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Thread: Daniel Bryan cleared to wrestle!

  1. #21
    Dave Meltzer is reporting that one of the conditions in which WWE agreed to clear Bryan was that he'd see the WWE doctors and undergo impact testing and a neuropsychological evaluation after every match until WWE is comfortable that he's alright.

    So, I imagine Bryan was tested after the main event segment on SmackDown Live this past Tuesday and, if this report is true, it'll probably happen every time he gets physical or takes a significant bump. Personally, I'm hoping Bryan eliminates the diving head butt from his arsenal and if he insists on doing a missile dropkick, maybe he should alter is so that he lands on his stomach.
    "What Do I Know Of Cultured Ways, The Gilt, The Craft And The Lie?
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    The Subtle Tongue, The Sophist Guile, They Fail When The Broadswords Sing.
    Rush In And Die Dogs - I Was A Man Before I Was King."

    Conan Of Cimmeria

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  3. #22
    Call me, Rhea #AbsoluteUnit's Avatar

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    Never was a DB fan, probably never will be. However, it's cool to see him return. Look, I like the guy as an on-screen character. I always thought after Bryan's last injury, that DB would be a perfect attraction as a GM. He's done that, and he's done a pretty good job. But....I couldn't stand him at his highest, and I can't stand him now. Before everyone comes quoting me, I think he's done an incredible job getting himself over, and having the fans have a reason to invest in him. Good for him for making it through his inactivity. I'm not a fan, but I applaud him for overcoming the odds to do what he loves to do.

  4. #23
    I suppose a major reason why this has been such welcome news among wrestling fans is because everything just seems so damned negative these days. Wherever you turn, whether it's discussion on movies, music, TV shows, politics, religion or pretty much anything else, there's little or nothing but negativity or people at each other's throats over one thing or another. It's been so painfully obvious that Daniel Bryan loves being a pro wrestler and he desperately wanted to return to doing it, so it's something of a feel good story in a time where there's not very much positivity going about. I hope very, very much that it works out the way everyone, or at least decent human beings, want it to as it's nice to see a nice guy come out on top for a change.
    "What Do I Know Of Cultured Ways, The Gilt, The Craft And The Lie?
    I, Who Was Born In A Naked Land And Bred In The Open Sky.
    The Subtle Tongue, The Sophist Guile, They Fail When The Broadswords Sing.
    Rush In And Die Dogs - I Was A Man Before I Was King."

    Conan Of Cimmeria

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  6. #24
    Senior Member Uncle Sam's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jack-Hammer View Post
    It's been so painfully obvious that Daniel Bryan loves being a pro wrestler and he desperately wanted to return to doing it, so it's something of a feel good story in a time where there's not very much positivity going about.
    This is an excellent point, and speaks to why I want to see Daniel Bryan versus Brock Lesnar so much. It's not just a David and Goliath battle, nor even just a match between two excellent competitors - in terms of wrestling philosophy, Bryan and Lesnar are as polar opposite as is possible. Compare and contrast their respective "retirements": Daniel Bryan, tears in his eyes, reluctantly giving up his dream because of medical advice, thanking the fans for making him feel like a superhero; Brock Lesnar, fresh off of stinking the place out in his final match, middle fingers raised, off to an unsuccessful football career. Daniel Bryan doesn't want to play football, Daniel Bryan doesn't even want to be a general manager - he wants to wrestle and he wants to wrestle because he loves it. Brock Lesnar will wrestle when the price is right.

  7. #25
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    Hopefully WWE listens when the fans go absolutely insane for Bryan. This is going to make things 10Ã? harder on Reigns, too.

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  9. #26
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    It's a tightrope act with Bryan at present: given his history of injury they don't want to push him too hard too fast in case something goes awry health wise, but at the same time the fan demand is going to be exceptionally high given just how popular a performer Bryan was/is.

    The obvious answer is to keep him preoccupied with the IC title and Miz for the foreseeable future as it gives the crowd a satisfactory spot for Bryan, and if they play it right, it's an angle that could really last through the summer, by which point they'll have a better grasp on where Bryan is in terms of his health.

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  11. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by FunKay View Post
    It's a tightrope act with Bryan at present: given his history of injury they don't want to push him too hard too fast in case something goes awry health wise, but at the same time the fan demand is going to be exceptionally high given just how popular a performer Bryan was/is.

    The obvious answer is to keep him preoccupied with the IC title and Miz for the foreseeable future as it gives the crowd a satisfactory spot for Bryan, and if they play it right, it's an angle that could really last through the summer, by which point they'll have a better grasp on where Bryan is in terms of his health.
    Maybe. Then again, you have no idea how long he will remain healthy. He would be in no more danger working in the main event scene than for the IC title. I would go in big with DB to maximize the time he has left.

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  13. #28
    Senior Member Undying's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Nick Dudley View Post
    Maybe. Then again, you have no idea how long he will remain healthy. He would be in no more danger working in the main event scene than for the IC title. I would go in big with DB to maximize the time he has left.
    I agree, Bryan is 35 and has history of injuries that led to his first retirement. I say strike while the iron is hot. Could you imagine that crowd reaction on the Raw after Mania if Bryan came out and knee'd Roman's head off for the title? Won't happen, but that happening then Bryan having a lengthy run into a showdown at Summerslam against Lesnar (if he resigns) maximizes his time like no other.

  14. #29
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    Is it possible that Bryan is the healthiest person in the promotion because he hasn't wrestled in 3 years, is medically cleared and WWE will monitor him after every match?

  15. #30
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    So excited to see this man back wrestling! I thought they were going down the Owens vs Sami road for wrestlemania, but this is better...much better.

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