage are stopped and beaten down by Aces and Eights. Brian is presented with his "colors" and dons them proudly.

Undertaker enters the ring, and is confronted by Darby. Undertaker quickly chokeslams Darby, and had a staredown with Sting. Sting doesn't flinch.

Undertaker is handed a mic, and says "After thirty long years, I finally caught up to Ric Flair's boy. While I've been carrying this entire damn business on my back, you've been stealing paychecks working for anyone that was too chicken-shit to hire me!"

Sting grabs the mic from Undertaker and laughs to himself before saying "You would still be a bike riding jobber if you weren't sucking up to Hogan! I see that only a few things have changed! "

The Undertaker throws a punch at Sting, which is ducked. Sting grabs Undertaker to set up a death drop, and Aces and Eights rush the ring.

Sting is able to roll out of the ring where Cody and Jon Moxley meet him to fend off any potential attacks from Aces and Eights.

A 6-man tag is scheduled for Double or Nothing. Sting, Cody, and Jon vs Undertaker, Bully Ray, and Brian Cage.