WWE.com reports Shane McMahon had to cut his vacation in the island of Antigua after being stricken with a bout of Diverticulitis.

Shane had to be hospitalized for days before being taken back to New York City to stabilize. Suffering from an umbilical hernia, Shane will require surgery once the condition alleviates to remove it which more than likely kills any idea of him competing at Wrestlemania in less than two weeks.

Brock Lesnar famously suffered from Diverticulitis for years, during his transition from UFC to the WWE, requiring surgery and putting Lesnar in great health risks at various points.

It's highly doubtful this is an angle given the peculiar illness listed when they already had a 'ready-made' storyline injury with Shane McMahon being Powerbombed through a metal contraption on Smackdown two weeks ago. Not to mention, the article mentions Shane's vacation which was more than likely the reason he was written off TV in the first place.