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Thread: Unpopular/Controversial Opinions

  1. #1
    I Stay Blasted Yaz's Avatar

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    Unpopular/Controversial Opinions

    In another installment of "Man, Yaz, you really need to post this super cool topic instead of sleeping" I bring you this. (Also, yeah I refer to myself in the third person and by my username instead of my actual name)

    What are some unpopular or controversial opinions you hold? Could be something simple like you think Game of Thrones is overrated. Could be something fairly big, like you think vaccines cause autism. Maybe it is something so unspeakable that the entire internet turns on you, like saying strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.

    All I ask is that you
    1) Defend your position. Don't just say "I don't like black people because they look funny." Give an actual explanation as to why you feel the way you feel.
    2) Post something that is actually unpopular or controversial. Example, a lot of the more prominent posters here and back in Safe Space are pretty liberal, so saying that America needs gun control isn't exactly unpopular here.
    3) Don't be hateful. If you want to argue that white people should be allowed to say nigger, then by all means go for it. That is an opinion that fits and isn't inherently hateful toward anyone. Just make sure to steer clear of making it hateful. Also, don't argue in defense of rape or sexual assault or pedophilia. It is one thing to make an argument saying certain crimes are worse than others, but don't be a fucking incel or Phenom.
    4) Be civil. I know this topic is likely to cause many rustled jimmies and give ample opportunity for people to use snowflake, but that isn't my purpose. I genuinely want to see discussion and see why certain people feel the way they feel about things. It is hard to call yourself open minded if you never allow your mind to open and hear other views. It is completely okay to disagree with people, but be civil about it.

    I'll even go first and post two of my own opinions that some people may find unpopular or controversial.

    1) Fat acceptance has gone way too far.
    Look, I'm fat. No matter how you slice it, I'm fat. Now I'm usually okay with this, being fat isn't something to be inherently ashamed of. I'm fairly comfortable in my skin, and you should be too. If you want to change that though, then go for it. So long as YOU are comfortable, then that is all that should matter.

    The issue is that the people who try to campaign for fat acceptance and stop anti fat bias seem to forget a couple of things. First off, yes, fat people do face discrimination. Anti fat bias is a thing. I'm not just talking about the whole "People think I'm ugly because I'm fat" routine people pull. Being fat doesn't automatically make you ugly. I'm handsome as fuck. Anyway, aside from body image issues, fat people are often passed over for employment opportunities, and are often associated with negative personality traits. Even Chris Christie faced political discrimination for his weight, facing accusations that his weight made him unfit to be President. So yeah, the bias exists, but the activists forget fat people can change. We can lose weight. We can improve. If we choose not to, we shouldn't be given shit for it, but to act like the discrimination we face is the same as gender or race discrimination is ludicrous. And don't get me started on the whole fat is a disability BS.

    They also forget that being fat isn't healthy. The whole Healthy At Any Size theory is fine. Not everyone has the same genetic makeup or lifestyle, so what works to keep you healthy may not work for the next guy. The idea that you can be perfectly healthy while still being obese is bullshit though. Obesity is a medical condition. It isn't some ugly slur that was made up to insult fat people. Yeah, being fat doesn't automatically mean you are gonna die at 32 of a massive heart attack or your arteries are so clogged that you could scrape off the cholesterol for your toast, but it puts you at an increased risk.

    So yeah, fat people should be treated like average people. Fat shouldn't automatically equal negative. Big people can be attractive. Just stop acting like 99% of the reason you are fat isn't your own fault and stop trying to argue that being 5'4 and 320 pounds is healthy.

    2) LGBT people whose entire identity is based upon their sexuality annoy me

    First off, I think basing your entire identity off of one thing is foolish and silly. Secondly, I have no issue with the LGBT community. I think they deserve equal rights and even though I don't fully understand all of it, they shouldn't face discrimination or persecution for what they are.

    That said, the individuals who never shut up about their sexuality or gender and make that one trait (can you call it a trait? I don't know a better term) their entire identity are annoying and I think they do harm to the LGBT movement.

