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Thread: Free Speech Is Dying In The United Kingdom

  1. #11
    Senior Member Fallout's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lee View Post
    Believe you me, I know a lot more what's happening with grooming investigations than you will ever know. Don't you fucking dare use that as an excuse for a fucking idiot breaking the law.
    So you know that this is predominantly a problem with certain Muslim men in the United Kingdom, and that political correctness and the fear of being branded as racist has obstructed justice.

    Quote Originally Posted by Барбоса View Post
    Of course, he needs an excuse.

    If he doesn't have one, then he is a Nazi, posting Nazi propaganda and calling for the extermination of Jews...

    Quote Originally Posted by JGlass View Post
    Guys, Sargon of Akkad clearly told Fallout what to think on this issue, so don't bother trying to change his mind. The sheep (Fallout) has been placed in his pen (being an alarmist about non-issues).
    Rich coming from the guy who made a thread on Wrestlezone mocking SJW's. Guy potentially being sent to jail is fine, but someone on a wrestling forum being removed from admin (something I for the record also disagree with) is serious business.

    And don't mislabel me, I'm a sheep-shagger, not a sheep.

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fallout View Post
    Rich coming from the guy who made a thread on Wrestlezone mocking SJW's. Guy potentially being sent to jail is fine, but someone on a wrestling forum being removed from admin (something I for the record also disagree with) is serious business.

    And don't mislabel me, I'm a sheep-shagger, not a sheep.
    The fact that you thought I was mocking SJWs with that thread shows that you don't have the critical thinking skills to comment on political issues.

    Also, most sheep fuckers are sheep so...

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by JGlass View Post
    The fact that you thought I was mocking SJWs with that thread shows that you don't have the critical thinking skills to comment on political issues.

    Also, most sheep fuckers are sheep so...
    So you weren't mocking SJW's?

    It figures, I suppose.

  4. #14
    G-Mod Lee's Avatar

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    You haven't got a clue.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lee View Post
    You haven't got a clue.
    If you can't separate me as a person from my political opinions, then I really don't know what to tell you. If you think my political opinions are retarded, that's fine, I respect your opinion, but the fact you removed me from the WZCW Discord over this shows that you're taking my opinions way too seriously.

  6. #16
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    Whataboutism, bro?

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    It's a stupid thing he did but I can see the point Fallout is making. Guys gets arrested for this but poppy burners get off.

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    Quote Originally Posted by JGlass View Post
    Guys, Sargon of Akkad clearly told Fallout what to think on this issue, so don't bother trying to change his mind. The sheep (Fallout) has been placed in his pen (being an alarmist about non-issues).
    Sargon of Akkad is probably up there with some of the most arrogant political 'pundits' on YouTube I have ever seen. Also, his hatred for pretty much 'SJW' is ridiculous more often than not. Now, I myself am not a SJW, but I agree with some of the core fundamentals of them, such as equal liberties for all genders and races. Do I like how most of them go about it? No, but I can at least respect them for at least trying to make the world a better place.

    Now onto the subject of the dog being taught the Nazi salute: I'm all for freedom of speech, but he made a big mistake trying to joke about Hitler. Hitler may very well be one of the worst human beings that has ever existed, from gassing the jews to turning Germany into a totalitarian dictatorship that would make even North Korea blush, there's a good reason you don't hear many Hitler or Nazi jokes that don't make fun of the Nazis or Hitler himself.

    I can understand that he wasn't trying to be hateful and he was having fun, but there are some lines you shouldn't cross. And unfortunately, this is one of those lines. It's a sad reality, but it is what it is. It doesn't help his case that he's now currently being defended by alt-right icons such as InfoWars's Alex Jones and Tommy Robinson.

    In short: There's telling a joke, and then there's going too far (be it deliberately or accidentally). In this case, he didn't know the consequences and went too far. I can understand that he wasn't intending to hate on Jews or anything of the sort, unfortunately: The majority of the world doesn't take too well to casually joking about Hitler or the Nazi. If he had chosen something else to annoy his girlfriend (which was apparently the original point of the video), perhaps he would've fared better off. But it didn't go that way: So now, he has to face the consequences.

  10. #19
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    Now onto the subject of the dog being taught the Nazi salute: I'm all for freedom of speech, but he made a big mistake trying to joke about Hitler. Hitler may very well be one of the worst human beings that has ever existed, from gassing the jews to turning Germany into a totalitarian dictatorship that would make even North Korea blush, there's a good reason you don't hear many Hitler or Nazi jokes that don't make fun of the Nazis or Hitler himself.
    Charlie Chaplin and Monty Python both made jokes about Hitler. I'm obviously not saying what Dankula did was on the same comedic wavelength, but comedy is subjective and citizens have the right to tell jokes, even if it offends, so long as it does not actually infringe upon someone's rights (such as threatening, or inciting violence)

    I can understand that he wasn't trying to be hateful and he was having fun, but there are some lines you shouldn't cross. And unfortunately, this is one of those lines. It's a sad reality, but it is what it is. It doesn't help his case that he's now currently being defended by alt-right icons such as InfoWars's Alex Jones and Tommy Robinson.
    Neither of those people are alt-right. Alex Jones is a paleo-conservative conspiracy theorist. Tommy Robinson is probably closest to a nationalist. Good examples of alt-right individuals are Richard Spencer, Jared Taylor, Andrew Anglin and Jean-Francois Gariepy, because they wish to attain a white ethnostate (completely preposterous by the way). And even if those individuals spoke out in favour of Count Dankula, that does not make the conviction any less ridiculous.

    In short: There's telling a joke, and then there's going too far (be it deliberately or accidentally). In this case, he didn't know the consequences and went too far. I can understand that he wasn't intending to hate on Jews or anything of the sort, unfortunately: The majority of the world doesn't take too well to casually joking about Hitler or the Nazi. If he had chosen something else to annoy his girlfriend (which was apparently the original point of the video), perhaps he would've fared better off. But it didn't go that way: So now, he has to face the consequences.
    No, he doesn't have to face the consequences. The status quo, for all of its advancements, is not always right. You acknowledge that Dankula was not intending to spew hatred towards Jews, as do most people, so why on earth should he be punished for it?
    Last edited by Fallout; 03-20-2018 at 03:32 PM.

  11. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fallout View Post
    Charlie Chaplin and Monty Python both made jokes about Hitler. I'm obviously not saying what Dankula did was on the same comedic wavelength, but comedy is subjective and citizens have the right to tell jokes, even if it offends, so long as it does not actually infringe upon someone's rights (such as threatening, or inciting violence)
    And I agree! Comedy is subjective and people have the right to tell jokes. But the difference between Charlie Chaplin, Monty Python and Dankula was that Charlie and Monty were making fun of the Nazis. That in itself is perfectly fine with the general public. Dankula did not do that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fallout View Post
    Neither of those people are alt-right. Alex Jones is a paleo-conservative conspiracy theorist. Tommy Robinson is probably closest to a nationalist. Good examples of alt-right individuals are Richard Spencer, Jared Taylor, Andrew Anglin and Jean-Francois Gariepy, because they wish to attain a white ethnostate (completely preposterous by the way). And even if those individuals spoke out in favour of Count Dankula, that does not make the conviction any less ridiculous.
    If Alex Jones isn't seen as alt-right, then why do many people in the alt-right know and like his work? RationalWiki has also categorized Alex Jones as being a part of the alt-right and he himself has had contact with several alt-right personalities over the years. Tommy Robinson may not be as popular a name, but nationalism is a trait most people in the alt-right tend to have.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fallout View Post
    No, he doesn't have to face the consequences. The status quo, for all of its advancements, is not always right. You acknowledge that Dankula was not intending to spew hatred towards Jews, as do most people, so why on earth should he be punished for it?
    It's like I said before. People do not take fondly about talking to Hitler in a positive manner because he represents a dark time for Germany and the world in general. He's one of the main reasons World War II got started and it's likely he would've taken over all of Europe had the United States not been invaded by Japan or declared war.

    And again, I do have some sympathy for him. But since people do not like others talking about one of the most reviled figures in history in a positive manner or even like neo-nazis in generals, Dankula is going to face consequences. It isn't an assault of free speech, it isn't a sign of it dying out either. It's simply a case of someone making a really bad decision in life and now he's going to have to deal with it.

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