    Look, I get it as much as a white cis male in America can get discrimination, you are happy that your people are finally gaining acceptance and you are proud of who you are. Great! You shouldn't be ashamed of being born who you are. The issue, I find, is those who are just completely in your face with it. For instance, my girlfriend has a cousin who "came out" a little over a year ago. Now I say that because most of us don't believe her to actually be lesbian. She has a long history of failed relationships and dating fuckboys. Her baby daddy ran out on her when she was 16, she has been cheated on constantly, she has been used just for sex. I mean her dating life was a mess and I felt a bit sorry for her. She started in on the whole "men are trash, boys ain't shit, I don't need a man, I'm over guys" routine and not long after she came out that she was dating another girl. Aside from the stereotypical social media attention whoring she did to claim she was over men, she goes super out of her way to remind people she is gay. Nine out of ten of her Facebook posts a day will be related to her sexuality. Most of the time they aren't even pro LGBT posts, they are just her sharing pictures of half naked female celebrities with captions like (and other emojis Sly hasn't added) or shit like this -

    To me, that implies that sexuality is a choice and defeats the entire born this way argument. So yeah, I think this is more of an attention seeking thing than her being legit gay, but the point stands for those who are truly gay. She also constantly pushes her agenda on her six year old daughter, which I don't agree with no matter your stance. Kids aren't political pawns.

    Anyway. You don't need to constantly remind people of your struggle. You don't need to ostracize people who aren't voicing their pro LGBT opinions all the time. Don't assume people are homo/transphobic because your behavior is off putting. The community act like if you don't support their issues 100% of the time, then you are a hateful bigot. Like, I don't at all understand gender fluidity or how someone can not be happy with their gender/feel they were born the wrong gender. I don't get it at all, but I don't know enough about it to say they are wrong and they aren't really doing anyone any harm so who am I to stop them? That said, I don't think ten year olds need to be getting treatments to undergo gender reassignment. I understand that as science and society progress that what used to be weird or wrong is becoming accepted. Being gay used to be a mental disorder. I just don't think a ten year old would be able to fully grasp gender identity when even I struggle with the concept in my late 20s. My feeling that way doesn't make me transphobic, I just don't think, even with parental permission, that you should be getting a new gender when you can't even get a tattoo until you are 18.

    I want to touch on the topic of how if you don't support LGBT issues 100% of the time you are hateful again. About five or six years ago, my girlfriend at the time had a close friend who was gay. Dude was a lovely fella, just a joy to be around. He was funny, enjoyed video games, was creative. Just my kind of guy. One time he invited us to a gay bar to watch a drag show. She was all for it, I was kinda eh on the idea. Not that I dislike drag, that shit is legit. I was just worried about the whole feeling out of place thing. He assured me that aside from the fact that dudes would be kissing dudes and ladies kissing ladies, it was a normal bar and they could even give straight folks wristbands to designate them as such. That whole concept seemed like I was going to be some tourist visiting a zoo or some shit, but women are convincing. We go to the place and it was like Rick Perry's worst nightmare. I was super uncomfortable because I was being touched on without my permission, people were loud and flamboyant and causing scenes the entire night, there was loud and open talks describing pretty explicit sexual acts, there were rubber dicks everywhere, it just wasn't my kind of place, gay or straight. I excused myself and ended up walking outside to get some air and this apparently was offensive to her gay friend because I wasn't comfortable. I was straight up called homophobic. It didn't matter that straight people doing the same would have made me feel the same way, the fact that I wasn't okay with what was going on made me homophobic.

    So yeah, if you are LGBT, more power to you, but if your life is all rainbows and glitter and fake lisps 24/7, don't be surprised when people are put off by you.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Jeff Deliverer of Mail's Avatar

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    Even with evidence right in your face , people will still scoff or come up with their own reasons why the hard evidence is not true.

    I'm talking about Chemtrails. Ever look up to the sky and see a jet foaming out a perfect white trail behind it, then look up at the same area 1 HOUR later and still see that same foam but spread out flatter in a cloud shape? Yeh. Nobody bothers to see these things, just chalk it up as normal and continue their day. It's not normal, people should be questioning this shit and demanding answers. What is being sprayed? Is it climate control? Is the government spraying a population control substance that gives people cancer? (Cancer rate in Canada is astronomical ) What the hell are they spraying?
    Frank: Ludwig?!
    Goon: Drebin!
    Frank: Yeah, I'm Drebin!
    Goon: I have a message for ya from Vincent Ludwig!
    Goon: Take that, you lousy cop!
    Frank: I'm sorry! I can't hear ya! Don't fire the gun while you're talking!

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    Women need to put the toilet seat up when they're done. Equal is equal.

  5. #4
    I hate when someone tries to lecture me about patriotism. You hear a lot in right wing politics about how someone is "un-American" if they don't believe in this or if they don't support that. For instance, I respect the sacrifices that soldiers make, but I don't kiss their asses for anything and everything. I appreciate their service, but the fact that they served doesn't make them a better class of person than someone else and it really pisses me off when you have some right wing asshole, especially those who go on about how great the military is, how we should always respect it, etc. yet didn't volunteer to sign up themselves.

    Patriotism is hell of a lot more than just standing up when the National Anthem is played, or saying the Pledge of Allegiance. To me, being a patriot means that you not only ask questions, you ask questions when it's not a convenient time. What's happening with the debate regarding gun laws is a great example of people who're tired of seeing this issue kicked down the road to die down until the next mass shooting happens and then we start the whole thing over again. They believe that there's something wrong with some of the laws in this country and that adjustments and outright changes need to be made. They're questioning the way the system is set up because there are too many ways in which they believe that the system has failed. Pointing that out doesn't make then un-American in the least in my eyes. Like every other country on Earth, the United States has a checkered past. Pretending that the United States is this land of milk and honey where there are no injustices, where every dream can come true and where opportunity is readily available to all isn't patriotism, it's propaganda.

    For me, being another part of being a patriot means that you want to see the promise and potential that a society is founded on applied to and open to all who want to share in it regardless of skin color, religious beliefs, gender, sexual orientation or disabilities. What we have too much of, in my opinion, are people who want to exclude other people based on some personal dislike they have towards any of those traits. Dislike it all you want, that's your right, but to deny someone else the same rights and privileges that you have because they're different? Now that's un-American.
    "What Do I Know Of Cultured Ways, The Gilt, The Craft And The Lie?
    I, Who Was Born In A Naked Land And Bred In The Open Sky.
    The Subtle Tongue, The Sophist Guile, They Fail When The Broadswords Sing.
    Rush In And Die Dogs - I Was A Man Before I Was King."

    Conan Of Cimmeria

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  7. #5
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    The patriotism thing irritates me to no end, especially from right-wingers in 2018. Donald Trump is the least patriotic President we have ever had.

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  9. #6
    Senior Member BaconBits's Avatar

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    The overwhelming majority of online activists aren't actually activists. They're mostly whiny hypocrites who really need to spend more time outside.

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  11. #7
    Senior Member Fallout's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by BaconBits View Post
    The overwhelming majority of online activists aren't actually activists. They're mostly whiny hypocrites who really need to spend more time outside.
    Wouldn't really say that's controversial/unpopular, that's just common knowledge.

    Let's start with a take hotter than any of my political opinions: I hate the 1984 Ghostbusters.

    There are some talented people in it (Dan Akyroyd, Ernie Hudson and Rick Moranis, the latter of which shares a birthday with me and my dad met with Dolph Lundgren of all people, both really nice guys), but for the most part, it's just unfunny, with most of its jokes relying on stereotypes which were already pretty old at the time (look at these geeks, hurrhurrhurr) and it can't seem to decide on what kind of humour it wants to be, so it comes out as being an uncluttered, unfocused mess. Bill Murray is the polar opposite of Vince Vaughn for me, in that I can buy him doing drama, but he really irritates me doing comedy (Lost In Translation was good though, though less emphasis was on the comedy), and Peter Venkman is just a detestable protagonist that isn't fun to watch, let alone follow. Egor and Ray mostly exist in that movie to shout exposition and play a stereotype, Winston doesn't even appear until 45 minutes in, and there's just something about Sigourney Weaver's performance that strikes me as dull; because I know she can be a damn fine actress. Rick Moranis is kind of fun, and Dan Akyroyd tries to give a good performance, but the script doesn't allow him to be that funny. I never found it that funny when I was a kid, and I find it even less funny now. It's a D movie wanting to be a B movie that gets treated as an A movie.

    And Slimer makes Sheriff J.W Pepper from the first two Roger Moore Bond movies look like George fucking Carlin.

  12. #8
    Senior Member Jeff Deliverer of Mail's Avatar

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    I never knew there was people in this world that hated Ghostbusters 1984. I didn't think it was possible.
    Frank: Ludwig?!
    Goon: Drebin!
    Frank: Yeah, I'm Drebin!
    Goon: I have a message for ya from Vincent Ludwig!
    Goon: Take that, you lousy cop!
    Frank: I'm sorry! I can't hear ya! Don't fire the gun while you're talking!

  13. #9
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    The Seahawks were right to throw the ball from the one. Lynch would have gotten tackled for a loss of yards pretty easily.

  14. #10
    Senior Member Spidey's Avatar
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    I live in the Bible Belt of the United States. Everything said here is the popular opinion, minus Ghostbusters and patriotism of course.

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